when correcting your own code, class names like this make it easier to reference what you are working with instead of thinking about what menu1 vs menu2"
+327518,"""https://github.com/dart-lang/pub-dartlang-dart/issues/451""",weird sorting w/ pkg/angular w/ latest search,deployed search @ 6a5ced8 – https://20171019t120511-dot-search-dot-dartlang-pub.appspot.com/ no search https://20171019t120511-dot-search-dot-dartlang-pub.appspot.com/search? – angular comes up as the most popular package. awesome. actually search for angular https://20171019t120511-dot-search-dot-dartlang-pub.appspot.com/search?q=angular – angular_ui comes up first weird!
+2738415,"""https://github.com/daschl/grok/issues/7""",do proper error handling,"no unwrap or expect in code, proper result and/or option return types with meaningful errors and tested"
+402185,"""https://github.com/ElektraInitiative/libelektra/issues/1735""",api compatibility: make elektraarrayvalidatename public,"for my type system i came to the requirement that i need to detect whether a key is an array key or not. as this functionality already seems to be provided by kdbease as int elektraarrayvalidatename const key key , but marked as internal and thus not in the header. i'd make this function public instead so i can add bindings for it and use it in haskell instead of reimplementing this myself. or is there an easier reliable way of determining whether a given key corresponds to the array syntax?"
+3279587,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/5934""",userservice.java line 97,in com.immomo.momo.service.user.userservice.getinstance number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/598519e7be077a4dcc9fd36c?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/598519e7be077a4dcc9fd36c?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+3605906,"""https://github.com/pennmem/ptsa_new/issues/13""",resampling appears to be very slow and memory intensive,> with standard 1.6 sec windows and 1.0 second buffers -- failing entirely on some subjects due to memory constraints. resampling time appears to grow very rapidly with increasing windows.
+4445979,"""https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/8985""",nanmax does not work with groups,"the code to reproduce import numpy as np import pandas as pd df = pd.dataframe { 'data' : np.arange 10 , 'label' : list 'a' 4+'b' 6 } df.groupby 'label' 'data' .apply np.nanmax i expected the last line to work the same as df.groupby 'label' 'data' .apply np.max . regards"
+1207537,"""https://github.com/GetmeUK/ContentTools/issues/412""",identify dom element by class,"my intention is to add the bootstrap grid as elements to the tool shelf. here we got three divs with another class: .container .row, and .col's. how can i decide between them?"
+2118800,"""https://github.com/visiblevc/wordpress-starter/issues/77""",it should be possible to specify the version of themes and plugins installed from wordpress.org,"there's a very good reason why most package managers out there e.g. npm, composer, docker hub make it a good practice of explicitly specifying the version of dependencies: that's because newer versions of dependencies can and often will break your project. wp-cli makes it possible to specify theme and plugin versions. wordpress starter should not become a dependency manager, but being able to use this feature would be a welcome addition to the tool i believe. i'm willing to send a pr :-"
+2807761,"""https://github.com/prisms-center/CASMcode/issues/62""",install casm on supercomputer,from a user: > i have installed the casm code in my local machine. i could successfully proceed till the third step generating configuration . since i dont have vasp in my local system vasp is installed in supercomputer i am unable to calculate configuration properties. is there any other way to use casm code from my local machine to run vasp calculations in super computer?
+2818874,"""https://github.com/mhacks/mhacks-web/issues/85""",get links to learning material,links to learning material on subjects: - ios - android - node - django - flask - docker - react - angular - html/css
+1730055,"""https://github.com/KrassOrg/bsTestRepo/issues/3442""",ios-8636: test report bugsee,"this report was send from code reported by g
+view full bugsee session at: https://appdev.bugsee.com/ /apps/ios/issues/ios-8636"
+518244,"""https://github.com/cocos-creator/engine/issues/2104""",web can't download profile picture from facebook graph api with cc.texturecache.addimageasync,"if you just pass link, it fails to understand that it is image that you are trying to download and downloads it as text. if you pass object with {url: url, type: 'image'}, it fails to reference image back from texture cache, because it mixes up string with object. here is our current patch for cctexturecache.js: var texture2d = cc.texture2d; cc.texturecache.addimage = function url, cb, target { cc.assertid url, 3112 ; var _url = typeof url === 'object' ? url.url : url; var loctexs = this._textures; //remove judge webgl if !cc.game._rendererinitialized { loctexs = this._loadedtexturesbefore; } var tex = loctexs _url ; if tex { if tex.isloaded { cb && cb.call target, tex ; return tex; } else { tex.once load , function { cb && cb.call target, tex ; }, target ; return tex; } } tex = loctexs _url = new texture2d ; tex.url = _url; cc.loader.load url, function err, texture { if err { return cb && cb.call target, err || new error 'unknown error' ; } cc.texturecache.handleloadedtexture url ; cb && cb.call target, tex ; } ; return tex; }; cc.texturecache.addimageasync = cc.texturecache.addimage;"
+73878,"""https://github.com/marianeagu/SE/issues/2""",devoir 3 - 06.04.2017 62,j'ai implémenté un service de type chat/discussion en ligne où deux ou plusieurs personnes peuvent échanger des messages text en temps réel en partant du code de td3 - serveur et td3 - client.
+269852,"""https://github.com/bavc/signalserver/issues/221""",design - 'new rule' button looks cramped,"! screenshot from 2017-04-12 21-58-37 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1127102/24979215/4f7890b0-1fcb-11e7-83e3-4cb2f51b53c1.png i'm on chrome on ubuntu., not sure how it appears on other browsers, but it looks like 'new rule' could be moved up a bit?"
+4670057,"""https://github.com/quipucords/rho/issues/128""",enable rho to scan rhel 5 target systems with raw tasks,current scanner is hitting different bash issues with regex support. this issue will clean up the regex support issues and make sure task execution only occurs when necessary i.e. when a fact is being requested .
+95042,"""https://github.com/edomora97/GAL-cheatsheet/issues/2""",controllare se è corretto,"https://github.com/edomora97/gal-cheatsheet/blob/master/teoria/2.quadriche.tex l62 non sono sicuro che per essere un cilindro iperbolico x^tax debba essere semidefinita, per esempio: 2x^2+y^2+2z^2-2xy+2yz+4x-2y=0 ha autovalori 2, 3, 0 quindi è semipositiva ma è un cilindro ellittico."
+3411248,"""https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/issues/784""",e2e framework fails when run on gke,"trying to run the new bin/e2e.test suite on gke, i get the following logs: running suite: service catalog e2e suite ======================================== random seed: 1493674459 - will randomize all specs will run 1 of 1 specs service-catalog broker should become ready /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/broker.go:135 beforeeach service-catalog broker /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:53 step: creating a kubernetes client may 1 14:34:19.008: info: >>> config: /usr/local/google/home/mkibbe/go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/kubeconfig aftereach service-catalog broker /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:54 aftereach service-catalog broker /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/broker.go:117 step: deleting the user broker pod • failure in spec setup beforeeach 0.007 seconds service-catalog broker /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:89 should become ready beforeeach /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/broker.go:135 expected error: < errors.errorstring | 0xc420399910>: { s: no auth provider found for name \ gcp\ , } no auth provider found for name gcp not to have occurred /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:67 ------------------------------ summarizing 1 failure: fail service-catalog broker beforeeach should become ready /go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:67 ran 1 of 1 specs in 0.008 seconds fail! -- 0 passed | 1 failed | 0 pending | 0 skipped --- fail: teste2e 0.01s fail"
+231758,"""https://github.com/githubschool/github-games-devblok/issues/2""",url in description and readme broken,the url in the repository description and the one in the readme are pointing to githubschool's copy of the game instead of yours. please fix both so they point to your copy of the game at https://githubschool.github.io/github-games-devblok
+2931876,"""https://github.com/nsqatester/NCGitIntegrationTest/issues/176""",vulnerability - out-of-date version php,vulnerability details url: http://php.testsparker.com/ certainty: 90% confirmed: false identified version : 5.2.6 latest version : 7.1.11 vulnerability database : result is based on 12/12/2017 vulnerability database content.
+2713428,"""https://github.com/GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM/issues/1471""",steamcmd update hangs,when i try to update any servers as of lately it just hangs at this message logging in user '
' to steam public... not sure what could be going wrong. any additional information you would need just ask!
+4035059,"""https://github.com/trufont/trufont/issues/387""",glyph tab should always show the glyph name,"currently it seems if the glyph has a unicode value the character is shown, but i think the glyph name is still important and should always be shown. i suggest always showing the glyph name, then the character in brackets if present, e.g. “uni0640 ـ ”, or something like that."
+567155,"""https://github.com/Construktion/Construktion/issues/41""",debug log to console,as part of the debuggingcontruktion log code to console as it's running.
+153358,"""https://github.com/memloapp/memloAPI/issues/3""",finalized schema documentation,we need to finalize the schema of the app to reflect all features requested in 1
+2663479,"""https://github.com/kwhite/badcamp-zenhub/issues/105""","as a/an anonymous user, i want to learn about posting jobs as a sponsor and contact the sponsorship person so that i have the opportunty to post my job listing on the badcamp site.","story id: 22 notes acceptance criteria
+job listing is gated; non-sponsors are prompted to contact badcamp administration to become a sponsor"
+2759820,"""https://github.com/bigbrush/yii2-tinypng/issues/4""",couldn't use the extension,"hello there, what is the use class for the extension i have tried use bigbrush\tinypng , use bigbrush\tinypng; ..both not working"
+2460510,"""https://github.com/goadesign/examples/issues/23""",appengine example : unable to use make commond,"hi , i am using windows and installed google sdk and get this appengine example folder to src folder, in makefile , i have mentioned the path which is in src folder > repo:=examples-master/appengine then i have run the below command and getting error > make example error: 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
+2812197,"""https://github.com/WoltersKluwerPL/ng-spin-kit/issues/42""",system.js configuration fails,"start of angular 2 application results in a zoneawareerror node_modules/ng2-spin-kit/dist/app/spinner/wave.js . my system.config.js configuration: map: { 'ng2-spin-kit': 'npm:ng2-spin-kit/dist', ... }, packages: { 'ng2-spin-kit': { main: './main.js', defaultextension: 'js' }, ... } i understand the error, because the directory ng2-spin-kit/dist/app does not exist. i have made a quick and dirty work-around, creating a symbolic link app inside ng2-spin-kit/dist . now angular 2 application starts as desired with spinner working. but that is not a good solution. i also want to avoid dynamic typescript transpilation on client side. my question: how i can configure system.config.js to use ng2-spin-kit/dist when asking for app ?"
+3725927,"""https://github.com/LesDrones/Drone/issues/6452""",actualités google supprime youtube de deux appareils d'amazon - informaticien.be https://t.co/eptun8r7xz actu drone,"
+december 08, 2017 at 03:33am "
+4807203,"""https://github.com/hofmannsven/cleverreach-extension/issues/14""",no ssl support?,so while using the shortcode instead of copying the embed code from the cleverreach website i've hit a snag with a mixed content error on my https wordpress page. the problem is that the shortcode itself does not support an ssl encryption option. until this is fixed sadly my webpage will remain insecure.
+3383990,"""https://github.com/jfc3/atehere/issues/235""",add bub and pops to dca json file,need to add bub and pops to dca json file.
+1741164,"""https://github.com/signal11/hidapi/issues/325""",hidraw testgui not connecting,"i am trying to get a few hid peripherals to work with this library and my linux box generally . after having some trouble, i decided to try out the testgui to see if i could do some baseline tests. the libusb version of the testgui works just fine, i can enumerate and connect to the devices i'm working with. using the hidraw version, i cannot. the devices are listed but clicking connect throws an error. unfortunately the error is not very descriptive, just something to the effect of 'unable to connect' thanks to a previous ticket, @signal11 helped me figure out how to add udev rules and whatnot. also thanks to @signal1, i noticed that one of the devices, a symbol barcode scanner, has the hid_quirk_noget http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c l137 flag set for it. i assume that means i'll have to write some code for it but i'm not quite sure what i'll have to do just yet. in any case, the other device i am using behaves the same way but does not have any flags set."
+1756227,"""https://github.com/CobraLab/documentation/issues/4""",old civet python info anaconda,"in the old civet wiki we wrote that we need to load anaconda , but now we just need to load python . loading anaconda 2 or 3 will create a conflict with python 2.7.2."
+4411399,"""https://github.com/daeks/RetroPie-WebGui/issues/10""","relations duplicates, related",- find related games based on genre for example - find duplicates
+1731570,"""https://github.com/Crypto-Expert/stratum-mining/issues/375""",no module named lib.settings,"i have check that i have all the dependencies and i still get this error no module named lib.settings unhandled error traceback most recent call last : file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted-17.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/application/app.py , line 662, in run runapp config file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted-17.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/scripts/twistd.py , line 25, in runapp _someapplicationrunner config .run file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted-17.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/application/app.py , line 380, in run self.application = self.createorgetapplication file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted-17.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/application/app.py , line 445, in createorgetapplication application = getapplication self.config, passphrase --- --- file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted-17.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/application/app.py , line 456, in getapplication application = service.loadapplication filename, style, passphrase file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted-17.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/application/service.py , line 412, in loadapplication application = sob.loadvaluefromfile filename, 'application' file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted-17.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/persisted/sob.py , line 177, in loadvaluefromfile eval codeobj, d, d file launcher.tac , line 15, in import lib.settings as settings exceptions.importerror: no module named lib.settings failed to load application: no module named lib.settings"
+787752,"""https://github.com/lizzieinvancouver/ospree/issues/114""",we talked about deleting multibothresp,but we never did. i am okay with this. everyone else?
+3545297,"""https://github.com/JacquesLucke/animation_nodes/issues/648""",use modifiers for mesh and spline object input.,"when using spline as input, it should be possible to get the modified result, for example if spline is deformed using hooks. the same would be good for mesh if displacement or other modifiers are used. now it's not possible and that is very limiting. ! screenshot 5 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17803543/21630201/bdb0d876-d237-11e6-8bbd-6b1287d4c623.jpg"
+1502534,"""https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/issues/1593""",no error provided when a command scheduled from a hook fails,"to reproduce please try to run this simple mocha test in nightwatch: 'use strict'; describe 'test', => { before client, done => { client.perform => { throw new error 'error in perform scheduled from before hook' ; } ; client.perform => done ; } ; it 'testing', browser => { browser.end ; } ; } ; nightwatch process fails with following error: fatal error: cannot read property 'name' of undefined there's nothing more, no stacktrace no notion of the original problem that caused this. the problem seems to be in the code of lib/api/client-commands/end.js at lines 32 and 33 which assumes client.api.currenttest object always exist. however this is not true if the code is triggered from a test hook. the expected behaviour would be: 1. no internal error in the end.js code, 2. the actual error with stacktrace is provided. in this case it would give user error: error in perform scheduled from before hook at f.client.perform /users/marek/repository/mcs_buf/breeze/vbcs-client/tests/functional/platform/test.js:5:19 at f.perform.command /users/marek/repository/mcs_buf/breeze/vbcs-client/node_modules/nightwatch/lib/api/client-commands/perform.js:58:14 ..."
+4700696,"""https://github.com/intentor/adic/issues/90""",binding to a unityui object caused recttransform to bind too,i have observed that binding a gameobject that has a recttransform to it as a transform will cause a binding to be made to recttransform as well: this.addcontainer maincontainer .registerextension .bind .togameobject sectorpanel .as sectorpanel will result in: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/275276/26752837/793ce7d2-488b-11e7-854f-5b90634aa8eb.png
+3652983,"""https://github.com/miguelalba/PMM-Lab/issues/101""",adapt microbial data reader for reading delta-marked time series,delta marked time series find out the ratio between time series that are imported and time series that are dropped and make sure that the dropped time series are in fact empty.
+2215348,"""https://github.com/caarlos0/shcheck/issues/4""",check executables as well,"right now it is only looking into . sh files, but not executable files without extensions which can also be shell scripts"
+1947750,"""https://github.com/baptistebriel/biggie/issues/223""",duplicate content when adding wordpress + timber,"hey man! me here again :d i've trying out to connect wordpress and biggie but is not completely working for me. first according to documentation, i should use this. const id = slug req, options const cn = id.replace '/', '-' const page = create { selector: 'div', id: page-${cn} , styles: page page-${cn} } view.appendchild page if !cache slug || !options.cache { ajax.get ${config.base}${slug} , { success: object => { const html = object.data.split / |<\/main> /ig 2 page.innerhtml = html if options.cache cache slug = html done } } } else { settimeout => { page.innerhtml = cache slug done }, 1 } return page but first if i use slug as an ajax call parameter i get an error, given that slug is import slug from './slug' so i changed it to id, and it seems to make the right ajax call. but then if i have const html = object.data.split / |<\/main> /ig 2 it seems to not work properly, so i tried the same but with body. const html = object.data.split / |<\/body> /ig 2 at this point everything seems to work, i get the content and i can navigate, no errors , but i get duplicate content from the template and the view.appendchild page not sure if the documentation its updated according to the latest biggie i will try to find a solution for this, but in case that you have one please let me know :d thanks!"
+3312778,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/7985""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+490991,"""https://github.com/vertigra/NetTelebot-2.0/issues/22""",split this 207 characters long line which is greater than 200 authorized .,"codacy https://www.codacy.com/app/vertigra/nettelebot-2.0/commit?cid=104402466 detected an issue: message: split this 207 characters long line which is greater than 200 authorized . occurred on:
++ commit : b00cf52a3c7b0c899535d44bf238062cd3ecb91b
++ file : nettelebot/telegrambotclient.cs https://github.com/vertigra/nettelebot-2.0/blob/b00cf52a3c7b0c899535d44bf238062cd3ecb91b/nettelebot/telegrambotclient.cs + linenum : 308 https://github.com/vertigra/nettelebot-2.0/blob/b00cf52a3c7b0c899535d44bf238062cd3ecb91b/nettelebot/telegrambotclient.cs l308 + code : /// video to send. you can either pass a file_id as string to resend a video that is already on the telegram servers, or upload a new video file using multipart/form-data. currently on:
++ commit : afd5316a264d9382c5032645a06547f2cec2ab19
++ file : nettelebot/telegrambotclient.cs https://github.com/vertigra/nettelebot-2.0/blob/afd5316a264d9382c5032645a06547f2cec2ab19/nettelebot/telegrambotclient.cs + linenum : 388 https://github.com/vertigra/nettelebot-2.0/blob/afd5316a264d9382c5032645a06547f2cec2ab19/nettelebot/telegrambotclient.cs l388"
+1700757,"""https://github.com/onetype/onetype.github.io/issues/1""",setting up the environment,"description create the configuration for one type https://onetype.org . --- issue checklist - install ruby , and jekyll . - create a package.json to control dependencies like sass , sass unit testing . - configure linters on sass and javascript . - install and enable javascript unit testing . all issues in milestone: 1 configuration https://github.com/onetype/onetype.github.io/milestone/1 --- assignees - final @agzeri"
+4962045,"""https://github.com/joelalejandro/feathers-hooks-jsonapify/issues/17""",add support for error responses,"the hook should be usable in the error hook. json api has a spec regarding errors http://jsonapi.org/format/ error-objects : >error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. error objects must be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a json api document. >an error object may have the following members: >- id: a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. >- links: a links object containing the following members: >- about: a link that leads to further details about this particular occurrence of the problem. >- status: the http status code applicable to this problem, expressed as a string value. >- code: an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. >- title: a short, human-readable summary of the problem that should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. >- detail: a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. like title, this field’s value can be localized. >- source: an object containing references to the source of the error, optionally including any of the following members: > - pointer: a json pointer rfc6901 to the associated entity in the request document e.g. /data for a primary data object, or /data/attributes/title for a specific attribute . > - parameter: a string indicating which uri query parameter caused the error. >- meta: a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the error."
+5005849,"""https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-realtime_gauge-data/issues/1""",remove option to set windrun units,"steelseries weather gauges derive windrun units from wind speed units whereas with rtgd the user can specify the windrun units independent of wind speed. this could cause a conflict if the user set, say, group_speed=km_per_hour and group_distance=mile. solution is for rtgd to derive windrun units in the same manner as the steelseries weather gauges."
+854432,"""https://github.com/kayac/sqsjkr/issues/3""",feature of reporting command output somewhere,that indicates that crontab sends mail command ouput.
+458023,"""https://github.com/ideawu/ssdb/issues/1146""",能使用go语言的redis driver 直接取代 ssdb的 driver 吗,"根据你的文档 ssdb 支持 redis 协议和客户端, 所以你可以使用 redis 的客户端来连接 ssdb 进行操作。 然后官方的go 语言的ssdb driver是单连接的,能否使用garyburd/redigo/redis 的driver 完全取代 你的gossdb 呢? 取代之后是否存在一些性能问题呢? 比如读写没有使用ssdb driver 那么快等?期待您的回答."
+2819104,"""https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/2936""",hard to read errors on mac os.,it's hard to read error messages from gatsby with the default terminal on mac os. ! screen shot 2017-11-15 at 9 10 38 pm https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12447474/32872008-efc70730-ca49-11e7-8648-45641408f59a.png gatsby version: 1.9.112 node version: v8.9.1 mac os version: 10.12.6
+287366,"""https://github.com/danwilson/google-analytics-plugin/issues/374""",unknown provider: googleanalyticsprovider,"hey, i have a project that is using this plugin with ionic framework. i switched to a new linux system after working on os x for a couple of months. on the old system the project runs flawlessly but on the new system i can't get it started. the code is identical on both systems and no changes have been made. i'm trying to run the development environment with the ionic serve command and the client console throws me the following exception: 4 836947 error uncaught error: $injector:unpr unknown provider: googleanalyticsprovider <- googleanalytics http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.3/$injector/unpr?p0=googleanalyticsprovider%20%3c-%20googleanalytics,, line: 13241 - tried to remove and add the plugin - tried to remove and add the platforms the plugin version is: > cordova-plugin-google-analytics 1.7.4 google universal analytics plugin i also tried using version 0.8.1 that is working on my old system"
+1133541,"""https://github.com/nazar-pc/PickMeUp/issues/187""",selected is not defined,"https://github.com/nazar-pc/pickmeup/blob/97f13c88782f894d736fed740dae17cb7708fe98/js/pickmeup.js l496 please add selected to the var list, in strict mode it fails."
+4919284,"""https://github.com/ubacm/ubacm/issues/31""",interview prep peer to peer,will announce on monday general meeting.
+3935867,"""https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/8372""",mat-slider thumblabel wrong format,"bug, feature request, or proposal: i experienced that while using the thumblabel option on a mat-slider element, sometimes the label is doing some weird rounding. instead of 57 for example, it shows 56.999999999999 and in the label i only see the nines. but only in the .mat-slider-thumb-label element is wrong, the slider component knows the value right displayvalue read-only property . here is a screenshot https://imgur.com/a/eogpz which versions of angular, material, os, typescript, browsers are affected? angular 5.0.1, material 5.0.0-rc0, windows10, typescript 2.4.2"
+5090203,"""https://github.com/facelessuser/HexViewer/issues/61""",can't install/load hexviewer and no errors,"running sublimetext 3 build 3126: package manager doesn't list hexviewer so i git cloned into my packages folder as instructed and i do see c:\program files\sublime text 3\packages\hexviewer\dependencies.json along with ~25 other files visual guestimate . i've also restarted sublime closed all instances and checked processes to be sure . even installed that way, hexviewer doesn't come up in my command pallette nor do i see anything under tools->packages. console is empty and i see no signs of loading errors or hexviewer loading at all . any idea what else i could check or what i might have missed?"
+3363746,"""https://github.com/paknorton/pyPRMS/issues/2""",extracting non-connected basins,need option to extract non-connected basins/watersheds to separate directories
+1474898,"""https://github.com/kumavis/eth-emoji/issues/7""",action required: greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨,"🚨 you need to enable continuous integration on all branches of this repository. 🚨 to enable greenkeeper, you need to make sure that a commit status https://help.github.com/articles/about-statuses/ is reported on all branches. this is required by greenkeeper because we are using your ci build statuses to figure out when to notify you about breaking changes. since we did not receive a ci status on the greenkeeper/initial https://github.com/kumavis/eth-emoji/commits/greenkeeper/initial branch, we assume that you still need to configure it. if you have already set up a ci for this repository, you might need to check your configuration. make sure it will run on all new branches. if you don’t want it to run on every branch, you can whitelist branches starting with greenkeeper/ . we recommend using travis ci https://travis-ci.org , but greenkeeper will work with every other ci service as well. once you have installed ci on this repository, you’ll need to re-trigger greenkeeper’s initial pull request. to do this, please delete the greenkeeper/initial branch in this repository, and then remove and re-add this repository to the greenkeeper integration’s white list on github. you'll find this list on your repo or organiszation’s __settings__ page, under __installed github apps__."
+3478899,"""https://github.com/http-builder-ng/http-builder-ng/issues/187""",charset wrong or missing in a get request,"hi: description i'm requesting an spanish html page which has a content type header: content-type:text/html; charset=iso-8859-15 when trying to get the text of a given node, the resulting text doesn't honor the charset and special characters can't be interpreted properly. i'm using the following code to reproduce the behavior: jsoup + apache groovy @grapes @grab 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.11.2' , @grab 'io.github.http-builder-ng:http-builder-ng-apache:1.0.3' import groovyx.net.http.httpbuilder httpbuilder .configure { request.uri = http://www.elmundo.es/cataluna/2017/12/19/5a3986a4268e3ed7478b45f5.html } .get .select div itemprop=articlebody .text xmlslurper + neckkohtml + okhttp groovy @grapes @grab 'io.github.http-builder-ng:http-builder-ng-okhttp:1.0.3' , @grab group='net.sourceforge.nekohtml', module='nekohtml', version='1.9.22' import groovyx.net.http.httpbuilder httpbuilder .configure { request.uri = http://www.elmundo.es/cataluna/2017/12/19/5a3986a4268e3ed7478b45f5.html } .get .' ' .find { it.name == 'div' && it.@itemprop == 'articlebody' } neither of both cases respected the text encoding present in the content type header, coming from the server. i'm assuming that should be handled by the library but maybe i'm wrong. btw: great project guys :"
+2349035,"""https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/issues/13798""",range support for externalcaptures:,to implement something like black lotus's building hacking from generals.
+296668,"""https://github.com/WikiWatershed/model-my-watershed/issues/2520""",split huc-8 and huc-12 mapshed submissions,"using some method of feature flagging, on huc-8 or huc-10 submission, find the component huc-12s, and submit them for mapshed and gwlf-e jobs. we'll later feed each result with its huc-12 id into an external srat catchment api. for now, we can sum the model results back up; the sum should be close to the result of submitting the whole shape."
+2478408,"""https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/6876""",add dsl.offsetdatetimediff and offsetdatetimeadd,"these methods are still missing. only classic timestamp supporting methods are implemented, thus far. similar to 6723"
+219151,"""https://github.com/sys-bio/tellurium/issues/163""",telluirum api docs are out of date.,"the tellurium api docs are out of date, not only that but we seem to have to versions of the doc, one doxygen and another readthedocs. readthedocs has pretty pictures but little actual documentation. doxygen has only one pretty picture but has docuemtation text. the docs needs to be resovled."
+1787137,"""https://github.com/kimdn/cryo_fit/issues/8""",cryo_fit.run_tests does not work.,i hope it wasn't the changes i sent vie pull request.
+4345456,"""https://github.com/bradtraversy/bs4starter_beta/issues/1""",tether.js not included ?,"hi brad, it looks like tether.js is not included in this starter pack ? also there seems to be some issues with bootstrap 4 beta regarding .nav-inverse, as well as with the alignment of .nav-brand. did you have a look at that as well ? thanks."
+3993320,"""https://github.com/bitovi/syn/issues/147""",issue with drag drop in scrollable area,"if target element is in scroll, dragged element is not getting dropped at correct position."
+1688406,"""https://github.com/techannihilation/TA/issues/675""",ratio for metal extractor,we have problematics with balance. we need have 4 levels for mex. ratio : t1 = 2m/s --- t1.5 = t1 x 2 ----- t2 = t1 x 6 ---- t3 = t1 x 24 ------ t4 x 48
+3639110,"""https://github.com/Bartzi/stn-ocr/issues/6""",can it achieve multiple lines of text recognition in a image?,"hey, i have already download text_recognition_model.zip in this web https://bartzi.de/research/stn-ocr text-recognition . it can be successfully implemented . but it is only to recognize a line of text in a image whether it has the opportunity to recognize multiple lines of text? like this image https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/62/b2/61/62b2615f5de512e7d65fcc8f1f507745.png thanks."
+5094007,"""https://github.com/danlevan/scraper-kshow123/issues/3""",kodi - failed due to an invalid structure.,"greetings! thank you for your work on this. i am having an issue installing this in both kodi 16.1 and 17.1 on two separate windows 10 machines. i receive an error when installing - failed due to an invalid structure. i've tried creating the zip file with the built in windows utility and 7-zip. i have also tried completely rebuilding the .xml file. the same error persists. would you have any input on this issue? also, what version of kodi have you used this with and what operating system? thank you!"
+1771682,"""https://github.com/open-watcom/open-watcom-v2/issues/327""",various c library test failures,i'm seeing the following failures in the c library tests on suse linux ./chktest.exe /home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/result.log line 9: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/direct' test failed line 26: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/heap' test failed line 37: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/mbyte' test failed line 42: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/misc' test failed line 44: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/process' test failed line 55: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/safembyt' test failed line 72: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/startup' test failed line 80: '/home/peter/projects/ow/bld/clibtest/regress/time' test failed the nature of the errors seems to vary from failed assertions to what looks like an issue with the makefile to segmentation faults. are these tests failing for others?
+3495114,"""https://github.com/emfoundation/ce100-app/issues/902""",rename current admin role to content owner,in order to prepare for the creation of a new role in 888 we'll rename the current admin role to content-owner .
+2763377,"""https://github.com/davidsowerby/kaytee-test/issues/11""",kaytee build: task_failure,"3 tests completed, 1 failed failure: build failed with an exception. what went wrong:
+execution failed for task ':test'.
+> there were failing tests. see the report at: file:///tmp/junit1963568559354521562/kaytee-data/kaytee-test/5d2b3d8/kaytee-test/build/reports/tests/test/index.html try:
+run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. run with --info or --debug option to get more log output."
+164448,"""https://github.com/Redlotus99/Genesis-Technical-Assessment/issues/6""",drawer size quests out of order,upgrading drawer size quest has all upgrades together so you have to have up through emeralds to complete before moving to next quest which is considerably easier
+3105255,"""https://github.com/wingsofovnia/p2p-group27-onion/issues/71""",consider using firechannelread where async operations present,"some handlers block onionauth encode/decode with join that blocks the whole event loop. it's not that bad since the operation is not heavyweight, but consider using firechannelread manually instead of more abstract base handler with list out ."
+2340162,"""https://github.com/theCrag/website/issues/2685""",weird anon mention in stream event,the even has 2 people editing an area and one is anon which seems inconsistent to me: https://www.thecrag.com/event/1176556647 ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/187449/24614420/7ca123d0-18ce-11e7-8804-520a21755cb7.png
+5253197,"""https://github.com/synapsestudios/oidc-platform/issues/105""",sending out re-invites doesn't invalidate old invitation links.,steps to reproduce 1. send out an invitation email to a valid email address 1. send out a re-invitation email to the same email address 1. use the invitation email to set up a password 1. use the re-invitation email to set up a different password 1. observe that the password you used in the re-invitation set up is the accounts new password. additional notes a demo can be arranged.
+4738878,"""https://github.com/engiacad/skillminer/issues/2""",search bar that can help the user pick some skills from the database,such bar shoudl be able to connect to ajax request server and pull down the skills that the user is trying to search .
+3106312,"""https://github.com/rte-antares-rpackage/antaresRead/issues/81""",h5 : writeantaresh5 : proposition de simplification : alldata,"je propose de rajouter un paramètre à cette fonction permettant d'écrire toutes les données et de ne rien oublier ! la ligne ci-dessous est trop longue. je propose de rajouter un paramètre alldata permettant l'écriture de toutes les données. paramètre à inclure dans alldata - writemcall - misc - thermalavailabilities - hydrostorage - hydrostoragemaxpower - reserve - linkcapacity - mustrun - thermalmodulation r writeantaresh5 path = paths2out, misc = true, thermalavailabilities = true, hydrostorage = true, hydrostoragemaxpower = true, reserve = true, linkcapacity = true, mustrun = true, thermalmodulation = true, writeallsimulations = true, overwrite = true"
+3338829,"""https://github.com/britton-jb/sentinel/issues/36""",detail mix install task steps,need to document the details of the mix install steps to handle the use case where a user model already exists.
+4767728,"""https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/issues/5073""",menu with specified number of items is one pixel off when attached to a segment,"hi! i think i ran into a bug. css is not my strongest suit so i apologise in advance in case this is intended behaviour. here is the code i'm using: html there are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don& x27;t look even slightly believable. if you are going to use a passage of lorem ipsum, you need to be sure there isn& x27;t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text
as you can see in this jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/e5t6rm91/1/ , the menu is 1px off from the attached segment on the right side. i ran into the bug using with the react menu component with the widths prop. not sure if that's relevant but i thought it was worth mentioning. i looked at existing issues here on github and i found 1557 and 1587 which seem related but my css knowledge is too limited for me to connect the dots. so sorry if that's misleading. this code which i added as a comment in the jsfiddle in case you want to give it a quick try : css .ui.attached.menu { max-width: calc 100% + 1px ; } fixes the problem but i doubt it's an adequate solution. i wish i could open a pr with a fix but, once again, i don't have the knowledge to fix it on my own. and i'm still not 100% sure it's a bug. maybe i'm doing something wrong. thank you very much for this awesome project!"
+1044438,"""https://github.com/markfasheh/duperemove/issues/177""",warning: ‘end...’ may be used uninitialized in this function -wmaybe-uninitialized,"hello, i got the following compiler warnings: find_dupes.c:216:21: warning: ‘end 1 ’ may be used uninitialized in this function -wmaybe-uninitialized struct file_block end 2 ; ^ find_dupes.c:216:21: warning: ‘end 0 ’ may be used uninitialized in this function -wmaybe-uninitialized --- c++ ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4 5.4.0 20160609 copyright c 2015 free software foundation, inc. this is free software; see the source for copying conditions. there is no warranty; not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. --- i made the following changes therefor and maybe this is acceptable for you: git diff diff --git a/find_dupes.c b/find_dupes.c index 4d4dc9f..a6e3352 100644 --- a/find_dupes.c +++ b/find_dupes.c @@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ static int walk_dupe_block struct filerec orig_file, struct file_block orig = orig_file_block; struct file_block block = walk_file_block; struct file_block start 2 = { orig, block }; - struct file_block end 2 ; - struct running_checksum csum; + struct file_block end 2 = { null, null }; + struct running_checksum csum=null; unsigned char match_id digest_len_max = {0, }; - uint64_t orig_blkno, walk_blkno; - struct rb_node node; + uint64_t orig_blkno=0, walk_blkno=0; + struct rb_node node=null; if block_seen walk_best_off, block || block_seen orig_best_off, orig --- best regards martin"
+3922456,"""https://github.com/Scouts-Sint-Joris/api-guard/issues/1""",implement service to the package.,implement a service field to the database. and mass-assign in the model. thgis is needed to identify the key in our backend.
+4683942,"""https://github.com/joeferraro/MavensMate/issues/949""","deployment failed with no error, but also shows success ?"," mavensmate desktop version : v0.0.11-beta.7 editor : sublime mavensmate plugin version : v7.0.2 platform/version : windows 7 64bit proxy details : na salesforce api version : salesforce server : sandbox: cs54 live deploy: na63 i'm getting a deployment failed error, but it's also showing success on the objects, and no reason why the deployment failed. you can see what i'm seeing here: ! deployment-failed https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/25256150/23871866/8d371b00-0802-11e7-9078-45f73d0120bd.jpg is there any way i can look further into this? i'm really not sure why it is failing. i have 100% code coverage and only changed something very minor since my last deployment."
+2058960,"""https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/7335""","if application sha1 file is missing on android, flutter run fails","in androiddevice.isappinstalled https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/master/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/android/android_device.dart l219 , we check the following: _getdeviceapksha1 app == _getsourcesha1 app however, if the sha1 file is missing entirely, this call will throw as opposed to returning false. we've gotten a few reports in the wild of flutter apps that were installed, yet this file was inexplicably missing. initial reports seem like this may only affect android emulators."
+1241622,"""https://github.com/laurenth-unity/lightmap-switching-tool/issues/12""",dynamic to baked lighting switch,"apologies if this is not the right place to ask -- your lightmap-switching tool looks really interesting, i've been reviewing the code to understand how it works. by the looks of things the switch between light maps is sudden? i've not tested it yet, but the change would be sudden and incur a performance hit on larger / multiple changing / loading of maps? i'm trying to find a smooth solution to go from a non-baked daytime scene single dynamic light-source , that transitions to night-time and switch the lighting and maps at night to a baked configuration. i've actually got this working already kind of , but the main issue i'm encountering is that when the light maps change there is a frame hitch so it's noticeable. ideally there would be someway to smoothly transition from one lighting configuration to the other. do you have any thoughts on this kind of use-case?"
+2502836,"""https://github.com/openfisca/openfisca-doc/issues/63""",unify reforms and extensions information hierarchy,"reforms https://github.com/openfisca/openfisca-doc/blob/784df49bb921bf3391f6b85da1a8b93d32aa6ce2/reforms.md differences-between-reforms-and-extensions are currently presented as part of the “key concepts” while extensions are part of the “contribute” part, and do not link back to reforms. - make extensions a part of the “key concepts”.
+- make reforms a specific instance of extensions or the other way around? .
+- make it clear for the user in which case she should use which mechanism."
+3757963,"""https://github.com/MADanson/TBSCDB/issues/1""",button double click,start/stop button won't fire on first click
+4623936,"""https://github.com/tarek-nawara/stackoverflow-api-integration/issues/7""",expose rest api for showing data analysis results,expose rest api for showing the results of analysing the stackoverflow data .
+4452470,"""https://github.com/Cacti/cacti/issues/403""",cacti 1.0.4 does not save changes,"hi all, i work wit debian 8 uptodate. the installation was successfull, without warnings. the mysql variables have been set as suggested by cacti. all path are verified. all options ar green. the problem is that when i go to settings and try to change something the save button does not work thank you stefano"
+4948434,"""https://github.com/azerg/NppBplistPlugin/issues/3""",version info of dpendent libs,for contribution to further development it might be helpfull to know the versions of the externals: - https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist/releases - http://xmlsoft.org/news.html used currently as basis and if it is modified.
+4942955,"""https://github.com/ToxicGlobe/VSTS-SSIS-Extension/issues/19""",ispac file path access denied,"hello. i am encountering an error when using the deploy step in a release definition in tfs 2015. ssdt is installed on the build box. the error in the log is as follows: > error task_internalerror exception calling readallbytes with 1 argument s : access to the path 'c:\tfsagents\agent1\_work\...\dev' is denied. i looked at the underlying powershell script, and it looks like the exception is being thrown by the following line: > byte $projectfile = system.io.file ::readallbytes $projectfilepath from what i can tell, the account that the tfs agents run as has full control permissions, so i do not understand why i am getting an access denied error. please help. thanks!"
+793903,"""https://github.com/thoughtbot/expandable-recycler-view/issues/62""",is it possible to implement filterable?,"hi, i am filtering some objects using a searchview, is it posible to do it with this library? what would be a possible implementation"
+4543364,"""https://github.com/a-kubotera/achieve/issues/1""",テスト rspec の初期設定を行う,- dive21を参考に、テスト rspec の初期設定を行う
+4712574,"""https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV/issues/1330""","fix command for running vagrant with verbose, debugging output"," hi, in the troubleshooting guide; https://github.com/varying-vagrant-vagrants/varyingvagrantvagrants.org/blob/c3fed710b5580df320cec563c1418e1d756ce7d3/docs/en-us/troubleshooting.md , running vagrant up --provision --verbose | vvv.log returns a syntax error an invalid option was specified. the help for this command is available below. i couldn't find a verbose argument on vagrant's website https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/other/debugging.html ; but there is --debug . so the command would be vagrant up --provision --debug | tee vvv.log i also included tee, which is a standard unix tool to read input and store it files; it's in coreutils and in most unix installs http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/tee.1.html ."
+3294584,"""https://github.com/febalci/DomoticzLife360/issues/5""",device values are mixed up,"life360 does not send members in order. every time it changes the order of the members, so wrong values are assigned to devices. need a persistent order of members when the devices are created, unfortunately domoticz plugin framework does not support user variables or persistent values."
+811286,"""https://github.com/goby-lang/goby/issues/236""",add restriction about the argument order.,"i think the following code doesn't make sense. ruby def foo x=10 , y x + y end foo 10 because 1 i need to guessing which param i'm passing to when i calling the method. 2 if you think some argument is most needed, you should put it in the front. so in goby we need to write the code like this ruby def foo y, x=10 x + y end foo 10 and i'll try to add some mechanism to check the parameter's order according to it's type required or optional ."
+3262021,"""https://github.com/hexahedria/biaxial-rnn-music-composition/issues/32""","doesn't work, need help",everytime i've tried it we got this :
+5078273,"""https://github.com/SlowMemory/List-KR/issues/179""",넹버 모바일 쇼핑몰 연결 문제,https://m.search.naver.com/search.naver?query=안국+루테인+플러스&where=m&sm=mtp_sly.hst&acr=3 ios safari adguard pro 모방ㄹ 네이버에서 검색 후 쇼핑몰 연결시 차단되어 연결이 안되는 증상이 종종 있습니다.
+3632561,"""https://github.com/memerobotics-CN/MemeScriptPlayer/issues/1""",verify label number should be strictly in incremental order,"when use put smaller label no after previsous label no, system should give a warn and ask user to change"
+4914631,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/53192""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+366906,"""https://github.com/admc/wd/issues/491""",how to interact with ios alerts and action sheets?,"i am using wd with react native and having a hard time trying to interact with alerts and action sheets. for example, when user tries to upload contacts, it will alert user for permissions. also, i display custom alerts with custom buttons as well as action sheets in many places."
+2122037,"""https://github.com/BloodyBlade/Fairytale/issues/358""",на маленьких разрешениях склеиваются названия страниц,! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8676123/32688081-a68d09a2-c6e3-11e7-9cd6-3b9c1c7c435d.png можно попробовать добавить невидимые пробелы перед началом заголовков и в конце
+2177175,"""https://github.com/brianloveswords/python-jws/issues/31""",is this package dead?,looks like there's stale prs and the pypi page looks broken.
+2917990,"""https://github.com/pmalecka/chrome-shortkeys/issues/4""",shortcuts don't work on a new tab page,"on a new tab page, shortcuts such as next tab don't work when the active page is the new tab page."
+4315795,"""https://github.com/MrAppAndCrap/KBG-Archiver-Reborn/issues/1""",.msi file not 'signed',"hey, i'm aware that the .msi file is unsigned. this won't stop the program from running, but it might bring up some security warnings on your computer. i will get round to signing it soon."
+4416384,"""https://github.com/teranich/draw2d-wrapper/issues/1""",can you provide full example ?,"hello, i try to run draw2d with angular >2 . have you ever done this or can you provide full example with simple npm install and npm start please of your project ? thanks"
+3816529,"""https://github.com/PawelDecowski/jquery-creditcardvalidator/issues/109""",diners club international,i went to: https://www.getnewidentity.com/diners-club-credit-card.php but the numbers in the dc international column did not validate.
+4741449,"""https://github.com/hashicorp/packer/issues/4922""",keeping redhat hourly license when using amazon ebs surrogate builder,"hello, this is a feature request. when using the amazon ebs surrogate builder, a snapshot is created from the volume and then an ami is created from the snapshot. this will unfortunately dismiss the license for products from the aws marketplace. in our case it's the redhat hourly license. the solution to retain the license is to create an ami directly from the instance as stated here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsec2/latest/userguide/instance-launch-snapshot.html. > note that some linux distributions, such as red hat enterprise linux rhel and suse linux enterprise server sles , use the billing product code associated with an ami to verify subscription status for package updates. creating an ami from an ebs snapshot does not maintain this billing code, and subsequent instances launched from such an ami will not be able to connect to package update infrastructure. to retain the billing product codes, create the ami from the instance not from a snapshot. for more information, see creating an amazon ebs-backed linux ami or creating an instance store-backed linux ami. there is the ami_product_codes option, but this doesn't seem to apply in this case. when listing the ec2 instance metadata this what we get. so there is no product codes but a billing code. { devpayproductcodes : null, billingproducts : bp-6fa54006 } we have for now scripted the whole process without packer. maybe there is a way to achieve this currently with packer? thank you"
+4633111,"""https://github.com/helloGov/singleAction/issues/47""","hide input password on signup, add confim password",also need to check if password is hidden on login
+3907425,"""https://github.com/krysmathis/client-side-capstone/issues/8""",connect the user to the listings,given a user wants to review listings when the look at the listing then there is an indication of who posted it
+4924075,"""https://github.com/boleto-br/boleto-pdf/issues/1""",um pdf com todos os boletos,é possível gerar apenas um pdf contendo todos os boletos que precisam ser gerados?
+147637,"""https://github.com/Tencao/TCR-Origins/issues/41""",turtles can't mine new stones,the turtles just can't mine the new underground biome stones
+1110345,"""https://github.com/rpwoodbu/mosh-chrome/issues/162""",how to save password?,"i must to input ssh password everytimes ,how can i save it in mosh?"
+2278259,"""https://github.com/biryu2205/Biryu/issues/47""",simple exercises - triangle 4,"write a program that print following output 0 101 21012 3210123 432101234 54321012345 6543210123456 765432101234567 87654321012345678
+2258486,"""https://github.com/the-control-group/voyager/issues/1216""",bread error : model is empty,"- laravel version: 5.3.30 - voyager version: 0.11.10 - php version: 5.6.30 - database driver & version: mysql 5.6 -os: mac os x yosemite. description: when i create a new table, the table is created fine.the migration file created fine too. but the model file is empty and never voyager create controller file o views files. model file: npm err! please include the following file with any support request: npm err! c:\users\dell\desktop\testnode pm-debug.log how do i fix this?"
+3706415,"""https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/34140""",docker swarm leave results in error response from daemon: context deadline exceeded,"i'm trying to remove a docker swarm node, but i get error response from daemon: context deadline exceeded -- force results in the same issue. docker node ls shows the node as down but active. i was able to remove the node by running docker node rm node-name from a swarm manager. i am able to docker-machine ssh in the node. docker -v is docker version 17.06.0-ce, build 02c1d87 'lsb_release -a is no lsb modules are available. distributor id: ubuntu description: ubuntu 17.04 release: 17.04 codename: zesty what else can be done to troubleshoot this issue?"
+4919070,"""https://github.com/lilydjwg/swapview/issues/126""",inaccurate results for size,freepascal using real java using java nodejs using float
+1823997,"""https://github.com/nextcloud/passman-webextension/issues/175""",form icon isn't shown in email field,steps to reproduce 1. go to https://my.n26.com/ expected behaviour see a form icon in the email field actual behaviour no form icon in the email field configuration browser : chrome 60 / firefox developer extension version : latest commit on master
+4210001,"""https://github.com/mautic/mautic/issues/3494""",campaign builder conditions do not handle values according to operator,"| q | a | ---| --- | bug report? | x | feature request? | | enhancement? | description: when you create a condition in a campaign on a date field , the operator you select does not match with the proposed values. ! capture d ecran 2017-02-21 a 15 03 56 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/14075239/23201256/0463cc70-f8d9-11e6-8188-7ed4e28d04ed.png i think very similar as 3493 if a bug: | q | a | --- | --- | mautic version | 2.6 | php version | steps to reproduce: 1. create a date format contact field 2. create a campaign 3. add a condition on this field and selection empty as operator 4. see that you still have values which is not appropriated here"
+25676,"""https://github.com/gh-selenium-project/TestNewRepo/issues/1""",a very simple issue,"well, the problem is quite simple! you don't have to do anything actually."
+4389508,"""https://github.com/ScottyLabs/HackerHelp/issues/28""",trouble downloading dashing,"__hacker name s __: albina kwak, sooyoung ahn __physical location__: cuc rangos near stage __operating system s __: __programming langugage__: description trying to install dashing through terminal keep getting error you have to install development tools first. googled the problem, says i need to download xcode, but i already have xcode for sure screenshots "
+2212626,"""https://github.com/JeremyBakker/nss-backendCapstone/issues/12""",user can view word count,given the user visits the homepage when the homepage renders and the user hovers over the earnings line graph then the user will be able to view the count of words in the question and answer section of the earnings transcript identified by the hover
+4177749,"""https://github.com/michaelhays/urplus/issues/1""",browse files link to include images in comments is not showing,the link of browse files to include some image in comments is not showing while the extension is activated. ! udacity reviews 5 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/620050/30935297-9ac33bba-a3a6-11e7-8f56-0e917f78db0c.png
+1935633,"""https://github.com/dwyl/hq/issues/415""",vat return | november 2017 to end january 2018,"vat return for the period of 01.11.2017 - 31.01.2018. deadline: 1st march 2018. vat return and payment deadline is 7th march but this task needs to be completed ahead of time so that we can ensure the correct funds are available in our outgoing account for this date.. low priority whilst we are waiting for the period to finish, but will be revised in february. tasks + document the steps for this tasks what we currently have https://github.com/dwyl/process-handbook/blob/master/finances.md vat-return is looking a bit abandoned + submit the vat return"
+3596290,"""https://github.com/shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_singlebuildNod/issues/768""",failure - shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_matrixbuildjav - 493,shippable run 493 https://rcapp.shippable.com/github/shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_matrixbuildjav/runs/493 failed for https://github.com/shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_matrixbuildjav/compare/f65f77625f99f7edd274fbff4107aa8fe8e8183a...d5cca240ab747f9eafe194b4650356ce905d709e
+4340740,"""https://github.com/rustamli/rephrase/issues/1""",how to run your program?,kindly update your readme file using the syntax for using your repository. i hope to hear from you soon.
+1786970,"""https://github.com/DXBrazil/ArdaContainers/issues/4""",create a container for sql server,we could start with this image: https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express/
+1942641,"""https://github.com/ijlyttle/AzureDatalakeStoreAccount/issues/2""",receive error on list by resource group and get,"error in curl::curl_fetch_memory url, handle = handle : failure when receiving data from the peer"
+4156597,"""https://github.com/ucbrise/clipper/issues/230""",error publishing model: error parsing json: type mismatch!,"i installed clipper_admin using pip install. i got the following error when i ran the quick start example mentioned in the readme: >>> clipper.deploy_predict_function feature_sum_model , 1, feature_sum_function, doubles anaconda environment found. verifying packages. fetching package metadata ......... solving package specifications: . supplied environment details serialized and supplied predict function model_data_path is: /tmp/predict_serializations/feature_sum_model error publishing model: error parsing json: type mismatch! json key model_version expected type stringbut found type number. expected json schema: { model_name := string, model_version := string, labels := string , input_type := integers | bytes | floats | doubles | strings , container_name := string, model_data_path := string } false"
+2881938,"""https://github.com/bearsunday/BEAR.QATools/issues/6""",php_codesniffer version ^2.8 is old,https://github.com/bearsunday/bear.qatools/blob/master/composer.json l13 the current version is 3.1.1. https://packagist.org/packages/squizlabs/php_codesniffer i recommend updating the version.
+911928,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/bond/issues/535""",update macos build instructions with grpc specifics,the macos build instructions do not mention/link to how to install the grpc dependencies. the default cmake command should also include -dbond_enable_grpc=false to make getting a successful build more likely.
+4210381,"""https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/3238""",discussion about 'move test no exception! pattern to shouldbeerrorid ',the issue is opened on @travisez13 request in 3161 in short: 1. move our test helper modules in the appropriate place where are all tools test\tools\modules see https://github.com/powershell/powershell/pull/3161/ discussion_r102573978 1.1 load the modules with build.psm1 it seem we have an opened bug submodules don't reloaded 1.2 load the modules in start-pspester 1.3 use autoload by set $env:psmodulepath in build.psm1 or in start-pspester 2. 'move test no exception! pattern to 'shouldbeerrorid' /cc @travisez13 @lzybkr @stevel-msft @jameswtruher @daxian-dbw
+178135,"""https://github.com/sahlberg/libiscsi/issues/255""",how to use libiscsi via libvirt?,for iscsi and iser? are those supported by libvirt? i mean not pass though kernel module.
+2551830,"""https://github.com/telerik/kendo-angular/issues/1101""",popup's vertical position is calculated before its height,i'm submitting a... bug report current behavior changing the content of the popup does not result in re-adjustment its vertical position until the next rendering cycle. expected behavior the position should be recalculated as soon as the content's height has changed. minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions 1. open example http://plnkr.co/edit/8yo8degyyaimgd7dogs2?p=preview and find the autocomplete at the bottom 2. type edi 3. observe how the popup is resized and re-positioned after each keystroke
+4033998,"""https://github.com/numbas/numbas-lti-provider/issues/18""",don't hide broken attempts from the student,"when an attempt is missing the cmi.suspend_data element, it's marked as broken and hidden from the student, then a fresh attempt is begun. we should be more up-front about what happens: the broken attempt should be visible with some kind of warning message, and count towards the final score, but not the number of attempts taken. we had an attempt which was marked as broken but had the cmi.suspend_data element many times, so i'm not sure how it ended up getting marked as broken - maybe the student refreshed the page during load?"
+2648892,"""https://github.com/artesaos/moip/issues/18""",unresolvable dependency resolving parameter 0 $token in class moip\moipbasicauth,"estou recebendo esse erro, após atualizar minha aplicação com o laravel 5.4."
+2454436,"""https://github.com/medunn626/Capstone_Front-End/issues/11""",improve auto-navigate and feedback messaging.,feedback won't display on auto-navigate. could be fixed by adding feedback to the index or app component.
+3729107,"""https://github.com/abelog/KPI/issues/109""",auto_report sitsrc_api/tsrcdrv.c warning: passing argument 2 of 'siapis1_s2_matrix_calculation' from incompatible pointer type enabled by default,"sitsrc_api/tsrcdrv.c:750:2: warning: passing argument 2 of 'siapis1_s2_matrix_calculation' from incompatible pointer type enabled by default int err = siapis1_s2_matrix_calculation sihndle, s1_matrix, s2_matrix ; ^ invoked by:
+libtool: compile: gcc -std=gnu99 -dpackage_name=\ situne-driver\ -dpackage_tarname=\ situne-driver\ -dpackage_version=\ 0.1\ -dpackage_string=\ situne-driver 0.1\ -dpackage_bugreport=\ \ -dpackage_url=\ \ -dpackage=\ situne-driver\ -dversion=\ 0.1\ -dstdc_headers=1 -dhave_sys_types_h=1 -dhave_sys_stat_h=1 -dhave_stdlib_h=1 -dhave_string_h=1 -dhave_memory_h=1 -dhave_strings_h=1 -dhave_inttypes_h=1 -dhave_stdint_h=1 -dhave_unistd_h=1 -dhave_dlfcn_h=1 -dlt_objdir=\ .libs/\ -dhave_stdlib_h=1 -dhave_string_h=1 -dhave_strcasecmp=1 -dhave_clock_gettime=1 -i. -isikernel -ilinux-sisystem -isisystem/inc -isitsrc_api -isitsrc_core -g -o2 -mt sitsrc_api/libsitune_la-tsrcdrv.lo -md -mp -mf sitsrc_api/.deps/libsitune_la-tsrcdrv.tpo -c sitsrc_api/tsrcdrv.c -fpic -dpic -o sitsrc_api/.libs/libsitune_la-tsrcdrv.o"
+3840489,"""https://github.com/nodeca/pica/issues/85""",es5-compatible pica version,"hey, congrats on the new release! i've noticed you've used some es6 features in this release, which breaks minification using uglifyjs. i was wondering, if there's a plan to have es5-compatible version of the pica, or not."
+2781762,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/26801""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4042413,"""https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js/issues/504""",can i clear the prompt when i finish input ?,"for example, i used a type: list prompt, and when i select one of choices, it still show the message and the choice i choose there, i want to clear them, how can i do? sorry for my english."
+1754070,"""https://github.com/trestletech/plumber/issues/103""",include_file and binary format,"in reference to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44185675/get-file-through-api-call-r-plumber there seem to be problems with transferring .rdata files and i guess binaries in general simplestuff <- list a = 1:10, df = data.frame asdf = rnorm 20 save simplestuff, file = 'simplestuff.rdata' @get /file get_file <- function f = 'simplestuff.rdata', req, res { res$headers$ content-disposition <- sprintf attachment; filename=\ %s\ , f include_file f, res, plumber:::getcontenttype .rdata } will download the file but throw many warnings. the file will be lesser in size and corrupt."
+3075295,"""https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE/issues/72""",awaiting for version update and better search capability,"hi, thanx for the sharing this nice and sweat code, and its a request that we are awaiting for version update and better search capability ...."
+1199113,"""https://github.com/androidessence/MaterialDesignSpecs/issues/2""",remove appcompat dependency.,currently the library depends on the appcompat library as that was the default as template but it is not needed. let's remove it to decrease the size of this library in the user's apps.
+1361264,"""https://github.com/Indicia-Team/drupal-7-module-iform/issues/8""",requirement to move upload & cache folders,there is now requirement to move upload & cache folders in to sites/sitename/files directory. this requirement is necessary in terms of to integrate with pantheon.
+1117176,"""https://github.com/guysoft/FullPageOS/issues/178""",can we learn from wpe?,not fullpageos! but maybe we can borrow ideas or work together? i just tested the webplatformforembedded project on a raspberry pi 3. there is smooth video from youtube at least up to 720p. have we gotten that on fullpageos yet? see the repository here: https://github.com/webplatformforembedded/buildroot and the project description and tutorial here: https://www.igalia.com/wpe/ https://blogs.igalia.com/magomez/2016/12/19/wpe-web-platform-for-embedded/ i have noticed some pretty high overclocking settings in the resulting image: force 720p hdmi_group=1 hdmi_mode=4 overclock arm_freq=1350 gpu_freq=500 sdram_freq=500 over_voltage=5 avoid_warnings=1 the building process took me about four hours on a laptop inside a ubuntu vm. after building and putting the image file onto an sd card it would not boot seven blinks of the green led . i found that the kernel file zimage is generated but not copied to the boot partition during the build. after that it worked though. to make a website open automatically you put a wpe.txt file in the root with the url. not dissimilar from fullpageos. if anyone is interested i guess i can post the build result somewhere so you can check it out yourself.
+3854787,"""https://github.com/DCLP/dclpxsltbox/issues/202""",search engine functionality,allowance for searching and filtering? dclp only _and_ dclp with ddbdp. here we will need input from hugh and ryan.
+1435681,"""https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/issues/5693""",support annotation configs like 'numa' and 'llvlm',"our performance graph annotations are useful, and the 'config' option allows us to constrain annotations to certain configurations. we currently do not have the ability to specify the 'numa' or 'llvm' configs, but it would be nice if we could."
+1326374,"""https://github.com/spriteCloud/lapis-lazuli/issues/53""",lapis lazuli should throw custom errors,"at the moment when ll throw an error, 9 out of 10 times it's a default runtimeerror. we should change this into custom errors, for example: - lapislazuli::timeouterror - lapislazuli::elementnotfounderror - lapislazuli::waiterror - lapislazuli::finderror this will allow users to rescue a specific error, instead of catching all errors and then later on, figure out they have been catching a critical error, costing them more time to fix."
+723705,"""https://github.com/snood1205/issues/issues/11794""",it's december 03 2017 at 06:00am!,"it's december 03, 2017 at 06:00am! @snood1205"
+240395,"""https://github.com/marko-js/marko/issues/883""",properly propagate asyncstream errors," bug report marko version: 4.5.0-beta.4 details asyncstream stack traces are not properly being created, which is causing information loss. expected behavior full stack trace is provided if process.env.node_env is set to development , dev or undefined ."
+3875189,"""https://github.com/Sage/sageone_api_php_sample/issues/20""",json response for bad request,this is not an issue but a feature request. should the api still give json response for bad request and explain which filed was invalid. right now the server's response is following which is vague as developer does not know what field is causing this. \r bad request \r \r bad request \r http error 400. the request is badly formed.
+766980,"""https://github.com/borgbackup/borg/issues/3324""",borg mount repo: add 'latest' symlink,obnam now defunct had this handy habit of adding a 'latest' symlink pointing to the most recent archive when fuse-mounting a repo. made for less typing and easier scripting for the common case of getting a file from the most recent backup. thanks for considering it.
+3290797,"""https://github.com/utilForever/CubbyFlow/issues/182""",upload missing data files,- create dam breaking xml files for pic and flip - compress pcisph obj file
+64246,"""https://github.com/vivint-smarthome/ceph-on-mesos/issues/16""",forbidden when download,my ceph on dc/os try to reach this : https://dl.bintray.com/vivint-smarthome/ceph-on-mesos/ceph-on-mesos-0.2.11.tgz but it returns 404 forbidden i try browse it manually via browser and still got same response. is it need some credentials ?
+2780142,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/12957""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+3729738,"""https://github.com/ddnionio/news/issues/1""",@realdonaldtrump: i have great confidence that china will properly deal with north korea. if they are unable to do so the u.s. with its allies will! u.s.a.,"@realdonaldtrump: i have great confidence that china will properly deal with north korea. if they are unable to do so, the u.s., with its allies, will! u.s.a.
+via twitter http://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/852508752142114816
+april 13, 2017 at 09:08pm"
+1922283,"""https://github.com/ccrama/Slide/issues/2520""",make hide nsfw previews a per-account setting,"this is a setting that i'd like enabled on one account, and disabled one another. it seems like when i adjust the setting, it adjusts it on all my accounts however. can you make this a per-account setting?"
+1507832,"""https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues/372""",need to figure out possibility of buffer movement with splice,"currently, to write/read buffer we do follow workflow 1 for writing data on file fd socket_fd data/kernel ------->iov_buffer user space ------>file_fd posix kernel space 2 for reading data from file fd file_fd posix/kernel space ---->iov_buffer user -------->socket_fd kernel space in this workflow, we do transfer buffer two times from kernel space to user space and user space to kernel space. i think we can avoid movement of the buffer after use zero-copy technique to read/write buffer on fd. for specific to write case at the time of read buffer from socket we can open a pipe and move data from socket_fd to one end of pipe after use splice system call and at the time of writing data at posix layer we can move data from another end of pipe_fd to file fd again after using splice call. in the same way, we can try to read data from file fd to socket fd also."
+2592504,"""https://github.com/hpi-swt2-exercise/rails-exercise-17-niklas/issues/37""","paper index page should list title, venue, and year of all papers","scenario
+given a paper entitled 'computing machinery and intelligence'
+when a user visits the papers index page
+then the page should render error
+> got abstractcontroller::actionnotfound: the action 'index' could not be found for paperscontroller estimated progress: 78% complete"
+2065267,"""https://github.com/Lycanite/LycanitesMobs/issues/209""",1.10.2 suggestion option to make mob events local instead of global,"so on my server, one of the things people love is the mob events, however it seems to be a recurring theme that most new players hate it as the events are simply too hard for new players to deal with. if by any chance you could make events spawn local around players rather than global throughout the world, as well as maybe a new player protection time, that would be great."
+5286723,"""https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-MP/issues/692""",fuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck offfuck off,"issue description steps to reproduce the issue 1. ... 2. ... os and versions pocketmine-mp: php: server os: game version: pe/win10 delete as appropriate crashdump, backtrace or other files ..."
+102099,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/28380""",singlemsgtao.java line 238,in com.immomo.momo.l.b.d.b number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/5a22b4ec61b02d480db9db28?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/5a22b4ec61b02d480db9db28?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+3597242,"""https://github.com/NRules/NRules/issues/130""","in certain network topologies, updates don't propagate","when there is a pattern match or a query followed by another query, where the second query has multiple aggregates and ends with a collect , updates to the first fact/query fail to propagate if the second query matches an empty collection. this is because the second query forms a subnet in the rete graph, and updates coming from the outside of the subnet are ignored, because it is assumed that they will propagate through the subnet to avoid double updates . however, when the subnet ends with a collect and there are no facts to collect, the empty collection is propagated. since there are no facts feeding into the collection, the updates are not propagated, so effectively, updates are ignored on both sides. the fix is to propagate the update from the outside of the subnet if there are no facts feeding from the subnet. this ensures only a single update is propagated. example of a match that suffers from this issue facttype1 will fail to propage updates as long as there are no facttype2 facts : c .match => fact1 .query => query2, q => q .match .select x => x .collect"
+3755516,"""https://github.com/konsolas/AAC-Issues/issues/463""",spam error console,server version: paper-spigot 1.8.8 aac version: 3.0.5 protocollib version: protocollib v4.2.0 picture : img http://i.imgur.com/wrrqtyr.jpg /img
+5045070,"""https://github.com/OptimalBits/bull/issues/684""",add waiting timeout option enhancement,"something like: js const queue = require 'bull' ; const queue = new queue 'test-job' ; queue.on 'global:waiting', function job { console.log 'global:waiting' ; } .on 'global:waiting-timeout', function job, err { console.log 'global:waiting-timeout' ; } const options = { timeout: 10000, waitingtimeout: 10000 } queue.add { data: 'bla' }, options ;"
+941488,"""https://github.com/tcmj/tcmj-pug-enums/issues/6""",ability to define javadoc on class level in maven-plugin,description: add ability to define javadoc description per configuration in the maven plugin usecases: 1. define description 2. define location implementation hints: add maven plugin parameter and use already available functionality in class enummodel
+3638990,"""https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/issues/5845""",bpf dynamic ip block filter to generate feedback or log lines,"- issue type: feature request short description when dynamic ip blocking in dnsdist using bpf, when ips are blocked/unblocked by bpf please generate a feedback lines in dnsdist.log syslog like inserting dynamic block for for 300 seconds: exceeded-query-rate in /var/log/dnsdist/dnsdist.log without bpf using dynamic ip blocking and any block of ips is generating feedbacks usecase when source is sending more volume of dns queries and dynamic ip blocking bpf exceededquery rate if voilated, to generate a feedback lines as inserting dynamic block for for 300 seconds: exceeded-query-rate feedbacks are important for us to get notified on the blocking."
+4759255,"""https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/1277""",label为dense vector, cost为soft_binary_class_cross_entropy 网络配置,"我简要描述下我的网络结构: 1. 二分类问题 2. 输入的label为dense vector = a, b a + b =1 ,a和b均为float 3.最后一层为sofmax,2个节点 4.cost函数选择soft_binary_class_cross_entropy 附上网络配置,疑问点用红框做标注了: 1. 关于label的维度填写,dense vector的size是填写为1还是2 关于dataprovider.py部分 2. 关于网络配置 由于soft_binary_class_cross_entropy新接口还未添加,故沿用老配置方式: 前一个issue中提到bug, last_layer需要设置为8的倍数,这个值会对配置产生影响,导致check无法通过。 上述部分疑问比较多,烦请帮忙下,谢谢!"
+1388333,"""https://github.com/github-beta/unity-preview/issues/38""",imposible to login with my github credentials,"version of unity: 5.4.1f1 version of github for unity: platform: windows 10 when i introduce my account data on the login prompt, it doesn't work and just show a message login failed . i revised my login data and it works at my browser. github-unity.log.txt https://github.com/github-beta/unity-preview/files/981206/github-unity.log.txt editor.log.txt https://github.com/github-beta/unity-preview/files/981207/editor.log.txt"
+4358304,"""https://github.com/mysociety/belgium-theme/issues/33""",add addition to help pages,"message from partner: could you make a change in the second part of the page https://transparencia.be/help/conditions https://transparencia.be/help/conditions ? old : droit de rectification : conformément aux dispositions légales toutes les personnes peuvent faire rectifier, sans frais, les données qui les concernent et qui s'avéreraient inexactes, incorrectes ou incomplètes. contactez-nous via info@transparencia.be afin d'être informé de la procédure de rectification. new : droit de rectification : conformément aux dispositions légales toutes les personnes peuvent faire rectifier, sans frais, les données qui les concernent et qui s'avéreraient inexactes, incorrectes ou incomplètes. contactez-nous via info@transparencia.be afin d'être informé de la procédure de rectification. responsable du traitement des données : christophe van gheluwe - place van meenen 3 bte 6 - 1060 bruxelles - 0497 18 30 87. it's en legal obligation to give the name and the address of the person who is responsible of the treatment of the personal data."
+2556640,"""https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/466""",implement don’t create a lambda when a tear-off will do.,from effectivedart https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/effective-dart/usage dont-create-a-lambda-when-a-tear-off-will-do
+1514888,"""https://github.com/pricingassistant/mrq/issues/144""",a large number of empty subqueues can cause heavy redis traffic,should we move the implementation of the subqueue prefix in a lua script so that redis can skip most empty queues server-side?
+1293146,"""https://github.com/CuppaLabs/angular2-multiselect-dropdown/issues/94""",ngonchanges fails on settings change,"if i change settings from a promise ngonchanges fails in multiselect.component, because changes.data is undefined."
+1456361,"""https://github.com/thrust/thrust/issues/893""",it is possible to enable stream per thread in thrust?,"this is not a bug. i just want to discuss a cuda stream issue. currently, if users don't specify stream, thrust puts the function on default stream. and the behavior of default stream is defined in file thrust/thrust/system/cuda/detail/execute_on_stream.h this file is removed in cuda 9.0 cpp __host__ __device__ inline cudastream_t default_stream { // xxx we might actually want to use the per-thread default stream instead return legacy_stream ; } is it safe to add a macro switch when compiler detects the flag --default-stream per-thread? cpp __host__ __device__ inline cudastream_t default_stream { ifndef stream_per_thread return legacy_stream ; else return cudastreamperthread endif } and cudastreamlegacy and cudastreamperthread is defined in file ${cuda_toolkit}/include/driver_types.h i hope that default stream per thread can be enabled in thrust without modifing any code but add some flags --default-stream per-thread or -dstream_per_thread from compiler. i did a simple test. it works. but there are some stream issues 684, 560. any suggestion?"
+1185305,"""https://github.com/jacopo-j/tnt-downloader/issues/12""",manca un opzione per uscire,"il prompt del programma presenta usualmente due o tre opzioni, e.g. download / s successivo: secondo me dovrebbe presentare anche un modo per uscire oltre al classico ctrl+c , e.g. download / s successivo / q esci:"
+3671019,"""https://github.com/SEGUC17/Foobar/issues/56""",notifications/announcments are displayed with user's profile picture,"1. severity: low 2. reported: by hatem 3. description: when i display the notifications, my profile picture is displayed with each notification. 4. steps to reproduce the issue: - login as student - press the notifications on the top right side - you will find your profile picture displayed with each notifications 5. expected result: notifications shouldnt contain user's profile pictrue ! screenshot 85 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/25323264/25595067/ae24aeb2-2ec3-11e7-8670-83d5c714012a.png ."
+3275687,"""https://github.com/sinopsisfilm/sinopsis/issues/6808""",mohabbatein episode 1220,"mohabbatein episode 1220
+via juragan sinopsis http://ift.tt/2cza012
+may 04, 2017 at 09:36am"
+4635149,"""https://github.com/random-forests/tutorials/issues/2""",printing the prediction in tensor flow not working,"i am trying to follow your seventh episode and trying to print the prediction using tensor flow as depicted : print predicted %d, label: %d % classifier.predict test_data 0 , test_labels 0 but i am getting the following error : print predicted %d, label: %d % classifier.predict test_data 0 , test_labels 0 typeerror: %d format: a number is required, not generator how to fix it ?"
+1281773,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/12816""",phonelayoutcontroller.java line 472,in com.immomo.molive.gui.activities.live.plive.layout.phonelayoutcontroller.inflatebottomtoollayout number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59ad8b55be077a4dcc1b7378?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59ad8b55be077a4dcc1b7378?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+1860729,"""https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/1369""",max printwidth not working consistently,"i have some tests that look like this js it 'this should auto fix the print width, but for some reason it doesnt', done => { return; } this breaks the 80 column limit, but format doesnt seem to fix it. live example https://prettier.github.io/prettier/ %7b%22content%22%3a%22%20%20it 'this%20should%20auto%20fix%20the%20print%20width%2c%20but%20for%20some%20reason%20it%20doesnt'%2c%20done%20%3d%3e%20%7b%5cn%20%20%20%20return%3b%5cn%20%20%7d %22%2c%22options%22%3a%7b%22printwidth%22%3a80%2c%22tabwidth%22%3a2%2c%22singlequote%22%3afalse%2c%22trailingcomma%22%3a%22none%22%2c%22bracketspacing%22%3atrue%2c%22jsxbracketsameline%22%3afalse%2c%22parser%22%3a%22babylon%22%2c%22semi%22%3atrue%2c%22usetabs%22%3afalse%2c%22doc%22%3afalse%7d%7d might be related to https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/1110"
+2082084,"""https://github.com/ably/tutorials/issues/38""",queue tutorials: should we use channel get rather than channel consume?,"inspired by intercom conversation https://app.intercom.io/a/apps/ua39m1ld/inbox/all/conversations/8128380886 just now. given we're putting emphasis on the queues as a way for people to use multiple independent workers to each pop messages off to process, rather than for streaming, should we consider having the tutorials use channel get 'pop one message off' rather than channel consume 'stream messages as fast as they come' ? i know my queue-demo used consume , but that was so we could show off how fast messages got into the queue and 'processing time' was ~0 as it was just printing them to the console , so the streaming method was fine . we could even showcase some basic limited concurrency, e.g. something like: function processitem item, cb { console.log processing item: , item && string item.content settimeout cb, 5000 ; } function getmessage channel { channel.get queue, {}, err, item => { if !item { settimeout => getmessage channel , 1000 ; return; } processitem item, err => { if err { channel.nack item ; } else { channel.ack item ; } // processing finished, so get another message getmessage channel ; } ; } ; } const max_concurrency = 5; amqp.connect url, err, conn => { if err bail err ; console.log connected ; conn.createchannel err, ch => { for let i=0; iwbcommonbuttonstylepagecardview;isnormalbutton;wbcommonbuttonview.m;2240
+wbtableview;layoutsubviews;wbtableview.m;455 reason selector name found in current argument registers: isnormalbutton link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/195819856 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/195819856"
+3947204,"""https://github.com/graphite-ng/carbon-relay-ng/issues/182""",kafka error output variable missing,kafkamdm test : failed to submit data: kafka: failed to deliver 10000 messages. will try again in 10.097165845s this attempt took %!s missing
+774537,"""https://github.com/janzeteachesit/Learning-Diary/issues/222""",sieve of eratosthenes - geeksforgeeks,"sieve of eratosthenes - geeksforgeeks
+label: github
+date: march 08, 2017 at 01:34pm "
+2203760,"""https://github.com/llimllib/bloomfilter-tutorial/issues/8""",bloom filter explanation,hi @llimllib great explanation. though i was wondering in the case below: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13968539/26167794/b073de92-3aec-11e7-8447-b872b223b26e.png when string 'pppp' is not there it still says it's there that means it has false negatives. why so ?
+549376,"""https://github.com/perliedman/elevation-service/issues/15""",post geojson file,how can i post a geojson file to your repo and get back file with elevation?
+1719004,"""https://github.com/TheDarkCorner/Bloop-API/issues/10""",managing server client list,listeners will keep a database of known clients. refreshes when a change is made on the network topology. or when a change is made during periodic checks. file format: yml
+761753,"""https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-mysql-release/issues/150""",proxy should provide a database link,"if i am using the proxy to connect to my database, i cannot use bosh links and must provide the port information directly in my other jobs' properties. because the proxy is effectively a database by virtue of acting as the front of a database it should provide a link that my other jobs can consume."
+1893672,"""https://github.com/dotnet/wcf/issues/2290""",osx https certificate callbacks don't work,"there was a change in .net core 2.0 for httpclient on osx which disabled using certificate validation callbacks. as wcf always sets a callback, all https requests will fail on osx. we can add some workarounds to wcf to enable some scenarios. for osx only, we need to have the following behaviors for each of the possible x509certificatevalidationmode values: x509certificatevalidationmode | behavior -----------------------------------|---------- none | use the special callback handler httpclienthandler.dangerousacceptanyservercertificatevalidator peertrust | throw platformnotsupportedexception . i think we already do for other reasons chaintrust | set no callback as the default behavior is chain trust peerorchaintrust | throw platformnotsupportedexception . i think we already do for other reasons custom | throw platformnotsupportedexception"
+1769764,"""https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/2977""",select offset 1px off in chrome,"since options switched to use line-height rather than align-items, the alignment has been 1px off in chrome. looks right in firefox."
+988449,"""https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/issues/201""",is there a client-go version compatible with kubernetes 1.2 api?,"i want to use client-go to rewrite my k8s client api, but our team is using kubernetes 1.2 version in product environment, how can i do? thank you very much!"
+435338,"""https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues/1082""",feature request: installationscript default webserver folder,"in raising this issue, i confirm the following please check boxes, eg x failure to fill the template will close your issue: - x i have read and understood the contributors guide https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/blob/master/contributing.md . - x the issue i am reporting can be replicated - x the issue i'm reporting isn't a duplicate see faqs https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/wiki/faqs , closed issues https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues?utf8=%e2%9c%93&q=is%3aissue%20is%3aclosed%20 , and open issues https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues . how familiar are you with the codebase?: 6{replace this text with a number from 1 to 10, with 1 being not familiar, and 10 being very familiar}_ --- feature request : it would be quite helpful if we could change the directory of the webadmin repository during the installation. due to multiple pages running on the pi i and i expect more than me always manipulate the basic-install.sh with my own webinterfacedir line 27 . furthermore it would be helpful to choose which webserver pihole should use. i am running apache and pihole is still requesting lighttpd, which i need to uninstall after a clean installation. cheers _this template was created based on the work of udemy-dl https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl/blob/master/license ._"
+434328,"""https://github.com/participedia/frontend/issues/648""","change hamburger icon default colour to white, grey on hover",grey default gives the impression that you can't click it.
+3887287,"""https://github.com/snood1205/ifttt/issues/1143""",it's april 30 2017 at 12:00am!,"it's april 30, 2017 at 12:00am! @snood1205"
+5243071,"""https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards/issues/1239""",prefixallglobals: make independent of case naming conventions,"i think the prefixallglobals sniff should be more code style independent, i.e. remove the need for an underscore between the prefix and the class/function/variable name. should the sniff really care about whether people use camel_caps, camelcase, snake_case or any other variant of naming conventions, as long as whatever name is used, is prefixed ? just wondering what the opinions are about this. related to 763"
+765717,"""https://github.com/OpenDataServices/org-ids/issues/50""",access to the changelog for each list,lists get updated over time. it would be useful from a list page for users to be able to see the history of changes to a list and if any changes are pending . one possible way to do this would be to access the github commit api https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/ for the relevant code and see what we can display to the user from that. e.g. https://api.github.com/repos/opendataservices/org-ids/commits?path=codes/us/us-hi-cr.json
+1053716,"""https://github.com/OpenLauncherTeam/openlauncher/issues/270""","when item is dragged out of a folder directly onto edit , the item then disappears from the folder",general information app version: 0.5.5 android version: 7.1.1 expected result what is expected? item should go back into folder where it was. what does happen instead? item disappears. steps to reproduce 1. put a few items into a folder 2. drag one out of the folder onto edit 3. tap ok or cancel 4. look for that icon in the folder it's not there
+1006259,"""https://github.com/NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd/issues/101""",bug nz-col 当指定 nzoffset 时,响应式下会导致无法缩进,"i'm submitting a... x bug report feature request documentation issue or request regression a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release support request => please do not submit support request here
current behavior ! 123 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2987467/29494064-3608c3dc-85d5-11e7-871f-c2417489f59b.gif html nzxs 即屏幕小于 768px 时,应该同 username & password 一样靠向最左边,但受了 nzoffet 影响了。 react 版本中, nzxs 支持一个复合对象,类似: nzxs = { span: 24, offset: 0 } 。"
+2302019,"""https://github.com/holgerbrandl/send2terminal/issues/1""",send2terminal option is disable,"hey there, i've installed this plugin and i was trying to use. however, i've followed your instruction but didn't work. i selected the line, clicked on right button and i could see the option send to terminal but the submenu is empty. i am using macos with the newest version updated. regards, fabio"
+1106559,"""https://github.com/indieacademy/indieacademy.github.io/issues/33""",add advanced tracking,add advanced autotrack to project. resources - https://philipwalton.com/articles/the-google-analytics-setup-i-use-on-every-site-i-build/
+210024,"""https://github.com/andreiyv/Fotobot/issues/1""",android 5 external disk permissions,add code to allow to write on ext sd on android > 5.0.
+5238293,"""https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/biocollect/issues/731""",show australia global project button on hub's project finder,add a config variable to hub's theming interface to control the visibility of a button on project finder. the button is the one used to switch between australia and global projects.
+2888054,"""https://github.com/conda-forge/suitesparse-feedstock/issues/17""",compiling libmetis leads to problems,"after i updated kwant to openblas 0.2.19|0.2.19. , installing suitesparse leads to segmentation fault core dumped when importing kwant . this reproduces the problem: bash conda create --yes --copy --name test6 python=3.5 source activate test6 conda install --yes -c conda-forge kwant=1.2.2 python -c 'import kwant' conda install --yes -c conda-forge suitesparse python -c 'import kwant' it's probably because suitesparse has it's own libmetis , while there is a metis-feedstock https://github.com/conda-forge/metis-feedstock/"
+3192441,"""https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/854""",unicodeencodeerror: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u200e' in position 130: character maps to ,"https://sentry.io/gns3/gns3-server/issues/201180929/ unicodeencodeerror: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u200e' in position 130: character maps to 1 additional frame s were not displayed ... file ./gns3-server\gns3server\handlers\api\controller\drawing_handler.py , line 83, in update file c:\jenkins\workspace\release windows\windows\python-3.5.2\lib\asyncio\coroutines.py , line 206, in coro file ./gns3-server\gns3server\controller\drawing.py , line 184, in update file ./gns3-server\gns3server\controller\drawing.py , line 130, in svg file c:\users oplay\appdata\local\programs\python\python35\lib\encodings\cp1252.py , line 19, in encode unicodeencodeerror: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u200e' in position 130: character maps to "
+1280331,"""https://github.com/RogerAI/Roger.Widget.ChromeExtension/issues/21""",loading of loalty text feels clumsy,when swiping through the loyalty badges the text loads when the swip animation is done. this feels way less responsive or smooth as the rest of the app.
+313478,"""https://github.com/grafana/grafana-docker/issues/116""",issue in the run.sh - cannot build the image,"hi. due to some change made in the run.sh file. after building, when i run the image it throws the below error docker run -p 8282:3000 grafana4.6 chown: invalid user: 'grafana:grafana'"
+187306,"""https://github.com/pierobot/mangapie/issues/41""",cleanup regex in mangaupdates.php,i have some capture groups i don't need that i can get rid of.
+3962836,"""https://github.com/pteixeira/catraio/issues/53""",style taps for public and management,style taps menu in the main and management pages
+3139760,"""https://github.com/whatwg/streams/issues/669""",don't touch controller directly in writablestreamdefaultwriterrelease,"follow up for 655. once the pr is committed, writablestreamdefaultwriterrelease would look at the controller directly. this shouldn't be a part writablestreamdefaultwriterrelease which is one of the writablestream's abstract operation."
+3319331,"""https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/issues/6583""",new library ds1307newalarms,"please, publish this new library. https://github.com/milebuurmeijer/ds1307newalarms thank you, milé buurmeijer"
+4938037,"""https://github.com/areaDetector/ADPCO/issues/5""",adpco lacks a release.md file,"areadetector repositories should all have a release.md file that describes each release. adpco has several tags, but no release.md file. this can be created retroactively by looking at the differences between each release. @argonnexraydetector can you please do this?"
+1415151,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/20287""",fr: switch to ms edge-like title bar for windows,is it possible to switch to edge-like title bar for vs code on windows. similar to the vs code ui for ubuntu and mac? -- except with the file bar menu hidden behind a ms hamburger button in the left corner. ! edge's title bar http://i.imgur.com/gr07gb6.png
+1895621,"""https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/issues/1691""",switch to cross platofrm scripts for tests,currently tests require bash which isn't available by default on windows. after 1280 is merged we should use native node.js scripts with the help of shell.js or something so that scripts work out of the box everywhere.
+2281597,"""https://github.com/Pierrebleroux/misha-le-roux-designer-website/issues/3""",animate logo on the frontpage.,logo should be animated on the front page.
+4933010,"""https://github.com/Pokerpoke/Ras_node/issues/4""",playback is mono on tiny4412,it should be stereo on tiny4412
+4846293,"""https://github.com/davisnando/need_to_rename/issues/1""",multiple foreign keys,when you have multiple foreign you need to run php migrate.php twice other wise it only generate the first foreign key the second time it generate the rest
+5315910,"""https://github.com/TwilioDevEd/authy2fa-servlets/issues/5""",incorrect protocol return in hmac validation resulting in an invalid signature calculation,"working with a customer, we found that the following snippet returns http even when https is being used in browser and callback. https://github.com/twiliodeved/authy2fa-servlets/blob/master/src/main/java/com/authy/onetouch/requestvalidator.java l41 by recreating the 'url' listed above and hard-coding https the signature generation works fine."
+4882449,"""https://github.com/ticki/eudex/issues/14""",any c/c++ implementation?,hi! this looks really cool -- i'm curious if there is already a c or c++ implementation available? thanks!
+698978,"""https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/issues/8318""",image refresh for ubuntu-stable,image refresh for ubuntu-stable image-refresh ubuntu-stable
+1507234,"""https://github.com/chrmarti/testissues/issues/7918""",indicate unsaved state closer to file name with tabs disabled,"i'm trying to run with tabs disabled workbench.editor.showtabs : false and thought that the dirty marker is missing entirely: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101152/32141897-e1282270-bc8b-11e7-934a-8e5b28efa371.png it's in the top right corner but that's far from where i would normally expect it: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101152/32141908-0b99ee62-bc8c-11e7-83ef-9ca702f3e8cd.png with tabs enabled, it is where i would typically look for it: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101152/32141927-80b3e270-bc8c-11e7-9981-c14b8d5aed8e.png - vscode version: 1.17 - os version: win10"
+1904170,"""https://github.com/shakacode/bootstrap-loader/issues/318""",question optimize bs4.css with this loader?,"hey, i really like this project and have been using the bs4 version since it was offered. now with the first bs4-beta release i came to ask myself, why is it again that this loader is needed? in the official bs documentation is a section on webpack now: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/getting-started/webpack/ what was intriguing earlier was to use it in conjunction with css modules. now i just use bootstrap 4 scss and css modules side by side. it would be really nice if some of the optimizations that css in js offer, e.g. remove unused bs4 styles etc. could be done. or a way of how to use bs4 in a composable manner through custom react components without having to include bs4.css globally? would this be a different project or is it possible to do some optimizations through this loader in the future? maybe i am also just taking bootstrap-loader for granted because it works so smooth and my questions are nonsense to you? i think it would be great to add a short statement of purpose of this loader to the readme. thanks in advance for a reply :smile_cat:"
+4303899,"""https://github.com/planetxamarin/planetxamarin/issues/228""",proposal: remove map,i don't really think it is necessary and fills a lot of the screen. please vote!
+2989315,"""https://github.com/yquake2/xatrix/issues/10""",missing new monsters and maybe new equipments,"i suppose more test needed that all new contents are missing in the last version 2.05 . on the first map the enemy count is 0/14 instead of 0/38 in easy mode , the only 2 monsters present in the first part of the map are 2 grunt at the end. sorry for my english, i will do more test when possible. op: windows 7 64 bit tested on: gog edition and original cd-rom release 1998 edition"
+50834,"""https://github.com/githubschool/open-enrollment-classes-introduction-to-github/issues/2899""",add burnley to the map,"adding burnley to the map hi everyone! this issue is to track the addition of burnley to the map, which can be found at: - longitude: -2.242241 - latitude: 53.789404"
+4788286,"""https://github.com/Grandwent/-/issues/1""","наружная реклама, вывески, полиграфическая продукция","быстрое и эффективное продвижение продуктов – залог успеха любой компании. наружная реклама, вывески, полиграфическая продукция http://alexpress.info/ от рекламного агентства «алекспресс» в казани станут выгодным решением для вашего бизнеса. вы сможете изучить проектное портфолио на портале alexpress.info. квалифицированные консультанты ответят на все ваши вопросы."
+786650,"""https://github.com/RowennaRoelofsen/POC-eHealth/issues/5""",textarea id = text verticaal centreren,de tekst lijkt nu wel gecentreerd maar als je meer dan 1 regel typt is dit niet meer het geval.
+31,"""https://github.com/MatisiekPL/Czekolada/issues/1641""",issue 1639: issue 1637: issue 1634: issue 1633: issue 1630: issue 1629: issue 1626: issue 1625: issue 1622: issue 1621: issue 1618: issue 1616: issue 1615: issue 1612: issue 1611: issue 1608: issue 1607: issue 1604: issue 1603: issue 1600: issue 1599: issu,"gitlo = github x trello
+this board is now linked with https://github.com/matisiekpl/czekolada , any update on the issue tracker will be sync to this board. -------
+via trello, you can: --- __✍ create github issues__ - add a card in the corresponding column, an issue will be created in github ! add an issue http://i.imgur.com/yewicu8.gif ------- __✐ comment on github issues__ - just comment as you always do in a card ! comment on an issue http://i.imgur.com/jdnjscf.gif ------- __➦ close opened issues__ - move issue cards to close list - of course you can reopen them by dragging them out of close list ! close an issue http://i.imgur.com/opaazo8.gif ------- __✕ close pull requests__ - move pr cards to close list - important: you can not merge a pr via trello ! close pr http://i.imgur.com/nras2dg.gif __✚__ add any custom columns you need - the column will be sync to github as a label ------- default columns
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+2071021,"""https://github.com/haf/expecto/issues/201""",make fscheck tests use custom generators registered by arb.register.,"currently, using custom generators is a little hard."
+1494601,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/ws2016lab/issues/43""",cannot bind argument to parameter 'path' because it is null,"hi, i ran the create parent disk script and got this error message at the end."
+3169070,"""https://github.com/tgienger/Ultimate-Crosshair/issues/5""",ultimate crosshair isn't staying up when i click on a new window help!!!!!!!!!!!,ultimate crosshair goes behind a window if i click on it help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+4521952,"""https://github.com/keighrim/mae-annotation/issues/71""",annotation task cannot have one element,"i tried to load the following annotation task: xml this fails with the message mae-io-dtd-exception: dtd does not contain any definition, maybe not a dtd file? there is no problem if i add a single line: xml "
+2711999,"""https://github.com/jackaudio/jack1/issues/66""",please make a release,last release was in september 2016.
+653770,"""https://github.com/KenshiDRK/Addons/issues/2""",partybuff random icon sizes,"so how come half the icons are 10 and some are double that. i changed the settings from 10 to 20 and now some are randomly double those. usually shell protect and blink, but not limited to those."
+2380476,"""https://github.com/TypeStrong/typedoc/issues/501""",how to not generate source file links?,is there a setting to not have typedoc generate source file links ie. the defined in url_to_source _and_line_number ? i have no need for this feature and it results in very noisy commits whenever i run typedoc and put the output into /docs on master branch because blob urls for referenced sources changes every time
+3185436,"""https://github.com/contiv/netplugin/issues/705""","when constructing leader url for forwarding requests, netmaster should not use a hardcoded port",see discussion in: https://github.com/contiv/netplugin/issues/704 the ports are currently hardcoded in the following two spots: - https://github.com/contiv/netplugin/blob/c891b87f51f75c6c3cad0bde6bb92b0dab38b2fb/netmaster/daemon/utils.go l113 - https://github.com/contiv/netplugin/blob/c891b87f51f75c6c3cad0bde6bb92b0dab38b2fb/netmaster/daemon/daemon.go l109
+825590,"""https://github.com/Rosemeis/pcangsd/issues/1""",how to get the eigenvector and eigenvalue?,"hello, i apply pcangsd in genotype likelihoods in beagle format from angsd , and get the results with suffix include .cov .inbreed .indmafs.gz .mafs.gz .selection.gz. but i can not find the result of pc in each individual. i hope to draw a picture like this. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19344997/30916857-fcf6feea-a3cc-11e7-8c93-b4bd63ad963c.png in the .selection.gz file i see something like that, but each row is snp, not individual. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19344997/30916959-54384326-a3cd-11e7-8e13-a408d926d215.png how i can get a picture like the normal pca show? thank you!"
