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Ashley Smith edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 8 revisions

Notes on scripted execution of notebooks

Using nbconvert:

jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --inplace --execute --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=1200 notebooks/*

This executes all notebooks in-place, overwriting the previous state of the output cells.

Another option is jupyter-cache (which caches the executed state in a separate location and intelligently determines if that needs to be updated) - this is used by jupyter-book, which is in turn used by nbmake. nbmake is a plugin for pytest, with possibility for parallel execution, and by using jupyter-book, offers some extra control on the generated notebook html using notebook cell metadata. The problem with these is that the tqdm progress bars from viresclient get messed up (appear many times instead of just once at 100%) - possible solution?.

Non-automated initial jupyter book is at - transitioning to for permanent location, pending approval

Recipe to compile book locally, using nbconvert (storing executed state inplace):

git clone
cd Swarm_notebooks
docker run -v $(pwd):/home/jovyan -u root -e VIRES_TOKEN=$VIRES_TOKEN \ \
	bash -c \
	      export CDF_LIB=/opt/conda/lib && \
	      pip install --upgrade viresclient && \
	      viresclient set_token $VIRES_TOKEN && \
	      viresclient set_default_server && \
	      pip install jupyter-book --ignore-installed && \
	      pip install --upgrade nbconvert && \
	      jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --inplace --execute --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=1200 notebooks/* && \
	      jupyter-book build .

Alternative using nbmake (benefitting from parallelisation; jupyter-cache), notes:

pip install nbmake[html] pytest-xdist[psutil] --ignore-installed
pip install --upgrade jupyter-book
pytest --numprocesses 2 --nbmake

should store the executed state in jupyter-cache, then use

jupyter-book build .

to build the book from the cache. Might need jupyter-book clean . to fix things between builds

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