+2280129,"""https://github.com/eirslett/frontend-maven-plugin/issues/547""",webpack + eclipse m2e support,following your documentation the build is triggered by changing the package.json indeed it works . is it possible to trigger webpack also on changing any source file e.g. css or js file ?
+3250827,"""https://github.com/aws/chalice/issues/541""",chalice logs times out,"hi, when running either chalice --debug deploy or chalice --debug logs i receive this: bash chalice --debug logs 'communication error', error 110, 'connection timed out' any tips on debugging? is this an issue with my internet connection and how can i go about debugging this?"
+5260341,"""https://github.com/isteven/angular-multi-select/issues/542""",group-property does not work if input-model is generated via ajax,"region 1 is not actually being rendered as a group but like just an other row. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5746500/32733401-11bc84b0-c887-11e7-9e0a-8d4c124f01be.png
result.$promise.then function data { for item in data 'result' { d_item = data 'result' item ; try { if d_item 'msgroup' == 1 { d_item 'msgroup' = true; } else { d_item 'msgroup' = false; } } catch error { console.log 'error', d_item } } $scope.locations = data 'result' ; } ;"
+3918685,"""https://github.com/zurb/building-blocks/issues/246""",bug with cloning for contributing,hi - i'm trying to contribute a block so have followed the instructions in the video but even an unmodified copy fails to compile locally: git clone https://github.com/zurb/building-blocks.git cd building-blocks npm install && bower install npm run start fails at buildingblocksass : 22:36:45 starting 'buildingblocksass'... error in plugin 'sass' message: src\building-blocks\alert-callout-border\alert-callout-border.scss error: undefined variable: $medium-gray . on line 9 of src/building-blocks/alert-callout-border/alert-callout-border.scss >> border-left-color: $medium-gray; ---------------------^
+3648404,"""https://github.com/Miller189/RaiderPlanner/issues/4""",4. main branch issue 13 produce a single application executable,"text from sanchez: > the project build should produce a single executable jar, which can be wrapped in an appropriate shell wrapper for linux and unix or an .exe wrapper for windows . > have the build create a single executable jar which also contains all project runtime dependencies i.e., can be run with the shell command java -jar radierplanner.jar > have the build create a shell wrapper for the executable jar i.e., can be run with the shell command ./raiderplanner on linux and unix > have the build create an .exe wrapper for the executable jar i.e., can be run with the shell command raiderplanner.exe or by double-clicking on windows > related resources: >http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/ >http://jsmooth.sourceforge.net/ >http://makeself.io/ @aar118 is working on this issue for build.xml. once his solution is confirmed & merged, translate it to build.xml."
+1382140,"""https://github.com/Connexions/cnx-recipes/issues/139""",target= _blank does not seem to work anymore,this is added to some links i think external ones like simulations
+1044958,"""https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-java/issues/614""",fix direction bearing being placed in order added rather than the meaning of coordinate,"if i define a destination first and then an origin, the bearing values should be switched to continue representing the order."
+2289491,"""https://github.com/miguel-mx/simetrias2017/issues/7""",recomendaciones no solicitadas,validar que la recomendación haya sido solicitada correo electrónico válido
+5064903,"""https://github.com/mikini/oeffe-website2/issues/1""",separate texts used in emails from code,goal is to make it easier for non-dev admins to edit the texts. obvious way is to just store each type order/member mail for both staff and user in a separate template file and included it from mail.php. alternatively store in a database.
+5211330,"""https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/2073""",clicking on selected text does not deselect text - again,"when text is selected, often times clicking in blank areas around the selected text mostly to the right does not deselect the text. this happens not only in the editor, but also in the find/replace text entry areas. when an entire file is selected in the editor, it is sometimes impossible to deselect the text by clicking anywhere in the document other than by clicking below the selected text. i thought i had this fixed a year ago by making a change to a font size or something. i can't remember how it was fixed. steps to reproduce: 1. select text 2. click to the right of the selected text to deselect it, text does not deselect. environment: -windows 7 x64 monitor: -lg ultrawide on nvidia quadro k3000m -2560 x 1080 sublime text -sublime text 3 build 3154"
+2428537,"""https://github.com/mwiora/namebench/issues/12""",the default site for uploads seems offline,"hi. the subject mostly says it all. the site http://namebench.appspot.com/ that is listed when invoking namebench with the --help option gives a 404 message. perhaps the option should be retired or a substitute site should be found? thanks in advance for keeping namebench maintained, rogério brito."
+4833632,"""https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify/issues/39""",can't play 4k and 8k,h264ify is smoothly can play the low cpu so need the play the youtue to h264ify but h264ify can't play youtube 4k and 8k so surpport youtube 4k and 8k
+5279438,"""https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/issues/26906""",it is not possible to eject more than 1 sheet of plasteel from the orm,"server revision compiled on: 2017-05-04 the following pull requests are currently test merged: 23201: ' wip datum verbs and top menus!' by mrstonedone based off master commit: 6f429ba9c99ede22efb9d049a5ab450075cf000d 1 load metal and plasma ore. 2 attempt to vend more than 1 sheet of plasteel. 3 only one sheet comes out, only one sheet of materials are used."
+3244168,"""https://github.com/nkons/r2rml-parser/issues/23""",invalide .jar archive,"i trying to build it from source code using eclipse on windows 10. i have all the necessary dependencies installed. however, after importing an existing maven project i get the following error. description resource path location type the container 'maven dependencies' references non existing library 'c:\users\pradeep\.m2\repository\com\oracle\ojdbc6\\ojdbc6-' r2rml-parser build path build path problem for some reason, instead of having a .jar file at the specified location i have a .lastupdated ojdbc6- file over there. changing the extension to .jar throws another error saying invalid archive . screenshots. ! eclipseerror https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/25187880/23823177/d6fd4f52-0654-11e7-81d5-705b779dd40c.jpg ! files at the location https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/25187880/23823178/d75b8fcc-0654-11e7-96a5-eae74a8c5eb2.jpg i'll use the binaries in the meantime and thank you for making this useful tool."
+1788351,"""https://github.com/comprodls/libs-engine-mcq/issues/15""",feature answer option type select,this drop down is currently not enabled. please enable an update this issue.
+887352,"""https://github.com/opensim-org/opensim-core/issues/1926""",use less prominent color for deactivated muscles,david proposed the following color scheme for muscles: ! proposedmusclecolors https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4203505/30457860-10f922c0-9977-11e7-954d-b6a57209a5d0.png here's an example that was generated with an early version of the gui: ! example https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4203505/30457846-068d06e4-9977-11e7-9cef-e781f81d08fb.png any objections @jenhicks @aseth1 @aymanhab @chrisdembia?
+2857615,"""https://github.com/shagu/pfUI/issues/399""",numbers on the powerbar of target,"i want add numbers to the powerbar of target. mana, rage, etc thx."
+3760541,"""https://github.com/Alcampopiano/STATSLAB/issues/1""",latest banhoch push,"hello allen, andrew here, i was creating group figures with the latest pull of the pipeline, i noticed on march 14 you did a commit to do with the fwe benhoch option. in pbgroupfigtf_sample.m i think there are 4 a,b,axb,case0 instances where fwe is string compared but it is not found in the stats structure. let me know if this works for you. at the moment i just commented out the option and it is working. andrew"
+507021,"""https://github.com/ualbertalib/avalon/issues/110""",bibliographic import pull down triggers alert as if the import button were selected,"bibliographic import type pull down triggers alert as if the import button were selected on the resource description edit page, there is the bibliographic id field. clicking the import button triggers an alert about modifying data. this alert also shows up when clicking the pulldown menu to select the import type. expected behavior the alert should not show up when selecting the import type actual behavior the alert shows up when selecting the import type steps to reproduce the behavior 1. go to an item 1. select edit 1. select resource description 1. select the type pulldown under the bibliographic id field."
+129041,"""https://github.com/amethyst/amethyst/issues/162""",extend window functionality.,"currently, very little window functionality is exposed. functions like set_title , set_cursor , set_cursor_position and set_cursor_state would be very useful, plus information like whether the window has exclusive fullscreen or not. the following approaches have been brought up on gitter: 1. extend the current interface of gfxdevice 2. having the inputhandler a reference to window and integrate the cursor management 3. directly expose the window as resource 4. have a proxy window resource, which is checked by the engine loop and updates the backend window accordingly"
+3543425,"""https://github.com/HealthCatalyst/healthcareai-r/issues/452""",remove intestwindow from healthcare.ai examples,"the new deploy method does not train a model. therefore, it follows that any data passed to deploy should get a prediction. this is tied to issue 436, which will remove all training from deploy."
+2979805,"""https://github.com/hyww/simple-blog/issues/3""",navigation broken when less than 20 articles,navigation broken when less than 20 articles
+1685651,"""https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity/issues/252""",improve test helper timer,"idea: 'use strict'; // timer for tests specific to testrpc // s is the amount of seconds to advance // if account is provided, will send a transaction from that account to force testrpc to mine the block module.exports = s => { return new promise resolve, reject => { web3.currentprovider.sendasync { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'evm_increasetime', params: s , id: new date .gettime }, function err { if err { return reject err ; } web3.currentprovider.sendasync { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'evm_mine', id: new date .gettime }, err, result => { if err { return reject err ; } resolve result ; } ; } ; } ; };"
+4808190,"""https://github.com/uschmann/3dcalculator/issues/1""",we need cia pls,"hello, i love ur app but, i prefer it in cia, you please can convert it to cia? sorry for my english, i am not native xd"
+2017811,"""https://github.com/exercism/trackler/issues/28""",improve signature of track docs method to avoid confusion,"this is totally my bad... the track docs method has a confusing signature: https://github.com/exercism/trackler/blob/master/lib/trackler/track.rb l84-l86 def docs image_path = default_image_path openstruct.new docs_by_topic image_path end this means that when it's used it looks like this: track.docs /api/v1/tracks/%s/images/docs/img % id in order to make this more readable, i would suggest that we use a keyword argument called :image_path . we would want to make it backwards-compatible until we bump trackler another major version."
+4849804,"""https://github.com/juliandescottes/piskel/issues/635""",working with opacity?,"i love this app, it is really ideal for pixel art but i miss some semi-transparancy for when making water tiles etc., any support for this at all? it seems i can only make fully transparent or nontransparent pixels, nothing in between :c"
+4294885,"""https://github.com/roswell/roswell/issues/269""",members in roswell.,"i think it's better to maintain members who can commit all of roswell repository by how active they are. basically, people who commit more frequently than once a three month should be in the circle. i think a rule should be applied at the end of year. to give membership. who have will to contibute. if a member ask and accept to be a member. to take membership. who are not active at all more than half year. might keep them as collaborator. i'm thinking @fukamachi and @eudoxia0 don't need full access anymore."
+2724691,"""https://github.com/aroman/elementary-on-a-mac/issues/42""","works on macbookpro5,4","i just want to point out that elementaryos and the refind works on a mid-2009 core2duo macbook pro. in fact i am writing this using the machine. however, my os x is 10.10 yosemite . also, i think it's worth adding this https://www.reddit.com/r/elementaryos/comments/38e5aq/elementaryos_on_macbook_pro/crvsrt3/ copying color calibration settings to make your display in elementaryos looks as good as os x / macos because it helped my eyes a lot."
+3131827,"""https://github.com/openscope/openscope/issues/677""",add test that ensures all airport files in load list are valid json,"it would be great to have a test that tries to load all the airport jsons dictated by the load list, and then fail if any of them are not valid json data."
+1813021,"""https://github.com/neuropsychology/NeuroKit.py/issues/45""",how to find non-responders for eda?,"hi there, i have read that around 5% of the people are non-responders for eda. how can they be identified and removed from the experiment ? i'm thinking about looking at the number of peaks a person who has almost no peaks after a stimulus might be a non-responder ."
+786801,"""https://github.com/geordanr/xwing/issues/468""",title: royal guard with saber squadron,"hello guys, i just discover your website, this is awesome! i saw that something is not working properly. with the tie interceptor, we should be able to put the title: royal guard with the pilot saber squadron pilote because he is a 4. could you check it out? thanks!"
+986325,"""https://github.com/sarahholden/fundamentals/issues/171""",9 all of it - inconsistent use of semicolons following functions,"sometimes you have semicolons after function definitions - example - all of 9.1 except the screenshots. it looks like actually in general, the screenshots don't have semicolons but the text do. however there are exceptions - in the _9.5 cheat sheet_, under '_defining and calling javascript functions'_, no semicolon. the next section, under parameters, there is a semicolon after an identically declared function. and sometimes you have semicolons after function declarations and not function expressions, or vice versa.... tbh i have no idea whether there should or should not be semicolons after function declaration or function expressions well, i think i do but would rather someone that currently codes in js call it , but please find out and fix them so it's consistent."
+2430589,"""https://github.com/clemahieu/raiblocks/issues/111""",add text and descriptions to loading screen,add 'initializing' class which can pump information to the loading screen.
+3032279,"""https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/3118""",fresh install: vier theme isn't enabled by default,"on a fresh install of the develop branch 3 weeks ago, i saw that the vier theme isn't enabled by default although it is set as the default in the .htconfig file. not sure if it has any practical implication for anything but i was confused when i visited the admin -> themes page not to see the current theme enabled."
+4506026,"""https://github.com/anshooarora/extentx/issues/108""",project selection dropdown is cropped,"if project names are slightly longer, they are cropped. "
+843729,"""https://github.com/tbeu/Modelica/issues/1448""",default component name for class not is nor1,reported by xremond on 20 mar 2014 15:01 utc small typo in class modelica.blocks.mathboolean.not: the annotation for default component name is defaultcomponentname= nor1 =>the default name is nor1 instead of not1 ---- migrated-from: https://trac.modelica.org/modelica/ticket/1448
+523999,"""https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/7816""",create test user and setup keycloak-server at start of selenium tests execution on eclipse che multi user,"description we need have an ability to create test user of _eclipse che multi user_ and to setup _keycloak_ server automatically at the start of execution of selenium tests. now it is partly done by build script of ci job. and adding of _github identity provider_ into the _keycloak_ server should be realized separately. os and version: eclipse che multi user 5.x, 6.x."
+5282553,"""https://github.com/deepstreamIO/deepstream.io-client-js/issues/446""",listening for records does not trigger onstop for unsubscribing records,"using the following script: const deepstream = require 'deepstream.io-client-js' const { spy } = require 'sinon' const { expect } = require 'chai' const serveraddress = '' const onstopspy = spy const provider = deepstream serveraddress provider .login {} .then => { provider.record.listen '. ', match, response => { console.log 'start providing for', match response.accept response.onstop onstopspy } } .catch err => { console.log 'failed to log provider in', err } settimeout => { const client = deepstream serveraddress client .login { username: 'events-consumer' } .then => { const record = client.record.getrecord 'rss-record' record.subscribe update => { } settimeout => { record.unsubscribe settimeout => { let exceptioncaught = false try { expect onstopspy.callcount .to.equal 1 } catch e { exceptioncaught = true } finally { console.log 'assertion', exceptioncaught ? 'failed' : 'succeeded' process.exit exceptioncaught } }, 5000 }, 2000 } .catch err => { console.log 'failed to log client in', err } }, 1000 the response.onstop does not get called after unsubscribing from a record. ---- _you can find the script in: https://github.com/deepstreamio/test-scripts/commit/d970bbf716d59d713c66581be2197d92bf9ab877_"
+498667,"""https://github.com/bireme/my-vhl-alerts/issues/7""",criar mecanismo que identifique os documentos similares aos temas de interesse,"neste momento, simular a chamada do similardocs, considerando que o @heitorbarbieri desenvolverá a estrutura de documentos similares dos alertas somente em novembro."
+976647,"""https://github.com/XVimProject/XVim/issues/1071""","when i pressed make, it ruined my ycm settings. thanks a lot."," description write simple description here. if the title describes it well, just delete this. operation describe the operation you did. also include your text on which you operate if it is related to text editing. expected behaviour write here environments - xcode version - xvim branch and revision - keyboard language - input source language crash log if any paste the log here"
+2361377,"""https://github.com/almassapargali/LocationPicker/issues/39""",restrict the search for only schools,can i restrict the search for only schools? i need to search for schools only i am using swift4 and the latest xcode thank you
+450191,"""https://github.com/stripe/stripe-php/issues/362""",create subscriptions for shared users in stripe connect account,"hi, i need to create a subscription for shared customers on stripe connect. i have created a subscription in my platform account. is it necessary to attach customer and subscription to connected account? i need same customers to pay for different customers monthly. how can i achieve it? // create token for a connected account $token = \stripe\token::create array customer => cus_axeksd5avxmi02 , , array stripe_account => acct_1abmu0j7d0dezuvo ; echo $token; // create subscription and attach to customer and connect account $subscription = \stripe\subscription::create array customer => $token->id, plan => f118cd73f07a0620da3d48f1c28bfa05 , application_fee_percent => 10, , array stripe_account => acct_1abmu0j7d0dezuvo ; echo $subscription;"
+339660,"""https://github.com/davidar/lljvm/issues/12""",distinguish beetwen virtual and physical memory,"today memory class handle paging with multiple bytebuffer. you could use a single bytebuffer which itself could handle paging. the main benefit is to separate primitive and utility methods. background idea is porting zero-assembler openjdk into jnodes os. zero could be booted into a bytebuffer mapping physical memory to build a boot image. it just an idea, and that is a minor part, there're lot of work to be usefull... but if anyone is interesting and have some time..."
+466609,"""https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/issues/17888""",can we have better documentation for text filters in custom fields?,the current documentation https://docs.joomla.org/help37:components_fields_fields_edit doesn't exactly explain much... > use from plugin: use from the plugin. no: not. raw: raw. safe html: safe html. text: text. alpha numeric: alpha numeric. integer: integer. float: float. telephone: telephone. can we have a better documentation on how each of this selections differ from the others?
+1567222,"""https://github.com/dotnet/standard/issues/223""",issue while referencing a .net framework library in .net standard class library,"i have a .net standard 1.4 class library named standardlib i also have a .net framework 4.5.2 class library named frameworklib in standardlib i added reference to frameworklib. i got below error error cs0012 the type 'object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. you must add a reference to assembly 'mscorlib, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089'. standardlib c:\users\monu\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\standardlib\standardlib\class1.cs the below post in .net standard github page says we should add reference of non standard library via nuget. i am not finding a mscorlib nuget package. https://github.com/dotnet/standard/blob/master/docs/netstandard-20/readme.md assembly-unification any help here?"
+2311089,"""https://github.com/dedis/onet/issues/66""",load/save: make better error-msg,"now: if the entry doesn't exist in the map, it returns this entry doesn't exist wanted: return didn't find data for this service"
+4612748,"""https://github.com/dbs-leipzig/gradoop/issues/561""",add option to provide meta data to csv data dink,"the csvdatasink by default computes a new meta data file. as this is computational expensive, it should be possible to provide an existing metadata csv file."
+4795821,"""https://github.com/ria-portaal/comments/issues/2072""",kasutaja tagasiside lehel https://www.eesti.ee/ru/estonskaa-respublika/konstitucia-estonskoj-respubliki/xv-izmenenie-konstitucii/,"url: https://www.eesti.ee/ru/estonskaa-respublika/konstitucia-estonskoj-respubliki/xv-izmenenie-konstitucii/ brauser: mozilla/5.0 iphone; cpu iphone os 11_1_2 like mac os x applewebkit/604.3.5 khtml, like gecko version/11.0 mobile/15b202 safari/604.1 aeg: 7.12.2017 13:32:36"
+2726215,"""https://github.com/sinopsisfilm/sinopsis/issues/10482""",bidaai antv episode 303,"bidaai antv episode 303
+bidaai episode 303...
+by juragan sinopsis
+via juragan sinopsis http://ift.tt/2cza012
+september 25, 2017 at 01:06am"
+4196998,"""https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/1463""",install-chocolateyzippackage for zip file is stuck at 'extracting'," what you are seeing? when using install-chocolateyzippackage @packageargs , it's stuck at extracting file. it seems chocolatey can't determine the exit code of 7zip. cmd extracting c:\path\to\chocolatey ode-portable\9.2.0 ode-v9.2.0-win-x64.zip to c:\path\to\appdata\local ode-portable... 7zip found at 'c:\programdata\chocolatey\tools\7z.exe' executing command 'c:\programdata\chocolatey\tools\7z.exe' x -aoa -bd -bb1 -o c:\path\to\appdata\local ode-portable -y c:\path\to\appdata\local\temp\chocolatey ode-portable\9.2.0 ode-v9.2.0-win-x64.zip it works when executing directly the 7zip command what is expected? once files are extracted, it should continue the package installation. how did you get this to happen? steps to reproduce create a package using choco new pkg-name , and add a config to use install-chocolateyzippackage repo link: https://github.com/gitawego/work-note/blob/master/choco/node-portable/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1"
+4907692,"""https://github.com/aldryn/aldryn-faq/issues/183""",django >=1.10 compatibility,the package is currently not compatible with django >= 1.10 one issue django.conf.urls.patterns being removed . how do you feel about bumping a new version with a few changes?
+1668558,"""https://github.com/laughing7y/magicMeshRoom/issues/24""",unity scene transitions,damit lassen sich tutorials und wände separieren -> sind das jeweils eine neue scene
+1007305,"""https://github.com/ryankiros/neural-storyteller/issues/21""",http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~rkiros/neural_storyteller.zip link broken?,"hi , i try several times to download the neural_storyteller.zip file but it has no response, may i ask where else i could download the zip? thanks, it is a great project! best wishes, jack"
+1436012,"""https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture/issues/422""",todo‑mvvm‑databinding get nullpointerexception,in my code i change findorcreateviewmodel to below private statisticsviewmodel findorcreateviewmodel { return new viewmodle } then when i use viewpage+fragment,sometime i get a nullpointerexception abount viewmodel。
+1532657,"""https://github.com/Tribler/tribler/issues/3173""","changing anonymous hop counter, triggers a check of the whole file.",- i have tried with the latest pre-release version and i still can reproduce the issue. yes tribler version/branch+revision: tribler 7 operating system and version: windows 10 insider 17017 steps to reproduce the behavior: right click an entry with the library and select a different number of hops expected behavior: hop counter is changed and files are not checked. actual behavior: hop counter is changed and file is checked again. relevant log file output:
+3233574,"""https://github.com/kdpaul1989/prj-rev-bwfs-tea-cozy/issues/4""",double .main classes,"you have repeated this selector in your css, just put them together. also your set width is larger than your max-width which doesn't really make sense. https://github.com/kdpaul1989/prj-rev-bwfs-tea-cozy/blob/master/tea%20cozy/style.css l144-l147"
+535424,"""https://github.com/akellehe/fb_calendar/issues/57""",start ios app,put it in the same github repository
+3416319,"""https://github.com/voyages-sncf-technologies/hesperides-gui/issues/71""",random list of file in file preview,"when you are trying to preview your file throught the eye icon, you got the list of the files listed in the module, but theses files are displayed in a different order each time you want to get the preview. it seems that these files are loaded asynchronously, this could explain the random like order. as a first iteration of the fix, it would be nice to display them in the same order each time they are been requested"
+4812198,"""https://github.com/sindresorhus/figures/issues/22""",transpile to es5,"i think it would be better if we can have this package distributed with es5. otherwise, this would break lots of packages that doesn't support es6 new features like const . thanks"
+587931,"""https://github.com/WikiSpaxe/openv/issues/333""",kw protokoll möglich?,"subject: kw protokoll möglich? wiki-page: viess-data 2.0 from: helmut.lehmeyer date: mon, 16 jan 2017 17:38:32 ut message-id: <80472504-92645118$openv.wikispaces> hallo,
+ist es möglich über viess-data 2.0 bzw. vis-ion auch steuerungen mit kw protokoll anzusprechen?
+in meinem fall ' ' gibt es dazu evtl konfigurationsparameter in der vito_config.xml? leider habe ich kein ms visual studio um etwas zu kompilieren... danke im voraus.
+2243987,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/60746""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+54282,"""https://github.com/libretro/retroarch-assets/issues/179""",flattening the history,"this repository history has little of any utility, and is huge. my .git is 195mb. i intend to flatten it and force push. this will reduce the .git to 72mb after recloning or otherwise deleting the old version . for reference, retroarch itself has a .git of 167mb. in the unlikely event that the history is useful for anything, i've copied it to . any objections?"
+29429,"""https://github.com/Huangsir/huangsir.github.io/issues/11""",lock your procedure,"--- datetime: 2015-02-18 20:33:12 --- 在mysql里,我们使用存储过程,以保证在执行出错的时候,数据可以即时的回滚到上一个状态。 存储过程并不是线程安全的。假如存储过程调用频率比较频繁时,如果同一个存储过程在同一刻被意外的打码多次,就有可能出现问题。 比如说下面的过程 sql declare va int; select v1 into va from table1; update table2 set v2 = v2 + va; 如果同时执行两次,则可能出现第一个过程在select后,update之前,第二个过程也select完成了。这时再update就会出现数据异常。 解决这个问题,可以在过程中使用具有幂等性的方法。如依赖mysql的uniquekey,或者在存储过程中使用 update table2 set v2 = value2 这样的句式。 但是这样的过程比不是在任何一个环境下都能写出来的。所以,在无法实现具有幂等性的句式下,需要保证存储过程同一时间只能运行一次。这是我们需要对存储过程加锁。 加锁的方法: sql get_lock , 如 get_lock 'a_lock_name', 60 表示以 a_lock_name 这个名字做锁,期限是60秒。超过60秒锁自动释放。成果获得锁返回true,否则返回false。 解锁的方法: sql release_lock 如 do release_lock a_lock_name 表示显示的释放名字为 a_lock_name 的锁。 例: sql create procedure procedure_name top:begin if not get_lock lock_name , 60 then leave top; end if; body:begin -- your sql here commit; end body; do release_lock lock_name ; end top;"
+5035942,"""https://github.com/FForstbach/dog-lending/issues/36""",display show more results on new line,- only show 9 - then add button in line below
+625729,"""https://github.com/utPLSQL/utPLSQL/issues/476""",add 12.2 coverage reporter,"extend existing coverage to support two new fields:
+- branches_to_cover
+- branches_covered values should be null for coverage using dbms_profiler for coverage in 12.2 we need to convert block coverage into line/branches coverage to match generic test coverage data for sonar.
+https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/sonar/generic+test+data htlm coverage reproter should be updated to support yellow color for branches not covered in 100% for line. htlm coverage reproter should be updated to show covered/to_cover branches indicator in the report when there is more than 1 branch."
+2665360,"""https://github.com/HanSolo/digital5/issues/16""",what is it?,"using a fenix 5; can anyone tell me what the little circle with a line across the middle is looks like a no entry symbol that sits just above the sunset time? also - have done the darksky api thing, but don't know where it shows the weather..? thanks, dave"
+415668,"""https://github.com/vim-jp/vimdoc-ja/issues/240""",原文に terminal.txt へのリンクが存在しない,左側のメニューに terminal.txt のメニューが存在しません。 この部分は :help の doc-file-list を基に _layout/vimdoc.html に手で記述しています。 しかし doc-file-list に terminal.txt へのリンクがないために左側のメニューにもない状態です。 面白くないので 特定機能 special issues の最後にこっそり追加しておきます。 正式に対応・追加された暁には修正をしてください。
+3309218,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/8588""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+3539644,"""https://github.com/FraunhoferCESE/madcap/issues/219""",error casting int to long in sharedprefs update,"the problem occurs when users update from v1.0.2-alpha to v1.0.3-alpha. in version < 1.0.3, the pref_datacount was sometimes stored as an int. the read was changed to getlong in 1.0.3, which causes a class cast exception if there is already an integer stored in the preference location. this is a bug in https://github.com/fraunhofercese/madcap/tree/v1.0.3-alpha https://console.firebase.google.com/project/madcap-142815/monitoring/app/android:org.fraunhofer.cese.madcap/cluster/4f292a29?duration=2592000000 https://console.firebase.google.com/project/madcap-142815/monitoring/app/android:org.fraunhofer.cese.madcap/cluster/9f84173b?duration=2592000000"
+2876913,"""https://github.com/ta4j/ta4j/issues/19""",create new javadoc for next release,we have to create a new java doc and maintain it. the current is from eu.vanderhan link https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/archive/eu/verdelhan/ta4j/0.9/ta4j-0.9-javadoc.jar/!/index.html i would do so but i dont no how to start.
+914629,"""https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/4388""",docker-compose 1.9.0 compromised with linux.xor.ddos,"hi! i installed docker-compose 1.9.0 on three servers around december 25th 2016. now all three servers report linux.xor.ddos by chkrootkit. the list of files. md5sums, the output of chkrootkit is in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/us2b8uyg i couldn't attach a copy of the files, so i uploaded a tar.gz to a cloud-hoster: http://filebin.ca/3a9l1aivgblt/docker_possible_backdoor.tar.gz i really hope this is a false positive.. thanks, dominik"
+1902673,"""https://github.com/billstclair/elm-html-template/issues/1""",make tagtable and attributetable extensible,"you can use node:foo and attribute:foo to access any standard node or attribute, but it would be good to be able to make custom first-class tags and attributes. this requires primarily moving tagtable and attributetable into templatedicts, but the parsers currently use those tables for determining valid tag and attribute names. that would be hard to customize, since decoders have no args."
+4208267,"""https://github.com/Zimmi48/bugzilla-test-2/issues/1753""",not_found exception when tactic calls tactic specified as a parameter,"note: the issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github tool original bug id: bz 1753
+date: 2007-12-10 13:46:27 +0100
+from: sean <>
+reported version: 8.5
+cc: @ letouzey last updated: 2011-10-25 20:33:32 +0200 sean <> on 2007-12-10 13:46:27 +0100 start coqtop. input this: goal false.
+let t:=simpl in in intuition t . coqtop will give this error: anomaly: uncaught exception not_found. please report. in addition, i'm trying to define my own tactic that takes a tactic t and calls it e.g.: tactic extend testtactic
+| test tactic t -> let tact = snd t in t end with this implementation, if i execute this tactic: ltac rec := test rec. i also get anomaly: uncaught exception not_found. please report. . @ letouzey on 2011-10-25 20:33:32 +0200 the issue mentionned by this old bug report seems to work now,
+both in 8.3 and in trunk. ------------------------------------------------------------
+welcome to coq tapir:/home/letouzey/v8.3 coq < goal false.
+1 subgoal ============================ false unnamed_thm < let t:=simpl in in intuition t .
+1 subgoal ============================ false
+----------------------------------------------------------- same for the mentionned ml tactic, at least in 8.3. in trunk
+the code would have to be adapted to compile, but a mere tactic notation test tactic t := t. also works ok. pierre"
+3367090,"""https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/GPRS_SIM900/issues/16""",not able to read sms using code,it never goes further than this statement on the serial moniter. ! gsm https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/25280549/22182733/d32ea83c-e0d2-11e6-957d-45010ec5d3f8.png
+220140,"""https://github.com/hoburg/gpkit/issues/1138""",variable and varkey __eq__ disagree,"these should be symmetric: python in 1 : from gpkit import variable in 2 : w = variable w , 5, lbf , weight of 1 bag of sugar in 3 : w.key == w out 3 : true in 4 : w == w.key out 4 : false"
+3520604,"""https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/9852""",error in the first running of emacs spacemacs,"i'm new to emacs. i ran the emacs with spacemacs for the first time. have this error: ~ warning initialization : an error occurred while loading ‘c:/myprograms/emc2/emacshome/.emacs.d/init.el’: error: loading file c:/myprograms/emc2/emacshome/.emacs.d/elpa/adaptive-wrap-0.5.1/adaptive-wrap.elc failed to provide feature ‘adaptive-wrap’ to ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the cause of the error in your initialization file. start emacs with the ‘--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace. any idea? please help. thanks"
+3135445,"""https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/22394""",add file/line information to ccall wrong number of arguments warning,"julia julia> reload odbc warning: replacing module odbc warning: ccall: wrong number of arguments to c function in api warning: ccall: wrong number of arguments to c function in api with dozens of ccall s, this warning is pretty daunting."
+2286435,"""https://github.com/datacamp/courses-intro-to-python/issues/36""",inconsistent use of underscore,"chapter 2 introduces a variable areas_1 , but earlier, we had el1 and el2 without the underscore - pick one style and stick to it. separating words with underscores is slightly more readable for non-native speaks of a language than runningwordstogether, but consistency trumps both."
+1563564,"""https://github.com/magento/mtf/issues/82""",php fatal error: uncaught error: call to a member function hasdata on null in,using magento os : ubuntu 16.04 /var/www/magento/dev/tests/functional/tests/app/mage/adminhtml/test/testcase/createwebsiteentitytest.php:212 stack trace: 0 /var/www/magento/dev/tests/functional/vendor/magento/mtf/magento/mtf/testcase/functional.php 315 : mage\adminhtml\test\testcase\createwebsiteentitytest->teardown 1 /var/www/magento/dev/tests/functional/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/framework/testresult.php 686 : magento\mtf\testcase\functional->runbare 2 /var/www/magento/dev/tests/functional/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/framework/testcase.php 753 : phpunit_framework_testresult->run object mage\adminhtml\test\testcase\createwebsiteentitytest 3 /var/www/magento/dev/tests/functional/vendor/magento/mtf/magento/mtf/testcase/functional.php 202 : phpunit_framework_testcase->run object phpunit_framework_testresult 4 /var/www/magento/dev/tests/functional/vendor/magento/mtf/magento/mtf/testcase/injectable.php 201 : magento\mtf\testcase\functional->run object phpunit_framework_t in /var/www/magento/dev/tests/functional/tests/app/mage/adminhtml/test/testcase/createwebsiteentitytest.php on line 212
+957800,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/38614""",incorrect syntax highlighting with php inside html comment," - vscode version: 1.18.1 - os version: windows 10, 64bit steps to reproduce: 1. create php file 2. add some html code with php code inside it php
3. comment out the html section even github shows strange behaviour php ! phpinhtml https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22564520/32945933-447d165e-cb8d-11e7-8e90-2d3d4b0a8be0.png 4. observe that the html looks commented out, but the php inside the commented out tag still received syntax highlighting. confusing, since that php code won't run. expected to see the whole tag with the contained php as a comment. note that if the file is an html, the comments look as expected: ! phpinhtmlonhtml https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22564520/32945979-8584569e-cb8d-11e7-9af0-b662bda656c9.png reproduces without extensions: yes"
+4818812,"""https://github.com/NSI-IT/DIC-ICASTXPR/issues/28""",add viewer's group,"as a admin user, i would like to create a viewer's group so that i can add users to the list and send them invitations. acceptance criteria verify that user will enter group name. verify that there cannot be multiple groups with the same name. verify that group created will only be available for that organization only."
+3734030,"""https://github.com/OneSignal/OneSignal-Cordova-SDK/issues/159""",ios app crash,"how can i remove one signal object? in my app we have multiple users in same device. for each user, i called register notification. but when i logout , other user is logged, that time other user will got notification, but crashed when tapped on notification in ios 10.1 might it cause to two times registration."
+4697053,"""https://github.com/Open365/Open365/issues/54""",install open365/open365-office and open365/eyeos-appservice,"hello, i would like to install only open365/open365-office and open365/eyeos-appservice. how can i do it?"
+1463311,"""https://github.com/aurelia/framework/issues/693""","how to know if, and how, to create new aruelia modules",i'm working on my second pr and unlike the first one this spans over several modules aurelia/router and aurelia/browser-history and it might even warrant a new one: aurelia/storage. my question is how i go about to know whether to make a new module out of storage and if so how to create that new module. i'm going to be working with aurelia for a while and think i've got at least one more framework core functionality module that'd be useful so information on how to create and submit aurelia modules would be great.
+566202,"""https://github.com/CentOS/container-index/issues/197""",build script support,"we would like to start building our images https://github.com/container-images in your infrastructure. the issue is that it seems like it won't work because our github repositories contain source templates en example https://github.com/tomastomecek/tools/blob/5c571acc92a7e68be743809390c8caa450c96d86/dockerfile.template and before building container images, we need to render them first. for that, we have a tool called distgen https://github.com/devexp-db/distgen . after reading readme of this repo, i stumbled upon build script build-script which made me so happy and the feeling immediately vanished after reading currently unusable . how difficult would be to implement it?"
+4077769,"""https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/Tutorials-2/issues/197""",tutorial page without-meta.md issue. test green,tutorial issue found: https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/tutorials-2/blob/master/tutorials/2011/12/without-meta.md https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/tutorials-2/blob/master/tutorials/2011/12/without-meta.md is missing meta or contains invalid front matter. your tutorial was not created. affected server: test green
+5219918,"""https://github.com/Viber/sample-bot-isitup/issues/1""",message validation error when initialising sample project,"typeerror: not a buffer at typeerror native at new hmac crypto.js:87:16 at object.hmac crypto.js:85:12 at messagevalidator._calculatehmacfrommessage /home/nowuser/src/node_modules/baf6ab1b53f7d259fc108c0cb6439ccabf2a8d2e/lib/message/message-validator.js:17:16 at messagevalidator.validatemessage /home/nowuser/src/node_modules/baf6ab1b53f7d259fc108c0cb6439ccabf2a8d2e/lib/message/message-validator.js:11:30 at /home/nowuser/src/node_modules/baf6ab1b53f7d259fc108c0cb6439ccabf2a8d2e/lib/middleware.js:61:32 at layer.handle as handle_request /home/nowuser/src/node_modules/86421e6b6de89c8645b06441570eaa27d4883cb5/lib/router/layer.js:95:5 at trim_prefix /home/nowuser/src/node_modules/86421e6b6de89c8645b06441570eaa27d4883cb5/lib/router/index.js:312:13 at /home/nowuser/src/node_modules/86421e6b6de89c8645b06441570eaa27d4883cb5/lib/router/index.js:280:7 at function.process_params /home/nowuser/src/node_modules/86421e6b6de89c8645b06441570eaa27d4883cb5/lib/router/index.js:330:12 freshly cloned repo, with the only change being creating & putting my own api key into the .env file. running through now.sh as the readme instructs. above is in browser when visiting now.sh url; console output shows no errors: > deploying ~/repos/sample-bot-isitup > using node.js 5.11.1 requested: >=5 > ready! https://isitup-bot-wtaitilljq.now.sh copied to clipboard 3s > initializing… > deployment complete!"
+4918598,"""https://github.com/DxCx/plugin.video.9anime/issues/113""",how to install on libreelec,i've been wanting a raspberry pi3 and wanted to also use libreelec kodi but the way i install this addon with my firestick probably won't work downloader app
+2078622,"""https://github.com/Daniel-Mietchen/ideas/issues/538""",model the transition of the research ecosystem towards a more open one,"along several dimensions, e.g. - systemic effects - effects on individual - researchers - institutions - funders - projects - etc. - effects of different degrees of openness - effects of opening up different aspects of a set of research cycles"
+3998487,"""https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/issues/5377""",updating spyder under proxy environment,"my university runs python under the proxy environment. installing spyder through anaconda was easy. but, how to update spyder under proxy?"
+5107646,"""https://github.com/emender/documentation-conventions-tests/issues/1""",the names of the test should include spaces,"currently, the names of the tests do not include spaces: documentationconventions documentationguidelines please add the spaces where appropriate: documentation conventions documentation guidelines"
+4520173,"""https://github.com/directus/directus/issues/1912""",user field: replace id by related data,"version info - directus version and branch: 6.4.3 – 9bdadd639322fbc61d0e0f56fcb61647ded75d5d actual behavior an api request of a table with field 'user' responses only the user id for this field, regardless of the passed 'depth' parameter. expected behavior i would expect, that the related data for this user is responded. steps to reproduce 1. create table with field of type 'user' 2. call /directus/api/1.1/ table /rows 3. the user field contains only the user id, not the related data"
+5008363,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/7008""",videorecordfragment.java line 1277,in com.immomo.momo.moment.mvp.view.videorecordfragment.initmusicutils number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/598c6f89be077a4dcce369ee?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/598c6f89be077a4dcce369ee?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+3549416,"""https://github.com/ga-wdi-boston/capstone-project/issues/471""",having trouble hiding content in route template.,"so i have been trying to hide contest based on the current users role. i was able to do it in the component layer but not in the route layer. i'm wondering how or if it is possible to do this. function in auth service js isartist: ember.computed.equal 'credentials.role', 'artist' , isclient: ember.computed.equal 'credentials.role', 'client' , working component template and js file js {{ if isauthenticated}} {{ if isartist}} {{ link-to contests }}all contests{{/link-to}} {{else}} {{ link-to contests }}my contests{{/link-to}} {{ link-to 'contests.new'}}new contest{{/link-to}} {{/if}} {{/if}} import ember from 'ember'; export default ember.component.extend { auth: ember.inject.service , user: ember.computed.alias 'auth.credentials.email' , isauthenticated: ember.computed.alias 'auth.isauthenticated' , isartist: ember.computed.alias 'auth.isartist' , actions: { signout { this.sendaction 'signout' ; }, }, } ; broken route template and component import ember from 'ember'; {{outlet}} {{client-contests/info contest=model editcontest='editcontest'}} {{ if isartist}} {{ link-to 'contest.submission' model}}new submission{{/link-to}} {{/if}} {{ each model.submissions as |submission|}} {{client-contests/submission submission=submission}} {{/each}}
export default ember.route.extend { auth: ember.inject.service , isartist: ember.computed.alias 'auth.isartist' , } ; helps!"
+1315991,"""https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/issues/17643""",new renderer pipeline - roadmap status,"hi, cocos2d-x team! quite a long time ago, you guys announced a new renderer pipeline roadmap http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/cocos2d_v30_renderer_pipeline_roadmap . so far, i can see that the main structure is already functional for the cocos2dx version i'm working on v3.13 . however, some of the major features are still missing, like the full featured command keys: ! alt text logo logo : http://www.cocos2d-x.org/attachments/download/5084 rendercommand keys the current sorting by globalzorder works fine and already gives a nice performance improvement see code below . however, all other nodes that have globalzorder = 0 including all widget classes still use the old rendering optimization highly dependent on node hierarchy: c++ void renderqueue::sort { // don't sort _queue0, it already comes sorted std::sort std::begin _commands queue_group::transparent_3d , std::end _commands queue_group::transparent_3d , compare3dcommand ; std::sort std::begin _commands queue_group::globalz_neg , std::end _commands queue_group::globalz_neg , comparerendercommand ; std::sort std::begin _commands queue_group::globalz_pos , std::end _commands queue_group::globalz_pos , comparerendercommand ; } ! alt text nodes nodes : https://camo.githubusercontent.com/ed2f14db7ae31400107bd6f2831d0e570bfaa920/687474703a2f2f66696c65732e736c656d62636b652e6e65742f74656d702f436f636f73324452656e6465724f726465722e737667 old drawing order, hierarchy dependent i'd like to know how this roadmap is going, what you still plan to do and what have you discarded. thanks!"
+2178987,"""https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/2593""",private where modules,i think that it should be possible to make where modules private without making the definition that the where clause is attached to private.
+5243488,"""https://github.com/cyrus-and/chrome-remote-interface/issues/144""",runtime.evaluate { expression: 'document.getelementbiid a ' },var a = ... runtime.evaluate { expression: 'document.getelementbiid a ' } .then {} a is a variable how to do that?
+3187214,"""https://github.com/yetea/pastebin/issues/8""","add a new route, get // that syntax highlights the paste with id for language ","if is not a known language, do no highlighting. possibly validate with fromparam."
+3900675,"""https://github.com/TillF/WASA-SED/issues/18""",open input files with read-only,"allows access to already opened files, done for climo-files"
+796973,"""https://github.com/unicef-polymer/etools-profile-dropdown/issues/1""",remove profile-content negative margins,we need to remove profile-content negative margins and maybe add a mixin in case we want to apply some styles on the working project. on pmp this negative margin makes the layout too big. ! screenshot from 2017-06-14 15 39 49 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1955740/27133052-9375edc4-5119-11e7-9aa7-ad250022e21c.png
+3346596,"""https://github.com/enricocammarota/enricocammarota.github.io/issues/1""",update size of linkedin image,update size of linkedin image in footer
+3725766,"""https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-ui/issues/58""",create a rest proxy to the users openshift online? cluster so we can start to use build/run/pipelines ui components,"a pre-requisite of using the fabric8 run / build tabs is gonna be access to the openshift online cluster rather than the saas back end . so it'd be nice once the user has logged into the console to also sign into the users openshift online account and expose the rest api for openshift online. i guess one day we may support multiple clusters free tier, paid tier, on premise cluster maybe? so we may wanna leave an extra path in the rest urls for a cluster name which we could default to just being 'online' for now? so a rest call in the console would be something along these lines: /k8s/ /online/ /api/v1/namespaces/cheese/pods to access the pods in the cheese namespace in the online i.e. openshift online cluster. environments are then relative to a cluster name; so we could support then using mixed environments; e.g. oso, osd, oscp clusters in the same pipelines etc. the rest proxy is pretty easy really; the hard bit is the sso ; for now we could hard code all users as having a single cluster called 'online' which points to oso or maybe a preview cluster until its live . then over time we could support users being able to register their own clusters too osd etc - though there's even more complexity in the sso side there too but ultimately we should be able to get that to work if the right oauth is setup in oso / oscp clusters"
+2393324,"""https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/1378""",minikube host vm clock gets out of sync,"minikube version : v0.18.0 environment : - os : macos sierra 10.12.4 16e195 - vm driver : xhyve - iso version : v0.18.0 what happened : when i wake my laptop after sleep, the clock of the minikube vm lags behind. this causes problems with the registry credentials plugin, since aws rejects credentials requests with an invalid timestamp. what you expected to happen : the clock should sync after computer wakeup. how to reproduce it as minimally and precisely as possible : see above."
+1003362,"""https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/18847""",don't show object initialization can be simplified for expandoobject,version used : microsoft r visual c compiler version steps to reproduce : click lightbulb on new expandoobject cs dynamic d = new expandoobject ; d.date = datetime.now; expected behavior : ide 0017 not shown. actual behavior : results in code that doesn't compile: dynamic d = new expandoobject { date = datetime.now }; > error cs0117: 'expandoobject' does not contain a definition for 'date'
+3305568,"""https://github.com/serratus/quaggaJS/issues/238""",combine all ean barcodes...,"hi guys, i'm asking if is possible to combine all the ean codes together in search. basically, i'd like to scan ean_13, ean_8 at the same time. is this possible with quagga ? thank you."
+4227488,"""https://github.com/OpenLiveWriter/OpenLiveWriter/issues/614""",fix comexception in openlivewriter.spellchecker.winspellingchecker.checkword,"version: | openlivewriter stacktrace first of multiple openlivewriter.spellchecker.winspellingchecker;checkword;;
+openlivewriter.htmleditor.wordrangedamager;firedamageoccurred;; reason system.runtime.interopservices.comexception: the object invoked has disconnected from its clients. link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/249213/crash_reasons/119643153 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/249213/crash_reasons/119643153"
+2436524,"""https://github.com/mrdreka/hotciv-tdd/issues/1""",please make your repo private or delete it!,"your public repo will make 'borrowing code' possible, which is in my course considered exam cheating. please either delete your repository or make it private. - henrik bærbak"
+49513,"""https://github.com/stellardb/StellarDB/issues/94""",triggers not executed,all triggers defined on the main objecthub server are not triggered since four days. maybe related exception on server: mon jul 10 22:06:48 utc 2017 uncaught background exception: data could not be written to server. please reload page. last successful operation: performed commit. from class: class com.ononedb.nextweb.plugins.impl.commitcommon$1 com.ononedb.nextweb.jre.onedbnextwebenginejre$2$1.run onedbnextwebenginejre.java:164 mon jul 10 22:06:48 utc 2017 uncaught background exception: data could not be written to server. please reload page. last successful operation: start from class: class com.ononedb.nextweb.plugins.impl.commitcommon$1 mon jul 10 22:06:48 utc 2017 uncaught background exception: data could not be written to server. please reload page. last successful operation: start from class: class com.ononedb.nextweb.plugins.impl.commitcommon$1 com.ononedb.nextweb.jre.onedbnextwebenginejre$2$1.run onedbnextwebenginejre.java:164 com.ononedb.nextweb.jre.onedbnextwebenginejre$2$1.run onedbnextwebenginejre.java:164
+4214065,"""https://github.com/stripe/react-stripe-elements/issues/103""",chrome crashes when using paymentrequestbuttonelement browsing as guest,- using chrome on mac os 10.13 - browsing as a guest - browser crashes when calling the props.stripe.paymentrequest method for the paymentrequestbuttonelement element.
+1958471,"""https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/28332""",long model names break db:schema:load on postgres,"steps to reproduce 1. $ rails new issue_reproduction --database=postgresql 1. $ rails g scaffold myverylongexamplemodelnamebecauseithinkschemaloadbreakssometimes title:string body:text 1. $ rails db:create db:migrate 1. $ rails db:drop db:create db:schema:load example repo: https://github.com/skiningham/issue_reproduction single-file reproduction: https://gist.github.com/skiningham/fb6f380c75ca5a6c65909958f5f52a31 expected behavior $ rails db:schema:load should succeed without errors. actual behavior the command fails with: activerecord::statementinvalid: pg::undefinedtable: error: relation my_very_long_example_model_name_because_i_think_schema_l_id_seq does not exist : create table my_very_long_example_model_name_because_i_think_schema_load_bre id bigint default nextval 'my_very_long_example_model_name_because_i_think_schema_l_id_seq'::regclass not null primary key, title character varying, body text, created_at timestamp not null, updated_at timestamp not null system configuration rails version : 5.0.2, 5.1.0.beta1 ruby version : 2.2.3p173 postgres version : 9.5.4 additional information i can reproduce this error with activerecord 5.0.2 and 5.1.0.beta1. i did not try against master. i cannot reproduce this error against activerecord 4.2.8. apologies for the rough single-file reproduction; this error does not occur against sqlite so i made an attempt at adjusting the default template for postgres. $ rails db:structure:load succeeds in the example application when a structure.sql is dumped. $ rails db:drop db:create db:migrate succeeds in the example application."
+2897990,"""https://github.com/victor-o-silva/python-links-from-link-header/issues/2""",add a license file to the repository?,the setup.py https://github.com/victor-o-silva/python-links-from-link-header/blob/644f57b26fb858bc8a501e6eb3ecf25650ee4cb6/setup.py l17 implies mit.
+2740689,"""https://github.com/atatarchuk/FirstRepository/issues/85""",interdum platea eleifend,aenean commodo scelerisque ullamcorper donec pellentesque nec sodales ipsum ultricies justo fusce dignissim imperdiet pharetra venenatis dui feugiat risus magna habitant ligula ridiculus parturient suspendisse tempor tellus in urna mollis egestas ultrices cubilia vehicula fringilla platea placerat enim nisi
+4151588,"""https://github.com/binux/pyspider/issues/744""",is there some representative cases of using es and redis?,"if convenient, we can talk by qq 362412593 or email wangzhisdu@163.com . i will be very grateful to you."
+527207,"""https://github.com/ViktorKuryshev/CRM/issues/23""",procv-11 добавить смену рабочих панелей в зависимости от вкладки tree,"при клике по новой вкладке, отображается новая рабочая панель. если панели еще нет, она создается, и потом показывается, если есть то показывается, а предыдущая скрывается."
+1545428,"""https://github.com/medialab/artoo/issues/262""",new feature: savepost to post data to php page that will save in mysql,"a great new feature would be to create a savepost method that would iterate through a nicelist object and create a post to a php page to save the data into a mysql table. or post the entire array. i will start to look into what it will take, but i am not an expert in js. just a new feature that i could use. artoo is a great widget."
+1240570,"""https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/12988""",connection closed by remote host,"@stevekuznetsov you're gonna loooooove me for testing the infra 😉 here's another one, especially for you https://ci.openshift.redhat.com/jenkins/job/test_pull_requests_origin_check_future/232/consolefull: 12:21:25 running test/cmd/observe.sh:22: executing 'oc observe services --once --all-namespaces' expecting success and text 'default kubernetes'... 17:03:40 connection to closed by remote host. 17:03:40 build step 'execute shell' marked build as failure 17:03:40 postbuildscript - execution post build scripts. 17:03:40 workspace@4 $ /bin/bash /tmp/hudson4353713187509519942.sh 17:03:40 ~/jobs/test_pull_requests_origin_check_future/workspace@4 ~/jobs/test_pull_requests_origin_check_future/workspace@4"
+1302952,"""https://github.com/the-control-group/voyager/issues/1503""",img with x mb is reduced to y kb why?,- laravel version: 5.3 - voyager version: latest - php version: - database driver & version: description: its cool that voyager reduce the size of a img..but i need to load the full size image..what i need to do? steps to reproduce:
+2911589,"""https://github.com/eXpansionPluginPack/eXpansion2-prototype/issues/17""",create ingame chat notificaiton system,in order to have base color codes. base color codes needs to be extendable.
+1047948,"""https://github.com/arXivTimes/arXivTimes/issues/300""",from language to programs: bridging reinforcement learning and maximum marginal likelihood,"一言でいうと 自然言語を実行可能な論理式に変換する試み。「理解していないけど最終的な実行結果は合っている」タイプの変換を避けるのを課題としている。このために強化学習と周辺尤度最大化を複合した手法 randomer を提案。探索的にノイズを加えたビームサーチ・頻度に依存しない重みの付与の二点が肝 論文リンク https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.07926 著者/所属機関 kelvin guu, panupong pasupat, evan zheran liu, percy liang stanford university 概要 新規性・差分 手法 結果 コメント"
+2444982,"""https://github.com/cdaniel/atlas2/issues/185""",issues with the submap usage in the map list,incorrect plural form when there is only one map incorrect link targets does not refreshes when a map is created
+2235071,"""https://github.com/sdispater/orator/issues/144""",typo in docs for accessors,i ran into a small typo that had me scratching my head for some time: __appends__ is spelled __append__ in the example code at the bottom of https://orator-orm.com/docs/0.9/orm.html.
+4775271,"""https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/6385""",channel pins in environment.yaml files are not saved to package specs conda 4.4.0rc2,"channel pins specified in environment files are not respected. for example,run conda env create with this environment file: yaml name: channel-not-written-to-user-specs dependencies: - defaults::six if we look at conda-meta/six .json we can see that the channel pin has not been added to specs. where we should read requested_spec : defaults::six , we only find requested_spec : six . this is with conda 4.4.0rc2."
+4395423,"""https://github.com/NCI-Agency/anet/issues/3""",graphiql not working in ie11,issue was reproted fixed in newer graphiql releases
+4150479,"""https://github.com/zeromq/zeromq3-x/issues/125""",eventfd has increased permanently with zmq_socket_monitor,"hello. i meet a strange problem when i upgrade zeromq to 3.2.5 version. when i call zmq_socket_monitor , eventfd has increased permanently even if the socket connected to monitor is closed. so i downgrade it to 3.2.4, it is disappeared :-/ could you let me know how i can trace this problem little a bit?"
+4660728,"""https://github.com/janishar/ParaCamera/issues/14""",why the photo result not saving to phone my gallery ?,"hi , why the photo result not saving to phone my gallery ?"
+259983,"""https://github.com/less/less-meta/issues/23""",help requested for the less.js chatroom,"hi, can we get some experts to stop by on occassion, or turn on notifications for the gitter.im less.js chat room? https://gitter.im/less/less.js"
+756334,"""https://github.com/ingenieux/awseb-deployment-plugin/issues/53""",deploy using elasticbeanstalk plugin,"hi there , i would like inform you that i have an error when im using elastic beanstalk plugin for my jenkins below is the error message on jenkins and elastic beanstalk , im using test-${build_tag} for version label format , looks like the format is not correct ! screen shot 2017-01-17 at 6 29 23 pm https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7418412/22018730/ec907060-dce2-11e6-94dd-feb721f82e5f.png ! screen shot 2017-01-17 at 6 28 50 pm https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7418412/22018707/d551e5fa-dce2-11e6-9e6b-3ec90aa1c5f9.png"
+1775323,"""https://github.com/eugen0329/vim-esearch/issues/23""",didplay context of search result,"hi, thanks for building this awesome plugin! i'm using this plugin with git as the search adapter. i'm wondering is there any way to make it display the search context of the search result? when invoking git grep on command line, we can specify an option -c to show the adjacent lines of the matched keywords. is it possible to the same thing with the plugin? thanks!"
+2708790,"""https://github.com/dimakura/SSpec/issues/5""",exit with error codes,"when failed, we need to exit with some error codes. try how it works with cis."
+1987345,"""https://github.com/lprhodes/homebridge-broadlink-rm/issues/23""",broadlink sp mini wi-fi switch and broadlinkrm mini 3,"every time i tried to use learn toggle switch on my iphone, i would get following error. discovered broadlink rm device at 37:27:04:01:a8:c0 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-broadlink-rm/helpers/learndata.js:59 device.enterlearning ^ typeerror: device.enterlearning is not a function at object.start /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-broadlink-rm/helpers/learndata.js:59:10 at learniraccessory.togglelearning /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-broadlink-rm/accessories/learnir.js:19:17 at emitmany events.js:127:13 at emit events.js:201:7 at characteristic.setvalue /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/characteristic.js:155:10 at bridge. /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/accessory.js:740:22 at array.foreach native at bridge.accessory._handlesetcharacteristics /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/accessory.js:685:8 at emitmany events.js:127:13 at hapserver.emit events.js:201:7 i just noticed this plugin was picking up 2 of my broadlink sp mini wi-fi switch as well as broadlinkrm mini 3. the mac address for all 3 were incorrect but ip address was correct. for example: discovered broadlink rm device at 37:27:04:01:a8:c0 so, i turned off both of broadlink sp mini wi-fi switch, this plugin works. looks like i found the root cause of the above conflict. it might be helpful for others. let me know if you want me troubleshoot anything. i was also wondering, can you control broadlink sp mini wi-fi with your plugin?"
+2110718,"""https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell/issues/2879""",feature request: validate subcommand to accept a zipfile of imports to resolve against,"@delocalizer commented on tue feb 07 2017 https://github.com/broadinstitute/wdltool/issues/23 currently wdltool validate accepts only one argument — a single wdl workflow file. if that file contains import statements then validation fails unless the imports happen to live in the right place relative to the local directory where you're running the command. it'd be great if wdltool validate would do the same as cromwell, i.e. accept a zipfile of imports to resolve against, so that you can validate the files that you're actually going to submit to the server, e.g. wdltool validate myworkflow.wdl myimports.zip --- @geoffjentry commented on tue feb 07 2017 https://github.com/broadinstitute/wdltool/issues/23 issuecomment-278205682 this is a great idea. tagging @katevoss in case she doesn't yet watch this repo"
+1324270,"""https://github.com/dpressel/rude-carnie/issues/28""",exporting model using savedmodelbuilder,"firstly, great work. easy to use; i have been training the network myself on aws and have got impressive results. i am trying to put together a poc demo which will run the inference on a video stream. to achieve this, i am looking to use tensorflow serving. but to serve the model, we must first export it using savedmodelbuilder. so far i have this: https://gist.github.com/edge0701/dd0550cc46f83b7e0e0fd0c5b23fd392 i think the prediction signature is correct, but i know the classification signature isn't right. as i only want to do inference, i thought that i would only need the prediction signature, but i get an error: grpc.framework.interfaces.face.face.abortionerror: abortionerror code=statuscode.failed_precondition, details= default serving signature key not found. i get this error even with my incorrect classification signature export still runs fine . i'd really appreciate some help trying to export the model. i have been stuck on this for a number of days now. it would be good to add an export script to the repo to aid others wishing to serve up the model."
+4297384,"""https://github.com/zurb/tribute/issues/51""",trigger menu show ?,"hello friends, is there a way to trigger suggestions popup programmatically? i've tried js tribute.showmenufor $ '.editor' .get 0 , true ; but it doesn't work. currently i'm trying to show menu with dispatching keydown + keyup events, not sure if this will work."
+2663359,"""https://github.com/dimkanovikov/KITScenarist/issues/311""","при ответе на комент нужно показывать предыдущую историю переписки, чтобы не терять контекст",в той же цветовой гамме и с подписями
+4495879,"""https://github.com/PatchworkBoy/homebridge-edomoticz/issues/105""",smart meter edf teleinfo not handled,"is it possible to add edf teleinfo smart meter support ? json from /json.htm?type=devices : json { addjmulti : 1.0, addjmulti2 : 1.0, addjvalue : 0.0, addjvalue2 : 0.0, batterylevel : 255, counter : 102525.579 , counterdeliv : 0.000 , counterdelivtoday : 0.000 kwh , countertoday : 9.850 kwh , customimage : 0, data : 48811934;53713645;0;0;680;0 , description : , favorite : 1, hardwareid : 2, hardwarename : smart meter , hardwaretype : teleinfo edf , hardwaretypeval : 19, havetimeout : false, id : 1 , lastupdate : 2017-08-29 12:54:24 , name : edf , notifications : false , planid : 8 , planids : 8, 9 , protected : false, shownotifications : true, signallevel : - , subtype : energy , switchtypeval : 0, timers : false , type : p1 smart meter , typeimg : counter , unit : 1, usage : 680 watt , usagedeliv : 0 watt , used : 1, xoffset : 1647 , yoffset : 752 , idx : 1 }, thanks !"
+3149284,"""https://github.com/eggjs/egg/issues/690""",assertionerror: must set app.config.static.dir when static plugin enable,node version : 6.10.1 egg version : 1.0.0 plugin name : egg-static plugin version : 1.3.0 platform : ubuntu 不是有默认的路由吗?
+741995,"""https://github.com/the-blue-alliance/the-blue-alliance/issues/1774""",add back streaming platform support,"since there's bunch of people who are moving away from twitch to beam, maybe there's some streams of competition over at beam. here's the main site for the platform: https://beam.pro xbox one and xbox app will both soon have the broadcasting support to beam. so, it's nice to future-proof your site for such support."
+1506877,"""https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/9411""",gym complains framework not found but build in xcode succeeds,"first off, i love using fastlane! i hope i can sort this out as it's been smooth so far. new issue checklist - x updated fastlane to the latest version - x i have read the contribution guidelines https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/blob/master/contributing.md issue description builds fine in xcode, but gym complains about framework not found see output and env github limits to 65536 characters : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gj0fviguwbxrekpqbtu1kgjapqfmixe4tv5wcsmhwx4"
+4065362,"""https://github.com/pupil-labs/docuapi/issues/43""",manifest link in header pointing to wrong path,fix manifest link with the correct path
+3157446,"""https://github.com/IshentRas/cookbook-openshift3/issues/121""",chef-3694 warnings in recipes/etcd_cluster.rb and recipes/master_cluster.rb,"when bootstrapping a cluster, i get a lot of chef-3694 spam related to duplicated resources between recipe/etcd_cluster.rb and recipes/master_cluster.rb compare: - https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/etcd_cluster.rb l16-l24 vs https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/master_cluster.rb l30-l38 - https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/etcd_cluster.rb l26-l28 vs https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/master_cluster.rb l26-l28 - https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/etcd_cluster.rb l30-l34 vs https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/master_cluster.rb l40-l44 - https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/etcd_cluster.rb l36-l39 vs https://github.com/ishentras/cookbook-openshift3/blob/master/recipes/master_cluster.rb l40-l44 if you have time @ishentras can you do a pr? else i will look it up when i have some free time."
+4779662,"""https://github.com/pixelhumain/co2/issues/164""",question news => si je mentions sur mon mur avec scope privée visible de moi seulement,"1 - si je mentions sur mon mur avec scope privée visible de moi seulement , est ce que je mentionne vois la news ?? 2 - autre question, si une organization mentionne qqqun en privé cad pour ces membres only , ce quelqu'un qui n'est évidemment pas dans les membres de l'orga voit il la news? pour ces deux questions, il en va de même pour les notifs liées à ces news... désolé pour l'exemple j'ai craqué mais voilà le screenshot... ! capture d ecran de 2017-05-13 01-45-25 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6576514/26020431/6fef4166-377e-11e7-8510-8ae4bffb1b7c.png"
+4604174,"""https://github.com/iconnect/regex/issues/57""",any overlap between our named captures and pcre,"evan laforge expressed concern in the haskell cafe about worried about 'any deviation from standard pcre'. of course anyone can just decline to use the non-standard construct, so that leaves us with: a way of disabling the non-standard extensions to ensure they don't creep into a code base which seems a bit ott ; ensuring that they don't interfere with any pcre re notation. my understanding is that regex named captures will not interfere with any pcre extensions, but it would be nice to get a second opinion."
+4576612,"""https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/3149""",convert a classic block into multiple blocks,"let's leverage the pasting instructions we have for converting wordpress content into blocks, to add an action to the classic block that would transform a single legacy post into multiple blocks: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/548849/32002282-6a80ac6a-b99c-11e7-8701-771f7a62d64f.png"
+2381014,"""https://github.com/spacetelescope/nircam_calib/issues/36""",inputs for persistence reference files,need to get persistence maps from jarron to go into the initial delivery of persistence map reference files. also need to turn hard saturation maps into persistence saturation reference files.
+3018957,"""https://github.com/rstudio/dygraphs/issues/154""",synchronization does not work with flexdashboard,"i tried to use within a flexdashboard the synchronization, as explained here: http://rstudio.github.io/dygraphs/gallery-synchronization.html however, the result is that only the first chart is shown and the others do not appear at all. what should i do to show all the graphs in the same page, as in the synchronization tutotial ?"
+493198,"""https://github.com/kipcole9/money/issues/9""",question feature why not use two columns in ecto.migrations instead of one?,"hi @kipcole9, first of thanks for this module ❤️ i was just wondering why not use two columns instead of one in ecto.migrations in my use-case i use add :currency, :string add :amount, :integer and then i can use the db arithmetic functions and then i just have a function there formatting a money struct from the currency and amount."
+2978447,"""https://github.com/stwe/DatatablesBundle/issues/555""",idea - different approach to query callbacks,"hey, i feel like controller is not good place for adding conditions to query and i think it should be somehow defined in datatable class itself in similar way column builder is. this is just example how it could look. i hope we can do some brainstorming here to make it flexible enought. class postdatatable extends baseabstractdatatableview { public function builddatatable array $options = array { //.... $this->wherebuilder ->add 'post.status', array 'where_type' => 'like', 'parameter' => $options 'post.status' ; } } what do u think?"
+1660534,"""https://github.com/rick-wolf/ScrapeGame/issues/2""",bugs retrieving reviews,"doesn't capture all reviews. may be due to pagination, but random reviews get left off of games with <5 reviews too"
+1073270,"""https://github.com/CISSUSL/news-app-iOS/issues/8""",setup travis ci,setup travis ci and add tracis.yml file
+2151958,"""https://github.com/akintner/scoopful/issues/12""",create items index,create functionality required for item index page
+213560,"""https://github.com/acekyd/display-medium-posts/issues/4""",getting error on line - 104 and 114,when activating the plugin getting error on line 104 and 114 in display-medium-posts.php and most of the info not coming or broken. notice: undefined property: stdclass::$snippet in /users/veeren/documents/projects/podcast/website/wp-content/plugins/display-medium-posts/display-medium-posts.php on line 104 notice: undefined property: stdclass::$createdatrelative in /users/veeren/documents/projects/podcast/website/wp-content/plugins/display-medium-posts/display-medium-posts.php on line 114 screenshot attached : ! screen shot 2017-03-06 at 11 28 04 am https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/24691007/23598403/266447ce-0260-11e7-9fe1-d33436a46e5b.png
+4344401,"""https://github.com/Deletescape-Media/Lawnchair/issues/426""",scaling issue on low dpi,"so after updating to the latest 1.0.1025 i noticed that it switched my desktop grid to 6 rows 4 columns and made the dock 7 icons, it also increased the scaling on the icons to make them bigger but making the dock icons smaller while showing everything still at the default value, so i toyed around with my doing scaling and found that its caused when your dpi goes above 480 in the dev settings on o so it's a weird translation compared to build prop dpi . pixel xl odp4 on 500 dpi https://goo.gl/photos/3ympvua4hxg8qjes8 url"
+2663500,"""https://github.com/GothamElections2017/RandomThoughts/issues/1521""",peoples republic of china : financial sector assessment program- detailed assessment of observance of basel core principles for effective banking supervision https://t.co/zj6qyyig1i,"
+december 26, 2017 at 05:01pm
+via twitter"
+3489960,"""https://github.com/Andrioden/Robocodo/issues/281""",crashing robots scaling robot amount issue,"the problem now is that when you end up with a lot of robots that needs to enter the city to recharge energy, you are gonna get fucked because there is only 4 entry points. what will you do when you have 10 combat robots and 10 purger robots running around?"
+173317,"""https://github.com/mysql-net/MySqlConnector/issues/293""",add client connection attributes,"split from 288. when connecting to the server, specify protocolcapabilities.connectattributes and send some of the attributes documented here https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/performance-schema-connection-attribute-tables.html ; at a minimum _client_name = mysqlconnector and _client_version = current assembly version . if they can be determined quickly, consider also sending _os , _pid and _platform ."
+1791281,"""https://github.com/geigi/cozy/issues/30""",missing mutagen from runtime deps,"looks like there's a mission runtime dependency: com.github.geigi.cozy traceback most recent call last : file /usr/bin/com.github.geigi.cozy , line 28, in from cozy.ui import cozyui file /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cozy/ui.py , line 4, in from cozy.importer import file /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cozy/importer.py , line 2, in import mutagen modulenotfounderror: no module named 'mutagen'"
+4396891,"""https://github.com/graphcool/chromeless/issues/257""",listening to instance events,"with nightmare.js it is possible to add an event listener, for example: function onresponsedetails event, status, newurl, originalurl, httpresponsecode, requestmethod, referrer, headers, resourcetype { if httpresponsecode === 200 { if resourcetype === 'stylesheet' { stylesheets.push newurl ; } if resourcetype === 'image' { images.push newurl ;} } } nightmare.on 'did-get-response-details', onresponsedetails i think it's actually a electron feature https://electron.atom.io/docs/api/web-contents/ instance-events. anyway, i humbly request similar functionality to be added to chromeless. perhaps there is a way already? thank you for your time!"
+2536067,"""https://github.com/pimcore/pimcore/issues/1225""",exif orientation not properly respeced for asset images,"pimcore does not properly handle jpeg images that have certain orientation flags set in the exif data. the witdh and heigth returned by the asset image and thumbnail object can be switched. depending on how the image is displayed in the website this can lead to the images looking stretched. this screenshot shows correctly the landscape image but the width and height are those of a portrait image exif orientation 5 . ! exif orientation bug https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7881418/22403049/4a548164-e60c-11e6-8347-9264c1270ca1.png in our setup the scaled thumbnails show the correct orientation, so the thumbnail processor seems to properly respect the exif orientation. you can reproduce this using this sample from this repository: https://github.com/recurser/exif-orientation-examples"
+3672896,"""https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/19993""",cannot fight mistwhisper / oracle mobs when doing frenzyheart quests.," description: after having started doing the frenzyheart questlines in sholazar basin, e.g. the mist isn't listening http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12538/the-mist-isnt-listening , the oracles in the zone appear to be hostile but you cannot attack them and they do not attack you despite the reputation loss. expected behaviour: after having lost rep with the oracles by doing frenzyheart quests, the oracles should become hostile to you. branch es : 3.3.5 tc rev. hash/commit: e35092c6a164 tdb version: 335.62 operating system: server & client windows 10"
+1323593,"""https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/2837""",docker image has old version of bundler,this is a... - feature request - x bug report problem: when i run docker run -ti --rm -v $pwd :/k8sdocs -p 4000:4000 gcr.io/google-samples/k8sdocs:1.0 i get the following warning: warning: the running version of bundler 1.13.1 is older than the version that created the lockfile 1.13.6 . we suggest you upgrade to the latest version of bundler by running gem install bundler . proposed solution: 1. update the docker image regularly. 2. make the docker image the official way to do builds so that everyone gets the same result. 3. move the docker image to a registry/repo where community members have access and can help maintain/push new images. hosting this on gcr.io/google-samples is not appropriate for a non-google project.
+4990034,"""https://github.com/SnapKit/SnapKit/issues/480""",how do we make constraints equal?,"new issue checklist x i have looked at the documentation http://snapkit.io/docs x i have read the f.a.q. http://snapkit.io/faq x i have filled out this issue template. issue info info | value | -------------------------|-------------------------------------| platform | ios platform version | 11.0 snapkit version | 4.0.0 integration method | cocoapod issue description how do we make constraints equal to another constraint? i tried make.height.equalto make.width , but that had a compiler error. right now i am using make.height.equalto view.snp.width . but i rather reference self or something similar. i noticed that snp has a private reference to the view, can that be made public?"
+482858,"""https://github.com/inolen/redream/issues/212""",shikigami no shiro ii japan - only black screen after sega licence logo,shikigami no shiro ii japan - only black screen after sega licence logo i used real bios and japan region in redream config.
+2838621,"""https://github.com/Danielhiversen/flux_led/issues/45""",add output channel remap ability,"there seems to be some discrepancies between different led strip manufacturers on what color wires mean what. to minimize confusing wiring or electrical work, support the ability to remap output channels per-device. once the mapping is determined for the device, interacting with the flux_led api should be able to cause colors to change correctly ie, setting the red channel value in the api causes the red led's to turn on on the strip ."
+4921606,"""https://github.com/republic-of-almost/mono/issues/39""",private headers for premake,we need include dirs that do not get propagated via the dependencies.
+2259040,"""https://github.com/Xephi/AuthMeReloaded/issues/1097""",changepass command is broken,"on latest authme 5.2 release when user try to change pass with /changepass oldpass newpass, it keep to saying that password is wrong. was working in the old release... 5.2 dev no errors, using 1.8.8 version"
+19951,"""https://github.com/kevinmmartins/MyQuarium/issues/7""",artigo - myquarium,criação do artigo do projeto para disponibilizar na wiki
+2108850,"""https://github.com/w3c/publ-loc/issues/4""",the use case of wp requires a small extension of the wa model: source for selectors.,there seems to be a need to _extend_ albeit slightly the wa model insofar as the source relationship could also be specified for a selector. this is made important due to the duality of an address of a wp vs. and address of a constituent resource.
+3926916,"""https://github.com/debian17/MarvelApp/issues/3""",spalshscreenactivity.java line 33,in com.example.citilin.testapp.ui.spalshscreenactivity.loguser number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/null1111111113/android/apps/com.example.citilin.testapp/issues/59a683e6be077a4dccd320a4?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/null1111111113/android/apps/com.example.citilin.testapp/issues/59a683e6be077a4dccd320a4?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+4634698,"""https://github.com/NuGet/NuGetGallery/issues/3628""",nuget.server adds extra spaces are tags in v2 feed,"this is low priority. suppose you have these tags in your .nuspec: xml some tags for k.np.b the tags that get returned by nuget.server are: xml some tags for k.np.b vsts, nugetgallery and vsts all return: xml some tags for k.np.b notice the space added at the beginning and end of the string."
+610774,"""https://github.com/semsol/arc2/issues/88""",problem with insert data,"hi i'm trying to insert data into my rdf database using arc2. this is my code: $end, ; / instantiation / $store = arc2::getremotestore $config ; $q = prefix vc: prefix rdfs: select ?nome_rule count ?nome_violazione as ?conto where { ?nome_violazione vc:hasviolationuser vc:fb220550 . ?nome_violazione vc:hasviolationrule ?nome_rule . } group by ?nome_rule ; $q2 = prefix vc: prefix rdfs: prefix rdf: prefix owl: insert data { vc:animallipid_6666662 vc:amountnutrient 6666.66 . vc:animallipid_6666662 vc:unit \ g\ . vc:animallipid_6666662 rdf:type vc:animallipid . vc:animallipid_6666662 rdf:type owl:namedindividual . } ; $rows = $store->query $q2 ; print_r $rows ; ?> the first query, which is a select query, works like a charm. the second one, which is an insert data, is not working at all. my server is graphdb. how can i make it work? where i'm wrong? thanks in advance."
+5219069,"""https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/issues/2890""",homekit binding - automation limited over the homekit app,i just recognized that i have only 1 option of automation over the homekit app. i have an apple tv 4 too at home. is the homekit binding or the apple tv 4 the reason? ! img_0758 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8831145/33256924-7eac797c-d354-11e7-874a-9546ed5086a8.jpg
+3926351,"""https://github.com/ClockSelect/myevic/issues/288""",rx 2/3 cant upload logo not 64x48," box model: coil setup:"
+4244976,"""https://github.com/vatlab/SoS/issues/778""",%from magic import class / function definitions from other sos scripts or sos notebooks,"sos is a great book-keeping tool, but i still find myself relying on utility scripts for pure python code imported in sos as from .utils import ... . is it reasonable request to import from other sos scripts functions and classes defined, as is? i can immediately see myself using a utils.ipynb to keep all my utility functions, nicely separated into sections, subsection, etc, documented with markdown cells here and there, tested with scratch pad and %preview, rendered to nice html for review, and above all be able to load to all other sos scripts and notebooks. currently we have %from utils include some_step and hopefully we can also have %from utils import some_functions, some_classes"
+2650731,"""https://github.com/twhite96/checkyoself/issues/85""",checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself added a little thing to the footer,"checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself added a little thing to the footer
+by twhite96
+assigned to checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself added a little thing to the footer by twhite96 assigned to checkyoself checkyoself checkyoself added a little thing to the footer by twhite96 assigned to checkyoself checkyoself added a little thing to the footer by twhite96 assigned to checkyoself added a little thing to the footer by twhite96 assigned to labeled: july 9, 2017 at 08:14pm via github https://github.com/twhite96/checkyoself/pull/17 labeled: october 2, 2017 at 03:23pm via github https://github.com/twhite96/checkyoself/issues/49 labeled: october 2, 2017 at 04:25pm via github https://github.com/twhite96/checkyoself/issues/60 labeled: october 2, 2017 at 06:25pm via github https://github.com/twhite96/checkyoself/issues/71 labeled:
+october 2, 2017 at 08:25pm
+via github https://github.com/twhite96/checkyoself/issues/74 ┆attachments: 7698292 "
+5214212,"""https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/issues/1378""",passing data from function invocation filter to function,i am trying to validate jwt token inside function filter and pass claims as claimsprincipal to function. is this possible ? not sure if executingcontext.properties has anything to do with it.
+3671620,"""https://github.com/EmulatorNexus/VeniceUnleashed/issues/243""",soldier:setposition vec3 resets the vertical rotation of the camera.,"the horizontal rotation is kept, but the vertical rotation gets reset."
+2907976,"""https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial/issues/1062""",unused ores not being hidden/disabled,gregtech still creates force and fire stone ore in addition to a variety of others such as ignis ore despite the config being set to true: b:hideunusedores=true
+243086,"""https://github.com/iptomar/projectary-frontend/issues/56""",use a config file for the api address,"i assume that ip that appears everywhere is for the api, that's good and all but you shouldn't be putting it on the code itself but on a global configuration file."
+5286845,"""https://github.com/marian-nmt/marian-dev/issues/145""",add option to marian decoder to generate alignment and attention matrices,add option to marian decoder to generate alignment and attention matrices. should follow the format in amun.
+391217,"""https://github.com/plumi/plumi.app/issues/891""",merge engage branch of atvideo into trunk and release,reported by and on 4 jul 2007 15:28 utc apart from andy and axxs hardly anyone is actively contributing to developing atvideo. nate has given em ownership of the atvideo product page as he has moved onto developing p4a video on zope3 and is happy for us to take it over. merge the engage branch into trunk and release.
+1256311,"""https://github.com/snood1205/issues/issues/11608""",it's november 29 2017 at 10:15am!,"it's november 29, 2017 at 10:15am! @snood1205"
+2461908,"""https://github.com/fog/fog-vsphere/issues/113""",datastores : get datastore in maintenance mode,"hi, i try to check datastores who are in maintenance mode , but no field in datastore is present. i've add it in list_datastores ruby def datastore_attributes datastore, datacenter { :id => managed_obj_id datastore , :name => datastore.name, :accessible => datastore.summary.accessible, :type => datastore.summary.type, :freespace => datastore.summary.freespace, :capacity => datastore.summary.capacity, :uncommitted => datastore.summary.uncommitted, :datacenter => datacenter, :maintenance_mode => datastore.summary.maintenancemode, } end i don't know if it's the best way for implement it ? michael"
+3705089,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/21782""","fix crash in - wbbutton drawinrect:withcontext:asynchronously:userinfo: , line 888","version: 7.1.0 3117 | com.sina.weibo stacktrace wbbutton;drawinrect:withcontext:asynchronously:userinfo:;wbbutton.m;888
+wbasyncdrawingview;displaylayer:;wbasyncdrawingview.m;468 reason objc_msgsend selector name: _cftypeid link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/159635064 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/159635064"
+4753306,"""https://github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-support/issues/3222""",close a postman window will close all other postman window on desktop app,"app details: postman for windows version 5.0.0 win32 6.3.9600 / x64 issue report: 1. not sure. i always used the chrome app, just changed to desktop app for about a month 2. hit close on a postman window only close that window, not all postman windows 3. none 4. none step to reproduce: 1. open postman desktop app 2. open a new postman window ctrl n 3. hit close on either window 4. both window close same with 3 or many windows. only happen with desktop app, the chrome app works fine"
+364418,"""https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_android_guides/issues/26""",blank pages when viewing guide on developer portal,the following sections of the android guide/pages in the android guide pdf in the developer portal are either completely blank or have a large blank space that should be removed: - addcommand - parameter list page 31 - deletecommand - parameter list page 35 - addsubmenu - parameter list pages 37 - 38 - deletesubmenu - parameter list page 42 - alert - parameter list pages 45 - 46 - createinteractionchoiceset - hmi status requirements pages 54 - 55 - deleteinteractionchoiceset - hmi status requirements page 57 - registerappinterface - hmi status requirements pages 61 - 64 - unregisterappinterface - hmi status requirements pages 75 - 79 - setglobalproperties - hmi status requirements page 93 - setmediaclocktimer - hmi status requirements pages 99 - 100 - show - hmi status requirements pages 105 - 106 - performinteraction - hmi status requirements pages 122 - 124 - performaudiopassthru - hmi status requirements pages 133 - 134 - subscribevehicledata - hmi status requirements pages 139 - 140 - unsubscribevehicledata - hmi status requirements pages 146 - 147 - getvehicledata - hmi status requirements pages 153 - 156 - readdid - hmi status requirements page 161 - scrollablemessage - hmi status requirements page 166 - changeregistration - hmi status requirements pages 170 - 171 - genericresponse - putfile pages 174 - 175 - deletefile - hmi status requirements page 180 - setdisplaylayout - page 184 steps to reproduce: 1. go to https://smartdevicelink.com/en/guides/ 2. click on 3 android guides or 1. go to https://smartdevicelink.com/resources/pdfs/ 2. click on android guides expected: these pages should not be blank or have such large blank spaces.
+4419880,"""https://github.com/AlayshChen/sonoff-server/issues/1""",how can i get appid and apikey,how can i get appid and apikey
+922283,"""https://github.com/nie-ine/raeber-website/issues/66""",error messaging in suche on selecting convolute types," i'm submitting a ... check one with x x bug report => search github for a similar issue or pr before submitting feature request support request => please do not submit support request here, instead see use gitter https://gitter.im/mgechev/angular2-seed or stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/angular2 current behavior after a word search in the component suche, selecting a convolut type triggers a message: suche.component.html:17 error typeerror: cannot read property 'value' of null at suchecomponent.updatesuchmaskekonvolutirimapping suche.component.ts:542 at suchecomponent.handlesearchevent suche.component.ts:226 it seems that selecting notizbücher does not sort out typescripts usually the ones in full caps in the title expected behavior no error message. fewer poems on selecting convolutes. minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions navigate to suche search trümmer click konvolute click notizbücher look at console"
+3137374,"""https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KaptainsLog/issues/11""",narrow button remains visible in narrow mode of the log entry window,"on the log entry window, when in narrow mode, the narrow button remains visible. this isn't true of the other two size buttons which disappear when that mode is active."
+698299,"""https://github.com/elmasse/nextein/issues/2""",get category from dir structure,"hi, awesome project! how about this: instead of defining the category in each post, we could define it with the dir structure like this: ├───posts │ ├───cat-1 │ │ └───post-cat-1.md │ ├───cat-2 │ │ └───sub-cat-2 │ │ └───post-sub-cat-2.md │ └───post-cat-2.md the posts would be available via: /cat-1/post-cat-1 /cat-2/post-cat-2 /cat-2/sub-cat/post-sub-cat-2"
+2445588,"""https://github.com/dev-papaya/ideas/issues/5""","mini sistema de venta, bodega y facturación","crear una pequeño sistema el cual administrara el inventario de producto, la venta de esto como un pequeño y ecommerce y poder hacer facturación."
+751331,"""https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/hxcpp/issues/663""",stderr points to stdout. regression,"haxe 3.4 sys,stderr points to stdout https://github.com/haxefoundation/hxcpp/blob/master/src/hx/libs/std/file.cpp l396 in haxe 3.2 stderr works correctly this is really a blocking bug because in many cases stderr and stdout treated differently console commands pipe-lining and many other stdio based apis"
+4518257,"""https://github.com/geosolutions-it/decat_geonode/issues/306""",schedule automatic backups for geonode,script periodic backups of geonode using geonode's backup / restore functionality
+3191097,"""https://github.com/mautic/mautic/issues/3902""",bug report: for processfetchemailcommand.php - plugin injected criteria is not being considered in execution!,context: /app/bundles/emailbundle/command/processfetchemailcommand.php at line 106 only unread messages are considered for execution: 106: $mailids = $imaphelper->fetchunread ; imho - in order to execute criteria that is injected by an emailsubscriber the code needs to changed to: 106: $mailids = $imaphelper->searchmailbox $criteria ; this makes sure that all criterias that are injected by specific emailsubscriber methods are executed. all unread can thus been defined as default criteria.
+2719885,"""https://github.com/loiste-interactive/infra-issues/issues/1057""",isle1: stuck in bushes,"http://steamcommunity.com/app/251110/discussions/1/1520386297703834530/ > after leaving the plant in start of part 3, there is a harbour building where you can climb some stairs to get to the secound floor. there is a box in front of an broken/missing window. > > when you jump down you will land in some bushes, a tree and a wooden box. i was not able to leave that bushes. i had to reload."
+3758891,"""https://github.com/loldlm1/AppDelivery/issues/5""",diseño de contacto,"éste se corresponde de dos partes y dejo a tu criterio cual sería la mejor manera de trabajarlo: propuesta 1: que el formulario de contacto vaya incluido por defecto en una sección de todas las páginas. propuesta 2: que haya una página de contacto aparte de las demás. en cualquiera de los dos casos, aparte de ese diseño, se debe hacer uno del live chat, ya que se ofrecerán las dos modalidades, asíncrona y live."
+2993529,"""https://github.com/yortus/require-self/issues/9""",about prepublish script and changing behaviour,"hi, as explained in npm doc https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scripts prepublish-and-prepare , prepublish script will soon change a little. having this in mind, i wonder if you should change the readme file to add require-self to postinstall or prepare hook instead of prepublish ? i think the most common use would be postinstall, what do you feel about that ?"
+5249210,"""https://github.com/mfontanini/libtins/issues/227""",update documentation/examples on following partial tcp streams,"the documentation in the website is outdated, so it should be regenerated. but besides that, there's no documentation on how to enable recovery mode when following tcp streams. there should be some example that uses this, as well as a more descriptive mention of stream::enable_recovery_mode in the documentation."
+2174012,"""https://github.com/zendesk/zendesk_api_client_php/issues/348""",can't find user by id,"hello, i'm trying to get the name of the author for comments. using the sdk i can't find a way to simply load user information based on id as in the show user endpoint from the api /api/v2/users/{id}.json i've tried searching with id:author_id but that returns nothing. is there something obvious i'm missing?"
+4951909,"""https://github.com/Kjonge/PowerBIStravaConnector/issues/2""",could you please add a license,"hello kasper, could you please add a license to your code? we will probably get inspiration on your code for a bridge to pryv. best regards, perki"
+3954049,"""https://github.com/mibexsoftware/bamboo-plan-dsl-plugin/issues/54""",artifact download task creation fail,"i'm making a plan which has 3 tasks 2 artifacts download and 1 script . it's something like: artifactdownload { description 'get artifact' artifact 'base' { destinationpath 'infrastructure' sourceplankey 'ici-tb' } } artifactdownload { description 'get artifact 2' artifact 'ami' { destinationpath 'infrastructure' sourceplankey 'ici-bba' } } script { description 'validate' inline { interpreter scriptinterpreter.run_as_executable workingsubdirectory 'infrastructure/bundles' scriptbody '''set -eo pipefail some function call'''.stripmargin } } i'm sure both the shared artifacts exist. but when i run the plugin i get this output: log.txt https://github.com/mibexsoftware/bamboo-plan-dsl-plugin/files/1189911/log.txt i found that removing the script task makes the plugin runs correctly. seems like there's an interference between the functions. i hope you can solve this soon, i really need it."
+842499,"""https://github.com/davidgiven/ack/issues/54""",basic: _mid can return uninitialized pointer,"hi, cppcheck found this in function _mid lang/basic/lib/string.c:161 : error uninitialized variable: s2 imo it is better to return s or call error than to return an uninitialized pointer."
+3391369,"""https://github.com/pulibrary/plum/issues/1283""",one-step workflow for lae folders,"folders should only have one step: make public, or something similar. complete ? . however, all this does is make the metadata record public. the images should be hidden until a second qa process happens. how do we want to do that?"
+317539,"""https://github.com/ryran/ravshello/issues/173""",update login to support new identity domains,"the python sdk from ravello already supports this: > > login username=none, password=none, identity_domain=none > > login to the api. > > this method performs a login to the api, and store the resulting authentication cookie in memory. > > it is not mandatory to call this method. if this method is not called, the client will automatically login when required. > > when the organization of the user has an identity domain, the user must specify it or include it in the username: /. when the organization doesnt have an identity domain use only the username. right now, it's still possible to authenticate with username and passwd only, but identity domain will soon be required. probably want to accept identity domain in all the same ways as username/password ie argument, config, prompt ."
+1256415,"""https://github.com/ftn-ai-lab/sc-2017-e2/issues/5""",klasifikacija belih krvnih zrnaca,"ko su članovi tima? > kristina papić ra1-2014 i siniša božić ra192-2014 , grupa 4 problem koji se rešava? > rešavaće se klasifikacija belih krvnih zrnaca na neutrofilne, limfocite, eozionofilne i monocite. prvo se identifikuju leukociti iz dataset-a sa slikama, a zatim se obučava neuronska mreža za klasifikaciju leukocita u prethodne navedene grupe. koji će algoritmi biti korišteni? > konvoluciona neuronska mreža metrika za poređenje performansi algoritama > na osnovu broja tačno prepoznatih i klasifikovanih leukocita. podaci koji se koriste? > podaci tj. slike su preuzete na web-u i ne moraju se obrađivati. validacija rešenja? >validacija će biti izvršena pomoću dataset-a koji je odvojen za testiranje neuronske mreže. preciznost će biti iskazana u procentima, tj. koliko je tačnih test slika u odnosu na ceo skup test slika. repozitorijum: https://github.com/sinisa95/white-blood-cell-classification asistent: @stefanandjelic"
+2712589,"""https://github.com/MoePlayer/hexo-tag-aplayer/issues/20""",release v2.0.6 on npm,i need pjax support in my blog. 😂
+3293965,"""https://github.com/goldfire/howler.js/issues/845""",content type for streaming,"hello, does it stream audio for all content types or do we need to have a specific type? during my research i found resources suggesting to use audio/mpeg content type for streaming audio. is that a requirement for howler? currently our content-type is application/octet-stream. it seems to be streaming most of the times but sometimes it shows a spinner and it takes some time to start playing which makes us think it's downloading the whole content before it starts playing. thanks in advance."
+3567533,"""https://github.com/alarmsone/PRE-IDC/issues/761""",merge commit created for pull request 5 added s...,display name myfirstproject entity name myfirstproject application microsoft_vsts category git.pullrequest.merged message merge commit created for pull request 5 added sysout0.txt in myfirstprojecthttps://csez-ao.visualstudio.com/_git/myfirstproject/... severity warning status open occurred time 28-02-2017 22:30:14 ist +0530 shared by alarmsone superadmin view detailed message view message
+4607547,"""https://github.com/Haishi2016/osb-checker/issues/4""",incorrect assertion for binding requests and ac,"osb spec https://github.com/openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker/blob/v2.13/spec.md asynchronous-operations has the following to say about the accept_incomplete param: >note: asynchronous operations are currently supported only for provision, update, and deprovision. for a broker to return an asynchronous response, the query parameter accepts_incomplete=true must be included the request. if the parameter is not included or is set to false, and the broker cannot fulfill the request synchronously guaranteeing that the operation is complete on response , then the broker should reject the request with the status code 422 unprocessable entity and the following body: as indicated above, binding operations currently should not handle the accept_incomplete param and should therefore not fail with the 422 unprocessable entity status. this check should be removed to be in alignment with the specification."
+1478953,"""https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/18309""",navigate to member spelling correction fails for numbers,"version used : vs 2017 15.0.0+26228.9 steps to reproduce : 1. open roslyn.sln 2. press ctrl +t 3. type m testdesconstruction4 expected behavior : the testdeconstruction4 method is selected. actual behavior : the testdeconstruction method is selected. additional steps : if you type m testdesconstruction44 with a second 4 at the end , the testdeconstruction4 method is now selected. it seems the first number is being ignored when making a spelling correction to the input?"
+3245329,"""https://github.com/rohithreddykota/HanaModeling-CalcView/issues/1""",need to update readme,have to give basic info and explain how you can import the views in your hana studio contents
+3337257,"""https://github.com/CapitalD/taplist/issues/11""",brewer: mark beer as official,as a brewer i want to mark a beer as official so that i can confirm the details are correct
+3005965,"""https://github.com/fulls1z3/ngx-meta/issues/98""",fails compile with strictnullchecks in tsconfig,"regression a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release bug report support request => x feature request documentation issue or request current behavior fails compile with strictnullchecks enabled in tsconfig error in @ngx-meta/core/src/models/meta-settings.d.ts 9,9 : property 'title' of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to string index type 'string'. error in @ngx-meta/core/src/models/meta-settings.d.ts 10,9 : property 'description' of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to string index type 'string'. error in @ngx-meta/core/src/models/meta-settings.d.ts 11,9 : property 'keywords' of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to string index type 'string'. expected/desired behavior would be nice to have it passing with strictnullchecks enabled ts version 2.3.4 @ngx-meta/core@4.0.1"
+4952406,"""https://github.com/thestonefox/VRTK/issues/1080""",deprecation messages confusing,"> note: any issue that does not follow the below template will be immediately closed and not re-opened until the template structure is adhered to. precheck don't see any mention of this in docs or issues environment current github e719f44 vive steamvr unity 5.5.2 steps to reproduce try to use most deprecated methods or properties expected/current behavior message that describes what to use instead. or a document somewhere in documentation.md etc that describes what's been replaced with what. as it is some deprecated items have documentation good enough to point you in the right direction, but a lot don't. examples: vrtk_controllerevents.grabpressed is no longer used. this parameter will be removed in a future version of vrtk."
+3716685,"""https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp/issues/15483""",video attached to data visualization projects: visualize data with a bar chart isn't working," challenge visualize-data-with-a-bar-chart http://beta.freecodecamp.com/en/challenges/data-visualization-projects/visualize-data-with-a-bar-chart has an issue. user agent is: mozilla/5.0 macintosh; intel mac os x 10_11_6 applewebkit/537.36 khtml, like gecko chrome/58.0.3029.110 safari/537.36
. please describe how to reproduce this issue, and include links to screenshots if possible."
+2059870,"""https://github.com/EthicalNYC/website/issues/57""",prevent line break inside nysec name in the ethics in action pane,on the ethics in action pane from the front page: http://www.nysec.org/testing/ethics-action-v2front we want the name new york society for ethical culture to appear on a single line as much possible except on very narrow displays and to stand out from the intro welcome to the ... line.
+425963,"""https://github.com/unaio/una/issues/578""",protean: spaces in same fields result into a plain website,"example: i want to set a border-radius for each single corner. so i enter 0 20px 20px 0 . but because of the spaces the website can't return any content plain page . this bug is in some more fields, but not in all border size can handle spaces ."
+2335596,"""https://github.com/sivasamyk/logtrail/issues/163""",message field looks like truncated,original message in kibana is displayed with no cut. the same message displayed in the logtrail is truncated... ignoring order cancelation request for order order 1009217179 because it is already in state rejected { r : 59a5676ec818e7.32402933 } vs ignoring order cancelation request for order order 1009217179 because it the message is probably split to the next line.
+358796,"""https://github.com/fmadio/fmad20_issues/issues/130""",include nfs / cifs mounting ability in the kernel,currently the kernel can t mounbt remote nfs/cifs shares due to the minimial build style. add these back so the capture system can mount remote devices
+1911396,"""https://github.com/IgnaceMaes/MaterialSkin/issues/189""",hold button click animation is not supported,like in android when we hold an button for some time >> appears an circle animation that stays inflating for about two seconds then gets exploded or stays big i see that checkbox already have something like that it's useful to detect whether the button is enabled or not cause sometimes it feels like this button is not working when you hold until you stop-holding
+3136523,"""https://github.com/laurencedawson/reddit-sync-development/issues/1841""",feature request hide new multireddit option if user is not logged in,"since the user must be logged in to create a multireddit, the option to create one should be hidden from the user if they are not logged in. this can potentially cause confusion as the app will just show a toast saying failed to create multireddit ."
+3479513,"""https://github.com/frontendbr/eventos/issues/170""",criciúma vale do carbono conference 2017,"título : vale do carbono conference 2017 data : 20 de maio local : r. ernesto bianchini góes, 91 - acic - criciúma/sc - próspera descrição breve : com duas trilhas de palestras simultâneas, divididas em tecnologia e negócios, os participantes contarão com 14 palestras, ministrados por profissionais vindos de todo o brasil, e experimentarão in loco do poder transformador que a conexão entre ideias e pessoas pode proporcionar. logotipo do evento: : http://valedocarbono.org/conference/assets/img/logo-vale-do-carbono.svg valor : a partir de r$ 90 mais informações : http://valedocarbono.org/"
+3723400,"""https://github.com/john-packel/GoodReads-MVP-app/issues/32""","bug fix: when user clicks quora topic link and goes to that site then hits back button, this throws error.","quoraqurl = qtext 0 .qquestionlink;
+typeerror: cannot read property '0' of undefined solution may be as simple as having the quora page open in a new tab, in which case if i take that route then i want to let user know to look at that tab."
+2210705,"""https://github.com/BD2KGenomics/ga4gh-integration/issues/55""",review opensnp use cases,how does ga4gh leverage opensnp data?
+1706216,"""https://github.com/18F/web-design-standards-docs/issues/377""",cull down / simplify colors,have duplicate swatches gets confusing for dev + design. let's see if we can trim these down and remove some the duplicates! ! color-updates https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12564977/29427730-5832bd6e-8350-11e7-85de-5ea034d3d121.png
+1075147,"""https://github.com/vishesh/racketscript-playground/issues/7""",dom loaded twice,the hello message is added twice. this is on an ipad using google chrome using webkit if i recall correctly . ! img_0050 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/461765/27952158-9f5351a4-6307-11e7-8d6c-67cf89881b4e.png
+2264152,"""https://github.com/SpoonX/sails-hook-authorization/issues/30""",not compatible with sails v1,i tried to get the hook working on sails v1. didn't work from skratch for waterline issues encountered: model user: tojson not supported anymore -> created customtojson authcontroller: no dynamic finder supported for user.findby_...
+3304939,"""https://github.com/butterproject/butter-desktop/issues/677""",butter project independence,there is a guide for how to maintain a open-source project here: https://github.com/nayafia/lemonade-stand please do post your ideas how to make butter sustainable and reasons for ours work.
+3378586,"""https://github.com/nabbar/SwaggerValidator-PHP/issues/25""",missing method disablecacheregen,during upgrade of v1.3.1 to v1.3.2. the disablecacheregen method in swaggerphp class was lost.
+3100437,"""https://github.com/czcorpus/kontext/issues/1785""",escaping of some characters in text type selection is broken,try czesl-sgt corp and a+ value
+3667145,"""https://github.com/ISISComputingGroup/IBEX/issues/2393""",log improvements: stop the ioc log button from flashing this is tbc,"as someone who supports ibex i want to make sure that my changes to the ioc log system are having a useful effect acceptance criteria 1. 2389 has been completed 1. the change in 2389 has been in use for at least one cycle 1. if the ioc log is still annoying after the change in 2389 has been tried, stop the button from flashing. if it isn't, this ticket can be discarded"
+788943,"""https://github.com/owtf/community-plugins/issues/7""",add testssl.sh to the active ssl plugin,"> thanks abe! looks like this little tool has great feedback and i think it would probably be a good idea to run it in the active ssl plugin, any takers? : https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh"
+4070005,"""https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-auth-server/issues/2106""",add a lazy devices getter to the request object,"i noticed that /recovery_email/verify_code makes two calls to push.pushtoalldevices , meaning there are two calls to db.devices per request. additionally, there is a sync_device_count user property that needs to included on amplitude events, which also requires a call to db.devices . we can sort out both of these issues and prevent duplicate calls in the future by making request.app.devices a lazy getter à la request.app.geo . i've officially gone lazy getter crazy."
+2630573,"""https://github.com/status-im/status-react/issues/1110""",content of the input field is shared between different accounts on same device,"description comment : feature or bug? i.e type: bug type : bug comment : describe the feature you would like, or briefly summarise the bug and what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happens. sections below summary : both in develop and chat-api-rebase builds but not in 0.9.6 release. if account a types some text/command in console/chat but does not send it and switch to account b then same text/command is shown in input field. video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0bz3t9zsg1wb7z2u4tmqxzfrkqve expected behavior comment : describe what you expected to happen. content of the input field is not shared between a and b. it can contain value typed in previous session or it can be empty but it should not contain text from another account. actual behavior comment : describe what actually happened. account a and b are sharing content of the input field reproduction comment : describe how we can replicate the bug step by step. - as account a: - open status - in 1-1 chat or in console type hello from a or select any command. do not send this - switch to account b - as account b, open console or 1-1 chat and check content of the input field additional information status version: 0.9.7d22 operating system: android and ios"
+2821883,"""https://github.com/Giswater/giswater/issues/57""",open giswater from qgis plugin,- get qgis database connection parameters - get parameters 'file_inp' and 'file_rpt' of the current user from table 'config_param_user'
+2999702,"""https://github.com/Samwalton9/TWL-tools/issues/3""",provide interface for tracking scheduled tasks,"there are one or more scheduled tasks run by the tool, but currently no way for the twl team to view or track them in the twl tools web interface. a page with a list of scheduled tasks, and perhaps the ability to interact e.g. modify, cancel with them, would be useful."
+2027146,"""https://github.com/rjbs/Getopt-Long-Descriptive/issues/24""",:+ arguement specification displays as =str instead of =int,"i noticed that when using 'foo:+' for the format, the usage text shows --foo =str when it should show --foo =int based on the documentation for getopt::long https://metacpan.org/pod/getopt::long :-+- -desttype- 'foo:i', however, generations --foo =int as expected."
+3864262,"""https://github.com/agnaite/look-up/issues/1""",modify search result display,split up output tables by product id
+4791918,"""https://github.com/status-im/status-react/issues/2631""",error null is not an object evaluating 'c.greaterthanorequalto' is displayed when trying to send eth offline,"description type : bug summary : when the user is not connect to the wifi, error null is not an object evaluating 'c.greaterthanorequalto' is displayed when trying to send eth from the wallet. expected behavior the user should be able to enter an amount and a recipient before signing in. actual behavior the error message prevent the user to select a recipient or an amount. reproduction - open status - turn off the wifi. - back to status, go to the wallet , tap send . - select a recipient then enter an amount or enter the amount first then the recipient right after the error null is not an object message is displayed. ! img_2 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33925578/33663407-c2b397ec-da87-11e7-8c31-3230520aa8e6.png ! screenshot_3 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33925578/33663497-24f1007a-da88-11e7-898e-2599db96935d.png ! screenshot_4 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33925578/33663560-63fbef8c-da88-11e7-9efd-d4f733d9583a.png additional information status version: 0.9.12 1557.321 operating system: android and ios"
+4350136,"""https://github.com/cuth/postcss-pxtorem/issues/40""",does't work with webpack3,"{ loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { plugins: loader => precss, autoprefixer, pxtorem { rootvalue: 100, propwhitelist: , } } } it does't work. there is no error."
+5201476,"""https://github.com/maqduni/AspNetCore.Identity.RavenDb/issues/6""",typeloadexception: inheritance security rules violated,"by type: 'system.net.http.webrequesthandler'. derived types must either match the security accessibility of the base type or be less accessible. i get this on all ravendb operations query/store,... any idea what this might be ? dont worry, think its not directly related to this project, just hoping you mightve encountered this before"
+2490867,"""https://github.com/autocrypt/autocrypt/issues/226""",interaction with mailing lists that rewrite from:,"some mailing lists rewrite from: addresses of messages they re-send to their subscribers. some of those mailing lists also forward any headers that they already got. this means that anyone capable of publishing to that mailing list is also capable of publishing an autocrypt header for that mailing list, which could cause people to encrypt to the list depending on their prefer-encrypt settings : do we want to have guidance for how to deal with or detect mailing lists specifically? should there be guidance for mailing list implementations that they should strip also autocrypt: headers if they rewrite from: ? this is not a level 1 concern."
+1049718,"""https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/6739""","lstm_cell/weights does not exist, fail only using master code, ok for release version 0.12.1","the code like below: for i in range max_steps : with tf.variable_scope rnn , reuse=true if i > 0 else none : last_symbol = input output, state = self.cell last_symbol, state file /home/gezi/mine/tensorflow-exp/deepiu/seq2seq/rnn_decoder.py , line 189, in generate_sequence output, state = self.cell last_symbol, state file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/lstm_ops.py , line 381, in __call__ self._num_units 4 file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/variable_scope.py , line 987, in get_variable custom_getter=custom_getter file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/variable_scope.py , line 889, in get_variable custom_getter=custom_getter file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/variable_scope.py , line 347, in get_variable validate_shape=validate_shape file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/variable_scope.py , line 332, in _true_getter caching_device=caching_device, validate_shape=validate_shape file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/variable_scope.py , line 656, in _get_single_variable varscope? % name valueerror: variable seq2seq/decode/rnn/lstm_cell/weights does not exist, or was not created with tf.get_variable . did you mean to set reuse=none in varscope?"
+2809569,"""https://github.com/lukehoban/atom-ide-flow/issues/55""",object.extname is deprecated.,argument to path.extname must be a string object.extname /applications/atom.app/contents/resources/app.asar/src/electron-shims.js:20:10 isflowsource /users/mauroronchi/.atom/packages/ide-flow/lib/utils.coffee:11:21 editorcontrol.showexpressiontype /users/mauroronchi/.atom/packages/ide-flow/lib/editor-control.coffee:94:13 /users/mauroronchi/.atom/packages/ide-flow/lib/editor-control.coffee:49:26
+2365813,"""https://github.com/cityleaf/LYPaymentField/issues/1""",bug not remove the observer of frame.,bug not remove the observer of frame.
+407219,"""https://github.com/graphics32/graphics32/issues/6""",this seems like a buffer overrun -- can anyone confirm?,"in gr32_containers there is a line using move that seems to be grabbing more data than it should -- eg. let's look at the case of having 7 items in the items array count returns 7 but the item indices are 0 zero based. so if we delete the 3rd item we would pass an item index of 2 and it would move item3 into item 2, and since it's a packed array it can move the rest of them as well by just specifying the data size which it does by count - itemindex sizeof tpointerbucketitem but count - itemindex = 7-2 = 5 items so it's trying to move items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 into item 2. only problem is that there is no item 7, the items only go up to 6 because it's zero based. so it appears to me to be grabbing memory that it doesn't necessarily own... or am i missing something? i've included the original routine with my change and i'd like verification that i'm understanding this correctly and my fix makes sense. thanks for any input! function tpointermap.delete bucketindex, itemindex: integer : pdata; begin with fbuckets bucketindex do begin result := items itemindex .data; if fcount = 0 then exit; if count = 1 then setlength items, 0 else {kjs changed from move items itemindex + 1 , items itemindex , count - itemindex sizeof tpointerbucketitem ; because it was causing a buffer overrun?} move items itemindex + 1 , items itemindex , pred count - itemindex sizeof tpointerbucketitem ; dec count ; end; dec fcount ; end;"
+4065013,"""https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/12522""",kibana's bar chart using avg aggregation issue,"kibana version: kibana-5.4.0-linux-x86_64 elasticsearch version: elasticsearch-5.4.0 os version: ubuntu 16.04.2 lts google chrome version 58.0.3029.110 browser os version : install with download file from elastic.co when creating a visualize with avg agreggation i get two different results depending on the order size, for examples: using size 20: ! http://i.imgur.com/6zoocq2.png using size 200: ! http://i.imgur.com/wxcw9vv.png i have a question. does the avg works on all itens or just on the ones filtered?"
+5071143,"""https://github.com/DataDog/dd-agent/issues/3273""",fail to recover after no space on device,"● datadog-agent.service - datadog agent loaded: loaded /lib/systemd/system/datadog-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled active: failed result: exit-code since tue 2017-03-21 05:48:26 utc; 6h ago process: 1585 execstart=/opt/datadog-agent/bin/start_agent.sh code=exited, status=1/failure mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz start_agent.sh 1585 : existing_directory, default=tempfile.gettempdir mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz start_agent.sh 1585 : file /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/lib/python2.7/tempfile.py , line 275, in gettempdir mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz start_agent.sh 1585 : tempdir = _get_default_tempdir mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz start_agent.sh 1585 : file /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/lib/python2.7/tempfile.py , line 217, in _get_default_tempdir mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz start_agent.sh 1585 : no usable temporary directory found in %s % dirlist mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz start_agent.sh 1585 : ioerror: errno 2 no usable temporary directory found in '/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/' mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz systemd 1 : datadog-agent.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1 mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz systemd 1 : failed to start datadog agent . mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz systemd 1 : datadog-agent.service: unit entered failed state. mar 21 05:48:26 tpahaz systemd 1 : datadog-agent.service: failed with result 'exit-code'. steps to reproduce: 1. run datadog agent 2. fill the disk by some data what expected? after removing some date the datadog agent should recover their work."
+2287998,"""https://github.com/cilium/cilium/issues/1007""",multi node kubernetes ci tests,master issue - pod to pod connectivity across nodes - encap - pod - service - pod - l3/l4 policy - l7 policy - getting started guide in multi node - stresstest for l7 - test deployment using daemonset - policy across namespaces - super combo test: service + proxy + l3 rule + l7 rule
+1224854,"""https://github.com/ExaScience/smurff/issues/52""",test for matrix representation,test if the same matrix represented as sdm and ddm produce the same results. matrix are only allowed to have ones are zeros. test also for probit.
+4941325,"""https://github.com/MultiChat/Development/issues/13""",fetching prefix and nicknames,"i'm trying to have all nicknames synced across the servers while fetching the prefixes from every servers. to my understanding if i want to fetch the prefixes, i would install multichat in the plugins server from every server, but it also fetches the nicknames which then aren't synced anymore between servers. to solve this there would either be a way to only fetch the prefixes or having multichat nicknames synced on the spigot server side with an mysql database for example. i am using: permissionsex 1.23.4 to give all the players prefixes according to there rank. multichat on bungee 1.5 to have a global chat between all servers. multichat on every server 1.5 only to fetch the prefixes..... bungee display name 1.29.5 to have all the nicknames synced. vault 1.5.6 spigot 1.12 git-spigot-7228328-11323bf bungeecord 1.12 snapshot-6958943:1245 are there others ways to solve this? i would like to keep using pex. thanks in advance der71"
+5079551,"""https://github.com/ccrama/Slide/issues/2478""",be able to browse through subreddit names,"slide version: 5.6.2 android version: 7.1.2 at the moment, slide can only receive exact subreddit name searches in go to subreddit, or it can go nowhere. it would be nice to be able to browse through search results for subtitles with named that are close to the query!"
+4062029,"""https://github.com/haraka/Haraka/issues/1905""",client certificate on outbound tls connections,"this is a follow up to the issue i published yesterday. i am trying to use the queue/smtp_forward plugin to relay messages to office 365. the authorisation on smtp connections to office 365 is done via a client certificate. currently, smtpclient does not allow a client certificate to be set. as a proof of concept, i prepended key and cert properties to the tls_options object before the _getsecurecontext is called. this works as expected. i propose a solution where given the configuration: smtp_forward.ini enable_client_cert=true tls.ini queue/smtp_forward key=key.key cert=cert.pem client certificates would be used in the outbound connection. i have read reports about some email servers breaking when client certificates are used, so the configuration is intended to be verbose."
+646364,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/29861""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+2761181,"""https://github.com/contao/core-bundle/issues/1030""",exclude pages from sitemap,"on our project, we have some hidden pages, which we do not want to be shown in the sitemap on share/sitemap.xml the setting of the pages are noindex,nofollow not in search index hidden in the menu show in sitemap: standard ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2657385/29462791-d1cba9fc-8430-11e7-830d-634766f07bc3.png in my experience, with these settings, the page should not be shown in share/sitemap.xml. but it is. what am i doing wrong here? is show in sitemap: never the only solution to exclude pages from sitemap? if so, when was this change? thank you."
+439823,"""https://github.com/vrk-kpa/xroad-joint-development/issues/148""",bug: openfiledescriptorcount parameter reports invalid values,"affected components : env monitoring, proxy affected documentation : -ug syspar estimated delivery : q2/017 external reference : https://jira.csc.fi/browse/pvayladev-621 problem openfiledescriptorcount parameter reports invalid values. for example if we have unclosed file handles the value of openfiledescriptorcount must increase. but instead on that it constantly reports 47 until security server stops responding because maxfiledescriptorcount is reached. problem is caused because the current implementation is erroneously reporting the file handles of xroad-monitor process, not the file handles of xroad-proxy process as it should. acceptance criteria - env monitoring component reports the file handles of xroad-proxy process"
+4877996,"""https://github.com/WEC-Sim/WEC-Sim/issues/212""",problem while installing,"i'm new in wec-sim, i do not suceed in installin wec-sim how to find matlab startup folder? when i type pwd on the matlab command, i get a directory but there is no startup .m file there should i create one? i have created one and copied the code contained in the wecsimstartup.m i have also change the value of the variable wecsimpath as follows ! screenshot1 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33290729/32446684-f4637a04-c309-11e7-9a69-40e163782c48.png but i get the error startup.m not found when i write open startup.m on matlab command window"
+94945,"""https://github.com/dillonharless/CSC_450/issues/3""",complete deliverable intro,need to complete the introduction on the deliverable doc
+860989,"""https://github.com/jimmo/numato-mimasv2-pic-firmware/issues/3""",add command line interface to programming uart,we should have a command line interface on the programming uart. see the tofe lowspeedio board firmware https://github.com/timvideos/hdmi2usb-tofe-lowspeedio/tree/firmware/firmware for an example of how this could work.
+1810312,"""https://github.com/dimagi/commcare-export/issues/50""",confusing docstring; vulnerability?,"the docstring for commcare_hq_client.get reads: currently a bit of a vulnerable stub that works for this particular use case in the hands of a trusted user; would likely want this to work like or via slumber. what is the meaning of vulnerable and trusted in this docstring, and how does slumber address this vulnerability ?"
+2124546,"""https://github.com/maciejzaleski/JMeter-WebSocketSampler/issues/68""",extract .response not working for rest assured. getting error as the method extract is undefined for the type,"please find below the code: package mypack; import org.testng.annotations.test; import io.restassured.restassured; import io.restassured.http.contenttype; import io.restassured.response.response; import io.restassured.response.responsebodydata; import static io.restassured.restassured.given; import static org.hamcrest.matchers.equalto; import io.restassured.path.json.jsonpath; import io.restassured.path.json. ; import java.util.properties; import java.io.ioexception; import java.io.filenotfoundexception; import java.io.fileinputstream; public class postanddelete { @test public void pandd { string b = { + \ location\ : { + \ lat\ : -33.8669710, + \ lng\ : 151.1958750 + }, + \ accuracy\ : 50, + \ name\ : \ google shoes!\ , + \ phone_number\ : \ 02 9374 4000\ , + \ address\ : \ 48 pirrama road, pyrmont, nsw 2009, australia\ , + \ types\ : \ shoe_store\ , + \ website\ : \ http://www.google.com.au/\ , + \ language\ : \ en-au\ + } ; restassured.baseuri= https://maps.googleapis.com ; given . queryparam key , aizasyduyrcohslu9vswz1hpuggz1ulhsucuga0 . body b . when .post /maps/api/place/add/json . then .assertthat .statuscode 200 .and .contenttype contenttype.json .and . body status ,equalto ok ; extract .response } }"
+808393,"""https://github.com/FTL13/FTL13/issues/1023""",ship sometimes deletes itself during ftl,"after a few ftl jumps the ship will just get deleted. possibly related runtimes that happened at about the same time and only then: 21:31:34 runtime in starmap.dm, line 132: cannot modify null.mode. 21:31:34 runtime in starmap.dm, line 121: cannot read null.mode"
+3350489,"""https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/604""",cpu exhaustion in readpdbimage,"version: imagemagick 7.0.6-2 q16 x86_64 ./convert $file out.png when convert pdb file , imagemagick will read data from input file and deal with it, here is the critical code: pdb.c , in function readpdbimage: comment_offset= ssize_t readblobmsbsignedlong image ; //365 ...... num_pad_bytes = size_t comment_offset - tellblob image ; while num_pad_bytes-- readblobbyte image ; //574 a crafted file will cause this while loop endless. testcase: https://github.com/bestshow/p0cs/blob/master/cpupdb.pdb credit : adlab of venustech"
+2259990,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/20993""",deprecate debug type 'node2',"in order to smoothen the node debugging experience see 19650 we should try to deprecate the debug type 'node2' and make it as invisible as possible. if we cannot deprecate the debug type, we should warn the user when launching a 'node2' debug session."
+4901998,"""https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio/issues/2064""",simultaneous modifier keys,"the problem running the following code: browser.keys control .keys alt .keys s .keys null ; fails to press down the s key. briefly describe the issue you are experiencing or the feature you want to see added to webdriverio . tell us what you were trying to do and what happened instead. remember, this is _not_ a place to ask questions. for that, join the gitter chat room ! gitter https://badges.gitter.im/join chat.svg https://gitter.im/webdriverio/webdriverio?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge ! environment webdriverio version: 4.0.7 node.js version: 6.6.0 standalone mode or wdio testrunner http://webdriver.io/guide/getstarted/modes.html : if wdio testrunner, running synchronous or asynchronous tests: additional wdio packages used if applicable : link to selenium/webdriverio logs log shows: { value : } { value : } { value : s } { value : }"
+161986,"""https://github.com/Geigerkind/Legacy-Logs-Bugtracker/issues/102""",all logs erased on legacy logs?,"all logs seemed to be erased from the website. is this just during some maintenance period i'm unaware of? my guild has lost 3 months worth of logs, which isn't detrimental but we're just wondering what has happened"
+4777200,"""https://github.com/ObjectivityLtd/Test.Automation/issues/30""",performance measure - need improvements report on the specific page/action in the log,"performance measure - need improvements report on the specific page/action in the log hi team of the objectivity ltd. thank you for the great framework. there i have improvement request. as far as i can see the performance measured in the following implementations: public class performancehelper. there is line in the function 'public void stopmeasure': logger.info cultureinfo.currentculture, load time {0} , this.measuredtime ; which produces line in the log as: |info|objectivity.test.automation.common.helpers.performancehelper.stopmeasure|load time 1316 looks like it is would be very helpful if the function will just return the measured value instead of putting it in the log. there would be easier to report on specific actions page loads . there is property which is not accessible from the outside: private long measuredtime another option to expose the duration is: timer.elapsedmilliseconds, which is also private. my implementation would be as the follows in the performancehelper class : public double stopmeasureduration string title { this.timer.stop ; var savedtimes = new savedtimes title ; this.measuredtime = this.timer.elapsedmilliseconds; savedtimes.setduration this.measuredtime ; this.loadtimelist.add savedtimes ; return this.measuredtime; } please let me know if you see this as feasible implementation! thank you!"
+4963928,"""https://github.com/fcambus/jsemu/issues/89""",contraltojs xerox alto emulator,i believe this is missing: http://www.loomcom.com/contraltojs/ you may want to add it. cheers!
+3577865,"""https://github.com/trakt/script.trakt/issues/359""",trakt 3.0.4 add on issue with pin code & kodi helix,"hi, i just saw a post with the same issue, i past it here have been using the trakt.tv app for years now, and have never had any issues until recently. i noticed the rating window wasn't opening after watching a movie been a few days now . so i did some troubleshooting and when i decided it most likely needed to be re-connected, it wouldn't allow me to authorize the pin i had received from http://trakt.tv/pin/999 . . i have never had any compatibility issues between kodi and trakt.tv, so this came as a surprise to me, so i decided to make it know. i have already uninstalled / reinstalled, and tried multiple authorization pin's, i have checked for online issues signing in & out, and even tried changing me password / username . . nothing so far. pls. advise asap . . thanks so i have exactly the same issue ! does someone find a way to make it work !? at the beginning the rating window didn't poped up after watching a media then i unpaired my kodi with trakt and now it's impossible to have a pin code which pair my kodi i have the pin error code in my kodi ! i use kodi helix with trakt 3.0.4 and it's impossible for me to update it ... here is my log: http://pastebin.com/yerzz2fp thx for helping"
+1726912,"""https://github.com/nadcock/CSC478-SOC-Game/issues/27""",create a new game - frontend,"- ability from the landing page to initialize a new game
+- static game board shown"
+3766621,"""https://github.com/Symphono/wfl/issues/46""",discard a food order,as a wfl api user i would like to be able to discard a foodorder so that users can no longer submit menu selections to it. statuses: - active - this status is automatically applied to all new food orders. users can actively submit new menu selections. - discarded - the food order is no longer active. this prevents submission of new selections to the order. i will know this is complete when a the following actions exists on a foodorder: - discard - the order that sets he correct status on the order. - reactivate - resets the food orders status to active
+1567298,"""https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/10176""","magento searching not working well , when a number/digit user with product name"," hi, magento 2.x search not performing well, when we use any number/digit with the name. for example, we are selling apple iphone on our site, and so products names are , iphone 4, iphone 5, iphone 6.... and when we search for iphone 4, it shows all the result related to iphone not only iphone 4. i understand about relevance result, but it should show iphone 4 first and then rest on... but it does not matter, either iphone 4, iphone 5, iphone 6... it's just searching based on iphone... i have tried with text value then it searching well, --not working fine with numeric and text combination http://www.nunutz.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=iphone+5 --- working fine if text combination only. http://www.nunutz.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=drone+batteries can any one help to sort out this issue? thanks preconditions 1. 2. steps to reproduce 1. 2. 3. expected result 1. actual result 1. screenshot, logs "
+3300448,"""https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/overview/issues/75""",revisit github permissions,"we've grown to the size were i think we need to revisit our permissions structure and check in on whether it is working. questions i have: - are we creating too much noise for lieutenants? - are we creating a bottle neck? is this too hierarchical? should we be more distributed? - what permissions should they have currently: write ? too low? - is there a need for a separate role e.g. leads with admin access? - what about owners? - how should we manage project churn, as people get busy and move on? for reference: https://help.github.com/articles/repository-permission-levels-for-an-organization/ cc @edgi-govdata-archiving/lieutenants"
+2869164,"""https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxtent-module/issues/63""",multiple content types - help need,"hi, is it posssible to add another folder into a folder in the content ? for example i would like something like this : ! 2017_09_10_14_45_11_c_users_stnetwork_ atom_atom https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26366663/30249182-d6caa4cc-9636-11e7-85ff-4a1c69101242.png you can see the that in my repo maybe you will understand better : stnetwork.fr https://github.com/stnetwork/stnetwork.fr i can not access to /linux/centos or /linux/debian, i think i have a probleme in my nuxtent.config : module.exports = { content: 'home', { page: '/home/slug', permalink: /:slug , ispost: false, generate: 'get', 'getall' } , 'linux', { page: '/linux/slug', permalink: /:slug , ispost: false, generate: 'get', 'getall' } , 'linux/centos', { page: '/linux/centos/_slug', permalink: /:slug , ispost: false, generate: 'get', 'getall' } , 'linux/debian', { page: '/linux/debian/slug', permalink: /:slug , ispost: false, generate: 'get', 'getall' } , 'windows', { page: '/windows/slug', permalink: /:slug , ispost: false, generate: 'get', 'getall' } , 'network', { page: '/network/slug', permalink: /:slug , ispost: false, generate: 'get', 'getall' } , ,"
+4039238,"""https://github.com/facebook/reason/issues/1359""",support conditional compilation / static if,"hey everyone :d i saw that bucklescript has support for condition compilation https://bucklescript.github.io/bucklescript/manual.html _conditional_compilation_support_static_if but it's a preprocessor fed into -pp , which means we can't use it in conjuction with reason since refmt is also a preprocessor . how could we support static if statement like bucklescript does? it would help the cross platform story a lot in my opinion!"
+4109253,"""https://github.com/melpa/melpa/issues/4892""",password-store melpa package is not getting updated,"melpa is not picking up a new version of password-store that i committed on july 26. the password-store repository switched to https with a redirect, so i updated that in melpa, and that change was merged 13 hours ago 4885 . however, the password-store version in melpa is still 20151027.1449. http://melpa.milkbox.net/ /password-store i cloned melpa and ran make recipes/password-store . the resulting package had my updates. any ideas why the package version isn't getting updated?"
+4729223,"""https://github.com/ksauby/GTMNERRproc/issues/62""",calculateclonalreproduction - make sure fecundity year makes sense,it looks like some plants actually recruited the fecundity-year before the parent size to which they were added. and then they would be counted in the transition matrix as having recruited the following year.
+3851217,"""https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown/issues/326""",incorrect tibble formatting,"i recently tried to rebuild a bookdown::gitbook document on a pc, and have been unable to get my tibbles to format correctly. here's what i'm seeing: ! tibble-ss https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8197328/22621733/5daae348-eadf-11e6-997c-09738d8266aa.png this example bookdown document can be found here https://tiernanmartin.github.io/shared-docs/2017/bookdown-test/gitbook/index.html . what might be causing this? is it possible that i'm missing some support driver/software that provides the correct formatting?"
+4054059,"""https://github.com/michbeck100/pimatic-echo/issues/15""",feature request: get temperature from pimatic,"hey michi, great work with this plugin. maybe you would find some time to implement ask alexa for temperature of pimatic sensors :"
+3986592,"""https://github.com/odarriba/docker-timemachine/issues/21""",unable to support encrypted tm backups,"on a previous version, i was able to enable encrypted backups from my mac just fine. with the new version i am unable to select this."
+1905386,"""https://github.com/PittayutSothanakul/stopwatch/issues/1""",stopwatch.start and stopwatch.stop is wrong,"when start is called while stopwatch is running, it should do nothing, and also stop shouldn't do anything when the stopwatch is already stopped."
+1477177,"""https://github.com/ampproject/amphtml/issues/8505""","ensure video autoplay behaves correctly in a4a, in-a-box",create integration tests to ensure video autoplay pause/play based on visibility works correctly when in an ad in a4a or in-a-box /cc @jasti
+3913493,"""https://github.com/r-lib/svglite/issues/85""",r v3.4: svglite fails to install,hello! i'm trying to download svglite but keep running into this issue: error: dependency ‘gdtools’ is not available for package ‘svglite’ . i've raised the issue with the gdtool people because installing that library results in a compiling error. i'm currently running r 3.4. maybe it's a compatibility issue?
+2330171,"""https://github.com/archco/cosmos-css/issues/118""",badge - link:visited color problem,badge를 링크로 쓸때 visited color가 따로 적용된다. 수정하자.
+4343091,"""https://github.com/MakeSchool-Tutorials/Swift-Language-Playgrounds/issues/54""",p08 - while loop example,"the while loop explanation states that result is updated to 1,5,25,50,125 and is run 4 times. however, the explanation should state that result is updated to 1,5,25,125 and is run 3 times. "
+324967,"""https://github.com/radgrad/radgrad/issues/184""","public inspectors for career goals, interests","please do work for this task in a branch called issue-184. to speed up registration, it would be helpful to point students to a public inspector that enables them to learn about career goals and interests prior to meeting with an advisor."
+3238863,"""https://github.com/AtomLinter/linter-luacheck/issues/25""",upgrade to linter v2,"linter has released a new major version with several improvements and some changes to the api, linter-luacheck is still usable and supported but it would be great to upgrade to the newest api"
+2709768,"""https://github.com/linkedin/cruise-control/issues/15""",http rest api timeout,"i am trying to test cruise-control with 1 kafka broker. i use default settings without optional step 0 in quickstart guide. cruise control starts but http endpoint http://localhost:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/state is timing out. how i can be sure cruise control is working and use his rest api? port is open: telnet localhost 9090 trying connected to localhost. escape character is '^ '. in the browser: err_empty_response or timeout in curl curl http://localhost:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/state the logs from the server is: 2017-09-01 17:44:58,303 info defaultsessionidmanager workername=node0 org.eclipse.jetty.server.session 2017-09-01 17:44:58,303 info no sessionscavenger set, using defaults org.eclipse.jetty.server.session 2017-09-01 17:44:58,307 info scavenging every 600000ms org.eclipse.jetty.server.session 2017-09-01 17:44:58,316 info started o.e.j.s.servletcontexthandler@2d0bfb24{/,null,available} org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.contexthandler 2017-09-01 17:44:58,326 info started serverconnector@4525d1d3{http/1.1, http/1.1 }{} org.eclipse.jetty.server.abstractconnector 2017-09-01 17:44:58,327 info started @2168ms org.eclipse.jetty.server.server kafka cruise control started. 2017/09/01 17:45:06 {monitorstate: {state: loading 0.000% trained , loadingprogress: -100.000%, numvalidwindows: 0/0 : nan% , numvalidpartitions: 0/65 0.000% , flawedpartitions: 0}, executorstate: {state: no_task_in_progress}, analyzerstate: {isproposalready: false, readygaols: }} 2017-09-01 17:50:28,271 info skipping best proposal precomputing because load monitor is in loading state. com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.analyzer.goaloptimizer 2017-09-01 17:50:33,216 info sample loading finished. loaded 0 partition metrics samples and 0 broker metric samples in 335021 ms com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.monitor.sampling.kafkasamplestore"
+666953,"""https://github.com/nuxsmin/sysPass/issues/672""",secundary groups not working,"hello. secundary group is not working like we expect i thing... how i am testing: on tab users: - user leonardo is in group support and profile support - this user is on group support - linux as secundary group. on a item: - main group: admins - groups: support - linux but when i log with user leonardo, i can't see the item in support - linux group,. itens in support group that is the user primary group is ok."
+2736546,"""https://github.com/blck-shp/Website/issues/2""",background colors of div,"background colors of div tags are unnecessary. after finalizing the index page, these background colors should be removed. except for the color black background because it complements with opacity and serves as the substitute for the text if the image won't show up immediately. note: most of the texts are of color white."
+3943985,"""https://github.com/openthos/multiwin-analysis/issues/1668""",daily report 2017 -08-10 liu xiaoxu,08/10 report: 1.try to fix the issue that the ppt cannot display the video thanks
+3082437,"""https://github.com/graphcool/graphql-playground/issues/197""",create jump to links in new schema documentation explorer,"this issue pertains to: - graphql playground - electron app - x graphql playground in a previous version of playground, schema documation explorer had hyperlinks to 'query', 'mutation', and 'subscription'. i prefer the previous sidebar outright, but especially regret the loss of the ability to quickly filter desired operation in this way"
+3447947,"""https://github.com/AtomicGameEngine/AtomicGameEngine/issues/1449""",how to make a javascript editor plugin,"i would to know how to make a js editor plugin ts, if it has to be . i want to add a button in an editor menu that executes a js function, and then how to make the editor use it. yes, there is an example editorplugins which does something, but there is no information on what it is or how to use it."
+4470125,"""https://github.com/AscentMS/NHSD/issues/51""",nhs logo - new tab should not open,remove link to nhs logo or keep link but don't open a new tab. stewart to confirm
+4747338,"""https://github.com/AICC/CMI-5_Spec_Current/issues/549""",are multiple overlapping launched sessions in one registration allowed?,"there are a number of places in the spec where things seem to get a bit odd if they are, but i didn't find an outright prohibition."
+1469946,"""https://github.com/RagtagOpen/nomad/issues/108""","for all notification email, ensure that from is correct",this is how it is now: from@example.com via mailgun.org
+3657018,"""https://github.com/expressjs/cors/issues/109""",why run request handlers successfully if the request fails cors?,"if a request fails cors as specified by this module's configuration, the module will not set the cors headers on the response. however, it will still call next https://github.com/expressjs/cors/blob/075c4b51452542f52ad21898ec781f725c84934d/lib/index.js l221 , causing the usual request handler to run. this can be a problem if the request is expensive to handle, or has side effects. what is the thinking behind this? it seems reasonable to terminate the request immediately, or at least call next with an error, if it's going to fail client-side due to the lack of cors headers. here is a small project demonstrating this issue: https://github.com/mixmaxhq/cors-response-tester."
+3204104,"""https://github.com/mikelpint/Startpage/issues/6""",add css effects,what do you think about adding effects to the design? screenshot example: ! bildschirmfoto_2017-11-16_18-46-45 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28985171/32906854-862b3bf6-cafe-11e7-947c-f465017d374c.png
+4936048,"""https://github.com/pachyderm/pachyderm/issues/2456""",update aws.sh script for mac,"mac bash https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/17851 seems to have a quirk where running the script yields: line 24: @: unbound variable so instead, we need to replace on line24/273 {@} with {@:-} ... giving it a default."
+2290403,"""https://github.com/bjones3/webMinigame/issues/66""",show unlocking price on screen,already done. issue's just for milestone tracking
+2019757,"""https://github.com/rapidpro/rapidpro/issues/687""",shouldn't send topup expiration email if topups remaining,currently we send an email before a topup expiring regardless of whether the user will have credits after that topup expires. we should: 1 not send that email if their service won't be interrupted 2 not talk about how many credits are expiring because that's irrelevant
+1882622,"""https://github.com/select/audius/issues/40""",matrix room creation guest access not set,"the current room creation does not allow guest access, which is a fail since regular audius users join matrix as guests."
+5153643,"""https://github.com/giowck/symphytum/issues/37""",smooth scrolling in tableview with image columns,"scrolling in table view mode is really choppy and slow in presence of image fields columns . especially when the image files are big and there are more than one image columns. implementing caching of images in memory works and the result is a smooth scrolling experience. i tested this by using qpixmapcache with a larger database with 2 image columns. the big disadvantage is that this increases memory usage dramatically: symphytum uses around 30-50 mib now, with this patch it uses at least 900 to 1.3 gib memory. on modern computers with large amounts of ram this is not a problem, but many still use notebooks with 2gib ram. i think, it would be possible to check ram availability and enable this optimization only on high end ram at least 4 gib machines. and of course, providing an option in the setting to disable this."
+1913872,"""https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/issues/578""",post hook issue for the plugin youcompleteme,"hello, my gvim version is 8.0.160, which is running on windows 7 sp1. the vim-plug setting on my _vimrc is as folloiwng: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20179047/21760393/baf1c7aa-d686-11e6-98db-f752cf6ac233.png after i run the command :plugupdate! on the vim, for handling of the post hook for plugin youcompleteme, it throw the following window. ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20179047/21760439/0a22b046-d687-11e6-976d-3ec48413e347.png as you seen, there two issues at here: 1. the current directory is c:\windows\system32 but not d:\vim\vimfiles\plugged\youcompleteme . 2. error: ycmd library is currently in use. on the cmd window. what is the reason for above issues and how to solve them? kindly regards, tomas janssen"
+4763071,"""https://github.com/deltaxflux/fluxion/issues/433""",connection maintained but vnc and ssh sessions crashed until quitting fluxion,"fill in the answers for all of the questions below, otherwise your ticket will be instantly closed. which version of fluxion are you using? 0.24 what distribution of linux including the version are you running it on? kali-rolling version=2016.2 what wireless adapter are you using? exact model and chipset, statements like internal and was working before are not helpful at all. adapter: panda wireless pau09 chipset: ralink rt2870/3070 which is the driver for it? driver=rt2800usb does it support injection output of aireplay-ng -9 injection is working! general description of your issue along with the steps to reproduce it general description of your issue along with the steps to reproduce it • fluxion started from remote machine on wlan0 connection wlan0 is hosting the x11vnc and ssh sessions; wlan0 connection is maintained and vnc session works until last step • fluxion is using wlan1 compatible adapter • at the last step launching fakeap , fluxion continues to run as expected on host machine; however, the x11vnc and ssh sessions crash. the host machine still maintains wlan0 connection to local network • upon quitting fluxion on host machine, the x11vnc and ssh sessions can be reinitiated other important information"
+4143226,"""https://github.com/mpreiner/bugzilla_migration_test/issues/179""",check model fails for fmf on jd regressions bugzilla 557,"imported from bugzilla reporter: andrew reynolds status: resolved severity: enhancement assigned to: andrew reynolds component: quantifiers milestone: --- version: master platform: pc os: windows on 2014-04-10 11:21:12 -0700, andrew reynolds wrote:
+> run :
+> > cvc4 \-\-finite\-model\-find \-\-check\-model
+> > on regressions
+> > test/regress/regress0/fmf/hoare\-z3.931718.smt
+> test/regress/regress0/fmf/qepres\-uf.855035.smt
+> > model is likely correct, but uses non\-constant ground terms to build model. may have to do with types with no ground terms in current sat assignment. on 2014-04-14 16:39:26 -0700, andrew reynolds wrote:
+> fixed in commit on 4/14/2014."
+4160824,"""https://github.com/williamhoos/DeNormalize/issues/2""",add a web interface to allow intuitive selection of columns,"would be nice to add flask or other front end to allow 1. upload file 2. select column and order that feed the arrays for sheet, column, row, value, date and sort 3. run script and provide a download file need to identify where this can run and confirm secure upload and reliable delete of files after download"
+3084395,"""https://github.com/loconomics/loconomics/issues/454""",make payment info optional until booking request received,- not require payment info for listing to be active - require payment info only before: - accepting a booking request - turning on instant booking - email communications must notify service professional that they will have to enter their payment info before accepting - limit ability to accept until payment info is entered - some sort of mini-onboarding... before you accept this booking request...
+1040901,"""https://github.com/fle-internal/content-curation/issues/402""", does not allow 0 to be inputed as an answer option while creating questions.,"summary does not allow 0 to be inputed as an answer option while creating questions. can enter 0 as answer while creating questions on cc, shows not test provided. cateogry select one: bug usage details - browser: chrome - channel: not relevant, applicable while crating questions. - topic/content item: not relevant, applicable while crating questions. how to reproduce 1. try to create question on cc with answers a 0. screenshots ! screen shot 2017-08-02 at 9 41 36 pm https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13453618/28883337-aeee7d86-77cb-11e7-9ec0-5917aa7720d1.png ! screen shot 2017-08-02 at 9 41 43 pm https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13453618/28883338-af5030da-77cb-11e7-9e53-385bde6d3469.png"
+3037096,"""https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/5527""",взрыв боекомплекта техники,"arma 3 version: stable stable / rc / dev cba version: stable stable / dev + commit hash ace3 version: stable stable / dev + commit hash mods: - cba_a3 - ace description: with a large number of players on the server with the explosion of the ammunition technology, there is a drop server. please add the module to shut off the explosion of ammunition technology. steps to reproduce: - add the steps needed to reproduce the issue. where did the issue occur? - dedicated / self-hosted multiplayer / singleplayer / editor singleplayer / editor multiplayer / virtual arsenal placed modules: none rpt log file: - add a link gist https://gist.github.com or pastebin http://pastebin.com to the client and/or server rpt file. an instruction to find your rpt files can be found here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/crash_files arma_3 . - if possible at the time the bug is encountered, go to ace options and select debug to clipboard , this will print extensive debug information to the rpt file."
+1914012,"""https://github.com/phwiget/ebox-elexis/issues/5""",provide configurable value for es connection,"currently the connection to elexis server is fixed to localhost:8380, could you please provide a possibility for this to be configurable? best via a parameter with activator run or something! thanks :"
+3711286,"""https://github.com/box/box-java-sdk/issues/443""",breaking changes to the get folder collaborations and get file collaborations endpoints,"i got a mail from box: we are emailing you because you are using either the get folder collaborations or the get file collaborations endpoints of the box api. on june 14, 2017, we're removing the ability for an application with only a shared link url to see a file's or folder's list of collaborators. previously, an application could call the get folder collaborators endpoint and get file collaborations endpoints using a shared link and get back a list of that item's collaborators. after this change, those endpoints will return an empty list. to prevent any potential breakages in your application when making call to those endpoints, please use an api token scoped to a user or application that has permission to see collaborators on a specific folder or file. if you are not using a shared link as authorization to those endpoints, no further action is needed. does it impact the boxfolder.getcollaborations method?"
+191938,"""https://github.com/knownasilya/ember-toggle/issues/79""",migrate away from old style shims,"i recently upgraded to the ember shims beta that uses the new module import syntax, and was getting deprication errors due to the use of things like import component from 'ember-component'; https://github.com/knownasilya/ember-toggle/blob/master/addon/components/x-toggle-label/component.js l1 i suggest that we switch to using the default global ember import, and then we could possibly do the constant destructuring. what are you're thoughts @knownasilya @rwwagner90 ?"
+444139,"""https://github.com/wireapp/wire-android/issues/842""",wire-android not routing audio from call to bluetooth headset,"the problem in wire in android the audio from any call isn't going to my bluetooth headset environment wire version that exhibits the issue: wire-android android os version used to run wire: 7.1.1 on nextbit robin is this a custom firmware or a stock one: stock mobile phone model/manufacturer: nextbit robin mobile network type edge/lte/wi-fi/offline : any, lte and wifi details join or initiate call in wire-android with bluetooth headset paired and connected, call goes through phones regular call speaker link to debug logs create a gist https://gist.github.com which is a paste of your wire logs, and link them here. it is recommended to directly contact our customer support mailto:support@wire.com and send the debug report by email, because it can potentially contain some private information, that you don't want to share to the public. how to send detailed debug report from wire: 1. go to settings -> about 2. tap wire swiss gmbh 10 times 3. reproduce your issue 4. send the report from settings -> advanced -> submit debug report 5. go to settings -> about 6. tap wire swiss gmbh 10 times again to disable detailed debug reports, because this slows down wire screenshots please attach screenshots if you consider them as helpful to understand/reproduce the issue"
+224070,"""https://github.com/chuckhendo/hyper-favorites/issues/1""",doesn't work properly on split views,"if you have a split view, the command will always be sent to the most recently opened one"
+2378671,"""https://github.com/Motion-Project/motion/issues/442""",discussion on some patches in progress,"i'm opening this issue to track and discuss on what i have in mind for some patches. list - web control shows wrong count of cameras and a duplicated preview when running more than one camera. - config write from web control duplicates the camera lines if they were read in as thread lines bug 307 . - config write from web control always prints camera_dir as enabled and has a default value missing part of the 'default' path compared to when makefile installs it . web control cameras count this one just requires some added logic for checking if we are single threaded single file, one cam or multi-threaded but could be one cam motion.conf and camera1.conf or two+ cams. i've got a working test case, just need to simplify the code from little hack fixes. config write issues 1. the duplicate writing of camera lines currently needs a catch in the printing loop, that if the param_name is 'thread' to skip it. this is the most efficient way i can see to handle this right now. would a better method of skipping deprecated values be wanted for future use-cases? it could be a flag in the struct config_param or even a string pointing to the new value. 2. the camera_dir issue needs a catch in the printing loop, similar to the current catch for the camera config files. i'll put in the pull requests as i get each patch to where i'm happy with it. feedback is welcome from users, contributors, and especially the project maintainers."
+3722374,"""https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/issues/6323""",cooling and heating simultaneous operation in vsheatpumpwatertoairwithrhcontrol.idf causes severe error,from issue 6316 heating loads don't converge after 40 days due to the vs coils operating at the same time when dehumidification is needed. details some additional details for this issue if relevant : - platform: windows 7 sp2 - version of energyplus: pre 8.8. 0c736af1ca11d92f9d639de67236f3c6051eecfb checklist add to this list or remove from it as applicable. this is a simple templated set of guidelines. - ticket added to pivotal for defect development team task - pull request created the pull request will have additional tasks related to reviewing changes that fix this defect
+799970,"""https://github.com/getlantern/forum/issues/2444""",蓝灯专业版thinkpad win10 不能用,不好意思不小心原问题关闭了,thinkpad win10 ,家里台式机win7可以使用(北京),现在笔记本在河南不能使用。反复安装重启。邮箱 ylmil@163.com。 日志在此 lantern.pdf https://github.com/getlantern/forum/files/740825/lantern.pdf
+5179961,"""https://github.com/angelleye/paypal-woocommerce/issues/759""",woocommerce cart fields data format and duplication,"can you please take a look at this. https://www.angelleye.com/support/scp/tickets.php?id=1099 client specific issue. > 1. when a customer enters engraving text with line breaks, i do not see the line breaks in the order emails. neither does the customer. take a look at figurine urn orders in the wp mail log and you will see examples of this. > > 2. when customers order figurine urns, the list of options add-ons appears twice in the order emails. again, have a look at the wp mail log. actually, “plate color” does not appear in the proper place, so some reason, only at the top of the email. > > issue 1 does not happen for amazon payment orders > issue 2 does not happen for amazon payment orders > > issue 1 does happen for express checkout orders > issue 2 does not happen for express checkout orders > > issue 1 does happen for credit card orders > issue 2 does happen for credit card orders their dev site details are available in the ticket if you need to take a look."
+89512,"""https://github.com/hkhosrav/RiPPLE-Server-side/issues/3""",question database seeding,"there is currently no easy way to populate the database with data for use in the application. as a temporary solution to this, create a database seeder which populates the schema with correct data to simulate real data"
+2270025,"""https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/3045""",automatic file validation for,add regex validation to make sure files in src/pages export react components. add error otherwise. eg https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/pull/3011 a cheap way of doing this is to make sure files contain at least two statements: 1 an uppercase react 2 export default or module.exports
+2626096,"""https://github.com/kingzeus/database/issues/70""",android constraintlayout布局详解 - 宇宝守护神的博客 - csdn博客,"android constraintlayout& 24067;& 23616;& 35814;& 35299; - & 23431;& 23453;& 23432;& 25252;& 31070;& 30340;& 21338;& 23458; - csdn& 21338;& 23458;
+& 21069;& 35328; & 20043;& 21069;& 22312;& 20351;& 29992;android studio& 26032;& 24314;& 39033;& 30446;& 30340;& 26102;& 20505;& 65292;& 21457;& 29616;mainactivity& 30340;& 40664;& 35748;& 24067;& 23616;& 20174;relativelayout& 21464;& 25104;& 20102;constraintlayout& 12290;& 24403;& 26102;& 23601;& 23545;& 36825;& 20010;constraintlayout& 24456;& 22909;& 22855;& 65292;& 23601;& 30740;& 31350;& 20102;& 19968;& 19979;& 12290;& 21457;& 35273;& 30830;& 23454;& 24456;& 24378;& 22823;& 65292;& 22312;& 27492;& 20570;& 20010;& 24635;& 32467;& 12290; constraintlayout& 23450;& 20041;…
+october 24, 2017 at 12:01pm
+via instapaper http://ift.tt/2irl1by"
+2484978,"""https://github.com/meetfranz/franz/issues/1""",statusbar icon is not visible on macos dark mode," expected behavior the icon should appear with inverted colors showing the franz moustache and a red badge to indicate notifications. current behavior the icon is invisible on dark mode, because the color of the icon is the same as the background of the statusbar. the red badge is visible anyway. steps to reproduce for bugs 1. go to system settings > general 2. activate the dark color scheme for statusbar and dock by clicking the checkbox your environment franz version used: version 5.0.0-beta.10 5.0.0-beta.10.7 operating system and version: macos sierra version 10.12.6 16g29"
+3270317,"""https://github.com/pluginsGLPI/news/issues/35""",alert create permissions,"hi, i'm trying to restrict access to create alert for profiles, is it possible? regards, oliveira, josé"
+4877915,"""https://github.com/jihungen/BibleParser/issues/1""",pptx 파일 다운로드,고칠 곳: - ./ content_types - ./ppt/presentation.xml - ./ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels - ./ppt/slides/ 이하. /_rels 안에 파일은 동일함.
+1055627,"""https://github.com/temporalslide/bills/issues/6""",doctrine\dbal\driver\pdoexception in vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/doctrine/dbal/driver/pdoconnection.php:47,error in bills doctrine\dbal\driver\pdoexception in vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/doctrine/dbal/driver/pdoconnection.php:47 sqlstate 08006 7 could not translate host name postgres to address: name or service not known view on bugsnag https://app.bugsnag.com/temporalslide/bills/errors/58ff0cf084b721001895c26e?event_id=58ff0cf084b721001895c26d&i=gh&m=ci stacktrace vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/doctrine/dbal/driver/pdoconnection.php:47 - doctrine\dbal\driver\pdoconnection::__construct view full stacktrace https://app.bugsnag.com/temporalslide/bills/errors/58ff0cf084b721001895c26e?event_id=58ff0cf084b721001895c26d&i=gh&m=ci
+599373,"""https://github.com/RobThree/SimpleFeedReader/issues/9""",package not registering,! screen shot 2017-10-01 at 4 39 17 pm https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6758443/31058770-20f799a6-a6c7-11e7-896e-b8eff5c1b803.png xamarin is not registering simplefeedreader. is there any way this can be fixed?
+2696759,"""https://github.com/psu-libraries/cho/issues/268""",using abbyy for ocr,"the abbyy recognition server can extract text from images. it's a service that penn state will be paying for, and cho should use at some point: https://www.abbyy.com/en-us/recognition-server/"
+3773351,"""https://github.com/Jire/Overwatcheat/issues/18""",aimbot is good but...,its only aimboting when my crosshair is left to the target please help
+5069237,"""https://github.com/NewSpring/node-hcl/issues/2""",cannot parse multi-line string variables,"multi-line strings fail to parse with the exception: syntaxerror: expected - , . , , false , no , off , on , true , yes , { , 0-9 , 1-9 or string but < found. sample multi-line: resource aws_iam_role test { name = test assume_role_policy = <=0.6, the parser produces timezone-aware datetime objects if there's a timezone in the input string. example spider: - - coding: utf-8 - - from datetime import datetime import scrapy import dateparser class examplespider scrapy.spider : name = 'example' allowed_domains = 'example.com' start_urls = 'http://example.com/' def parse self, response : return {'url': response.url, 'ts': dateparser.parse datetime.utcnow .isoformat +'z' } error seen on scrapy cloud: traceback most recent call last : file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py , line 150, in maybedeferred result = f args, kw file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pydispatch/robustapply.py , line 55, in robustapply return receiver arguments, named file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sh_scrapy/extension.py , line 47, in item_scraped self._write_item item file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sh_scrapy/writer.py , line 78, in write_item self._write 'itm', item file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sh_scrapy/writer.py , line 46, in _write default=jsondefault file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/__init__.py , line 238, in dumps kw .encode obj file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/encoder.py , line 199, in encode chunks = self.iterencode o, _one_shot=true file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/encoder.py , line 257, in iterencode return _iterencode o, 0 file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scrapinghub/hubstorage/serialization.py , line 43, in jsondefault delta = o - epoch typeerror: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes"
+4903512,"""https://github.com/YukiUmetsu/php-photo-gallery/issues/6""",user setting functionality,let user change their -profile picture -email address -first name -last name -password user setting page
+4156106,"""https://github.com/athombv/com.athom.homeyduino/issues/32""",creating simple flow turning on build in led does not work,i have implemented the rc example on an esp8266. i can add the module to homey and i define d0 gpio 16 as an output. next i create a flow which turns the led on. when i test the flow the action card spins and then an error. am i doing something wrong here? i am using homey app version 0.9.6 and i have changed numanalogpins to numanaloginputs the esp8266 directory so it works.
+3679517,"""https://github.com/fians/Waves/issues/164""",warning: path must be a string. received null use --force to continue.,when i run grunt outputing this: running jshint:files jshint task warning: path must be a string. received null use --force to continue. aborted due to warnings.
+1623314,"""https://github.com/mimmi20/browscap-js/issues/6""",update npm version,"since https://github.com/mimmi20/browscap-js/pull/4 is merged, it would be awesome to use it! can you update version and publish package to npm?"
+3998743,"""https://github.com/clearcontainers/runtime/issues/436""",vendor: update virtcontainers vendoring,"an update of the virtcontainers package is needed so that we can rely on the latest version including the detection of nested vm environment. that way, when running on a vmm, our clear containers runtime will adapt qemu flags accordingly. note the ciao package has to be updated at the same time."
+421139,"""https://github.com/SAPDocuments/How-Tos/issues/191""",tutorial page vora-aws-security-groups.md issue. dev blue,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/sapdocuments/how-tos/blob/master/tutorials/2017/02/vora-aws-security-groups/vora-aws-security-groups.md https://github.com/sapdocuments/how-tos/blob/master/tutorials/2017/02/vora-aws-security-groups/vora-aws-security-groups.md contains invalid primary tag.
+your tutorial was not updated. please double-check primary tag property. each tutorial md-file shall have primary tag provided above. example:
+title: text bundles within node.js sap hana applications
+description: working with text bundles in node.js
+primary_tag: products>sap\-hana
+tags: tutorial>intermediate\, products>sap\-hana\, products>sap\-hana\-\-express\-edition \-\-\- affected server: dev blue"
+1274662,"""https://github.com/dotnet/wcf/issues/2026""",add two ci legs for uap and uapaot.,"from 2021... other than the suggestion by @shmao of making sure that this doesn't break uap testing, this lgtm. after this is in, i would create two ci legs that build both verticals uap, and uapaot to make sure this doesn't get broken. you should now be able to run uap tests as part of that ci currently we support x64, x86 and arm archs , but uapaot we don't support running the tests as part of ci yet."
+3760671,"""https://github.com/ltplace/SampleMusicApp/issues/5""",locally saved files,locally saved files should be given a unique identifier.
+4427655,"""https://github.com/mikebell/drush-docset/issues/11""",add version of modules indexed.,also include the drush version as well
+551998,"""https://github.com/vega/vega-lite/issues/2515""",bad number of bins,
+2496823,"""https://github.com/octobercms/october/issues/2887""",cannot extend backend sign in view as the document,"hi everyone, i am following the document at https://github.com/octobercms/docs/blob/master/plugin-extending.md to extend the sign in view which i want to add some more parts on the signin view. the whole customization needs to be inside my plugin. however, i have figured out that the boot method of my plugin cannot be reached until i sign in to the backend. i have tried with different methods of the pluginbase class to see whether i can catch the event backend.auth.extendsigninview anywhere, but impossible. it's really really strange. so, i would like to understand how octobercms run the boot process for plugins. further, is there anyway that i can interfere to the boot process to catch the backend.auth.extendsigninview using my plugin. thanks for your answers and supporting"
+1944824,"""https://github.com/fabric8io/docker-maven-plugin/issues/692""",waiting on additional docker compose containers,"i'm fairly certain when i originally submitted a pr for docker-compose support, it had the ability to do things like wait , etc on additional containers other then just the build artifact. did that get lost in the final implementation? looking at the docs i don't think it's possible. i see that docker offers some hints https://docs.docker.com/compose/startup-order/ but i also think it would be nice to just add something in the pom for it."
+2057520,"""https://github.com/danielbachhuber/bylines/issues/58""",assigned byline shouldn't appear in the list of available bylines,! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/36432/25976447/ddd4c950-3669-11e7-81fd-6e9cd2a8f46b.png ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/36432/25976459/f9a4250e-3669-11e7-805f-ad86908ea6ea.png
+181163,"""https://github.com/backdrop-ops/contrib/issues/239""",port of taxonomy_field_formatter,drupal module: https://www.drupal.org/project/taxonomy_field_formatter drupal issue: https://www.drupal.org/node/2915005 work in progress: https://github.com/opi/taxonomy_field_formatter
+3743131,"""https://github.com/tarantool-php/client/issues/25""",no space defined,"php 5.6.30-1~dotdeb+7.1 cli built: jan 21 2017 14:50:59 tarantool 1.7.4 binary bba87e42-c93f-4823-a51a-36069400f80f php module compiled from github repo server script looks like: box.cfg { listen = 3301, background = true, log = 'deploy.log', pid_file = 'deploy.pid' } space = box.space.deploy if not space then space = box.schema.create_space 'deploy' space:create_index 'primary', { parts = {1, 'str'}, type='hash' } end attempt to execute following code: $tt = new tarantool ,3301 ; echo $tt->select 'deploy' ; failed with uncaught exception 'exception' with message 'no space 'box.space.deploy' defined' at the same time console call box.space.deploy returns --- - index: 0: &0 unique: true parts: - type: string fieldno: 1 id: 0 space_id: 512 name: primary type: hash primary: 0 on_replace: 'function: 0x4174bab8' temporary: false id: 512 engine: memtx enabled: true name: deploy field_count: 0"
+902419,"""https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/2709""",render cross in the centroid of christian churches,the cross and name appear out of shape. example santadart : ! 1 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19976610/28620238-79285dc8-71e2-11e7-899d-f5b0501a1049.png hot: ! 2 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19976610/28620239-792902e6-71e2-11e7-9a44-9d65a9fd5a45.png http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/49840192
+2397371,"""https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/alenatut/issues/7247""",tutorial page author.md issue. qa green,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/alenatut/blob/master/tutorials/2011/12/author.md https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/alenatut/blob/master/tutorials/2011/12/author.md contains invalid tags. even though your tutorial was created, the invalid tags listed below were disregarded. please double-check the following tags:
+- 123 affected server: qa green"
+469484,"""https://github.com/mtboren/XtremIO.Utils/issues/5""",value for property overallefficiency on cluster object not accurate,"the overallefficiency property on xioiteminfo.cluster objects is not being determined in the same way as reported in the webui / java ui. per the description in the webui, overallefficiency is, 'volume capacity' to 'physical space used' ratio ."
+1484574,"""https://github.com/mattgallagher/CwlSignal/issues/13""",installation through carthage fails citing bitcode issues,"trying to install 2.0.0-beta.8 through carthage with xcode 8.3.3: ld: bitcode bundle could not be generated because '/users/zoul/library/caches/org.carthage.carthagekit/deriveddata/cwlsignal/2.0.0-beta.8/build/products/release-iphoneos/cwlutils.framework/cwlutils' was built without full bitcode. all frameworks and dylibs for bitcode must be generated from xcode archive or install build for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 use -v to see invocation am i doing something wrong? i tried 1.x, but that also fails to install through carthage for a different reason."
+2745132,"""https://github.com/dennisschuerholz/Piwigo-LDAP-Login/issues/4""",ui: multiple config-tabs,"to split the config basic, groups, ... it's best to have tabs"
+3805644,"""https://github.com/maierfelix/mini-wasm/issues/5""",doesn't work in firefox.,"when browsing http://maierfelix.github.io/mini-wasm/ http://maierfelix.github.io/mini-wasm/ in firefox nothing appears to happens when i click compile. both upon loading the page and upon clicking compile, the following is posted in the web console: error: unknown node kind undefined >error http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/:58:19 >emitnode http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:260:5 >emitnode http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:164:5 >emitnode/< http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:226:35 >map self-hosted:275:17 >emitnode http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:226:5 >emitfunction/< http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:304:33 >map self-hosted:275:17 >emitfunction http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:304:3 >emitnode http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:156:5 >emitcodesection/< http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:135:7 >map self-hosted:275:17 >emitcodesection http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:133:3 >emit http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/emit.js:47:3 >compile http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/src/index.js:28:3 >cmp.onclick http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/:56:25 > http://www.felixmaier.info/mini-wasm/:44:9"
+4194560,"""https://github.com/italia/spid-metadata-signer/issues/8""",tool per la preparazione automatica dei metadati per nodi cluster,"nell'avviso 6 è stato introdotto il concetto di nodo cluster, se può tornare utile proporrei di rendere disponibile qualche tool di conversione tra i metadati generati dai sistemi di autenticazione aggregatori già presenti nelle amministrazioni e il formato richiesto da spid. se può essere utile ad altri posso fare la versione per adfs"
+1387708,"""https://github.com/eapowertools/GovernedMetricsService/issues/102""",gms test page set to debug logging by default,too verbose. change default logging level
+2363021,"""https://github.com/disheng222/SZ/issues/6""",unable to build from github checkout,"i can run ./configure , but i get the following error when running make : cdpath= ${zsh_version+.}: && cd . && /bin/sh /home/bda/codar/sz/missing aclocal-1.13 /home/bda/codar/sz/missing: line 81: aclocal-1.13: command not found warning: 'aclocal-1.13' is missing on your system. you should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or 'configure.ac' or m4 files included by 'configure.ac'. the 'aclocal' program is part of the gnu automake package: it also requires gnu autoconf, gnu m4 and perl in order to run: make: makefile:349: aclocal.m4 error 127 there are also several files checked into source control that should probably be removed and ignored. after running ./configure , the following files are modified: modified: makefile modified: config.log modified: config.status modified: libtool"
+2022552,"""https://github.com/opentrials/opentrials/issues/824""",data dumps are being tagged with the previous month's date,"for example, a data dump that happened on 01/may/2017 would be tagged as 01/apr/2017 see https://airflow.opentrials.net/admin/airflow/log?execution_date=2017-04-01t00%3a00%3a00&task_id=dump_api_database&dag_id=data_dumps . the fix involves changing this to the correct value: https://github.com/opentrials/opentrials-airflow/blob/ec44992c82d25eb865f25c76adc1cace8bd8815a/dags/data_dumps.py l60"
+2563197,"""https://github.com/TwistedScorpio/OTHire/issues/155""",not possible to walk from some positions using right click.,"hello, not sure if this is a bug, but i think it wasn't happening on avesta. when you right click for example on deopt and you have way that you can go through the server doesn't see the path and message you there is no way . ! nowy obraz mapy bitowej 2 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6841661/28756342-b890b1c6-756c-11e7-88b9-09482967109d.jpg"
+1571399,"""https://github.com/filingroove/wavescore-chat/issues/733""",здравствуйте! пишу вам на почту поддержки ...,"здравствуйте! пишу вам на почту поддержки helpdesk@wavescore.com
+и на сайте, в раздел устранения трудностей уже много раз, проблена остается…
+по моей реферальной ссылке потенциальные партнеры уходят к другому человеку, lyudmila rudenko! понимаете, у меня везде размещены ссылки и ко мне никто не приходит! примите пожалуйста соответствующие меры, времени уже прошло очень много. спасибо.
+ robert guzov
+user: { id : e81oxplm3r , first_name : robert , last_name : , full_name : robert } context: ua-chrome ua-chrome-56 ua-chrome-56-0 ua-chrome-56-0-2924 ua-chrome-56-0-2924-87 ua-desktop ua-desktop-macintosh ua-mac_os_x ua-mac_os_x-10 ua-mac_os_x-10-12 ua-mac_os_x-10-12-1 ua-webkit ua-webkit-537 ua-webkit-537-36 js location: { hash : , search : , pathname : /messaging , port : , hostname : www.wavescore.com , host : www.wavescore.com , protocol : https: , origin : https://www.wavescore.com , href : https://www.wavescore.com/messaging , ancestororigins :{}}"
+4150884,"""https://github.com/wikiwho/WhoColor/issues/9""","for some articles, token annotations stop partway through","for example, https://api.wikiwho.net/eu/whocolor/v1.0.0-beta/virginia%20hendersonen%20eredua/ article: https://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/virginia_hendersonen_eredua view it from programs & events dashboard: https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/courses/ehu,_ewke_eta_donostia_kultura/ehu-wikipedia_2017/articles here's the visualization of how far into the articles the authorship tokens go: ! partial coloring https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/848483/31785041-bb16e808-b4b8-11e7-9010-e9c4d729bbab.png"
+265017,"""https://github.com/oliverlee/phobos/issues/84""",steer torque input values are too large,data from a test with an impulse : oliver@canopus:~/repos/phobos/tools/build$ ./pbprint log.pb 0 | grep -a 2 input | head -n50 input { u: 0 u: -0.31738281 -- input { u: 0 u: -0.1953125 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.1953125 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.36621094 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.14648438 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.09765625 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.36621094 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.48828125 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.390625 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.390625 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.63476562 -- input { u: 0 u: 0.83007812 -- input { u: 0
+2145670,"""https://github.com/Cobbleopolis/MonsterTruckBot/issues/42""",bot creation page,have the index page redirect to the bot invite page if the bot is unable to see the guild on discord
+3567348,"""https://github.com/openwrt/luci/issues/1341""",luci-app-openvpn 'remote-random' control is broken,"in the web interface, ' remote_random ' box is checked but a remote_random entry does not appear in the saved configuration file at /etc/config/openvpn"
+8036,"""https://github.com/valiahq/Valia-Web/issues/169""",max price range,max seems to be fixed at $1000
+1517223,"""https://github.com/SuperNETorg/EasyDEX-GUI/issues/33""",linux changing from basilisk to full doenst show balance or txs,ran in basilisk and sent txs in this mode. i stopped iguana then started again in full. 100% downloaded blockchain but no balance or tx data.
+1600972,"""https://github.com/zz85/space-radar/issues/34""",color by type,"i suggest assigning colors as follows: for files, use the same colors as gnu ls by respecting the environment variable ls_colors. if that variable is not set, then use the defaults printed by dircolors -p . for directories: for .git, foo.git, .svn, and other configuration management directories: use the same color as for a .tar file. for .../bin, /applications, etc: same as an executable, or a .exe file. for ~/pictures: same as a .jpg file. otherwise, a directory should inherit the color of the contents, with votes weighted by space. i.e., add up the space for all the green files & subdirectories, all the red files & subdirectories, etc. whichever color accounts for the most space is assigned to the directory. coloring by content would make it easier to spot duplicate collections of files, because those directories would be assigned the same color. to make this even easier, one could construct a directory color by averaging over the color of its contents. however, i suggest this be an option rather than the default."
+4361113,"""https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison/issues/275""",dialyzer warnings for post,"i see the following dialyzer warnings in my project: lib/services/closeio/client.ex:23: function create_lead/1 has no local return lib/services/closeio/client.ex:25: the call 'elixir.closeio.httpclient':post { <47> 8, 1, 'integer', 'unsigned', 'big' , <108> 8, 1, 'integer', 'unsigned', 'big' , <101> 8, 1, 'integer', 'unsigned', 'big' , <97> 8, 1, 'integer', 'unsigned', 'big' , <100> 8, 1, 'integer', 'unsigned', 'big' , <47> 8, 1, 'integer', 'unsigned', 'big' } ,payload@1::map , {<<_:96>>,<<_:128>>},... will never return since it differs in the 2nd argument from the success typing arguments: binary ,binary | {'file',binary } | {'form', {atom ,_} }, {binary ,binary } | {binary =>binary } this happens when wrapping httpoison base, and providing a map to post which is encoded with this function: defp process_request_body body do poison.encode! body end so in this case restricting post payload to any kind of type may raise warnings if the end user overrides process_request_body ."
+542198,"""https://github.com/Eskalol/generator-swagger-es-6/issues/14""",clean up linting,it's quite a lot linting errors in the generated code...
+4152352,"""https://github.com/01org/zephyr.js/issues/668""",ocf: device and platform object implementation is missing,https://github.com/01org/iot-js-api/tree/master/api/ocf ocfdevice https://github.com/01org/iot-js-api/blob/master/api/ocf the-ocfplatform-object we need to be able to set these two objects from the js app.
+94217,"""https://github.com/cslarsen/wpm/issues/12""",bug when downsizing window,"for some quotes, when you keep downsizing, it will throw an error. better to just print inside the display that sorry, the window is too small!"
+1094751,"""https://github.com/scotch-io/scotch-box/issues/317""",npm & bower broken.,npm -v outputs module.js:487 throw err; ^ error: cannot find module 'internal/fs' at function.module._resolvefilename module.js:485:15 at function.module._load module.js:437:25 at module.require module.js:513:17 at require internal/module.js:11:18 at evalmachine.:40:20 at object. /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/write-file-atomic/node_modules/graceful-fs/fs.js:11:1 at module._compile module.js:569:30 at object.module._extensions..js module.js:580:10 at module.load module.js:503:32 at trymoduleload module.js:466:12 same with bower -v .
+1345845,"""https://github.com/webcompat/web-bugs/issues/8404""",developer.apple.com - see bug description,"
+ url : https://developer.apple.com/ browser / version : firefox 55.0 operating system : windows 10 tested another browser : yes problem type : something else description : left / right arrow buttons don't scroll banner steps to reproduce :
+1. tried bringing back previous banner _from webcompat.com https://webcompat.com/ with ❤️_"
+994887,"""https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-ruby/issues/1788""",add round-trip acceptance test for requester_pays and user_project,"we need to add a test or tests demonstrating the interaction between setting the bucket requester_pays property and the user_project option available on multiple methods . this will involve using a second project. some questions: 1. how should the second project be configured? in environment variables? should the tests be conditional to only run if the second project is configured, or should they fail if the second project is not configured? 1. should the tests cover every api method supporting user_project , or just a subset? there are a lot... most if not all methods support user_project ."
+4398272,"""https://github.com/Orientsoft/conalog-front/issues/29""",parser last activity problem,"this might be a conalog backend problem, record for further research"
+4602586,"""https://github.com/social-machines/social-machines.github.io/issues/10""",update people data to reflect category of role,"for example, phd student, masters, visiting researcher, faculty, etc."
+206291,"""https://github.com/PsychoinformaticsLab/neuroscout/issues/173""",search clears filtering predictors,when predictors are filtered the previously selected predictors are cleared out.
+1783019,"""https://github.com/vitoralmeidasilva/godot-chip8-emulator/issues/8""",ui to check memory and registers,a good idea to control and visualize how the cpu works is to show an ui where the user can check all memory locations and registers in an easy and intuitive way.
+4818598,"""https://github.com/JaCraig/Inflatable/issues/5""",add greedy loading,allow for greedy loading of properties along with a query. should be able to do this multiple levels down.
+5141409,"""https://github.com/gazman-sdk/Life-Cycle/issues/4""",gettting a single instance with some parameters,"i've been playing with your sdk for a couple of hours, i like the idea of having a factory handling the cleaning of all static references using weak reference if the factory would have helped as well , but what if the creation of a singleton requires some parameters to be passes? you're using the default constructor in you sdk but what if the class doesn't have any? i would recommend you to add some kind of lambda expression to be passed to the factory, this lambda would handle the creation of the first instance with some parameters. hope you get the idea."
+873895,"""https://github.com/janzeteachesit/100-days-of-writing/issues/342""",how news literacy gets web misinformation wrong,"how “news literacy” gets web misinformation wrong by mike caulfield download medium on the app store or play store grist4 starred jrn
+how “news literacy” gets web misinformation wrong
+label: grist
+date: april 07, 2017 at 11:44pm"
+3634347,"""https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/issues/5416""",dimmer blurring dimmable leave z-index stacking side effects,"for reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/css/css_positioning/understanding_z_index/the_stacking_context the use of a filter css property will impose z-index stacking rules for an element. as such, when using a blurring modal dimmer there are side effects left over from having a filter property on the non-dimmed content. see: https://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/blob/master/src/definitions/modules/dimmer.less l122 this leads to unexpected stacking behavior for elements that would otherwise not have z-index stacking rules applied to them. one example being the use of menus with dropdowns following the open/close of a blurred modal . one solution, which i'm actively using, is to set the filter property to initial instead of @blurredstartfilter which will restore the preexisting z-index stack behavior for those affected nodes. here are some screencaps to illustrate... pre modal open: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/139316/26523987/eccb9508-42e2-11e7-9373-1534587cd368.png modal open: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/139316/26523990/0329a128-42e3-11e7-95c6-e8adcff5b07f.png post modal open: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/139316/26523994/1299defc-42e3-11e7-8472-ad2fd3746b0c.png"
+3996123,"""https://github.com/dns-stats/draft-dns-capture-format/issues/32""",record subnets not individual addresses,could the address recording mechanism allow for just recording subnets and so shrinking data ?
+1780862,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/28400""",quick suggestions work incorrect,"extension cpptools is installed. vs code toggle quick suggestions popup, after i type i++; , but it shouldn't. - vscode version: last - os version: ubuntu 16.04 steps to reproduce: with cpptools enabled, type i++; in any cpp file."
+4249835,"""https://github.com/mipt-cs-on-cpp/course-site/issues/3""",1-я неделя. практика: компиляция и работа в консоли.,"компиляция в консоли. работа в ide. отладка программы. алексей, ответственное дело, поэтобу тебе. ты должен будешь проверить, что всё окружение, необходимое для компиляции, работает."
+910977,"""https://github.com/Greg-Turner/greg-turner.github.io/issues/10""",store contact information database in local storage,"1. create a contact.js file and include it in your contact.html file. 1. build a database object to store the pertinent information about each of your social media profiles. 1. stringify the database object and store it in local storage. the first step is to design what each object's properties should be - name of service, your name/handle, url to profile, perhaps the icon of the service. each object should have those properties."
+1577105,"""https://github.com/worldoss/ocean/issues/40""",커뮤니티 참여자들 중 봇 bot 의 식별과 네트워크 분석 포함 여부,커뮤니티 참여자들 중 봇 bot 의 식별 방안과 네트워크 분석 포함 여부를 논의하기 위해 본 이슈를 오픈합니다.
+712667,"""https://github.com/taniman/proxy-bot/issues/93""",monitor: totals tab percent loss,"would love to see a percent loss from total current value to total pending value. and maybe the total loss in btc. that would make it easy to do something like oh, i can afford to panic sell that shit and start over or crap, i can't sell em all at the moment because, sometimes you just want to smack em all flat and start over in a new market pattern."
+770055,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/pxt/issues/1750""",getting a high resolution screen shot,"microbit.org-ticket: 1391 the new screenshot feature is very useful. however the image comes out at quite a low resolution, and the customer wants to use them in print media. presumably the rendering is from a vector graphics source, would it be possible to optionally generate a svg or some other vector graphics format that could be scaled infinitely for print use?"
+2278946,"""https://github.com/MyersResearchGroup/iBioSim/issues/414""",task id's appear to be broken,"if you give an analysis a task id, then simulation does not happen."
+3159672,"""https://github.com/sksamuel/eel-sdk/issues/223""",avrosource and avrosink should support a hadoop path argument on constructor,"e.g. scala case class avrosource path: path extends source with using { override def schema : structtype = { using avroreaderfns.createavroreader path { reader => val record = reader.next avroschemafns.fromavroschema record.getschema } } override def parts : list part = list new avrosourcepart path, schema } should support other variants for: 1. avrosource in: inputstream 2. avrosource path: org.apache.hadoop.fs.path 3. avrosource path: java.nio.file.path 4. avrosource file: file 5. avrosink out: outputstream 6. avrosink path: org.apache.hadoop.fs.path 7. avrosink path: java.nio.file.path 8. avrosink file: file"
+3453090,"""https://github.com/sentinelsat/sentinelsat/issues/171""",to_geopandas should be to_geodataframe,"in the tutorial, https://github.com/sentinelsat/sentinelsat geopandas geodataframe with the metadata of the scenes and the footprints as geometries api.to_geopandas products to_geopandas should be to_geodataframe"
+1743134,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/16077""",momoapplication.java line 542,in com.immomo.momo.momoapplication.f number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59c23857be077a4dcced9c62?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59c23857be077a4dcced9c62?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+4492342,"""https://github.com/janzeteachesit/100-days-of-writing/issues/393""",irritations in introductory physics:,"irritations in introductory physics: by andrew robinson download medium on the app store or play store grist4 stem
+irritations in introductory physics:
+label: grist
+date: april 11, 2017 at 09:59pm"
+885688,"""https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/issues/718""",request: add warning about changing gender gen 7,"as of commit 696398f, it's been possible to change your skin tone, but pkhex also allows you to change your character's gender. upon changing my player's gender from male -> female with a save backup, of course , my game would consistently crash when trying to load my newly injected save file. i'd recommend either having a warning at the top of the editor similar to that in the event flags editor , or prompt the user to be wary of the side effects after changing your player's gender through a prompt if gender changed from male -> female or female -> male ."
+1825713,"""https://github.com/Vizir/react-native-autocomplete-select/issues/3""",is their a way to hide suggestions ?,is their a way to hide suggestions i have multiple autosuggest on the page and would like to close the previous one on focus lost
+55203,"""https://github.com/Elytherion/tdeheroes/issues/88""",improve macos titlebar,enforce a consistent design by creating an own titlebar for macos in the style of the app.
+1352420,"""https://github.com/ga-wdi-exercises/project2/issues/821""",unable to access :user_id info for routes,"i'm getting this error: no route matches {:action=> edit , :controller=> goals , :id=> 1 , :user_id=>nil} missing required keys: :user_id . the line in question is: <% current_user.goals.each do |goal| %> ... <%= link_to 'edit', edit_user_goal_path @user, goal %> ... <% end %> the edit on the controller is: def edit @user = current_user @goal = goal.find params :id end and my repo is linked here: https://github.com/justwes2/wellnyss i'm not sure what i'm missing to access the edit_user_goal here."
+3713088,"""https://github.com/QIICR/Slicer-PETDICOMExtension/issues/11""",suv conversion will fail if there are extra files in the directory with the input series,the class that is used to generate file names specifically makes the assumption assuming there is only one study/series .
+2371996,"""https://github.com/curiouslearning/CognitivePlayground/issues/50""",practice trials for games run by json,"user story as a child, i would like all the games run by json to have a practice flag associated with a trial that dictates whether a trial should repeat infinitely until the correct answer is discovered, so that i can better get my bearings in a game to figure out what i'm supposed to do before hopping into the real trials. acceptance criteria given that i am playing a game run by json, when i read in the json i will look for a practice flag for the trial and if found, then i will repeat this trial over and over until the correct answer is given before moving on to the next trial. given that i am playing a game run by json, when i read in the json i will look for a practice flag for the trial and if it isn't found, then i will play the trial will not repeat when an answer is given."
+2900704,"""https://github.com/MahimaSrikanta/MS-Planner/issues/14""",design and implement yelp search form,design and implement yelp search form
+5019937,"""https://github.com/jonathangomz/PythonClassifier/issues/1""",use score to calculate the accuracy,we going to add the function to calculate the accuracy using the method score from sklearn.
+128907,"""https://github.com/ancor-dev/angular-autofocus-fix/issues/2""",errors with angular material,getting this error when using autofocus with : expressionchangedafterithasbeencheckederror expression has changed after it was checked. previous value: 'false'. current value: 'true'. angular 4.4.6 angular material 2.0.0-beta.12
+5014922,"""https://github.com/iotaledger/wallet/issues/351""",iota wallet not attaching to tangle,"i have downloaded the latest wallet, however when i attempt to attached the address to the tangle, it will just say attaching to tangle until i close the wallet overnight . this means i cant access my balance, or generate a new address."
+3386893,"""https://github.com/tarantool/doc/issues/186""",document new box.info.replication,commit c9eb84e0f62028fe4eccd3397e27cc922eb3aa31 author: roman tsisyk date: mon apr 10 15:08:06 2017 +0300 replication: change box.info.replication output add box.info.replication instance_id .id add box.info.replication instance_id .lsn display all registered replicas in box.info.replication hide box.info.replication instance_id .upstream when applier->state is off fix initial value of box.info.replication instance_id .vclock add tests example output master 1: tarantool> box.info.replication --- - 1: id: 1 uuid: d0734943-1aaf-4db8-859d-b6bb5aa0921f lsn: 2 2: id: 2 uuid: 448997c0-b51e-4f22-9c2c-e0e5167b6910 lsn: 0 upstream: status: follow idle: 3.2325129508972 lag: 0 downstream: vclock: {1: 2} master 2: tarantool> box.info.replication --- - 1: id: 1 uuid: d0734943-1aaf-4db8-859d-b6bb5aa0921f lsn: 2 upstream: status: follow idle: 32.845174312592 lag: 0 downstream: vclock: {1: 2} 2: id: 2 uuid: 448997c0-b51e-4f22-9c2c-e0e5167b6910 lsn: 0 ...
+5195107,"""https://github.com/yandex/yandex-tank/issues/460""",не удалось найти пакет yandex-tank,устанавливаю яндекс.танк по инструкции sudo apt-get install python-software-properties sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yandex-load/main sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yandex-tank при выполнении последней инструкции выходит сообщение: чтение списков пакетов… готово построение дерева зависимостей чтение информации о состоянии… готово e: не удалось найти пакет yandex-tank хотя по прямой ссылке https://launchpad.net/~yandex-load/+archive/ubuntu/main пакеты яндекс.танка есть пробовал искать apt search load | grep yandex или apt search load | grep yandex в менеджере пакетов ничего не находит.
+3178946,"""https://github.com/grommet/grommet/issues/1399""",accordion component is using number.isinteger call that is fails in internet explorer 11," accordion component fails to load in internet explorer 11 due to number.isinteger call expected behavior accordion should load without issue in ie11 actual behavior page fails to load when accordion is on it. gets error: line: 106 error: object doesn't support property or method 'isinteger' i added a manual fix to accordion.js for ie11: replaced line 58 - if number.isinteger _this.props.active { with if _this.props.active === parseint _this.props.active, 10 { to get around this issue. url, screen shot, or codepen exhibiting the issue https://codepen.io/jrkirkwood/pen/yxbeek or just go to grommet examples page using ie11: https://grommet.github.io/hpe/docs/accordion/examples/ steps to reproduce 1. add accordion component to any page 2. try to open with ie11 3. your environment grommet version: 1.4.1 browser name and version: ie 11 operating system and version desktop or mobile : windows 10 desktop"
+3596486,"""https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/7896""","field always locked in f downloading , never change !!","please provide the following information qbittorrent version and operating system v4.0.1 linux mint cinnamon 64bit if on linux, libtorrent and qt version v4.0.1 linux mint cinnamon 64bit what is the problem before the field changed dynamically, now it always stays f downloading what is the expected behavior should show paused , downloading and f downloading steps to reproduce never change !! extra info if any type here"
+3040209,"""https://github.com/HIPERFIT/futhark/issues/300""",futhark-mode does not intend this example correctly,module m r: s : foo with t1 = t2 = { fun f x: int = x + 2 } the closing brace should not be indented.
+3382056,"""https://github.com/marcosmoura/vue-material/issues/616""",the wave effect can be canceled?,the wave effect can be canceled? i can set it when i do not use it on low-end device
+787950,"""https://github.com/alextselegidis/easyappointments/issues/296""",working plan for services revisited...,"hi alex, i had two services currently via the same provider, problem was that one service i could only perform whilst in the office whilst the other one is a skype meeting. so i did what you've suggested, created two providers and assigning one service to each. the problem however is that the calendars aren't synced between each provider, so there is the risk of double booking. obviously when i'm in an office meeting i can't be in a skype meeting. do you know how i can overcome this? thanks"
+5178554,"""https://github.com/mit-cml/appinventor-sources/issues/909""",stack overflow errors not reported to blocks editor,"related to 908: the stack overflow error caused by the json renderer is not properly reported to the app inventor client as a runtime error. because this is an error rather than an exception, it might not be properly caught/handled by the runtime. forum post for reference https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/guxv17o2rg8/lmm4tppnbqaj"
+4991841,"""https://github.com/frontendbr/eventos/issues/226""",maringá femug-mga 8 - tecnospeed,"título : femug-mga 8 - tecnospeed data : 28 de outubro local : tecnospeed - edifício new tower, 17o andar - maringá descrição breve : o femug de maringá, lembrando que você também pode falar sobre algum assunto se inscrevendo aqui, https://goo.gl/filtnk logotipo do evento : http://i.imgur.com/fpwep4c.png valor : gratuito mais informações : https://goo.gl/is8uzh"
+3241884,"""https://github.com/cmckee-dev/go-alpha-vantage/issues/16""",crypto currency tests,mocked code for crypto currencies. needs testing around it still.
+221032,"""https://github.com/yabwe/medium-editor/issues/1336""",activate the toolbar at custom event,"i want to trigger the toolbar on clicking a particular element say a span , making it the current selection and then be able to apply the text edit from the toolbar how do i use the provided methods to do that?"
+423214,"""https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/19569""",core/script the passive talent mania don't give the bonus.,"description: the passive talent mania don't give the bonus of movement speed. current behaviour: when choose the talen mania according to the talent, for each 3 points of insanity you the movement speed should increase in 1%. but at the moment is not giving the bonus of speed even though the bar of insanity be the 100% expected behaviour: for each 3 points of the bar of power insanity should go up the speed of movement of priest to 1% steps to reproduce the problem: 1. create a human player/priest 2. go up it until level 30 3. chose the specialization shadow 4. choose the talent mania 5. fill the bar of power insanity branch es : master tc rev. hash/commit: 7c66e7bbc7a401e7a2d8f2bdcead6531678262ea tdb version: 7.2.0+updates operating system: windows 10 description in wowhead http://es.wowhead.com/spell=195290/mania"
+4023294,"""https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers/issues/2208""",custom root key in activemodel serializers,"i am using rails 5 and acive model serializer 0.10.6 in my project. i need below format of json { account_lists : { 0 : { id : 1, description : test tets test tets }, 1 : { id : 2, description : test tets test tets } } } 0 , 1 keys would be the index of the object. i tried with below code, but result is not coming account_serializer.rb class accountserializer < activemodel::serializer attributes :custom_method def custom_method { object.id => {id: object.id, description: object. description } } end end accounts_controller.rb render json: @accounts, root: account_lists , adapter: :json result is { account_lists : { custom_method : { 46294 : { id : 46294, description : test tets test tets } } }, { custom_method : { 46295 : { id : 46295, description : test tets test tets } } } could you please help me to get the result. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46890409/custom-key-in-activemodel-serializers url"
+2517130,"""https://github.com/bigdatagenomics/adam/issues/1786""",remove explicit scopes from submodule poms,"hi @heuermh wanted your thoughts on this. i know you added these a few months back in https://github.com/bigdatagenomics/adam/commit/9505d47e881305367fbad4bdfb8f189c3e766b0a and that we had discussed this at the time, but i can't remember what the exact rationale was, and the attached issue doesn't seem to discuss the rationale its long so i skimmed it and may have missed the discussion . this is really a question of convenience; i was debugging something today so changed a dependency from compile to provided scope. however, since i didn't update the submodule poms, it was still packaged at compile scope. this was a bit of a hassle since the specific debugging loop was pretty long it involved deploying the assembly jar over a slow internet connection . that said, i remember you had a reason for adding the explicit scopes, so i wanted to circle back. can you jog my memory? no need to change this now, just wanted to create a ticket for discussion."
+1305907,"""https://github.com/own-pt/wordnet-dsl/issues/14""",read.lisp should not use symbol names,"this line is the problem: https://github.com/own-pt/wordnet-dsl/blob/74593f13be30a395ed5f584537747849b1d66047/src/read.lisp l7 while it work on macs due to case insensitive file systems, it fails on linux. i recommend switching to strings instead of symbols for the filenames."
+1913774,"""https://github.com/vryurek/SpotiFour/issues/22""",playlist page does not display playlist name,dylan and i are trying to figure out how to display the name of the playlist instead of 'songs'.
+2246335,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/71650""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4125824,"""https://github.com/14417335/question-bank/issues/17""",swap two numbers without using third variable in java,write a unit test to test on method 2 h3. swapping method 1 z = y; y = x; x = z; h3. swapping method 2 x = x^y; y = x^y; x = x^y; h3. swapping method 3 what flaw does this have? x = x y; y = x/y; x = x/y;
+4521845,"""https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/13614""",allow ~ in dependencies in pubspec.yaml,full on glob might be a bit much. but i'm sure dev pubspec's world-wide are filled with references to /users/ or /home/. pubspec.yaml android_alarm_manager: path: ~/code/flutter/plugins/packages/android_alarm_manager flutter packges get err : could not find package android_alarm_manager at ~/code/flutter/plugins/packages/android_alarm_manager .
+334735,"""https://github.com/springernature/frontend-playbook/issues/143""",review the dependency management tools section,we added a section about tools for managing node.js dependencies to our dependency management page https://github.com/springernature/frontend-playbook/blob/master/practices/dependency-management.md dependency-management-tools . maybe it's not the best place to contain that information and we should have a separate page for tools.
+2483054,"""https://github.com/aksonov/react-native-router-flux/issues/2014""",navbar props doesn't affect on back button style,"neither leftbuttontextstyle or backbuttontextstyle don't make any changes for me, but titlestyle does. can someone approve that behavior? "
+1745499,"""https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/3348""",segmentation fault arch linux,"sorry for my english please steps to reproduce 1. go to telegram's folder 2. try to launch 3. you will see segmentation fault see log 4. try to launch again 5. telegram launch expected behaviour tell us what should happen telegram should start actual behaviour tell us what happens instead tellegram does not start configuration operating system: linux laptop 4.10.11-1-arch 1 smp preempt tue apr 18 08:39:42 cest 2017 x86_64 gnu/linux version of telegram desktop: 1.0.29 used theme : default logs: ➜ telegram ./telegram fontconfig error: /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf , line 72: non-double matrix element fontconfig error: /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf , line 72: non-double matrix element fontconfig warning: /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf , line 80: saw unknown, expected number fontconfig error: /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf , line 72: non-double matrix element fontconfig error: /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf , line 72: non-double matrix element fontconfig warning: /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf , line 80: saw unknown, expected number 1 5322 segmentation fault core dumped ./telegram "
+3714656,"""https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/2470""",in df when i give the model a name the breadcrumb in the upper left should sync with that.,@hatched says it should do that and it's a regression.
+587704,"""https://github.com/volebo/volebo-express/issues/24""",is express-flash good?,should we use https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-flash for server even optionally ?
+1184566,"""https://github.com/KrassOrg/bsTestRepo/issues/3037""",ios-8361: no summary bugsee,reported by test 373838 view full bugsee session at: https://appdev.bugsee.com/ /apps/56a84b750195cacd43d854ae/issues/ios-8361
+3868731,"""https://github.com/nsqatester/NCGitIntegrationTest/issues/197""",vulnerability - svn detected,vulnerability details url: http://php.testsparker.com/.svn/all-wcprops certainty: 100% confirmed: false
+1982164,"""https://github.com/astropy/astroplan/issues/319""",importerror for from astropy.utils.data._open_shelve,"i'm getting this error with astropy 3.0.dev20203 and astroplan d5045d3bfbead5e0da9aca43475be3d32b78d5e3 can someone reproduce the issue? is it possible to avoid the import of private things from astropy like _open_shelve : this is relying on internals and is error-prone, no? in 1 : from astroplan import fixedtarget f--------------------------------------------------------------------------- importerror traceback most recent call last in ----> 1 from astroplan import fixedtarget ~/code/astroplan/astroplan/__init__.py in 21 for egg_info test builds to pass, put package imports here. 22 if not _astropy_setup_: ---> 23 from .utils import 24 from .observer import 25 from .target import ~/code/astroplan/astroplan/utils.py in 12 from astropy.time import time 13 import astropy.units as u ---> 14 from astropy.utils.data import _get_download_cache_locs, cachemissingwarning, 15 _open_shelve 16 from astropy.coordinates import earthlocation importerror: cannot import name '_open_shelve'"
+2476424,"""https://github.com/nextcloud/calendar/issues/414""",subscribed calendar not available to the client,"please forgive me, if this has been mentioned already, but i couldn't find any documentation about this. if i create a new calendar, the new calendar shows up on the client when refreshing the calendar base url. if i subscribe to a calendar, the calendar never shows up on the client. funny thing is that the _contact birthdays_ calendar, which is also listed in the _subscription_ section, is available to the client. maybe i'm wrong, but it seems to me that this is not right. what do you think? if this is a bug, my env is nc 11.0.2 with calendar 1.5.2. no errors in any log files."
+1623267,"""https://github.com/DataONEorg/rdataone/issues/171""",unit tests failing,unit tests failing with the following error: 1. failure: cnode object index query works with query list param @test.d1node.r 37 result 1 $abstract does not match chlorophyll . ...
+512043,"""https://github.com/lionheart/openradar-mirror/issues/17697""",32915779: ios 11: control center should include a top-level airplay/audio output button,"description area: control center summary: in ios 11 it is more tedious to connect airpods or change the a/v output in general than it was in ios 10. if you're using an app that has an airplay button, it's easy to just use that, but often third party apps do not have this option—the only choice is to use control center. on a strongly related side note: in both ios 10 and ios 11, the decision to give airplay mirroring a larger and easier to access button continues to be puzzling to me. my fairly tech-savvy wife thought this was the only way to airplay video from an app that doesn't have an in-app button for it. steps to reproduce: 1. swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal control center. 2. look for the option to change the audio output or use airplay. expected results: a button should be visible at the top level of control center to change the audio output or use airplay. at the very least, it should be possible to enable such a button in the settings app, for those that want quicker access. observed results: the audio output button is hidden inside the playback controls. this adds an extra step to change the setting, and it's not the most obvious place to look. generally i want to choose the output before i start playing something. the appearance of the control center widget suggests it's for controlling the playback of whatever app you're already listening to. version: ios 11 15a5304i -
+product version: ios 11 15a5304i created: 2017-06-22t03:55:03.808470
+originated: 2017-06-21t23:53:00
+open radar link: http://www.openradar.me/32915779"
+3825324,"""https://github.com/RogerCreasy/ChassisPHP/issues/48""",add route group management,we need a way to add middleware to groups of routes. i.e. the backend fastroute has groups built in. we need an implementation that works with our existing system. perhaps the route group name can come from the filename in the routes directory.
+1336898,"""https://github.com/opencats/OpenCATS/issues/323""",how to add extra tab or menu in opencats,"actually, it not working russh.. could you please send step by step process to add tab or menu in opencats please screenshot, or step by step to add extra tab in opencats"
+3258807,"""https://github.com/micropython/micropython-esp32/issues/172""",wired ethernet support,"is there any development going on or planned in this area? if not, what would be best the approach to enable support for wired ethernet in micropyhton? some ideas/ponderings: would simply wrapping the c api available for wired ethernet mii in esp-idf do the job? is micropython using the tcp/ip stack from the idf or has it implemented a 'local' network stack and how would these interact/interfere ? how would using the ethernet api from idf play nicely with the wifi capabilities available within micropython? another possible approach would be to handle the wired connection management in a separate task, outside of the micropython rtos task. would this be a feasable approach? a lot of quesitons, but i would like to have a go at obtaining ethernet support from within micropython on the esp32 one way or the other. any handles to do so are most welcome!"
+1260129,"""https://github.com/nulldevelopmenthr/nemesis/issues/355""",support creating enumvalueobjects,"in order to create our own implementation of enums, we need support for simpleenumvalueobjects & baseenumvalueobjects namespace vendor\status; use vendor\status; class active extends status { } namespace vendor; abstract class status { }"
+4103619,"""https://github.com/sitewhere/sitewhere/issues/353""",upgrade hbase client to 0.98.4 and hadoop to 2.6.0,the hbase datastore is not compatible with many newer installations due to the use of hadoop1 and an older hbase client. upgrade code to use hadoop2 and the 0.98.4 hbase client for compatibility with hortonworks and azure hdinsight. this task also includes upgrading code to use newer apis and removing use of deprecated apis.
+3900769,"""https://github.com/biolab/orange3/issues/2683""",owdistributions: legend layout.,"legend items in the distribution widget have too much vertical spacing and cover entire plot when labels are long. orange version 3.5.0.dev0+fce22ac master expected behavior the problem doesn't always occur, the vertical spacing seems dependent on the label length different groupings for the adult dataset . ! https://i.gyazo.com/57fcf3cccaa6b4a148b10b8a376caec1.png actual behavior legend items have large vertical spacing and cover the entire plot when labels are long. perhaps introduce text wrapping for long labels? ! https://i.gyazo.com/af3fbf66f1875bc2a75d42071a227e05.png steps to reproduce the behavior file cyber-security-breaches → distributions select arbitrary group by variable"
+134782,"""https://github.com/HookyQR/TidyWatch/issues/3""",strange artefact on fenix3hr,"great watch face but i have a strange artefact on the watch face after some time, i'll add a link to image."
+2155809,"""https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/1291""",support z distance,"cura 2.4.0 os ubuntu 16.04 - there is always a layer of empty space between the support and the object - the support z distance is rounded of to a full layerheight so if you have a layerheight of 0.2mm and support z distance of 0.1mm, there is 0.4mm of space between support and object. this is the case with and without an interface layer"
+1698824,"""https://github.com/tlaverdure/laravel-echo-server/issues/198""",not work with https server,"here is my config: { authhost : https://foobar.com , authendpoint : /broadcasting/auth , clients : , database : redis , databaseconfig : { redis : { port : 6379 , host : localhost }, sqlite : { databasepath : /database/laravel-echo-server.sqlite } }, devmode : true, host : null, port : 6001 , protocol : https , socketio : {}, sslcertpath : /home/ubuntu/www/echo-server/cert.pem , sslkeypath : /home/ubuntu/www/echo-server/privkey.pem } and the error is: l a r a v e l e c h o s e r v e r version 1.3.0 ⚠ starting server in dev mode... ✔ running at localhost on port 6001 ✔ channels are ready. ✔ listening for http events... ✔ listening for redis events... server ready! 12:51:41 pm - j8vepmdpbnbtfjwsaaaa joined channel: qr-code-detected laravel-echo-server: ../src/util-inl.h:196: typename node::unwrap v8::local with typename = node::tlswrap : assertion object->internalfieldcount > 0 ' failed. and here is the error from browser console vm49:35 websocket connection to 'wss://foobar.com:6001/socket.io/?eio=3&transport=websocket&sid=abmvlwkf52usuooraaaa' failed: connection closed before receiving a handshake response polling-xhr.js:264 get https://foobar.com:6001/socket.io/?eio=3&transport=polling&t=ltaklgg&sid=abmvlwkf52usuooraaaa net::err_connection_refused polling-xhr.js:264 post https://foobar.com:6001/socket.io/?eio=3&transport=polling&t=ltakmvs&sid=abmvlwkf52usuooraaaa net::err_connection_refused i don't know what happens. please help."
+2395713,"""https://github.com/thedigitalgarage/digitalgarage-docs/issues/17""",remove reference to rhel images in docs,http://docs.thedigitalgarage.io/using_images/s2i_images all of the images in this section reference red hat enterprise linux. digital garage is only supporting the centos 7 images for these s2i builders. we need to remove the reference to rhel.
+3212752,"""https://github.com/wollypat/test/issues/14""",comment on a task,"you can comment on a task to ask questions, respond to teammates, or offer extra information and insight. try it by commenting on this task. learn more: https://asa.na/se"
+1264069,"""https://github.com/tzyganu/UMC1.9/issues/136""",cannot select admin parent menu id,"on a clean magento using chrome or firefox i cannot select from the list of top level menus for the admin parent menu id. the pop up displays the menus but i cannot select them. i can select the insert here and put in in a sort order. it seems the js is the same for the two fields, menu and sort order but works only for sort order."
+3604609,"""https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/9442""",magento 2: reauthorization not returns needed variables,"in continue with https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/9336 reauthorization returns 'authorizationid' => '45610683dl9281543', 'timestamp' => '2017-04-28t01:20:31z', 'correlationid' => '5a5a4056b1d7', 'ack' => 'success', 'version' => '72.0', 'build' => '32996991', 'paymentstatus' => 'pending', 'pendingreason' => 'authorization', 'protectioneligibility' => 'eligible', 'protectioneligibilitytype' => 'itemnotreceivedeligible, unauthorizedpaymenteligible' not returning parent_payment & mainly valid_until. not sure wether it's related issue or not"
+2743115,"""https://github.com/ulif/diceware/issues/34""",random delimiter support,"while it's nice that you can add an arbitrary delimiter to generated passwords, it would be even better if this software would have the optional feature to inject random symbols and digits as separators. by default, the search space of generated passwords is quite large, but that's mostly due to the length of the password. while one can't assume that the password to be cracked will be all letters in the general case, that means the password generation routine becomes yet another something you know and allows the attacker to reduce the search space significantly once they know you use this software. allowing for random passwords would force attackers to not limit themselves to 52 characters. adding numbers and symbols to that space would add about 20 bits of entropy to every password, at little cost to the human memory. 1022 anarcat@curie:~$ diceware | wc 1 1 29 1023 anarcat@curie:~$ diceware | wc 1 1 28 1023 anarcat@curie:~$ diceware | wc 1 1 36 1023 anarcat@curie:~$ diceware | wc 1 1 26 1023 anarcat@curie:~$ qalc > log2 26+26 ^26 log2 26 + 26 ^26 = approx. 148.21143 > log2 26+26+10+10 ^26 log2 26 + 26 + 10 + 10 ^26 = approx. 160.41805 > log2 26+26 ^36 log2 26 + 26 ^36 = approx. 205.21583 > log2 26+26+10+10 ^36 log2 26 + 26 + 10 + 10 ^36 = approx. 222.1173 thanks for your consideration!"
+1283005,"""https://github.com/marcjwilliams1/ApproximateBayesianComputation.jl/issues/6""",scales when number of particles = 1,"if number of particles = 1, don't calculate scales as scale will be 0!"
+3861117,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/26646""",emotionservice.java line 722,in com.immomo.momo.emotionstore.service.emotionservice.initsearchconfig number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/5a16d66661b02d480d150b47?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/5a16d66661b02d480d150b47?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+4314584,"""https://github.com/pyca/pynacl/issues/286""",tests fail on freebsd,tests fail with 1.1.1 and 1.1.2: __________________________________________________________________________ error collecting tests/test_bindings.py ___________________________________________________________________________ importerror while importing test module '/usr/ports/security/py-pynacl/work/pynacl-1.1.1/tests/test_bindings.py'. hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid python names. traceback: tests/test_bindings.py:22: in from nacl import bindings as c e importerror: no module named nacl _____________________________________________________________________________ error collecting tests/test_box.py _____________________________________________________________________________ importerror while importing test module '/usr/ports/security/py-pynacl/work/pynacl-1.1.1/tests/test_box.py'. hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid python names. traceback: tests/test_box.py:21: in from nacl.encoding import hexencoder e importerror: no module named nacl.encoding
+1568600,"""https://github.com/ushahidi/platform/issues/2283""",epic: allow for multiple deployments to belong to one organization pilot version,"- as an organization admin, i want to be able to own multiple deployments that belong to my org - as an org admin, i want to see each deployment with high level stats that are important to me - as an org admin, i should have admin privileges on each deployment that belongs to my org - as a deployment admin, i should only have admin privileges to the deployment i created as the original admin and/or any deployments to which an org admin or other deployment admin give me admin rights - as an org admin, i want to add already existing deployments to my organization - as an org admin, i want to remove deployments from my organization - as an org admin, i want to add other org admin users - as a deployment manager, i want to see what organization my deployment belongs to - maybe as any user, i want to be able to see all other public deployments that belong to the org high level dashboard of stats brainstorm - number of surveys - number of posts aggregate? within each survey? - number of contributors - data sources? this is only for enterprise users at this point, so it’s important to note that for this version, we could handle set up on the backend instead of developing interfaces for every interaction that needs to happen in the set up, etc"
+4901063,"""https://github.com/mds3dstn71/bryce/issues/6""",readme sections unfinished,the following readme sections have no description: - how does it work? - how do i get this project to work on my machine? - how can i develop for this project?
+933775,"""https://github.com/kenwheeler/cash/issues/167""",typeerror: cannot read property 'checked' of undefined,"when an object with a property having a value undefined is passed to the api $ element .prop object https://github.com/kenwheeler/cash fnprop , a typeerror occurs. a simple test case to illustrate the typeerror. js $ '.prop-fixture' .prop { checked : undefined } ; the stack trace of the typeerror. { file:///path/cash.js:305 return value === undefined ? this 0 name : this.each function v { ^ typeerror: cannot read property 'checked' of undefined at init.prop file:///path/cash.js:305:46 at init.prop file:///path/cash.js:311:14"
+3501046,"""https://github.com/HeshamMegid/HMSegmentedControl/issues/284""",example of hmsegmentedcontroltypetextimages,"is there an example of showing text and images within the control? use hmsegmentedcontrol alloc initwithsectionimages:images sectionselectedimages:selectedimages titlesforsections:titles ; i've tried adding the following to viewcontroller.m https://github.com/heshammegid/hmsegmentedcontrol/blob/master/hmsegmentedcontrolexample/viewcontroller.m objc nsarray titles = @ @ one , @ two , @ three , @ four ; hmsegmentedcontrol segmentedcontrol5 = hmsegmentedcontrol alloc initwithsectionimages:images sectionselectedimages:selectedimages titlesforsections:titles ; segmentedcontrol5.frame = cgrectmake 0, 480, viewwidth, 120 ; segmentedcontrol5.selectionindicatorheight = 4.0f; segmentedcontrol5.backgroundcolor = uicolor clearcolor ; segmentedcontrol5.selectionindicatorlocation = hmsegmentedcontrolselectionindicatorlocationdown; segmentedcontrol5.selectionstyle = hmsegmentedcontrolselectionstyletextwidthstripe; segmentedcontrol5 addtarget:self action:@selector segmentedcontrolchangedvalue: forcontrolevents:uicontroleventvaluechanged ; self.view addsubview:segmentedcontrol5 ; --- i'd like to implement something like ! segmentedcontrol https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1573469/26208968/5d3aaea2-3be3-11e7-9a16-edc6e5cbd456.png issue https://github.com/heshammegid/hmsegmentedcontrol/issues/263 might be an alternative."
+267009,"""https://github.com/jingyu91/Ansan-Place/issues/1""",별점 평가하기 기능 개선필요,별점 드래그로 선택 가능하게 하기 - cosmos opensource사용
+4002083,"""https://github.com/EenmaalAndermaal/EenmaalAndermaal/issues/141""",de prijs in h2 weergeeft verkeerde prijs,gerelateerde issues - - omschrijving de prijs in h2 weergeeft verkeerde prijs
+3758646,"""https://github.com/Mr-KyleI/prj-rev-bwfs-tea-cozy/issues/3""",css for new nav tag,.flex-container { display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; } / header section / header { position: fixed; z-index: 1; align-items: center; width: 100%; height: 69px; border-bottom: 1px solid seashell; background-color: black; } header img { height: 50px; padding-left: 10px; } nav { text-align: right; flex-grow: 1; } nav span { display: inline-block; padding: 20px 10px; }
+3832753,"""https://github.com/limetext/lime/issues/580""",problem in compile source!,"hello, i try to compile this source. follow https://github.com/limetext/lime/wiki/building-on-arch-linux for install python35 : packages 1 python35-3.5.3-1 total installed size: 114.46 mib :: proceed with installation? y/n y 1/1 checking keys in keyring 100% 1/1 checking package integrity 100% 1/1 loading package files 100% 1/1 checking for file conflicts 100% 1/1 checking available disk space 100% :: processing package changes... 1/1 installing python35 100% optional dependencies for python35 tk: for tkinter installed sqlite installed :: running post-transaction hooks... 1/1 arming conditionneedsupdate... lime-qml $ make ---------------- git submodule update --init --recursive main $ go build ------------ github.com/limetext/qml-go in file included from ./cpp/private/qobject_p.h:2:0, from /usr/include/qt/qtcore/5.8.0/qtcore/private/qmetaobject_p.h:58, from ./cpp/private/qmetaobject_p.h:2, from /home/max/go/src/github.com/limetext/qml-go/cpp/govalue.h:7, from /home/max/go/src/github.com/limetext/qml-go/cpp/capi.cpp:11, from /home/max/go/src/github.com/limetext/qml-go/all.cpp:2: /usr/include/qt/qtcore/5.8.0/qtcore/private/qobject_p.h:55:38: fatal error: qtcore/private/qglobal_p.h: no such file or directory include ^ compilation terminated. how can fix this?"
+331605,"""https://github.com/desktop/desktop/issues/2747""",git credentials not found: desktop application,"greetings! i have been using github to share my code with my teachers using the desktop application and it worked fine for me. i use vs code as my code editor and today while i was pushing my code, i received the following message. > git credentials for https://github.com/mohilkhare1708/friend-finder.git not found: exit status 1 error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/mohilkhare1708/friend-finder.git' i'm not able to understand what this message means and what am i supposed to do here. i have always been able to do the same thing without any issue and today all of a sudden this happened. i haven't even touched the .git folder as well. can someone please be kind enough to explain me how to fix it in an easy language? thanks a lot! mohil"
+463849,"""https://github.com/ericsink/SQLitePCL.raw/issues/144""",how to use sqlitepclraw.lib.sqlcipher.windows.1.1.2 nuget package?,i have installed sqlitepclraw.lib.sqlcipher.windows.1.1.2. i find there's no header files in the folder. $ find . . ./build ./build/sqlitepclraw.lib.sqlcipher.windows.targets ./runtimes ./runtimes/win7-x64 ./runtimes/win7-x64/native ./runtimes/win7-x64/native/sqlcipher.dll ./runtimes/win7-x86 ./runtimes/win7-x86/native ./runtimes/win7-x86/native/sqlcipher.dll ./sqlitepclraw.lib.sqlcipher.windows.1.1.2.nupkg what to do next?
+472251,"""https://github.com/veraPDF/veraPDF-library/issues/702""",runtime nullpointerexception reported by pdfbox-1.1.15 gf works fine,stack trace: warning: exception caught when validaing item org.verapdf.core.validationexception: caught unexpected runtime exception during validation at org.verapdf.pdfa.validation.validators.basevalidator.validate basevalidator.java:109 at org.verapdf.processor.processorimpl.validate processorimpl.java:219 at org.verapdf.processor.processorimpl.process processorimpl.java:120 at org.verapdf.processor.batchfileprocessor.processitem batchfileprocessor.java:98 at org.verapdf.processor.batchfileprocessor.processlist batchfileprocessor.java:74 at org.verapdf.processor.abstractbatchprocessor.process abstractbatchprocessor.java:102 at org.verapdf.cli.verapdfcliprocessor.processfiles verapdfcliprocessor.java:140 at org.verapdf.cli.verapdfcliprocessor.processpaths verapdfcliprocessor.java:114 at org.verapdf.cli.verapdfcli.main verapdfcli.java:99 caused by: java.lang.nullpointerexception at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.optionalcontent.pdoptionalcontentproperties.getgroupnames pdoptionalcontentproperties.java:214 at org.verapdf.model.impl.pb.pd.pboxpdocproperties.getconfigs pboxpdocproperties.java:95 at org.verapdf.model.impl.pb.pd.pboxpdocproperties.getlinkedobjects pboxpdocproperties.java:61 at org.verapdf.pdfa.validation.validators.basevalidator.addalllinkedobjects basevalidator.java:240 at org.verapdf.pdfa.validation.validators.basevalidator.checknext basevalidator.java:185 at org.verapdf.pdfa.validation.validators.basevalidator.validate basevalidator.java:136 at org.verapdf.pdfa.validation.validators.basevalidator.validate basevalidator.java:107 ... 8 more
+3509844,"""https://github.com/rosstuck/TuckConverterBundle/issues/17""",converting config from fos_user doesn't work,i tried this xml with the web-ui-converter: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/friendsofsymfony/fosuserbundle/master/resources/config/validation.xml didn't work unfortunately. any hint?
+3164162,"""https://github.com/italia/anpr/issues/363""",codice errore en 181 - richiesta emissione di certificato storico di residenza,"num. ind. anpr : 18846607 persona iscritta in anpr il 07/02/2017 per immigrazione · cancellata da apr il 04/10/2017 per emigrazione a venezia ve il sistema non stampa lo storico di residenza. questa semplice tipologia di certificati vengono chiesti per esempio dalle asl che devono addebitare prestazioni fatte fuori distretto e devono sapere a quale asl addebitarle, tribunali, forze dell'ordine questura ecc. nel caso in questione la persona è immigrata nel nostro comune il 07/02/2017 prima del subentro e in anpr è corretta. e' emigrata il 04/10/2017 e anpr l'ha registrata.. perché dà l' errore : il certificato non può essere emesso perché risulta un procedimento aperto? io non ne ho e sembra che anche in anpr sia chiuso .. chiedo conferma. grazie raffaella comune spinea"
+5186564,"""https://github.com/PagerNation/PagerNation/issues/155""",the same group can be added to a user multiple times,this just needs to become an $addset
+4262565,"""https://github.com/SiLeBAT/PMM-Lab/issues/79""","380 mfilter display se, t, p for estimated parameter values in the tertiary model selection and predictor view gui in case of one-step fit","as discusses: in case of models generated via a one-step fit approach the entries for se , t , p should also be on display in the nodes that can be used to dispays these values"
+4821479,"""https://github.com/adonisjs/adonis-framework/issues/704""",jwt login problems,"i have created some users using seeds and factories and am trying to login using the jwt provider, but login always fails. i tested the password stored in the database and the password with the hash, but it still did not work. factory: const factory = use 'factory' const hash = use 'hash' factory.blueprint 'app/models/user', async faker => { return { name: faker.name , email: faker.email , password: await hash.make 'secret' } } userseeder: const factory = use 'factory' class userseeder { async run { const tenant = await factory.model 'app/models/tenant' .create const users = await factory.model 'app/models/user' .makemany 5 tenant.users .savemany users ; } } login method async login { request, auth } { let { email, password } = request.all await auth.attempt email, password ; return 'logged in successfully' } auth config: authenticator: 'jwt', jwt: { serializer: 'lucid', model: 'app/models/user', scheme: 'jwt', uid: 'email', password: 'password', options: { secret: 'self::app.appkey' } }"
+1507500,"""https://github.com/mxe/mxe/issues/1876""",libarchive uses undefined bcrypt symbol bcryptderivekeypbkdf2,"the package compiles fine, but trying to link against libarchive fails if one uses the affected code paths: test.c : c include include int main { struct archive a = archive_read_new ; archive_read_support_format_zip a ; return 0; } trying to compile : $ i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc test.c $ i686-w64-mingw32.static-pkg-config --libs --cflags libarchive ... /usr/lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32.static/5.4.0/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib/../lib/libarchive.a archive_cryptor.o : in function pbkdf2_sha1': ... /tmp-libarchive-i686-w64-mingw32.static/libarchive-3.3.2/libarchive/archive_cryptor.c:78: undefined reference to bcryptderivekeypbkdf2@40' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status"
+4269179,"""https://github.com/openaq/openaq-api/issues/301""",date range bug,"using the date parameters on the measurement endpoint results in unexpected results, including measurements outside of specified data + dupes. for example: https://api.openaq.org/v1/measurements?location=s%c3%a3o%20jos%c3%a9%20do%20rio%20preto&date_from=2015-10-20&date_to=2015-10-22 have to check more whether this is related to accented location names, or the brazilian adapter."
+2998183,"""https://github.com/slipcor/pvparena/issues/318""",leaderboard java.lang.illegalargumentexception,"hello, after create a global leaderboard, in the config.yml creates a string with leaderboard: world,-1253,66,475,0.0,0.0 , after that when server restart i get a message in console https://pastebin.com/vmhyzbkf and plugin disables or my arenas not work. if remove ,0.0,0.0 in the config, plugin wil work but when i recreate leaderboard will again be the same."
+480406,"""https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/aosc-os-abbs/issues/844""","yubikey-piv-manager: failed to start, undefined symbol, rebuild needed","lmy441900@junde-hp-g6 ~ $ pivman traceback most recent call last : file /bin/pivman , line 11, in load_entry_point 'yubikey-piv-manager==1.4.2', 'gui_scripts', 'pivman' file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py , line 561, in load_entry_point return get_distribution dist .load_entry_point group, name file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py , line 2649, in load_entry_point return ep.load file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py , line 2303, in load return self.resolve file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py , line 2309, in resolve module = __import__ self.module_name, fromlist= '__name__' , level=0 file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pivman/__main__.py , line 32, in from pyside import qtgui, qtcore importerror: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyside/qtgui.so: undefined symbol: _zn9qgtkstyle16staticmetaobjecte lmy441900@junde-hp-g6 ~ ! dpkg -s /usr/bin/pivman yubikey-piv-manager: /usr/bin/pivman lmy441900@junde-hp-g6 ~ $ c++filt _zn9qgtkstyle16staticmetaobjecte qgtkstyle::staticmetaobject"
+4038772,"""https://github.com/mstauff/cwf-ios/issues/134""",settings - lds credentials page sync option,we need a sync data button on the settings page that will resync data with lds.org
+482540,"""https://github.com/ga-students/todo_crud_app/issues/24""","process question , index.hbs, line 3, new todo ",why make a dive with the anchor here and not add it to our layout? don't we use the index as our homepage?
+267963,"""https://github.com/mastermoo/react-native-action-button/issues/199""",allow offsetx and offsety to be negative,"currently, the offsetx and offsety does not allow the number to go below 0, i.e. negative. is it possible to make that happen? what i want to achieve is for the button to slide off screen when i scroll. if offsety allows negative numbers then it's possible to do that."
+1999529,"""https://github.com/SellBirdHQ/sellbird/issues/20""",stripe connect integration during account registration,"stripe connect https://stripe.com/connect is the system we will use to connect store owner accounts with our main stripe account. this, among other things, allows us to: - create stripe accounts on behalf of store owner's also allows connecting existing accounts - take a small percentage and/or flat fee of each transaction processed through stores - see volume reports of all store owners saves us building extensive reporting - provides the means to process card payments from customers the account registration flow will be something like this: 1. register for account on sellbird.com goes through rcp 2. subsite is created for account owner in our multisite network 3. account owner lands in their dashboard and are given the option to create products and set up their various store settings description, logo, etc 4. a banner notice is shown to indicate their store is in pending or test mode and they need to go live before they can start selling 5. to go live, account owner clicks on a button that sends them through the stripe connect oauth flow 6. once oauth is complete, account owner lands back on sellbird.com and their account is switched to live mode with stripe connect, we actually have three different types of accounts we can use: - standard - express - custom each has their own pros and cons and we'll need to decide exactly which one we want to use. please review stripe's description of them: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/accounts while choosing the account type we want to use, we also need to consider the pricing differences: https://stripe.com/us/connect/pricing connect documentation https://stripe.com/docs/connect ."
+4994478,"""https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/1060""",sensors does not show all sensors,"description sensors output doesn't show all available sensors such as temp01 . glances' sensors output: sensors acpitz 1 27c acpitz 2 29c f71889a 1 1504rpm f71889a 2 0rpm f71889a 3 609rpm cli sensors output: clrung@server ~> sensors acpitz-virtual-0 adapter: virtual device temp1: +27.8°c crit = +97.0°c temp2: +29.8°c crit = +97.0°c coretemp-isa-0000 adapter: isa adapter physical id 0: +34.0°c high = +86.0°c, crit = +92.0°c core 0: +33.0°c high = +86.0°c, crit = +92.0°c core 1: +30.0°c high = +86.0°c, crit = +92.0°c core 2: +26.0°c high = +86.0°c, crit = +92.0°c core 3: +33.0°c high = +86.0°c, crit = +92.0°c f71889a-isa-0290 adapter: isa adapter +3.3v: +3.31 v in1: +0.74 v max = +2.04 v in2: +1.02 v in3: +0.95 v in4: +1.04 v in5: +1.02 v in6: +1.34 v 3vsb: +3.39 v vbat: +3.38 v fan1: 1507 rpm fan2: 0 rpm alarm fan3: 609 rpm temp1: +33.0°c high = +85.0°c, hyst = +81.0°c crit = +100.0°c, hyst = +96.0°c sensor = transistor temp2: +31.0°c high = +85.0°c, hyst = +81.0°c crit = +100.0°c, hyst = +96.0°c sensor = transistor temp3: +34.0°c high = +70.0°c, hyst = +68.0°c crit = +85.0°c, hyst = +83.0°c sensor = transistor i noticed the absence of the other sensors after updating glances to 2.8.8. unfortunately, i can't remember the old version i had, but it wasn't too out of date. versions glances glances -v : 2.8.8 psutil glances -v : 5.2.0 operating system lsb_release -a : ubuntu 14.04.5 lts logs http://pastebin.com/mbdqpnkv thank you!"
+135686,"""https://github.com/ClickSimply/Some-SQL/issues/3""",undo redo on change listener,"should the change listener receive the the id of, or an object containing the record that was reset as a result of an undo or redo? seems like that would be really great info to have. currently i'm having to do this: an undo button listener: $ ' undo-btn' .on click , function { somesql .extend < .then function response { if response { resetonstatechange ; } console.log response } ; somesql .extend ? .then function response { console.log response } ; } the resetonstatechange function snags all the records because i don't know what record to get: somesql 'aniblocks' .getview 'list_all_blocks' .then function result, db { console.log result ; // do stuff with the data } ; } i have a change listener like: somesql aniblocks .on 'change',function eventdata { console.log eventdata ; } but it returns a set of empty arrays.. "
+1068805,"""https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim/issues/266""",close buffer x,"how can i configure the x in the upper right to close the current buffer? it doesn't seem to response to anything, except when nerdtree is open i can get the status bar to display nerdtree: cannot close tree root thanks in advance!"
+2878741,"""https://github.com/blockstack/blockstack-core/issues/432""",gaia add github as storage provider,"adding github as storage provider for i.e. profiles https://gist.github.com/vsund/faf5a085fcf441b179d19593cd2e6812 . bigger files wouldn't be that convenient here i guess. --- moved from the old repository https://github.com/blockstack/storage-drivers/issues/67 to this one, as storage provider got in-cooperated here"
+4787605,"""https://github.com/fuse-box/fuse-box/issues/57""",sassplugin problem with resolving relative paths when includepaths option is explicitly specified,"when provided with an input instead of a path to a file as is the current way of sassplugin , node-sass requires the path pointing to the original file from which the contents have been used as the input data to be among the includepaths in order to be able to resolve relative include paths. the problem is that when someone wants to specify additional includepaths , object.assign https://github.com/fuse-box/fuse-box/blob/96b646a632f886f296a533ccf4c45f436cf443f3/src/plugins/sassplugin.ts l31 will completely overwrite the default value https://github.com/fuse-box/fuse-box/blob/96b646a632f886f296a533ccf4c45f436cf443f3/src/plugins/sassplugin.ts l36 that includes the currently processed file's absolute path. i think the includepaths should have the file's location implicitly appended as i don't imagine adding an additional includepaths entry for every single .scss in my project that has a relative import. if anyone sees a problem with always adding file.info.absdir to the list of include paths, then i guess it could be available as a plugin configuration option?"
+1792866,"""https://github.com/digidem/mapeo-desktop/issues/103""",reading offline maps from mbtiles,"just wanted to say this is an amazing initiative! keep up the great work! 👍 was wondering if reading mbtiles instead of a tile servers would be beneficial for your application. i've created a nodejs mbtiles binding https://github.com/deniscarriere/mbtiles-offline which i'm currently using in an electron app, i'm using leaflet and i've written a custom wrapper to leaflet to read map tiles directly from the file system instead of reading them from a http connection local tile server . libraries which you will need: - mbtiles-offline https://github.com/deniscarriere/mbtiles-offline tons of documentation to get you started if you need any help implementing this, let me know! snippet to extend leaflet to read mbtiles extending the createtile method in the leaflet tilelayer class js this.mbtiles.findone coords.x, coords.y, coords.z .then image => { if !image tile.src = l.util.emptyimageurl tile.src = window.url.createobjecturl new blob new uint8array image , {type: 'image/png'} l.domevent.on tile, 'load', util.bind this._tileonload, this, done, tile l.domevent.on tile, 'error', util.bind this._tileonerror, this, done, tile }"
+3848455,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/70011""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4025492,"""https://github.com/mateusmarquezini/painelGestaoDeploySfw/issues/3""",implementar filtro de pesquisa na listagem,"descrição: - na listagem de histórico de deploy, implementar filtro de pesquisa. a definir - quais campos serão utilizados como critério de pesquisa?"
+2872142,"""https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/1928""",style of ons-list-header is broken," __environment__ core onsenui 2.2.3 __encountered problem__ i found the style of ons-list-header has been broken since v2.2.0. - no border-bottom - no padding-top - wrong background-color >onsen ui ~2.0.5 > >onsen ui 2.2.0 > "
+5175069,"""https://github.com/mrdokenny/Cookie-AutoDelete/issues/64""",firefox settings for clearing history compatibility,the setting is found in about:preferences privacy > clear history when firefox closes . ! capture63 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14923168/27507668-57ed4f48-58dc-11e7-8df8-9b27b5b7b580.png is there a setting i shouldn't check to use cookie-autodelete's full functionality? self-destructing cookies https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/self-destructing-cookies/ ' whitelist is cleared if site preferences is selected. i have some issues with disappearing cookies and i decided to ask for advice before filing a potentially faulty bug report.
+2739100,"""https://github.com/HyperCoder2975/simple-youtube-api/issues/14""",failed build application,failed to minify the code from this file: ./node_modules/simple-youtube-api/src/util.js:1
+4395988,"""https://github.com/Azareal/SajuukBot/issues/33""",implement an !unmute command,"moderators will not always have access to the manage roles permission on a server. if a mod accidentally mutes someone, they can do !unmute userid to quickly remove the mute. this will check if the mute is temporary or permanent and update the appropriate database tables."
+5098311,"""https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/issues/1529""",vim-airline disappeared in inactive window,"after a recent update of gruvbox, vim-airline disappeared in inactive windows, i reported this https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/issues/188 to the author of gruvbox but he thought vim-airline shoule be responsible for this incompatibility."
+4966345,"""https://github.com/zikula-modules/DizkusModule/issues/316""",hooks comments - topic provider,"dizkus provides comments functionality using zikula hooks. comments nature is slightly different than topic nature. - additional hooks settings for each relation like forum to place comments - this is done and it is working the module header is from dizkus while it should be related module header anyway i'm thinking about adding same settings for all hooked modules in dzikus admin/settings and unifying this functionality view - this will be needed and will be done for import functionality as well because hooks went thru lots of changes and it might be tricky to import them properly. - uiview - diplay comments related topic section, pager, templates, permissions. in progress - uiedit - display particular topic settings - here we have lots of unclear permission and workflow type problems like disable enable comments, create not create topic, lock unlock etc... for particular object who decide that? object editor? admin? as well as comments section moderation this is not done for dizkus itself yet . in progress. - uidelete - what to do with topic settings and probably message etc.. - validateiedit - - validatedelete - - processedit - here we create new topic, notify subscribers etc.. - processdelete - - comments specific functionality... because this functionality is potentially big i will do this in stages. first one is a minimum that works, it will be mostly javascript in the future, and the first version will not have js so apart from displaying imported stuff properly it will do nothing more now. then import i really want to finish that import and this is basically last part before i will start working on full javascript version."
+522601,"""https://github.com/xJon/The-1.7.10-Pack/issues/1350""","problem entering multplayer connection lost a fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated","my friend can't join my game, because everytime that he tries to join in my game or create a new world appears that connection lost a fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated"
+4240706,"""https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/7742""",qbittorrent think i am creating a new seed when i drag and drop magnet link to gui.,"please provide the following information qbittorrent version and operating system: qbittorrent 4.0 windows10 64bit 1709 if on linux, libtorrent and qt version: what is the problem: sometimes i have to drop a magnet link into qbittorrent gui because qbittorrent doesn't detect i click on the link, doing that usually brings up new task windows until i upgraded to qbittorrent 4.0. what is the expected behavior: it should create a new download task windows when i drop a magnet link into qbittorrent gui. steps to reproduce: 1.find a magnet link. 2.open qbittorrent gui 3.drag and drop the link into the gui. extra info if any : i don't know if it's intended that some magnet links doesn't start qbittorrent or create a new download task windows when it's clicked, it works like this since i started to use qbittorrent."
+1281481,"""https://github.com/lekiy/TheJollyFish/issues/3""",only one hazard is honored in a row,we should add support for checking for more than 1 hazard in a row.
+1507848,"""https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React/issues/1614""",new 'upward' attribute on dropdown should be optional v0.68.1,steps compile existing project with typescript that uses dropdown and doesn't have upward set. expected result no error. actual result property 'upward' is missing in type version 0.68.1 see pr https://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui-react/pull/1603
+3992127,"""https://github.com/webcompat/web-bugs/issues/13482""",girideepamschool.org - design is broken,"
+ url : http://girideepamschool.org/faculties.php browser / version : firefox 56.0 operating system : windows 10 tested another browser : yes problem type : design is broken description : navbar doesnt reflect the currently active nav item. steps to reproduce : ! screenshot description https://webcompat.com/uploads/2017/11/aa8aeb74-64d6-4f53-87f1-03c931c7c1cc-thumb.jpg https://webcompat.com/uploads/2017/11/aa8aeb74-64d6-4f53-87f1-03c931c7c1cc.jpg _from webcompat.com https://webcompat.com/ with ❤️_"
+3168676,"""https://github.com/brianlmosley/portfolio/issues/26""",pagination with will paginate gem and front-awesome use for awesome social links,! screen shot 2017-12-17 at 6 10 11 pm https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4556983/34087651-48292336-e359-11e7-823a-8a9ea1e824ac.png
+5323975,"""https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/1357""",rspec fails on ubuntu 17.04 in lintian: e: name: init.d-script-needs-depends-on-lsb-base etc/init.d/test,"$ git describe --tags v1.8.1-27-g488863b $ cat /etc/issue ubuntu 17.04 \l $ rspec failures: 1 fpm::package::deb output with lintian when run against lintian should return no errors failure/error: expect $child_status .to eq 0 , lintian_output e: name: init.d-script-needs-depends-on-lsb-base etc/init.d/test line 14 ./spec/fpm/package/deb_spec.rb:410:in block 4 levels in ' finished in 17.9 seconds files took 0.35253 seconds to load 218 examples, 1 failure failed examples: rspec ./spec/fpm/package/deb_spec.rb:408 fpm::package::deb output with lintian when run against lintian should return no errors"
+1946930,"""https://github.com/numsu/google-drive-sdk-api-php-insert-file-parent-example/issues/2""",compatibility issue with latest google drive api,"hi miro, i want to use your example with newer version of api, but i found that there are so many changes in the api core schema. so any suggestion, what should i do to make file uploading with newer version of api. thank you"
+3990814,"""https://github.com/razorpay/ifsc/issues/49""",double ifsc codes in bankname.json file,{ firn : firstrand bank firx : firstrand bank } { kang : kangra co-operative bank kcob : kangra co-operative bank } { sjsb : solapur janata sahakari bank sjsx : solapur janata sahakari bank } so many banks with ends with x what is meaning of that bank code?
+1776082,"""https://github.com/redhat-ipaas/ipaas-datamapper/issues/7""",example datamapper configuration,"for sprint 10 it talks about: add a data mapping step, which should launch the data mapper ui map name, title, and description fields in the salesforce contact what would be the datamapper configuration we store in for this? i'm trying to put this into the example data."
+3308674,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/40709""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4188044,"""https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/issues/248""",fatal error proccessing odd file in oxygen 18.1 build 2017020917,"system id: /home/scott/oxygen xml editor 18-1a/frameworks/tei/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/teiodds.xsl scenario: tei odd xhtml xml file: /home/scott/workspace/mbel-work/schemas/mbel.odd xsl file: /home/scott/oxygen xml editor 18-1a/frameworks/tei/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/odd2odd.xsl document type: tei odd engine name: saxon-pe severity: fatal description: xtte0570: an empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable $max start location: 2265:0 url: http://www.w3.org/tr/xslt20/ err-xtte0570 i can translate the odd to a rnc file successfully using oxygen 17.1, any newer releases it fails. i've posted the problem on oxygen's forum but they are not responding. is there a newer stylesheet available that will not fail?"
+4267808,"""https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web/issues/409""",ie 11 support,current behavior: an error is thrown by ie 11 at line 12 in the compiled version of nativemethodsmixin/index.js in response to array.from not being supported. expected behavior: compiled code to either include the polyfill for array.from or not rely on the method. os: windows 10 browser: ie 11 react native for web version : 0.80 react version : 15.4.2
+2166102,"""https://github.com/genesis-community/vault-genesis-kit/issues/1""",could not find az z2,"genesis deploy play-proto.yml 1 error s detected: - $.instance_groups.vault.networks.0.static_ips: could not find az z2 in network azs z1 z2 z3 this is the vault network in the cloud config: networks: - name: vault type: manual subnets: - range: gateway: reserved: - - azs: z1, z2, z3 cloud_properties: network_name: play subnetwork_name: play-proto tags: bosh-agent, vault"
+2152115,"""https://github.com/PRJ2/projekt/issues/1""",deadline 17. marts,reviewet og afleveret følgende: - kravspecifikationen - acceptest
+1919099,"""https://github.com/McJty/XNet/issues/12""",connector doesn't connect to vanilla redstone,"not sure if this is a bug or not, but i can't seem to get a connector to see vanilla redstone. would be nice for some redstone setups. here is a pic of what i mean: https://gyazo.com/0ccc82c05a01284fa0e90add17382206"
+2051162,"""https://github.com/src-d/berserker/issues/26""",optimization: replace ./siva-unpack shell wrapper with a binary,"right now we use a convenience shell wrapper around siva tool to be able to .pipe though it in spark job. to avoid overhead of starting new siva process per .siva file, it would be nice to have actual binary that - reads from stdin args for siva unpack : - writes same path in same order to the stdout, after unpacking for later cleanup in spark"
+3293127,"""https://github.com/habitat-sh/habitat/issues/2694""",builder operations runbook,"1. we need to have an operations run-book that walks through typical operations on the production site - eg, re-creating / re-depolying builder nodes, recovering from datastore or package backups, etc. 2. the run-book should include how to communicate outages 3. it should also include information on alternate communication mechanisms for the team eg, in case zoom is not working 4. it should include procedures for aws and terraform tasks as well 5. run-book tasks should be regularly practiced / practicable."
+2625940,"""https://github.com/vmware/vic/issues/4199""",10-01-vch-restart- create network and images persist test doesn't work on vc,17:22:10.760 info running command 'govc vm.power -off vch-0-8439/ none 2>&1'. 17:22:10.843 info ${rc} = 1 17:22:10.843 info ${output} = govc: vm 'vch-0-8439/none' not found need to target the correct vm on vc.
+2060275,"""https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/forseti-security/issues/618""",setup wizard should let the users know how often forseti will run,"right now there's no indication to me how often inventory,scanner, enforcer will run. it would be nice to let the user know the default times either or both in the docs and print statements."
+2529583,"""https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/issues/2396""",fix virtualbox-only test failures due to symbolic link,"description porting from this comment https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/pull/2393 issuecomment-334000006 , test failures on develop due to symbolic links. steps to reproduce 1. provision development vm using virtualbox 2. run test suite expected behavior all tests pass and the world is merry and good actual behavior test failures due to ioerror: errno 40 too many levels of symbolic links: '/vagrant/securedrop/wordlist' comments this appears to be virtualbox only and local only related: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/10085 comment:12"
+2452179,"""https://github.com/simeonradivoev/MatterOverdrive/issues/610""",crash while runnning compiled mod from source,i forked your project tried to build in intellij idea. idea can't find net.minecraft classes so all of that failed. but building from command line worked. then tested the built mod on a clean server and it crashed with this error:https://hastebin.com/eyuyociliv.sql any idea what could cause it? -- nn
+2464120,"""https://github.com/goldingn/versions/issues/15""",install.versions fails for deprecated packages,"e.g. the rnbn package is deprecated, but the old binaries are still on mran. however the following fails: r versions::install.versions 'rnbn', '1.1.2' error in if any as.date dates < as.date 2014-09-17 { : missing value where true/false needed in addition: warning message: in current.version pkgs : the current version and publication date of rnbn could not be detected and weirdly, this older version works but with a warning r versions::install.versions 'rnbn', '1.0.3' warning message: in current.version pkgs : the current version and publication date of rnbn could not be detected"
+2082879,"""https://github.com/eScienceCenter/ThesauRex/issues/93""",when search box is emptied the no results found indicator shall go away,"enter a search term that has no results the no results found indicator appears. it disappears after every change of the search box, except when the search box turns empty. it should disappear then."
+1585897,"""https://github.com/beast-dev/tracer/issues/27""",tooltip in summarystatisticspanel does not show correct message when the trace is not real type,the row of getvalueat in mousemoved is hard coded.
+2674561,"""https://github.com/OCA/oca-decorators/issues/5""",docs not working,readme points to https://oca.github.io/oca-decorators/ but it's a 404! cc @lasley
+1828743,"""https://github.com/sysgears/apollo-universal-starter-kit/issues/344""",route change after success data load,"hello, i want to ask if it's possible to change route aftre success data fetch. this style of data loading is used for example on youtube. when you click on link there is a progress bar on top of the page https://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress and then route is changed after success data load. now in example it's like that when you click on route page is changed immediately and when data are not loaded yet you need to show some loading indicator. sorry if it's not right place to ask but i really need this feature :"
+903175,"""https://github.com/elsevier-core-engineering/replicator/issues/60""",support all configuration parameters via cli flags,"description as part of work to both improve the replicator configuration method, and to also allow replicator to be run as a nomad job; replicator should be able to support all configuration values as cli flags with these overriding defaults and configuration files. the flags will be present under the agent replicator command."
+5039571,"""https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/issues/3281""",mumble fails to build with boost-1.66,relevant details and full build logs can be found on our bug tracker: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=224086
+1422697,"""https://github.com/gtagency/pyrostest/issues/11""",determine a good abstraction for simulation tests,"it'd be interesting to have some abstraction that handles some of the simulation testing needs. for instance, making sure that a robot reaches a certain region of the world within some timeout, or making sure that a robot doesn't touch obstacles when moving, etc. this is going to warrant a considerable amount of discussion, since getting this abstraction right, and in a generalizable way that works for more than just buzzmobile is very important. because testing the framework currently relies on our experience developing buzzmobile, i'd say this issue is somewhat blocked by https://github.com/gtagency/buzzmobile/issues/183. until we have actually made worlds and scenarios with pass/fail conditions, it'll be hard to determine a good abstraction."
+4630010,"""https://github.com/accord-net/framework/issues/988""",add an example for decisiontree.save method stream,please add an example for decisiontree.save method stream . todo optional : describe a specific scenario you would like to see addressed. help topic: http://accord-framework.net/docs/html/m_accord_machinelearning_decisiontrees_decisiontree_save.htm
+2359154,"""https://github.com/TULiberalArts/TUtheme/issues/18""",mega menu broken link for philosophy,taxonomy term in drupal had no redirect to academics/philosophy. fixed in drupal
+4153509,"""https://github.com/joshbeard/puppet-crowd/issues/14""",stopping crowd starts another jvm with the same java_opts,we should use catalina_opts to configure java boot options instead of java_opts. otherwise when we stop the process it starts another jvm with the same memory required for crowd. this amount of memory could be too much and it's not necessary. more info: http://www.tikalk.com/java/when-use-tomcat-catalinaopts-instead-javaopts/
+5038515,"""https://github.com/ChandanaKarunaratne/Global-Trust-Identification/issues/4""",is this implement has been finished ?,"i am a student working through this project , so i hope you can send me source code of ns3 batman-adv module and it's emulation code ."
+818447,"""https://github.com/instedd/ask/issues/961""",respondent speed of questionnaire is slow,"the lag between questions feels really long. likely will drive down participation rates. what can we do to move the questionnaire along quicker. here is an example questionnaire with this issue: http://ask.instedd.org/projects/125/questionnaires/174/edit specifically, is it the audio files being used? is it the lag between questions? is it the tool waiting for a response? some thing else?"
+4423487,"""https://github.com/georgringer/news/issues/261""",realurl not directing properly,"we have a number of news articles, however when the links are clicked, the article presented appears to be the first one that was viewed after the cache was cleared. the page in question is here: https://www.agdata.com.au/about-us/news/ if you try to go to https://www.agdata.com.au/about-us/news/article/news/february-tips-and-tricks/, you end up on a different article. i have installed the latest realurl and news plugin, cleared the cache multiple times and removed realurl_auto.conf."
+2679084,"""https://github.com/babelshift/Steam.Models/issues/7""",data type problem,"i think that steam updated their model to match new datatype on gameuserstats if you do this request, you can see that some values are float. http://api.steampowered.com/isteamuserstats/getuserstatsforgame/v0002/?appid=204300&key=your_steam_dev_key&steamid=76561197960291106 please update this library and depending projects. proposal of comit : namespace steam.models.steamplayer { public class userstatmodel { public string name { get; set; } public double value { get; set; } } }"
+824425,"""https://github.com/watermint/toolbox/issues/18""",error on revoke dropbox business api token,"> error in call to api function auth/token/revoke : this api function operates on a single dropbox account, but the oauth 2 access token you provided is for an entire dropbox business team. since your api app key has team member file access permissions, you can operate on a team member's dropbox by providing the dropbox-api-select-user http header or select_user url parameter to specify the exact user ."
+4712098,"""https://github.com/callemall/material-ui/issues/9137""",display label and placeholder when select value is empty vnext,i'm trying to display placeholder value in a select if value is not selected. when user selects value it should disappear and the value should replace placeholder. however label should be displayed all the time. i can achieve it in textfield but not in select. here is my try however it doesn't display anything in placeholder. const errorobj = maperror props ; return {props.label} } {...props as any} > {props.children} {errorobj.helpertext && {errorobj.helpertext} }
+5116199,"""https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/12051""",reader: edit following: add box is confusing,"when managing your followed sites you are presented with this view. what seems to be the search box on the top is in fact not a search box. ! screen shot 2017-03-13 at 09 09 20 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/203408/23846960/622d643c-07d0-11e7-8632-b4fe9006244c.png with many sites followed i often fall for the trap that i enter a search term for my already followed pages but nothing happens. only then i realize i need to use to magnifying glass on the far right. can't we combine these functions and have the box on top be an instant search box? ! screen shot 2017-03-13 at 09 44 32 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/203408/23847221/bca7b4c0-07d1-11e7-8455-83f5e1a1b94d.png instead of having the result of the adding be attached to the textfield, it could be part of the search results from where you'd be able to add a site just as you are now."
+2998112,"""https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardFilters/issues/6230""",keshavcommoditycalls.com - anti adblock script,"site : http://keshavcommoditycalls.com/ description : adblock detection. screenshot ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10995998/29287909-2699ec16-8137-11e7-8835-0643c03bce96.png system configuration information | value --- | --- operating system: | windows 10 x64 browser: | chrome adguard version: | 6.2.390.2018 adguard driver windows : | wfp simplified filters ios | off adguard dns: | none stealth mode options windows | enabled, hide your search queries, send do-not-track header, remove x-client-data header, disable cache for third party requests, block webrtc, block location api adguard filter --- | english filter spyware filter social media filter annoyances filter german filter "
+512146,"""https://github.com/Minds/minds/issues/49""",bootstrap-ubuntu.sh fails near end of script when it attempts to create the config file,"when trying to get to run on the vbox virtual machine using vagrant: ==> default: installing minds... ==> default: - checking passed options: ==> default: ok ==> default: - building configuration file: ==> default: ==> default: cli.php: error configuration key sns-secret is not present on defaults or command line arguments the ssh command responded with a non-zero exit status. vagrant assumes that this means the command failed. the output for this command should be in the log above. please read the output to determine what went wrong. when i manually run the bash ./bootstrap-ubuntu.sh: installing minds... php warning: mkdir : file exists in /var/www/minds/bin/regeneratedevkeys.php on line 13 installing minds... - checking passed options: ok - building configuration file: cli.php: error configuration key sns-secret is not present on defaults or command line arguments this is on a ubuntu 14.04.2 lts fresh install with all the prerequisites installed as per the docs section of minds.org, using php 7:php 7.0.20-2~ubuntu14.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 cli built: jun 14 2017 05:55:23 nts copyright c 1997-2017 the php group zend engine v3.0.0, copyright c 1998-2017 zend technologies with zend opcache v7.0.20-2~ubuntu14.04.1+deb.sury.org+1, copyright c 1999-2017, by zend technologies thank you very much for fixing the animations javascript thing. this is the next place i got stuck. also in case hardware matters, this is on an i7-6850 based machine with the physical host with 128gb of ram, running zesty 17.04 ubuntu. under that, minds.eskimo.com is a virtual machine, 6 cpu, 16gb ram, and that is the host vagrant / virtualbox is running under. if there is any other relevant information that would be helpful, please feel free to contact me."
+2810626,"""https://github.com/ilyayunkin/ColorLines/issues/2""",redesign model/view interface,"make it more flexible to switch between a game with only game field and a game with additional widgets. for example, snake to color lines."
+3423435,"""https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf/issues/358""",errorexception: undefined index... 2,i have this problem/would like to have this functionality errorexception: undefined index: css_set_width in /vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/tag.php:2179 errorexception: undefined index: y1 in /vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/image/svg.php:906 these are mpdf and php versions i am using i use dev-master f3bbfc7133aed4b7bbdc22b243883bf552558211 on php7 to pass errors i add isset tests
+2512249,"""https://github.com/tidyverse/reprex/issues/101""",article based on @njtierney's magic reprex blog post,"@njtierney this is so nifty: https://www.njtierney.com/post/2017/01/11/magic-reprex/ how do you feel about a version of that being an article in the reprex website? if you are positive, do you have any willingness to make the pr or do you know someone who might want the chance to practice?"
+976307,"""https://github.com/krispo/angular-nvd3/issues/628""",unable to render multiple multibarcharts inside a multichart.,"hi, i need to have two multibar charts simultaneously in multichart. multichart works fine for bar, line and area charts or combination of any of these 3. but when i am trying to have multiple multibar charts inside the chart window i am getting errors. please have a look at the link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0bwetmffpyctltwu2s0nrvgtfytg . this is exactly what i want to build. i shall be happy if anyone can help."
+3624896,"""https://github.com/night/BetterTTV/issues/1969""",new feature - emote support to bypass ban of emote phrase.,"as you've seen on twitch.tv, agdq stream has been going on. their ban list has been increasing by the day, and along with the collateral damage hahaa was banned. it is a tragic moment. i don't know the best way to bypass banning a phrase, but one way could be different phrases could result in the same emote. basically make a betterttv emote be able to be shown aside from its original phrase."
+3250686,"""https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/issues/2956""",can't import a gpg key,"i tried to import a gpg key after removing an old one using the command: keybase pgp select --no-import when i selected the right key index to import, it printed out ▶ error eof the gpg key has only the public part of the certification key, and both public and private parts for the encryption and signing sub-keys. the certification key is rsa4096 and the subkeys are ecc keys based on cv25519 and ed25519 curves respectively: pub rsa4096 2017-04-12 sc expires: 2027-04-10 1e4f65f71279bccba7fa1b6d5b34c9c79172dc6d uid full sree harsha totakura uid full sree harsha totakura uid full sree harsha totakura sub ed25519 2017-04-12 s expires: 2019-04-12 sub cv25519 2017-04-12 e expires: 2018-04-12 this is the log generated during the import: import-failure.txt https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/files/919417/import-failure.txt"
+3948215,"""https://github.com/wuhkuh/talib/issues/5""",negative and floating-point periods,"problem: a badperioderror is raised or the corresponding tuple returned when the period is 0, but not when the period is negative or even a floating-point number. when porting to c, this could lead to unwanted behavior when typecasting floats to integers. however, i'm not sure how the gmp library handles this case. it should be resolved nevertheless, from a user's perspective this is unwanted behavior. solution: periods should come in the form of a non-zero unsigned integer. anything else should raise a badperioderror , or return {:error, :bad_period} ."
+434137,"""https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/issues/8397""","bug report table在右对齐的情况, 排序图标被遮挡", element ui version 2.0.5 os/browsers version windows 64 / chrome vue version 2.5.6 reproduction link https://jsfiddle.net/mmx38qxw/15/ https://jsfiddle.net/mmx38qxw/15/ steps to reproduce 1.设定表格列居右对齐. 2.设定可排序 what is expected? 排序图标正常显示 what is actually happening? 排序图标被遮挡
+3712549,"""https://github.com/PennyDreadfulMTG/perf-reports/issues/2401""","exceeded slow_page limit 430.6 > 20 in decksite: /decks/6322/ slow_page, 430.6, decksite","reported on decksite by perf
+request method: get
+path: /decks/6322/?
+cookies: {}
+endpoint: decks
+view args: {'deck_id': '6322'}
+person: logged_out
+user-agent: mozilla/5.0 compatible; yahoo! slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp referrer: none"
+2173928,"""https://github.com/dapicester/gitlab-ci-monitor/issues/2""",buzz on build failure,there should be one buzz on the first build failure. next failures should not buzz. example: 1. build pass -> green 2. build fail -> red + buzz this is the first failure 3. building -> yellow 4. build fail -> red was already failed 5. build pass -> green all is well now 6. building -> yellow 7. build fail -> red + buzz this is the first failure
+122025,"""https://github.com/AScuolaDiOpencoesione/ASOCFront-ng2/issues/33""",report 3.2 - visulizzazione,"utente 10 i flag su tipologia di ospiti : - nella visualizzazione post salvataggio http://www.ascuoladiopencoesione.it/testblogs/1/563/46412 ci sono 4 voci altro, rappresentante istituzionale, esperto open data amici di asoc , esperto open data ospite esterno , io avevo inserito soltanto rappresentante istituzionale - le scelte sullo stesso campo non sono visibili in back end dopo il salvataggio http://testplatform.ascuoladiopencoesione.it/ /report/4/edit/46412"
+2327021,"""https://github.com/FAForever/clans/issues/34""",tag and clanname should be unique,tag and clanname should be unique
+4187237,"""https://github.com/vulcan9/jik-ji-Binder/issues/37""",cd 실행 가능하게 하는 구조 app-id 고정 요청 17.8.9,cd 실행 가능하게 하는 구조 app-id 고정 요청 app-id 동적 생성 기능을 제거한 총 19개의 구조를 요청드립니다. 아래는 지정될 app-id입니다. 1. 중등 과학 2015tnn_80n_cd1 2015tnn_80n_cd2 2015tnn_80n_cd3 2. 중등 영어 a팀 2015tee_80l_cd1 2015tee_80l_cd2 2015tee_80l_cd3 3. 중등 영어 b팀 tb2015tc2ee_80j_cd1 tb2015tc2ee_80j_cd2 tb2015tc2ee_80j_cd3 4. 중등 국어a팀 eb2015tc2kk_71n_cd 5. 중등 국어b팀 eb2015tc2kk_71p_cd 6. 고등 국어 a팀 eb2015tc3kk_00p_cd 7. 고등 국어 b팀 eb2015tc3kk_00l_cd 8. 중등 생활일본어 eb2015tc2jp_70_cd 9. 중등 생활중국어 eb2015tc2ch_70_cd 10. 고등 중국어1 eb2015tc3ch_10_cd 11. 고등 일본어1 eb2015tc3jp_10_cd 12. 고등 통합 과학 eb2015tc3etc_037_00_cd 13. 고등 통합과학실험 eb2015tc3etc_038_00_cd
+1327360,"""https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/50""",new section - evidence of applicability,"by the charter, the use case document should have a section of evidence of applicability."
+5126502,"""https://github.com/ibm-apiconnect/getting-started/issues/72""",setting up your api connect instance - spaces,"getting-started/bluemix/0-prereq/readme.md it would be nice to include a small description of a space similar to what was included to describe products and catalogs in testing the soap api defn included below: in api connect, products provide a mechanism to group apis that intended for a particular use. products are published to a catalog. reference: api connect glossary"
+3818121,"""https://github.com/cPanelPeter/acctinfo/issues/7""",have --scan ignore images,it currently reports images as being a suspicious file only really see with .png and .svg extensions
+4781515,"""https://github.com/MetaMask/faq/issues/42""","how to remove a token added to metamask, token is still in ico mode and thus unrecognized","i added a token to metamask, and now etherdelta won't let me log into exchange do to unrecognized token in metamask chrome plug-in. i see how to add tokens, but is there a way to remove them from wallet till they are active? thank you for all your time, effort, and patients."
+3513859,"""https://github.com/avocode/nachos-ui/issues/9""",npm start crashes after install of nachos-ui,"hi, firstly thanks for providing some very cool and handy components! i installed today to an in-dev project running on rn 0.41.1 npm start crashed with the following error: failed to build dependencygraph: @providesmodule naming collision: duplicate module name: respondereventplugin here are the clashing paths in the console error message: ~/node_modules/nachos-ui/node_modules/react-native/libraries/renderer/src/renderers/shared/stack/event/eventplugins/respondereventplugin.js ~/node_modules/react-native/libraries/renderer/src/renderers/shared/stack/event/eventplugins/respondereventplugin.js any tips on how to resolve would be great."
+4072769,"""https://github.com/manutdzou/py-faster-rcnn-OHEM/issues/2""","fast_rcnn_ohem train, bbox loss always be 'nan'","thinks for your sharing. i try to use this faster rcnn to deal with my own data. however, when i train stage of fast_rcnn, there is a problem that bbox loss always be 'nan'. could you please give me some help. thank you! i0426 19:55:49.662811 30135 solver.cpp:229 iteration 0, loss = nan i0426 19:55:49.662861 30135 solver.cpp:245 train net output 0: loss_bbox = nan 1 = nan loss i0426 19:55:49.662870 30135 solver.cpp:245 train net output 1: loss_cls = 1.88031 1 = 1.88031 loss i0426 19:55:49.662895 30135 sgd_solver.cpp:106 iteration 0, lr = 0.001 i0426 19:55:58.697458 30135 solver.cpp:229 iteration 20, loss = nan i0426 19:55:58.697528 30135 solver.cpp:245 train net output 0: loss_bbox = nan 1 = nan loss i0426 19:55:58.697536 30135 solver.cpp:245 train net output 1: loss_cls = 0.0256684 1 = 0.0256684 loss i0426 19:55:58.697545 30135 sgd_solver.cpp:106 iteration 20, lr = 0.001 i0426 19:56:07.779089 30135 solver.cpp:229 iteration 40, loss = nan i0426 19:56:07.779152 30135 solver.cpp:245 train net output 0: loss_bbox = nan 1 = nan loss i0426 19:56:07.779160 30135 solver.cpp:245 train net output 1: loss_cls = 0.0125189 1 = 0.0125189 loss"
+3470973,"""https://github.com/dogmaphobic/mavesp8266/issues/43""",how to code for tcp server (ap mode),"i want to connect pixracer with tcp, but it does not work."
+4908715,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/77431""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+3839746,"""https://github.com/ErnestOrt/Trampoline/issues/31""",depend on when start server,"hi, guys i have a config-server , my other services need to run after that config-server . can you show me how to set delay time? thank you for your efforts. it's very helpful for me."
+1691906,"""https://github.com/ITS-UofIowa/radix-kit-sitenow/issues/10""",add bootstrap_a11y to kit.,see its.uiowa.edu for how we include this into the correct place.
+616068,"""https://github.com/srsLTE/srsLTE/issues/116""",can't see enb on my phone,"hello, i've managed to run srsenb on ubuntu 14.04 with bladerf. this is what i have in enb.conf . enb enb_id = 0x19b cell_id = 0x01 phy_cell_id = 1 tac = 0x0007 mcc = 001 mnc = 01 mme_addr = gtp_bind_addr = n_prb = 25 dl_earfcn = 6350 tx_gain = 50 rx_gain = 50 when i run it i'm getting this: reading configuration file enb.conf... opening usrp with args: error opening uhd: code 11 opening bladerf... setting frequency: dl=811.0 mhz, ul=852.0 mhz set tx frequency to 811000000 set rx frequency to 852000000 setting sampling frequency 5.76 mhz set rx sampling rate 5.76 mhz, filter bw: 5.00 mhz 22:04:21.636807 phy0 debug 05841 worker 0 running 22:04:21.636818 phy0 debug 05841 processing pending_tti=5841 22:04:21.636872 mac debug 05845 sched: allocated dci l=2, ncce=0 22:04:21.636885 mac debug 05845 sched: sib1, start_rb=0, n_rb=4, rv=0, len=15, period=8 22:04:21.636960 phy0 debug 05841 sending to radio 22:04:21.637650 phy0 debug 05841 settting tti=5842, tx_mutex=6, tx_time=46:0.810002 to worker 1 22:04:21.637677 phy1 debug 05842 worker 1 running 22:04:21.637751 phy1 debug 05842 sending to radio 22:04:21.638520 phy0 debug 05841 settting tti=5843, tx_mutex=7, tx_time=46:0.811002 to worker 0 but i can't see it on my phone network scan used huawei p9 and oneplus 3 . is this due 800mhz band? i've also used commercial mcc and mnc but still no luck. did i misunderstand something?"
+4885156,"""https://github.com/nayema/be-the-jvm-exercises/issues/1""",exercise 1 - loops part 1,what is the output of this code? determine the output by tracing through the code. then verify the answer by executing it in your ide. java public class main { public static void main string args { int x = 10; x = x - 9; for int i = x; i < 5; i++ { for int j = 0; j < 5; j++ { if i > 1 && j < 4 { system.out.print i % 3 + ; } } } } }
+5011865,"""https://github.com/Horoeka-2017/tims/issues/41""",data validtion for new message page,"user must choose a sender, receive and image url before being able to post disable button otherwise ."
+1922742,"""https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/2093""",multiple muting controls for video conference,"olympus currently allows each participant to mute its own video and audio input. as suggested by john, the conference admin should be able to have this controls per participant, show in the video tile of each participant. the api will allows to change the media used in live calls, so the api is required for features of this nature. apart from that, olympus will also have to implement client-side features. thus issue is to evaluate restcomm side of things and also brainstorm about the idea."
+882422,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/25709""","fix crash in - wbimage initimagefile: , line 205","version: 7.3.0 3873 | com.sina.weibo stacktrace wbimage;initimagefile:;wbimage.m;205
+wbimageloadoperationwithlock;networkrequestthreadentrypoint;wbimageloadoperationwithlock.m;76 link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/162786239 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/162786239"
+2577547,"""https://github.com/Deletescape-Media/Lawnchair/issues/983""",don't display google now tab preference if no g-apps installed,even after the update to .1673 lawnchair shows in behavior the option show google now page and clsims the erong version of lawnfeed is installed. on my devices -running android 7.1.2- are neither any g-apps nor lawnfeed installed... so the option should either not been shown or the text should read no g-apps found on this device . ! https://i.imgur.com/w2rq1fm.png ! https://i.imgur.com/9mgrdmw.png
+2009320,"""https://github.com/wso2/siddhi/issues/437""",better to have a way to set properties of siddhi context,"if we want to set some global properties of all the execution plan, it's better to have a set property method in siddhimanager and use a filed in siddhicontext to keep these properties. ps; it may be not only for string, we suggest to use a map to keep the data."
+1503537,"""https://github.com/Puzzlepart/prosjektportalen/issues/34""",sort fields of list content types after adding lookup fields,"thank you for reporting an issue, suggesting an enhancement, or asking a question. we appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your needs please complete the below template to ensure we have the details to help. thanks! category x enhancement bug question explanation it would be great if we could sort the list columns after adding the endring lookup gevinstanalyse-list and the gevinst lookup gevinstoppfølging-list so that these respective columns can be ordered as the first or second fields in the forms."
+2651477,"""https://github.com/defold/editor2-issues/issues/1210""",exception when fetching libraries. clojure.lang.exceptioninfo: concurrent modification of graph,"created a new project. modified a few things in application preferences and game.project. ran the game on windows and on android. added a library and ran project > fetch libraries . nothing happened, so tried fetching again. got the exception clojure.lang.exceptioninfo: concurrent modification of graph . further attempts to fetch does nothing. i did open the liveupdates.settings, modified it without saving it, and then closed it. possible source of the modification mentioned in the exception message. https://github.com/britzl/defcon/archive/2.1.zip expected behaviour actual behaviour steps to reproduce os name windows 10 defold version 1.2.113 build time 2017-09-13t14:46:12.984175 gpu geforce gtx 1060 6gb/pcie/sse2 defold sha 2792f64cbb7bf6209b04b3b8e108167c67b115c8 gpu driver 4.5.0 nvidia 385.28 os version 10.0 java version 1.8.0_102-b14 error 5d9578a698994e1090a799956ceeae2b os arch amd64 "
+838613,"""https://github.com/tripsta/spring-boot-starter-kit/issues/2""",rename sub_projects with appropriate prefix,dto -> sbsk ... dto in build.gradle of subprojects : jar { basename = 'web' version = '0.0.1-snapshot' } to jar { basename = 'sbsk.web' version = '0.0.1-snapshot' } in settings.gradle from include 'web' to include 'sbsk.web'
+1691442,"""https://github.com/quran/quran_android/issues/889""",zooming in pages of quran,"it would be nice to have a tool that we can adjust the size of the verses, or to use two fingers."
+3060550,"""https://github.com/michelvergnaud/6PM/issues/17""",amélioration chargement automatique d'un préréglage,"bonjour @michelvergnaud j'étais en train de faire un tuto pour super-débutant pour librazik-2, tuto qui met en oeuvre 6pm, et je me suis aperçu que lorsqu'on lance 6pm, qu'on le connecte à un clavier virtuel vkeybd dans mon cas et que l'on appuie sur les touches du clavier virtuel, y'a pas de son qui sort. la solution est toute simple, il suffit de sélectionner un préréglage et hop, ça fonctionne. ceci dit, pour un débutant, c'est contre-intuitif. je suggère donc que lors du lancement de 6pm, un préréglage soit chargé par défaut. c'est pas grand chose, c'est sûr, mais ça aiderait grandement à démystifier le logiciel du point de vue utilisateur. j'espère que ça aide. a+ olivier"
+3025423,"""https://github.com/blinksh/blink/issues/250""",moving from pop over to full screen not resizing.,"just been using blink testflight alternately as pop over session with safari, and then switching to full screen via home screen, and first time it comes up full screen it still displays terminal as same size as pop over and doesn't resize briefly flashes up terminal size same as pop over too , going back to home screen and entering second time triggers the resize. running latest ios beta, so can't verify not related in some way to that."
+2874459,"""https://github.com/Argelbargel/gitlab-branch-source-plugin/issues/4""",add a project selector for 'member',so that it only lists the projects which the jenkins user is a member of.
+794709,"""https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/4825""",missing 2 options in settings > in-game,steam client version: 1484790260 jan 19 2017 distribution e.g. ubuntu : ubuntu 16.04 opted into steam client beta?: no checked missing in beta too have you checked for system updates?: yes i wanted to try using big picture overlay instead of the standard desktop overlay on the desktop . and i found out linux client is missing 2 options in settings > in-game. i see no reason to exclude first missing option - big picture overlay on desktop. second missing option is related to steamvr and that is understandable until steamvr comes to linux . attached an image showing windows on the left and linux on the right. ! steam-missing-feature https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17696117/22183447/c32f24d4-e0be-11e6-9b73-992b90b10be8.png
+1404490,"""https://github.com/ua-snap/snap-arctic-portal/issues/121""",change the fire tour to use the all fires layer,the fire tour currently highlights the 2016 wildfires rather than the new layer from the openshift geojson application. change that
+3208416,"""https://github.com/cowleyk/multiRegCapstone/issues/11""",define data flow,"user input -> regression -> validation how? r^2 || f-test || residuals || combination
+partial f-test?"
+4020268,"""https://github.com/hneemann/Assembler/issues/1""",vonneumanntests failed on windows 10 home,vonneumanntest.testharvard:20 null expected: but was: vonneumanntest.testvonneumann:33 null expected: but was:
+3939530,"""https://github.com/mitzerh/modulr-js/issues/46""",todo: add global query cache param,set a static global cache busting parameter that will be used across all files loaded in modulr.
+2752696,"""https://github.com/cis-bathnes/pattern-lib/issues/10""",missing document language,it looks like the default template in the ui toolkit is missing the language definition. use the british region subtag variant for all templates:
+5038851,"""https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy/issues/1912""",lint hand-written intra-rustdoc links,"once rust-lang/rust 43466 lands, people will be able to write links directly to rust items instead of hand-writing the links. we should consider at some point adding a lint that will look for links to items and lint to use the latter format instead. obviously, we'd want to wait before this is implemented in compiler land before linting, but it's good to add to the list."
+3422973,"""https://github.com/DobyTang/LazyLibrarian/issues/964""",does not start after upgrading today,"after trying to upgrade to the latest commit today, ll does not start up. if i log in on my freenas jail and try to start the service i get the error below. root@lazylibrarian_1:/ service lazylibrarian start starting lazylibrarian. traceback most recent call last : file /usr/pbi/lazylibrarian-amd64/share/lazylibrarian/lazylibrarian/lazylibra rian.py , line 15, in from lazylibrarian import webstart, logger, versioncheck, dbupgrade file /usr/pbi/lazylibrarian-amd64/share/lazylibrarian/lazylibrarian/lazylibra rian/webstart.py , line 20, in import requests importerror: no module named requests /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lazylibrarian: warning: failed to start lazylibrarian root@lazylibrarian_1:/"
+3930042,"""https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/13418""",after adding columns -> logged out,steps to reproduce 1. add a column to a table 2. click on any link 3. login page appears expected behaviour should stay logged in actual behaviour logged out server configuration operating system : centos 6 web server: apache 2.4.25 database: 5.7.18-log - mysql community server gpl php version: 5.6.30 phpmyadmin version: 4.7.1 client configuration browser: 54.0 64-bit linux operating system: ubuntu 16.04 lts
+4586850,"""https://github.com/nextcloud/calendar/issues/531""",default event visibility for shared calendars,"it would be helpful to have a default event visibility setting per calendar share. right now, visibility when shared can be controlled on a per-event basis: show whole event , show as busy , hide event . i would like to be able to control this per-calendar or per-share. i need to share some calendars only to show availability without disclosing event contents to sharees. i create most of my events using external apps e.g. ios calendar, lightning , which don't support the visibility setting, so new events are always created as show whole event . to make use of the visibility setting, i would need to log in to the web frontend and edit every single event by hand, which is not feasible. the ideal solution tome would be to add either a default visibility when shared setting to the calendar properties, or a share availability only option to the sharing dialog. not sure if this wishlist item is better categorized as a calendar or core issue, since it concerns both."
+2242977,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/53050""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4435883,"""https://github.com/mwasilew/squad/issues/133""",rethink the compare projects ui,"imported from https://projects.linaro.org/browse/qa-1644
+original request: {quote}13. comparison between projects only inside the team so we don't compare squad to zephyr for example{quote} we should only be able to compare projects inside the same group. also the top-level compare link does not make much sense. milosz.wasilewski:
+> in some cases comparison between projects in the group also makes no sense like in lkft compare cts to ltp . maybe it's a better idea to have a list of 'comparable projects'? it's also not easy to guarantee that the compared projects share the same versions, envs and tests."
+2514164,"""https://github.com/BowlerHatLLC/vscode-nextgenas/issues/70""",feature request: auto completion of the package name,"hi, flashbuilder is able to auto complete the package name if you just place the cursor in the first line after the 'package' keyword and call intellisense by pressing ctrl with space . the package name will be immediately inserted or corrected. would be great to have this feature in vscode ;- thanks, olaf"
+2528212,"""https://github.com/makersacademy/problem-solving/issues/34""",codewars kata: simple encryption 1 - alternating split,"hey all, hope you're all doing well. i've been working on the kata simple encryption 1 - alternating split on codewars, here is the link: https://www.codewars.com/kata/simple-encryption-number-1-alternating-split/train/ruby i am stuck on how to decrypt a string when passed to the decrypt method. i pass all the tests for the encrypt method. is there a good way to work backwards from a method in ruby? or do i need to figure out a way to reverse everything in the encrypt method?. i tried to reverse the encrypt method but still couldn't pass the tests. here is what i have for my ecrypt method: def encrypt text, n return text if n <= 0 return nil if text == nil return if text == arr = text.chars n.times do other_letter = arr.select.with_index { |e, i| i.odd? } remainder = arr.select.with_index { |e, i| i.even? } @result = other_letter.join << remainder.join arr = other_letter + remainder end @result end"
+821983,"""https://github.com/remoteinterview/compilebox/issues/48""",allow for standard input when running code,any way you think we could allow for running code that asks for standard input? i would be happy to help code if we can come up with a secure way to do it. thank you for compilebox! ruby example: ruby print type in your name: name = gets puts name
+53167,"""https://github.com/arangodb-foxx/demo-graphql/issues/3""",demo query not working,"when runnign the demo query: { hero episode: newhope { name friends species: droid { name } } } i get the following error: { data : { hero : { name : luke skywalker , friends : null } }, errors : { message : collection not known to traversal demo_graphql_characters please add 'with demo_graphql_characters' as the first line in your aql while executing , locations : { line : 4, column : 5 } } }"
+2429315,"""https://github.com/lee-pai-long/vagabon/issues/9""",users should be able to use their dotfiles,"user should be able to use their dotfiles through sharing a dotfiles directory, or by pushing individual files ex: .bashrc ."
+3289729,"""https://github.com/2BOT4U/Bot/issues/17""",structure api's responses,user story: an user can't see this aspect
+1081979,"""https://github.com/RealTibia/LIST/issues/13""",quests & missions,quests & missions name | city | description ------------ | ------------ | ------------- king of rebels | doomland | _he can have a child who want be strong like his father we can make a quest for ranger outfit with addons._
+3279116,"""https://github.com/jorgebastida/gordon/issues/151""",typo? context_destinaton,"the generated cf json contains instances of context_destinaton sic i don't pretend to understand how cloudformation works, nor how the .context file is injected. renaming to to context_destination would change about 27 tests. would this be a reasonable thing to do?"
+849165,"""https://github.com/anbox/anbox/issues/430""",some doubts about which license i should use,"! 1 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10867563/29801925-d377a932-8ca4-11e7-8add-91fbf1730e74.png on the project website, it says the whole source code is available as open source and licensed under the terms of the apache and gplv3 license. ! 2 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10867563/29801923-d362fb68-8ca4-11e7-9140-0def6e26afca.png on the project repository, it says the anbox source itself, if not stated differently in the relevant source files, is licensed under the terms of the gplv3 license. i am a open source lover and my github repositories can prove it. i read the source code after one of my friend mentioned this project. i'm used to reading the license first because if i really use it, i need to mention the information about the 3rd-party source code i used in my project. and i found the different. my understanding of this is that i need to use gpl v3. but what do you mean by apache ? most of your code uses gpl v3, so why don't you write gpl v3 directly on the official website? in general, if i know that a project uses gpl v3, the first thing i do is press alt + f4 . but this time i wrote a issue, because i'm looking forward to this project even if i use gpl v3, i also want to fork and migrate to windows mouri"
+2292796,"""https://github.com/adminteractive/chatbot/issues/3""",.env.sample needs to be updated,right now there is .env sample in the root directory but its not updated
+3493834,"""https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/8897""",new trusty image upgrades postgres to 10.1,"after the trusty image upgrade, we're encountering a known issue with our version of psycopg2 + postgres 10. was it anticipated that postgres be upgraded as part of the image upgrade? we didn't see this in the release notes. to fix, we switched to sudo: required and specified group: deprecated-2017q4 in our travis config. thanks! related psycopg2 issue: error: could not determine postgresql version from '10.1' https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/issues/594"
+2940439,"""https://github.com/kyu-sz/WPAL-network/issues/12""",richly annotated pedestrian rap database,"i can't download the data set, can i provide a copy to baidu cloud? thank you. @kyu-sz"
+608836,"""https://github.com/masterdoctor/LineageOS-p8lite-community/issues/2""",laggy screen livedisplay,the livedisplay feature tints the screen orange in the evening to reduce eye strain makes the huawei p8-lite very laggy.
+3998184,"""https://github.com/ZHMYD/tutorials/issues/21""",tutorial page video.md issue. dev green,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/zhmyd/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/video/video.md https://github.com/zhmyd/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/video/video.md contains invalid primary tag.
+your tutorial was not created. please double-check primary tag property. each tutorial md-file shall have primary tag provided above. example:
+title: text bundles within node.js sap hana applications
+description: working with text bundles in node.js
+primary_tag: products>sap\-hana
+tags: tutorial>intermediate\, products>sap\-hana\, products>sap\-hana\-\-express\-edition \-\-\- affected server: dev green"
+4600270,"""https://github.com/criteo/kafka-sharp/issues/31""",producing on a topic that does not exist fails,"wondering if this scenario is supported with this library... i have verified that auto.create.topics.enable is set to true in the broker configuration. using clusterclient.produce topic, key, data yields the following error when the topic does not exist: producer no partition available for topic postponing messages. should this be supported and i am doing something wrong, or is this not supported? thanks!"
+3436846,"""https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFV1/issues/51""",inconsistency in the context equation,"the context section says: > the quantized sample di erences l-l, l-tl, tl-t, t-t, t-tr are used as context: but then lists a equation that doesn't use t-t but does use t-t ."
+2942246,"""https://github.com/idaholab/moose/issues/8942""","update docs, etc. for new stork workflow","description of the enhancement or error report this is a follow up to 8266 to update everything that isn't code docs, etc. for the new app-creation workflow. things that need to be done include: - update mooseframework.org docs/wiki - what i've found so far: - http://mooseframework.org/wiki/creatinganewmoosemodule/ - http://mooseframework.org/wiki/repositorystructure/ - http://mooseframework.org/wiki/multistork/ - http://mooseframework.org/wiki/creatinganewmoosemodule/ - http://mooseframework.org/wiki/trackedapps/ - deprecate stork repository - announce to users list - permanently turn on new civet check for in-moose stork - others? identified impact impacts external assets docs and the stork application"
+360976,"""https://github.com/dlmckenzie/invoice/issues/43""",rename products keyisunique: to prodexistsforkey:,this is inline with customer custexistsforid: and i feel is more intuitive as to what the method does
+335079,"""https://github.com/alecgorge/iguana/issues/16""",sharing show from ios app sends the wrong link,"when sharing a show that you're listening to, the date is always 1 day off the day before . example: try sharing tea leaf green 9/23/17 and got link to relisten.net/tea-leaf-green/2017/09/22/ this happens for every show you try to share."
+2811541,"""https://github.com/TerriaJS/magda/issues/97""",show source in search results,"we had this in the previous search.data.gov.au: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/924374/27687909-ff3bf0b8-5d1b-11e7-9ca9-0a001324c9cc.png at least until we do a better job of curating organization names, showing the source can make the relevance of results a lot clearer. for example, this search result would be a lot better if it said source: queensland government underneath it: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/924374/27687973-3ef94728-5d1c-11e7-970b-d27b66b29817.png"
+4399182,"""https://github.com/Caleydo/lineage/issues/68""",refactor to use phovea table,"activeattributes will hold global view that coordinates communication between the 3 views. - init: parse row & column data into global view - panelview: update global view columns on add/remove/reorder & fire event for tableview - graphview: update global view rows on hide/show & fire event for tableview - histogram methods: panelview & tableview will both call these to do: - how to handle aggregation? global list of views - how to handle table sort? problem: when table is sorted, rows are reordered in table, but not in graph. this means that if we have a show/collapse event in the graph, we need to translate the view the graph produces into the order that the table is now in"
+333435,"""https://github.com/jebberjeb/viz.cljc/issues/1""",newlines in dot string cause nashorn exception,"expected behavior since dot syntax allows whitespace like newlines, a user would expect that the call viz/image digraph { a->b; } would be equivalent to viz/image digraph { a -> b; } actual behavior parserexception :1:14 missing close quote viz 'digraph { ^ jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.lexer.error lexer.java:1714"
+1177507,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/37222""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+2999952,"""https://github.com/usgs/nshmp-haz/issues/239""",refactor codebase to gov.usgs.earthquake.nshmp,move away from opensha2 package hierarchy in advance of including nshmp-haz as a dependency in git based opensha.
+2154664,"""https://github.com/pit-plugin/pit-plugin-2/issues/9""",pisanie do outputu,proszę przygotować prostą implementację albo instrukcję w jaki sposób nasz proces może otwierać i pisać w okienku z outputem
+2235573,"""https://github.com/DTAFormation/pizzeria-app/issues/34""",usw017 - composer sa pizza,"en tant que client, je souhaiterais composer une pizza avec les ingrédients de mon choix."
+3264225,"""https://github.com/rundeck/rundeck/issues/2911""",job timeout not working,"issue type: bug report my rundeck detail rundeck version: 2.10.0-1 install type: rpm os name/version: centos 7 db type/version: mysql mariadb expected behavior per documentation http://rundeck.org/docs/manual/jobs.html timeout : you can set a maximum runtime for a job. if the runtime exceeds this value, the job will be halted as if a user had killed it. actual behavior the execution halts, but the step s don't. now, i realize the language up there doesn't say that the steps are halted, but i would assume that the execution halting while orphaning its steps is not expected behavior it certainly wasn't to me . how to reproduce behavior i created a job which runs a sleep statement on a remote host via either a command or inline script with a timeout set. the sleep command continues to run on the remote host after the job is timed out. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30664752/32277457-85e27a44-bee0-11e7-864d-212c89578f98.png also , i tried killing the job and the sleep statement just kept on going..."
+4342905,"""https://github.com/teebot/reactive-midi-animation/issues/8""",nth: loading a midi file,after loading a midi file we should be able to set which of its tracks correspond to which graphics see load-midi-file branch for rough demo
+991227,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/StoreBroker/issues/82""",certain storebroker cmdlets do not implement pipelining correctly,"for example, the format- cmdlets generally accept multiple objects from the pipeline but do not work for directly passing a collection via parameter. this works: $sub1, $sub2 | format-applicationsubmission but this should also work: format-applicationsubmission -applicationsubmissiondata $sub1, $sub2"
+2501505,"""https://github.com/stefanpenner/ember-moment/issues/236""",returning and overriding the timezone within tests,"i can't determine if this is something that is automatic and i'm just experiencing a setup/config issue or if my assumption on this is off. does ember-moment have a service that automatically returns you the user's timezone? i'm attempting this.get 'moment.timezone' but it returns null. however, i can set it with this.get 'moment' .settimezone 'america/los_angeles' ; we've recently changed some of the date/time formatting within our application and i'm working on rendering the utc date/time. this portion i haven't had any problems with. the issue i'm running into is overriding this during our testing to force a consistent timezone. i assumed that the best way to do this was to setup a config/environment timezone variable and when applicable set the timezone global on the moment service which can then be distilled down to instances of {{moment-format ...}} . is this an appropriate strategy? thanks!"
+669097,"""https://github.com/postcss/postcss-reporter/issues/37""",webpack reporter not working,"i somehow cant get the reporter working with webpack, not sure if my setup is wrong: > postcss.config.js module.exports = { plugins: require 'postcss-import' { // eslint-disable-line plugins: require 'stylelint' , // eslint-disable-line , } , require 'postcss-reporter' { clearmessages: true } , // eslint-disable-line require 'autoprefixer' { // eslint-disable-line browsers: 'last 2 versions' , cascade: false, } , , }; > webpack.config.js module.exports = { . . . { test: /\.scss$/, use: extracttextplugin.extract { fallback: 'style-loader', use: { loader: 'css-loader?importloaders=1', options: { autoprefixer: false, sourcemap: true, importloaders: 1, url: false, }, }, 'postcss-loader', 'sass-loader', , publicpath: '/assets/', } , exclude: /node_modules/, }, . . . , }, > the standart report syntax is used instead of postcss-reporter: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/18122799/23342229/ee56cd52-fc56-11e6-988d-1190c3516312.png"
+1283958,"""https://github.com/jlippold/tweakCompatible/issues/232""",tapcontroller working on ios 10.1.1,"{ packageid : com.skylerk99.tapcontroller , action : working , userinfo : { packagecategoryallowed : true, packageid : com.skylerk99.tapcontroller , depiction : tap to control default video player like youtube. , deviceid : iphone9,4 , url : http://skylerk99.github.io/ , iosversion : 10.1.1 , packageversionindexed : false, packagename : tapcontroller , category : tweaks , repository : skylerk99 , name : tapcontroller , packageindexed : false, packagestatusexplaination : this tweak has not been reviewed. please submit a review if you choose to install. , id : com.skylerk99.tapcontroller , commercial : false, packageinstalled : true, iosversionallowed : true, latest : 0.0.4 , author : skyler kansala , packagestatus : unknown }, base64 : eyjwywnrywdlq2f0zwdvcnlbbgxvd2vkijp0cnvllcjwywnrywdlswqioijjb20uc2t5bgvyazk5lnrhcgnvbnryb2xszxiilcjkzxbpy3rpb24ioijuyxagdg8gy29udhjvbcbkzwzhdwx0ihzpzgvvihbsyxllcibsawtlihlvdxr1ymuuiiwizgv2awnlswqioijpughvbmu5ldqilcj1cmwioijodhrwolwvxc9za3lszxjrotkuz2l0ahvilmlvxc8ilcjpt1nwzxjzaw9uijoimtaums4xiiwicgfja2fnzvzlcnnpb25jbmrlegvkijpmywxzzswicgfja2fnzu5hbwuioijuyxbdb250cm9sbgvyiiwiy2f0zwdvcnkioijud2vha3milcjyzxbvc2l0b3j5ijoiu2t5bgvyazk5iiwibmftzsi6ilrhcenvbnryb2xszxiilcjwywnrywdlsw5kzxhlzci6zmfsc2usinbhy2thz2vtdgf0dxnfehbsywluyxrpb24ioijuaglzihr3zwfrighhcybub3qgymvlbibyzxzpzxdlzc4gugxlyxnlihn1ym1pdcbhihjldmlldybpzib5b3ugy2hvb3nlihrvigluc3rhbgwuiiwiawqioijjb20uc2t5bgvyazk5lnrhcgnvbnryb2xszxiilcjjb21tzxjjawfsijpmywxzzswicgfja2fnzuluc3rhbgxlzci6dhj1zswiau9tvmvyc2lvbkfsbg93zwqionrydwusimxhdgvzdci6ijaumc40iiwiyxv0ag9yijoiu2t5bgvyiethbnnhbgeilcjwywnrywdlu3rhdhvzijoivw5rbm93bij9 , chosenstatus : working , notes : }"
+4520781,"""https://github.com/crastr/DNA_Sudoku_pipeline/issues/4""",вернуть скрипт для 454,"и для обработки его. если есть fq файл, то он идет в обработку. а противном случае fa и q файлы."
+3560900,"""https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/10413""",scaladoc search doesn't always find type aliases?,"apologies if this is the wrong place to mention this enhancement request. i spent about ten minutes discovering this one the hard way yesterday: go into the 2.12 scaladocs http://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.12.2/scala/index.html search for timeoutexception nothing shows up. it does exist in the standard library, as scala.concurrent.timeoutexception , but doesn't get picked up by search, apparently because it is an alias for java.util.concurrent.timeoutexception . in the above case, the type alias is defined in a package object, and comes from java; either or both of those might be involved in the fact that it doesn't show up at all."
+4058560,"""https://github.com/ga4gh/beacon-team/issues/106""",summary phenotype information in the response,add high level phenotype counts and observations per phenotype data to response.
+194203,"""https://github.com/liferay-labs-br/fiber/issues/46""",rfc: improve public api of render,"disclaimer the current state of renderfactory is quite simple and nothing as customizable as an api, we need to think about how this can become more user friendly and how we can have control over it. current currently to create a render you call the renderfactory function by passing vnode and return a callback with object or string. example : javascript const render vnode => renderfactory vnode, args => { // my code.... } ; proposal my thinking is that we can have more control over renderers so we can control by supplying only apis at render points. example of the use renderfactory : javascript const render = renderfactory { createinstance vnode, instance { }, createtextnode text { } } ; the advantage is that we offer an experience so that other people can construct a render , but i do not feel secure about it that we can limit the creativity and the use of a render . the problem is that we have a great dependence on having to pass the vnode to renderfactory , maybe we can make it more user friendly. javascript const render = renderfactory { node: vnode, createinstance vnode, instance { }, createtextnode text { } } ;"
+461073,"""https://github.com/NPRA/jammerMon/issues/2""",rewrite the output file construct and enable output file rotation,"if the jammermon daemon runs for several dates it will still write each sample to the initially constructed output file with the timestamp suffix from the start date. we want to rotate this output file so that when the date changes the current output file is closed and a new one is constructed. also, the current implementation is messy - clean up."
+2382371,"""https://github.com/pixelgrade/gridable/issues/46""",newline gets erased everytime i update,"daca vreau sa adaug un newline inainte de un text, se pare ca mi-l ignora: https://cl.ly/0z1i1q0f0s26 vad ca acum nu prea mai insereaza , dar sper ca nu ii o filtrare care sa faca asta, pentru ca ar putea sa elimine spatii care ar trebui sa fac acolo. i might be wrong tho."
+770371,"""https://github.com/Gil2015/react-native-table-component/issues/22""",how to add random color to table data,thank you for your component . how to add random colors to table data
+5154312,"""https://github.com/invghost/XT/issues/18""",toolwindowmanager bugs and possible improvements,this is just a list of general improvements and bugs to fix to make twm nicer for us: close button is missing on normal tabs separate tool windows should persist bottom section tool windows cannot be resized see: asset browser
+3772868,"""https://github.com/jburfield92/JoeWebsite/issues/26""",add blog views system,"when the user goes to the entire blog page, it'll count as a view toward that blog. this can only be seen by the administrator or the blog poster while viewing that specific blog."
+3868081,"""https://github.com/hipchat/hubot-hipchat/issues/288""",unable to connect to hipchat,"i am using a ubuntu machine hubot and my hipchat is installed in another server..i have started hubot adapter.i receive the following error devuser@177:~/myhubot$ bin/hubot --name cris --adapter hipchat thu mar 09 2017 02:29:54 gmt-0800 pst error error: listen eaddrinuse at object.exports._errnoexception util.js:907:11 at exports._exceptionwithhostport util.js:930:20 at server._listen2 net.js:1250:14 at listen net.js:1286:10 at net.js:1395:9 at nexttickcallbackwith3args node.js:522:9 at process._tickcallback node.js:428:17 cris> thu mar 09 2017 02:29:54 gmt-0800 pst warning loading scripts from hubot-scripts.json is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0 https://github.com/github/hubot-scripts/issues/1113 in favor of packages for each script. your hubot-scripts.json is empty, so you just need to remove it. thu mar 09 2017 02:29:54 gmt-0800 pst error hubot-heroku-alive included, but missing hubot_heroku_keepalive_url. heroku config:set hubot_heroku_keepalive_url=$ heroku apps:info -s | grep web-url | cut -d= -f2 thu mar 09 2017 02:29:55 gmt-0800 pst info hubot-redis-brain: using default redis on localhost:6379 thu mar 09 2017 02:29:55 gmt-0800 pst info hubot-redis-brain: initializing new data for hubot brain i am able to do the following : cris> cris ping cris> pong but in hipchat cris user is offline."
+444327,"""https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-panel/issues/610""",1.18 mini icons graphical bug double icon left side first icon,expected behaviour no graphical bug at the mini icons actual behaviour the left icon is double look at the picture steps to reproduce the behaviour upgrade from 18.1 to 18.2 mate general version mate-desktop 1.18.0-1+sonya package version mate-panel 1.18.3-2+sonya linux distribution linux mint 18.2 sonya x64 mate-edition
+4029321,"""https://github.com/kubedb/project/issues/23""",support private docker registry for images,"_from @tamalsaha on november 22, 2017 5:4_ example: https://github.com/appscode/voyager/tree/master/chart/stable/voyager --database-registry=library / <> --operator-registry=kubedb _copied from original issue: kubedb/operator 138_"
+95468,"""https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/issues/11129""",databse seeds master tasks,"- add database seeds to upgrade travis build - add plugin seeds , database plugin hook and document it - register seeds via hook - move objects seed to blog plugin"
+1411696,"""https://github.com/freebsd/poudriere/issues/518""",wiki: use_system_ports_tree instructions broken,"for poudriere 3.1.19, the https://github.com/freebsd/poudriere/wiki/use_system_ports_tree instructions do not work. poudriere ports -c -m null -m /ports/custom -p custom does not work and only prints usage information. with poudriere ports -c -f -m /ports/custom -p custom or in particular poudriere ports -c -f -m /usr/ports -p default things work for me. please fix the wiki."
+756252,"""https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1175""",decodeaudiodata detaches arraybuffer,"in https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/ widl-baseaudiocontext-decodeaudiodata-promise-audiobuffer--arraybuffer-audiodata-decodesuccesscallback-successcallback-decodeerrorcallback-errorcallback, the algorithm says that arraybuffer is detached. my limited understanding of this is that once this happens, the contents of the arraybuffer is basically gone in javascript. you can't call decodeaudiodata twice on the same arraybuffer , and you can't even look into the original contents. is this how decodeaudiodata is expected to work? noticed this when trying to implement in chrome, where we have some tests that were calling decodeaudiodata multiple times on the same buffer."
+40991,"""https://github.com/igalata/Bubble-Picker/issues/30""",weird bug on nexus 7,"not a os issue, happens on 7.1 as on 4.4 on nexus 7... https://drive.google.com/open?id=0b7piyorznmeualrwshjicmjmzve any idea where this might come from? not happening on phones."
+5125281,"""https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/2671""",placing of image upload icon is off on mobile,this was on an iphone 7 plus: ! img_1441 png https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/253067/30074602-0c311c52-926a-11e7-94d9-c4314ed66a9c.png
+481811,"""https://github.com/python-hyper/hyper-h2/issues/449""",http2-settings of h2c upgrade should only contains the settings payload,"i found that when i'm doing h2c a client, and trying doing the upgrade by used initiate_upgrade_connection to generate the base64 encoded http2-settings frame, it also contains unexpected frame information. related code: connection.py initiate_upgrade_connection https://github.com/python-hyper/hyper-h2/blob/master/h2/connection.py l592-l597 related rfc: rfc7549 section-3.2 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540 section-3.2 > get / http/1.1 host: server.example.com connection: upgrade, http2-settings upgrade: h2c http2-settings: if you confirmed that it's an rfc violation and had no time to fix it, i would like to help on a pr for this. thanks!"
+2532577,"""https://github.com/MISP/MISP/issues/2742""",stix 2 export - issue with some events unknown objects,"event uuid: 5a29b981-af60-4e6f-af70-480b950d210f ~~~~ file /var/www/misp-priv/app/files/scripts/stix2/misp2stix2.py , line 766, in main sys.argv file /var/www/misp-priv/app/files/scripts/stix2/misp2stix2.py , line 750, in main misp.load_file os.path.join pathname, args 1 file /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pymisp/mispevent.py , line 378, in load_file self.load f file /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pymisp/mispevent.py , line 397, in load self.set_all_values e file /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pymisp/mispevent.py , line 414, in set_all_values self.from_dict kwargs file /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pymisp/mispevent.py , line 478, in from_dict tmp_object = mispobject obj 'name' file /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/pymisp/mispevent.py , line 607, in __init__ raise unknownmispobjecttemplate '{} is unknown in the misp object directory.' pymisp.exceptions.unknownmispobjecttemplate: {} is unknown in the misp object directory. ~~~~"
+2703007,"""https://github.com/travitch/persistent-vector/issues/2""",question about plans,"this package is a great initiative. haskell needs this data-structure. it's quite surprising that the package is not too popular yet. i see that you have a todo list, yet the latest updates were released two years ago. i'm wondering about your plans on this package. do you plan on continuing its development? are you interested in attracting more attention to it and, hence, contribution ?"
+3483,"""https://github.com/rematch/rematch/issues/8""",plugins api ?,"we should create a plugins api under init. this can allow for merging store middleware, setting up models, etc. js init { plugins: plugin , plugin2 } plugins may be: a an object b a string that internally references an existing local package c another possible api to consider, as used by dva: js const app = init // sets up plugin app.use plugin regardless, we should decide on a plugin api with some reasoning. some things to consider: 1 the plugins are more efficient if they run on startup, which leads me towards a & b. 2 if we are to hold all packages locally, i'd lean towards b. if users are able to create their own packages, or add config settings to a package i'd go with a. personally, i'm leaning towards a. what are your thoughts?"
+281536,"""https://github.com/EGC-G2-Trabajo-1718/Cabina-Telegram/issues/9""",falta la funcionalidad comprobarpregunta.,prioridad : media. descripción : falta la funcionalidad comprobarpregunta en la clase votarfunctionality que compruebe la existencia de una pregunta de una votación existente en el sistema.
+3256926,"""https://github.com/wh1ter0se/PowerUp-2018/issues/26""",setup gitter community,"set up a gitter community for foximus prime for at least all the programmers, matt and mrs. hosey."
+1085213,"""https://github.com/GoodEnoughSoftware/Mission-Complete/issues/1""",create task schema,"create a datatype / schema for a task. this must include the format for a task in terms of the task title, subtasks, what's complete, due date, location ? , etc."
+4597043,"""https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/254""",example for reading header and body separately,"i have the following use-case: 1. read request_header 2. decide whether request 2.1. has no body 2.2. has a small body that can just be read into a buffer 2.3. has a large body that needs to be streamed 3. do the appropriate thing i can't really figure out how to do step 3 with beast, although i'm sure it must be possible somehow. ideally, after reading the request_header i'd like to be able to create an object using the request_header i already read and that i can call async_read on to read all or parts of the body. if there's no body, or i reach the end of it, i want to get eof. is this possible right now?"
+3972321,"""https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulpino/issues/122""",password for git@iis-git.ee.ethz.ch's,asking for password when executed generate-scripts.py prasar00@i80studpc06:~/project/pulpino-pulpino_v2.1:$./generate-scripts.py cloning into 'ipstools'... git@iis-git.ee.ethz.ch's password: connection closed by
+3839971,"""https://github.com/dlitz/pycrypto/issues/220""",documentation example mixup,"this is not a code bug report, but i think there has been a mixup regarding the code examples for des and 3des on the online docs. des http://pythonhosted.org/pycrypto/crypto.cipher.des-module.html >>> from crypto.cipher import des3 >>> from crypto import random >>> >>> key = b'sixteen byte key' >>> iv = random.new .read des3.block_size >>> cipher = des3.new key, des3.mode_ofb, iv >>> plaintext = b'sona si latine loqueris ' >>> msg = iv + cipher.encrypt plaintext 3des http://pythonhosted.org/pycrypto/crypto.cipher.des3-module.html >>> from crypto.cipher import des >>> from crypto import random >>> from crypto.util import counter >>> >>> key = b'-8b key-' >>> nonce = random.new .read des.block_size/2 >>> ctr = counter.new des.block_size 8/2, prefix=nonce >>> cipher = des.new key, des.mode_ctr, counter=ctr >>> plaintext = b'we are no longer the knights who say ni!' >>> msg = nonce + cipher.encrypt plaintext"
+1597577,"""https://github.com/agrc/gis.utah.gov/issues/620""","there is an issue with the link to the golf courses data, i will send them a copy can you look for the issue. thanks https://gis.utah.gov/data/recreation/golf-courses/","_please be comfortable to submit an issue if you have a question, want to ask to post new content or if the website isn't working properly for you._ issue description describe the problem you are having what page is the problem visible http://gis.utah.gov/ expected result i expected: actual result instead: _you can drag and drop or paste screen shots from your clipboard to here. please do it's very helpful!_"
+4661060,"""https://github.com/GuntharDeNiro/Gunthy/issues/14""", error: period defined not available on bittrex,"i'm getting this error on bittrex with 15min period. older versions worked with the same config, if i change period to 5 or 30 it works."
+1591102,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/17908""","fix nsinvalidargumentexception in - wbcontentimageviewitem drawinrect:withcontext:asynchronously: , line 39","version: 7.0.0 2982 | com.sina.weibo stacktrace wbcontentimageviewitem;drawinrect:withcontext:asynchronously:;wbcontentimageviewitem.m;39
+wbasyncdrawingview;_displaylayer:rect:drawingstarted:drawingfinished:drawinginterrupted:;wbasyncdrawingview.m;330 reason terminating app due to uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: '- _uifontcachekey length : unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1542d5ca0' link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/156236835 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/156236835"
+3812887,"""https://github.com/MastermindMedia/EliteFX/issues/28""",wallet shortcode styling,"! screen shot 2017-11-30 at 7:54 am http://marker.screenshots.prod.s3.amazonaws.com/e21e9472255e4d00b862b56cc10df550-1512028491681.png --- more info source url : http://fxprotools.com/wallet/ http://fxprotools.com/wallet/ browser chrome 62.0.3202.94 screen size 1440 x 900 os os x 10.13.1 viewport size 1440 x 805 zoom level 100% pixel ratio @2x user agent mozilla/5.0 macintosh; intel mac os x 10_13_1 applewebkit/537.36 khtml, like gecko chrome/62.0.3202.94 safari/537.36
+824420,"""https://github.com/IdentityModel/oidc-client-js/issues/466""",error message from check session op iframe,"i use those components: identity server 2.0.2 oidc-client.js 1.3.0 angular 4.0.0 after a successful login into the idp i get redirected to my js client. 2 seconds later appr. i see an error message appearing there: 1sth message: add token expiring this.mgr.events.addaccesstokenexpiring => { console.log 'add token expiring' ; } ; 2nd message: error message from check session op iframe ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13928925/33517239-c2dd7d46-d780-11e7-8978-0c9d9a0c08bc.png any idea what configured i wrongly? authority: 'http://localhost:60000', client_id: 'my clientid', redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:4200/signin-callback.html', post_logout_redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:4200', response_type: 'id_token token', scope: 'openid myapi test', silent_redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:4200/silent-renew.html', automaticsilentrenew: true, loaduserinfo: true"
+4771811,"""https://github.com/cf-tm-bot/openstack_cpi/issues/196""",use openstack_networking_secgroup_v2 in all terraform files - story id: 137265331,"e2e pipeline secondary_cpi.tf and environment template bosh-init-tf use still the old deprecated compute_secgroup. --- mirrors: story 137265331 https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/137265331 submitted on jan 9, 2017 utc
+- requester : tom kiemes
+- estimate : 0.0"
+603260,"""https://github.com/miromiro-2017/miromiro-2017/issues/1447""",7.5 reflection ~ 15 mins,"7.5 reflection ~ 15 mins reference the reflection resource https://github.com/dev-academy-programme/curriculum/tree/master/resources/nt-reflection-article to get the most out of this assignment. - start toggl.
+- using the command line, navigate to your cloned cohort repo and find the ee folder.
+- pull down any changes.
+- in your ee/yourname-lastname directory create a file called sprintnum -reflection , for example: 3-reflection.md .
+- open in atom and record your answers: - what did i do well this week? - what could i have done to improve?
+- stage and commit with a meaningful message. push to github.
+- post a link to your reflection file on github in the waffle card comments below."
+4171142,"""https://github.com/ksAutotests/CreateInvalidAndUpdateInvalidTest/issues/970""",tutorial page autotest_chromew8860ojd36.md issue. test green,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/ksautotests/createinvalidandupdateinvalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/chrome/autotest_chromew8860ojd36.md https://github.com/ksautotests/createinvalidandupdateinvalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/chrome/autotest_chromew8860ojd36.md contains invalid primary tag.
+your tutorial was not updated. please double-check primary tag property. each tutorial md-file shall have primary tag provided above. example:
+title: text bundles within node.js sap hana applications
+description: working with text bundles in node.js
+primary_tag: products>sap\-hana
+tags: tutorial>intermediate\, products>sap\-hana\, products>sap\-hana\-\-express\-edition \-\-\- affected server: test green"
+3216549,"""https://github.com/os72/protoc-jar-maven-plugin/issues/41""",up to date checks,it would be nice to have up-to-date check like jaxb2 plugin has. https://github.com/highsource/maven-jaxb2-plugin/wiki/up-to-date-checks
+1706445,"""https://github.com/deepgram/kur/issues/39""",dependency graph resolution,"hi so i have run into the following value error; valueerror: no change during dependency graph resolution. there is something wrong with the graph. it occurs when trying to use kurfile.get_model on the following .yml settings: layer_reps: 2 module_reps: 3 cs: 16 model: - input: shape: 512,512,1 name: in - for: range: {{module_reps}} with_index: j iterate: - for: range: {{layer_reps}} with_index: i iterate: - convolution: kernels: {{cs 2 j}} size: 3,3 name: m{{j}}_c{{i}} sink: yes - activation: relu - pool: size: 2,2 strides: 2,2 type: max name: m{{j}}_p sink: yes - dense: size: {{cs 2 module_reps}} sink: yes name: middle now the issue seems to be in the naming of the dense layer. without the name everything works fine... thanks josh"
+1079638,"""https://github.com/LightsHope/server/issues/953""",devourer of souls,"first of all, thank you for taking the time to report this issue. please note that the bug tracker does not accept reports on account or character issues that are unrelated to the server's development. you should open a ticket in game and wait for the response of a gamemaster. they may redirect you to this bug tracker if they believe there's a server issue that they cannot help you with. before writing your report, please do read and consider the following points to increase the quality of your report. - search the issue tracker for open and closed issues before opening a new issue. you may be able to contribute additional facts by commenting on existing issues instead of adding extra noise in a separate issue. - http://www.wowhead.com/ and http://db.vanillagaming.org/ are not valid sources for quests, items etc., instead, please use archived versions of http://wow.allakhazam.com or http://www.thottbot.com through https://archive.org/. - validate the date and time of the archived sources to a certain patch. the patch release dates can be found on the corresponding wowwiki article, as found at http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/category:world_of_warcraft_patches. - videos are valid if and only if the footage contains a timestamp or information that confirms the time it was recorded. date of upload is not valid and does not confirm when it was shot. - read the effective bug reporting article at https://github.com/elysium-project/server/blob/development/docs/contributing.md which covers these points and more. once you've read this message, delete it and write your report below. -- write your report here"
+1469791,"""https://github.com/zegreatclan/AssettoCorsaTools/issues/200""",feature request: start dash in full screen mode already,start dash in full screen mode already
+1126327,"""https://github.com/Megabyte918/MultiOgar-Edited/issues/991""",alexhgaming is too fagg,"before posting a new issue, read this : you will find below few points, that you must follow or provide required info to. if you are not going to provide what we need in format we require your issue will be closed instantly without explanation. spam is treated with fire. helpful checklist to go towards your issue. if there is by the line, that means it must be done. - you have checked prev issues https://github.com/megabyte918/multiogar-edited/issues?q=is%3aissue+is%3aclosed first and you didn't found answer for your problem if there is something similar put reference links - you are using and you have tested the latest version of multiogar. - issue is in english. - issue is not off-topic, and is related to the project. - you have provided below good description of the error, making sure it is something we can reproduce. - you have provided logs if there is crashing happening. tutorial of how to format text on github https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/ , to make your issue not only readable but clean and neat so we can understand better what you are trying to tell us. remove all of this text and make the issue when you have understood what to do."
+879989,"""https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/2366""",approvers don't notify approver until after lgtm,"approvers is intended to be a lightweight mechanism, but mentioning approvers immediately, they are subscribed to the issue and get all the review and discussion comments. potentially, wait to cc the approver until lgtm is applied."
+4671316,"""https://github.com/adsabs/ADSOrcid/issues/53""",investigate notifying users about rejected orcid claims,"maybe as a nightly task, for users with email addresses associated with their ads accounts"
+4856745,"""https://github.com/typelevel/cats/issues/1668""",piecemeal import guide,"currently the imports guide http://typelevel.org/cats/typeclasses/imports.html only really describes the uber import cats.implicits._ . it may be handy to have a detailed guide of piecemeal imports, such as cats.instances.string._ and cats.syntax.functor._ as an additional section for people who prefer this approach."
+62270,"""https://github.com/mcandre/arrcheck/issues/6""",check for more bashisms,use of source instead of . use of bash-specific variable names
+1385982,"""https://github.com/qTox/qTox/issues/4773""",crash in peer frequently join/text group chat,brief description os: slackware 14.2 qtox version: nightly commit hash: build without git toxcore: 0.1.9 qt: 5.9.1 hardware: … reproducible: sometimes steps to reproduce 1. join group chat with alice 2. wait until alice will have troubles with internet or just very frequently join/text observed behavior qtox crash expected behavior continue working additional info some info from log. frequently join/exit 13:48:11.474 utc core/core.cpp:533 : debug: group namelist change 0:11 0 13:48:11.475 utc core/core.cpp:533 : debug: group namelist change 0:11 2 13:48:11.479 utc core/coreav.cpp:519 : debug: leaving group call 0 13:48:11.482 utc core/coreav.cpp:519 : debug: leaving group call 0 13:48:11.523 utc core/core.cpp:533 : debug: group namelist change 0:11 1 13:48:11.528 utc core/coreav.cpp:519 : debug: leaving group call 0 13:48:11.723 utc core/core.cpp:533 : debug: group namelist change 0:11 0 13:48:11.723 utc core/core.cpp:533 : debug: group namelist change 0:11 2 13:48:11.729 utc core/coreav.cpp:519 : debug: leaving group call 0 13:48:11.743 utc core/coreav.cpp:519 : debug: leaving group call 0 13:48:11.777 utc core/core.cpp:533 : debug: group namelist change 0:11 1 13:48:11.780 utc core/coreav.cpp:519 : debug: leaving group call 0 13:48:11.826 utc core/core.cpp:533 : debug: group namelist change 0:11 0 last messages before crash 13:48:12.342 utc core/core.cpp:1055 : critical: peer not found 13:48:12.342 utc core/core.cpp:1055 : critical: peer not found 13:48:12.342 utc core/core.cpp:1109 : warning: getgrouppeertoxid: unknown error
+1843750,"""https://github.com/adamcharnock/django-adminlte2/issues/8""",add tables section with all the js/css,please add the tables section with all the js and css files. pip version too .
+2201239,"""https://github.com/pH7Software/pH7-Social-Dating-CMS/issues/134""",typo: missing semicolon,"bro, i don't know if this is intended to be like this or what but i find this as error.. ph7-social-dating-cms/static/pfbc/ckeditor/ckeditor_php4.php line 240 just add a ; after of $js .= ckeditor.replaceall function textarea, config and at line 396 after $_config 'on' $eventname = '@@function ev you forgot to add '; same at ph7-social-dating-cms/static/pfbc/ckeditor/ckeditor_php5.php at line 236 and 390"
+3830563,"""https://github.com/cgerrior/node-recurly/issues/12""",is this still recommended?,"what's going on with this project? recurly's docs link here, but it doesn't look like there's been a git release since 2015, or a commit since oct 2016. there seems to be at least three node-recurly versions, all forks of each other. https://github.com/umayr/recurly-js seems like it's far more up to date, but again forks this. issues here seem to be ignore dnow. is this lib still recommended? one of the child forks? or is it better just to use the xml rest interface directly?"
+56853,"""https://github.com/TotalFreedom/TotalFreedomMod/issues/2070""",optimize for cpu usage,"cpu usage is currently a bigger issue than memory or storage usage. that said, any optimizations to decrease cpu usage even at the cost of memory usage would help reduce lag."
+3596152,"""https://github.com/cs100/rshell-blame-russian-hackers-2/issues/26""",exit doesn't work immediately after incorrect command.,exit needs to be called twice after an incorrect command is run.
+4305118,"""https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/12867""",support for real set,"if i have a latex expression \ x \in r\ , that means x belongs to a real set, but i could not find class realset? could you please add support for real set."
+2067701,"""https://github.com/elysium-project/server/issues/2461""",patch 1.11 regression: clear casting procs off non damage abilities,"mage clear casting ability appears to be proc'ing off things like ice barrier, frost ward, fire ward, etc."
+3155669,"""https://github.com/owncloud/owncloud.org/issues/1234""",i lost a lot files today!!!why???how cloud i found them back???pls help me,owncloud 9.2.14 there is some error when i sync files serval days ago. i restart httpd this noon. it was seems everthing is fine . fine to sync but hours later i found many files are disapeared i cannot find them. why it happened?how can i get them back. please help me if you know how with log file
+2753750,"""https://github.com/postmarketOS/pmbootstrap/issues/413""",please port it to lg l65.,"i try port, but cant pc small resources, i dont know android . please port it to lg l65 if you can."
+5271292,"""https://github.com/ic-labs/django-icekit/issues/294""",ensure text content paragraphs remain separate after search indexing,"i have seen a situation with agsa/tarnanthi where some text entered on a page as a text content item html behind the scenes becomes unsearchable because separate paragraphs of text are concatenated in the text document created during search indexing. for example, a text content item with the following html content this is a
can get converted to this is atest with no whitespace between a and test by the default icekit search document template _icekit/templates/search/indexes/icekit/default.txt_. i think this is caused by the striptags filter used in that template, combined with html content generated by the text widget without any newlines between html markup tags. it can probably be best fixed by ensuring that paragraph end tags generated by the text component include a trailing newline character."
+2933001,"""https://github.com/biesbjerg/ng2-translate-extract/issues/8""",add sorting of translations to json file,"i would very much like a feature that sorts the translations in the json file by key. what do you think about a feature like this? { firstname : 名 , lastname : 姓氏 , address : 地址 } would become { address : 地址 , firstname : 名 , lastname : 姓氏 }"
+2262649,"""https://github.com/kpwn/yalu102/issues/343""",ios 10.2 i6 reboots/ crashes,"i don't know if this is an issue or a bug, just wanted to let you know even on beta 7 i am getting this random crash. i read the issue posting guidelines."
+4615094,"""https://github.com/wang-bin/QtAV/issues/1022""",error: 'rotation' was not declared in this scope,"qt 5.9.1, win7. building the latest source following wiki build qtav https://github.com/wang-bin/qtav/wiki/build-qtav . getting error: graphicsitemrenderer.cpp:55: error: 'rotation' was not declared in this scope if rotation ^ i tried to find rotation function declaration in the class https://github.com/wang-bin/qtav/blob/master/widgets/graphicsitemrenderer.cpp and in all its parent classes but could not find it. any ideas?"
+5175469,"""https://github.com/exercism/java/issues/687""",hints.md for exercises with position 21 or greater?,i have noticed that some exercises with position 21 or greater do not have hints.md. the wording of the policies.md section on 'starter implementations' for exercises 21+ is a little unclear. is it a requirement that hints.md should be there if the implementation stub is not there or is this only for exercises with complicated method signatures? some exercises have neither hints.md or implementation stub and i just wanted clarification on how it should be.
+1799352,"""https://github.com/LLNL/RAJA/issues/199""",different segment types in foralln,currently implementing coloring in foralln is not possible as the only segment types accepted are range segments.
+1672998,"""https://github.com/OpenSourcePolitics/decidim-trianon/issues/3""",error message in english, it seems like we still have a few translations issues.
+2743237,"""https://github.com/kenellorando/cadence/issues/61""",redirect port 80 to 8080,sudo iptables -t nat -a prerouting -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j redirect --to-port 3000
+637987,"""https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2010""",ae2 stuff. consumption bug.,"ver 2.0 singleplayer. total me consumption: 220 eu/t ! default https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29812448/30797354-090b47fa-a219-11e7-8eb4-0d3fb82be35b.png i add 2 wireless connectors. distance between = 8 blockes. linked it. and total comsumption = 960eu! ! default https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29812448/30797370-1c7d9db0-a219-11e7-9b4f-5bc82a0fca06.png wiki says, formula consumption wireless conectors = 10+distance^2. 10+8^2 = 74. and value under green marker is valid. but total consumption increased by 740 eu. why? i tested. realy consumption = 960. probably, bug increasing consumption x10 times. 740 = 74 x 10."
+3294993,"""https://github.com/vertcoin/electrum-vtc/issues/42""",electrucm vtc not starting,"hi, i recently installed electrum-vtc via sudo -h pip3 install https://github.com/vertcoin/electrum-vtc/releases/download/ and after clicking the app on the ubuntu app list, the program does not start"
+1976364,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/WindowsTemplateStudio/issues/1539""",remove uses of inlineassignhelper from vb templates,uses of inlineassignhelper were added as part of the automated conversion process but are not desirable. remove them.
+3969491,"""https://github.com/ksonnet/kubecfg/issues/172""",handle environment namespace defaults,"> sorry, i forget what we decided here. when a user runs something like env set foo --namespace= , we have the following options: > > unset the namespace. > do nothing. > set namespace to default . > i'm fine pushing this to an issue and punting for now; i just want to make sure we make this decision purposefully. so why don't we do that? > > that said, my inclination is to set it to default . we also might also consider having an env unset command."
+2722760,"""https://github.com/christinaa/rpi-open-firmware/issues/28""",seperate external code,"at the moment, several external libraries are included within our codebase in particular, libfdt and fatfs, in addition to the broadcom headers . this is problematic from a maintenance standpoint as it creates difficulties staying up-to-date , from a usability standpoint as it bloats the size of the repository itself , and potentially from a licensing standpoint already there is confusion regarding the broadcom code . at a minimum, libfdt should be installed from the system package manager; it is unclear what the best course of action for the other two packages would be."
+1230836,"""https://github.com/silbinarywolf/silverstripe-union-list/issues/1""",fix badges for packagist images,"they need silbinarywolf to be silbinarywolf . alternatively, i can explore renaming my username on packagist to silbinarywolf , i'll just need to investigate what might break."
+1621421,"""https://github.com/JuliaApproximation/ApproxFun.jl/issues/526""","norm f, inf broken","when p == inf , the p-norm calls maximum abs, f , note that this changed from maxabs f in https://github.com/juliaapproximation/approxfun.jl/commit/20de8e3d981071f2dcecf4350af5182885c844e0 due to deprecations. but base 's maximum abs, f returns a piecewise fun and behaves essentially like abs f ."
+5033228,"""https://github.com/silviomoreto/bootstrap-select/issues/1778""",add label / header to dropdown button,"hi, i was wondering if it were possible to add an optional label or header on the dropdown's button? this is similar to custom content except instead of adding custom content on the options, it would be as a kind of static content on the button not changing on different selections . for now i've had to do a lot of style hacking using position: absolute to get a label on top of the button which is not ideal. if this is possible, please let me know, otherwise it would be a really useful feature to have. thanks."
+1522150,"""https://github.com/wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android/issues/6660""",nullpointerexception when restoring publicizebuttonprefsfragment,"expected behavior you can safely get back to publicizebuttonprefsfragment after activity was destroyed. actual behavior when you leave app from publicizebuttonprefsfragment and come back to it after it was destroyed, the app crashes. steps to reproduce the behavior 1. turn on do not keep activities 2. navigate to publicize button preferences screen - my site -> sharing -> manage under sharing buttons . 3. press the home button, and navigate back to the app. 4. notice crash. fatal exception: java.lang.nullpointerexception at org.wordpress.android.ui.publicize.publicizebuttonprefsfragment.getsitesettings publicizebuttonprefsfragment.java:281 at org.wordpress.android.ui.publicize.publicizebuttonprefsfragment.onviewstaterestored publicizebuttonprefsfragment.java:134 at android.app.fragment.restoreviewstate fragment.java:617 at android.app.fragmentmanagerimpl.movetostate fragmentmanager.java:910 at android.app.fragmentmanagerimpl.movetostate fragmentmanager.java:1062 at android.app.backstackrecord.run backstackrecord.java:685 at android.app.fragmentmanagerimpl.execpendingactions fragmentmanager.java:1447 at android.app.fragmentmanagerimpl$1.run fragmentmanager.java:443 at android.os.handler.handlecallback handler.java:733 at android.os.handler.dispatchmessage handler.java:95 at android.os.looper.loop looper.java:149 at android.app.activitythread.main activitythread.java:5257 at java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative method.java at java.lang.reflect.method.invoke method.java:515 at com.android.internal.os.zygoteinit$methodandargscaller.run zygoteinit.java:793 at com.android.internal.os.zygoteinit.main zygoteinit.java:609 at dalvik.system.nativestart.main nativestart.java"
+428845,"""https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/11332""",change renderer.gammainput/renderer.gammaoutput on the fly?,"hi guys, is there a way to change these parameters in real-time? it seems the shader programs don't take it in consideration. many thanks. q."
+3968481,"""https://github.com/lastpass/lastpass-cli/issues/259""",error start lastpass-cli on archlinux,i receive this error when start lastpass-cli on archlinux cnf-lookup: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_system.so.1.62.0: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
+4917034,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/26953""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+2373002,"""https://github.com/techlahoma/okcjs-website/issues/108""",schedule april meetup email | due 4/3,meetup details at 105 meetup poster at 106 meetup url at 107 schedule email announcement to go out on 4/4/2016 9:00am
+460580,"""https://github.com/cgeo/cgeo/issues/6654""",only unstored caches on live map view are stored in selected list,"detailed steps causing the problem: - zoom into an area on the live map where you have both stored and unstored caches ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1811963/28647520-088b4bb2-7268-11e7-9489-4944c59d90e0.png - choose store offline in menu ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1811963/28647539-2659a580-7268-11e7-999c-587ba290f74c.png - create a new list or select an existing list actual behavior after performing these steps: only the caches that are not already stored in any other lists are added to the new list. the cache with the offline log is also added to the new list, even if it has a stored icon ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1811963/28647611-78120232-7268-11e7-82a8-e2d6758b8c82.png expected behavior after performing these steps: all caches in the map view should be added to the new list. since several lists can co-exist nowadays the already stored caches should be added to the new list as well. version of c:geo used: 2017.07.26-nb is the problem reproducible for you? yes"
+4770736,"""https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31679""",dart2js with kernel seems to loop in subtype check involving function typed bound,"consider the following program: dart class c> { x x; y funs; c this.x, this.funs ; void run { for var f in funs x = f x ; } } main { print new c> 42, int x => x + 1 ..run .x ; } compilation of this program with dart2js --use-kernel --checked version 2.0.0-dev.7.0 as well as dart2js_developer from a fresh commit f781e271ca698fdb4adf7a6d371d053e27c6726d succeeds, but the generated code fails during a subtype check: /usr/local/google/home/eernst/bin/dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/preambles/d8.js:255: rangeerror: maximum call stack size exceeded throw e; ^ rangeerror: maximum call stack size exceeded at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:36 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 at object.functiontypecheck out.js:1032:18 note that a similar symptom arose in a different situation recently issue 31676 , where the type also involved a subterm of the form t function t , but it was created using a class with a call method."
+4123220,"""https://github.com/docker/docker.github.io/issues/5033""",incorrect statement about windows images and scanning,"file: datacenter/dtr/2.3/guides/user/manage-images/scan-images-for-vulnerabilities.md https://docs.docker.com/datacenter/dtr/2.3/guides/user/manage-images/scan-images-for-vulnerabilities/ , cc @joaofnfernandes this isn't correct: > dtr scans both linux and windows images, but by default docker doesn’t push image layers for windows images so dtr won’t be able to scan them. if you want dtr to scan your windows images, configure docker to always push image layers. specifically docker doesn’t push image layers for windows images . it is the foreign layers it doesn't push. this makes it sound like it is all layers."
+4980156,"""https://github.com/indrimuska/angular-moment-picker/issues/205""",moment picker wont work on modal,i try to use the angular-moment-picker directive inside modal and this directives dont work
+4698726,"""https://github.com/CameronLonsdale/cckrypto/issues/2""",simple substitution working for ciphertext < 250 characters,using ngram analysis simple substitution works well for ciphertexts of length 250 characters or more. current thought is to try a corpus along side ngram to check for word existance however the current implementation of corpus might need some modification to deal with non whitespace hint
+4040626,"""https://github.com/AuthorizeNet/accept-sdk-android/issues/18""",why is onvalidationsuccessful never called?,it actually seems to be commented out. can we un-comment it out please
+5206266,"""https://github.com/phetsims/gene-expression-essentials/issues/51""","no dispose functions are used, memory leakage is likely","i just scanned the source code to find all the dispose functions so i could see if they were calling dispose in their supertypes, since this issue has been raised lately. i was surprised to see that there aren't any dispose functions at all in the source code. this means that it's very likely that there are memory leaks. i tried to do some profiling, but ran into problems getting multiple heap snapshots due to the very large amount of memory being used by the sim see 50 . so, we need to profile for memory leaks and add dispose functions, but we probably need to address 50 first."
+1524566,"""https://github.com/chilipeppr/widget-autolevel/issues/4""",clicking on show probe data matrix after probing gives a js error,the button appears to go into the 'pressed' state and does not return.. ! screenshot_2017-02-28_10-37-20 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/275001/23399837/0992e99c-fda2-11e6-9262-8831e23c53c3.png ! screenshot_2017-02-28_10-39-28 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/275001/23399879/33bc2062-fda2-11e6-8ec5-4719295c822e.png
+2763293,"""https://github.com/spacehuhn/esp8266_deauther/issues/225""",it dosnt upload to the esp,"arduino: 1.8.2 windows 10 , board: nodemcu 0.9 esp-12 module , 80 mhz, serial, 115200, 4m 3m spiffs build options changed, rebuilding all in file included from sketch\attack.h:9:0, from sketch\attack.cpp:1: c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:450:1: error: stray ' ' in program typedef void freedom_outside_cb_t uint8 status ; ^ c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:450:1: error: stray ' ' in program c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:451:1: error: stray ' ' in program int wifi_register_send_pkt_freedom_cb freedom_outside_cb_t cb ; ^ c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:451:1: error: stray ' ' in program c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:452:1: error: stray ' ' in program void wifi_unregister_send_pkt_freedom_cb void ; ^ c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:452:1: error: stray ' ' in program c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:453:1: error: stray ' ' in program int wifi_send_pkt_freedom uint8 buf, int len, bool sys_seq ; ^ c:\users\luis fernando\appdata\local\arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.0.0/tools/sdk/include/user_interface.h:453:1: error: stray ' ' in program exit status 1 error compiling for board nodemcu 0.9 esp-12 module ."
+70742,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/24011""",xposedgps.java line 880,in com.fish.xposedmodules.xposedgps.updatelocation number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59fec83f61b02d480dce9bd5?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59fec83f61b02d480dce9bd5?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+4013682,"""https://github.com/edzer/sfr/issues/292""",error when plotting units generated by sf,"reproducible this time code: r library sf nc = st_read system.file shape/nc.shp , package= sf nc$a = st_area nc plot nc bir74 no problem plot nc a error error in ops.units range x, na.rm = true , 0 : both operands of the expression should be units objects"
+3762226,"""https://github.com/damien-carcel/Dockerfiles/issues/115""",remove nginx images,"same result can be obtained with official nginx images, by configuring them through environment variables in the compose file."
+3089415,"""https://github.com/Manu1400/parkings_informations/issues/96""","germany add bad homburg, from a radio station 8/8 parkings","in webpage https://www.ffh.de/news-service/verkehr/parkhaeuser/parkhaus-info-bad-homburg.html no official, just the website of a radio station"
+1512942,"""https://github.com/SIMKL/script.simkl/issues/32""",notifications make the video freeze for a bit on some devices.,"the description is in the title. not all devices have this problem. it has been existent for a while now but i never bothered to report the issue. if some sort of animation could be removed from the notification bubble, that might fix the problem. currently on estuary but other themes do it as well."
+1025197,"""https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/7285""",integrate cannot handle derivative functions with variable-length arguments,"if the parameters of the derivative f passed to integrate.ode are a of variable length, the integrator calls this function without passing the parameters: python from scipy.integrate import ode def f t,y, pars : print t,y, pars return pars 0 ode = ode f ode.set_initial_value 2.4,0.8 ode.set_f_params 3.5 ode.integrate 1.6 this yields an error due to the fact that pars is empty, though it should not be."
+4356454,"""https://github.com/swcarpentry/website/issues/788""",support for twitter cards,add support for twitter cards to blog posts. http://davidensinger.com/2013/04/supporting-twitter-cards-with-jekyll/
+3157221,"""https://github.com/10up/ElasticPress/issues/709""",allow to have option for explain=true when debug-bar-elasticpress installed,"for easier debugging, it would be nice if we have an option to turn on explain args if the debug-bar-elasticpress installed."
+2900763,"""https://github.com/HGustavs/LenaSYS/issues/4030""",different animations on hide/show all,different animation on hide/show all . if you press the text show/hide all you get one animation and if you press the arrow you get another one. the right animation happens when you press the text hide/show all . change the animation when you click on the arrow to the one you get when you click on the text.
+5194205,"""https://github.com/gammapy/gammapy/issues/1066""",travis-ci test fails because of reproject version 0.1,"since a few days the following test fails in gammapy master on travis-ci: https://travis-ci.org/gammapy/gammapy/jobs/242743196 l2321 this is because currently reproject version 0.1 is installed, instead of something newer such as 0.3 or 0.3.1. @cdeil, @bsipocz any idea why the reproject version has been downgraded?"
+1542657,"""https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1176""",2.1.0dev6 low bandwidth between for link between two docker containers,"i was playing with the awesome link packet filters. i have noticed that, comparing to bw between 2 containers on the host, there is a drop of ~93% of the bandwidth. - in gns3 ~53mbps - outside gns3 ~800mbps does the udp tunnel implementation of the links caused such drop or there is other causes? ! selection_002_17_09 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1716020/30523049-6ca0e526-9bda-11e7-9430-5f5cacaf3e8f.jpg --------------- gns3 version is 2.1.0dev6 python version is 3.6.1 64-bit with utf-8 encoding qt version is 5.8.0 pyqt version is 5.8.2 sip version is 4.19.2 ----------------- gns3 host distributor id: debian description: debian gnu/linux 8.9 jessie release: 8.9 codename: jessie"
+3083618,"""https://github.com/cmbrandenburg/sparkle-dns/issues/12""",hostnames should be allowed to begin with a decimal digit,"according to rfc 1123, section 2.1, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123 , hostnames are allowed to begin with a decimal digit. currently, hostname-checking is too strict https://github.com/cmbrandenburg/sparkle-dns/blob/5045835aad965a4f5d3abce710ea9d5554f53d3f/src/format.rs l230-l243 ."
+85322,"""https://github.com/OpenSource-TechnoNJR/First-Project/issues/2""",everyone join us on slack,here is community slack channel. feel free for join. visit for invitation: http://bit.ly/opensourceattechno https://ost-org.slack.com/
+5206221,"""https://github.com/actionfactory/stronghold.co/issues/5""","new domain, new staging area in google cloud for github","hey sean, thank you so much for setting up our github environment for the marketing site in google cloud. since we changed domains to stronghold.co, do we need to re-configure so it's all good? thanks in advance for taking a look. tammy"
+212607,"""https://github.com/rubymaniac/vscode-paste-and-indent/issues/4""",end of pasted text is auto-selected,"step to reproduce: 1. copy at least 2 lines without any indentation 2. paste&indent them on a indented with n spaces 3. the pasted text is well indented, but has now the n last chars selected example from a new file : {banner} navigation.goback null } title= go back /> photo ; const myhomescreen = { navigation } => ; myhomescreen.navigationoptions = { title: 'photos', drawericon: { tintcolor } => , }; const photos = router export default photos;"
+3980987,"""https://github.com/ceph/cephmetrics/issues/91""",gracefully handling single osd failure,"i just had an issue with one osd on a data node where it didn't respond to perf dump on it's admin socket. this caused the error message from collectd, which caused no stats to be collected. i wonder if there could be some better logic around failures of collecting 'perf dump' aug 05 07:01:07 collectd 84657 : unhandled python exception in read callback: attributeerror: 'nonetype' object has no attribute 'get' aug 05 07:01:07 collectd 84657 : read-function of plugin python.cephmetrics' failed. will suspend it for 320.000 seconds. aug 05 07:06:27 collectd 84657 : unhandled python exception in read callback: attributeerror: 'nonetype' object has no attribute 'get' aug 05 07:06:27 collectd 84657 : read-function of plugin python.cephmetrics' failed. will suspend it for 640.000 seconds."
+1678339,"""https://github.com/perl6/whateverable/issues/182""",spaces between revisions,"< > benchable6: head, head~5, head~10, head~15, head~20 for ^100 { '$ = 42 + 42; $ = x ~ y ;'.eval } zoffix, starting to benchmark the 2 given commits zoffix, ¦head: ««run failed, exit code = 1, exit signal = 0»» ¦: «cannot find this revision did you mean “all”? » < > 2?? < > the fuck you talking about"
+2378564,"""https://github.com/johnanvik/program-wars/issues/167""",deployment commands now hang up builds,"sometime after july 7, travis-ci jobs stopped being marked as completed by the service, although the build log shows a successful build usually about 4 minutes . the build would continue to 'run' until it timed out around 12 minutes and be marked as errored. after some investigation, commenting out the 'deploy to production' commands in the script allowed the build to be considered 'done' by the service. likely, something changed with service. for the time being, we'll comment out the lines and perhaps try again in a week or so to see if this is still an issue."
+375124,"""https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk/issues/959""",investigate whether the jsvm can give proper errors,"right now, if there is an error in someone's js code, we log this: error jsvm: failed to decode middleware request data on return from vm: invalid character 'u' looking for beginning of value this is extremely confusing. this is because we're trying to unmarshal json from an undefined string. surely, otto has a better error for us in most or all of the cases. we should do a better job at logging the correct error - ideally, with a source position."
+1860040,"""https://github.com/m-lab/etl/issues/210""",ip validation for ndt & sidestream test,for both ipv4 and ipv6. this was used to be done inside asci parser in legacy pipeline.
+2233273,"""https://github.com/adminspotter/r9/issues/168""",repair t_dgram_worker test,"the test succeeds sometimes and fails other times on our ci platform. running main from gtest_main.cc ========== running 2 tests from 1 test case. ---------- global test environment set-up. ---------- 2 tests from dgramsockettest run dgramsockettest.listenworker created dgram socket 3 on port 8765 0 1 2 3 invalid address family 0 4 exiting connection loop for datagram port 8765 ok dgramsockettest.listenworker 0 ms run dgramsockettest.sendworker created dgram socket 3 on port 8764 starting connection loop for datagram port 8764 started reaper thread for started access pool worker for datagram port 8764 started send pool worker for datagram port 8764 error sending packet out datagram port 8764: invalid argument 22 exiting connection loop for datagram port 8764 pure virtual method called terminate called without an active exception it's not clear which pure-virtual method we're calling, but the error is arising when calling the destructor."
+2530166,"""https://github.com/rishid7/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/issues/5""",important - using comments to section out html and css,it's a good idea to leave comments in sections of the code like the ones below to help you or any other person seeing your code be able to get a general overall quick idea of what's correlating with what rather than skimming through the code and having to memorize class names and id names. it's a good habit to keep up. a good example of this could be done like what i input below this.
+3617044,"""https://github.com/hydroshare/hydroshare/issues/2292""",doi registration disable formal publication using the api,simply remove the functionality from the api as well as the hs_restclient.
+2647171,"""https://github.com/dotnet/docfx/issues/2030""",vb .net documentation creates code tags with lang-csharp style with the default template.,"docfx version used : 2.23.1 template used : default or statictoc or contain custom template default steps to reproduce : 1. create a vb .net project. 2. add some source code with xml documentation. 3. add docfx 4. compile. expected behavior : all code blocks should be created with class vbnet for .vb files. actual behavior : only xml comments with tags are generated with vbnet class. constructors, methods and declaration are all with lang-csharp class, so the code shown is csharp, not vb."
+1263471,"""https://github.com/tedeh/jayson/issues/96""",batches and promises in the client,"it does not seem to be possible to combine batches with promises at the moment. creating an array of requests using the promise subtree client results in an array of promises which start executing immediately and so not in the same request. since batches and promises both use the method of not specifying a callback it does not seem possible to distinguish between them. not sure what the best solution to this might be, right now i create two clients, a promise one and a non-promise one and build the batch up with the non-promise one then execute it with the promise based one. this works but makes for confusing code. hopefully i am missing something obvious but would be good to have a way to use batches with the promise version of the client."
+2173025,"""https://github.com/phil-davis/mautic/issues/30""",add new contact tests,provide tests that can add a new contact. input a variety of contact data fields.
+4375548,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/53992""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+3732479,"""https://github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level4/issues/263""",add test for,ref. 259. ensure that the html file in the help window is properly loaded which implies that the url is not broken .
+2817415,"""https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/issues/1710""",discussion make arguments redo,"we're currently considering revamping the make system a bit to support organising keyboards/projects into folders, and letting those folders share code with each other. this will replace what's known as subprojects right now, and would support up to 5 folders in depth. one example might be: /keyboards/olkb/planck/rev4/ the default keymap for which could be compiled with: make olkb/planck/rev4:default changing the separator to : allows for more clarity, and more easily supports - in folder/keymap names. other targets would be separated with : as well, like make olkb/planck/rev4:default:dfu . you would be able to define a default at any point in the folder system, so olkb/rules.mk could have: default_folder = olkb/planck/rev4 so that whenever make olkb:default is run, it defaults to the olkb/planck/rev4 target - this would be required this is up for debate, but there are some unwanted consequences with building all available folders . the .c files would be included automatically if they exist. for example: /keyboards/olkb/olkb.c /keyboards/olkb/planck/planck.c /keyboards/olkb/planck/rev4/rev4.c would all get included when compiling the target olkb/planck/rev4 , and each folder would get added to the path. filenames would convert / to _ in the target. keymaps could be stored at any point in the folder system, allowing for keyboard-specific keymaps, revision-specific keymaps, etc. i've been messing around with this on make_args_redo https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/commits/make_args_redo but we're welcoming comments on the concept/implementation!"
+229089,"""https://github.com/JervenBolleman/FALDO/issues/33""",provide examples of usage in json-ld,unfortunately a large fraction of the bioinformatics community will be put off by rdf. luckily it's very easy to use json-ld as a trojan horse here. the bioinformatics community needs a json successor to gff3 and it would be easy to place faldo in this place
+230432,"""https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/16905""",sparseseries from dict inconsistency,"code sample, a copy-pastable example if possible two somewhat related issues: python >>> pd.series {1: 1} 1 1 dtype: int64 >>> pd.sparseseries {1: 1} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- attributeerror: 'dict' object has no attribute 'index' py >>> pd.series {1: 1}, index= 0, 1, 2 0 nan 1 1.0 2 nan dtype: float64 >>> pd.sparseseries {1: 1.}, index= 0, 1, 2 0 1.0 1 2 dtype: float64 blockindex block locations: array 0 , dtype=int32 block lengths: array 1 , dtype=int32 problem description sparseseries initialization from dict acts too differently from series'. expected output py >>> pd.sparseseries {1: 1} 1 1.0 dtype: float64 blockindex block locations: array 0 , dtype=int32 block lengths: array 1 , dtype=int32 >>> pd.sparseseries {1: 1.}, index= 0, 1, 2 0 1 1.0 2 dtype: float64 blockindex block locations: array 1 , dtype=int32 block lengths: array 1 , dtype=int32 output of pd.show_versions pandas 0.21.0.dev+223.ga9421af1a "
+5178226,"""https://github.com/CoatiSoftware/CoatiBugTracker/issues/285""",segfault in tictactoe selecting node with enter key,coati version 0.10.0 the steps to reproduce the segfault: open tictactoe ctrl+f main leave enter key pressed segfault
+2325799,"""https://github.com/JuliaArrays/ElasticArrays.jl/issues/3""",restriction to the last dimension,why the restriction to the last dimension? is this due to the design or could that be changed?
+4950200,"""https://github.com/cptactionhank/docker-atlassian-confluence/issues/52""",attachment preview not working,"preview of attachments is not working i tried to collect more information to this issue, put the only thing that happens is this 'xsrf check failed'-error @ '.../rest/webresources/1.0/resources'. system: cptactionhank/atlassian-confluence: latest 846 mb 6 days ago traefik.io -> reverseproxy"
+2471889,"""https://github.com/neurobin/shc/issues/28""",error sintáctico cerca del elemento inesperado,normalmente funciona ------------------------------------------------------ !/bin/bash while true; do read -p ping yahoo? y|n : yn case $yn in yy ping www.yahoo.com; break;; nn exit;; echo choose yes or no ;; esac done -------------------------------------------------------- /tmp prueba ping yahoo? y|n : ping fd-fp3.wg1.b.yahoo.com 56 84 bytes of data. 64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.bf1.yahoo.com : icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=78 ms /tmp shc -v -f prueba /tmp cp prueba.x /tmp/prueba2 /tmp chmod +x prueba2 /tmp prueba2 ----------------------- este es el error después de compilar: prueba2: -c: línea 4: error sintáctico cerca del elemento inesperado yy ' /usr/bin/prueba: -c: línea 4: yy ping www.yahoo.com; break;;' ------------------------ saludos
+3713346,"""https://github.com/aapetrova/peopledb/issues/36""",after creating a new property group there is no redirection or button to add new property,date: 04.12.2017 browser: chrome action : creating a new property group --> geburtstage observation : after creating a new property group nothing further happens or is clickable. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33317315/33548301-0eb1f91a-d8e7-11e7-85fd-c1ea943d2905.png expected result: after creating a property group i would like to ad a property to it. may be add a button that refers directly to the add property page it is unlikely that someone just adds a property group without adding property.
+747735,"""https://github.com/shlomiassaf/angular-library-starter/issues/15""",jest don't found test on windows 10,"note: for support questions, please use one of these channels: chat: angularclass.slack http://angularclass.com/member-join/ or twitter: @angularclass https://twitter.com/angularclass i'm submitting a ... x bug report feature request question about the decisions made in the repository do you want to request a feature or report a bug ? npm run lib:test don't work on windows. what is the current behavior? in e:\dev\opensources\angular-library-starter-updated 330 files checked. testmatch: - 330 matches testpathignorepatterns: \ ode_modules\\ - 330 matches testregex: src\/ ?!demo .+\/.+\.spec\.ts$ - 0 matches pattern: - 0 matches if the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem via https://plnkr.co or similar you can use this template as a starting point: http://plnkr.co/edit/tpl:avjomerrnz94ekvua0u5 . with fresh copy of repo, on windows just run : npm install npm run lib:test what is the expected behavior? unit tests executed on windows environment what is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? please tell us about your environment: - windows 10 - angular version: 2.0.0-beta.x - browser: all | chrome xx | firefox xx | ie xx | safari xx | mobile chrome xx | android x.x web browser | ios xx safari | ios xx uiwebview | ios xx wkwebview other information e.g. detailed explanation, stacktraces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. stackoverflow, gitter, etc"
+4060334,"""https://github.com/eddic/fastcgipp/issues/14""",3.0 creating named socket fails to create file,"the fastcgipp::socketgroups::listen const char , uint, const char , const char fails to create a file for the socket that can be referenced by nginx fastcgi_pass http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_fastcgi_module.html fastcgi_pass directive. start a fastcgi with the following line to create a socket ... const char sockfilepath = /tmp/hello.sock ; manager.listen sockfilepath, 0xfffffffful, nobody ; simple nginx config. http { server { location /hello { fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/hello.sock ; } } } results in the following error. 2017/01/09 20:17:20 crit 7 7: 1 connect to unix:/tmp/hello.sock failed 2: no such file or directory while connecting to upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: get /hello http/1.1 , upstream: fastcgi://unix:/tmp/hello.sock: , host: localhost:8888 ... because the file is not being created."
+179099,"""https://github.com/inolen/redream/issues/118""",jit: support self-modifying code,"many games overwrite code without explicitly resetting the instruction cache, which causes issues with the jit, which behaves as if there is an infinitely large instruction cache. this causes crashes in shenmue and mvc2: https://github.com/inolen/redream/issues/82 https://github.com/inolen/redream/issues/81"
+2753484,"""https://github.com/pdhoopr/patrick-hooper/issues/43""",organize repo screenshots,a few repos need their screenshots reorganized and co-located with the code.
+316194,"""https://github.com/exildev/Lapix/issues/48""",servicio de listar configuraciones generales,permite mostrar el listado de las selecciones y solo se podrán realizar selecciones solo si no se han realizado operaciones en el año en curso. nota: soluciona el issue implementacion de configuraciones generales 41.
+2547764,"""https://github.com/DronMDF/telebot/issues/9""",непрерывная интеграция с tracis.ci,сервер непрерывной интеграции https://travis-ci.org/ к проекту он уже подключен.
+3143702,"""https://github.com/Sym123Blue/GitHubQAAutomation60f524c3-17e8-410e-a99f-03f84a4c0044/issues/1""",github automation for issue title 60f524c3-17e8-410e-a99f-03f84a4c0044,github automation for issue body 60f524c3-17e8-410e-a99f-03f84a4c0044
+3791102,"""https://github.com/jandrewtorres/BioWars/issues/11""",user stories: tutorial,"as a player, i would like a tutorial so that i can learn how to play the game."
+2602210,"""https://github.com/pilab-sigma/bcpm/issues/2""",bayesian_change_point_model: cell well-log data execution via c++ ¶,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------- attributeerror traceback most recent call last in 47 load and visualize results 48 cpp_result = result.load work_dir+ /online_smoothing_cpp ---> 49 plot_well_log well_log_data, cpps=cpp_result.cpp, mean=cpp_result.mean.squeeze attributeerror: 'list' object has no attribute 'squeeze'"
+4405817,"""https://github.com/openhab/openhab.android/issues/290""",display of selection elements,"when the current value is not one of the mappings, the displayed value should be an empty string. addtionally, valuecolor tag should be handled."
+4324020,"""https://github.com/ajc113/currents/issues/55""",storing location files,"currently, location files are stored under public/uploads/location/coordinate_file//_.json if we reset the database or in future, if we import the database or perform some operation on the data, the code is likely to break. the solution can be the following: 1. if we can keep the location short_name or long_name unique across all the states, we can set filename as the same as location short_name and fetch it by name. so the new path will be public/uploads/location/coordinate_file/.json . if we are going to implement 48 then public/uploads/location/coordinate_file/_.json 2. while seeding the data 51 , we have to coordinates which will be converted into the file under location folder following the naming convention."
+3100703,"""https://github.com/mtaheij/PoGo-UWP/issues/170""",fix crash in pokemongo_uwp.views.professordialog.grid_tapped,"version: | pogo-uwp stacktrace pokemongo_uwp.views.professordialog;grid_tapped;;
+microsoft.hockeyapp.extensibility.windows.unhandledexceptiontelemetrymodule;coreapplication_unhandlederrordetected;; reason arg_argumentoutofrangeexception arg_paramname_name, argumentoutofrange_listremoveat. for more information, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=623485. for more information, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=623485 link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/512316/crash_reasons/174762671 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/512316/crash_reasons/174762671"
+1278417,"""https://github.com/jshoyer/raspi-topdown-plant-imaging-12x/issues/1""",formatting and file name annoyances,"these are notes to myself---i am probably just going to tolerate these annoyances. switching to exported markdown might be the path of least resistance if some non-emacs-user started making substantial edits, so i have tested export on a branch . gitlab.com is set to mirror changes in this repository once per hour. it appears to do a good job rendering org-mode files, except for the fact that it does not auto-recognize uris unless they are enclosed in double brackets. as of this writing, gitlab renders plain lists containing paragraph breaks differently than github does. see 'the most reliable way to deal with this issue...' lines bitbucket does not even try to render org files. it does not even register 'readme.org' as a read-me file worth displaying in the project summary page. perhaps i should have used the traditional file name 'license' instead of 'license-mit'. hopefully the file name will not confuse too many bots."
+484918,"""https://github.com/magento/devdocs/issues/1036""",installing sample data instructions don't actually give you instructions,feedback on page: /guides/v2.1/install-gde/install/sample-data.html it tells you to modify magento's root composer.json to enable sample data modules. but it doesn't tell you what to actually modify.
+202094,"""https://github.com/helm/monocular/issues/227""",helm install command does not work,copied from the readme: helm install stable/nginx-ingress --version 0.3.1 error: file stable/nginx-ingress not found removing the version works.
+5251485,"""https://github.com/fabrica-ufg-2017-2/portal-da-transparencia/issues/273""",gestão de portarias validar protótipos relacionados a pessoas,validar se os protótipos relacionados a pessoas estão em conformidade com os casos de uso. - casos de uso podem ser encontrados aqui https://docs.google.com/document/d/13ykds03t-ebqgknhkyavdtvckdahzzgnuko3y0mqybw/edit?usp=sharing - protótipos podem ser encontrados aqui https://drive.google.com/open?id=0bws5paa3kmhonkpazdy2qwtqwwc
+5169891,"""https://github.com/zhreshold/zupply/issues/6""",relative paths are wrong when symlinks in path nix,the paths contain many unnecessary ../../../../back/to/dir/again because of where the symlink exists in the file path.
+263815,"""https://github.com/ole-vi/planet/issues/188""",recommend vs code for working on planet,vs code https://code.visualstudio.com/ is free and has excellent support for typescript. i'd recommend installing the tslint https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemname=eg2.tslint extension with it.
+4027226,"""https://github.com/HRSF53-Laser-Light/code-wiki/issues/67""","on submit for new post, rerender all posts",needs to now show the newly added post
+4404460,"""https://github.com/fuse-box/fuse-box/issues/838""",cannot import fuse.js library,"hey guys, mentioned it in gitter a couple days ago, still haven't been able to get a workaround so i figured i'd open an issue so we can track it. i'm unable to import this package: http://fusejs.io/ seems like it's causing havoc in the import and errors out with uncaught in promise package not found fuse.js @nchanged tried your solution of creating an imports file, that didn't work either. let me know if i can get you some more diagnostic info. thanks!"
+4150767,"""https://github.com/micahstubbs/bbgs-ui-prototypes/issues/10""",fine-tune initial alpha value for force layout simulation,"to get just the right amount of node dispersion: no nodes overlapping, but still clustered together. simulation.alphatarget 0.2 .restart ; https://github.com/micahstubbs/bbgs-ui-prototypes/blob/master/07/vis.js l140"
+4410385,"""https://github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-kafka/issues/114""",output_data_type avro support,"can avro be supported?, according to avro document, avro provide: rich data structures. a compact, fast, binary data format. a container file, to store persistent data. remote procedure call rpc . simple integration with dynamic languages. code generation is not required to read or write data files nor to use or implement rpc protocols. code generation as an optional optimization, only worth implementing for statically typed languages."
+1715779,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/24623""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+2040663,"""https://github.com/g0d/micro-MVC/issues/2""",incorrect validation of numbers on vulcan.validation.numerics,the library incorrectly thinks that a single-element array is a number var my_vulcan = new vulcan ; var arr = 42 ; console.log my_vulcan.validation.numerics.is_number arr ; > true
+308872,"""https://github.com/Capitains/HookTest/issues/89""",add commentary parsing to cts inventory unit,- https://github.com/capitains/hooktest/blob/master/hooktest/capitains_units/cts.py l110-l113 - https://github.com/capitains/hooktest/blob/master/hooktest/capitains_units/cts.py l190 - https://github.com/capitains/hooktest/blob/master/hooktest/capitains_units/cts.py l215 - changes.txt - setup.py - tests including a test run ?
+1688742,"""https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/20112""",repmat accepting int only,"julia julia> repmat rand 2,2 , int32 1 error: methoderror: no method matching repmat ::array{float64,2}, ::int32 closest candidates are: repmat ::union{abstractarray{t,1},abstractarray{t,2}}, ::int64 at abstractarraymath.jl:271 repmat ::union{abstractarray{t,1},abstractarray{t,2}}, ::int64, ::int64 at abstractarraymath.jl:271 in eval_user_input ::any, ::base.repl.replbackend at ./repl.jl:64 in macro expansion at ./repl.jl:95 inlined in ::base.repl. 3 4{base.repl.replbackend} at ./event.jl:68 could the signature be relaxed to accept generic integer s? i guess yes :"
+1388081,"""https://github.com/felixkiss/uniquewith-validator/issues/87""",how to set custom message for the validation?,thanks for your package! i'm building an app with the ui in french. so it would be good to know what key or combination of keys i should be using in the lang/fr/validation.php file. thanks!
+3704558,"""https://github.com/tryashtar/minecraft-bugs/issues/167""",'dofiretick' makes fire to not extinguish. lighting makes fire all over the place!,"original ticket: mc-188 https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/mc-188 by zerostas https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/viewprofile.jspa?name=zerostas dofiretick makes fire to not extinguish. lighting makes fire all over the place! that is dangerous, someone can be set on fire!!! dofiretick is console command in game that make fire to not spread, it write like this: /gamerule dofiretick , but it makes fire to not extinguish natural. in wiki is said that this command only make fire spread on or off, nothing about keeping fire like on netherrack. original attachments:
+ "
+4177681,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/28288""",bad text colors in terminal in solarized dark theme regression,"- vscode version: code 1.13.0 376c52b955428d205459bea6619fc161fc8faacf, 2017-06-08t16:43:13.058z - os version: windows_nt ia32 6.1.7601 - extensions: |extension|author|version| |---|---|---| |path-intellisense|christian-kohler|1.4.2| |gitignore|codezombiech|0.5.0| |bracket-pair-colorizer|coenraads|0.10.4| |githistory|donjayamanne|0.2.0| |python|donjayamanne|0.6.4| |ionide-fsharp|ionide|2.26.1| |hoogle-vscode|jcanero|0.0.4| |tabsanity|jedmao|0.0.9| |language-haskell|justusadam|2.2.0| |docomment|k--kato|0.0.15| |vscode-rust|kalitaalexey|0.3.14| |go|lukehoban|0.6.61| |csharp|ms-vscode|1.10.0| |powershell|ms-vscode|1.2.1| |material-icon-theme|pkief|2.0.8| |java|redhat|0.5.0| |haskero|vans|1.3.1| |gitblame|waderyan|1.11.2| |change-case|wmaurer|1.0.0|; --- the colors in the integrated terminal with the solarized dark theme changed in the update to 1.13, and they're now difficult to read. in native terminal powershell : ! captugoodre https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19817004/26961394-1babbb5a-4c93-11e7-9ced-d18fa1598b06.png in vs code terminal: ! capture https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19817004/26961400-25db4352-4c93-11e7-9be3-870494d63daf.png the other themes still have the yellow and grey scheme that powershell uses, which is also what the solarized dark theme used to use before 1.13. the solarized light theme also has different colors than the native terminal and the other themes, but those at least are readable even if not ideal."
+985274,"""https://github.com/Calligre/server/issues/55""",social assumes there will always be a mapping of userid -> user,"isn't always the case, we should fail safely instead of exceptions everywhere. https://github.com/calligre/server/blob/master/api/models/social.py l225"
+5233505,"""https://github.com/hbmartin/cordova-plugin-firebase-realtime-database/issues/9""",uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'ref' of undefined,"after installing the plugin with cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase-realtime-database --save , i added classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.0.0' in build.gradle and in the function receiveevent i added var firebasethings = window.firebasedatabaseplugin.ref 'farmacias' ; when i run cordova run browser i get the error uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'ref' of undefined how to solve this problem?"
+4664314,"""https://github.com/carVertical/ico/issues/7""",incorrect logic: cvstagedcrowdsale.crossingtonextstage,"method cvstagedcrowdsale.crossingtonextstage has incorrect logic: let's consider stage=0,weiraised=100,_amount=5,_stage=0 then amountbeforelastcontribution=100-5=95 and all expression stage == _stage && amountbeforelastcontribution < stagelist stage .limit will be true, however no border was crossed. audit: https://gist.github.com/artazor/a1ffbdd33283407723fdfa2f087fe3c9"
+1275846,"""https://github.com/reactjs/react-docgen/issues/168""",cannot identify stateless component,"the following bug is present in react-docgen v2.13.0. my component looks like this: const visibility = { isvisible, children }: props => isvisible ? react.children.only children : null ; export default visibility; when i run react-docgen src/components/visibility/visibility.js --pretty over it i receive the following error: error with path src/components/visibility/visibility.js : error: no suitable component definition found. error: no suitable component definition found. i thought it may have been due to issue 107 so i refactored this into a standard if block, which returned the same error. if you have any thoughts about how to get around this in the short term, while the underlying issue is fixed it'd be much appreciated :"
+1978801,"""https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2839""",:completion-item-del on undeletable items misbehaves,"with the new completion, when e.g. pressing ctrl-d in the command completion, we get cannot delete this item! , but the selected item plus the next one disappear. when doing ctrl-d again, all items disappear. when pressing tab, they re-appear again. cc @rcorre"
+424624,"""https://github.com/slfan2013/WCMC_DA/issues/5""",improve make the apply multiple normalization input easier,make the apply multiple normalization input easier by making normlity_factor as an independent input using an extra independent input textbox.
+1285082,"""https://github.com/IbisNeuronav/Ibis/issues/62""",volume reconstruction does not work,a white block is created instead of us volume
+1234957,"""https://github.com/h2non/pook/issues/45""",regex url matching doesn't work,"test case python import pook def test_pook_regex : pook.on from the example docs: http://pook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html?highlight=regex regular-expression-matching pook.get pook.regex 'h t {2}pbin. ' result @url.setter def url self, url : > if not protoregex.match url : e typeerror: expected string or bytes-like object ../.direnv/python-3.6.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pook/request.py:90: typeerror"
+1987982,"""https://github.com/jcornford/pyecog/issues/67""",convert ndf to h5 with missing data interpolated only,be able to turn off: - glitch detection - low pass filter - regularising to 3600s - etc
+4934340,"""https://github.com/HeshamMegid/HMSegmentedControl/issues/261""",scrolling enabled by default,"i am using minimal initialization code. segmentedcontrol.sectiontitles = open , recommendations , closed segmentedcontrol.addtarget self, action: selector self.segmentcontrolchanged _: , forcontrolevents: .valuechanged segmentedcontrol.selectionindicatorlocation = .down the segment is scrolling even though i have 3 items. "
+973923,"""https://github.com/jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController/issues/2075""",how custom image with new image and add label time in swift 3,"new issue checklist - i have read the readme https://github.com/jessesquires/jsqmessagesviewcontroller/blob/develop/readme.md , documentation http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/jsqmessagesviewcontroller/ , and faq https://github.com/jessesquires/jsqmessagesviewcontroller/blob/develop/documentation/faq.md . - contributing guidelines https://github.com/jessesquires/jsqmessagesviewcontroller/blob/develop/.github/contributing.md confirmation: ____ - i have searched existing issues https://github.com/jessesquires/jsqmessagesviewcontroller/issues?q=is%3aissue+sort%3acreated-desc and this is not a duplicate . general information - jsqmessagesviewcontroller version: - ios version: - devices/simulators: - reproducible in the demo project? yes/no : - any related issues: what happened?"
+3358984,"""https://github.com/quantling/pyndl/issues/107""",use logging module for verbose,use the python logging module in order to generate verbose output.
+1788985,"""https://github.com/mode-js/Colmar-Academy/issues/2""",good job naming divs and sections,"great decisions on the classes and ids name. it makes it very clear what its purpose is and makes grouping your sections very effective. these organizational skills come in handy as you expand your code since you can modify entire sections at once. you also chose very clear and concise names for them. it pays off to spend time thinking of good names for classes, ids, and variables. https://github.com/mode-js/colmar-academy/blob/master/index.html l50"
+4937433,"""https://github.com/spamguy/dipl.io/issues/13""",add a not crappy landing page,"the front page sucks. really really sucks. options: get a willing contributor to open source their work, or create a separate, private repo under a non-open license, and have someone contribute to that. the private repo/miniapp would need to interact correctly with the rest of dipl.io, or apply some service like wordpress as a front page. overkill ahoy!"
+2306588,"""https://github.com/MatthewTamlin/SlidingIntroScreen/issues/11""",changing skip and done to arabic,"hello, i made an english and arabic version of the sliding intro. any suggestion how i can set the text to arabic? i've been tracing the settext but can't figure out how to make use of it: https://github.com/matthewtamlin/slidingintroscreen/blob/master/library/src/main/java/com/matthewtamlin/sliding_intro_screen_library/core/introactivity.java l419 thanks a lot."
+2597545,"""https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/alenatut/issues/650""",tutorial page lumira-initial-data-acquisition.md issue. test green,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/alenatut/blob/master/tutorials/lumira-initial-data-acquisition/lumira-initial-data-acquisition.md https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/alenatut/blob/master/tutorials/lumira-initial-data-acquisition/lumira-initial-data-acquisition.md contains invalid primary tag.
+your tutorial was not created. please double-check primary tag property. each tutorial md-file shall have primary tag provided above. example:
+title: text bundles within node.js sap hana applications
+description: working with text bundles in node.js
+primary_tag: products>sap\-hana
+tags: tutorial>intermediate\, products>sap\-hana\, products>sap\-hana\-\-express\-edition \-\-\- affected server: test green"
+2429178,"""https://github.com/group-4-TecProg-2017-1/WebProject/issues/7""",us-01.09: inscrever em uma monitoria aluno,eu como aluno desejo me inscrever em uma monitoria. critérios de aceitação: - deve haver uma tela de confirmação - a opção de se inscrever deve aparecer na tela de detalhes - caso o aluno já esteja inscrito deve ter a opção de cancelar a inscrição
+5130498,"""https://github.com/Rotonde/beaker/issues/68""",consider declaring character set in index.html,"it is recommended to declare a character set in html5 documents, and that this character set is utf-8. adding the appropriate meta tag to index.html would suffice."
+1496911,"""https://github.com/havatv/qgismultidistancebufferplugin/issues/19""",multi-distance buffer plugin makes qgis crash after running,"when i try to use the plugin, it does work very well, but qgis crashes before i can save the result as a shapefile and closes the error box instantly as well. it´s annoying. can somebody help, please?"
+4707344,"""https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/issues/6383""",feature request / file attachment during estimate acceptation,"in the estimate form, when we set the status to signed by the customer, we've a text field, but it would be interesting to also have a file attachment option. use case customers who accepts my offers return me a signed paper or pdf as an proof en engagement. companies need to keep track of those document. suggested implementation the status form where we can change to signed or not signed should be improved with an additional file attachement field like we've for e-mails and should be uploaded and recorded with the original estimate."
+3810114,"""https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/Conformance-Software/issues/202""",publicly submitted issue,"submitter: brian rundle the 2.4.1 also 2. dash player is not respecting the suggestedpresentationdelay= pt30s whereas the 1.6 player accesses media content 30 seconds behind the publish time, the 2. players only do so for a few minutes, then start to access media in real time. in some instances it attempts to grab media ahead of the pt and the player stops. my test case plays 2 mp4 streams same fr, different resolution and 1 audio."
+4746017,"""https://github.com/KenLauLab/pCreode/issues/1""",plot_save_graph returning igraph related error: plotting not available,"hi, i'm running pcreode on a linux ubuntu 16.04 vm i've managed to run pcreode on the sample dataset you've provided, but when i try to plot one of the generated graphs, i get this error: traceback most recent call last : file pcreod_dryrun.py , line 44, in overlay= data_raw.elane, density=density_1, file_out='elane', upper_range=1.5 file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pcreode/functions.py , line 62, in plot_save_graph vertex_size=dens, edge_width=2 file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/igraph/drawing/__init__.py , line 446, in plot result = plot target, bbox, background=kwds.get background , white file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/igraph/drawing/__init__.py , line 117, in __init__ self._surface_was_created = not isinstance target, cairo.surface file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/igraph/drawing/utils.py , line 396, in __getattr__ raise typeerror plotting not available i'm presuming this has something to do with the cairo library, since there's a stackoverflow discussion mentioning it regarding a similar error from igraph. if you happen to have an idea as to what's going on, that would be greatly appreciated. thanks!"
+2084301,"""https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/9577""",improve webtestclient auto-configuration with webclient's customizations,"in 9522 and 9166 , we're making sure that codecs auto-configuration and other customizations are properly applied to the webclient when using boot's webclientbuilder . this issue is about possibly aligning some/all of those in webtestclient . looking at spring framework's webclient.builder and webtestclient.builder , those interfaces don't share a common parent even if they have a few identical methods. with the current arrangement, spring boot could apply all codeccustomizer instances to the webtestclient ; in that case, both client and test client instances would share the same codec configuration. spring boot could go further and actually align its behavior there with what happens with resttemplatebuilder and testrestemplate and apply all customizations done by webclientbuilder to the test client. the fact that webclient.builder and webtestclient.builder aren't related make it harder to achieve. even if this is done with possibly some changes in the framework , there are still a few differences between webclient and webtestclient in their configuration: webclient.builder can be configured with exchangefunction and clienthttpconnector the test client can't the webtestclient.builder can be configured with a responsetimeout ; exchangefilterfunction can be set on the client instance , once built besides codecs, both builders have in common headers, cookies and uri template builder configurations looking at this, i'm wondering if applying codeccustomizer instances is enough, and other features should not be applied to the test client. indeed, a webclient is probably used to call remote services and the test client the application itself..."
+4164332,"""https://github.com/rdkit/rdkit/issues/1496""",pattern fingerprint setting bad bits with degree zero atoms,"description: - rdkit version: master affects at least 2017.03 - platform: mac affects all in 24 : list chem.patternfingerprint chem.molfromsmarts ' 6 ' .getonbits out 24 : 1061, 1295 in 25 : list chem.patternfingerprint chem.molfromsmiles 'c' .getonbits out 25 : 1061, 1295 in 26 : list chem.patternfingerprint chem.molfromsmiles 'cc' .getonbits out 26 : 429, 778, 1022 in 27 : list chem.patternfingerprint chem.molfromsmarts ' 6 6 ' .getonbits out 27 : 429, 1022 that first query should also produce something that matches the atom in the second query"
+4809299,"""https://github.com/chad-autry/hex-grid-map-3D/issues/8""",convert to react,"my own personal dev has moved on to react, in fact i've embedded hex-grid-map-3d into a react client for my own game dev. long story short, for various reasons i don't find it convenient to edit this project in its current form."
+5165102,"""https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/issues/4832""",board: provide 802.15.4 sub-ghz on disco_l475_iot1,a sub-ghz chip spsgrf is implemented on disco_l475_iot1 board. provide support with zephyr
+2468866,"""https://github.com/nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress/issues/167""",zero downtime upgrade nginx-ingress-controller,"hello @pleshakov i'm using nginx-ingress-controller and hope to get zero downtime deployments. this means that nginx should also be upgraded without any downtime. i have 3 baremetal servers and one daemon set with nginx-ingress-controller. the scheme is: cloudflare -> 3 pods with nginx-controller apiversion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: daemonset metadata: labels: name: nginx-ingress-controller name: nginx-ingress-controller namespace: default spec: selector: matchlabels: name: nginx-ingress-controller template: metadata: creationtimestamp: null labels: name: nginx-ingress-controller spec: containers: - args: - -nginx-configmaps=default/nginx-config image: myregistry.example.com/nginx-ingress:0.9.0 imagepullpolicy: always name: nginx-ingress ports: - containerport: 80 hostport: 80 protocol: tcp - containerport: 443 hostport: 443 protocol: tcp resources: {} terminationmessagepath: /dev/termination-log terminationmessagepolicy: file volumemounts: - mountpath: /etc/nginx/custom-snippets/ name: config-volume dnspolicy: clusterfirst hostnetwork: true restartpolicy: always schedulername: default-scheduler securitycontext: {} terminationgraceperiodseconds: 30 volumes: - configmap: defaultmode: 420 name: access-list name: config-volume updatestrategy: rollingupdate: maxunavailable: 1 type: rollingupdate when i change the template of daemon set or change the version of docker image, my pods with nginx start restarting one by one, so i lost some clients queries for a few seconds. i know how to upgrade nginx binary on baremetal without downtime, but how to do that in kubernetes? can you give some advice?"
+2082845,"""https://github.com/hinneburg/TopicExplorer/issues/251""",webapp-preprocessing: insert te_identifier and update topic_explorer_id,"the te-creator needs the te_identifier attribute in the topic_explorer table to be set, when the webapp-preprocessing submits a new job. further, the topic_explorer_id in the topic_explorer_definition table needs to be updated to the one of this new job. this behaviour should be used only if the topicexplorer_definition table is present in the management database. otherwise the old behaviour should be used."
+1658871,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/20451""",wxtracing.java line 40,in com.taobao.weex.tracing.wxtracing.nextid number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59e04faa61b02d480d7bf6d8?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59e04faa61b02d480d7bf6d8?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+4048985,"""https://github.com/joncardasis/ChromaColorPicker/issues/10""",support for hiding the '+' on the add button,"looking at the chromaaddbutton it would be really easy to hide the '+' button which is functionality i would like/need but i was wondering how you would like that added as it may affect the public api. if you would prefer to not have this added, i will likely just add it to my personal fork."
+2270086,"""https://github.com/jolbol1/RandomCoordinatesV2/issues/21""",backwards compatibility issue," - i am running the latest version of randomcoords - im running java 8 - one time error? - reoccuring and replicable error? - i have searched for this issue previously and it was either 1 not previously reported, or 2 previously fixed and i'm having the same problem. - i am crashing and can provide my crash report s - 1.11+ - 1.10+ - 1.9+ - 1.8 + - 1.7+ issue description may kick people using the on join feature and spams console with an error. reproduce steps additional information"
+3843307,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/28960""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+5298193,"""https://github.com/mozilla/arewefastyet/issues/184""",the judgment criteria for speedometer and dromaeo benchmarks are not correct.,"the unit of test score for dromaeo benchmark is 'runs/s', and the unit of test score for speedometer benchmark is 'runs / minute', so both the judgment criteria for them are 'lower is better: no'."
+2784532,"""https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/LanguageServer.jl/issues/142""",list function return points,"add a codeaction to list a declared functions return points through both explicit return statements and possible last evaluated expressions , may be useful to add a lint check for returns of void not matching other return types."
+3430451,"""https://github.com/canjs/can-connect-signalr/issues/28""",update package.json release scripts.,"this package doesn't yet have a version or postversion script that handles pushing the version bump commit and tag to github. they should look like this taken from can-connect-cloneable : version : git commit -am \ update dist for release\ && git checkout -b release && git add -f dist/ , postversion : git push --tags && git checkout master && git branch -d release && git push ,"
+2586054,"""https://github.com/armory3d/armory/issues/170""","build error, type not found : getrotationnode on logic node tree","compiling shader 6 of 8 painter-text.vert.glsl . compiling shader 7 of 8 painter-video.frag.glsl . compiling shader 8 of 8 painter-video.vert.glsl . c:\users\blake\downloads\sources/arm/node/camera.hx:22: characters 25-40 : type not found : getrotationnode haxe compiler error. build failed, check console scene1.zip https://github.com/armory3d/armory/files/998458/scene1.zip attached .blend file. i get the error when using the get rotation node."
+4110606,"""https://github.com/craftercms/craftercms/issues/401""",studio-ui version field on history dialog shows nan,"go to any page, and click on history . on the dialog, look at the version field of each item's version. expected result: - field shows the items version number current result: - field shows nan"
+3095942,"""https://github.com/TuneLab/pycountry-convert/issues/22""",keyerror without key in exception if country name not found,"greetings! thanks for great work. i see everywhere in your code this pattern: if country_2_code not in country_alpha2_to_country_name: raise keyerror return country_alpha2_to_country_name country_2_code it's extremely bad pattern, as country_alpha_2_to_country_name is dictionary anyway and will throw keyerror on this condition, but this keyerror will contain key string that was not found, and your exception doesn't contain it. it's very useful for debugging. consider this example: in 5 : dct = {'x': 1, 'y': 2} in 6 : if 'z' not in dct: ...: raise keyerror ...: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ keyerror traceback most recent call last in 1 if 'z' not in dct: ----> 2 raise keyerror keyerror: in 7 : dct 'z' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ keyerror traceback most recent call last in ----> 1 dct 'z' keyerror: 'z'"
+1634444,"""https://github.com/yugecin/opsu-dance/issues/157""",game.update failure.,version: 0.4.2 build date: 2016-12-13 15:49 os: windows 7 x86 jre: 1.8.0_66 opengl version: 4.5.0 nvidia 384.76 nvidia corporation stack trace: org.newdawn.slick.slickexception: game.update failure. at org.newdawn.slick.gamecontainer.updateandrender gamecontainer.java:708 at itdelatrisu.opsu.container.gameloop container.java:98 at itdelatrisu.opsu.container.start container.java:68 at itdelatrisu.opsu.opsu.main opsu.java:218 caused by: java.lang.outofmemoryerror: java heap space at java.awt.image.databufferint. unknown source at java.awt.image.raster.createpackedraster unknown source at java.awt.image.directcolormodel.createcompatiblewritableraster unknown source at java.awt.image.bufferedimage. unknown source at sun.java2d.loops.graphicsprimitive.convertfrom unknown source at sun.java2d.loops.graphicsprimitive.convertfrom unknown source at sun.java2d.loops.maskblit$general.maskblit unknown source at sun.java2d.loops.blit$generalmaskblit.blit unknown source at sun.java2d.pipe.drawimage.blitsurfacedata unknown source at sun.java2d.pipe.drawimage.renderimagecopy unknown source at sun.java2d.pipe.drawimage.copyimage unknown source at sun.java2d.pipe.drawimage.copyimage unknown source at sun.java2d.sungraphics2d.drawimage unknown source at sun.java2d.sungraphics2d.drawimage unknown source at org.newdawn.slick.opengl.imageioimagedata.imagetobytebuffer imageioimagedata.java:171 at org.newdawn.slick.opengl.imageioimagedata.loadimage imageioimagedata.java:118 at org.newdawn.slick.opengl.compositeimagedata.loadimage compositeimagedata.java:62 at org.newdawn.slick.opengl
+3130250,"""https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/issues/1352""",performance surprisingly slow: since it can be solved very fast...,"attached find two smt2 files. i added .txt extension to be able to upload to git. test.smt2.txt https://github.com/z3prover/z3/files/1461591/test.smt2.txt test-long.smt2.txt https://github.com/z3prover/z3/files/1461592/test-long.smt2.txt on windows, test.smt2 .txt is executed very fast. c:\>z3 test.smt2 :name z3 :version 4.5.1 - build hashcode abeaefa8fec1 sat sat $$$$t$3$10000003$-1$-1$ 7720 sat $$$$t$3$10000003$-1$-1$ - 7849198668475269121 sat $$$$t$0$10000000$-1$-1$ 5473541746938345921 sat $$$$t$2$10000002$-1$-1$ - 7849198668475269122 unsat sat sat $$$$t$9$10000009$-1$-1$ sat test-long.smt2 .txt ends with the same problems to be solved as test.smt2 .txt . however, it takes almost a hour to take the last step."
+3949646,"""https://github.com/mageplaza/magento-2-social-login/issues/49""",registration form not open in popup,i was try to open registration form on popup but it not working please suggest
+1187505,"""https://github.com/DemocracyEarth/paper/issues/276""",remove rick falkvinge quote,"on page three, there's the quote from falkvinge about waiting for the older generation to die before things change. i used to believe that. now i see that even two generations about 40 years can pass and the same people can be in power. so, the quote is wrong. moreover, there are detrimental memes that cross generations, like racism. people teach that to their children. so, the quote is also irrelevant. finally, let me ask, do you really want such a divisive idea in your manifest, suggesting that you need the older generation to die before you can accomplish what you want?"
+1209754,"""https://github.com/nimati/FCAlertView/issues/61""",not showing on beta versions.,i tried to use this controller in beta devices and my experiences were very bad. most of the time alert not showing in beta ios versions some times it may not work in ios 10.2 and later versions.
+791272,"""https://github.com/photobox/pbx-group-security/issues/94""",dev site is broken resources don't load,"! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/656739/33992680-7b11fb46-e0cb-11e7-9465-9573d417367e.png caused by trying to load resources from https://pbx-group-security.com these resources should be loaded from the local server, not the main site"
+2279844,"""https://github.com/gareththegeek/corewar/issues/99""",use redux for simulator state,the only state within the library is the core instructions and the warrior/task tree. i wonder if we could implement state management using redux...
+1969530,"""https://github.com/tshaddix/react-chrome-redux/issues/97""",the delay in the store's update confuses react-ace,"i've got react-ace running in a devtools panel. there's a redux store in the background page, connected to the devtools with react-chrome-redux. typing in the editor works! it syncs the content across any number of devtools panels, and can save to chrome's storage for session persistence. however, it seems i've run into an issue that's caused by the slight delay react-chrome-redux introduces: when inserting a snippet from ace, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the snippet, instead of the end. i've simulated the delay with a regular redux store by wrapping the redux store's dispatch function with a settimeout of 2ms, and the same issue occurs. when using a vanilla redux store with no delay, autocomplete works correctly that is, the cursor is positioned at the end of the inserted code . any ideas on how i'd fix this? if the code or a video demonstrating the issue would help, i can add them."
+4811310,"""https://github.com/ArtutoGamer/Endless/issues/1""",ping not working,"as title says, the ping command don't works."
+4173309,"""https://github.com/backus/rubocop-rspec/issues/428""",different message expectation methods for setup and assertion,"i will generally use allow for setup: ruby before do allow foo .to receive :bar .and_return :baz end and assertion: ruby it { expect foo .to receive :bar } if this makes sense, it could make a case for making messageexpectation context aware. 🙂"
+193287,"""https://github.com/lighthouse-labs/ios-prep-book/issues/32""",prep challenge: 11 custom methods,"introduction create an object wrapper around the largest number assignment. learning resources section 7, video 2 https://www.lynda.com/objective-c-tutorials/adding-methods/143328/157000-4.html?srchtrk=index%3a8%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3aobjective+c%0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2 learning outcomes create a custom class. create a method with a parameter and a return type. outline of the assignment create a new arrayutility class. create a largest number method that accepts an array and returns an nsnumber. use the same algorithm from largest number. use this object to find the largest number in an array from main.m. add a new method to find the smallest number. add a new method to find the median number."
+2576739,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-tasks/issues/4927""",azure key vault task - how to pass secret pfx to another task?,"trying to use the azure key vault task following the documentation here https://github.com/microsoft/vsts-tasks/blob/master/tasks/azurekeyvault/readme.md . tried the code mentioned below to get the pfx file from an azure powershell task using an inline script, like this: $kvsecretbytes = system.convert ::frombase64string $ pfxsecret however i get the below error > 2017-08-01t08:35:30.1870994z debug caught exception from task script. 2017-08-01t08:35:30.1870994z debug error record: 2017-08-01t08:35:30.2808945z debug foreach-object : at e:\agent_work\_temp\6e393290-eeb1-4530-a08b-83c62afa11bf.ps1:1 char:53 2017-08-01t08:35:30.2808945z debug + $kvsecretbytes = system.convert ::frombase64string miixkgibazccf1igc ... 2017-08-01t08:35:30.2808945z debug + ~ 2017-08-01t08:35:30.2808945z debug missing ' ' in method call. 2017-08-01t08:35:30.2808945z debug 2017-08-01t08:35:30.2808945z debug at e:\agent_work\_temp\6e393290-eeb1-4530-a08b-83c62afa11bf.ps1:1 char:53 how can i use the certificate from keyvault pfxsecret or pass it to an azure powershell task as a script argument? can you please share working code?"
+3590082,"""https://github.com/pdf/kdeconnect-chrome-extension/issues/14""",investigate sending image data rather than image link,"boym on addons.mozilla.org writes: > было бы лучше. если при открытии картинки в браузере, на устройство передавалась картинка файл , а не ссылка. translation: > would be better. if you open a picture in the browser, the device transferred a picture file , and not a link."
+4142211,"""https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues/1233""",add column for entries: last modify date / creation date,would you please consider if possible to add last modify date / creation date to all grids? i would like to know when the password have been changed or created. this would be very useful to make sure that password database is synchronized well. i'm using personal cloud to store the database and sometimes i have conflicts. to solve them it would be very useful to have those dates to identify latest entries in database.
+446353,"""https://github.com/randombit/botan/issues/1261""",how to access list of acceptable cas in client authentication?,"we implement a tls application that requires support for client authentication. when the server sends its certificaterequest to the client, it includes a list of trusted cas for client certificates. i noticed that this list of cas is stored in the client's handshake state state.cert_req .acceptable_cas but never accessed anywhere. the credentials_manager::cert_chain function gets only told the valid key types but not the valid cas. there seems to be no way to access the tls handshake state, or the certificate request in particular, from the application. is that an interface oversight or was it done on purpose? or did i miss some way to access this information from the application?"
+3499250,"""https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/issues/856""",bumblebee-nvidia fails to build nvidia blob,"hello, i have been trying to get bumblebee to work with a 15 mid 2010 macbook pro 6,2 that has a core i7-m620, an ironlake igpu, and a nvidia corporation gt216m geforce gt 330m rev a2 and have had some trouble getting it to work. after following the installation instructions from the fedora project site for the closed source unmanaged with proprietary nvidia blob, my system does not want to boot into the gui. it takes a few minutes, but eventually a login prompt appears and i have been able to run 'sudo bumblebee-nvidia --debug' command and i get the text in the file below: bumblebee-nvidiadebug.txt https://github.com/bumblebee-project/bumblebee/files/863228/bumblebee-nvidiadebug.txt"
+321827,"""https://github.com/MehediDracula/PHP-Namespace-Resolver/issues/13""",feature: import and prepend before class name,"sometimes we only have 1 reference to a class, and importing as a use statement can get large pretty quick can we have a shortcut to prepend the namespaces to the class, for example before the append public function index user $user { } after append public function index app\models\user $user { }"
+733717,"""https://github.com/MyM-ModpackTeam/hypovolemia/issues/381""",every quest line is unlocked 0.2.0,"judging by the phrasing of the introductory quest in each section, only the first one did i die? where am i? should be unlocked at first."
+2712283,"""https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/video-heartbeat-v2/issues/7""",publish to cocoapods!,hi! i noticed you just added a cocoa pods branch https://github.com/adobe-marketing-cloud/video-heartbeat-v2/tree/cocoapod . we were actually just trying to setup something similar ourselves to use the library via cocoapods - but it' be much better if you could use the official version. any idea when it would be released? we'd be happy to test out a beta version from cocoapods too!
+2143552,"""https://github.com/RHazDev/WebServers/issues/2""",problem with api,"i tried to create a server with the api like this: webserver server = api.createserver 8002, bungeewebserver , ; try{ server.start plugin.getlogger .info successfully started webserver on port +port ; }catch exception e { plugin.getlogger .warning could not start webserver on port +port ; } the class api cannot be found. i took a look into the source code of the plugin and there is no class called api . is there a new way to create a server? plugin version: 1.4.9"
+2601742,"""https://github.com/chipitsine/vesta/issues/1""",неинформативное сообщение об ошибке,root@vesta vesta /usr/local/vesta/bin/v-sign-letsencrypt-csr 'admin' 'vesta.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com' '/tmp/tmp.ebryvv2lgq' error: too many certificates already issued for: azure.com
+3598234,"""https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoincore.org/issues/472""",no portuguese pt-br translation avalaible on transifex,"please, have a look at it, when requesting a new idiom, portuguese pt-br dont show on the options."
+3300626,"""https://github.com/chrispyliang/WeatherApp/issues/1""",screenshots for weatherapp,"a simple weather app for ios platform display the temperature, condition, and weather icon of a city. bulit with swift3 using apixu api preview: city not found: "
+1009686,"""https://github.com/knighty/fimfiction-issues/issues/43""",chapter navigation is shown in front of chapter progress bar on mobile,"using mobile chrome, the chapter navigation buttons above a chapter are incorrectly rendered in front of the chapter progress bar. ! screenshot_20170608-202853_crop_50 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4470619/26945048-d7dbe2b8-4c8a-11e7-9045-1814263537a2.png"
+3143198,"""https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/issues/4749""","feature request provide wrapping for btserializer, btdefaultserializer","hi there, right now it is possible to import collision worlds, awesome. however, it is not possible to generate some of the input data. bullet allready comes with a serializer for this purpose but it is not wrapped yet. so a wrapping of btserializer, btdefaultserializer would improve libgdx even more. cheers jens"
+400555,"""https://github.com/saki4510t/AudioVideoRecordingSample/issues/18""",the information of the recorded video is not correct .,"when i recorded a video , i opened it in my computer with mediainfo but the number of information is unknown ,just with these information,and it cant player,but in the phone: format : mpeg-4 format profile : base media / version 2 codec id : mp42 isom/mp42 file size : 1.02 mib istruncated : yes i want to know how to deal with it ? thanks!"
+2989707,"""https://github.com/node-red/node-red-nodes/issues/308""",no support for passing options in mongdb node,i was trying to pass allowdiskuse = true . i asked question on stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43375701/pass-allowdiskusetrue-in-node-red and realised there is no way i pass options.
+3369745,"""https://github.com/fsharp/FsAutoComplete/issues/165""",support new new sdk rfc fs-1032,"the fsharp.net.sdk is now deprecated in favor of microsoft.net.sdk , ref https://github.com/fsharp/fslang-design/blob/master/rfcs/fs-1032-fsharp-in-dotnet-sdk.md how to test it: - download a dev build of dotnet/cli in branch release/2.0.0 https://github.com/dotnet/cli/tree/release/2.0.0 . tested with 2.0.0-preview2-006391 - usual dotnet new console -lang f etc.. there is little difference from fsac side, target files are pretty much the same, same msbuild based: - x how to detected new sdk vs old project cracker based : xml instead of xml => is already ok with https://github.com/fsharp/fsautocomplete/commit/13a2f30eea9321b1586981490841b126a6c1e555 - fsc args, file path: the old implementation used always full path for files. now path of files passed to fsc are relative to fsproj directory. - instead of adding a target file inside obj dir, is possibile to use fsharpdesigntimetargetspath property to pass the target file to import more clean, work the same, so just an enhancement . do this is is detected the sdk as point 1 /cc @krzysztof-cieslak @rneatherway @dsyme"
+5204181,"""https://github.com/molgenis/molgenis-compute/issues/274""",duplicate stepnames in workflow.csv do not throw errors,"this should give an error and should not print the generated script of the second step over the first step. example: step,protocol,dependencies hellow,protocols/helloworld.sh, somestep,protocols/somestep.sh, hellow,protocols/helloworld.sh,somestep;input=somestepout; generates: /rundir/somestep_0.sh /rundir/hellow_0.sh submits hellow_0.sh somestep_0.sh hellow_0.sh crashing on the first hellow_0.sh because this needs output of somestep maybe related to 44 & 264"
+3698772,"""https://github.com/davidjbeveridge/ghtest/issues/11""",product/categories manager: products settings: remove delete collection button,- remove delete collection button - for products - for categories
+4935266,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/19211""",surfacetexture.java line 328,in android.graphics.surfacetexture.posteventfromnative number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59d54d85be077a4dccc149c9?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59d54d85be077a4dccc149c9?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+1860439,"""https://github.com/Teknoman117/beaglebot/issues/7""",loading device tree overlay with u-boot,"i am trying to read my encoder below using my bbb encoder part : https://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/12v_dc_motor_251rpm_w/encoder_ sku:_fit0186 connections: green to ground p8.2 , blue to vdd5v p9.5 , yellow to p8.12, and white to p8.11. the diagram for these colors are at the above link i have the dtbo files in the right location: root@arm:/lib/firmware ls -ltr bone -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1082 dec 7 01:09 bone_eqep0-00a0.dtbo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1098 dec 7 01:09 bone_eqep1-00a0.dtbo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1098 dec 7 01:09 bone_eqep2-00a0.dtbo -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1096 dec 7 18:27 bone_eqep2b-00a0.dtbo how do i load the right overlays with uboot enabled? i need uboot for running a motor through a cape @pdp7 @teknoman117"
+3301639,"""https://github.com/pantheon-systems/terminus/issues/1785""",terminus tab auto complete,"expected behavior when i start typing a terminus command and press tab i expect auto complete to work, as it did in terminus 1.x 311 actual behavior nothing hapens steps to reproduce the behavior type terminus env:comm then press tab"
+1887961,"""https://github.com/primer/primer-css/issues/245""",all the links under core packages are dead,"not sure how this happened, but all the links under the header are dead. e.g. https://github.com/primer/primer-css/blob/master/packages/primer-core"
+2523420,"""https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues/3218""",medium.com articles with alternate domain not fetched,"issue details content from articles from medium.com are usually fetched properly. but if an article is hosted on medium.com cms, but on a different domain, content does not get fetched. e.g.: https://hueniverse.com/oauth-2-0-and-the-road-to-hell-8eec45921529 https://42hire.com/how-to-answer-the-whats-your-current-salary-job-interview-question-486254cb59ad instead of the content being fetched, wallabag gets redirected to the medium startpage, which's content gets fetched then. environment wallabag version or git revision that exhibits the issue:2.2.3 how did you install wallabag? via git clone or by downloading the package?git last wallabag version that did not exhibit the issue if applicable :- php version: os:debian type of hosting shared or dedicated :dedicated which storage system you choose at install sqlite, mysql/mariadb or postgresql :mysql steps to reproduce/test case - add https://hueniverse.com/oauth-2-0-and-the-road-to-hell-8eec45921529 - go that article in wallabag and see medium startpage has been fetched"
+1129703,"""https://github.com/iview/iview/issues/632""",grid flex + responsive?,flex 和 responsive 无法共存? 是否考虑使用 foundation grid http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/flex-grid.html ? 既可以处于 flex 模式也可以处于普通模式,与此同时都支持 responsive
+3245668,"""https://github.com/rodneyviana/ODSyncService/issues/2""",onedrive not detecing,"onedrive app is running in the tray. but when we integrate this powershell command with jenkins, it is giving status as notinstalled . jenkins slave is running as a current user only, not as system user."
+2332999,"""https://github.com/JacobEberhardt/ZoKrates/issues/11""",feature request: count constraints,is there a command to count the number of constraints generated? or other insights about the circuit?
+1606456,"""https://github.com/antonba/ApimTest/issues/1017""",new azure alert,azure alert - 'reportfailedrequest' activated on 'soapy'
+4292500,"""https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim/issues/734""",ctrl + s hang ctrlp,"if i press ctrl + s when ctrlp is opened vim becomes unresponding to any actions, but seems to be working. cursor blinking, etc.."
+2491369,"""https://github.com/TheCodeFathers01/RatSighting_App/issues/50""",m12 - read the author's description of the system,obtain the source code if you wish to do more detailed analysis of the system.
+2942602,"""https://github.com/collinbarrett/FilterLists/issues/59""",verify all lists from hblock are indexed,verify all lists from hblock https://github.com/zant95/hblock sources are indexed.
+704046,"""https://github.com/lrnzzz/RN2483-LoRa-Shield/issues/1""",the radio traces to the antenna,"in connection with gonzalos email the radio traces to the antenna are supposed to follow a very specific curve according to the rn2483's datasheet, and i'm not sure if your pcb has that. as a tracker so that all comments can be in one place and not emails :"
+2543962,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/nodejstools/issues/1693""",font and colors dialog - untranslated/hard-coded strings,"should be these strings exposed to localization ? https://github.com/microsoft/nodejstools/blob/1e4ab51aedc1f2d8fadd94516fa972dfc444b6fe/nodejs/product/interactivewindow/repl/reploutputclassificationformatdefinitions.cs actual behavior hard-coded strings, unlocalized in all locales steps to reproduce open visual studio -> tools -> options -> environment -> fonts and colors -> display items ! 133-pt https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18324331/30050481-f34831b2-921e-11e7-9034-90a32bab22a7.png"
+388984,"""https://github.com/angelleye/paypal-php-library/issues/89""",demo kit - express checkout line items w/ decp + crpp,"this will be an express checkout stating with the line items demo, and it will be extended to include a recurring payments profile along with it. so in this case we will still leave our regular sample shopping cart with shipped items in place, but we're also adding a subscription. so the shipped item order will be processed with decp, and then the subscription profile will be created with crpp. in the end we'll have a transaction id from decp and a profile id from crpp, and both should be included on the final page."
+1968662,"""https://github.com/jpmoura/sire/issues/4""","reservas feitas, porém, na dashboard não existem","na dashboard ela reconhece como se não houvessem reservas no caso, minhas próximas reservas ! screen shot 2017-12-21 at 18 43 32 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25669568/34274317-318633e8-e67f-11e7-9911-09e3c7fe99d5.png ! screen shot 2017-12-21 at 18 43 48 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25669568/34274318-31d75bba-e67f-11e7-8a56-91f65c8d8397.png"
+270195,"""https://github.com/IronLanguages/dlr/issues/95""",dynamic null exception in other service.,"good time of day. i am not sure, it is right place to ask, by i'll try. i develop plugin in c for soft develop another company. and sometimes my plugin crush with error system.nullreferenceexception: object reference not set to an instance of an object. at system.dynamic.excepinfo.getexception at system.dynamic.comruntimehelpers.checkthrowexception int32 hresult, excepinfo& excepinfo, uint32 argerr, string message . i suggest that can be result of execution 92 and 93 lines in https://github.com/ironlanguages/dlr/blob/master/src/microsoft.dynamic/cominterop/excepinfo.cs in case exception is null. please, could you recommend way to intercept internal exception getexception in runtime to see excepinfo fields and message if it exists before plugin crush? could you suggest way to prevent this error raise or method execution change in runtime? p. s. sorry for my bad spelling. with best regars, gorbunov ivan."
+132818,"""https://github.com/RestComm/mediaserver/issues/623""",pipeline of media components,"create pluggable pipeline of media components, that can be built on-the-fly. allows easy chaining of components for both mcu and sfu pipelines, for incoming and outgoing traffic."
+1312441,"""https://github.com/leafo/lapis/issues/533""",does lapis really depend on openresty?,as far as i can tell lapis only depends on the nginx lua module ngx_http_lua_module.so . i have a simple lapis application working with just that module loaded. does lapis need any of the components listed in: http://openresty.org/en/components.html
+509981,"""https://github.com/decalage2/ViperMonkey/issues/21""",errors: impossible to sum arguments of different types / procedure 'shell$' not found,"while trying to analyse https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/87932d65692f2d4051b12b4a20fb44e083a34a163aea29c23cfcbe9f5c657237?environmentid=100 two errors occured: info eval params before calling procedure: shell$ psluscshx + chr 34 + buvwivwcogu + krrnpfbyeu + muvjfakpl + eevzqvmhc + jkqvunq + kjsnjq + emjvc + qwbdqbnfmp + qljkq + sinwtm + woqjqjd + owpwekb + zjtwzo + zvaeiazc + hqjipzsccl + zfbxdiauck + wtndrgr + oafpkqngph + umrgthuwao + bdmhwesudf + krzdpjyczwp + vklvfv + omsjpfqliir + rxntabyiszk + ybmvcdwyhwp + hsnadakbwi + jdravuucwhr + dzhwwkmjvgp + kmxryclnmqm + fwkszhl + wcywnjw + ziqdcsxkaw + zrwsfv + ubzqdutir + lrbkzd + luocpcmn + gvofkth + ldsvcbdxj + urtazukn + nuypulm + dhzfi + qtludijmk + wqozyrp + titqibiojaf + zaphp + xsdsjf + qjvwdjdwl + mzvibbdnup + ftfir + laxihuhmue + mntillro + knakdid + vwzcmk + dasmz + oapyeszobmb + wunhxoll + wazkgbnpdnk + ircjktkwzk + pfcpndok + mktnjjla + kwmoioqrv + ylzklacjdo, 0 , {} error impossible to sum arguments of different types info calling procedure: shell$ 0, 0 error procedure 'shell$' not found recorded actions: +--------+------------+-------------+ | action | parameters | description | +--------+------------+-------------+ +--------+------------+-------------+ full log file attached. log.txt https://github.com/decalage2/vipermonkey/files/1441205/log.txt"
+4893449,"""https://github.com/oscarMattos/practica_git/issues/1""",agregar mini framework css,trabajar el maquetado en scss y compilarlo despues. agregar el codigo compilado css como main.min.css en una etiqueta link en el head.
+1946643,"""https://github.com/raml-org/datatype-expansion/issues/81""",canonicalization can include properties in union,"mintype case 8 can include object-only properties like properties and additionalproperties in a union result. this confuses findclass in canonicalization, which will return object if properties is defined even though type is union . i'll submit a pr with tests that demonstrate the issue."
+4629534,"""https://github.com/esheldon/fitsio/issues/109""",wrong exception thrown for missing header keyword,"in fitshdr.__getitem__ https://github.com/esheldon/fitsio/blob/master/fitsio/fitslib.py l4038 , if the keyword is missing it is meant to throw an exception as: raise valueerror unknown record: %s % key but the variable key is not defined within the function, and so a nameerror results instead. this bug was introduced by da8e14a7b40e4001fbccd0aebf254e62314268d6."
+3467079,"""https://github.com/churchio/bible_api/issues/23""",add whole chapter and whole bible ranges,"i noticed if you do https://bible-api.com/john it reports not found . it would really help if when you do https://bible-api.com/john it would report the whole book of john, and when you put https://bible-api.com/bible it would report the whole bible. thanks."
+3865625,"""https://github.com/aghamidi/Books/issues/41""",provisions for the hereafter,"below is the description of one of the books on our site. please ensure that the description consists of 500-550 characters including spaces. if necessary, feel free to do your own research or add something of your own to improve the description. but please ensure that the sources are reliable and add a reference to the source at the bottom when you add material. the purpose is to give a brief description of the book. please correct all typos, grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that you notice. please make sure that all arabic words are transliterated according to the scheme in the provided file. the first letter of all arabic words should be capitalised, i.e. ʾīmān instead of ʾīmān. the word allah is the only words that should not be adjusted. text: it is the duty of the muslim to obtain the guidance of the prophet saws on everything, and to follow it. this book by ‘ibn al-qayyim, more famously known as “zaad al-ma’ad”, was written about the prophet’s guidance on a very wide range of topics, as well as other lessons from his blessed sirah. it was written during the ‘imam’s travels to hajj, from damascus to makkah, and thus was written from memory. http://www.kalamullah.com/books/zaad%20al-maad.pdf"
+186701,"""https://github.com/fuji97/pokemon-xenoverse-tracker/issues/288""",bug mossa boato / coda del drago.,"mossa boato, con la mossa coda del drago bug turni coda del drago trascinata al pokemon sostituito. https://youtu.be/uhjhznqksdw"
+4428753,"""https://github.com/coringao/runescape/issues/3""",can't locate archive/extract.pm,"when running the executable file, it warns that 'archive/extract.pm' was not found. $ ./src/runescape > can't locate archive/extract.pm in @inc you may need to install the archive::extract module @inc contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.24 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24 /usr/share/perl/5.24 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base at /usr/share/games/runescape/rsu/rsu-query line 16. > begin failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/games/runescape/rsu/rsu-query line 16. fixed commenting on line 16 of file 'rsu/rsu-query'. include the module for extracting archives use archive::extract;"
+4627969,"""https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_ios/issues/637""",stopstream nsassert crashes on head unit shutdown,"bug report an nsassert statement is triggered during the stopstream method during shutdown of sdl enabled head unit. this is a problem on the newest 4.6 version. reproduction steps 1. connect sdl enabled app to head unit with sdl 4.6, put into foreground 2. power down the tdk 1. key off 2. key out 3. door open 3. observe crash in app as tdk powers off expected behavior the application does not crash observed behavior the application crashes os & version information ios version: 10.3.2 sdl ios version: 4.6.0-rc.2 testing against: ford tdk build 17144_devtest link to code see code here https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_ios/blob/master/smartdevicelink/sdliapsession.m l215"
+938538,"""https://github.com/Bananapen/Research-Project/issues/9""",mst level should force the player to use the algorithms,on screen prompts are required to show if the player is following the algorithm or not.
+2901677,"""https://github.com/ganeti/ganeti/issues/710""",faq documentation: versions supported,"originally reported of google code with id 654. hi helga, we're creating a ganeti faq, and need your help generating content for the topic versions supported. please answer questions 1.5-1.8 in the google doc ganeti eng faq : https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/document/d/1fvxbhqoqsq40ku7d_bebo4e33yp_7ey3e48jfffr5hy/edit. deadline: eod monday, 13 january thanks! originally added on 2014-01-09 10:38:48 +0000 utc."
+2409493,"""https://github.com/TurningWheel/Barony/issues/129""",2.0.5 player can cast spells while asleep,"issue: if a player is asleep, they can still cast any spell. expected result: if a player is asleep, they should be unable to do anything. additional info: although you can cast spells, you can't aim, so wherever you were looking last, is where it will shoot."
+4264834,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/21195""","fix crash in wtf::hashtable, wtf::hashtraits, wtf::hashtraits >::rehash unsigned int, webcore::element",version: 6.11.1 2080 | com.sina.weibo reason selector name found in current argument registers: drawsbackground link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/158897365 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/158897365
+4839837,"""https://github.com/EPFL-SV-cpp-projects/Team_14/issues/4""",update de population,"-distribution multinomiale pour n générations
+-modifier les fréquences en fonction de la multinomiale"
+830040,"""https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/3028""",timeline items top position to same lavel?,"can i have items on timeline on same top positin? there is a time padding which you allow to have smae level, but i need to be near. example: item 1 start: 01 end 02; item 2 start: 02 end: 03. i need to have them closely and not with padding on time or with incrised possion under ? how i can do that? thanks"
+3071989,"""https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystation12/issues/17964""","runtime in life.dm,1119: cannot modify null.icon_state.","runtime at life.dm1119 on 2d0c2a2a867f681e165300872c6ea1b7c84d1a6c: runtime in life.dm,1119: cannot modify null.icon_state. proc name: handle hud list /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/handle_hud_list src: talin ta\'kim /mob/living/carbon/human src.loc: the floor 85,102,2 /turf/simulated/floor/tiled call stack: talin ta\'kim /mob/living/carbon/human : handle hud list talin ta\'kim /mob/living/carbon/human : handle regular hud updates talin ta\'kim /mob/living/carbon/human : life talin ta\'kim /mob/living/carbon/human : life talin ta\'kim /mob/living/carbon/human : life mob /datum/controller/process/mob : dowork mob /datum/controller/process/mob : process /datum/controller/processsched... /datum/controller/processscheduler : runprocess mob /datum/controller/process/mob"
+3987473,"""https://github.com/nellstephanj/Team-Gladios-Access/issues/27""",your locations sub menu on burger meny,the your location sub menu as well as the implementation for this sub menu
+3809990,"""https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/issues/4888""",problem with float yaxis,i have 3 sets of data that i would like to graph. each one has a different y axis the kon and kli collections are displayed correctly the pro is displayed incorrectly ! przechwytywanie https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8388210/31999206-c9f14cd6-b992-11e7-9b88-dcbf7236483b.png ! przechwytywanie2 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8388210/31999205-c9d4fc34-b992-11e7-951a-e16876e26ce0.png
+4502861,"""https://github.com/chrmarti/testissues/issues/11175""",hashtag ! in path breaks intellisence," - vscode version: 1.19.0 - os version: windows 10 steps to reproduce: 1. put a hashtag ! in the path where the source code is. ex. c:\!temp\source\... 2. try the intellisence, it won't work. reproduces without extensions: didn't try it only have one extension: powershell 1.5.1"
+5243986,"""https://github.com/FolioReader/FolioReaderKit/issues/290""",the difference between pages in navigation display and hiding,"the content of the page is distinctly different when the navigationbar is displayed and hidden, and it is expected to solve this problem,thank you. ! simulator screen shot - iphone 8 - 2017-12-16 at 10 40 50 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16662834/34066688-9dc01212-e24d-11e7-8adc-92eaa617430c.png ! simulator screen shot - iphone 8 - 2017-12-16 at 10 40 46 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16662834/34066689-9e0aecf6-e24d-11e7-941b-f769e07a35e7.png"
+2024721,"""https://github.com/torch/distro/issues/246""",not actively developed anymore and is in maintenance mode?,"hello, can someone give me more info about: > note: torch is not actively developed anymore and is in maintenance mode. does this mean i should use other deep learning libraries? i found this tutorial on the web: https://www.linux.com/blog/create-your-own-neural-paintings-using-deep-learning but i'm now wondering if i should spend my time learning some other codebase? also, what is difference between torch and torch7? https://github.com/torch/torch7 kinda confusing. i'd love some advice."
+3499759,"""https://github.com/d4rken/sdmaid-public/issues/1191""",clutterreport: /storage/emulated/0/data new,target target: /storage/emulated/0/data prefix-free: data path-prefix: /storage/emulated/0/ type: directory location: sdcard current keeper state: false suggested keeper state: false suggested owners appname: android system packagename: android version: 6.0.1 23 current owners none sd maid version: 4.8.0 40800 device fingerprint: tcl/5098o/pixi4-6_4g_ckt:6.0.1/mmb29m/vab7-0:user/release-keys
+3769197,"""https://github.com/chmkreddy/selflearning/issues/1""",nativejs code review,"1. please organize all the js files into multiple folders like hw1, hw2 hw3. 2. indent the code properly in wordcount.js, functionwithinfunction.js, calculatingwithfunctions.js, getmiddle.js, usingclosuresshareclassstate.js .. etc. please review your code indentation once again. 3. mutiple return statements in single function is a bad practice. the getmiddle function in getmiddle.js has mutlple return statements. assign it to a result variable and return it. 4. name == undefined && weight == undefined . this condition will fail if i pass null or 0 to name and weight. rewrite this to if !name && !weight which will check for all false values."
+577159,"""https://github.com/isaacs/rimraf/issues/137""",glob parens not valid,this is a valid glob src/ .+ js|map globtester http://www.globtester.com/ p=ejwrlkrw19lt1sgqrslnlnaeacaebom%3d&r=ejyzscksu0josswutlxktsxjzlcyky5k1i%2foz00tycjms9flkrbrb6qxsygkmdexafmlrfgfxgkwu5tsbjkk7mgtbwaisj5k& but i get an error when using parens > rimraf src/ / .+ js|map sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token ' sh: -c: line 0: rimraf src/ / .+ js|map '
+1517298,"""https://github.com/websharks/s2member/issues/1127""",make compatible with jquery v3.0. replace deprecated functions.,"explanation of the issue the s2member javascript file /wp-content/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php uses functions that are deprecated in jquery 3.0. using: - s2member v170722 with pro add-on - wordpress 4.9 - jquery 3.2.1 - jquery migrate 3.0.0 this is just a heads up, as these functions still exist in v3.0, but may be removed in the next major version. steps to reproduce the issue visit a page that loads the s2member javascript file e.g., authorize.net or paypal checkout page with jquery 3 and jquery migrate loaded, and it'll report the following within console.log jqmigrate: jquery.fn.removeattr no longer sets boolean properties: disabled jqmigrate: jquery.fn.bind is deprecated the following page lists the jquery deprecation warnings and how to resolve them: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate/blob/master/warnings.md solution for jquery.fn.removeattr : https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate/blob/master/warnings.md jqmigrate-jqueryfnremoveattr-no-longer-sets-boolean-properties solution for jquery.fn.bind : https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate/blob/master/warnings.md jqmigrate-jqueryfnbind-is-deprecated thanks."
+3327418,"""https://github.com/kitling/flashcart_core/issues/45""",ds iplayer www.dsiplayer.com,"the last firmware : http://soft.dsiplayer.com/eng/eng_iplayer_os_20120323.zip it was for dsi 1.4.4 but worked on 3ds at beggining if i remember well, and doesn't work anymore it show the game but blank when i launch it contains update.dat to update the firmware there you can have some other download the old firmware, dldi, etc.. : http://www.dsiplayer.com/download.html it was make by the supercard team, and it has some chip to do emulator gba working like the dstwo. it can only run homebrew .nds for the nds thing , because the purpose was to be a video player, but it was made like a flashcard and can be updated and launch .nds hombrew and gba rom the nds game used is fish tycoon chipid: f9feb7fe hw revision: f9feb7fe images click to expand ! 20170903_162149 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25887041/30003895-861c2d00-90c5-11e7-9243-ccf64d8d15b7.jpg ! 20170903_162303 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25887041/30003896-861ebf48-90c5-11e7-978e-82f4de36c28b.jpg ! 20170903_161530 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25887041/30003897-8621887c-90c5-11e7-9ce7-64ffd40aca5c.jpg ! 20170903_161546 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25887041/30003898-86249986-90c5-11e7-81a0-fde970ff987b.jpg
number on chips maybe not exact : 1 aml 3405 vq100,0905 cc180z9801 2 sst 39vf040 70-4c-whe 0852077-l 3 wynix 537a hy5?v581620glt 4 tms 320 dm 6541 azwg gm9 untrimmed dump: fishtycoon_yf7e5g_00.nds : http://www46.zippyshare.com/v/u3uqca5n/file.html"
+1596566,"""https://github.com/basildane/WakeOnLAN/issues/65""",невозможно создать планировщик can not create scheduler ошибка сервер rpc недоступен. 0x800706ba,"поставил wakeonlan версия последняя, все прописал. могу делать удаленное подключение и пробуждать сервер. 1 не могу завершать работу, ошибка сервер rpc недоступен. 0x800706ba фаервол отключил везде. 2 планировщик выдает то 40,4 logontype то 50,3 в итоге задача не ставится. wakeonlan 2.11.16 помогите put the wakeonlan version of the last, all prescribed. i can make a remote connection and wake up the server. 1 can not quit, error the rpc server is unavailable. 0x800706ba firewall turned off everywhere. 2 the scheduler then issues 40.4 logontype then 50.3 as a result, the task is not set. wakeonlan 2.11.16 help"
+3458999,"""https://github.com/ticidici/SquaresRepository/issues/3""",getting more done in github with zenhub,"hola! @p3rnil has created a zenhub http://www.zenhub.com account for the ticidici organization. zenhub is the only project management tool integrated natively in github – created specifically for fast-moving, software-driven teams. ---- how do i use zenhub? to get set up with zenhub, all you have to do is download the browser extension https://www.zenhub.com?utm_source=zhonboarding and log in with your github account. once you do, you’ll get access to zenhub’s complete feature-set immediately. what can zenhub do? zenhub adds a series of enhancements directly inside the github ui: - real-time, customizable task boards for github issues;
+- multi-repository burndown charts, estimates, and velocity tracking based on github milestones;
+- personal to-do lists and task prioritization;
+- time-saving shortcuts – like a quick repo switcher, a “move issue” button, and much more. add zenhub to github https://www.zenhub.com?utm_source=zhonboarding _still curious? see more zenhub features https://www.zenhub.com/features?utm_source=zhonboarding or read user reviews https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zenhub-for-github/ogcgkffhplmphkaahpmffcafajaocjbd/reviews . this issue was written by your friendly zenhub bot, posted by request from @p3rnil._ ! zenhub board https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8771909/11153956/233ac4a8-89f1-11e5-94b1-1569d3f38b4d.png"
+161601,"""https://github.com/uliwitness/Stacksmith/issues/88""",add object descriptor data type,"right now we are only able to directly return an object. this means that you can't compare it, as you will always attempt to turn the object into a string which usually gives its contents . so, if we have a mainstack property and no windows are open, the mainstack should be none or empty. but if you try to compare if the mainstack is empty and there are windows open, you'd get the contents of that stack. to make code like this work, we need an object descriptor data type that can be a reference to an object, but when read as a value will show up as 'stack file:///users/uli/teststack.xstk '. otoh when it is asked for a property, it should forward that call to the object. same probably when something is assigned to it."
+3284356,"""https://github.com/olifolkerd/tabulator/issues/155""",filter by multiple fileds,"hi, is this possible to filter by multiple fields, i read customfilter but don't know how to apply like filter on multiple fields, could you please explain a little, thanks for such a great app btw :"
+1745569,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/10390""",sessionservice.java line 1134,in com.immomo.momo.service.sessions.sessionservice.getsession number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/599dd416be077a4dcc828ce1?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/599dd416be077a4dcc828ce1?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+1935038,"""https://github.com/ksAutotests/CreateInvalidAndUpdateValidTest/issues/3318""",tutorial page tutorial_ie.md issue. test green,tutorial issue found: https://github.com/ksautotests/createinvalidandupdatevalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/ie/tutorial_ie.md https://github.com/ksautotests/createinvalidandupdatevalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/ie/tutorial_ie.md contains no tags. your tutorial in sapcom was not updated. affected server: test green
+1083102,"""https://github.com/nyu-devops-golf-team/wishlist/issues/7""",update a wishlist,"as a customer i need to update a wishlist so that i can add a new product to it. assumptions: customer id is given wishlist id is given product id is given acceptance criteria: given the customer id , wishlist id and product id when the request for update is received then the product id is added to the wishlist"
+3418441,"""https://github.com/ethcore/parity/issues/4722""",uglify 2.8.0 creates invalid builds,vendor.js:1 uncaught referenceerror: invalid left-hand side in assignment index.3894481de7.js:1 uncaught referenceerror: invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation sw.js:46 uncaught referenceerror: invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation
+3334497,"""https://github.com/scitokens/scitokens/issues/42""",unit test for xdg_cache_home,"currently, scitokens fails to function if xdg_cache_home is set. to prevent regressions, we should have a unit test coverage."
+3167695,"""https://github.com/AigleCatalan/cloudtel/issues/20""","analyse the possible framework to build a moderne webapplication php, javascript",- angula - react.js - yii - redux - meteor.js
+2613514,"""https://github.com/deepakkumar1984/XrmToolBoxPlugins/issues/12""",feature request - user audit viewer - export last logins for all users.,"thanks for a great plugin! it would be great if is was possible to export to excel a list of the last login for all users. currently it is possible to select an individual user and export the login history for that user, but it would be nice if there was some way to export this information for all users at the same time."
+5245147,"""https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2807""",an element that accepts content other than phrasing content...,"https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html paragraphs:phrasing-content-2-2 > in an element that accepts content other than phrasing content as well as phrasing content, let first be the first node of the run, and let last be the last node of the run. what does this mean by content other than phrasing content as well as phrasing content ? in my understanding, maybe the run of sibling phrasing content nodes should be within an element that accepts phrasing content ."
+4486848,"""https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/knowledge-map/issues/38""",add resources for electron framework,which cannot already be found here https://my.mindnode.com/gsykuwea6pehqpvmxdaytpqhwsvuna9jiqp1pisy
+2032704,"""https://github.com/CarGuo/RickText/issues/20""",大佬 帮忙看个问题 实在是没找到修改的地方,demo里输入一个话题 点击删除键 光标选中的是整个话题 这时候用键盘随便输入字符进去覆盖 输入进去的字符是话题的颜色
+5143900,"""https://github.com/GitbookIO/feedback/issues/428""",plugins.gitbook.com doesn't display any plugins,category bug at plugins.gitbook.com what is the current behavior? plugins.gitbook.com https://plugins.gitbook.com/ doesn't display any plugins. refreshing the page doesn't fix it. nothing is logged to the console. seems to be something wrong on the server side ! capture https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/19392292/23946513/f28f7ce4-097a-11e7-82c2-b5354431a366.png additional information google chrome 56.0.2924.87 official build 64-bit same issue on firefox.
+4677429,"""https://github.com/GenealogyCollective/gprime/issues/24""",details on current devlopment status from the developer.,"for anyone wondering like i was the following comment by the developer states the following: september 27, 2017 at 1:04 pm: good question. here is my plan: gprime really needs a modern javascript/css framework. i have an idea in mind, but the framework isn’t quite finished yet. as soon as it is or maybe slightly before i’ll start re-implementing gprime in it. so, my plan is to re-do everything from the ground up in this new framework. i’ll build a prototype around december 2017, and do some major development in the spring of 2018. https://genealogycollective.wordpress.com/2016/12/25/introducing-gprime/comment-page-1/ comment-110"
+2611258,"""https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/14618""",net: wildcard host can be listened over by another net server instance," version : 7.10.0 platform : windows still confirming if this also happening on macos; linux does not seem affected subsystem : net ref: https://github.com/mage/mage/issues/102 issuecomment-318958115 in a nutshell: 1. start two http server, s1 and s2 2. s1.listen '' 3. curl to localhost; s1 respond 4. s2.listen '' - gives an error on a linux host, but not on other platforms 5. curl to localhost: s2 responds instead 6. shut down s2 - curl localhost, s1 should now respond this caused an issue for developers working on multiple projects on the same machine, some which may have configurations which may end up conflicting."
+1688656,"""https://github.com/dionsnoeijen/section-field/issues/29""",remove redundant classes.,there are some exceptions that became redundant. remove them. maybe there's more so search for unused classes.
+4085585,"""https://github.com/DivyaElumalai/AO/issues/3860""",service check timed out after 300.01 seconds ...,display name priya- entity name priya- application nagios category host message service check timed out after 300.01 seconds ... severity critical status open occurred time 01-01-2017 08:02:48 ist +0530 shared by divya.e+5 view detailed message view message
+2125245,"""https://github.com/7kia/ISpringPractic/issues/31""","возможность удаления всех фигур из модели, пожалуй, излишняя","при создании нового документа можно создать новый холст. на нем уже не будет фигур. можно выпилить метод clear из canvas. и возможно, не будет нужны в resetdocument. возможно, стоит ввести сущность документ которых бы хранил внутри себя холст, хранилище текстур, историю изменений."
+5282947,"""https://github.com/oppia/oppia/issues/2981""",prevent page from scrolling when user reached bottom of navigation menu,"if a user swipes all the way to the bottom of the navigation menu, continuing to swipe scrolls the rest of the page. we should prevent the rest of the page from moving if this happens. - @jaredsilver this issues is in reference to pr 2949"
+2044469,"""https://github.com/GoogleChrome/simplehttp2server/issues/17""",content-length header wrong/broken/missing/sad/depleted/ruined,not seeing it show up comes through as null for response.headers.get 'content-length' . switching off gzip makes it all hunky dory.
+730408,"""https://github.com/dequelabs/react-axe/issues/18""",add option to display review items,"should not happen by default, but if a user requests them, log the review items to the console"
+3931652,"""https://github.com/welance/welance-bs/issues/17""",component - list 1 recursion level,"atm only the list of lists component https://github.com/welance/welance-bs/blob/master/src/components/common/listoflists.vue exist, but it quickly got big and confused. it could be a good idea to have simple list component, later used in the list of lists and menu https://github.com/welance/welance-bs/blob/master/src/components/common/menucomponent.vue component. this would do what the list of lists component does atm, but only at 1 level...and then it could be used for –almost infinite– recursion in the list of lists and the menu component."
+1206756,"""https://github.com/disco-lang/disco/issues/72""",function property annotations,"it should be possible to specify certain function properties, in the same place one would specify a test property: injective / 1-1 surjective / onto bijective commutative associative some other potential ones: idempotent monotone"
+4032403,"""https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-IT-Pro-Deployment-Scripts/issues/215""",bug in office click to run xml configurator,"the web page is returning an error, whether it is launched from internet explorer 11, edge, firefox or chrome. running f12 developer, shows the following: html1300: navigation occurred. file: xmleditor.html html1416: unexpected character in comment end. expected --> . file: xmleditor.html, line: 871, column: 69 html1416: unexpected character in comment end. expected --> . file: xmleditor.html, line: 881, column: 82 html1509: unmatched end tag. file: xmleditor.html, line: 1434, column: 25 html1509: unmatched end tag. file: xmleditor.html, line: 1445, column: 25 html1509: unmatched end tag. file: xmleditor.html, line: 1484, column: 25 sec7118: xmlhttprequest for https://microsoft-apiapp2f1d0adbd6b6403da68a8cd3e1888ddc.azurewebsites.net/api/channel required cross origin resource sharing cors . file: xmleditor.html sec7120: origin http://officedev.github.io not found in access-control-allow-origin header. file: xmleditor.html script7002: xmlhttprequest: network error 0x80070005, access is denied. file: xmleditor.html"
+4035790,"""https://github.com/KingPixil/moon/issues/35""",infinite loop when handling an unclosed tag,"if an unclosed tag is given to the compiler, there is now an infinite loop after an error is thrown, for example: html this will cause an infinite loop"
+5241897,"""https://github.com/spring-cloud-incubator/spring-cloud-kubernetes/issues/39""",how does the propertysource reload work for ha config server?,reference to https://github.com/spring-cloud-incubator/spring-cloud-kubernetes propertysource-reload git can send notification to a url but we want to have multiple config servers for high-availability. one option is to put them in a k8s service but then we need to build something in k8s to send notifications to all pods in the service.
+1977764,"""https://github.com/ksAutotests/CreateValidAndUpdateInvalidTest/issues/775""",tutorial page tutorial_firefox.md issue. test green,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/ksautotests/createvalidandupdateinvalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/firefox/tutorial_firefox.md https://github.com/ksautotests/createvalidandupdateinvalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/firefox/tutorial_firefox.md contains only invalid tags. your tutorial in sapcom was not updated. the invalid tags listed below. please double-check the following tags:
+- 12345
+- qwqwqw affected server: test green"
+1413129,"""https://github.com/Drago96/tetris-console-application/issues/4""",bugs in methods controlling the flow of the game,"movefiguredown not working as intended yet, has some minor bugs, and code is far from readable"
+1071975,"""https://github.com/florianstreckenbach/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/issues/2""",ids on sections,"i'd prefer to see these id's on the divs encasing each section, a little more semantic. then to style the background you could do brushed h2 or create a class .skyblue-bg which would be reusable and descriptive. https://github.com/florianstreckenbach/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/blob/master/desmotoartsandcrafts/index.html l12-l13"
+2971674,"""https://github.com/Profugo-Barbatus/TiberiumRim/issues/58""",shallow and deep water - tiberium glaciers?,"apparently tiberium spreads on both shallow and deep water though i'm sure it's not spreading on deep water in rimworld - someone sees this as a bug that shouldn't happen. so how about the previously mentioned glaciers? we got the art for it already. the idea is that tiberium checks on what tile it spreads and if it is shallow water it grows with a new tiberium plant, with the glacier texture, that simply is impassable or at least very hard to get through, also it corrupts it to tiberium water. deep water should not be spread-on though. unnecessary or not?"
+2319515,"""https://github.com/broadinstitute/firecloud_developer_toolkit/issues/33""",crom - support for multiple wdl's,"there is already an optional argument for inputtest for cromwell run. there should be optional named parameters for this and the taskdef.wdl files for any command that touches them. if default values are being used, that fact should be printed to stdout when running."
+596856,"""https://github.com/firebase/firebaseui-web/issues/98""",google api iframe error,"steps to reproduce this 1. osx 10.11.6 , chrome version 55.0.2883.95 64-bit 2. incognito 3. https://fir-ui-demo-84a6c.firebaseapp.com/ try several times, if this error is not coming up. there are two issues in the screenshot below. i am not sure the first one causes other issues, but following errors occur randomly when the first one is present. ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1251296/22187912/5087bd74-e0c3-11e6-9316-3a1ff45114d6.png"
+906794,"""https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/11130""",doctor does not detect android studio canary builds,"steps to reproduce - install android studio canary 3.0 preview android studio 3.0 canary 4 build ai-171.4101728, built on june 14, 2017 jre: 1.8.0_112-release-b736 x86_64 jvm: openjdk 64-bit server vm by jetbrains s.r.o mac os x 10.12.5 - uninstall android studio 2.3.3 flutter doctor ✓ flutter on mac os x 10.12.5 16f73, locale en-ca, channel alpha • flutter at /users/phil/documents/workspace/flutter • framework revision d36e2f6191 3 weeks ago , 2017-06-21 15:09:10 -0700 • engine revision b0dee695ec • tools dart version 1.24.0-dev.6.7 ✓ android toolchain - develop for android devices android sdk 26.0.0 • android sdk at /users/phil/library/android/sdk • platform android-26, build-tools 26.0.0 • android_home = /users/phil/library/android/sdk • java binary at: /library/java/javavirtualmachines/jdk1.8.0_92.jdk/contents/home/bin/java • java version java tm se runtime environment build 1.8.0_92-b14 ✓ ios toolchain - develop for ios devices xcode 8.3.3 • xcode at /applications/xcode.app/contents/developer • xcode 8.3.3, build version 8e3004b • ios-deploy 1.9.1 • cocoapods version 1.2.1 ✗ android studio not installed • android studio not found. download from https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html or visit https://flutter.io/setup/ android-setup for detailed instructions . ✓ connected devices • none should doctor detect canary builds if there's no fallback ? logs > $android_home/tools/emulator @pixel_api_25 run your application with flutter run and attach all the log output. launching lib/main.dart on android sdk built for x86 in debug mode... unable to locate gradle. please install android studio. run flutter analyze and attach any output of that command also. analyzing /users/pdavid0/documents/workspace/mobile/rider_app... no issues found! ran in 8.2s"
+1052974,"""https://github.com/LesDrones/Drone/issues/2841""",le canada encadre strictement les drones de loisirs - le monde https://t.co/aadj9qeglc actu drone,"
+march 22, 2017 at 11:38pm "
+2321034,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/12362""",fix crash in objc_object::release,"version: 6.12.2 2650 | com.sina.weibo reason no reason found. full stack trace includes libobjc.a.dylib, imageio, corefoundation, webcore, libsystem_pthread.dylib. link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/152565306 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/152565306"
+1046228,"""https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-koans-edu/issues/7""",level 40 html builder can't run in javascript canvas configuration as stated in the task,"html.kt : error: 1, 7 unresolved reference: java iiuc the import java.util.arraylist in html.kt should be removed as kotlin.collections. is imported by default regards, nicolas"
+1500671,"""https://github.com/nbokulich/q2-sample-classifier/issues/6""",decision tree classification/regression? and exporting trees,"we use decision trees http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/tree.html tree as a base estimator for adaboost meta-estimators. their limitations may make them inappropriate for high-dimensional data, though pre-processing e.g., stricter feature extraction could improve this. however, the ability to view decision trees http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.tree.export_graphviz.html sklearn.tree.export_graphviz make them an enticing option... could export_graphviz be used for methods that use decision trees as a base estimator?"
+2612532,"""https://github.com/MrOrz/rumors-line-bot/issues/2""",有些長文章可能有特殊字元,會讓 line bot 會已讀不回,! 2017-03-04 10 16 16 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/108608/23575170/e2616eb4-00c3-11e7-9f52-b4708632f129.png 但在電腦上複製文字、貼上給 line bot,line bot 又會回了 @@
+936529,"""https://github.com/instedd/ask/issues/852""",duplicate respondents can be created when uploading csv,"try with this csv note the space in the second line : 123456789 12345 6789 this will create two respondents whose sanitized number will be 123456789 , so there will be a duplicate. to solve this, don't just uniq the numbers, uniq them according to their sanitized version."
+455766,"""https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/18373""",installed but does not appear in chart of account configuration.,impacted versions:10 steps to reproduce:does not appear in chart of account current behavior:does not apper expected behavior:does not see any behaviour video/screenshot link optional :
+3095801,"""https://github.com/RedHatGov/soscleaner/issues/63""",ip addresses hexadecimal in proc/net/route are not scrubbed,$ cat /proc/net/route iface destination gateway flags refcnt use metric mask mtu window irtt enp0s3 00000000 0202000a 0003 0 0 100 000000000 0 0 enp0s3 0002000a 00000000 0001 0 0 100 00ffffff0 0 0 enp0s3 0202000a 00000000 0005 0 0 100 ffffffff0 0 0 $ route -n kernel ip routing table destination gateway genmask flags metric ref use iface ug 100 0 0 enp0s3 u 100 0 0 enp0s3 uh 100 0 0 enp0s3
+1200067,"""https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/3817""",sort currently running test.,"when printing multiple tests that are currently running, the order appears random, with tests jumping around in their position. they should be sorted in some way, either alphabetically or based on how long they've been running."
+509838,"""https://github.com/force11/force2017/issues/133""",create an option for people to indicate why they can't or won't attend the conference,"to learn reasons why people are not coming, and actively invite that feedback and learn from it , rather than leave it up to non-attendees to take the initiative to report any issues they have with the conference, the way it's organized and/or by whom, etc. also to be able to leave that feedback anonymously. as per this discussion on twitter: https://twitter.com/chealsye/status/901185569941848065 ask copernicus to create a short feedback form and link on the registration page? or alternatively, make a version of the evaluation form after the conference public for non-attendees as well?"
+2722618,"""https://github.com/k-next/starterkit/issues/3""",save button is missing,there is no save button on the pages. ctrl + s however work. should there be no save button?
+1598871,"""https://github.com/BlainCheatZ/CS-GO-cheat/issues/1""",how to? :,1. open a terminal ctrl+alt+t download do not download the cheat as the rooted user it won't work 1. type into the terminal: git clone https://github.com/blaincheatz/cs-go-cheat.git generate the cheat 1. cd blaincheatz 2. cmake . _you need to put your cpu's core number the place of 4 _ 3. make -j 4 inject do not inject as a rooted user or the cheat won't work 1. cd blaincheatz 2. ./load unload 1. ./unload re-load 1. ./rload use 1. after the injection press insert or alt+i to open up the menu 2. toggle the features 3. play!!! :
+1491545,"""https://github.com/Reasonat1/Cinema/issues/228""",option to display different logos set on each content type,"editor can have the option to display different set of logos on each content type pages - movie nodes, event nodes, lobby terms, etc. not clear if editor want the option to add different set to each node. @navotb ? also have the option to add a different logo set on lobby term pages"
+507731,"""https://github.com/pimcore/pimcore/issues/2369""",permission 'share_configurations' was not added after pimcore upgrade automatically,i upgraded a pimcore instance to the latest build but the permission share_configurations was missing in table users_permission_definitions .
+2270467,"""https://github.com/SensorsIot/IOTappStory.com/issues/3""",c macro conditionals question,hi i'm not so deep in c ++ which ever arduino uses : so i lake of terms to google. ok this is a macro condition thing > ifdef serialdebug > define debug_print x serial.print x > define debug_println x serial.println x > else > define debug_print x > define debug_println x > endif > enabled with define serialdebug as i understand this is kind of search and replace by the c pre-proccessor so debug_print x gets replaced by serial.print x if define serialdebug was ... set?!? but what happen if it is not set? else part what does just define debug_print x do? with a line like this debug_print message ;
+3604561,"""https://github.com/dmwm/WMCore/issues/7651""",locking data from request manager in the view of dynamo,"opening this gh issue for starting the thread that could lead to a more stable system. dynamo @yiiyama needs to know the data that should not be touch, to the eye of dataops. unified is taking care of this for the moment and in the way it is implemented right now, i think this would be best as a view in reqmgr2. all inputs of workflows in status assignment-approved, acquired, assigned, running-open, running-closed, force-complete, completed, should appear in the list. all outputs of workfows in acquired, assigned, running-open, running-closed, force-complete, completed should appear in the list. all secondary of workflows in status assignment-approved, acquired, assigned, running-open, running-closed, force-complete, completed less than 2 months ago should appear in the list. this should cover most use cases."
+5323473,"""https://github.com/huhx0015/DashNearby/issues/9""",enhancement: re-use existing restaurant list data when switching between discover and favorite screens.,"currently, the restaurant list data is reloaded when switching between discover and favorite options in the navigation drawer. as this reduces the general flow of the app, we should instead use the display restaurant list data to build the favorites list and vice-versa . by doing so, we minimize the number of necessary api calls and user flow is less disruptive."
+5048041,"""https://github.com/orbsini/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/issues/3""",excellent html code practices followed,"https://github.com/orbsini/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/blob/master/dasmotosartscrafts/index.html l9-l25 your html is very nicely structured/organized and you followed great code practices like indenting your code appropriately, commenting the main parts, etc. make sure to keep this up in future projects!"
+639268,"""https://github.com/boulder-food-rescue/food-rescue-robot/issues/99""",clean up rubocop violations,"see prs 85 and 93. from @virtuallybing: > the basic idea is that we’ve catalogued all of the rubocop offenses that haven’t been looked at in the rubocop_todo.yml https://github.com/boulder-food-rescue/food-rescue-robot/blob/master/.rubocop_todo.yml file so that we can decide what we want to do with cops one by one. > > if you want to tackle a cop, delete that section from the rubocop_todo.yml file, then run rubocop to see what offenses associated with that cop need to be addressed. > > some of the cops should be discussed with @rylanb and @ericfreese to determine whether or not we even want to enforce them in the first place, and if so, whether or not we want to relax its configuration. this issue will be closed when rubocop_todo.yml is empty or deleted."
+4118336,"""https://github.com/BloodWorkXGaming/ExNihiloCreatio/issues/9""",suggestion plans to add ae2/extreme reactors compat?,"in original ex nihilo, lava + ae2 sky stone dust in a barrel yielded sky stone, and yellorium dust from big reactors could be obtained by sifting sand, as there are no other ways to obtain them in skyblock modpacks. not sure if you had plans to re-add this and haven't gotten around to it yet or just forgot about it."
+4992895,"""https://github.com/wvandenhaak/wagenhof/issues/47""",overeenkomst pagina dichttimmeren,de overeenkomst wordt opgehaald o.b.v. het id in de url. als de gebruiker een ander nummer invoert moet er gecheckt worden of dit id overeenkomst wel bij de ingelogde gebruiker hoort
+1073188,"""https://github.com/livro-aberto/SphinxEdit/issues/1""",save and commit,adicionar botão save and commit ao ambiente de edição. aí também deve estar o campo para a mensagem de commit.
+2847131,"""https://github.com/t2ee/vader/issues/13""",router.use should return router.,"at the moment, router.use returns void, which means it can't be chained. it would be nice to be able to chain setup of a bunch of middlewares/controllers: const router = router.newinstance .use authmiddleware .use ddosprotectionmiddleware .use logincontroller .use shoppingcartcontroller .use petstorecontroller ;"
+2496635,"""https://github.com/MobiDevelop/robovm/issues/127""",bug: does not work from robovm.xml,this feature seems to only work from command line. i tried to fix that bug by looking into this problem but the only thing i found out is that it's falling back to the two default patterns. @intrigus can you please take a look why this does not work?
+588099,"""https://github.com/Magikcraft/IssueTracker/issues/5""",load worlds by default,"some worlds are not loaded by default - jungle world, flight world 2."
+2453688,"""https://github.com/18F/FEC/issues/3933""","form f1a ver 8.1 undocumented, variable sizes","the data guide in http://www.fec.gov/elecfil/efilingformats.zip, fec_format_v8.1.xlxs describes form, f1, f1m and f1s. it does not describe f1a, which does appear in the data. f1, at least, is described as having 99 data elements. the data has a variable number of columns. n | fecfile | fecversion | fecform | feccolumns | noformsinfile ------|------------------|------------------|-----------|---------------|---------------- 1 | 1151856.fec | 8.1 | f1a | 99 | 2 2 | 1151858.fec | 8.1 | f1a | 100 | 2 38 |1152355.fec | 8.1 | f1a | 93 | 2 44 | 1152479.fec | 8.1 | f1a | 94 | 1 the documentation describes the data format required for submission to the fec. when non-conforming data is submitted, the fec may reformat it for its own purposes, but the original non-conforming data is made available to the download, without any correction. > the ascii 28 delimited files available through the viewer or from the ftp server are the files sent to us by the committee. the fec is not adding these double quotes to the ascii 28 delimited file. they should not include double quotes. however, if a committee sends us a file with double quotes, we do not reject these files. when we parse the files prior to loading them into our database we strip the double quotes. we do not alter the .fec file the committee sent to us. if the data used by the fec is different from the data available for download, then one of the two sets is unreliable."
+3656098,"""https://github.com/talonframework/talon/issues/68""",requires second compile for talon compiler to run the generators,"there are some cases when the talon compiler does not create the templates from the generators. i've noticed this on new talon installs. the issue may be triggered when the talon compiler task needs to be compiled itself. but i'm only speculating. workaround: on new talon installations, run mix , then run mix phx.server"
+4033459,"""https://github.com/MorrisLaw/UtilityPrograms/issues/4""",create/fix tests for file class in progress,"tests need to be made for delete_file, set_file_name, and get_file_name."
+4271484,"""https://github.com/phR0ze/cyberlinux/issues/31""",changes to test,1. /etc/systemd/journald.conf has the systemmaxuse=100m
+3774599,"""https://github.com/greenkeeperio/greenkeeper-lockfile/issues/81""",core dump on travisci,"sh $ npm install -g greenkeeper-lockfile@1 npm warn npm npm does not support node.js v9.0.0 npm warn npm you should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we npm warn npm can't make any promises that npm will work with this version. npm warn npm supported releases of node.js are the latest release of 4, 6, 7, 8. npm warn npm you can find the latest version at https://nodejs.org/ /home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v9.0.0/bin/node 2988 : ../src/node_zlib.cc:430:static void node::{anonymous}::zctx::init const v8::functioncallbackinfo& : assertion args.length == 7 && init windowbits, level, memlevel, strategy, writeresult, writecallback, dictionary ' failed. 1: node::abort npm 2: node::assert char const const 4 npm 3: 0x1251ea1 npm 4: v8::internal::functioncallbackarguments::call void v8::functioncallbackinfo const& npm 5: 0xb74c3c npm 6: v8::internal::builtin_handleapicall int, v8::internal::object , v8::internal::isolate npm 7: 0x111383e042fd /home/travis/.travis/job_stages: line 57: 2988 aborted core dumped npm install -g greenkeeper-lockfile@1 the command npm install -g greenkeeper-lockfile@1 failed and exited with 134 during . your build has been stopped. likely it's npm@5 + node@9.0.0 issue. checking on it...."
+5305685,"""https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial/issues/1133""",5.09.31pre1 somethung strange with textures of all bus/hull/hatch of pyrolyse oven,its blue. with or without texturepack. ! 2017-07-01_22 25 34 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14032818/27765236-9d080700-5eac-11e7-955f-28333af1f2de.png ! 2017-07-01_22 25 42 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14032818/27765237-9d099d7c-5eac-11e7-89dd-ca37e2120949.png ! 2017-07-01_22 27 42 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14032818/27765238-a2195d5c-5eac-11e7-993c-ddd5fc7cfcdf.png ! 2017-07-01_22 27 46 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14032818/27765239-a21c967a-5eac-11e7-8220-22e924f8f348.png
+65099,"""https://github.com/vta/Open-Data-Portal/issues/51""",implement frontend repo,the frontend and emails template can be loaded from a repo - given our deployment method this needs to be configured.
+3337427,"""https://github.com/teaearlgraycold/puni/issues/4""",cache_timeout no loner exists,praw v4.3.0 no longer uses config.cache_timeout.
+2247734,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/14164""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4624023,"""https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/issues/740""",family argument not expected for tf.summary.image,! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2289914/32852252-9d0d17da-ca37-11e7-9134-1553c0dc2e4a.png when used family argument i got the error typeerror: image got an unexpected keyword argument 'family'
+4687697,"""https://github.com/zenhack/haskell-capnp/issues/6""",track and limit recursion depth in data.capnproto.untyped,"standard guidelines for implementations include tracking and limiting the recursion depth of data structures, to guard against malicious inputs causing stack overflow. we should do this. this amounts to an extra field in the types defined in that module, and a check in get/index."
+2692809,"""https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/issues/1378""",handlebars with koa,heyhey! i would like to use the native handlebar library because most libs failed to implement some features i need. i'm using nodejs with koa. i tried koa-views but it lacks layout. i also tried koa-hbs/koa-handlebars but they use deprecated functions. i would prefer to use handlebars and handlebars-layout libraries as i will always get the latest version. also because i think it would be easier if i want to implement client-side rendering for some things. any thoughts? how can i do this? thanks!
+1054785,"""https://github.com/d4rken/sdmaid-public/issues/1097""",clutterreport: /storage/emulated/0/download/mx.furbyx92.android.xposed.mods.privacyaospa-0.1.1.apk fp,target target: /storage/emulated/0/download/mx.furbyx92.android.xposed.mods.privacyaospa-0.1.1.apk prefix-free: download/mx.furbyx92.android.xposed.mods.privacyaospa-0.1.1.apk path-prefix: /storage/emulated/0/ type: file location: sdcard current keeper state: true suggested keeper state: false suggested owners current owners ~~appname: android system ~~ ~~packagename: android ~~ ~~version: 7.1.2 25 ~~ appname: downloads packagename: com.android.providers.downloads.ui version: 7.1.2 25 appname: download manager packagename: com.android.providers.downloads version: 7.1.2 25 sd maid version: 4.7.6 40706 device fingerprint: samsung/lineage_fortuna3g/fortuna3g:7.1.2/njh47f/1e00336c70:userdebug/release-keys
+3664582,"""https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/issues/399""",the ui window‘s size appears not correctly with dbg branch build,"there are few ui problems on my machine. the environment info: - win10x64pro chinese, version 1607 os internal version 10.0.14393.953 - .net installed up to v4.6.2 with a vs2017 up to date installation - the desktop dpi is 96 custom zoom level of 100% - i7-4700mq with intel hd graphics 4600 plus a gtx765m gpu the presentations: - the initial info dialog window this is a dev build of ... cutted half of ok button due to the window's height is not enough ! 1 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3367034/24321742/1d13fb36-118f-11e7-955f-d1326dace991.png - the debug program window also cutted half of last line of controls lable break at and list box beside it and a vertical scroll bar appears at right side of this window due to the window's height is not enough ! 2 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3367034/24321748/2860f566-118f-11e7-8bac-94cc98431294.png"
+2147294,"""https://github.com/Cloud-Automation/node-modbus/issues/130""",how to write fc16,"i want write for example the number 4278255616 i already know that buffer.from 0x00,0x00,0xff,0x01 works for 4278255616 how i can calculate that?"
+2921192,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore/issues/2944""",add testing for no-arg invocation of ch,"as shown in 2937, this isn't currently tested in our ci, so i'm going to add a test case for it and any infra support needed for that"
+3955001,"""https://github.com/gbv/beaconspec/issues/48""",clarify repeatability of meta fields,repeated meta fields are no syntax error but should result in a warning. application may choose which value to pick but they must pick only one value.
+4004115,"""https://github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-support/issues/2879""",how to get real time response in postman,"hello, i'm new with postman rest api. i have a project where must use aws signature to get json response request and i use postman then it works nicely ! ! api-postman2 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7486965/24576388/645f91ac-16e5-11e7-85cc-6614cad681aa.jpg my issue is i tried with my php code and it's not working. i want to know, is postman can make an access for me to get real time response whenever i want to reuse the url without i run the postman first ? thank you !"
+2350926,"""https://github.com/hydroshare/hydroshare/issues/2399""",time series metadata extraction bug,this bug was reported by @castronova where in certain cases a time series was getting associated with a wrong site.
+1380471,"""https://github.com/ONSdigital/eq-compose/issues/6""",preview does not work on author intermittent,expected behaviour must launch the survey on the app actual behaviour gives a page isn't working screen steps to reproduce the behaviour start all eq services by docker-compose -f eq.yml pull docker-compose -f eq.yml up they from author pick a survey and trying previewing it. technical information browser operating system screenshot
+2666161,"""https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/issues/604""",v1 of nuxtjs,when v1 of nuxtjs comes out? how much is stable?
+1626123,"""https://github.com/Alix1723/RWBY-E2-Weapons/issues/4""",ember cecilia issue,"im not sure if this is still monitored by the creator but whenever it try to spawn ember cecilia it says left parenthesis must appear after function name, variables must start with uppercase letter, at line 431, char 2"
+5255152,"""https://github.com/JMRI/JMRI/issues/3071""",configurexml.errorhandler error - parse error while parsing file,"ran into this while testing memoryicon gui code after save/load panel : 2017-02-15 09:39:40,513 configurexml.errorhandler error - parse error while parsing file /users/shared/dropbox/model%20railroading/jmri/my_jmri_railroad/geolayout.xml exception: org.jdom2.input.jdomparseexception: error on line 2703: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: attribute 'updateblockvalue' is not allowed to appear in element 'memoryicon'. see http://jmri.org/help/en/package/jmri/configurexml/errorhandler.shtml for possibly more information. awt-eventqueue-0 org.jdom2.input.jdomparseexception: error on line 2703: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: attribute 'updateblockvalue' is not allowed to appear in element 'memoryicon'. here's the offending line of my panel .xml file: it definitely has the updateblockvalue= yes attribute. did this recently get added to the xml or deleted from the xml schema? click bait! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtbgsohdc24&ab_channel=deejayice77"
+2551919,"""https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-sound/issues/49""",problems with sound in latest chrome on android in iframe,"sorry for vague description of the problem, but i am unable to make reproducible example of the problem and post issue here just in hope you're give me any clue how to debug this problem. i have private part of site where over iframe inserted application with pixi.sound. i have limited access to this part of the site. it was found that on tablets, with latest version of chrome sound in this application not working. i've tested this with my own hands, i'd log in and heard sound, then i update chrome, again logged in, and heard not sound at all not even when i click and it supposed to play, see this https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/issues/2913 . and there is no errors in console, i debug remotely and see that pixi.sound.play is working, but hear no sound. i've failed to do reproducible example, because when i placed application in iframe alone i've heard sound. so may be you give me any hint how to debug this issue, i'll really appreciate it. thanks in advance!"
+3926814,"""https://github.com/omarabid/Self-Hosted-WordPress-Plugin-repository/issues/20""",small bug in example 'update.php',"when the class checks for update, it calls the case 'version'. this case needs the obj->tested, but that is only defined in the case 'info'. i solved this by adding the obj->tested to the list of standards, just below obj->new_version."
+827944,"""https://github.com/schrodinger/fixed-data-table-2/issues/146""",poor performance for table with 50 columns," the performance is quite bad with around 50-100 columns, scroll horizontally is very janky, anything we can do to improve it?"
+419358,"""https://github.com/ApiGen/ApiGen/issues/993""",need more documentation on options like tree and internal,"hi, we need more documentation on the options like tree and internal and all other options which exists on previous versions."
+3838284,"""https://github.com/d-m-bailey/cvc-utility/issues/9""",calibre_cvc: file overwrite,"if there is a rule problem, the previous output file is processed $output.0 mv it to a backup before lvs."
+3667316,"""https://github.com/mwrock/packer-templates/issues/102""",mwrock/windows2012r2 box: the source files could not be downloaded.,"i'm lost with mwrock/windows2012r2 and mwrock/windows2016 vagrant boxes. when i try to install-windowsfeature ad-domain-services or with gui immediately after vagrant up , i get an error about source files not available. i tried pointing to an iso image with os installation to no avail. do you mind suggesting how to add the feature? i know there was mwrock/windows2012r2full , but it's pointing to a wrong address now, so couldn't try . this is how it looks: ps c:\windows\system32> install-windowsfeature ad-domain-services install-windowsfeature : the request to add or remove features on the specified server failed. installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed. the source files could not be downloaded. use the source option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. for more information on specifying a source location, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=243077. error: 0x800f0906 at line:1 char:1 + install-windowsfeature ad-domain-services + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + categoryinfo : invalidoperation: @{vhd=; credent...name=localhost}:psobject install-windowsfeature , exception + fullyqualifiederrorid : dismapi_error__cbs_download_failure,microsoft.windows.servermanager.commands.addwindowsf eaturecommand success restart needed exit code feature result ------- -------------- --------- -------------- false no failed {}"
+5287868,"""https://github.com/mmaitre314/MediaReader/issues/16""",how to pass imediasource object to preparemediastreamsourcetranscodeasync,"hi, it seems that the mediareader package doesn’t work in class library project, instead i tried to use the windows.media.transcoding api, the problem that i got is when i pass imediasource object that is generated from webrtc , to the method preparemediastreamsourcetranscodeasync, an exception occurs: object reference not set to an instance of an object. i really appreciate your help thank you"
+1768310,"""https://github.com/radiasoft/rslinac/issues/75""",phase ii: cartesian coordinates,consider switching to cartesian coordinates. we are currently doing a lot of work and calculations to transform from cartesian to cylindrical system and backwards.
+4354071,"""https://github.com/OData/odata.net/issues/795""",nuget netstandard support,"description for package microsoft.odata.core https://www.nuget.org/packages/microsoft.odata.core/ wrote .net platform standard 1.1 is target framework. after install this package, in package cache i see folder only profile111: %userprofile%\.nuget\packages\microsoft.odata.core\7.1.1\lib\portable-net45+win8+wpa81"
+2514884,"""https://github.com/brownplt/pyret-lang/issues/1193""",how to write top-level contract with type variables?,"based on https://www.pyret.org/docs/latest/s_contracts.html i can't figure out how to do this. for instance: my-filter :: list, t -> boolean -> list"
+316453,"""https://github.com/fabbricadigitale/proauth.js/issues/9""",source maps not preserved during transpiling,sinche the libraries are first bundled via rollup and then singularly transpiled via babel we lost the sourcemaps generated in the first phase when build_env is set to develop .
+3127875,"""https://github.com/status-im/status-react/issues/943""",add members does not add new member to the edited group ui-refresh,"description comment : feature or bug? i.e type: bug type : bug comment : describe the feature you would like, or briefly summarise the bug and what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happens. sections below summary : edit group-> add member -> select new member and tap save. group is not updated and does not contain new member. expected behavior comment : describe what you expected to happen. group contains new member actual behavior comment : describe what actually happened. group does not contain new member after adding new member and tap on save reproduction comment : describe how we can replicate the bug step by step. screencast: https://www.screencast.com/t/b7gx4cb3z prerequisite: you need to have new group group with 2 members - open status and login - open contacts - tap actions icon 3 dots in top right corner - tap edit - next to the group tap on icon with 3 dots - tap edit group - in edit group screen tap on + add members - select 1 new member, e.g augur - tap save button. expected: members are updated and new member augur is shown. additional information comment : please do your best to fill this out. status version: feature/chat-ui android http://artifacts.status.im:8081/artifactory/pull-requests/im.status.ethereum-45525d.apk comment : android or ios. operating system: android and ios logs comment : if on android please replicate bug whilst running adb logcat 20172403221710-logcat.txt https://github.com/status-im/status-react/files/869249/20172403221710-logcat.txt"
+578723,"""https://github.com/Michaex/MI-349-FS17-740-css-forms-mini-project-ObB8-B/issues/1""",mini project feedback,"create an athlete registration form for a race @jsiarto can you take a look at this? it's hosted here https://michaex.github.io/mi-349-fs17-740-css-forms-mini-project-obb8-b/ and meets the following criteria: - x choose a sport and race type for your form running/marathon, sailing/regatta, etc - x create a valid html file using bootstrap 4 css - x the form must capture the following: name, address street, city, state, zip , age, male/female, t-shirt size - x you must use at least one of each form field type: text, select and radio or checkbox - x the form should have a heading, a brief description and be centered on the page - x the form should have a submit button but it doesn't have to actually submit, just show the button "
+1560059,"""https://github.com/itchio/itch/issues/1332""",add game to collection. and remove from collection from itch app. how to do?,- mac ox sierra - itch 23.4.2
+589403,"""https://github.com/kontalk/client-adapters/issues/11""",pidgin protocol plugin,a fully-fledged protocol plugin also implementing the ssl tunnel part automatically. is that even possible??
+2086405,"""https://github.com/AbhishikthaReddy/Tests_Automation/issues/42""",data format is not checking when characters are given in particular field,data format is not checking when characters are given in particular field for date format input is given as character and the format is not checking in verification
+4659118,"""https://github.com/jestebango/uoc/issues/9""",scraping siguiendo el link de la profesora en twitter,"require twitter require rcurl consumer_key<- 'xxxxxx' consumer_secret<- 'xxxxx' access_token<- 'xxxxxx' access_secret<- 'xxxx' setup_twitter_oauth consumer_key,consumer_secret,access_token, access_secret tweets <- searchtwitter codere , n=100 tweets.df <- twlisttodf tweets tweets.df write.csv tweets.df, file= twitter.csv"
+3422192,"""https://github.com/UnivUnix/docpad-plugin-api/issues/7""",converting from coffeescript to es6.,according with future development of docpad issue docpad/docpad 1046 . i will do the same thing on this plugin for next milestone.
+3193475,"""https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/18719""",desktop: system.security.cryptography.cng.tests.ecdsacngtests.testverify521_ecdhkey failed with system.argumentexception,failed test: system.security.cryptography.cng.tests.ecdsacngtests.testverify521_ecdhkey configration: outerloop_netfx_windows_nt_debug detail: https://ci.dot.net/job/dotnet_corefx/job/master/job/outerloop_netfx_windows_nt_debug/26/testreport/system.security.cryptography.cng.tests/ecdsacngtests/testverify521_ecdhkey/ message: ~~~ system.argumentexception : keys used with the ecdsacng algorithm must have an algorithm group of ecdsa. parameter name: key ~~~ stack trace: ~~~ at system.security.cryptography.ecdsacng..ctor cngkey key at system.security.cryptography.cng.tests.ecdsacngtests.testverify521_ecdhkey in d:\j\workspace\outerloop_net---903ddde6\src\system.security.cryptography.cng\tests\ecdsacngtests.cs:line 93 ~~~
+4805431,"""https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx-demo-pax-britannica/issues/10""",android not run,hello @mobidevelop when i run the game on my mobile the logcat have an error failed binder transaction (parcel size = 116) how to fix it then the game can not run on my mobile thank you
+4212613,"""https://github.com/dillbyrne/random-agent-spoofer/issues/523""",random agent spoofer and virtualis service online bank payment service,hi. i can't connect to my personnal bank e-card payment service when random agent spoofer is activated. here is the link to access to the service : https://www.cmb.fr/domivirtualis/index.html / config : win10 64bits home ff 51.0.1 stable release.
+2928653,"""https://github.com/atsosie/ChattyApp/issues/4""",preserve data after client disconnects.,"right now, refreshing the page means you lose all chat history and user info. setup user accounts and some way to preserve data how much data? which data? for how long?"
+855182,"""https://github.com/ngrx/store/issues/465""",how should garbage collection be implemented?,when normalizing data i end up with state that looks like this users: { userid1: ...instance of user... userid2: ...instance of user... } the problem with this is obviously that it will continue to grow over time. does anyone have a working solution that identifies when a certain slice of state is no longer in use e.g. users so i can dispatch an action to clear it down?
+708717,"""https://github.com/VDK/Dememorixer/issues/4""",dememorixer het nieuwe instituut,"ik krijg dememorixer niet werkend voor hetnieuweinstituut, bijvoorbeeld voor deze: http://zoeken.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/nl/archieven/details/ryks/keywords/rijksmuseum als ik daar een url uithaal, bijvoorbeeld deze: http://images.memorix.nl/nai/getpic/9cc43251-416e-1dae-22f8-aa0a159336c4/362.jpg en zonder tile invoer als http://images.memorix.nl/nai/getpic/9cc43251-416e-1dae-22f8-aa0a159336c4.jpg geeft ie warning: file_get_contents http://images.memorix.nl/nai/getpic/9cc43251-416e-1dae-22f8-aa0a159336c4.jpg function.file-get-contents : failed to open stream: http request failed! http/1.1 400 bad request in /home/deb37265n3/domains/veradekok.nl/public_html/dememorixer/index.php on line 59"
+1352580,"""https://github.com/Vizzuality/gfw/issues/3067""",update download link on old country pages,we need to change the target for the download tree cover stats to the following url on staging: http://gfw2-data.s3.amazonaws.com/country/umd_country_stats/tree_cover_stats_2016.xlsx this should be applied to the branch /new-about-updated-webpack ! screen shot 2017-10-06 at 10 41 27 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6503031/31270084-253d7d18-aa83-11e7-8b5d-a3c63ef01e0e.png
+346331,"""https://github.com/synapsestudios/oidc-platform/issues/98""",500 error posting to /api/resend-invite/{userid},"message: payload is not defined, stack: referenceerror: payload is not defined oidc_1 | at child.bookshelf.model.where.fetch.then.user /src/src/application/user/user-service.js:57:59"
+1353084,"""https://github.com/SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools/issues/221""",weird module stylesheets compilation path,"hello, due to our project size we've decided to move our modules scss files outside theme to each respective module. problem, which i've encountered is that frontools compile css files to /pub/../ vendor_module /view/frontend/web/css instead of simple /pub/../ vendor_module /css here is our module structure, and compilation output: structure: /app/code/pandagroup/careers/view/frontend/web/css/styles.scss compiles to: /pub/ ... /en_us/pandagroup_careers/view/frontend/web/css/styles.css and in view_preprocessed: /var/view_preprocessed/frontools/frontend/ ... /pandagroup_careers/view/frontend/web/css/styles.scss module declaration inside themes.json: modules : { pandagroup_careers : app/code/pandagroup/careers } is it a bug or i'm doing something wrong? i use our fork of frontools 1.3.3."
+5074805,"""https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/5205""",problems whit import processing.video. ;,"hello, i try to load the sample sketch from the video library and it does not work, https://processing.org/reference/libraries/video/capture.html but some time ago it was fine, i do not know what happens. in the console appears this message: 2017-08-01 21:50:15.154 java 5160:267960 error loading /library/audio/plug-ins/hal/dvcprohdaudio.plugin/contents/macos/dvcprohdaudio: dlopen /library/audio/plug-ins/hal/dvcprohdaudio.plugin/contents/macos/dvcprohdaudio, 262 : no suitable image found. did find: /library/audio/plug-ins/hal/dvcprohdaudio.plugin/contents/macos/dvcprohdaudio: no matching architecture in universal wrapper /library/audio/plug-ins/hal/dvcprohdaudio.plugin/contents/macos/dvcprohdaudio: no matching architecture in universal wrapper 2017-08-01 21:50:15.154 java 5160:267960 cannot find function pointer newplugin for factory c5a4ce5b-0bb8-11d8-9d75-0003939615b6 in cfbundle/cfplugin 0x7ff947137030 bundle, not loaded i already delete the plugin dvcprohdaudio.plugin, i reinstalled it, but it does not work. i would like to know what that error means and how i can solve it. i'm using processing 3.3.5 on a macbook pro retina macosx sierra10.12.6. thanks."
+830286,"""https://github.com/TorchCraft/TorchCraft/issues/38""",typo when constructing torchcraft.produces,"i believe the constants at https://github.com/torchcraft/torchcraft/blob/master/init.lua l548-l549 here should be 'zerg_broodling' and 'zerg_guardian', right? i'm going to fix this when moving all the game constants to c++ code."
+2191574,"""https://github.com/chengler/ffk-frontend/issues/14""",weniger linien pro tag,"hat ein tag mehrere filme linien werden diese nicht reduziert wenn ein film gelöscht wird. dies hat keine kritischen folgen, da der fehler beim neuladen behoben wird und der fall an sich recht selten vorkommt."
+4936610,"""https://github.com/graphql/codemirror-graphql/issues/175""",when will you publish 0.6.4?,do you have a road map for the developer to keep up with your step?
+4254914,"""https://github.com/joshcam/PHP-MySQLi-Database-Class/issues/671""",fatal error: class 'mysqlidb' not found in /home/highl608/public_html/sys/include-all.php on line 12,"it's working properly on my localhost, but whenever i upload my files on my online server then i get the above mentioned error. i have used this class in my whole project. help me out. thanks...!! the line 12 code is: $mysqli = new mysqli 'localhost', 'highl608_u', 'vma,17510e', 'highl608' ; $db = new mysqlidb $mysqli ;"
+2137402,"""https://github.com/strdr4605/fruits/issues/1""",add more fruits,please add at least 3 fruits!
+5047760,"""https://github.com/vitalets/angular-xeditable/issues/636""",empty date issue when using combo date,i am unable to set the combo date input values from non-empty to empty. http://jsfiddle.net/opencubicles/vu8zloh3/21/ it's not required input.
+3325759,"""https://github.com/SteveMurphy007/Jolteon.Hardware/issues/1""",can controller interrupt pin,interrupt pin not connected to mcu. needed to indicate to mcu that a new message is available from the can controller.
+1248882,"""https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-simple-schema/issues/698""",typings for meteor simple schema,i am using meteor with angular 2 for my project. for now i cannot find typings for this package. because i use typescript to programming. it will be very great to support typings for this package. thanks in advance.
+2331115,"""https://github.com/golang/go/issues/22651""",cmd/pprof: tests start web browser,i was running all.bash and my browser popped open a tab on unused:1234. that's not acceptable.
+3657979,"""https://github.com/olivere/elastic/issues/625""",client logs non-obvious error on failure to verify https endpoint,x elastic.v5 for elasticsearch 5.x please describe the expected behavior receive an error message related to the issue please describe the actual behavior receive an error message: no elasticsearch node available any steps to reproduce the behavior? have elastic behind a reverse proxy. run the elastic client in an environment without ca-certificates
+2824456,"""https://github.com/acdh-oeaw/dig_ed_cat/issues/40""",sync function for institutions,implement something which will trigger a sync function for spatial data institutions
+195456,"""https://github.com/rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python/issues/144""",terminology in gh filter function,"hi! i have two questions about terminology used in g_h_filter function defined in chapter 1.5.1. question 1: in prediction step a following calculation is made: x_est = x + dx dt shouldn't the variable be called x_pred? from what i have read so far, adding dx dt to previous estimate resulted in a prediction. later in definition of the function, the x_est is used to create estimate: x = x_est + g residual maybe i'm just confused about terminology, but this is strongly supported by plot from cell 14: prediction x_pred equals previous estimate x plus predicted change dx dt . we can then calculate new estimate x using prediction x_pred + g residual . additionally in function predict_using_gain_guess defined in cell 15, in prediction step you named the variable as prediction : predict new position prediction = weight + gain_rate time_step question 2: in the same function a following variable is defined: results = this variable will store estimates, and the result of gh filter is an array of estimates? i'm asking because from what i've read about kalman filters so far, is that there is a confusion about the nature of the filter: that it should rather be considered as an estimator, not as a filter. so perhaps the question should be rather what is your position on true nature of kalman filter: does it filter data from sensors, or does it estimate closest-to-reality values? best regards, kamil"
+2759611,"""https://github.com/facebookresearch/ELF/issues/28""",compilation error in atari,"after following the instructions to build ale in ~/arcade-learning-environment/ , i attempted to build atari/ . here's the error with the default make instruction: python_config=/opt/conda/bin/python3-config make package ale was not found in the pkg-config search path. perhaps you should add the directory containing ale.pc' to the pkg_config_path environment variable no package 'ale' found cc atari_game.cc ... in file included from atari_game.cc:13:0: atari_game.h:15:33: fatal error: ale/ale_interface.hpp: no such file or directory compilation terminated. makefile:64: recipe for target 'obj/atari_game.o' failed make: obj/atari_game.o error 1 here's the error with pkg_config_path set to the ale build/ directory which contains ale.pc : python_config=/opt/conda/bin/python3-config pkg_config_path=~/arcade-learning-environment/build/ make cc atari_game.cc ... in file included from atari_game.cc:13:0: atari_game.h:15:33: fatal error: ale/ale_interface.hpp: no such file or directory compilation terminated. makefile:64: recipe for target 'obj/atari_game.o' failed make: obj/atari_game.o error 1 any idea how to fix this? thanks!"
+1948436,"""https://github.com/google/flexbox-layout/issues/360""",flexboxlayout is unable to pull resources in xml,"- i have searched existing issues https://github.com/google/flexbox-layout/issues and confirmed this is not a duplicate my layout.xml file does not pull softcoded resources like strings that are referred to in the xml document. all other layout types are able to pull those resources, and i am able to access them programatically. this error only occurs for me in runtime— going to the design tab in my xml file shows the strings extracted as i want. i'm using flexbox 0.3.0 here's a link to my app the file called lab1 https://github.com/naman-goyal/signupapp"
+1023221,"""https://github.com/ppazos/cabolabs-ehrserver/issues/557""",query create view - add columns to projections table for datavalue queries,"right now the projections table has archetype id and path columns, we need to add datavalue and name columns."
+3134176,"""https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/issues/2101""",push notifications not received on ios 11 when app is in foreground,"expected behaviour push notification received when app is in foreground actual behaviour push notification is not received on the device when the de app is in foreground and in production. reproduce scenario including but not limited to push notification is not received on the device when the de app is in foreground and in production. when the app is in background the notification is received and showed on the notification center. in development works fine. on ios 10 works fine in foreground and background. steps to reproduce platform and version eg. android 5.0 or ios 9.2.1 ios 11 android what device vendor e.g. samsung, htc, sony... cordova cli version and cordova platform version cordova version: 7.0.1 cordova platform version ios: ios 4.4.0 plugin version phonegap-plugin-push 1.10.5 pushplugin sample push data payload sample code that illustrates the problem logs taken while reproducing problem"
+1211058,"""https://github.com/novoda/download-manager/issues/206""",release with pull request 205,is it possible to get a release that contains pull request 205 ?
+2381350,"""https://github.com/WPSAppleProject/WoodlandCED/issues/125""",kaitlyn laprad - 208: support question,"kaitlyn laprad
+208 grade: 2
+lapradke@worc.k12.ma.us ------ a student's ipad has a jammed headphone port."
+2369621,"""https://github.com/Toxantron/scrumonline/issues/35""",improve masterlayout for bigger teams,inspired by session 1640 http://scrumpoker.online/ /session/1640 we need to make the view scale better to larger teams.
+3887716,"""https://github.com/DBCDK/ors2/issues/78""",maintenance: genkør task knap,details ... accept ... how to demo ... note ... tasks - task a - task b
+4211456,"""https://github.com/Sym123Blue/GitHubQAAutomationca889a07-81e0-4cae-8590-5d6d5eee52cc/issues/1""",github automation for issue title ca889a07-81e0-4cae-8590-5d6d5eee52cc,github automation for issue body ca889a07-81e0-4cae-8590-5d6d5eee52cc
+572316,"""https://github.com/PalouseRobosub/robosub_simulator/issues/54""",thruster from serial,"modify the thruster pluging to read from the output of the maestro_thruster node, instead of listening to the /thruster topic. this allows us to properly model the maestro_thruster node doing it's job"
+2267357,"""https://github.com/open-forcefield-group/smarty/issues/240""",turn on zenodo for this repo,i seem not to have turned on zenodo for this repo yet and updated the readme.md with the associated dois; will need to do so.
+4129494,"""https://github.com/shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_singlebuildNod/issues/706""",failure - shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_matrixbuildjav - 448,shippable run 448 https://rcapp.shippable.com/github/shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_matrixbuildjav/runs/448 failed for https://github.com/shiptest-rc-ow/coretest_matrixbuildjav/compare/9108987eff1ae3bfc593954c614ce33057dd406b...eb193cdfaa6c5008d67327eee7b3c20a07551e24
+347633,"""https://github.com/Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker/issues/2204""",cannot select hours and minutes in locale arabic,"when setting the locale to 'ar' arabic , after selecting an hour or a minute from the hour and minute picker, the main time is not updated."
+4878893,"""https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin/issues/1436""",save array value as null,"i have a constraint on the database table for array value either to be null or contain some values. however, when trying to save a form, i get integrity error, because it tries to insert empty array instead of null none , even if i have field defined with nullable=true option. maybe i'm just missing some option?"
+2182773,"""https://github.com/sitch-io/sensor/issues/103""",alerts get sensor name,sensor name as well as sensor id need to be in alerts.
+318796,"""https://github.com/jfc3/atehere/issues/318""",add frank's noodle house to the pdx json file,need to add frank's noodle house to the pdx json file. https://www.google.com/search?ei=30rywbfjlmm2mwgvz5bocg&q=frank%27s+noodle+house&oq=franks+noo&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.0i10k1j0l4.138154.144486.0.145914. order one of their fresh pulled noodle dishes.
+1245868,"""https://github.com/awesomemotive/wp-mail-smtp/issues/25""",optimize the phpmailer_init_smtp,"currently, this function phpmailer_init_smtp is not optimized in terms of internal functions call and the way constants are set."
+4281039,"""https://github.com/meshesha/evalert/issues/1""",images for readme,! evalert4 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/18533793/21593102/6a35f648-d11c-11e6-887e-8bba25e30b4a.jpg ! evalert_info https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/18533793/21593120/852c2ba2-d11c-11e6-84e0-63cafd776f35.png
+2879214,"""https://github.com/atom/atom-languageclient/issues/36""",hover not working for go-langserver,"hi, i have created an atom consumer package for this golang server https://github.com/sourcegraph/go-langserver/ literally everything works as well as it does in vscode. only one thing that does not is the hover/datatip thing. if i have following code: package main import fmt func main { fmt.println hello } and hover over println nothing happens. if i move the cursor over println and then execute nuclide: datatip toggle nothing happens. the devtool console doesn't output anything either which is really strange seeing all other features work perfectly fine. any idea as to what has gone wrong? it cannot be the fault of my consumer since all features besides the hover work. it cannot be the fault of the lang-server since it works on the same file under vscode."
+2943490,"""https://github.com/openaddresses/machine/issues/665""",add api methods for static conform schema,get openaddresses schema including available properties and parsing functions. - https://github.com/mapzen/mobility-on-demand-sandbox-contributions/blob/master/docs/backend-requirements.md retrieve-oa-schema
+1635544,"""https://github.com/warmspringwinds/warmspringwinds.github.io/issues/1""",license of the posts,"thanks for the informative posts. fwiw, you might want to edit the licence.md and personalize it, at the moment it is the file from the original harmony repo"
+3993050,"""https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles/issues/342""",indonesia and philippines names missing,"names for indonesia and philippines come very late if zoomed in - they are missing completely on lower zoom tiles 0-4 zoom , appear on zoom 5 but even there with very low rank 6 . even east timor has higher ranking. as result everyone will get map without names of the 2 largest and most populous countries in the region your sample map style : ! screenshot 2017-11-06 14 35 42 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5609650/32441346-d51bf1bc-c2ff-11e7-8371-8860d52ae0b8.png"
+3509006,"""https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy-hub/issues/136""",broken links on galaxy-admins community page,the links point to ~/community/galaxyadmins/meetups instead of ~/community/galaxy-admins/meetups/
+4018874,"""https://github.com/craftercms/craftercms/issues/836""",studio-ui build alfresco cmis data source,"please build cmis data source: alfresco content the data source allow the user to browse an alfresco repository looking for assets. the data source remembers the last location the user browsed, and will always start there when they're first invoked. the data source can be configured to be 1 content reference or 2 content clone. once the user selects an item, the first mode returns a url to alfresco to that asset, whereas the second mode will download the asset from alfresco and place it in craftercms as it would with a image upload . with regard to configuration, the alfresco repository configuration will need to be part of blueprint configuration. i think it should be in a new configuration file as part of the blueprints and it should be called: alfresco-cmis-config.xml alfresco-cmis-config.xml will have the following fields: 1. alfresco url 2. alfresco username 3. alfresco password 4. alfresco basepath basepath in alfresco to show to the user during browsing please reach out to me or russ with any questions."
+1999629,"""https://github.com/mozilla/addons-frontend/issues/2123""",support non-jwt authentication tokens for login/logout,steps to test this change: log in log out navigate the site and make sure you're still logged in the session authentication token will no longer be a jwt as of https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/4907 so the frontend code needs to be adjusted accordingly.
+1576608,"""https://github.com/z3on/test-for-api/issues/28""",p26 generate the combinations ofkdistinct objects chosen from thenelements of a list.,"full description: http://aperiodic.net/phil/scala/s-99/ p26 in how many ways can a committee of 3 be chosen from a group of 12 people? we all know that there are c 12,3 = 220 possibilities c n,k denotes the well-known binomial coefficient . for pure mathematicians, this result may be great. but we want to really generate all the possibilities. example: scala> combinations 3, list 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f res0: list list symbol = list list 'a, 'b, 'c , list 'a, 'b, 'd , list 'a, 'b, 'e , ..."
+4235038,"""https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db.js/issues/57""",call of eris db method 'transactandhold' with parameters - transaction timed out,"problem - i created a service to call a function on a contract. when the service is called the information is logged in the console correctly the service receive the data correctly but when it calls the contract it goes in time out with the following error: call of eris db method 'transactandhold' with parameters { priv_key : 56d8891dba1d46651cc08a96b3428c2793eb92187e484f1e5d152602357f6071eaf201a227b0b9bc30fb9a422ed98d5d7946cd8161742b9051256dbfec2b5f98 , address : 17fd3be508c4410f41fca995b4f6b96a9f19e89d , data : 5c3f3e0c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015546869732069732061206861736820746f206c6f670000000000000000000000 , gas_limit : 1000000, fee : 0 } responded with transaction timed out. hash: 87c8a7be5a5d4625d5c62c4ae29fd1ff7c200a85 . { error: transaction timed out. hash: 87c8a7be5a5d4625d5c62c4ae29fd1ff7c200a85 at values.next.then /usr/src/app/node_modules/eris-contracts/node_modules/eris-db/node_modules/@nodeguy/json-rpc/lib/index.js:12:38 method: 'transactandhold', params: { priv_key: '56d8891dba1d46651cc08a96b3428c2793eb92187e484f1e5d152602357f6071eaf201a227b0b9bc30fb9a422ed98d5d7946cd8161742b9051256dbfec2b5f98', address: '17fd3be508c4410f41fca995b4f6b96a9f19e89d', data: '5c3f3e0c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015546869732069732061206861736820746f206c6f670000000000000000000000', gas_limit: 1000000, fee: 0 } , code: -32603, message: 'transaction timed out. hash: 87c8a7be5a5d4625d5c62c4ae29fd1ff7c200a85' }"
+4380938,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/13058""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+3697991,"""https://github.com/BTDF/CodePlexDiscussions/issues/19""",discussion: pre-process bre and environment bindings based on user selection /,"steveculshaw 6/30/2014 1:12:16 pm
+i've got a requirement where the bre policy needs preprocessing based on the target server environment dev/test/live the discussion post shows how to use the to pre-process the xml, which i got working , but it only reads the local development value from the settingsfilegenerator.xml read through the post that details the creation of a wizard page with radio buttons, and the example worked fine. but what i can't get is how to get the selection in the wizard page to drive the required pre-processing of the xml? and then i thought, once the user has selected the environment, it'd be nice if that also drove the selection of the bindings file ... is that possible?"
+2271027,"""https://github.com/osate/osate2-core/issues/888""",coding rules about aadl model,"what are the definitions of coding standards which describe aadl model in osate text editor? or show reference manual about coding rules,thanks a lot!"
+3377889,"""https://github.com/ste26054/redmine_leaves_holidays/issues/58""",leave reasons are not available.,i don't understand how those leave reasons are populated in the list. the leave reasons are not getting listed so that it couldn't be selected and it won't get configured ! leave_reasons_unavailable https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13313876/24135113/457384c0-0e2e-11e7-925e-06467b5ac2b2.png @ste26054: can you please suggest what are pre-requisites for setting this up.
+3705038,"""https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/1679""",failing to move newly written config from tmp to final location: cross-device link,"when filing an issue, please include the following information if possible as well as a description of the problem. make sure you test with the latest beta of rclone. https://beta.rclone.org/ https://rclone.org/downloads/ if you've just got a question or aren't sure if you've found a bug then please use the rclone forum https://forum.rclone.org/ instead of filing an issue. > what is your rclone version eg output from rclone -v rclone 1.37 > which os you are using and how many bits eg windows 7, 64 bit freebsd 10.2 / freenas 10.2 > which cloud storage system are you using? eg google drive google drive > the command you were trying to run eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp rclone copy --config api1.conf --fast-list --size-only -v --transfers 64 --checkers 8 --drive-chunk-size=16384k --drive-upload-cutoff=16384k --tpslimit 128 --timeout 1m --stats 30s --log-file /mnt/misc/scripts/restore_script/logs/restore${date}.log & disown -a > a log from the command with the -vv flag eg output from rclone -vv copy /tmp remote:tmp failed to move newly written config from /tmp/api1.conf710941323 to final location: rename /tmp/api1.conf710941323 api1.conf: cross-device link this is on a zfs volume which is different from the root directory. we use different api keys per gdrive remote and pair of local-remote paths to avoid api limits on the same google account. this error stops the transfer due to the config not being written, and also avoids the token being renewed. the transfer continues if the new config file is written."
+1290249,"""https://github.com/bradkav/CEvNS/issues/1""",generic 'differential rate' function,"at the minute, the code has a range of different differential rate functions, for different interactions and new physics contributions. i need to rewrite things so that i just have one generic 'differential rate' function, which accepts the differential cross section as an argument."
+3201334,"""https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/BP2016H1/issues/143""",server log in,"api needs authorization, use provided squeak mock up for this."
+1767295,"""https://github.com/bardsoftware/ganttproject/issues/1376""",missing icons for task movement,installed 2.8.4 on top of 2.8.3 now the context menu is missing icons for move up/down and indent/unindent. i'm on windows 7 64bits ! bug-icons https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/865866/24437621/69d039de-1442-11e7-8f7c-145ca3a019e4.png
+1988150,"""https://github.com/NuGet/docs.microsoft.com-nuget/issues/462""",customer question in nuget.exe cli reference wilcards,"https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/nuget-exe-cli-reference comments-container jazzeagape feb 3, 2017 how can you update specific packages based on a wildcard/regex pattern? i notice cli reference ignores expressions such as nuget.exe update a.sln | where id -like “ definitelytyped ” | foreach { update-package $_.id -reinstall }"
+2427140,"""https://github.com/code-troopers/android-betterpickers/issues/362""",regarding setting the date on the textview,"dear sir, i am using your library android-better pickers for adding a date. i am able to show the datepicker dialog but unable to show the selected result in the textview."
+1397518,"""https://github.com/uber-go/zap/issues/397""",how to define different info verbosity level ?,i wish i could define different verbosity levels for info. how could i do that ?
+2595079,"""https://github.com/smarthomeNG/smarthome/issues/235""",database plugin: sum und count funktionen in den 'series' erlauben,"diskussion im forum: https://knx-user-forum.de/forum/supportforen/smarthome-py/1021844-neues-database-plugin auf seiten 4 und 5 we wäre imho sinnvoll eine count und / oder eine sum funktion im database plugin zu haben. praktischer usecase: ich habe ein boolean in der database der die flamme des brenners der therme widerspiegelt. das heisst ein true wenn der brenner startet, und ein false wenn der brenner wieder ausgeht. nützlich wäre ein plot in der smartvisu indem ich z.b. auf 24 stunden die brennerstarts pro stunde sehe. oder auf einer woche die brennerstarts pro tag. zum optimieren der heizanlage wäre das sehr hilfreich. das heisst es müsste eine count funktion geben die alle 'true' oder '1' in der db in einer bestimmten periode zählt. ich könnte mir da noch andere usecases vorstellen, z.b. irgend eine messung ergibt 0, -1 oder sonst was bei fehlern. dann könnte man mit count von -1 die anzahl der fehler pro periode anzeigen lassen... bestimmt gibt's noch andere ideen. eine 'sum' funktion wäre imho auch nützlich. beispiel wenn ein gerät einen verbrauch pro stunde als zahl liefert könnte man mit einer 'sum' funktion den verbrauch pro tag in der woch zusammenrechnen lassen."
+4391012,"""https://github.com/mrcage/wpds/issues/11""",a good complement rss plugin,"i've been testing a rss aggregator plugin, is a good complement for this theme, you can add slides with rss feed of newspapers por example. i only use the free version, but soon i will buy the full version. if you are interesting on try the plugin this is: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/ if you have other experiences or comments about this please send a message! regards."
+5105424,"""https://github.com/mosa/MOSA-Project/issues/403""",optimization: eliminate null-pointer checks,"if static flow analysis determine that a virtual register containing a reference is not null, such as from a new object allocation or passed in by the required this pointer, then any null-pointer checks can be eliminated."
+3905041,"""https://github.com/modxcms/oauth2-server/issues/4""",500 error when using on modx 2.3,when using in combination with modx 2.3.3 or 2.3.6 the interact snippet generates a 500 error: php fatal error: call to undefined method modtransportprovider_mysql::latest in /home/assenbewee/domains/assenbeweegt.nl/core/components/modxcontrolclient/model/modxcontrolclient/modxcontrolclient.class.php on line 580
+2447909,"""https://github.com/pmneo/ts-importer/issues/46""",spacebetweenbraces custom setting is ignored,spacebetweenbraces is only taken into account when updating existing import but is not when a new import is added.
+4590886,"""https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/9440""",problem with spring security and ldap library," hello i'm trying to set spring security via ldap but still have the same issue when i started my spring boot app :+1: caused by: org.springframework.beans.beaninstantiationexception: failed to instantiate javax.servlet.filter : factory method 'springsecurityfilterchain' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org/apache/directory/server/core/partition/partition i used the spring ldap guide but it no longer works. best regards"
+1871684,"""https://github.com/Runje/Kingsfamily/issues/4""",let multiple user use app on same device,introduce password and login system for several users on same device.
+2580449,"""https://github.com/tquser/tqProjects/issues/25""",update external dependencies project and original to cloud svn,i will share the svn details over hangout
+3582344,"""https://github.com/awjdthornton/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/issues/4""",i like how you chose use divs to structure your code,seen here: https://github.com/awjdthornton/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/blob/master/dasmotosartsandcrafts/index.html l11-l16 this organizes your code and makes it easier to read. i really appreciate it!
+2466267,"""https://github.com/adfinis-sygroup/ansible-guide/issues/9""",refrences to ansible-role.src and internal git,there are still references to our internal gitlab visible in the guide.
+1710480,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/69430""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4705327,"""https://github.com/santosfamilyfoundation/SantosGUI/issues/106""",why does scikit learn get installed with install_conda_deps?,we don't use it anywhere... i found one instance here: https://github.com/santosfamilyfoundation/santosgui/blob/master/application/packaging/app.spec l15
+4122761,"""https://github.com/PurdueMarketingAndMedia/purdueTemplates-2015/issues/4""",goldbar js and google custom search engine dependency,"hi, in https://github.com/purduemarketingandmedia/purduetemplates-2015/blob/master/components/html/modules/header/_goldbar.html, the search bar uses google custom search engine. out of curiosity, why is this used rather than a plain html form? in one website that uses the template, i replaced the html in the search bar list item to be: and it seems to achieve the same result with custom styles for .goldbar-search-form and .goldbar-search-input . i'm sure i'm probably missing something, but why is the dependency on js and google custom search engine needed? thanks!"
+3777262,"""https://github.com/hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager/issues/797""",keyboard hiding issue,i want to hide keyboard when user click on textfiled and move to next screen.but code not work in textfieldshouldbeginediting how to handle this?
+4390034,"""https://github.com/caseydailey/sudoku/issues/2""",user can select a game type,given the user is logged in when the user is on the welcome screen then they can choose which type of sudoku: classic mini or mega
+3724045,"""https://github.com/MarkPieszak/angular-application-insights/issues/7""","compilation error in ng2 app: calling function 'applicationinsightsmodule', function calls are not supported","hi, i am facing a compilation issue today. he exact same code was compiling fine last week. here is the offending line in my app.module.ts as per the ts compiler: import { applicationinsightsmodule } from '@markpieszak/ng-application-insights'; ... imports: ... applicationinsightsmodule.forroot { appid: , appname: } , here is the compiler error: error in error encountered resolving symbol values statically. calling function 'applicationinsightsmodule', function calls are not supported. consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to an exported function is there a new way to initialize the appinsights module? i am running off 1.0.0-rc.0 version. rgds"
+5260120,"""https://github.com/alexanderk23/gluqlo/issues/7""",feature request: over/under mode for portrait display orentation.,"program seems to always assume landscape display orientation, and will truncate image on landscape oriented displays. this can be corrected by adding the -s scale flag with some fiddling around as this feature isn't specifically clear for others reading this, any decimal value greater than one is larger, any value less than one and greater than zero is smaller. default_width and default_height variables in gluqlo.c only effect windowed size when executed directly and not as a xscreensaver hack, as a hack it seems to ignore these variables . the -s flag can also be used to tweak how full the display is on the screen. the -w , -h and -r flags seem to have no effect if supplied in advanced hack mode that i can tell, i assume they simply alter the default_ values mentioned above. also -h , a fairly standard usage flag, segmentation fault s, maybe -h , -? and --help should all output usage data to avoid the appearance that something is broken. anyway... a command line flag like -p for portrait or -o defaulting to the as is current landscape mode , where portrait stacks the rounded boxes vertically one on top of the other as opposed to the landscape horizontally oriented, would be a nice feature, and either way be more aware of the limits of the display area without having to fiddle with the scale. this program, even as is, is excellent for small tft displays on sbcs like the raspberry pi, and provides a really easy option for a continuous useful display, and acting as a screensaver running over a chromium kiosk gui driving some scripts, makes for a really simple to create black box controller with a stealth function hidden beneath the clock display. a rpi zero with a 2.4 display is actually about small enough to stick in a wall switch box."
+2492959,"""https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/issues/2134""",repair/ignore indexerstatus if it becomes corrupt,"currently if the json in indexerstatus.lastrsssyncreleaseinfo becomes corrupt rss ceases to function properly https://pastebin.com/grkkht78 - with mono 4.6.1 . we could either have the parser handle that automatically and fall back to null or clear it during the housekeeping runs. a similar issue came up recently on the forums/irc with a series.ratings being corrupt. never becoming corrupt in the first place would be better than having to fix it up afterwards, but at least things would keep working."
+3685131,"""https://github.com/JPL-IMCE/gov.nasa.jpl.omf.scala.binding.owlapi/issues/26""",use the updated graph-core library instead of the unpublished graph-misc,replace the dependency on the graph-misc api see https://github.com/scala-graph/scala-graph/issues/74 issuecomment-314099826 with equivalent functionality with the updated graph-core see http://www.scala-graph.org/download/ 1.12.0
+1541940,"""https://github.com/elieserdejesus/JamTaba/issues/756""",standalone looper button not being disabled when not connected a room,it's happening only in the standalone version last beta5 . looper button is active all the time.
+2003017,"""https://github.com/mainland/kyllini/issues/1""",examples/wifi points to private version of kyllini-wifi,"the submodule examples/wifi refers to git@lambda.cs.drexel.edu:ziria/wifi.git , which appears to be accessible only to those with an account. i'm guessing it's a newer version of kyllini-wifi /mainland/kyllini-wifi , as the validate script stops complaining if it is checked out there."
+1600571,"""https://github.com/w3c/pointerlock/issues/25""",wd for pl2.0,it would be good to get an updated working draft wd published. any blockers for this?
+789984,"""https://github.com/aragonopendata/local-data-aragopedia/issues/392""",cambios en los datos del iaest 20170802,"se han añadido las columnas 'municipio código', al cubo 03-90205-0205_006tm, por favor actualice la configuración https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hjpj2erlljs-8zxoltzm7fesfcbcn6wqp9xmuiuoqym/edit?usp=drivesdk en el cubo 03-030032a, se han detectado nuevos registros y se va a regenerar el cubo de datos. el cubo de datos 01-010036a ya no se encuentra en la base de datos. el cubo de datos 01-010036tc ya no se encuentra en la base de datos. el cubo de datos 01-010036tm ya no se encuentra en la base de datos. el cubo de datos 01-010036tp ya no se encuentra en la base de datos."
+3494342,"""https://github.com/jmbredal/NAV/issues/1393""",phantom links being discovered in topology,"i have a network with 2x cores and a 4x rings of switches connected to these 2x cores with 5x switches per ring. it appears that the topology mapper is detecting links across the rings that do not exist. i have verified this with the cam tables on the switches and cdp/lldp and physically. the links in question are predominantly lacp port channels that are being connected to the wrong neighbours and where interfaces that nav has detected as members of a port channel, but still showing as separate interfaces.
+some interfaces are being detected as links between switches although the cam table shows that these are edge ports with a single host attached. please can this be looked into, im happy to supply any information from my environment to help resolve. kind regards tom"
+2165,"""https://github.com/LtKst/idp-expanding-space/issues/12""",tips en tops,tops: zeer netjes alles zit waar het hoort te zitten het is overzichtelijk tips: word overal waar ik heb gekeken niet overgeërfd er is 1 script niet in een mapje.
+2020263,"""https://github.com/floiges/Reading/issues/1""",threading programming guide - 线程管理 - ios - 掘金,"threading programming guide - & 32447;& 31243;& 31649;& 29702; - ios - & 25496;& 37329;
+threading programming guide & 30340;& 23398;& 20064;& 31508;& 35760;&& 32763;& 35793;& 65292;& 31532;& 19968;& 37096;& 20998;& 12290; & 20854;& 23454;& 33529;& 26524;& 24314;& 35758;& 20351;& 29992;& 23545;& 32447;& 31243;& 30340;& 39640;& 32423;& 23553;& 35013;& 65292;& 27604;& 22914; operation objects and grand central dispatch& 65292;& 23427;& 20204;& 20351;& 29992;& 26041;& 20415;& 26356;& 21152;& 39640;& 25928;& 65292;& 21487;& 20197;& 21442;& 32771; concurrency programming guide & 12290;…
+october 9, 2017 at 06:52pm
+via instapaper http://ift.tt/2xsmczt"
+3329847,"""https://github.com/carlosmccosta/dynamic_robot_localization/issues/1""",issues installing on kinetic,"running on ubuntu 15.10 linux version: 4.2.0-42-generic 1 i have cloned the repo in ~/ 2 ran bash install.sh there are a couple warnings about deprecated functions, than the error shown bellow: ! screen shot 2017-03-16 at 5 09 17 pm https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7535010/24018716/73f01f3c-0a6b-11e7-96f8-065e46cf0e26.png can you please help me with the install? thank you"
+464628,"""https://github.com/puniverse/quasar/issues/282""",parts of fiber stack frames are leaked under certain circumstances,"if a function has two subsequent variable scopes with variables of different types then asm cannot infer whether the stack slots refer to references or not, thereby causing quasar instrumentation to omit incrementing either of idxobj or idxprim in the instrumentmethod.frameinfo constructor. this causes the slots number in the frame record to be smaller than it should be, causing stack.popmethod to leak references if there are more objects in the function than primitives . to reproduce: kotlin import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.fiber import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.stack import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.suspendable import java.util.concurrent.timeunit class myfiber : fiber { @suspendable override fun run { leaky val stackfield = fiber::class.java.getdeclaredfield stack stackfield.isaccessible = true val objectsfield = stack::class.java.getdeclaredfield dataobject objectsfield.isaccessible = true val stack = objectsfield.get stackfield.get this as array println stack.tolist .take 10 // prints nulls as well as leaked } @suspendable fun leaky { val a = object {} // this is so that we have more objects than primitives do { val leaked = leaked fiber.park 1, timeunit.nanoseconds } while false do { val primitive = 2 fiber.park 1, timeunit.nanoseconds } while false } } fun main args: array { myfiber .start }"
+170896,"""https://github.com/MathewSachin/Captura/issues/151""",suggestion adding text overlays,"sometimes i want to add to captured video some title or info about recording it would be great if i could set some text overlays in config and then use them in video best with options like for keystrokes - font border background great if i could create few text overlays and just enable disable them even greater if i could use some defined variables like %date%, %time%, %dayname% as always this is just a suggestion:"
+3357372,"""https://github.com/carrierwaveuploader/carrierwave/issues/2128""",set filename directly in model,why the follow code didn't return the file? class user < activerecord::base mount_uploader :avatar end user.new avatar: default.png .attributes avatar => nil
+643223,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/28798""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+4721005,"""https://github.com/Backdash/MonikaModDev/issues/296""","chess board organization, pieces in wrong place playing as black","as reported on 4chan http://boards.4chan.org/vg/thread/197588380/ddlc-doki-doki-literature-club-184 p197600407 > 1. the board is oriented wrong. light square goes in the bottom right. > 2. when you play as black, your king and queen are the wrong way around. essentially, you always play with the white configuration of pieces. > 3. you can't promote pawns. i found someone else had the same issue on github but it was closed for some reason."
+4465032,"""https://github.com/Eurohelp/Replicate-LinkedOpenData-Datasets/issues/1""",check if 'precios' column is empty,"at the moment i have this code in ' transform.clj ' but it does not seem to work properly: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22637294/25470742/fb3c6bde-2b23-11e7-9f1e-db12be5eaae4.png it checks if the var 'string' has a dash. when it contains a dash it means there is no data, that's why we have to make this check before parsing the string to avoid errors. however, it's still not working although i'm receiving this output: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22637294/25471105/d27af9d4-2b25-11e7-8da2-3ce0af20023a.png followed by this error: ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22637294/25470948/ed772f2e-2b24-11e7-8cb5-d5b75ba0b82f.png"
+2314323,"""https://github.com/clementine-player/Clementine/issues/5698""",smart playlist of subsonic empty,"hi i'm using clementine connected to a subsonic. it works well except the smart playlist, they are all empty. they seems to do not get playlists from subsonic server. system information - operating system: debian 9 - clementine version: 1.3.1+git276-g3485bbe43+dfsg-1 thanks"
+4159581,"""https://github.com/drjerryhankins/drjerryhankins/issues/4785""",sunrise for august 17 2017 at 07:08am! - dr. jerry hankins,"the day's high is 91f with a low of 75f. current conditions are partly cloudy.
+via http://ift.tt/2fhldga dr. jerry hankins"
+5201506,"""https://github.com/X2CommunityCore/X2CommunityHighlander/issues/220""",un-private ->privatewrite variables in xcompathingpawn,"allow mods to get more information about the currently previewed movement path. i'm especially interested in the following for use in gotcha again: var private bool waypointmodifymode; // toggle set by ui to show waypoint add/remove markers. doesn't change behavior, just looks var private array hazardmarkers; // all tiles with a hazard on them var private array noisemarkers; // all tiles with a noise marker on them var private array concealmentmarkers; // all tiles with a concealment marker on them"
+3241252,"""https://github.com/ssbc/patchbay/issues/171""",channels appear empty,channels that are full of messages in patchwork appear to be empty in patchbay. mac os x 10.10.5 yosemite . the /public tab does have messages in it.
+166739,"""https://github.com/openvstorage/framework/issues/1892""",integrate dtl space reservation,this is the integration work for https://github.com/openvstorage/volumedriver/issues/251
+1321277,"""https://github.com/18F/nsf-sbir/issues/651""",adding goodbye script to external links,we have to add this script bolded below to all external links. i think they are only on the showcase page youtube and the events page. are links to non-government websites going to be using the nsf goodbye script? i didn’t see them on the showcase page - https://www.nsf.gov/cgi-bin/good-bye? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpnkuwdkvck
+3405871,"""https://github.com/klein0r/fhem-style-haus-automatisierung/issues/11""",svg chart bezeichnung nicht lesbar,"hallo matthias, die svgs sind in der v2.2 immer noch unlogisch. warum machst du die schriftart nicht in orange wieder die anderen devices? das die fläche rot ist und die line dann blau macht auch keinen sinn. grüße gröpi ! bildschirmfoto 2017-08-18 um 06 26 32 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18686150/29444385-80992b78-83df-11e7-8e17-628d104ac584.png"
+978400,"""https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/issues/2075""",eureka server not evicting on leaseexpirationdurationinseconds,this is more of a question than a issue eureka server not evicting the instance on given leaseexpirationdurationinseconds. ex: if i have leaseexpirationdurationinseconds as 10 seconds its evicting around the 20th second if i have leaseexpirationdurationinseconds as 30 seconds its evicting around the 60th second. i pasted my server and instance details.. is there something i missed? eureka: server: waittimeinmswhensyncempty : 0 enableselfpreservation : false evictionintervaltimerinms : 5000 responsecacheupdateintervalms : 10000 client: registerwitheureka: false fetchregistry: false eurekaserviceurlpollintervalseconds: 10 service;; eureka: client: enabled: true registryfetchintervalseconds: 10 serviceurl: defaultzone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ instance: leaserenewalintervalinseconds: 5 leaseexpirationdurationinseconds: 30
+4064453,"""https://github.com/phetsims/fractions-intro/issues/82""",icon for bucket label and representation panel,"before we make the icon representation for the bucket label we would like you opinion on this matter. we have a couple of different way to go about this. one is to call each of the respective containernode such as rectangularcontainernode. this is what we did last time and we will pass a model container with one filled cell as well as the appropriate size. another way to go about the is to create a method inside each of the containnode that we just make the icon. this way we do not have to worry about disabling touch listener. however it will be easy to disable this by passing in a callback function that does nothing to celldowncallback. the third option is to create a separate module that is responsible to create all the icon using solely the denominator property and the representation property where each icon can be built independently from the container node. this way will do not have to worry about the size, listener, and the thickness of the line. this will be relatively easy to draw out the icon this way but it will be a little duplicate code but we do not have to touch all of the container node. assigning to @jonathanolson."
+910185,"""https://github.com/youtube/vitess/issues/3175""",reference to building vitess with mysql on centos 7,it may be worth adding some notes about building vitess on different platforms. information for centos 7 at least relating to oracle's mysql is that you need to: install the following mysql community rpms enterprise rpms should work fine too mysql-community-libs-5.7.19-1.el7.x86_64 mysql-community-common-5.7.19-1.el7.x86_64 mysql-community-client-5.7.19-1.el7.x86_64 client code mysql-community-server-5.7.19-1.el7.x86_64 server code mysql-community-libs-compat-5.7.19-1.el7.x86_64 needed for os compatibility mysql-community-devel-5.7.19-1.el7.x86_64 needed for building if using these rpms you need to set: mysql_flavor=mysql56 even though we're running mysql 5.7 set vt_mysql_root= that is no explicit value. you can use vt_mysql_root=/ but that yields some double slashes in a few places which looks ugly. note: that startup scripts will complain that mysqld_safe does not exist. that's fine and expected due to systemd usage if using mysql normally . the initialise scripts will also use mysqld --initialize . these comments may help others who are looking to build on centos 7.
+4590766,"""https://github.com/TheBenderman/Senior-Design-ALS-Social-Media/issues/40""",pop a selection manager window from the code.,it would be helpful to pop a selection manager window through the code in order to navigate back to the previous menu in the case of an exception.
+5124446,"""https://github.com/mina-deploy/mina/issues/571""",mina setup doesn't symlink the current folder,"after mina deploy , the current folder is effectively a folder, and not a symlink: www-data@zugangfueralle01:~/reto.access4all.ch/rails $ ls -lsah total 28k 4.0k drwxr-xr-x 7 www-data www-data 4.0k sep 29 13:14 . 4.0k drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4.0k sep 29 12:14 .. 4.0k drwxr-xr-x 4 www-data www-data 4.0k sep 29 13:14 current 4.0k drwxrwxr-x 3 www-data www-data 4.0k sep 29 13:14 releases 4.0k drwxrwxr-x 7 www-data www-data 4.0k sep 29 13:11 scm 4.0k drwxrwxr-x 7 www-data www-data 4.0k sep 29 13:01 shared 4.0k drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4.0k sep 29 13:14 tmp but it should look like this: current -> /home/www-data/audit.access4all.ch/rails/releases/1 i always have to fix this manually like so: ln -s releases/1/ current . luckily, when doing another mina deploy , it correctly updates the symlink."
+3570120,"""https://github.com/ksAutotests/CreateInvalidAndUpdateValidTest/issues/84""",tutorial page tutorial_firefox.md issue. test blue,tutorial issue found: https://github.com/ksautotests/createinvalidandupdatevalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/firefox/tutorial_firefox.md https://github.com/ksautotests/createinvalidandupdatevalidtest/blob/master/tutorials/firefox/tutorial_firefox.md contains no tags. your tutorial in sapcom was not updated. affected server: test blue
+3385106,"""https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2731""",blog post not visible on the blog,my blog post https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/site/blog/_posts/2017-03-21-design-of-skylark.md doesn't appear no the website https://bazel.build/blog/ . anyone knows why? @davidzchen
+3340240,"""https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/4859""",get rid of commonware package,"we're using commonware https://github.com/jsocol/commonware for 2 things: - middlewares, specifically setremoteaddrfromforwardedfor and scrubrequestonexception - logging formatter/handler the problem is that the package was designed to, as the name implies, share stuff that's pretty common, at the expense of flexibility. it's hard to customize to get the behavior that we want, there is little to no documentation and it hasn't been updated in a couple years. we can easily copy back what we need in our repos and tweak it to adapt to our needs."
+2480838,"""https://github.com/kjolley/BIGSdb/issues/395""",excel export uses general field type for isolate,"if someone calls their isolate 15.323230, the trailing 0 will get stripped off by excel."
+2664872,"""https://github.com/githubschool/open-enrollment-classes-introduction-to-github/issues/11027""",add me too!,hello! :wave: please add me as a collaborator to this repo.
+4121946,"""https://github.com/sul-dlss/SearchWorks/issues/1426""",ebsco::eds::badrequest: max record retrieval exceeded,"we're still seeing problems with paging. if you go beyond the 250th hit, you'll get this exception. see https://app.honeybadger.io/projects/50022/faults/33993789 for details."
+481476,"""https://github.com/theia-ide/theia/issues/636""",extensionserver in node-extension-server.spec.ts is not mocked properly,"this should be mocked otherwise it depends on the state of npm packages. this current causes erros like: lerna err! execute 1 node-extension-server outdated: lerna err! execute lerna err! execute assertionerror err_assertion : lerna err! execute { lerna err! execute name : @theia/extension-manager , lerna err! execute version : 0.1.1 , lerna err! execute description : theia - extension manager , lerna err! execute author : lerna err! execute }, lerna err! execute { lerna err! execute name : @theia/core , lerna err! execute version : 0.1.1 , lerna err! execute description : theia is a cloud & desktop ide framework implemented in typescript. , lerna err! execute author : lerna err! execute } lerna err! execute lerna err! execute + expected - actual lerna err! execute lerna err! execute -2 lerna err! execute +1"
+1684989,"""https://github.com/kania21/bungkusin/issues/2""",halaman history pemesanan,jarak antar gambar dan tulisan terlalu dekat
+1459348,"""https://github.com/jeremyramin/terminal-plus/issues/458""",uncaught typeerror: path must be a string. received ~,enter steps to reproduce: 1. ... 2. ... atom : 1.15.0 x64 electron : 1.3.13 os : mac os x 10.12.3 thrown from : terminal-plus https://github.com/jeremyramin/terminal-plus package 0.14.5 stack trace uncaught typeerror: path must be a string. received undefined at path.js:7 typeerror: path must be a string. received undefined at assertpath path.js:7:11 at object.resolve path.js:1148:7 at terminalplusview.module.exports.terminalplusview.forkptyprocess /packages/terminal-plus/lib/view.coffee:109:25 at terminalplusview.module.exports.terminalplusview.displayterminal /packages/terminal-plus/lib/view.coffee:118:20 at /packages/terminal-plus/lib/view.coffee:222:10 at /packages/terminal-plus/lib/view.coffee:480:7 at htmldivelement.fn /packages/terminal-plus/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:4855:19 at htmldivelement.dispatch /packages/terminal-plus/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:4435:9 at htmldivelement.elemdata.handle /packages/terminal-plus/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:4121:28 commands non-core packages atom-bootstrap3 1.2.12 autoclose-html 0.23.0 busy-signal 1.3.0 django-templates 0.5.0 git-plus 7.3.3 intentions 1.1.2 linter 2.1.2 linter-sass-lint 1.7.4 linter-tidy 2.3.1 linter-ui-default 1.2.1 term3 0.22.1 terminal-plus 0.14.5
+1089710,"""https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp/issues/13755""",video needs update,"just a little inconsistent, sorry it confused me i felt like i was cheating. if i had a book that told me how to do something id flick back through that book if i was stuck same principal? video not matching page rule 2 i was trying to do while not looking back at the examples, i believe you need to look back at the example projects i can see it has been removed from the page but its a little confusing for some. challenge name https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/build-a-tribute-page"
+332871,"""https://github.com/status-im/status-react/issues/2654""",maintenance of end-to-end tests for status app,"user story as an automation engineer, i want to keep tests up to date with current product behavior description type : bug summary : - test_send_funds_via_request is failing because requested sum is not found. the sum is too small so it has been rounded in app. - transaction tests and wallet tests are running in parallel and using same users, additional user should be added in order to avoid mixing of transactions - test_send_funds_via_request should be extended, scenario for making request in group chat should be added for now test requesting only in one-to-one chat solution issues described in summery should be fixed"
+2837175,"""https://github.com/eribertomota/axel/issues/92""",use as many connections as urls,"if more than one url is provided by the user, axel should use at least as many connections as the number of urls. if not, some urls would go unused. maybe we should rather set num-connections as num-connections x num of urls ?"
+4922784,"""https://github.com/fchollet/keras/issues/5399""",set negative bias in keras?,"i'm implementing convolutional highway networks in keras. the paper uses -1 or other negative values to initialise transform gate bias. in keras's highway networks implementation, the transform gate bias is set to 1. the add_weights function calls functions in the initialization module and no other ways around it. is it possible to initialise bias with customised function?"
+1996581,"""https://github.com/engagementgamelab/boston-civic-media/issues/22""",getinvolved: links to archived newsletters are broken.,takes long time to load and then times out.
+1899437,"""https://github.com/raoulvdberge/refinedstorage/issues/1278""",crashed when network rebuilds stackoverflow,"issue description: i replaced a controller in a network without it and it crashed. what happens: it crashed. stack overflow error. detailed crash report is available below. what you expected to happen: the network could run normally. steps to reproduce: 1.build a simple network. 2.build another network in a different dimension with controller . 3.create a link between these two networks both of the networks should have network receiver and transmitter . 4.one of the controller disappears and then break the remaining controller. 5.place the controller to the place where the previous controller was. 6.then it crashed qaq version make sure you are on the latest version before reporting : - minecraft: 1.10.2 - forge: - refined storage: 1.2.25 does this issue occur on a server? yes. though the game is single player, the crash occurred on the server side. if a crash log is relevant for this issue, link it here: https://gist.github.com/yesterday17/501eb8e086c61469c5934dd73b6d4f89"
+4113,"""https://github.com/kornicameister/korni/issues/17""",add stats page,the new page will include several different stats about me: - wakatime stats - whatpulse stats - github stats - gitlab stats - review.openstack.stats
+2396703,"""https://github.com/denverpost/reverb/issues/6""",stronger language for email on news tip,"due to high volume of news tips that seem to want a reply but do not include an email address, we should make the note about adding it stronger. if that doesn't work, we will investigate making the address required, as anonymous tips are less likely to be necessary for the know. make the note about including your email address stronger, like for us to reply, you must include your email: or somesuch."
+3920914,"""https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_pathman/issues/100""",error:unrecognized node type: 211,"sql text: select a.website_deptno_code deptno, a.level_type, a.website_deptno_code, a.website_deptno_name, coalesce a.current_hr, 0 ||'人' current_hr, coalesce a.csm_plan_screenings, 0 csm_plan_screenings, coalesce a.csm_act_screenings, 0 csm_act_screenings, coalesce a.csm_act_recommend_hr, 0 csm_act_recommend_hr, coalesce a.csm_recmmd_hr_per_scr, 0 csm_recmmd_hr_per_scr, coalesce a.csm_act_per_hr, 0 ||'%' csm_act_per_hr, coalesce a.csm_act_recommend_hr, 0 csm_act_recommend_hr, coalesce a.new_num_month, 0 new_num_month, coalesce a.new_job_rate, 0 ||'%' new_job_rate from net_lsd_csm_trace_week a join select website_deptno_code, max calcu_date val from net_lsd_csm_trace_week group by website_deptno_code,to_char calcu_date,'yyyy-mm' having to_char calcu_date,'yyyy-mm' = '2017-06' b on a.website_deptno_code = b.website_deptno_code and b.val = a.calcu_date where to_char a.calcu_date,'yyyy-mm' = '2017-06' and a.website_deptno_code in select distinct di.deptno from net_dept_info di where di.net_code = '290094001' and di.channel_type = '01' or a.website_deptno_code = '290094001' order by a.level_type desc,a.csm_act_per_hr asc error massage error: xx000: unrecognized node type: 211 location: execinitnode, execprocnode.c:338 partition table net_lsd_csm_trace_week , partiton key: calcu_date, interval 1 month pathman version 1.3.1"
+4964558,"""https://github.com/IBM-WatsonDelivery-Korea/amorepacific-conversation/issues/3""",develop deployment architecture," issue by pguruvan https://github.ibm.com/pguruvan _thursday sep 21, 2017 at 23:45 gmt_
+_originally opened as https://github.ibm.com/pguruvan/amorepacific-conversation/issues/3_ ---- confirm the deployment architecture for the conversation solution"
+3105169,"""https://github.com/tsgrp/HPI/issues/1303""",combinetopdf does not work in search on documentum and hadoop,when doing the combine to pdf action from search it thinks that all the documents do not have a pdf rendition. this only occurs on dctm and hadoop ! combinepdf from search https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22036850/22795948/27c2044a-eebe-11e6-8640-d168c9625881.gif
+1488149,"""https://github.com/mvysny/aedict/issues/741""",add support for lazy permissions introduced in android 6.0,"https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/permissions/requesting.html not so easy. the api for asking permissions on-demand is so horribly broken it's almost a rocket science to get that working properly. but maybe there is a way, i need to evaluate this, since this is a prerequisite for enabling proper multi-window mode."
+4692558,"""https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust/issues/1875""",quick documentaion should contain link to the on-line docs,"pycharm has a useful feature where it adds an view external documentaion link to the quick-doc popup ctrl+q : ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1711539/31652665-864f3a4e-b328-11e7-8ee4-bca7e4051252.png i think we should do the same for rust, using docs.rs and https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ . the entry point for the relevant feature is org.rust.ide.docs.rsdocumentationprovider ."
+4254390,"""https://github.com/jelhan/croodle/issues/129""",failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 not found : /api/index.php/polls,! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6955880/28153542-35073c54-67a6-11e7-975d-3da34a625a39.png using the current release - what is missing?
+1675470,"""https://github.com/maputnik/maputnik.github.io/issues/4""",maputnik.com has expired,"hi, the domain that's written in the project's description has expired."
+4063942,"""https://github.com/BluefireProductions/public-android-cloudshelf-reader-sdk/issues/6""",getitemforlocation returns null for some items,"getitemforlocation returns null for some locations in some books i.e.: { cfi = '/4/40/2,/1:0,/1:1'; idref = 'chap36' } the similiar api method is in ios libarary, but it returns the valid bclpageitem - { cfi: /4/30 idref: chap36 title: 221 }"
+2501617,"""https://github.com/ETrun/ETrun/issues/73""",saving while crouching & proning is enabled in vet,should be disabled to prevent bugging into brushes before start triggers
+1663030,"""https://github.com/yumi-modding/FS17_ContractorMod/issues/8""",game errors on start up,the game sometimes generates errors after loading when contractormod is added for the first time. possibly a conflict with courseplay but i'm not sure log error.txt https://github.com/yumi-modding/fs17_contractormod/files/1572862/log.error.txt
+2073743,"""https://github.com/FireFly-WoW/FireFly-IssueTracker/issues/406""",dungeon solakar flamewreath/father flame event in ubrs fails to start,"description: in upper blackrock spire ubrs , in the whelp room after the first boss, there is a lootable object, the father flame. when you loot this object, an event is meant to occur. several waves of adds spawn in succession, on a timer, and the final wave is the boss himself, solakar flamewreath. currently, when the father flame is looted, no event occurs and no mobs or boss spawns. current behaviour: the solakar flamewreath/father flame event does not initiate when you loot the father flame object in the whelp room the rookery . expected behaviour: shortly after looting the father flame, waves of adds should spawn in succession, on a timer, and the boss should follow as the final wave. according to wowwiki, there are 6 waves. first, there are 5 waves of 2 adds - combinations of rookery guardians and rookery hatchers these ones try to hatch eggs and add whelps to the battle . the 6th wave is the boss himself, alone. the timing between waves i'm not certain of, but from the limited video footage i was able to find and from my memories on private vanilla servers, there seems to be approximately 30-35 seconds between wave spawns. as for the spawn points, i'm not sure, although coming from the archways at the sides of the room between the ramp and the father flame rings a bell and makes the most sense to me. i believe this was the spawn point on elysium private vanilla server as well and it felt right. steps to reproduce the problem: 1. go to the rookery whelp room in ubrs. 2. loot the father flame object. 3. observe that no event begins. screenshots: n/a"
+4695788,"""https://github.com/spinnaker/halyard/issues/638""",deploying custom settings.js via halyard breaks file rights,"title deploying custom settings.js via halyard breaks file rights environment halyard 0.30.0-109 deploying spinnaker 1.1.1 via local deployment feature area halyard/deck description when deploying a custom settings.js via halyard, user and group of /opt/deck/html/settings.js are modified to spinnaker:spinnaker instead of www-data:www-data. this results in apache being unable to read the file since file rights are mode 600. steps to reproduce - create a copy of /opt/deck/html/settings.js and place it in ~/.hal/default/profiles/ - deploy via hal - compare file rights of /opt/deck/html/settings.js result with custom settings.js: -rw------- 1 spinnaker spinnaker 3495 aug 2 06:51 settings.js result without custom settings.js: -rw------- 1 www-data www-data 3466 aug 2 06:53 settings.js loading the spinnaker ui will fail. developer tools show a 403 when trying to load settings.js."
+4459221,"""https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/5391""",prow log link can give pod errors,@bentheelder wrote a podspec with a typo that caused his test pod to not start. clicking the job logs on the triggered job gives a useless failed to open log file /var/log/pods/31e03594-c410-11e7-ace2-42010a80011d/1dbe5dd8-c410-11e7-8c24-0a580a6c0118-0_0.log : open /var/log/pods/31e03594-c410-11e7-ace2-42010a80011d/1dbe5dd8-c410-11e7-8c24-0a580a6c0118-0_0.log: no such file or directory message. he had to kubectl describe pod to see the event. we can do better by showing the actual pod events in this case. /area prow
+395886,"""https://github.com/unicef/etools-partner-reporting-portal/issues/112""",concert indicator report and reportable totals to json,this would be to support ratio/percentage and likert indicator types. can refer to cumulative progress calc in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14lbalo2nlndxdk03shxy19tazjxbesyzglhmenw3ndi/edit gid=1382039906
+5228373,"""https://github.com/FieryBird1504/ToDaTS/issues/1""",некорректные атрибуты качества,"атрибуты качества не должны опираться на такие критерии, как приятный , удобный , интуитивно понятный и т.д. это относительные понятия и проверить их будет сложно."
+1381842,"""https://github.com/zig-lang/zig/issues/637""",std file size should be u64 instead of usize,"tldr: don't conflate virtual address space size and file size. currently, std.io.file.getendpos and std.io.file.seekto etc. use usize for the file size and file offset integer type. the underlying posix api uses a vaguely defined off_t type, which is only guaranteed to be signed. unless we want to bubble this vagueness through the zig std library, we're going to have potentially mismatched types for this api, which means the std library needs to do some conversion in both directions. using usize means that it's impossible to get the file size of files larger than 4gb on 32bit platforms. in fact, it is a language-level assertion failure to even attempt it, which seems like a bug. it's possible that files that large are indeed impossible on a particular system, but that assumption should not be in the zig std library api. proposal: make file sizes and offsets be u64 instead of usize . when converting in either direction, there's a potential for out of bounds values. this is at least in part due to off_t being signed, and we usually don't want to use signed values for this information. do an explicit bounds check, and return an error for out of bounds values. i propose u64 instead of some other size, because it's big enough for any reasonable file in the modern world. one reason for wanting a fixed size instead of a comptime dynamic size is that i want to be able to format the size as a string like this: format {x16} , offset . so if we wanted a dynamic size, we'd also want some way of making the formatting dynamic, like exposing string literals for the size in bytes of various things so you can format {x ++ std.os.size_of_file_size_str ++ } , offset only then to get parsed at comptime by format , ugh. ."
+378890,"""https://github.com/openMVG/openMVG/issues/844""",warning c4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t',i am compiling using win7+msvc2015 64bit. with this setup size_t is 64bit number but indext is uint32_t . this causes a lot of warning about possible loss of data when size_t is assigned into indext . the responsible warning is c4267 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6kck0s93.aspx are you aware of the issue? what is the best strategy to deal with it? i could find 4 places where the warning is turned of using a pragma directive. there is so many such messages emitted that it makes the compiler output almost useless. i see 3 possible ways to go: - one way to go could be disabling the warning from cmake for the whole project but it somehow does not feel right since the assignment really does drop data and it would be turned off for everything - not just the indext type where it might be ok. - so another way could be making the indext into a proper type and add some operator overloads with explicit type cast inside but that might be a lot of work and some other problems might be uncovered along the way. - making the indext be 64bit value would probably unnecessarily increase memory usage ? but it would be really simple and the result would be correct.
+259128,"""https://github.com/denizyuret/Knet.jl/issues/235""",feature request: broadcast for 3d array,"julia a=rand 2,2,2 |> knetarray b=rand 2,2 |> knetarray c=rand 2 |> knetarray a. b a. c many thanks"
+2187804,"""https://github.com/vaage/Chat-Service-Sandbox/issues/22""",moving all build files,"move all the build files make.sh and clean.sh into a build directory. the make script should also create the run scripts client, server, and tests and put them in the root of the output directory."
+2332695,"""https://github.com/jgm/cmark/issues/192""",escaped spaces in link destination,"the combination of the following two statements from section 6.5, links, in the commonmark spec: > the destination cannot contain spaces or line breaks, even if enclosed in pointy brackets: > note that a backslash before a non-escapable character is just a backslash: leads me to believe that the following: input: a te\ st output: a
behavior in this implementation of commonmark is incorrect. the javascript reference implementation sees this as a te\ st
instead, which seems to agree with the spec."
+406686,"""https://github.com/Shippable/support/issues/3844""",shippable is frequently causing my chrome tabs to crash,"description of your issue: i have had shippable tabs crash multiple times per day. it seems not to be connected to any particular actions: a tab containing an rsync log that was left alone for a while freezes and then has to be killed the spog view freezes and has to be killed the spog view freezes when trying to click on a button flags, settings, views and then has to be killed this is severely affecting my ability to do work setting up a new repository with ci in shippable. thank you!"
+2605224,"""https://github.com/f2etw/seek-meetup/issues/41""",新增活動:高雄前端社群 27 - javascript 初心者工作坊,yml title: '高雄前端社群 27 - javascript 初心者工作坊' start: '2017-03-26t09:30:00' end: '2017-03-26t17:30:00' location: '高雄市鹽埕區七賢三路123號3樓 / 高雄數位內容創意中心' url: 'http://gonsakon-7655f2.kktix.cc/events/a5791ac5-f60f9c-cc9dec-eb381d-6b57e9-3a5710-61e623-17b85b-3ac7a7-8f8c6c-3a422e-e7994a' info: | 本次 javascript 工作坊教材將會使用 javascript 30 , 一開始將會從 js 基礎開始介紹,後面便會帶入各章節進行講解, 只要你有 html、css 基礎便可很輕易理解本次工作坊授課內容, 儘管你在外縣市,我們也會提供直播讓大家在線上一同參與哩 :d ps:有任何前端與網頁設計問題,歡迎加入六角學院 @line 群組發問 六角學院 line id:@guv7422g org: name: '高雄前端社群' url: 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/358503154261390'
+1217299,"""https://github.com/node-red/node-red-dashboard/issues/222""",custom msg timestamp for chart,"is it possible to set a custom timestamp on a msg that will be shown on the chart x-axis? i've tried to set msg.timestamp but no success. this would be highly appreciated since i'm trying to show a glucose chart with measures that need to be organized by their actual date, note the date that the msg was received by the chart node."
+3722681,"""https://github.com/USEPA/EPA_Environmental_Dataset_Gateway/issues/37""",add to non-geo editor page the ability to query the edg for a record and load the result into the editor,"a user should be presented with a search box that would query the edg rest api and present the user with a list of results that they could then select for editing , which would load the dcat/json format into the page for editing."
+4372069,"""https://github.com/axa-ch/patterns-library/issues/85""",clean header sub navigation,"currently the sub navigation data format is a bit foggy. - submenuindexsettings shouldn't be needed, better inherit from parent. - boxes , column seems suboptimal."
+96463,"""https://github.com/uniplaces/carbon/issues/35""",example with carbon.freeze,example explaining how you can use carbon.freeze to test without injection
+4614756,"""https://github.com/avalonmediasystem/avalon/issues/2036""",documentation for migration and migration report,"description
+as an avalon upgrader, i want documentation about the migration and migration report. notes
+especially as nu and iu have finished migration of r6 into production, documentation should be compiled and made available to other adopters."
+3851526,"""https://github.com/Seanlinx/mtcnn/issues/30""",it might be epoch 1 in demo,"it might be epoch 1 here https://github.com/seanlinx/mtcnn/blob/master/demo.py l31 load rnet model args, auxs = load_param prefix 1 , epoch 0 , convert=true, ctx=ctx"
+854149,"""https://github.com/frappe/erpnext/issues/10731""",error when downloading a report in csv format,"customer reported issue via wn-sup27811 user has created a custom report using report builder. when exporting report in excel, download works just fine. when download in the csv, then receive error message as following. union home appliances - your trusted home partner - server error traceback most recent call last : file /home/frappe/benches/bench-2017-09-07/apps/frappe/frappe/app.py , line 57, in application response = frappe.handler.handle file /home/frappe/benches/bench-2017-09-07/apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py , line 22, in handle data = execute_cmd cmd file /home/frappe/benches/bench-2017-09-07/apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py , line 53, in execute_cmd return frappe.call method, frappe.form_dict file /home/frappe/benches/bench-2017-09-07/apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py , line 923, in call return fn args, newargs file /home/frappe/benches/bench-2017-09-07/apps/frappe/frappe/desk/reportview.py , line 156, in export_query handle_html frappe.as_unicode v or v, r unicodeencodeerror: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u20b1' in position 40: ordinal not in range 128"
+3722030,"""https://github.com/jamesqo/Repository/issues/25""",fragmentedbytebuffer.debuggerproxy will need to handle 0-length buffers if the class is used elsewhere,"is it even possible to allocate a buffer with capacity 0, though? check first."
+4629227,"""https://github.com/bytefish/facerec/issues/56""",valueerror: all the input array dimensions except,"i tried to train binary classification for some images but it gave me following error. any suggestion how to resolve it. thanks file f:/01_pythonprojects/facerec/faceclassification.py , line 117, in model.compute x, y file f:\01_pythonprojects\facerec\model.py , line 22, in compute features = self.feature.compute x,y file f:\01_pythonprojects\facerec\feature.py , line 182, in compute xc = ascolumnmatrix x file f:\01_pythonprojects\facerec\util.py , line 54, in ascolumnmatrix mat = np.append mat, col.reshape -1,1 , axis=1 same as hstack file f:\program_files\anaconda\lib\site-packages umpy\lib\function_base.py , line 4575, in append return concatenate arr, values , axis=axis valueerror: all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly"
+1749064,"""https://github.com/Linkurious/documentation/issues/20""",admin manual update for v1.8.0,- dse auth - new process manager - styles -> defaultstyles config - self-signed ca - mssql
+4520942,"""https://github.com/Minecolonies/minecolonies/issues/1196""",1.11.2 - d-man ignores repaired chests?,"minecolonies version minecolonies-universal-1.11.2-0.8.2488 expected behavior if i have to repair the warehouse for some reason including missing/destroyed chests i expect the d-man to sooner or later start using the new chests. actual behaviour - looks like the d-man ignores the new chests at least so far . he keeps on adding stuff, even new types of stuff, to the old chests. steps to reproduce the problem 1. build warehouse 2. remove some of the chests 3. repair the house builder 4. wait and let the d-man do his/her work for some time 5. check for items added to the repaired chests. 4. profit"
+434250,"""https://github.com/informatics-isi-edu/chaise/issues/999""",can't increase page size after paging back to the first page,"this is honestly a little tricky and probably not the highest priority bug if its hard. although it might also reveal something wrong with how we are handling the interaction between pagination and page size. steps: 1. if you go to a recordset app and click 'next' array 2. then click 'previous' arrow 3. now try to increase the page size it won't increase because the page is bounded by the @before ... condition. what its doing might be technically correct, but i think i would consider this a ux bug. this is probably not a high priority imo relative to other issues."
+2181659,"""https://github.com/thomasloesch/diceDiscordBot/issues/3""",why is it ! and not /,i dont want to use my underdeveloped pinky to press shift and make a !roll ok. /roll 1d20 makes random number between 1-20
+4185282,"""https://github.com/dn-m/ArithmeticTools/issues/69""",rename argument label for closestpoweroftwo withcoefficient:to:,rename closestpoweroftwo withcoefficient:to: -> closestpoweroftwo coefficient:to:
+371618,"""https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/3561""",a bug of opening two window while doing development,"i find a bug that when i open two instance dialog window to write code for two projects, project-a-code in dialog-1 and project-b-code in dialog-2, bug after some hours i found project-a-code in dialog-2 and project-b-code in dialog-1, all opend files moved, and after some hours again, it switch again. so i think it must be a bug"
+4470556,"""https://github.com/ilsawa/p2pool-ltc/issues/7""",p2pool not accepting +diff command,"p2pool will not accept wallet+diff from miners. trying with my own miners and with attempting to rent hash from nicehash, which requires a minimum difficulty. tried https://github.com/p2pool/p2pool/issues/241 with no luck. i know with p2pool btc wallet+diff works, but ltc side still has issues."
+2965247,"""https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/issues/287""",cabal2nix started to ignore package version,"on nixpkgs 53931c0443f1a4402f4b690459b9a5d4919fb431 run cabal update then nix-shell:/tmp/tmphome/cabal-db-master $ cabal2nix cabal://sqlite-simple- downloading ‘http://hackage.haskell.org/package/sqlite-simple-’... 0/0 kib, 0.0 kib/s { mkderivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, blaze-builder , blaze-textual, bytestring, containers, direct-sqlite, hunit, only , stdenv, text, time, transformers }: mkderivation { pname = sqlite-simple ; version = ; sha256 = 0zx4fdv6larfyj6m1d4livb5cqdx10yi06yd6px2n0wnxcmvdyj9 ; libraryhaskelldepends = attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring containers direct-sqlite only text time transformers ; testhaskelldepends = base base16-bytestring bytestring direct-sqlite hunit text time ; homepage = http://github.com/nurpax/sqlite-simple ; description = mid-level sqlite client library ; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; } this is a regression: we are pinning a hackage db in our project and was picked previously while modern cabal2nix picks latest from the very same db."
+2306909,"""https://github.com/cavaliercoder/libzbxpgsql/issues/91""",configure fails with postgres-xl,"./configure fails with postgres-xl pg_config --version returns: postgresql 9.5.5 postgres-xl 9.5r1.4 so postgresql_version= $pg_config --version | sed -e 's postgresql ' postgresql_version=9.5.5 postgres-xl 9.5r1.4 as result the verification of postgresql_version fails. i have fixed it inside configure script, by adding | awk '{print $1}' to the postgresql_version. so final line looks like: postgresql_version= $pg_config --version | sed -e 's postgresql ' | awk '{print $1}'"
+5268823,"""https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/10118""",np.pad fills empty arrays with floats even if constant value is int,"hello, i noticed that np.pad takes on relatively unexpected behavior for empty array inputs. the result of np.pad , 0, 2 , 'constant', constant_values=1 is array 1., 1. of dtype float64, although the constant value given is an int. this happens because the default dtype of np.array is float64. however, i think it may be more user-friendly to have np.pad return the same dtype as given in constant_values in this case this caused a bug for me downstream, which i fixed by just adding an .astype np.int64 after my call to np.pad . i'm using numpy version 1.13.3 with python 2.7.14 on ubuntu 14.04. feel free to ignore/close if this was a deliberate design decision. thanks!"
+3351629,"""https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/scratchpads2/issues/1307""",error when annotating an image,"- original id: 1497 - added by lukas.scharer lukas.scharer on fri sep 24 2010 18:12:57 gmt+0100 bst - scratchpads url: http://macrostomorpha.info/ description:
+i seem to have some images that i cannot annotate on my scratchpad http://macrostomorpha.info . when i e.g. try to annotate the notes field in the image methods_extraction_baker_torch_gs.jpg i get the error message 'publication: this post can't be referenced.' if i do the same with the image gregore.jpg it works."
+1886997,"""https://github.com/timdohm/de-crast/issues/7""",wrong due date when viewing friends' task,"summary: when viewing friends' task, i found due dates of all friends' tasks are wrong. description: all due dates for friend's tasks are jan 18, 1970. when viewing friend's task list, all due dates are incorrect, but specific timing of the day are correct. however, when clicking into one of those tasks, all the due dates are exactly jan 18, 1970 6:52:08 am . furthermore, all tasks can be sorted correctly when selecting sort by due date i believe that all due dates are stored correctly but are not displayed correctly . severity: blocker operating system: firefox web browser"
+3066426,"""https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/5013""",type casting array to recursive type is broken,"js / @flow / type recursive = | number | array const a = 1, 2 ; // works const b: array = a; // works const c: recursive = a; // breaks due to sub typing issue const d: recursive = b; example https://flow.org/try/ 0pqkgbaagzgng9gdzcyaovaxangbwkzgbkeaxgk4boazgjybubavkmgad5gb2zatgez4kldmaccfcgemsahmllq9pad5hqene5umyswezga2geyangabmaxqdc6ymdab1obqdwvdzu1g+aljejarlufkflfv07vadnvw8vlr0saplkwgziywjygcekpekpmaatmgimodaqmj4wbbwatgbzmboqgrwy4a0k0ttsdkvivmjen0klsjntaxzhf3dpcz08ayumpl0ladoqvwwacgbkebb8wukyiqr9ih0gptamaascapqyhukqqklzuicciqbwrmbqdzdtigsz7a6hq6sux8y76cj6ac0vlo9kcahloaqye13ngcbqqmrac16rgccqfhhpa4etnlfyaodbiyrmdiyogmduea"
+2371037,"""https://github.com/oblador/react-native-progress/issues/82""",multiple color in single progress bar,is there any way to show multiple colors in a single progress bar just like in this link https://previews.123rf.com/images/donskarpo/donskarpo1403/donskarpo140300019/27153719-internet-speed-meter-indicate-maximum-isolated-on-white-background-stock-photo.jpg url
+4593292,"""https://github.com/foxhound87/mobx-react-form/issues/318""",using form field names that contain a period.,"i'd like to use something like the following name as i'm using a keystonejs api and that's common for model properties. {form.$ 'description.brief' .error}
but, i keep getting the following error when doing so. any quick ideas for a fix? utils.js:201 uncaught in promise error: the selected field is not defined description.brief at object.throwerror utils.js:201 at purchaseformsettings.select utils.js:69 at purchaseformsettings.$ helpers.js:15 at purchaseform.render purchaseform.jsx:331 at object.allowstatechanges mobx.js:677 at reaction.eval index.js:302 at trackderivedfunction mobx.js:944 at reaction.track mobx.js:1273 at reactiverender index.js:298 at purchaseform.initialrender index.js:292 purchaseformsettings.js setup props { return { fields: ... { name: 'description.brief', label: 'for your records, describe or add some notes about the purchase.', // placeholder: '', rules: 'string|between:0,125', }, ... , }; }"
+4101442,"""https://github.com/LibreHealthIO/LibreEHR/issues/680""",patient name/title is current patient in edit mode,header name of patient switches to current patient when editing a patient of a known name.
+755795,"""https://github.com/datathings/greycat/issues/27""",consistency check on clear on arrays,"we have to check consistency of the arrays-like api, mainly on the clear method."
+1243070,"""https://github.com/vincaslt/vscode-highlight-matching-tag/issues/9""",high cpu usage - vscode unstable,"latest update makes cpu go crazy, and for whatever reason kills vs-code integrated emmet functionality, i tested and disabled all extensions and debugged one by one so i'm petty sure the issue is on this addon."
+2806875,"""https://github.com/Julien-Mialon/Storm.BuildTasks/issues/7""",handle colors with alpha at 0,"for now, if a color is set with an alpha to 0, it's considered as a color with implicit alpha set to 255. counting number of char could be a good solution to find if alpha is given in the color or not."
+351522,"""https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/issues/1798""",notes-server won't sync more than one notes view,"hi, i'm using notes-server a lot and i noticed that the new version with layout dropdown broke a feature i really enjoyed in the old version with no layout dropdown . i usually have more than one note-view open on on my macbook air displaying on the internal screen, one on the ipad in my hands . the old version synced everything slides as well as server-notes views . the new version just updates the slides. can we have the old functionality back? best regards roland"
+236522,"""https://github.com/deepikasl/VT1/issues/2460""",failed test suite 1.2 - node settings,failed test cases are: - node settings: putclusternodebyid failed with error: 400
+3055052,"""https://github.com/LagoLunatic/dsvrandom/issues/11""",error when trying to randomize ooe without open world,this only happens with ooe. i can randomize the other two dsvanias with no problems. i can still randomize ooe if i have the open world box checked. here's the error i truncated the directories down to the folder the randomizer was in : --------------------------- randomization failed --------------------------- randomization failed with error: undefined method size' for nil:nilclass /randomizer/dsvrandom/randomizers/pickup_randomizer.rb:315:in place_progression_pickups' /randomizer/dsvrandom/randomizers/pickup_randomizer.rb:109:in randomize_pickups_completably' /randomizer/dsvrandom/randomizer.rb:369:in randomize' /randomizer/dsvrandom/randomizer_window.rb:388:in block in randomize' /randomizer/dsvrandom/randomizer_window.rb:481:in block in execute' --------------------------- ok --------------------------- i assume this shouldn't happen.
+5139244,"""https://github.com/scramblingbalam/Alta_Real/issues/37""",can't access document vectors in gensim doc2vec,"i have tried several approaches to access document vectors in gensim doc2vec model but none work. i have also used 2 different training methods for this twitter corpus the model trains fine from either sentences = labeledsentence v.split , str k for k,v in sent_dic.items or sentences=models.doc2vec.taggedlinedocument doc2vec_dir+token_type+ doc2vec_train_corpus.txt ' both produce models from model = models.doc2vec sentences, size=dims, window=8, min_count=0, workers=4 and model_zub.most_similar 'black' produces results consistent with the dataset the input is are doc2vec_train_corpus.txt' is a one line per document txt file in the form trigger warning: hate speech in corpus examples ... >mt euronews france 10 dead after shooting at hq of satirical weekly charliehebdo if zionistsjews did this theyd be nuking israel j0nathandavis they who stupid and partial opinions like this one only add noise to any debate nanospawn socialists antisemites anti zionists usual suspects and is a sent_dic is a dictionary keyed by the twitter id with the tweet text as the values. >{ 552825507340091392 : khaniqbalakhta1 guardian your filthy islam must be eradicated liars cut and paste bogus religion lying is part of your pond scum faith , 552786226546495488 : j0nathandavis they who stupid and partial opinions like this one only add noise to any debate } the documentation for gensim models.doc2vec.taggedlinedocument isn't clear as to what the automatically created keys should be but in the past 'sent_99' worked but now model 'sent_99' produces a key error so does using just the index model 99 or the string of the index model 99 . construction my own labeled sentence corpus iteratively with labeledsentence doesn't work either. as model id ie. model 552786226546495488 also throws a key error."
+4592744,"""https://github.com/ninjin/clark_pos_induction/issues/2""",trying to train 100 clusters with 1.33gb data,"i am trying the following command to train 100 clusters for yelp restaurant review corpus of 1.33gb.: $ ./cluster_neyessenmorph -s 5 -m 5 -i 10 yrcorpusnc3ascii.punct.lower.tok - 100 > yrrcorpusnc.tok.punct.lower.100 however, i waited for two days and it seems still reading the corpus.: s option 5 m option 5 frequency cutoff is 5 i option 10 how could i speed up this pos-induction process, or is it anything i have done wrong?"
+5053145,"""https://github.com/rchipka/node-osmosis/issues/144""",set form data without sending the form,"is there a way to fill in some form data without sending the form, and instead use .click on the submit button?"
+678893,"""https://github.com/Nyyrazzilyss/NyyLIB/issues/46""",script flamekissed instrument,the bard flamekissed instrument needs to be scripted ice prison
+2905188,"""https://github.com/Chiel92/vim-autoformat/issues/168""",plugin doesn't utilize yapf correctly,"i'm attempting to format some python using yapf and the output does not appear correct. - i installed yapf via pip; all successful, no errors. - i'm using vim 8. i'm using a test python file that looks like this: python x = { 'a':37,'b':42, 'c':927} y = 'hello ''world' z = 'hello '+'world' a = 'hello {}'.format 'world' class foo object : def f self : return 37 -+2 def g self, x,y=42 : return y def f a : return 37+-+a 42-x : y 3 when i run yapf via the command line: yapf test.py ...i get pep8-compliant python that looks correct: python x = {'a': 37, 'b': 42, 'c': 927} y = 'hello ' 'world' z = 'hello ' + 'world' a = 'hello {}'.format 'world' class foo object : def f self : return 37 -+2 def g self, x, y=42 : return y def f a : return 37 + -+a 42 - x:y 3 however, when i utilize the plugin :autoformat , i get python that looks like this: python x = { 'a': 37, 'b': 42, 'c': 927 } y = 'hello ' 'world' z = 'hello ' + 'world' a = 'hello {}'.format 'world' class foo object : def f self : return 37 -+2 def g self, x, y=42 : return y def f a : return 37 + -+a 42 - x: y 3 for what it's worth, vim's messages report this: formatter autopep8 has errors: b'/bin/sh: autopep8: command not found ' skipping. failing config: 'autopep8 - ' definition in 'g:formatdef_autopep8' was unsuccessful. definition in 'g:formatdef_yapf' was successful."
+564465,"""https://github.com/mozilla-tw/Zerda/issues/918""",url bar is too high,"for older android devices ~5.x , select some texts -> ! 2096505942556412520 account_id 0 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8446577/30798811-73d11b84-a20d-11e7-87d0-ac898a7b319c.png build: 1158"
+945513,"""https://github.com/objectivehtml/FlipClock/issues/344""",is anybody maintaining this repo? so many pull requests!,hi guys? is anybody maintaining this repo? - so many pull requests here! - not compiled with last source - missing localizations etc - last tagged version is old some fork which is better maintained?
+195820,"""https://github.com/bio-tools/biotoolsregistry/issues/280""",tweak the total annotations graph,"the total annotations graph in https://bio.tools/stats is made not very useful by inclusion of total as a data series - this would be better given in it's own graph, _i.e._ two graphs: 1. showing the total of annotations 2. showing the annotation breakdown"
+2559420,"""https://github.com/wercker/cronetes/issues/7""",using a schedule that includes a '/' breaks the container.,"i'm using kubernetes and am trying to schedule a job every 10 minutes. the cron looks like - schedule: /10 wrapping the config.yml into the docker container and running it, i get did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character at line 2, column 14 i then tried putting the schedule in quotes /10 this just spins up jobs rampantly. it seems to ignore teh schedule entirely. am i missing something?"
+1425178,"""https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/4438""",material doesn't play well with karma and the cli,"bug, feature request, or proposal: bug what is the expected behavior? when running ng test tests should run without warning about angular material or hammerjs what is the current behavior? any component that involves angular material will throw a warning when running ng test which causes the results to be cluttered and difficult to read. what are the steps to reproduce? - create a new project with the cli - add angular material to the project - create a custom theme and set material to use it for all components - add a angular material component i.e. md-input-container to a template - run ng test - the tests will log warnings that say could not find angular material core theme. most material components may not work as expected. for more info refer to the theming guide: https://material.angular.io/guide/theming and could not find hammerjs. certain angular material components may not work correctly. providing a plunker or similar is the best way to get the team to see your issue. plunker template: https://goo.gl/dlhd6u what is the use-case or motivation for changing an existing behavior? test results should be clear and uncluttered with warnings. which versions of angular, material, os, browsers are affected? angular 4.0.0, angular cli 1.0.1, angular material 2.0.0-beta.3, karma 1.4.1 is there anything else we should know?"
+3787846,"""https://github.com/SESYNC-ci/rnetlogo-lesson/issues/7""",netlogo v6.0.1 changes,update the lesson to include the nl.jarname argument in calls to nlstart .
+4051584,"""https://github.com/cloudconvert/cloudconvert-node/issues/20""",apierror should include full body of response,hi! we're extensively using cloudconvert for converting pdf files. we're getting bunch of copying of text from this document is not allowed. errors when calling cloudconvert.get url to process . it's fine but it'd be superb useful if the whole response body be included in the error object. just like adding this line: https://github.com/cloudconvert/cloudconvert-node/blob/master/lib/api.js l42 : apierror.body = body; that way we will be able to get full status of failed conversion and for example use it in our logs. thanks!
+300185,"""https://github.com/andrewrk/node-s3-client/issues/187""",cannot sync folder when files already exist,syncing a folder does not work when files already exist on s3. it takes a while until an error is thrown: > your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. idle connections will be closed.
+1166563,"""https://github.com/30x/kiln/issues/83""",remove delete app revision,"remove handler for deleting a specific imported application revision add handler for deleting all application revisions from storage before deleting an application, need to check for active deployments of the application tracked by 3 https://github.com/30x/shipyard/issues/3"
+4395306,"""https://github.com/rexim/todo/issues/5""",get todo location by it's id,in a form of ::
+2977176,"""https://github.com/adaltas/node-krb5/issues/9""",error when running npm install on windows 10,i get the following error when trying to run npm install on windows 10: ..\src\bind.cc 67 : error c2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0 it's coming from this line https://github.com/adaltas/node-krb5/blob/master/src/bind.cc l67 in bind.cc. node-gyp is using the microsoft r c/c++ optimizing compiler version 19.00.24210 for x64 . looks like there is varying support in compilers for zero-size arrays: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9722632/what-happens-if-i-define-a-0-size-array-in-c-c
+1682449,"""https://github.com/baggepinnen/Robotlib.jl/issues/11""",check kinematics for yumi,potential sign error in base transform
+2480721,"""https://github.com/CGCookie/blender-addon-updater/issues/30""",error due to creating folders without permission,"as referenced in this issue on crowdmaster, it seems sometimes windows users run into an issue if they don't have the right permissions and if the updater path doesn't already exist, recommend developers to pre-include the folder or perhaps look into a different method to create folders that doesn't do absolute paths. https://github.com/johnroper100/crowdmaster/issues/57 issuecomment-319743123"
+2700354,"""https://github.com/mauri1982/ajax_prova/issues/11""",gestire le variabili,"per passare le variabili da una funzione all'altra se ho ben capito, non devo usare var. es function miafunzione { pippo=5; secondafunzione ; } secondafunzione { pippo++; return pippo; } se mettessi var pippo, il valore non passerebbe, giusto? ho provato anche ad inserire pippo come parametro, ma non viene passato naturalmente deve essere parametrico anche nella seconda fun"
+843654,"""https://github.com/MFunction96/hs2znoip/issues/4""",d - codeforces262b - roma and changing signs,本题为阅读题,读懂后即可明白使用贪心法,比较简单。 贪心策略: - 尽可能所有数变成正数 - 如果不能所有数变正数,尽可能让绝对值大的数变成正数。 注意: - 题干中描述同一个数可以变许多次,没有次数限制 - 一定会做 k 次操作,不能多不能少 因此,只需要根据负数个数与操作数的关系,分情况计算即可accepted。 accepted代码 https://github.com/mfunction96/hs2znoip/blob/master/round1/d.cpp
+4254127,"""https://github.com/snaiperskaya96/test-import-repo/issues/190""",tasks scheduled page - display warnings if a task hasn't ran in a long time or has failed attempts,https://trello.com/c/vy2g1cmb/417-tasks-scheduled-page-display-warnings-if-a-task-hasn-t-ran-in-a-long-time-or-has-failed-attempts a warning icon should appear next to a task if it is overdue to run and therefore likely to have an issue.
+1263790,"""https://github.com/platformio/platformio-atom-ide/issues/939""",c/c++ project index rebuild failed,"traceback most recent call last : file c:\users\diego-pc\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\script\scons , line 190, in import scons.script file c:\users\diego-pc\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\script\..\engine\scons\__init__.py , line 43, in importerror: no module named compat error took 0.50 seconds"
+1596124,"""https://github.com/hyb1996-guest/AutoJsIssueReport/issues/13020""",151 java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.view.view.setvisibility int ' on a null object reference,"description:
+--- java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.view.view.setvisibility int ' on a null object reference at com.stardust.scriptdroid.ui.main.task.taskmanagerfragment$1$1.run taskmanagerfragment.java:48 at android.os.handler.handlecallback handler.java:739 at android.os.handler.dispatchmessage handler.java:95 at android.os.looper.loop looper.java:179 at android.app.activitythread.main activitythread.java:5739 at java.lang.reflect.method.invoke native method at com.android.internal.os.zygoteinit$methodandargscaller.run zygoteinit.java:784 at com.android.internal.os.zygoteinit.main zygoteinit.java:674 device info:
+app version 2.0.14 beta2
+app version code 151
+android build version eng.root.20170901.221517
+android release version 6.0.1
+android sdk version 23
+android build id a57_11_a.20_170901
+device brand oppo
+device manufacturer oppo
+device name a57
+device model oppo a57
+device product name a57
+device hardware name qcom
+abis arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi
+abis 32bit armeabi-v7a, armeabi
+abis 64bit arm64-v8a
+4300686,"""https://github.com/camilajordana/HelpPet_Telas/issues/62""",edição de animal 2,! editar animal 2 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9848597/21955618/b4727242-da4d-11e6-88a8-78e0fa18d052.png
+763475,"""https://github.com/LucHermitte/local_vimrc/issues/11""",support for different .vim directory,"i'm a user of neovim, and i can't place a _vimrc_local.vim file in $home/.config/nvim and have it read in a whitelisted manner, as the documentation suggests. currently the the lh path vimfiles function is used to obtain the location of the vim-file directory, as can be seen here https://github.com/luchermitte/local_vimrc/blob/198d04d9ffa81d2d01e4088aa0e9a00f979e499b/autoload/lh/local_vimrc.vim l93 . i assume that this function normally returns $home/.vim , but i haven't investigated that closely. when i try running :call lh path vimfiles or :echo lh path vimfiles i get no output, but i'm not sure if that's how i should check if it works. could it be that this function is incompatible with neovim?"
+736212,"""https://github.com/webcompat/web-bugs/issues/7983""",m.mydala.com - layout is messed up,"
+ url : http://m.mydala.com/delhi/restaurants-fine-dine/deals/the-jugaad-cafe-bar-301511 browser / version : firefox mobile nightly 56.0a1 2017-07-04 operating system : lg g5 android 7.0 - resolution 1440 x 2560 pixels ~554 ppi pixel density problem type : layout is messed up steps to reproduce 1. navigate to: http://m.mydala.com/delhi/restaurants-fine-dine/deals/the-jugaad-cafe-bar-301511 2. scroll down the page to “highlights” section. 3. observe bullet list alignment. expected behavior: the list is correctly aligned. bullets have fair size. actual behavior: the list is misaligned, it’s too close to the left edge. bullets are larger. note: 1. reproducible on firefox 54.0 release mobile 2. not reproducible on chrome mobile 59.0.3071.125. 3. screenshot attached. watchers: @softvision-sergiulogigan @softvision-oana-arbuzov sv; country: in ! screenshot description https://webcompat.com/uploads/2017/7/4ee3e2b9-1961-4cba-b2c8-2739493795df-thumb.jpg https://webcompat.com/uploads/2017/7/4ee3e2b9-1961-4cba-b2c8-2739493795df.jpg _from webcompat.com https://webcompat.com/ with ❤️_"
+2681516,"""https://github.com/AngularClass/angular-starter/issues/1912""",push to bitbucket,i'm submitting a ... question about the decisions made in the repository i want push project to bitbucket and follow next step 1. git remote rename origin upstream 2. git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:howtomake/ticketswidget.git 3. git fetch origin 4. git push -u origin master end result to bitbucket.org:howtomake/ticketswidget.git ! remote rejected master -> master shallow update not allowed error: failed to push some refs to 'git@bitbucket.org:howtomake/ticketswidget.git'
+3803859,"""https://github.com/snhobbs/HEODataBase/issues/30""",bom input error catching,"when reading in a bom, if the bom reading has an index error, etc. then it doesnt match, exit gracefully"
+2922455,"""https://github.com/missioncommand/emp3-web/issues/55""",cesium is not rendering dataurl points.,cesium is rendering the emp default icon when there is an iconurl that represents a dataurl.
+4657713,"""https://github.com/telstra/open-kilda/issues/69""",mininet mininet_rest.py spawn a zombie bash processes,"after a run atdd test, i found a lot of 119 zombie processes in the mininet container."
+4134748,"""https://github.com/philippdolder/NoMorePanicSave2017/issues/2""",after reloading a solution no changes are saved anymore,"after reloading a solution e.g. after resetting a csproj, or applying a stash no changes are saved anymore."
+2929067,"""https://github.com/gvanas/KeccakCodePackage/issues/27""",readme lists fph file but doesn't exist,"looks like after the sp 800-185 standard commit https://github.com/gvanas/keccakcodepackage/commit/d84171463d29c977457f923e950e0eb9d151b5f8 , you guys forgot to update the readme.md"
+2947368,"""https://github.com/VictorianResearchWeb/TheCurranIndex/issues/27""",grey out contributors and advanced search,make them inactive in some visual way
+4854193,"""https://github.com/wthompson21/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/issues/4""",good place for a class,"the strong tag was a good choice, but we don't want to alter the default styling of a tag if we don't need to. put a class on the strong tag that describes the component being styled. .price { color: blue; } https://github.com/wthompson21/prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto/blob/master/dasmotoartscrafts/resources/css/style.css l30-l32"
+4554338,"""https://github.com/vmchale/ion-vim/issues/4""",add filetype detection for the config file,the ion config file at ~/.config/ion/initrc is not highlighted
+41945,"""https://github.com/jbzdak/resolution-fastly/issues/8""",add slack integration,"note: this is created on top of my mind, i'm not sure it is doable. 1. bot watches slack channel. 2. if there is a predefined word/phrase in message e.g. vote resolution bot notices that this is a resulution and watches the post. 3. users vote using +1 and -1 icons. 4. bot checks if votes are from valid users! 5. if there is required amount of votes and timeout after last vote elapsed it initiates creatuion on resolution on our app."
+2554882,"""https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-java/issues/10""",can't shutdown background threads firebase admin sdk 4.1.5,"running this on local machine with java 8 firebaseoptions options = new firebaseoptions.builder .setcredential firebasecredentials.applicationdefault .setdatabaseurl https:// + serviceoptions.getdefaultprojectid + .firebaseio.com/ .build ; firebasedatabase = firebasedatabase.getinstance firebaseapp.initializeapp options ; how can i choose to use daemon threads? and if not, why don't you have a shutdown/close option?"
+187913,"""https://github.com/NestorZerpa/SistemasMAYORES/issues/349""",cubo - crear reporte de backorder,"- - - elegantt data. what's this? http://bit.ly/elegantt-for-trello-whats-this elegantt_data:dont_delete{ ignored :false, autoplanned :false, ownerid :false, dependencies : , ped : 2017-01-26t12:00:00-04:00 } ┆attachments: correo de mayoreo solicitud de reporte cubo.pdf "
+4726306,"""https://github.com/worona/worona-wp-plugin/issues/34""",how to answer the questions about the advertising identifier idfa,"my website has google adsense ads. when submit ios app to review, how to answer the questions about the advertising identifier idfa https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/languagesutilities/conceptual/itunesconnect_guide/chapters/submittingtheapp.html"
+5194573,"""https://github.com/Submitty/Submitty/issues/1193""",update website database diagrams both course & master,when we finish the immediate batch of database changes... following instructions on http://submitty.org/developer/database note: white background preferred :
+3988081,"""https://github.com/gri-is/portal/issues/721""",add google analytics for outbound links,"add tracking for the view digital item redirect links. adding tracking directly to your site if you have added the analytics tracking code directly to your site, you can copy and paste the script below into your own pages to set up event tracking for outbound links. you should add this script in your page header, but not within the basic analytics tracking code snippet. if you copy and paste this script exactly as it appears here, your outbound clicks will appear in your analytics events reports with a category of outbound and an action of click . in the snippet, these are shown in bold. you can use these values, or change them and define your own values. learn more about event components. this example assumes that you are using the analytics.js tracking code. see if you are using classic analytics ga.js or universal analytics analytics.js . javascript you'll also need to add or modify the onclick attribute to your links. use this example as a model for your own links: html check out example.com "
+1345170,"""https://github.com/ktvoelker/sbt-vim/issues/4""",command not supported error in sbt-vim.py,"error detected while processing /home/sathish/.vim/plugged/sbt-vim/plugin/sbt.vim: line 20: e319: sorry, the command is not available in this version: pyfile /home/sathish/.vim/plugged/sbt-vim/plugin/../python/sbt-vim.py when i open file in file it shows the following error i am using vim - 7.4 python - 3.5 os - linux mint vim package manager - plug"
+1351741,"""https://github.com/react-component/select/issues/213""",support for onmouseenter and onmouseleave,propagate onmouseenter and onmouseleave from underlying components
+2184503,"""https://github.com/MikeLydeamore/ExNihiloAdscensio/issues/108""",data leak with barrels,there seems to be a massive issue concerning barrels. i had a bandwidth issue detailed in this reddit thread https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/5wocdd/excessive_bandwidth_usage_in_skyfactory_3/ and it was fixed by removing all automated barrels. sadly i can't provide any more data since there is nothing in the logs.
+5288411,"""https://github.com/Spirals-Team/librepair/issues/49""",parser logs to know the number of projects using gradle instead of maven.,are we losing lots of android projects that can be interesting for us? to be included in jtravis/parsers?
+296645,"""https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/851""",special biome color and default colormaps.,"this is the original issue that i ran into, which is why i got here, didn't get to posting it until now: optifine supports two colormaps, one is the default mc one and the other is the line mcpatcher one. i do prefer the mcpatcher one and do have a, not really related to the topic, question on how the gradients are done from one biome to the other, can those be controlled? might be possible with the default format but i'm wrong on that, which might be the only reason to really use the old format, that and having old files build for that. anyways, to the issue, while it's possible to change swamp grass, it's not possible to change swamplands_m or roofed forests. this is most likely done because those aren't really supported and the mcpatcher format supports it, allowing a solution so to say, thought i'd still report this here. since there's a solution i'd say that this is low priority for now plzfixthecustomcolorsfirst . ! 636349305635194366 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21023189/29459188-cf60127e-8422-11e7-9591-b82c67f73f06.png ! 636349342635960621 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21023189/29459187-cf5edc2e-8422-11e7-8ce3-f7170b9d9e62.png"
+2695445,"""https://github.com/MerishorM/prj-rev-bwfs-tea-cozy/issues/2""",save images locally,"try to save your images locally instead of adding a link. saving images adds to the stability of your website because your website is not reliant on the link to be valid all the time. so next time, save all the images under resources/images/ https://github.com/merishorm/prj-rev-bwfs-tea-cozy/blob/master/teacozy/index.html l39"
+2677927,"""https://github.com/zavierboyd/ZScript/issues/13""",add for coroutine,example: >> get responce >> for x in 1..4 true >> tri = tri + x none >> tri 1 >> next true >> tri = tri + x none >> tri 3 >> next true >> tri = tri + x none >> tri 6 >> next true >> tri = tri + x none >> tri 10 >> next false
+234501,"""https://github.com/angular/vscode-ng-language-service/issues/94""",cannot install from vscode ext window,hi all nothing happens when clicking install ! screen shot 2017-05-09 at 17 27 48 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1760318/25861505/dc97fe06-34dc-11e7-8fe7-6b17c44adbaa.png
+3467898,"""https://github.com/budgie-desktop/budgie-desktop/issues/834""",button open software center doesn't work,"operating system : solus 2017.01.01.0 budgie version : budgie 10.2.9 the issue encountered the button open software center from the popup when updates are available doesn't work. steps to reproduce the issue press the button when popup appears nothing happens ps: i have it in spanish, so i'm not completely sure if translations to english are correct. hope it's clear."
+663280,"""https://github.com/vain/lariza/issues/46""",improve keyword based search,"i use duckduckgo, because it has thousands of keywords bangs to search directly on sites. that would be cool, if a text starts with a given character ! for bangs , lariza should search with a given engine. the difference is between my idea and the current keyword search is that the keyword have to be separated from the search terms with a space, but in my idea it shouldn't, and the keyword would included in the search terms given to the engine."
+3445940,"""https://github.com/jianxiongxiao/ProfXkit/issues/1""",dataset link for the pose2mesh example,"dear dr. xiao, thanks for your excellent toolbox for 3d computer vision. in the pose2mesh example, dataset sun3d/robot_in_a_room/ .tif is used. is this dataset open to public access? can you provide a link for this dataset including color and depth images ? best regards"
+5090123,"""https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/22420""",can i use an alias for my valuetuple type?,"c 7.0 : using a = consoleapp4.studysetinfo; using b = system.double; using c = system.valuetuple; using d = system.valuetuple; // false using e = string a, string b ; //false using e = system. string a, string b ; //false can i use an alias for my valuetuple type?"
+4963391,"""https://github.com/hubblestack/hubble/issues/145""",centos6 broken glibc dependency,service hubble start starting hubble /opt/hubble/hubble: /lib64/libc.so.6: version glibc_2.14' not found required by /opt/hubble/hubble-libs/libz.so.1 default centos 6.9 has glib 2.2 installed installed packages name : glibc arch : x86_64 version : 2.12 release : 1.209.el6_9.2 size : 13 m repo : installed from repo : updates summary : the gnu libc libraries url : http://sources.redhat.com/glibc/ license : lgplv2+ and lgplv2+ with exceptions and gplv2+ proposed solution: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/176489/how-to-update-glibc-to-2-14-in-centos-6-5
+5193048,"""https://github.com/acgetchell/CDT-plusplus/issues/56""",refactor to standard move and copy assignment & ctors,"right now, call classify_all_simplices every time triangulation is moved i.e., an s3ergodicmove is performed . refactor this so there is a separate update function which can be called less frequently, and allows for compiler-written rule of 0 copy/move constructors/assignment operators."
+3037153,"""https://github.com/kufarooq/Towards-Islam/issues/393""",سوشل میڈیا پر گستاخانہ مواد,"& 1587;& 1608;& 1588;& 1604; & 1605;& 1740;& 1672;& 1740;& 1575; & 1662;& 1585; & 1711;& 1587;& 1578;& 1575;& 1582;& 1575;& 1606;& 1729; & 1605;& 1608;& 1575;& 1583;
& 1672;& 1575;& 1705;& 1657;& 1585; & 1605;& 1580;& 1575;& 1729;& 1583; & 1605;& 1606;& 1589;& 1608;& 1585;& 1740;
+2533835,"""https://github.com/klimf/COOD/issues/43""",проблема кроссбраузерности vh,в сафари и других некоторых браузерах vh масштабируется
+5106607,"""https://github.com/googleapis/artman/issues/304""",root-dir flag does not error if unspecified,"what if the root-dir flag is neither specified on the command line nor found in the artman user config file, an error should be raised. why this is the intended behavior according to https://github.com/googleapis/artman/blob/8764b7994bbb1357ff7f1630bf2e2d7d569224ea/artman/cli/main.py l145. if no error is raised, confusing errors may occur later in execution."
+1187626,"""https://github.com/fisa/watcher/issues/1""",request: email notification,this is extremely easy to use and does exactly what i want it to do. except i would love for it to be able to send me an email notification when it does detect a change. can you please implement this? thanks so much!
+500456,"""https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/10499""",checkout: add warning about cancelations and refunds for extra g suite licenses,"google does not allow the cancelation and refund of additional/extra licenses for g suite post-purchase, but we frequently have users who buy it and then change their minds later. some users buy additional licenses thinking that their original purchase didn't go through, so it would be great if we could add a warning or note before purchase that they are purchasing an extra license to an existing google account and that it can't be canceled/refunded. maybe add something about how they can contact support if they have questions. for example, squarespace has a warning/alert for users buying g suite during checkout: ! screen_shot_2017-01-05_at_4_26_56_pm2 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6569475/21771400/d196bd10-d64c-11e6-9986-4a0d0ff12106.jpg note: the original license purchased can be canceled and refunded within 30 days after the purchase date, but not extra licenses. if a user wanted to cancel any extra licenses, they will have to unassign that license i.e., leave it without a user during the plan year. when it comes up for renewal the next year, the plan renews with the total of active licenses and all licenses without a user will be automatically removed. /cc @chad1008 @klimeryk @dzver "
+3356877,"""https://github.com/hydroshare/hydroshare/issues/2002""",resource file download failure,"right after a new resource creation, if i try to download resource bag file using rest api, i got this error message: { bag_status : not ready , task_id : 78c45101-290b-4f16-a09e-e8f63aa473a4 } i guess that it needs time to prepare the bag file; however, sometimes, i get this error message even when i try to download old resources. it happens not frequently, so i couldn't reproduce the problem, but i wonder if this is normal."
+4595784,"""https://github.com/rundeck/rundeck/issues/2340""",collapsed / expanded job description behaviour,"issue type: enhancement request i would like to set the job description behaviour to collapsed by default instead of expanded. this could be applied in job execution page /job/show , and in the job list /jobs where is collapsed by default ."
+4615813,"""https://github.com/gogits/gogs/issues/4286""",gogs doesn't seem to care about the config file?,"the issue will be closed without any reasons if it does not satisfy any of following requirements: - gogs version or commit ref : 0.10.8 0.10.8-1489430993.f0209ac.jessie 0 - git version: 2.1.4 - operating system: debian jessie linux weblet 3.16.0-4-amd64 1 smp debian 3.16.39-1 2016-12-30 x86_64 gnu/linux - database use x : - x postgresql - mysql - mssql - sqlite - can you reproduce the bug at https://try.gogs.io: - yes provide example url - no - x not relevant - log gist usually found in log/gogs.log : https://gist.github.com/mortie/0adfe5d5e82d02f5c01f82e882944f6f description gogs doesn't seem to care about the content in my config file. the file /etc/gogs/conf/app.ini contains http_port = 8082 under server , while /opt/gogs/conf/app.ini not modified by me contains http_port = 3000 under server , yet gogs listens to port 6000. this started happening after an update. i'm not sure which, but i know gogs used to run on port 8082, and without touching the configuration for a while, it doesn't anymore."
+2378823,"""https://github.com/secdev/scapy/issues/818""",does sniff support sniff from bytesio?,"i'm working to write a program that need to re-filter the packets sniffed by sniff using bpf syntax. my purpose is pretty simple:if a packet match the bpf syntax,return true,else return false.i cannot just use sniff filter='xxxx' in the first sniff because i need all the traffic pass through the network interface.and i need to do this in memory for the hard disk is too slow. so, here's my solution: import io from scapy.all import pkts=sniff count=10 for pkt in pkts: buf=io.bytesio pcapwriter buf .write pkt buf.seek 0 cap=sniff offline=buf,filter='icmp' if len cap >0: print 'match!' but it seems not work. here's the error message: traceback most recent call last : file scapy/sendrecv.py , line 704, in sniff ins = _select sniff_sockets file scapy/sendrecv.py , line 692, in _select return select sockets, , , remain 0 file scapy/utils.py , line 838, in fileno return self.f.fileno unsupportedoperation: fileno so does sniff support sniff from bytesio?or is there a better way to filter a packet using bpf syntax? any hint is appreciated, thanks!"
+942595,"""https://github.com/Coursemology/coursemology2/issues/2698""",add in multiple file upload for non-autograded questions,current implementation of non-autograded questions requires students to fill in templates only one . looking to allow graders to create non-autograded questions and toggle a mode to enable students to submit multiple files instead of the original template mode.
+3201896,"""https://github.com/ethereum/eth-utils/issues/28""",add type hints,"what was wrong? python's dynamic-typing nature makes it impossible to perform static type checking how can it be fixed? we can add type hints like in https://github.com/ethereum/ethereum-keys/pull/19 and use mypy to perform static type checking, and hopefully catch bugs before they affect our users. just like in the pr above, pyannotate can be used to generate initial type hints"
+4377008,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/56609""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+2385974,"""https://github.com/Polymer/docs/issues/2026""",update release notes for 1.9.0 release,"hi, could the release notes on https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/release-notes be updated for the 1.9.0 release please?"
+4860991,"""https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/issues/857""",armhf / aarch64 support, - category - x fzf binary - fzf-tmux script - key bindings - completion - vim - neovim - etc. - os - x linux - mac os x - windows - windows subsystem for linux - etc. prebuilt binaries for armhf / aarch64 on linux?
+716369,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/13888""",types for transitionevent object,"typescript version: master code ts / propertyname and elapsedtime are variables above. / let event = new transitionevent 'transitionend', {propertyname, elapsedtime} ; as per the definition of the transitionevent object, there are no parameters supported see here https://github.com/microsoft/typescript/blob/master/lib/lib.dom.d.ts l10791 expected behavior: as specified in mdn, the transitionevent has a different constructor signature and should accept a type and an options object. here is the mdn artice: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/api/transitionevent/transitionevent > also confirmed that this works the same way in chrome right now. actual behavior: typescript currently only allows us to create a transitionevent without any parameters. would like to submit a pr if desired and if bug is valid."
+5186616,"""https://github.com/Landoop/kafka-topics-ui/issues/74""",timeout setting should be configurable within docker,"hey guys, i recently switch over the latest version : 0.9.2 that use v2 api of kafka-rest. it seems like v2 api with the new consumer thingy is really slow for the first fetch of any consumer when dealing with pretty large topics. i had empty topic shown over kafka-topic-ui for any large topic because it was hitting the timeout. i changed the timeout on kafka-rest but i also need to change the timeout specified by the ui when calling kafka-rest /records . thanks !"
+2080667,"""https://github.com/almighty/almighty-core/issues/866""","contextidentity context.context function should return uuid.uuid, error","the function implementation deals with uuid.uuid internally, but converts the result into a string , which is not necessary. having uuid.uuid would be more natural and less error-prone."
+3760120,"""https://github.com/NhiVPham/STM32F103-CAN/issues/1""",i have a question !,"hello, nhivphan. i am eelhiro. i found your repository when collecting information about blue pill. i would like to ask a question, but which of the development environment of this project did you go? i also want to do can communication with blue pill, but in the environment at hand arduino ide, mbed compiler i can not find another example and the progress is stopped. is there any good way to do it? i am waiting for your reply."
+4368647,"""https://github.com/dennis-classes/se2832-lab-01-isosceles-cole21771/issues/3""",triangleanalyzer - issue 3,program crashes when given a triangle with 1 double
+5086398,"""https://github.com/leebradley/wikiedit-monitor/issues/45""",set up host to store and serve output ids,and job metadata - start time - end time - list of files fetched - retry s for files - job failure message - failed file fetches ... etc
+3452469,"""https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build/issues/1044""",strange things with ruby_build_version,"hi guys! i tried to install rbx-3.69 but i didn't have it in my rbenv install --list . i have ruby-build 20161225 installed. when i run ruby-build --version i have ruby-build 20160913 . which ruby-build gives me /usr/local/bin/ruby-build and it is symlinked to /usr/local/cellar/ruby-build/20161225/bin/ruby-build . it is written in this file ruby_build_version= 20160913 which is very strange for me. i tried to remove ruby-build and clear homebrew cache. $ rm -rf /users/aleksey/library/caches/homebrew $ brew install ruby-build ==> using the sandbox ==> downloading https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build/archive/v20161225.tar.gz ==> downloading from https://codeload.github.com/rbenv/ruby-build/tar.gz/v20161225 100.0% ==> ./install.sh 🍺 /usr/local/cellar/ruby-build/20161225: 323 files, 173.7k, built in 3 seconds i downloaded this https://codeload.github.com/rbenv/ruby-build/tar.gz/v20161225 manually, extracted and oped bin/ruby-build . and there it is ruby_build_version= 20160913 . what is wrong with my ruby-build? am i doing something wrong? thank you."
+3005322,"""https://github.com/OpenDevelopmentMekong/wp-odm_theme/issues/1218""",disclaimer text on local language site shows en,"@acorbi did we change the way the disclaimer text is presented? please see odc kh page below. i found that odv has the disclaimer translated and stored as a page post-type: https://vietnam.opendevelopmentmekong.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=146456&action=edit i went to appearance --> open development and saw only the english version, so i added the vn translation in the box. https://vietnam.opendevelopmentmekong.net/wp-admin/themes.php?page=odm_options translation needs to be added for odc and odmm."
+2079635,"""https://github.com/SAPDocuments/Tutorials/issues/1358""",tutorial page webide-github-issues-milestones.md issue. unknown server,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/sapdocuments/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/webide-github-issues-milestones/webide-github-issues-milestones.md https://github.com/sapdocuments/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/webide-github-issues-milestones/webide-github-issues-milestones.md contains invalid tags. even though your tutorial was created, the invalid tags listed below were disregarded. please double-check the following tags:
+- topic>github affected server: unknown server"
+3114580,"""https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-vs-build-sdk/issues/88""","add package references to csproj, remove them from targets file",add the following to microsoft.net.sdk.functions.csproj: xml
+3617114,"""https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/issues/974""",edge selection disappears after toggling and inline style,! jun-22-2017 14-56-21 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/156149/27435181-a5c0d88e-575b-11e7-87ae-7b80353005dd.gif edge 15.
+1446441,"""https://github.com/sozialhelden/wheelmap/issues/555""",changing my email results in a new confirmation mail,as a user: i browse to https://wheelmap.org/profile/edit i change my email on the form. i hit speichern i wait for the page to load. i receive an email containing the contents: > willkommen email@example.org! > > du kannst deine e-mail adresse bestätigen indem du folgenden link klickst: > > mein benutzerkonto bestätigen. the link points to http://wheelmap.org/users/confirmation no key or id attached . i expect when i change my email for it to either: send a confirmation with a valid confirmation link. not send me an email. @holgerd could you confirm the desired outcome of a user changing their email?
+3078009,"""https://github.com/fsblemos/lint-sass-vue/issues/3""",linting should not happen outside "
+4502190,"""https://github.com/USCC-LAB/Weekly/issues/26""",feature request: documentation system,"consider we're using python for development, sphinx 1 would be an appropriate choice. sphinx is a python documentation generator which standard python modules use for documentation. more detail you could find in reference 1 . 1 sphinx http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/domains.html"
+285144,"""https://github.com/cldi/CanLink/issues/43""",python script not picking up environments,"added shell=true to subprocess.call ./home/ubuntu/passwords.sh , shell=true to call shell script."
+4673501,"""https://github.com/inloop/svg2android/issues/73""",stroke width not adjusted when baking a scale transform,"if i have an svg image that has been scaled, the bake transforms into path tool recalculates the location of the path points nicely, but it doesn't apply a scale on the stroke width. as a result, the stroke looks out of proportion to the rest of the image. i get that this is a hard problem if there's a different scale on x versus y, but that's not my most common use case."
+2635868,"""https://github.com/vvaswani/jadenew/issues/10""","as a lawyer, i want to save case-related documents and other assets in the system",_issue created by vvaswani https://github.com/vvaswani on aug 29 2016_
+2899228,"""https://github.com/mozilla-tw/Zerda/issues/975""",buddybuild crash report on build 1307,"buddybuild detected a crash app/src/webkit/java/org/mozilla/focus/webkit/focuswebviewclient.java line 120 java if url == null { // in case of null url, we won't crash app in release build if appconstants.isreleasebuild { return super.shouldoverrideurlloading view, ; } else { throw new runtimeexception got null url in focswebviewclient.shouldoverrideurlloading ; <-- crashed } } if url.equals supportutils.focus_about_url { loadabout view ; view file https://github.com/mozilla-tw/zerda/blob/f75e1413b56fbab89c7df0a390b9f5ea7a7da7fe/app/src/webkit/java/org/mozilla/focus/webkit/focuswebviewclient.java l120 | view full crash details https://dashboard.buddybuild.com/apps/594b679a6ed87e0001fca2cd/crashreport/64012b389bde3b364cf03225cdca72f7"
+1476369,"""https://github.com/rshah-nu/project1/issues/19""",clear results from city violations table upon new search,write empty fxn and use on submit
+1590621,"""https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-ads-sdk/issues/315""",abstractcrudobject::getmanybyconnection and abstractcrudobject::getonebyconnection throw parent_id warning,"we're seeing this: $parent_id as a parameter of constructor is being deprecated, please try not to use this in new code. in the output for a cron job. i've scoured our code and can't find anywhere that we are currently using new $id, $parent_id style instantiation. digging deeper, i'm seeing: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-ads-sdk/blob/613d89fbe0424d017a5156658b4e324fbfb5be68/src/facebookads/object/abstractcrudobject.php l357-l358 and: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-ads-sdk/blob/613d89fbe0424d017a5156658b4e324fbfb5be68/src/facebookads/object/abstractcrudobject.php l381 which appear to be uses of the deprecated feature. any idea when this will be fixed? or suggestions on how to avoid this spamming our logs?"
+4786494,"""https://github.com/rekcuFniarB/forum-theprodigy-ru/issues/68""",исправить вид раделения тем/постов в мобильном виде,"всё как всегда - все посты сплошняком - нет разделителей, нет затемнения заголовков шрифт цитат такой же как и основного текста постов ! screenshot_20170220-085611 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13614247/23143214/c27b99de-f7c8-11e6-8ae3-ce16bf6cd457.png ! screenshot_20170220-085632 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13614247/23143215/c27bc85a-f7c8-11e6-988c-96df75a707a5.png ! screenshot_20170220-090031 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13614247/23143216/c27d62fa-f7c8-11e6-8d7b-85b6d8850375.png"
+1840437,"""https://github.com/ngovil21/Plex-Cleaner/issues/32""",section detection not working anymore,"since the last version , the section detection is not working anymore. it just tells me that it failed to load section x. also, when you look in the address bar in plex, the url is not the same as it used to be. this is how it is now: ?key=%2flibrary%2fsections%2f6 looks like an url encode issue maybe? any clue?"
+4009724,"""https://github.com/emilsvennesson/kodi-viaplay/issues/11""",viaplay crahses with linux mint and kodi,hello again viaplay add-on is crashing when i move between the folders. i'm using a pc with a asus h87i-plus mainboard and have the following system: os: linux mint 18.2 kernel: linux 4.8.0-53-generic kodi 17.3 git:20170525-nogitfound viaplay version 1.0.8 the log file is attached. you may can give me a helping hand to solve the issue. tack så mycket! hälsningar kodi.log.txt https://github.com/emilsvennesson/kodi-viaplay/files/1189704/kodi.log.txt
+4625297,"""https://github.com/nearform/labs-authorization/issues/295""",is support for windows testing appveyor required?,came up in the stand-up. currently the decision is not to proceed. related 285
+526334,"""https://github.com/torch/nn/issues/1287""",inconsistence in spatialmaxpooling and spatialmaxunpooling operations for torch.cudatensor that leads to an error,"using 'torch.floattensor' as dtype in following code snippet works just fine. pool layer produces indices array of consistent size 1x5x5 with the input of unpooling layer. dtype = 'torch.floattensor' model = nn.sequential layer = nn.spatialmaxpooling 2,2,2,2 model:add layer model:add nn.spatialmaxunpooling layer model:type dtype x = torch.randn 1,10,10 :type dtype model:forward x however using 'torch.cudatensor' produces error on executing model:forward x . dtype = 'torch.cudatensor' model = nn.sequential layer = nn.spatialmaxpooling 2,2,2,2 model:add layer model:add nn.spatialmaxunpooling layer model:type dtype x = torch.randn 1,10,10 :type dtype model:forward x pooling layer instead produces indices of size 1x1x5x5 which is inconsistent with input of unpooling layer. that leads to following error. torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/thnn.lua:110: indices and input shapes do not match: indices 1 x 1 x 5 x 5 , input 1 x 5 x 5 at /tmp/luarocks_cunn-scm-1-3042/cunn/lib/thcunn/generic/spatialmaxunpooling.cu:15"
+2630626,"""https://github.com/hep-gc/cloudscheduler/issues/7""",database cleaner needs additional configuration options or to be split in half,"the current cscleaner.py' cleans up both job and machine data in the database that is out of date or non existent in condor. if the collector and schedulers are living on different machines the cleaner will have to run both places. the options as i see it are: 1. add configuration options to enable/disable cleanup for jobs/machines. this would allow the cleanup routine to clean up only jobs, only machines, or both. the cleaner also needs a way to identify only the jobs related to the local scheduler this should be solved in 6. 2. split the cleanup task into 2 files, one for the collector thread and one for a scheduler thread. this way they can be run independently without the need for extra configuration. 3. add the cleanup routine as a subproccess of the pollers themselves. personally i like this option the best since all of the configuration needed should be the same. essentially both the machine and job pollers will cleanup after themselves on a configured time cycle."
+205089,"""https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/5143""",portal 2 always resets audo to 5.1,your system information steam client version build number or date : jul 17 2017 distribution e.g. ubuntu : debian opted into steam client beta?: yes/no no have you checked for system updates?: yes/no no please describe your issue in as much detail as possible: i expected it to remember my audio setup. steps for reproducing this issue: 1. have 2 speakers 2. start the game 3. don't hear anything that happens behind you
+200507,"""https://github.com/gaocegege/Processing.R/issues/239""",docs: tutorials do not list author,"the menu items for tutorials do list their author - https://processing-r.github.io/tutorials/ however the actual tutorial page doesn't list the author name: - https://processing-r.github.io/tutorials/objects/ compare a tutorial on processing.org, which does show author name: - https://processing.org/tutorials/objects/ we could add authors dynamically from the config file into the template -- or just write it into the tutorial document markdown."
+4885390,"""https://github.com/torhve/weechat-matrix-protocol-script/issues/58""",file upload does not work,"the /upload command doesn't seem to work. when executing /upload /home/me/test i get the following error: no content_uri after upload. stdout: { errcode : m_unknown , error : internal server error }, stderr:"
+1171935,"""https://github.com/divinedragon/codechallenges/issues/32""",codingbat - warmup1 - endup,"write code and junit test cases for codingbat warmup1->endup url - http://codingbat.com/prob/p125268 problem statement: given a string, return a new string where the last 3 chars are now in upper case. if the string has less than 3 chars, uppercase whatever is there. note that str.touppercase returns the uppercase version of a string. endup hello → hello endup hi there → hi there endup hi → hi"
+2726868,"""https://github.com/albertzarate/EasyHire/issues/2""",check api functionality,- extract information - show information on ui
+2077372,"""https://github.com/Sym123Blue/GitHubQAAutomation1501b56f-ec10-41f5-bec9-a4514a005e46/issues/1""",github automation for issue title 1501b56f-ec10-41f5-bec9-a4514a005e46,github automation for issue body 1501b56f-ec10-41f5-bec9-a4514a005e46
+1348214,"""https://github.com/biggora/caminte/issues/142""",is this library ready to use for couchdb?,"hey, is this library ready to be used for couchdb? i am making a web application where i need to use couchdb as my database. i just need to be sure that i can use this library for my couchdb related work, so that i can start coding it."
+1735801,"""https://github.com/Fakerr/git-recall/issues/9""",works only on root directory,"as the code only looks at presence of .git, it seems limited. can't do git recall from nested directories."
+3197459,"""https://github.com/mengdegong/iosMonkey/issues/2""",no profiles for 'xctestwdrunner.xctestwdrunner.zhouzerundemac-mini.local' were found: xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching 'xctestwdrunner.xctestwdrunner.zhouzerundemac-mini.local',我已经将xctestwd的bundleid改为 xctestwd.xctestwd.1 xctestwduitests的bundleid改为 xctestwd.xctestwdxxx.local.1 但是跑起来,总是报:bundleid xctestwd.xctestwd does not exist. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20472976/28306521-270e731c-6bd2-11e7-81c2-e2a9f71d59d9.png iosmonkey一直用不了。
+1035446,"""https://github.com/alindgren/Fundraise/issues/7""","mvc example - donation form integrate with stripe, applepay, payment request api",related links: - https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/payments/ - https://github.com/googlechrome/appr-wrapper - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applepayjs - https://stripe.com/elements - https://stripe.com/apple-pay
+3933294,"""https://github.com/dell/idrac-ansible-module/issues/45""",fan inventory only working for 13g,"not for 12g or 14g, could it be an idrac fw mismatch? differences in redfish apis?"
+3006972,"""https://github.com/gonzalezsieira/spatial-utils/issues/4""",implement distance between point and segment 3d,"this is the more efficient way to do so works in 2d and 3d : distance point p, segment p0:p1 { v = p1 - p0 w = p - p0 if c1 = w·v <= 0 // before p0 return d p, p0 if c2 = v·v <= c1 // after p1 return d p, p1 b = c1 / c2 pb = p0 + bv return d p, pb } as seen in http://geomalgorithms.com/a02-_lines.html"
+221939,"""https://github.com/diku-dk/futhark/issues/431""",apply loop tiling inside fused scans,"the following program semantically exhibits a possibility for loop tiling: let main xs: i32 = scan + 0 map \x -> reduce + 0 map +x xs xs however, due to quirks in kernel extraction for scans, the loop tiler is not able to do so. this should be fixed and would not be hard ."
+3919613,"""https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ZZZ-RadioTelescope/issues/2""","contracts broken, airbrakes, etc.","there's a bug in the contracts for this. well, probably several, but at least one. i think i'm going to tell this as a story, because it is amusing... so i get a contract to put up a telescope. i duly construct a small station to service it and launch it, yay! now that i got the science results from around kerbin, i go back to the contracts to see... no, not a put one around the mun now. put another one up around kerbin. but i don't want another station around kerbin! so i make a token vehicle, telescope, solar panel, lab, and launch it, and then immediately deorbit it. that's how i find that not only the telescope does not get burned up, it also serves as an excellent airbrake, not unlike the 2.5m ballute. most of the station makes it to the ground despite me not expecting it to. i come back to contracts to find... another contract for a kerbin telescope. so i decide to get crafty. i exploit the fact that it airbrakes so well and set it up to land. a few attempts later, i succeed -- even just deleting it is profitable, after all, getting almost all of it back is a nice bonus. i take out the contract again, but decide to take a break, and go back to resupply my station. poof, the contract gets fullfilled: it counts as a new telescope in orbit. this is infinitely repeatable. this kind of puts a cramp into my attempts to play career seriously. : edit: oh, and i keep getting contracts that tell me to do radioastronomy on the surface. i don't think this kind of telescope should work for this sort of thing, but maybe that's just me."
+2934035,"""https://github.com/FiloSottile/zcash-mini/issues/10""",can you add t address type to generator.,"i just tested this with bitcoinz btcz, and works! but i would like to move my balance to paper as transparent address."
+5155554,"""https://github.com/etingof/pysnmp/issues/115""",;nameerror: global name 'smierror' is not defined,"http://snmplabs.com/pysnmp/examples/hlapi/asyncore/sync/manager/cmdgen/mib-tweaks.html i read the document, but exec the 'preload pysnmp mibs' scripts,error file /venv27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysnmp/proto/rfc1155.py , line 96, in clonefromname raise smierror 'unknown networkaddress type %r' % kind, nameerror: global name 'smierror' is not defined so i added one to the scripts from pysnmp.smi.error import smierror problem solved"
+3106427,"""https://github.com/alvaro-prieto/colResizable/issues/88""",how to get the size of the column that has just been resized?,"i need to update other parts of my ui with the column widths. i have the onresize event set, but i don't know how to get the width of the column that has just been resized. is there a way to do this?"
+4893710,"""https://github.com/kryptco/kryptonite-ios/issues/71""",asking permission non-stop,i have my device set to never ask and to not ask on unknown hosts. yet as of yesterday it has been prompting approval on every ssh connection.
+3440117,"""https://github.com/Ivshti/linvodb3/issues/73""",return result to view using angular 2,"i spent a long while trying to figure out how to get a result from a query back to the view. i created a basic injectable class into a componant which setup a model db and then i do databaseservice.find {} which returns a cursor. if i use the callback function, i can see there is results but i cannot figure out how to pass them out of the callback function to the main class to safe my life."
+3492459,"""https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/10468""",improvement suggestions for animatedsprite,"operating system or device - godot version: windows 7, godot engine v2.1.3.stable.official issue description: i worked a lot with animatedsprite in my last project and this has bothered me all the time: 1 not having the possibility to flip a frame horizontally/vertically ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10463138/29490584-f8a15dcc-8540-11e7-8ae7-055e92a3a974.png 2 could not delete a frame with delete key node get deleted 3 after pressing on new animation button the animation text new anim is not selected and cant be directly renamed ! animatedsprite_improvments https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10463138/29490676-7507386c-8543-11e7-9a58-89c5d293bcdc.gif 4 selecting a animatedsprite node in tree doesn't show automatically spriteframes gui on the bottom when node has a spriteframes ressources slow down the flow to quick edit an animation what i'm not sure: 1 when animation only has one frame do i need to turn loop off or does the engine handle this automatically? 2 does it has an old discussion on having insert empty before and insert empty after ? its confusing and i need to consider with button i need to press. having only an insert empty and move the frame with up or down would be enough. 3 is it possible to have button from animationplayer? ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10463138/29490866-08bc8020-854a-11e7-9a2e-92ee7fc70cf7.png"
+137662,"""https://github.com/robotpy/robotpy-wpilib/issues/349""",add sphinx build to travis ci,stop people from messing up the docs on accident.
+2012721,"""https://github.com/DMPRoadmap/roadmap/issues/694""",pdf from dmp templates page should download in a new tab,clicking to download a pdf from the dmp templates page should download/open the file in a new tab. current behavior opens it in the same tab. ! screen shot 2017-10-11 at 9 16 33 am https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12703638/31452821-ef5813bc-ae64-11e7-9e59-dd0c810116c3.png
+4195888,"""https://github.com/leapp-to/prototype/issues/232""",cli: make --use-rsync the default option instead of being optional,since our main implementation now is rsync based we should make it also the default
+2145269,"""https://github.com/CameronSamuels/marqueetitle/issues/7""",add other effects,"i know this is a little off topic, but it would be cool. effects could be flickering, flicker every other letter, split in half, lose one character every inrterval, and more. i can always add more every release."
+2913531,"""https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/pantry-for-good/issues/330""",google sign-in and sign-up not working,the changes in commit 5e2f89cfe8eb6be7e1c68d54cf641ca1a194fbf6 caused the options for signing up and signing in with the google account to not show up anymore
+1965084,"""https://github.com/ModCoderPack/MCPBot-Issues/issues/453""",entitylivingbase.func_191987_a: setpartying -> ???,"used for parrot parties, but it's not a parrot-specific method. it's more like a 'react to sound' method. called from renderglobal.func_193054_a which is called by renderglobal.playrecord . that method loops over all living entities within 3 blocks of the given sound position and calls this method on each of them."
+4790795,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-tools-for-java/issues/146""",todo - unable to deploy spring pet clinic using spring boot into containers running on a virtual machine,here is the sample app https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-petclinic
+2759923,"""https://github.com/mrzepka/carriableReact/issues/2""",create databases for ranks,the end idea of this project is to store average scores across each rank. need to create the databases that store this information for each rank.
+3479067,"""https://github.com/hms-dbmi/higlass/issues/160""",colorbar does mot update on drag and drop,_commit_: higlass.io steps to reproduce 1. http://higlass.io/app/?config=ipchmdoqr4cdy2sqj5vjhq 2. drag on view into another column to create a 3 row view config observed behavior ! screen shot 2017-09-22 at 9 15 35 am https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/932103/30970150-659eb84c-a432-11e7-8eab-fa498b16bb29.png expected behavior the colorbars should update whenever the user drops the view. probably just a minor race condition bug because resizing the view causes the colorbars to appear at the right spot.
+3638279,"""https://github.com/kahu-2018/kahu-2018/issues/559""",1.6 submit on sunday weekly feedback form and toggl ~ 15 mins,"1.6 submit on sunday weekly feedback form and toggl ~ 15 mins
+we love your feedback! complete this form and submit it before sunday midnight. - complete the unit 1, week 1 u1w1 feedback form https://docs.google.com/a/enspiral.com/forms/d/1oi62wny_mdhx_i91sxnkjowsr_oahvdvdkozlgc0n7u/viewform - export your weekly timesheet to yourcohort-year /time/ yourfirstname-lastname /1-time.csv . replace /1-time with the current week/sprint number.
+- check that your sprintnumber -time.csv is online in your cohort repo on github."
+4835075,"""https://github.com/platanus/send_grid_mailer/issues/9""",exceptions not risen,"@ldlsegovia i run into the problem that i had no visibility when something bad happens. i have sentry setup, and for example when using a wrong template id no exception was handled by sentry. any idea??"
+3854292,"""https://github.com/dirkschumacher/ompr/issues/122""",remove docs from repository,"i think it was a bad idea to include the docs in the main repository. with every new version, the repository gets bigger and bigger due to html/images files. i will move the docs to a separate website. what's a good practice? readthedocs.org?"
+2794573,"""https://github.com/JosefAssad/SeMaWi/issues/222""",furesø information til wiki,"hey, furesø skal til at lave lidt dokumentation af gis setup mm. og meget af det er delt med ballerup samt adgang til wikien . anders foreslog at tage snakken her, så er det muligt på en hensigtsmæssig måde at snakke om muligheden og måske om hvor vi kan skrive noget information/dokumentation på wikien? min første tanke var bare en kategori kaldet furesø som vi kan lave et par tabs/sider i, men vi er åben for forslag/bedre løsninger. meget mellem de to kommuner minder om hinanden, så muligheden for at kunne henvise til de sider i allerede har lavet om de samme systemer etc. gør det nemt for os. vores fokus er pt. bare på at få skrevet noget ned grundlæggende ned omkring servere, whitelist, wiki, setups mm. så andre i fremtiden kan sætte sig nemmere ind i det."
+1381230,"""https://github.com/code-corps/code-corps-ember/issues/1615""",rewrite integration test for image-drop-test,"problem currently, tests/integration/components/image-drop-test.js doesn't make full use of it's page object by not defining a renderpage function. to dry up the code, you can set a renderpage function above the moduleforcomponent , pass in the needed hbs selectors, and call renderpage in each test. references 1605"
+234214,"""https://github.com/miloyip/rapidjson/issues/902""",bug where output files are truncated?,"i'm seeing a bug on my analytics where strings written by rapidjson are truncated. i added an assertion that the string ends with '}' which sometimes fails. i haven't been able to reproduce the exact conditions yet, but i wondered if there were any known bugs in rapidjson that sound similar? granted, this could always be heap corruption somewhere else in my app. here's the code i'm using to print the json: std::vector editor::save { json::document doc; _save doc ; json::stringbuffer buffer; json::prettywriter writer buffer ; doc.accept writer ; const char output = buffer.getstring ; return { output, output + buffer.getsize }; }"
+3520804,"""https://github.com/linw1995/python-traceback-jumper/issues/2""",extend behavior to terminal and debug console,sometimes i use debug console f5 and prompt f7 to run my scripts. is it possible to extend this extension behavior to these output controls?
+4336571,"""https://github.com/alibaba/rax/issues/352""",add hnpwa implementation,"1. how would you tag this issue? - x tip congratulations on open-sourcing this; i imagine many people would be quite curious about rax as an alternative to react. to answer that question for the community, i think it would be useful if rax were to provide an implementation for hnpwa https://hnpwa.com/ , the spiritual successor to todomvc . i'm not sure if this is the right place for this suggestion, but i'm quite curious as to how this compares to the existing react/preact implementations there in terms of performance myself, so i'd appreciate it if this were considered. :"
+3962222,"""https://github.com/guokr/swagger-py-codegen/issues/98""",security is not process nor enforced,"take for example this part of swagger file: > swagger: '2.0' > >info: version: '1.0' title: api description: api. > >securitydefinitions: auth-email: description: | user-email type: apikey in: header name: auth-email auth-ip: description: | if login request is not sent from the same ip session is created for, you should send it. type: apikey in: header name: auth-ip jwt: description: | for accessing the api a valid jwt type: apikey name: authorization in: header > > \ default jwt security security: { jwt: } > >paths: /login: get: summary: login security: - auth-email auth-ip > > /query get: summary: query both requests have security configurations and non is enforced/checked. i think it should be. any objections that i'll do it?"
+2402673,"""https://github.com/informatics-isi-edu/synspy/issues/23""",flicker-box controls for synspy-register,some kind of keyboard interface to quickly toggle between composite viewing modes - timepoint 1 only - timepoint 1 and timepoint 2 - timepoint 2 only
+3915932,"""https://github.com/ChandlerLutz/MonetaryPolicy_Housing/issues/44""",update the notes for all figures,need to add or update the figure notes for all figures
+5244246,"""https://github.com/mozilla/addons-linter/issues/1170""",unexplained error: /incognito should match pattern ^spanning$,what happened? when i run addons-linter src on my add-on i get this error: /incognito should match pattern ^spanning$ i can't seem to find any docs about it. what did you expect to happen? no error.
+346847,"""https://github.com/MontroseMagpies/bangazon_orientation_api/issues/11""",allow developers to access the employee resource,"verbs to be supported 1. get 1. post 1. put user should be able to get a list, and get a single item."
+4390521,"""https://github.com/phildopus/EclipseJavaFormatter/issues/9""",workaround for eclipse neon,"when run with eclipse neon i've got this error: b'org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration: the org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration bundle was activated before the state location was initialized. will retry after the state location is initialized. org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration: logback config file: /users/csaltos/documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration/logback. org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration: initializing logback configuration name: /users/csaltos/documents/workspace/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs starting format job ... done. ' traceback most recent call last : file /applications/sublime text.app/contents/macos/sublime_plugin.py , line 818, in run_ return self.run edit file eclipsejavaformatter in /users/csaltos/library/application support/sublime text 3/installed packages/eclipsejavaformatter.sublime-package , line 83, in run file eclipsejavaformatter in /users/csaltos/library/application support/sublime text 3/installed packages/eclipsejavaformatter.sublime-package , line 93, in __run_external_command file /applications/sublime text.app/contents/macos/sublime.py , line 125, in error_message sublime_api.error_message msg typeerror: string required but as a workaround i've just created a wrapper to the actual eclipse command, the wrapper is something like: !/bin/bash log=workaround-eclipse.log date >> $log echo $ >> $log /path/to/actual/eclipse $ >> $log 2>&1 echo done. store it as text in a file marked with execution permissions and call it as if it's the eclipse command and it will work. note: of course it would be nice to have the plugin working for eclipse neon note2: thank you for the plugin, it's very helpful."
+2499640,"""https://github.com/UncleLeroy/livewebcams/issues/8""",just in: on porncamsfun.com going on now: kim.blue,"just in: on porncamsfun.com going on now: kim.blue
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+3769902,"""https://github.com/openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/304""",pre review : osmdata,"submitting author: @mpadge mark padgham repository: https://github.com/ropensci/osmdata version: v0.0.2 editor: @karthik reviewer: pending author instructions thanks for submitting your paper to joss @mpadge. the joss editor shown at the top of this issue will work with you on this issue to find a reviewer for your submission before creating the main review issue. @mpadge if you have any suggestions for potential reviewers then please mention them here in this thread. in addition, this list of people https://github.com/openjournals/joss/blob/master/docs/reviewers.csv have already agreed to review for joss and may be suitable for this submission. editor instructions the joss submission bot @whedon is here to help you find and assign reviewers and start the main review. to find out what @whedon can do for you type: @whedon commands"
+5292483,"""https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues/2990""",discoveryserviceregistryimpl thingremoved will not remove the cachedelement,"findbugs showed this bug: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.thinguid is incompatible with expected argument type org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.discoveryresult in org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.internal.discoveryserviceregistryimpl.thingremoved discoveryservice, thinguid wich is true, as it is a multimap , which would not contain a key value pair of , which is tried to be removed here: cachedresults.remove source, thinguid ;"
+4026390,"""https://github.com/USGS-R/sedReview/issues/60""",make high-level function to run all checks,a master function should be made that runs all checks and outputs the results in 1 table.
+3732245,"""https://github.com/FaaPz/Slim-PDO/issues/85""",raw query ?,is there any way to write raw query ? this feature is needed for some complex queries
+292209,"""https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/issues/1564""",fmp: improve reliability on long pageloads,"the firstmeaningfulpaintdetector.cpp https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/webkit/source/core/paint/firstmeaningfulpaintdetector.cpp?sq=package:chromium has a network idle detection that's a little more conservative than ours. as such, it will sometimes wait longer than we will to choose an fmp. in this cases, we stop the trace and look in it for a particular firstmeaningfulpaint but it wasn't emitted yet. what we should do instead: look at the firstmeaningfulpaintcandidate trace events from that thread & frame. choose the last one. consider that the fmp. basically, the same thing the native impl does"
+3797777,"""https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/issues/4032""",mini-symposium at scipy,"there's a call https://neurostars.org/t/call-for-papers-neuroscience-in-python-mini-symposium-at-the-scientific-computing-in-python-conference-2017-scipy-july-10th-16th-ut-austin/250 for a minisymposium at scipy on neuroscience in python. i think it would be a good place to highlight the work from the supervised neural time series sprint https://kingjr.github.io/supervised_time_series/ in nyc. the call ends march 27th, which means we have less than three weeks if we wanted to do so. i will be around this summer to go and can take the lead on the submission if we decide to go for it. thoughts?"
+3298482,"""https://github.com/jmrosinski/GPTL/issues/7""",mpi_in_place does not work,"the following code does not work when the pmpi interface is used: program main use mpi implicit none integer :: myid, numprocs, namelen, rc, ierr integer :: ni 3 , no 3 call mpi_init ierr call mpi_comm_rank mpi_comm_world, myid, ierr call mpi_comm_size mpi_comm_world, numprocs, ierr ni : =myid print , in place is , mpi_in_place call mpi_allreduce mpi_in_place, ni, 3,mpi_integer, mpi_max, mpi_comm_world, ierr print , result , ni call mpi_finalize rc end the reason is that the pointer passed to the c implementation is not checked against the fortran definitions of mpi_in_place and others and is thus considered as a memory space to source from. unfortunately i haven't found any f2c command that could be used to check this. the only solution that i see is to save the pointers to mpi_in_place and other like this at initialization time and later check in the pmpi wrapper."
+2744148,"""https://github.com/gw2efficiency/issues/issues/768""",some armor showing twice,! efficiency boots https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29493506/27246080-743a870a-52ac-11e7-8a8d-e4bd3b0dcac8.png there seems to be a repeat of certain armor pieces as shown in this picture. specifically the heavy scale and mistward armor pieces. the repeats are mistward all armor pieces heavy scale all armor pieces except shoulder and chest
+2399409,"""https://github.com/ibarrick/paper-data-table/issues/15""",addon should not include 'ember-paper' ?,"i have 2 addons based on ember-paper , this one and another. and because both includes ember-paper.scss i end up with the style included twice in my app.scss . maybe the paper-data-table.scss should not be included? we can assume that it's already done."
+1347757,"""https://github.com/tgjones/HlslTools/issues/93""",implement auto-completion for macro names,"as requested in 92: autocompletion doesn't work. no suggestions appear, even if i have a macro/keyword defined a few lines above. ! 000 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3897975/26518092/196b7646-42b1-11e7-9c59-55272b483d0b.png even compiler directives themselves are not completed. ifdef, undef, define etc. : ! 000 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3897975/26518100/53ed9038-42b1-11e7-9ad0-4a3787b02989.png i tried ctrl+space, too. it works fine with no hotkey in other parts of code, but not with compiler directives. ! 000 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3897975/26518111/9933534e-42b1-11e7-9f8d-aa129aa59a38.png"
+1353523,"""https://github.com/freifunk-berlin/buildbot/issues/44""",0.2.0+ builds failing on buildslave01 & 02,"current openwrt-based builds fail early during compile on buildslave01 & buildslave02, but passes build on slave wg1337. see https://buildbot.berlin.freifunk.net/builders/ar71xx-generic/builds/85 vs. https://buildbot.berlin.freifunk.net/builders/ar71xx-generic/builds/86 wg1337 is v0.8.9; buildslave01/02 are v0.8.8"
+1665640,"""https://github.com/unitystation/unitystation/issues/582""",optional dark ui switch,"preliminary information category feature request report current behavior currently the right pane and some windows like chat are light-grey with white. expected/wanted/requested behavior it would be nice to have an option for dark ui theme that would turn these windows dark grey with light grey fonts to be easier on the eyes other notes: suggestion from the top of my head - inverting hsv's v for these windows and fonts, so that the colours are preserved, but brightness is inverted, maintaining readability"
+3987612,"""https://github.com/dhlab-basel/Knora/issues/378""",'knora-admin' and 'standoff' ontologies,"- would it be considered to create an own namespace for the 'knora-admin' and 'standoff' ontologies, e.g. instead of ? - knora-base:standofftaghastagname: proposal to change to :standofftaghasname - note: some elements in 'standoff' are not in 'knora-base', e.g. - knora-base:standofftaghasxmlnamespace - knora-base:standoffreferencetag - knora-base:standoffhreftag - knora-base:systemproperty is used in the declaration of knora-base:institutionwebsite in the 'knora-admin' ontology and for 11 properties in the 'standoff' ontology, but is not declared itself."
+4350241,"""https://github.com/germandutchwindtunnels/nettools/issues/9""",dulwich directory empty?!,when i clone the git repos and check out the dulwich branch the dulwich subdir is empty: > git clone https://github.com/germandutchwindtunnels/nettools.git nettools > cd nettools > git checkout dulwich > ll dulwich total 0 >
+715905,"""https://github.com/brilliant-data/tableau-d3-sankey-demo/issues/1""",tableau tbw source not available,"dear brilliant data can you share the tabelau source data so i can ensure that i do not have any other issues, as the sankey currently does not show. your tableau source data is published on the server that i do not have access to. can you make this available as well?"
+4834872,"""https://github.com/N3-components/N3-components/issues/72""",english not working?,hi? the english doesn't seem to be working...
+4216179,"""https://github.com/lasso-js/lasso/issues/195""",use cdn version of dependency without changing the original source code,javascript // component.js const $ = require 'jquery' // browser.json { dependencies : require: jquery } is it possible to use the cdn version of jquery without changing component.js ?
+4297594,"""https://github.com/doficia/project-cordon-sprites/issues/415""",update ump45 sprite,"please see contributing.md first. this is an _update_ issue . this means that somebody has already created a sprite for this item. after a while, an _update_ issue is automatically generated for improvement purposes. you can either enhance the original sprite, or create one from scratch! reference sprite:
+! sprite https://github.com/doficia/project-cordon-sprites/raw/master/sprites/weapons/ump.png happy hacking! :smiley:"
+3971289,"""https://github.com/mdevoe12/quantified-self/issues/39""",meals not updating when food is added,probably some sort of race condition with ajax calls.
+2366758,"""https://github.com/usbong/UsbongStore/issues/1""",controller files have incorrect names,this report is to officially file a bug reported to mike syson via email on 9/25/17. ----------------- environment ----------------- 1 branch: master 2 commit id: 99693fab4a5ac2c68305b3f257b4e2a4430cc0ee 3 how to recreate: a access home url - https://store.usbong.ph/ b the default controller is set to b.php c the url will return a 404 route not found error 4 note: this happens to majority of the pages. ----------------- analysis ----------------- 1 the controller files named under the directory below are faulty: usbongstore/usbong_store/application/controllers 2 the files start with lower case letters. 3 they should start with capital letters. a b.php should be b.php b account.php should be account.php c and so on ----------------- resolution ----------------- mike syson has resolved this in: 1 commit: 42038bbd42ce5ffe4e2d9786e597fbe155af2433 2 branch: master 3 date: 9/26/17 i have verified the fix.
+4665119,"""https://github.com/webbuilders-group/silverstripe-translatablerouting/issues/20""",multilingualcontrollertest does not cover dash locales,looks like the multilingualcontrollertest does not cover dash locales we should update it to ensure it does
+4900795,"""https://github.com/FlowFX/unkenmathe.de/issues/103""",properly style html tables,
+3791965,"""https://github.com/amkozlov/raxml-ng/issues/29""",add an outgroup option?,"to be discussed i think, for pedagogical reasons as this is only a drawing option maybe we should not add this. it adds quite some code without any added value."
+10110,"""https://github.com/BrenMurrell/rotoriouswlg/issues/1""",ass social links,"float these on the left or right of site, vertically stacked."
+716156,"""https://github.com/gophish/gophish/issues/789""",tls issues and found 0 campaigns,"after changing my listen port from 80 to 88, the shell stayed open and ran but now i'm getting this every time i browse to as stated in the instructions . i've attempted in chrome, firefox, and ie and the tls errors only come up after i've tried navigating to the ip in the instructions. no landing page or login comes up, just error messages. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32546633/31281515-a4ff8844-aa7d-11e7-8349-b2383c8204b8.png"
+3355123,"""https://github.com/brittyazel/Neuron/issues/16""",neuron cpu usage is a bit high,"we should try to optimize the cpu usage of neuron to be optimized. right now neuron is sucking up about 5fps on my system, but it could be higher on lower end systems. i need to figure out how to profile the addon to figure out where the high cpu usage is coming from."
+1712922,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/36293""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+1842365,"""https://github.com/opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software/issues/48""",using kadamski/arduino_sds011 library,this library could help to clean up the code: https://github.com/kadamski/arduino_sds011/tree/master/lib/sds011 your opinion on this?
+2726644,"""https://github.com/Venemo/node-lmdb/issues/100""",can't pass flags to put,lmdb has a significant optimisation for databases that are mostly appended to rather than random inserts that requires use of a flag on put promising to use a key larger than existing. there is no way to set flags on txn put operations.
+2627232,"""https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-prebuilt/issues/240""",npm / enterprise proxy allow download of electron binaries from a custom url,"hi guys, we are currently facing enterpriseland issues with the electron binaries donwloaded seperately by the npm install package. we have a strict proxy and firewall in place. npm packages are tunneled via our private repository. sadly electron doesn't support or it isn't documented a way to dowload it's binaries from a custom location. that's why the npm install of electron can never succeed on our servers behind the security layers. take a look at phantomjs parameters that solve that issues: https://www.npmjs.com/package/phantomjs downloading-from-a-custom-url please consider adding such a parameter to electron as well so that users behind proxy and firewall can provide the binary from an internal server. thanks alot, best regards, jan"
+5076734,"""https://github.com/tensorflow/models/issues/1124""",the allow_growth does not seem to work ?,"please let us know which model this issue is about specify the top-level directory hi, i am trying to fine tune the flowers dataset using the instructions in https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/slim i have two questions. 1 as the gpu memory is not big enough, i want to try to allow for gpu growth, so that the process does not crash. the code i am using is the one below, however, it doesn't make any difference at all. is allow_growth and/or per_process_gpu_memory_fraction really supported for tf slim or not? 2 is all the gpu needed for the allocation of the intermediate actionation variables? because the inception model is about 100 mb, my total gpu memory after killing also the x server is 1.8 gb, so it feels somewhat weird that the model needs in the end 18x more gpu ram than the inception model size. well, anyways, any help would be really nice. session_config = tf.configproto allow_soft_placement=true session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = true session_config.gpu_options.allocator_type = 'bfc' session_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.4 gpu_options = tf.gpuoptions per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_memory_fraction run the training: final_loss = slim.learning.train train_op, logdir=train_dir, init_fn=get_init_fn , number_of_steps=2000, session_config=session_config"
+3404623,"""https://github.com/bobalu113/gabbo/issues/44""",replace index defines with structs,all that collection some_member stuff is dumb when there's structs with real type checking not sure what i was thinking
+1044462,"""https://github.com/bwsw/cloudstack-ui/issues/387""",when displaying pulse tab where several charts are layed out. x-axe doesn't correspond,x-axe length and x-axe labels don't match. it leads to impossibility to match data on charts.
+174472,"""https://github.com/cBioPortal/cbioportal/issues/3156""",bring back the genome space icon,"let's bring it back on the download data form. we should not ping or run any code before opening the download data form, ideally not before the button is clicked."
+1186976,"""https://github.com/j26design/Ecwid-Premium/issues/76""",product detail splitter bug,"hello i really like this widget but theres a bug! when i export it, the buying and description section moves down, but only sometimes! it moves more down when i seth the product detail width to 40% hope you can fix it! mads from denmark"
+3289754,"""https://github.com/curationexperts/laevigata/issues/157""",submission agreement text,"- get language for submission agreement from bethany
+- update submission agreement with emory language"
+2873071,"""https://github.com/vroosky/souno-indicator-chinaweather/issues/2""",unsupported in appcenter dashboard,"this is an automated message from appcenter dashboard. we were unable to determine your
+project language and / or build system and therefor have halted all operations.
+please make sure you are using a supported language and build system to
+continue. currently appcenter dashboard is able to process these types of projects
+- debian packages requires debian/control file if you need help with this issue please stop by the gitter https://gitter.im/elementary/houston channel. affects : 0.2.0 release https://github.com/vroosky/souno-indicator-chinaweather/releases/tag/0.2.0 "
+5237437,"""https://github.com/tilemill-project/tilemill/issues/2605""","one part of map disappears when zooming, no zoom filters set","i have 4 groups a,b,c,d which all appear at zoom level 0-7. however, suddenly at zoom 8, group d suddenly disappears from the map. the rest of the groups still appears at zoom 8, it's just group d."
+3275019,"""https://github.com/ClassicWoW/Nefarian_1.12.1_Bugtracker/issues/2347""",lebensenergie des geiers,"welches verhalten wird beobachtet? der muskelmagenkaugummi https://datenbank.classic-wow.org/?item=8424 gibt den willenskraftbuff + 25, jedoch stackt dieser nicht mit dem willenskraftbuff des priesters wie sollte es sich verhalten? es sollte stacken, so wie alle anderen blasted land buffs schritte zur reproduzierung zusätzliche informationen screenshots, videos, klasse, rasse, level, etc. alle kreaturen, items, objekte, quests, zauber etc. müssen aus unserer datenbank verlinkt sein. https://datenbank.classic-wow.org/?item=8424"
+2397330,"""https://github.com/bpteague/cytoflow/issues/88""",treatment of negative values in geom_sd,i am wondering if it would be better to use cmath to calculate the log dealing with the negative number a bit differently. def geom_sd a : a = np.array a u = flow.geom_mean a a a <= 0 = np.abs a a <= 0 + 2 u return np.exp np.std np.log a possible update import cmath as cm def geom_sd a : a = np.array a u = flow.geom_mean a return np.exp np.std cm.log x for x in a
+3510611,"""https://github.com/newsdev/who_the_hill/issues/4""",each lawmaker gets a separate text in return,running into 140-character issues with groups of 3 or more.
+5082989,"""https://github.com/i3/i3lock/issues/128""",i3lock extremely slow after latest update,"i am using i3lock version: 2.9-1~~xenial1 from the http://debian.sur5r.net/i3 repo and it appears to be extremely slow after the latest update i've rebooted just to be sure . i am using it on ubuntu 16.04. it's slow: 1. when locking there's an additional second or so of delay 2. when unlocking - there's a delay between when you press a key & when the circle lights up to acknowledge that a key has been pressed. as in, i'm guessing it accepts the keys at the normal pace, but there's a considerable delay displaying it on screen ."
+3910006,"""https://github.com/jquense/react-widgets/issues/528""",how remove empty fields message?,"! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5157416/22328501/345450c0-e3ef-11e6-8166-89dfca16807a.png i set messages={{ emptylist: null, emptyfilter: null }} but anyway i see an empty field"
+2345819,"""https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/2156""",how to requset fullscreen manually?,"i do not add the feature fullscreen to option. and now i want to requset fullscreen manually i look througth the document, and there is no method to fullscreen by js!!!"
+5189423,"""https://github.com/ShetiPhian/Localizations-and-Issues/issues/98""",crash on 1.11.2 when using blaze powder on endertable,"there is a client side crash that happens on 1.11.2 when you use blaze powder on the endertable. i tested this on 1.12 version of your mods and it seems to work. i could not find the issue in the closed issue logs, but i might have missed it. i just wanted to see if it was possible to have a fix for this for 1.11.2. crash-2017-08-01_10.51.00-client.txt https://github.com/shetiphian/localizations-and-issues/files/1190980/crash-2017-08-01_10.51.00-client.txt"
+2318460,"""https://github.com/mbloch/mapshaper/issues/196""",can mapshaper be used as library?,"hi, i tried http://mapshaper.org/ and surprised how quick this tool found self-intersection points in large geojson files. i want to use this function in my codes, but is this function can be used not as web gui or command line but as library? if can, are there any sample? regards, kohei"
+2199480,"""https://github.com/Javanixus/octolist/issues/4""",redesign pages :shipit:,:1st_place_medal: - redesign admin and anything to simple - change from vue resources to axios - cleanup code
+319351,"""https://github.com/TypeCobolTeam/TypeCobol/issues/532""",arguments of standard call are not controlled,cobol call 'myprogram' using undefinedvariable there is no error if undefinedvariable is not declared.
+4293085,"""https://github.com/mathhulk/ab-web-addon/issues/32""",error in graphs.php,"hi, in my error.log: https://hastebin.com/epazabatal.pas banlist working here: but not with my domain... https://bans.chocolia.eu/ <-- no error for this :/ best regards,"
+4327778,"""https://github.com/apcooper/bright_analysis/issues/3""",concatenate sweep files,in response to https://github.com/apcooper/desi_mws_projects/issues/13. do this in sweeps.io?
+3161490,"""https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/14496""",untar error on re-exec cmd: fork/exec /proc/self/exe: cannot allocate memory,++ building go targets for linux/amd64: test/extended/extended.test hack/build-go.sh took 406 seconds info starting 'networking' extended tests info cleanup cleaning up temporary directories info building docker-in-docker images building container images sending build context to docker daemon 38.4 kb error response from daemon: untar error on re-exec cmd: fork/exec /proc/self/exe: cannot allocate memory error pid 1933: hack/dind-cluster.sh:276: ${docker_cmd} build -t ${image_name} . exited with status 1. info stack trace: info 1: hack/dind-cluster.sh:276: ${docker_cmd} build -t ${image_name} . info 2: hack/dind-cluster.sh:266: build-image info 3: hack/dind-cluster.sh:372: build-images info exiting with code 1. error pid 18804: test/extended/networking.sh:350: ${cluster_cmd} build-images exited with status 1. info stack trace: info 1: test/extended/networking.sh:350: ${cluster_cmd} build-images info exiting with code 1. /data/src/github.com/openshift/origin/hack/lib/log/system.sh: line 31: 1927 terminated sar -a -o ${binary_logfile} 1 86400 > /dev/null 2> ${stderr_logfile} error pid 18748: test/extended/networking-minimal.sh:6: networking_e2e_minimal=1 ${os_root}/test/extended/networking.sh exited with status 1. info stack trace: info 1: test/extended/networking-minimal.sh:6: networking_e2e_minimal=1 ${os_root}/test/extended/networking.sh info exiting with code 1. seen here: https://ci.openshift.redhat.com/jenkins/job/test_pull_request_origin_extended_networking_minimal/2840/consolefull
+4627473,"""https://github.com/ReikaKalseki/Reika_Mods_Issues/issues/1719""",rotarycraft - microturbine not accepting jet fuel,"as of v19c, a microturbine will attach to the top block when no side/bottom exist. however, when attached to top: 1- the fuel line still only connects to bottom instead of top. 2- the microturbine doesn't accept jet fuel from any side. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4776032/34064015-497e9432-e1f6-11e7-8ba9-7ebc91fab93f.png i propose to allow jet fuel feeding from top when microturbine is attached to top. it's more consistent and allow a more compact setup with pulse jet furnace for example."
+2979058,"""https://github.com/tjvantoll/nativescript-IQKeyboardManager/issues/17""",keyboard does not appear with the search bar,hi the keyboard only seem to work with textview and not with the search bar. so currently dfferent keyboards appear depending on where the user types. it would be good if the plugin worked with the search bar too.
+3006686,"""https://github.com/mono/SkiaSharp/issues/380""",how cant convert imagesource to fileimagesource,"assembly assembly = gettype .gettypeinfo .assembly; stream stream = assembly.getmanifestresourcestream tictactoe.wallpaper.jpg ; skmanagedstream skstream = new skmanagedstream stream ; skbitmap skbitmap = skbitmap.decode skstream ; skimageinfo info = new skimageinfo 200, 200 ; var piecebitmap = new skbitmap info ; using var canvas = new skcanvas piecebitmap { canvas.drawbitmap skbitmap, 0, 0 ; } var streampiece = new memorystream ; try { piecebitmap.lockpixels ; intptr p; intptr pixels = piecebitmap.getpixels out p ; using var img = skimage.frompixels piecebitmap.info, pixels, piecebitmap.width piecebitmap.bytesperpixel { var data = img.encode skencodedimageformat.png,300 ; data.saveto streampiece ; imagesource = imagesource.fromstream => streampiece ; } } finally { piecebitmap.unlockpixels ; } buttona.image = fileimagesource imagesource; // invalidcastexception in this line"
+2834197,"""https://github.com/jeedom/issues/issues/205""",plugin mode ordre des commandes,"- la version de jeedom: 2.4.6 stable - version du plugin mode: 2016-07-11 15:36:35 ce ticket pour vous signaler que le plugin mode: - ne permet pas d'ordonner les commandes par glisser/déposer - on peux modifier l'ordre avec le résumé domotique, mais ce n'est pas persistent et cela revient à l'ordre par défaut dès que l'on sauvegarde l'équipement cordialement diving91"
+4748258,"""https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues/1181""",graph queries over time and top domains/advertisers do not load anymore,"in raising this issue, i confirm the following please check boxes, eg x failure to fill the template will close your issue: - x i have read and understood the contributors guide https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/blob/master/contributing.md . - x the issue i am reporting can be replicated - x the issue i'm reporting isn't a duplicate see faqs https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/wiki/faqs , closed issues https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues?utf8=%e2%9c%93&q=is%3aissue%20is%3aclosed%20 , and open issues https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues . how familiar are you with the codebase?: _1_ --- feature request | question | other : please submit your feature request here https://discourse.pi-hole.net/c/feature-requests , so it is votable by the community. it's also easier for us to track. bug | issue expected behaviour: graph would load i guess? bug | issue actual behaviour: i just updated adlists.list with all the lists from https://wally3k.github.io/ and now the graphs mentioned in the topic won't load anymore. i am running pihole on a debian vm system host is freenas . the problem is not browser related, because it can be reproduced on two differnet brwosers and on my mobile device. bug | issue steps to reproduce: - - - - optional debug token generated by pihole -d : egkvsig94d _this template was created based on the work of udemy-dl https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl/blob/master/license ._"
+4427264,"""https://github.com/michaelrambeau/bestofjs/issues/54""",add dfahlander/dexie.js project,"https://github.com/dfahlander/dexie.js
+the most popular pure indexeddb wrapper if you search google. disclaimber: i am the author of it."
+5299286,"""https://github.com/ombegov/ITDB-schema/issues/173""",getinvestment returns operational analysis result in analysis conclusion field,"using getinvestment for hhs, the businesscase-response:analysisresults and businesscase-response:analysisconclusion are both returning the data submitted in the results field. the expected value for the analysis conclusion would be a value from 1-5, rather than the text of the results."
+574558,"""https://github.com/dastyk/SE/issues/802""",behavioural tree pech,create the behavioural tree for the pech
+1394812,"""https://github.com/vrogier/ocilib/issues/67""",c++ have_move_semantics & handleholder problem,i use ocilib 4.3.0 on vc15 sp3. vs is reporting me lots of memory leaks is my app and i managed to identify the problem: if have_move_semantics macro is enabled as detected by default it seems that the move constructor doesn't manage the internal __smarthandle_ correctly. you can reproduce the problem with this simple code: ocilib::number createnumber { ocilib::number num true ; return num; } void main { for int i = 0; i < 10; ++i { ocilib::number test = createnumber ; } } when have_move_semantics is enabled oci_numberfree is never called while if i manually disable the macro i can track a call to oci_numberfree for every corresponding oci_numbercreate .
+1854281,"""https://github.com/adunicorn/oshift/issues/4""",zone files should be put in /var/named,"forward.adunicorn.local and reverse.adunicorn.local are copied in /etc/named rather than in /var/named as configured in named.conf . the setup.sh script should move them in the right directory. this will allow named.conf to use relative paths rather than absolute ones, as it is doing now."
+4638004,"""https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/issues/149""",about location class in package of android.location,"i'm a map developer in android platform,but i met a annoying question in usual that i need handle a serious location data. for example,i need define a location class for bing map, and then define a location class for open street map, and so on. i cannot override my code by polymorphic property,because location class in android framework cannot implement interface for third party to implementation. why not change location class and add interface to implement?"
+2061450,"""https://github.com/clarkmalmgren/bolingbrook-church/issues/10""",add vertical separators between navigation buttons on the homepage,"- only verticals between buttons not borders - ideally, when the buttons wrap on mobile, there will be no vertical at the end of the line"
+814722,"""https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/8585""",fr: make mwim work with evil visual state,'move point to the end of code' is handy.
+4911807,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/69815""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+3461061,"""https://github.com/swimlane/ngx-charts/issues/177""",misspelling in src/common/axes/index.ts,i'm submitting a ... check one with x x bug report => search github for a similar issue or pr before submitting feature request support request => please do not submit support request here current behavior misspelling in src/common/axes/index.ts: export from './axes-label.component'; export from './x-axes.component'; export from './x-axes-ticks.component'; export from './y-axes.component'; export from './y-axes-ticks.component'; expected behavior export from './axis-label.component'; export from './x-axis.component'; export from './x-axis-ticks.component'; export from './y-axis.component'; export from './y-axis-ticks.component'; reproduction of the problem open src/common/axes/index.ts. what is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? misspelling. please tell us about your environment: windows 7 ngx-charts version: 3.1.2 angular version: 2.x.x browser: all | chrome xx | firefox xx | ie xx | safari xx | mobile chrome xx | android x.x web browser | ios xx safari | ios xx uiwebview | ios xx wkwebview does not matter. language: all | typescript x.x | es6/7 | es5 does not matter.
+1522014,"""https://github.com/WenchaoD/FSCalendar/issues/845""",need space between weekday header and day collection - see image,"hello, i want to make space. please see below image. let me know if you need more clarification. ! simulator screen shot 14-dec-2017 2 48 59 pm https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17953979/33984659-6c84c53c-e0de-11e7-906c-b16c6781ce79.png"
+3023446,"""https://github.com/pojome/elementor/issues/2576""",feature request nav widget + search + woocommerce,it would be great if there was a way to add a search icon/box to the nav widget as well as the woocommerce shopping cart so that it stays inline with the nav. trying to add this through a hook doesn't seem to work with the elementor nav widget.
+5023052,"""https://github.com/webvr-india/activities/issues/12""",collecting a-frame websites of india,keep commenting here if you find more website in india using webvr or a-frame. 1. https://makexhappen.com/ 2. http://kurukshetra.org.in/
+4002502,"""https://github.com/malchata/yall.js/issues/10""",don't use multiple intersectionobservers,"as @xpaw pointed out in 9, the current intersectionobserver code creates multiple instances of the intersectionobserver class. the current solution does work, and it is still more performant in my cursory testing than binding scroll handlers and such, but it would be more performant to have a 1:many relationship between observers and elements, rather than a 1:1 relationship as currently exists."
+1186073,"""https://github.com/henke37/hblankmegademo/issues/1""",non 8 height based tilemaps,a demo showing how to have tilemaps with non power of 8 height for the tiles. just set the y scroll to snap to the next row of tiles early.
+1734955,"""https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf/issues/184""",unable to install ruby 2.1.1,only this version doesn't work. others do work. gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: child returned status 1
+2867658,"""https://github.com/Karplus-Lab-OSU/pgd/issues/72""",import data collection temperature,"from osl: import data collection temperature when processing proteins modify mmlib if needed. history 1 updated by dale tronrud - over 5 years ago useful but not today target version changed from 1.0 to 1.1 2 updated by dale tronrud - about 3 years ago the data collection temperature can be found on the line remark 200 date of data collection : 23-jan-07 remark 200 temperature kelvin : 100 remark 200 ph : 7.8 it should always be in units of kelvin. in many models it will not be listed, in which case the temperature should be flagged as unknown. i don't know how you do that for a numeric quantity. temperatures cannot be negative on the kelvin scale. protein crystals cannot survive above the boiling point which is about 372 k. 3 updated by jack twilley over 2 years ago target version changed from 1.1 to 1.2"
+3684624,"""https://github.com/panva/node-oidc-provider/issues/107""",revocation of expired token & allow only 1 active access & refresh token,"i've noticed that my db starts to pile up with access/refresh tokens 😄 it seems that if a token is expired, it cannot be revoked / destroyed because while trying to find it in the revocation endpoint, it doesnt pass ignoreexpiration param. is there a reason for that? if there is, how should i clean up old access keys? using only an active token? or during the session_end endpoint as you've suggested in https://github.com/panva/node-oidc-provider/issues/84. moreover, is there a way for me to have only 1 active tokenset? so that if i try to create a new access_token / refresh_token, it will mark the old ones as consumed or something like that."
+480553,"""https://github.com/QISKit/qiskit-api-py/issues/39""",_quantumprogram.py syntax error in python 3.4 due to dictionary merging,"_quantumprogram.py generates a syntax error with python 3.4 due to dictionary merging that is not supported in python 3.4. see this topic: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38987/how-to-merge-two-dictionaries-in-a-single-expression here is the error message: file ../../qiskit-sdk-py/qiskit/_quantumprogram.py , line 1002 config : { job config , qobj config }} ^ syntaxerror: invalid syntax"
+2827726,"""https://github.com/naomiaro/waveform-playlist/issues/67""",big memory usage when recording,"dear @naomiaro , i was testing the microphone example. it uses extensive memory while recording to the point my firefox hang up after 5 minutes or so. is this expected? thank you,"
+2601662,"""https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/5560""",windows client host not found after enabling server-side encryption,"after upgrading to owncloud 8.9.2 expected behaviour i enabled server-side encryption, the client requests that i log out and back in after enabling server side encryption then continues to function as normal actual behaviour client requests that i log out and back in after enabling server side encryption but after doing so cannot find the host, however, works fine on ubuntu 16.04 failed to connect to owncloud at https://cloud.xxx.yyy/status.php: host cloud.xxx.yyy not found steps to reproduce 1. upgrade to 8.9.2 2. enable server-side encryption 3. log in and out server configuration operating system: debian 8 web server: nginx 1.6.2 database: mysql ver 14.14 distrib 5.5.50, for debian-linux-gnu armv7l using readline 6.3 php version: php 5.6.29-0+deb8u1 cli built: dec 14 2016 13:57:05 owncloud version: 8.9.2 storage backend external storage : client configuration client version: 2.2.4 build 6408 operating system: windows 10 64bit os language: english qt version used by client package linux only, see also settings dialog : client package from owncloud or distro linux only : installation path of client: c:\program file x86 \owncloud"
+3201120,"""https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/1329""",oauth login ?,hi! it would be perfect if wekan can use a custom oauth service for login :
+1128068,"""https://github.com/react-ga/react-ga/issues/160""",custom analytics.js url,most adblockers remove https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js by default. solution is to use local proxy please allow use of options.gaurl to be used
+1916726,"""https://github.com/shihjay2/nosh-core/issues/32""",would you consider upgrading to laravel 5.x?,"i could attempt this, as i think the project is valid."
+2338767,"""https://github.com/starkandwayne/genesis/issues/138""",support consul keygen type secrets,"$ consul keygen l7lyrcsjzpimtrd9coenwa== from the docs: the key must be 16-bytes, base64 encoded. @geofffranks pointed me to the following declaration: random 16 fmt base64 but consul didn't accept it. need to investigate why."
+1446788,"""https://github.com/brangerbriz/docker-StackGAN/issues/4""","cpu version, docker is running, but can't train/eval","the instruction for docker is for running the docker instance. but when you are inside the docker, you can't train/eval. it's just like cloning the code, downloading all datasets, pre-trained models on your own computer. os: macos"
+3878949,"""https://github.com/dev-sec/cis-docker-benchmark/issues/21""",splitt controls in components,"we should organize the controls in components. i mean we should split it in host.rb, daemon.rb, container.rb and swarm.rb. this should be included in the 2.0 release @chris-rock what is your opinion?"
+1150174,"""https://github.com/fukamachi/prove/issues/48""",double-spaced test output,"prior to a525f8c, test output looked like ✓ test 1 ✓ test 2 ✓ test 3 now, it looks like ✓ test 1 ✓ test 2 ✓ test 3 is this intentional? it seems like a waste of space."
+3363279,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/18650""",editor: cursor no longer blinks,since a couple of days i am no longer seeing the cursor blinking in selfhost. @egamma is seeing this too it seems.
+4396003,"""https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/4783""",implement class selectedrows,"since we have a design doc about selectedrows https://github.com/paddlepaddle/paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/selected_rows.md , we need to implement it."
+1291569,"""https://github.com/llooker/google_ga360/issues/1""",incorrect type for visitstartseconds,"in the google analytics block https://github.com/llooker/google_ga360/blob/dev-dillon-morrison-ycx9/ga_block.view.lkml l139 , the type for visitstartseconds is specified as date whereas it should be number . this is causing the function timestamp_millis https://github.com/llooker/google_ga360/blob/dev-dillon-morrison-ycx9/ga_block.view.lkml l139 to throw an error when used. can we please fix this? ps: it would be good to provide the community here an option to open pr's so that we can fix any pieces that may be broken. 😄"
+5026160,"""https://github.com/bloodyowl/react-motion-flip/issues/5""",how to highlight the recent changes?,"could you please give any tip on how to highlight the recent reorderings? i am implementing a ranking table, and i would love to highlight with background color the line which moved up or down . the move up/down animation works fine, but it would be even nicer if i improve the readability even further: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxtizpmb7p8"
+2944051,"""https://github.com/akhikhl/gretty/issues/330""",allow overriding versions of jetty/tomcat,rather than sticking with the hardcoding jetty/tomcat versions in gradle.properties can you please make these configurable? it seems that it would basically be moving the resolving of container dependencies to grettyplugin.groovy but maybe it's more involved.
+2364193,"""https://github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate/issues/92""",'new' should not require dbconfig.yml,"as far as i can tell the new command only creates a file with the correct format. for that the -config and -env flags should not be required, since it does not have to speak to the database. https://github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate/blob/79fe99e24311fa42469fb2ca23eb3f8f065e6155/sql-migrate/command_new.go l36 i'd suggest removing the requirement to provide these options as they are not relevant for this case. that would also open up using sql-migrate new locally without requiring the dbconfig.yml an example use case: we are using sql-migrate with embedding everything so that we have one less dependency on the server where we want to install the application. we also don't use yml files for configuration but rather environment variables. requiring the dbconfig.yml as the only configuration option for the new subcommand prevents us from using the sql-migrate cli tool locally"
+3983252,"""https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/9541""",nickjohnson fuck you and learn to wipe,nickjohnson fuck you and learn to wipe
+2313664,"""https://github.com/azusapacificuniversity/hubot-zendesk-enhanced/issues/3""",requester and assignee reporting,add plain text name for assignee and requester when reporting on ticket details
+4299762,"""https://github.com/datacamp/sqlwhat-viewer/issues/9""",cleanup cloud stacks,"this project uses eb now, we should then remove the stack on heroku it becomes useless . also we should link the eb url to a datacamp domain using route53: sqlwhat-viewer.datacamp.com ."
+1772613,"""https://github.com/Cody123Anderson/serenade-admin/issues/10""",add ability to turn ideas active,idea must have all fields filled out to be active.
+261575,"""https://github.com/Edirom/Edirom-Online/issues/94""",metadata view fails due to mei:geogname,there seems to be an ambiguous rule match for transfromation of mei:geogname in the transformation issued by getheader.xql
+2982465,"""https://github.com/DoctorGester/crumbling-island-arena/issues/277""",tree tango effect should be 1 hp insted of 2,but still stackable. right now patch of 3 trees is a better rune for melee heroes.
+2833358,"""https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/264""",nerdzy lawn care accepts monero,"please add nerdzy lawn care, based in charlotte, north carolina, to the list of merchants which accept monero xmr. our lawn care page may be accesses at nerdzy.net http://www.nerdzy.net/index.php/lawn-care/ please note our online sales do not take monero as a form of payment, our lawn care branch will, however, accept monero onsite as a form of payment. for more info, please email our sales team at nerdzy.sales@gmail.com thanks!"
+4367320,"""https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/1293""",section 9.6: protocol type,from ekr: https://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-webrtc/2017may/0166.html is there any valid reason to allow the protocol to be a domstring as opposed to ascii or ldh? it's about to be shoved into a url...
+4794858,"""https://github.com/MatisiekPL/Czekolada/issues/485""",issue 484: issue 481: issue 479: issue 478: issue 475: issue 473: issue 472: issue 469: issue 468: issue 465: issue 464: issue 461: issue 460: issue 457: issue 456: issue 453: issue 451: issue 450: issue 447: issue 446: issue 443: issue 442: issue 439: issue 438: issue 435: issue 434: issue 431: issue 430: issue 427: issue 426: issue 424: issue 421: issue 420: issue 417: iss,"gitlo = github x trello
+this board is now linked with https://github.com/matisiekpl/czekolada , any update on the issue tracker will be sync to this board. -------
+via trello, you can: --- __✍ create github issues__ - add a card in the corresponding column, an issue will be created in github ! add an issue http://i.imgur.com/yewicu8.gif ------- __✐ comment on github issues__ - just comment as you always do in a card ! comment on an issue http://i.imgur.com/jdnjscf.gif ------- __➦ close opened issues__ - move issue cards to close list - of course you can reopen them by dragging them out of close list ! close an issue http://i.imgur.com/opaazo8.gif ------- __✕ close pull requests__ - move pr cards to close list - important: you can not merge a pr via trello ! close pr http://i.imgur.com/nras2dg.gif __✚__ add any custom columns you need - the column will be sync to github as a label ------- default columns
+we've set up default columns for you - please help keeping them in place ; you can also add your custom columns to enhance your work flow. ! add a column http://i.imgur.com/1rxnqcv.gif ------- dashboard & settings
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+let us know at http://smarturl.it/gitlo-feedback or mail us at gitlo@oursky.com ┆attachments: https:& x2f;& x2f;github.com& x2f;matisiekpl& x2f;czekolada& x2f;issues& x2f;484 "
+1282134,"""https://github.com/Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel/issues/1264""",proposal add support for generators,"package version, laravel version package 2.1 / 3 / latest laravel 5.4 / latest expected behaviour $sheet->fromarray call accepts a generator as first parameter. actual behaviour the underlying method _addvars within laravelexcelworksheet only checks for is_array and instanceof collection but not for a generator . exception stack trace > errorexception in laravelexcelworksheet.php line 567 > at handleexceptions->handleerror 2, 'illegal offset type', '/var/vhosts/.../vendor/maatwebsite/excel/src/maatwebsite/excel/classes/laravelexcelworksheet.php', 567, array 'key' => object generator , 'value' => false, 'nullvalue' => null, 'startcell' => 'a1', 'strictnullcomparison' => false screenshot of excel file there is no screenshot available right now as i'm not able to use a generator which holds the data and the data is sensitive. steps to reproduce the behaviour call $sheet->fromarray with a generator as first parameter."
+1214525,"""https://github.com/eduardofcbg/ponte.io/issues/12""",add advanced document creation,"user might also want to create a document from the snapshot key of another one. a template might be also uploaded by the user, which should be able to define it in the editor."
+1943277,"""https://github.com/aspnet/Session/issues/145""",session middleware along with cookie middleware,"hi, i am planning to share authentication cookie between my aspnetcore and my 4.6.1 framework application using documentation from aspnetcore docs. i am using redis as ticketstore for cookiemiddleware to cache the authentication ticket is it also possible to share session between these two apps? if yes, how do i order the cookie middleware with session middleware in the pipeline? also, how do i manage the two cookies one from cookiemiddleware and one from session middleware ?? i am very confused....please advise."
+1754947,"""https://github.com/google/gapid/issues/683""",loading animation has no width,the loading animation is overlayed by the atom number. the same applies to the thumbnail.
+3849645,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/25625""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+758151,"""https://github.com/universAAL/ui/issues/394""",gforge placeholder - trackeritem 394,_this issue is a placeholder to maintain synchronization with imported gforge trackeritem ids._
+882042,"""https://github.com/Tendrl/ceph-integration/issues/100""",etc directory is incompatible with documentation,according to installation documentation 1 some configuration files from ceph-integration etc directory should be copied to specific directories but etc directory structure is different from what is specified in documentation. according to documentation logging.yaml.timedrotation.sample should be located at etc/samples/logging.yaml.timedrotation.sample but it is located at etc/tendrl/ceph-integration/logging.yaml.timedrotation.sample. according to documentation there should be etc/tendrl/tendrl.conf.sample but there is no such file. documentation and etc directory should be united. 1 https://github.com/tendrl/ceph-integration/blob/efe8a549557023cc95bb188344918451c0707a16/doc/source/installation.rst
+3230,"""https://github.com/jasonjoyce971/ARMA3_CUP_Enhancement/issues/36""",mi-35 afm xml,bug reported by hoofed: here http://www.gol-clan.co.uk/forum/topic/4919-opord-red-storm-i/?do=findcomment&comment=27273 appears to be a ground contact issue likely or main rotor torque less likely . tail rotor collision problem already repaired pending publish and feedback.
+3374327,"""https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-sl/issues/568""",csl-191 performance on 60+ nodes,"@georgeee make csl performant enough for normal functioning on 60+ nodes sub problem : block retrieving is too slow
+check logs 2016-11-26_125646 .
+smart-gen receives 0th block at 12:48:49 issued at 12:48:40 , 7th block ef46666 issued at 12:52:52 received only by 12:59:30.
+reason: nodes struggle from 100% cpu load. "
+615476,"""https://github.com/TanUkkii007/papers-i-read/issues/49""",attention is all you need,link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762 referenced from: - deep voice 3 22 for a dot-product attention mechanism
+944956,"""https://github.com/CyR1en/Minecordbot/issues/40""","gradle build fails, natrolite/vault-api ci / pre-release","note: do not mark done unless this is resolved via workaround, depreciation or service restoration. doing so will conflict with the project automation. what went wrong: could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':compileclasspath'. > could not resolve org.natrolite:vault-api:1.6.1. required by: project : > could not resolve org.natrolite:vault-api:1.6.1. > could not get resource 'https://repo.natrolite.org/repository/maven-public/org/natrolite/vault-api/1.6.1/vault-api-1.6.1.pom'. > could not get 'https://repo.natrolite.org/repository/maven-public/org/natrolite/vault-api/1.6.1/vault-api-1.6.1.pom'. received status code 521 from server: origin down"
+2969870,"""https://github.com/rpi-virtuell/rw-materialpool/issues/244""","news: medien angehakt, erscheint aber nicht","bei dem material simple show habe ich news und medien angehakt, es taucht aber nur bei den news auf. habe auch einen zweiten browser getestet, mit demselben ergebnis."
+5325365,"""https://github.com/hyb1996-guest/AutoJsIssueReport/issues/7649""","153 java.lang.illegalstateexception: maximages 2 has already been acquired, call close before acquiring more.","description:
+--- java.lang.illegalstateexception: maximages 2 has already been acquired, call close before acquiring more. at android.media.imagereader.acquirenextimage imagereader.java:352 at com.stardust.autojs.runtime.api.image.screencapturer$1$1.onimageavailable screencapturer.java:75 at android.media.imagereader$listenerhandler.handlemessage imagereader.java:548 at android.os.handler.dispatchmessage handler.java:111 at android.os.looper.loop looper.java:194 at com.stardust.autojs.runtime.api.image.screencapturer$1.run screencapturer.java:83 at java.lang.thread.run thread.java:818 device info:
+app version 2.0.15 beta
+app version code 153
+android build version n_p635n38v1.0.0b14
+android release version 5.1
+android sdk version 22
+android build id n_ba601v1.0.0b02
+device brand zte
+device manufacturer zte
+device name zte_ba601
+device model zte ba601
+device product name p635n38
+device hardware name mt6735
+abis armeabi-v7a, armeabi
+abis 32bit armeabi-v7a, armeabi
+abis 64bit
+4252674,"""https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/issues/186""","can you provide some the pre-trained classifier.bin or model.bin for ag,sogou or other datasets?","hello, fasttext is cool. but now i do not have training dataset described in your paper such as ag, sogou or other datasets. can you provide some the pre-trained classifier.bin or model.bin for ag, sogou, dbp or other datasets for text classification or word representation learning ? thank you in advance!"
+3003973,"""https://github.com/prebid/Prebid.js/issues/1883""",bidderfactory send wrong sync params to bidders,"type of issue bug description i tried to enable user sync through frames so i've added the following setconfig call: pbjs.setconfig { usersync: { iframeenabled: true }} ; the usersync module combines default setting with those passed in setconfig. if the user hasn't specified some option, it would retain its default value. config.getconfig 'usersync', conf => { usconfig = object.assign usconfig, conf.usersync ; } ; but the bidderfactory does not store the initial settings, instead, it asks the config for the current version of those settings. let syncs = spec.getusersyncs { iframeenabled: config.getconfig 'usersync.iframeenabled' , pixelenabled: config.getconfig 'usersync.pixelenabled' , }, responses ; config modules does not apply the default settings. and if the user hasn't specified some option, it would be undefined and undefined is treated as false. upon the first call to setconfig the default values are discarded. in my case, pixelenabled became undefined. so enabling iframe sync disabled pixel sync. i'd say that the handling of the default values should be done in the config. steps to reproduce 1. add the following funtion call at the init pbjs.setconfig { usersync: {iframeenabled: true}} ; 2. run an auction with some bidders that use pixel sync conversant, trustx expected results sync pixels for those bidders are fired actual results sync pixels for those bidders are not fired platform details pbjs v 0.33"
+4899715,"""https://github.com/miq-consumption/manageiq-consumption/issues/59""",needs a better description,"i followed a link to this repo from manageiq/manageiq and did not know what this is. the descriptions in readme.md and https://github.com/miq-consumption/manageiq-consumption/blob/master/manageiq-consumption.gemspec l14 weren't helpful. after browsing the code and talking to others it seems to be related to manageiq's chargeback feature, is that correct? if so, can someone please update the description to reflect that? is it a replacement for chargeback or enhancements?"
+274356,"""https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/7850""",problem with full svds and quick bug fix,"scipy.sparse.linalg .svds throws an exception when you try to do the full svd which is not the intended behavior see below or 7301 for reproducible examples . the problem is a missing + 1 on line 1723 of scipy/sparse/linalg/eigen/arpack/arpack.py https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/scipy/sparse/linalg/eigen/arpack/arpack.py l1723 . this line currently reads if k <= 0 or k >= min n, m : raise valueerror k must be between 1 and min a.shape , k=%d % k but it should read if k <= 0 or k >= min n, m + 1: raise valueerror k must be between 1 and min a.shape , k=%d % k i.e. throw an exception if k is strictly greater than min n, m . reproducing code example: from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds from scipy.sparse import rand x = rand 100, 20, density=0.05 svds x, min x.shape error message: valueerror traceback most recent call last in ----> 1 svds x, 20 /users/iaincarmichael/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/sparse/linalg/eigen/arpack/arpack.pyc in svds a, k, ncv, tol, which, v0, maxiter, return_singular_vectors 1712 1713 if k <= 0 or k >= min n, m : -> 1714 raise valueerror k must be between 1 and min a.shape , k=%d % k 1715 1716 if isinstance a, linearoperator : valueerror: k must be between 1 and min a.shape , k=20 scipy/numpy/python version information: >>> print scipy.__version__, numpy.__version__, sys.version_info '0.18.1', '1.13.1', sys.version_info major=2, minor=7, micro=12, releaselevel='final', serial=0"
+2834665,"""https://github.com/jxnblk/css-to-object/issues/1""",question vice versa conversion?,hey @jxnblk - thanks for your amazing work on open source and especially for this module. do you know of any other modules that do the vice-versa conversion from object to css?
+332362,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/27941""",integrated terminal show duplicate folder name, - vscode version: 1.13 insider - os version: macos steps to reproduce: 1. install oh-my-zsh and theme agnoster 2. install a powerline font 3. customize the font family with the font you installed in step 2. 4. open integrated terminal ! terminal https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/876920/26738735/222d6f0a-4784-11e7-9d32-3bd74a6091b9.gif ! screen shot 2017-06-02 at 11 05 46 am https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/876920/26738728/1a1b2b86-4784-11e7-8c47-4b0e746671a6.png
+5092519,"""https://github.com/Jeffchiucp/Python-Tweet-Generator/issues/1""",flask server needed sqlalchemy as back-end,flask server needed sqlalchemy as back-end
+4449533,"""https://github.com/rcdexta/react-trello/issues/16""",unable to resolve path to module,"when running eslint, the module throws an error: unable to resolve path to module 'react-trello' import/no-unresolved"
+14355,"""https://github.com/thebclickteam/bocracy/issues/86""",add twitter cards,we can add twitter cards to b-ocracy.
+3022099,"""https://github.com/mikebmcl/io2dts/issues/117""",class surface implementation has a clear function,surface::clear is declared in the implementation but not in the paper.
+3293609,"""https://github.com/josefnpat/roguecraft-squadron/issues/12""",check if client up to date,implement a system that will check if the game is up to date.
+1561695,"""https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/12547""",signup: investigate async loading steps to reduce initial load for new users,"we should investigate loading steps asynchronously using asyncrequire from the signup framework. some steps are rather large or depend on large and/or many components. some custom code could look at the steps in the current flow and async load those only or when we move to a step, we pre-load the next one in line ."
+1440218,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/react-native-code-push/issues/822""",getting codepush working in a rn typescript project,"description when bundling the application in a typescript codebase, the updates are deployed to codepush servers successfully but the packaged application fails to apply the updates, crashing upon restart fill this out: explain what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happens. also exact reproduction steps and stack trace will be much appreciated. reproduction running either https://github.com/inakianduaga/react-native-demo/blob/master/package.json l10 probably expected since typescript is not run by default by codepush using release-react task i guess or manually https://github.com/inakianduaga/react-native-demo/blob/master/package.json l11 runs typescript compiler -> rn build to target bundle -> codepush upload of bundle react native logs show 05-03 01:04:02.615 8498 8514 d reactnative: codepush unable to get the hash of the binary's bundled resources - codepush.gradle may have not been added to the build definition. 05-03 01:04:03.080 8498 8518 i reactnativejs: running application reactnativets with appparams: { initialprops :{}, roottag :1}. __dev__ === false, development-level warning are off, performance optimizations are on 05-03 01:04:03.155 8498 8518 i reactnativejs: codepush checking for update. 05-03 01:04:05.799 8498 8518 i reactnativejs: codepush downloading package. so codepush is fetching the updated and downloading it, when app restart it crashes additional information react-native-code-push version: 2.0.2-beta react-native version: 0.43.3 ios/android/windows version: android api 25 does this reproduce on a debug build or release build? release build does this reproduce on a simulator, or only on a physical device? android simulator"
+8117,"""https://github.com/vysheng/tg/issues/1349""",msg_id's how to,hi everyone! how to get message id's? which command to use?
+2708465,"""https://github.com/lstjsuperman/fabric/issues/24057""",editor.java line 4338,in android.widget.editor$handleview.updatedrawable number of crashes: 1 impacted devices: 1 there's a lot more information about this crash on crashlytics.com: https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59ff173461b02d480dd2253d?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact https://fabric.io/momo6/android/apps/com.immomo.momo/issues/59ff173461b02d480dd2253d?utm_medium=service_hooks-github&utm_source=issue_impact
+703915,"""https://github.com/dalaranwow/dalaran-wow/issues/4387""",tempest keep not giving raid id,"current behaviour : tell us what happens in detail where, when, what, why, who just cleared tk and did no receive a raid id, was wondering why i started seeing so many ashes around. :^ expected behaviour : tell us what should happen instead obtain id upon killing boss. steps to reproduce the problem : 1. enter dungeon 2. kill boss 3. dont get saved"
+4858685,"""https://github.com/mozilla/addons-frontend/issues/2980""",test output is too big,"this has been happening realistically since jest but i think the bundle size has made it more intense. basically our test output is so huge that travis stops rendering it and it makes looking up failed tests quite difficult. i don't think there's an easy fix but i'm filing this here because having to download the raw logs for failing tests is pretty annoying and locally i'll often run yarn test -- --silent because otherwise it's way too loud. we should fix things up so test output, especially on travis, is nice and concise so we can see–at a glance–test failures."
+3063244,"""https://github.com/kartoza/qgis.org.za/issues/77""",i submitted a proposal but it's not appearing in admin,i submitted 'introduction to qgis' to foss4g workshops in production and it shows in my dashboard but not in admin under proposals. it is extremely urgent that registration and submission work and no content it lost as time is running out
+1029401,"""https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/15950""",feature request recording created_at and updated_at in statefile for auditing,"for auditing and debugging, it would be helpful to have the time when a given state file was created and last updated. if this seems reasonable i'd be open to submitting a pr."
+1559661,"""https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js/issues/787""",typeerror at the end of test run: path must be a string. received undefined,i'm starting to see an error at the end of testing features. caused by: typeerror: path must be a string. received undefined at assertpath path.js:7:11 at object.relative path.js:1229:5 at formatlocation .../node_modules/cucumber/lib/formatter/utils.js:18:25 at prettyformatter.logissue .../node_modules/cucumber/lib/formatter/summary_formatter.js:201:58 at .../node_modules/cucumber/lib/formatter/summary_formatter.js:237:16 cucumber has a dependency on gherkin ^4.0.0; gherkin v4.1.0 was pushed recently and there appears to be a difference in what the gherkin parser returns that cucumber-js isn't handling 4.0.0 returns a 'path' element here: https://github.com/cucumber/gherkin-javascript/blob/v4.0.0/lib/gherkin/pickles/compiler.js l145 4.1.0 does not: https://github.com/cucumber/gherkin-javascript/blob/v4.1.0/lib/gherkin/pickles/compiler.js l147
+4774318,"""https://github.com/madhawap/test/issues/114""",iots-401 intermittent 404 thrown when loading the device mgt page with a fresh pack,"when starting the server with a fresh pack, http 404 thrown at first in the ui intermittently. check attachment
note- used private browsing in chrome and still getting this.
reference: https://wso2.org/jira/browse/iots-401
+217290,"""https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core/issues/7""",pull optimizations from mbland/bats,"as i'd mentioned in https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/issues/150 issuecomment-280382449, my mbland/bats optimization refactoring opt resulted in a very significant performance improvement, especially on windows. of course i'm happy to help with implementing the other roadmap features, but i'd encourage merging these changes ahead of the others, as it's a straight refactoring that adds zero new behavior. opt : https://github.com/mbland/bats/releases/tag/optimized-20170317"
+4300053,"""https://github.com/gogits/gogs/issues/4714""",crashed during merge,"while tried to do a pull merge, the main processor of the gogs will be crashed, below is the log based on sqlite: macaron 2017-08-21 13:27:28: started post /egoint/frontend/pulls/21/merge for ::1 panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x10 pc=0xb8d8fd goroutine 1340 running : github.com/gogits/gogs/models. repository .getowner 0x0, 0x150f820, 0xc04226e960, 0xc0444a8b40, 0x34 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/repo.go:322 +0x2d github.com/gogits/gogs/models. repository .mustowner 0x0, 0x150f820, 0xc04226e960, 0xc0444b1de8 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/repo.go:335 +0x4a github.com/gogits/gogs/models. repository .repopath 0x0, 0x150f820, 0xc04226e960, 0x2, 0x2 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/repo.go:455 +0x4a github.com/gogits/gogs/models. repository .repopath 0x0, 0x44, 0xc0443e5d08 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/repo.go:459 +0x4a github.com/gogits/gogs/models. pullrequest .pushtobaserepo 0xc0444b1dc0, 0x0, 0x0 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/pull.go:580 +0x159 github.com/gogits/gogs/models.addheadrepotasks 0xc043cd6c70, 0x1, 0x2 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/pull.go:662 +0x16c github.com/gogits/gogs/models.addtestpullrequesttask 0xc043f03e00, 0x2, 0xc043e9b3c8, 0x6, 0xc043a6e500 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/pull.go:707 +0x6ad created by github.com/gogits/gogs/models. pullrequest .merge.func1 c:/users/unknwon/desktop/applications/luban/gopath/src/github.com/gogits/gogs/models/pull.go:191 +0xca"
+5127327,"""https://github.com/yunjey/pytorch-tutorial/issues/66""",train image captioning code on other datasets,@yunjey how we can train your image captioning code on another dataset? if we prepare a json file like http://msvocds.blob.core.windows.net/annotations-1-0-3/captions_train-val2014.zip the code can be trained on a new dataset?
+545749,"""https://github.com/gregbkr/geth-truffle-docker/issues/12""",add a new project,hi....i'm learning how to develop smart contracts and truffle. can i create a new project as well?
+2303018,"""https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Source-1-Games/issues/2178""",tf2 hydro bugged in matchmaking,"sometimes a team is locked in the wrong area while the other can just capture a point, occasionally it is possible to move during the countdown phase. it may be occuring when one team caps a point and another recaps it, but i am nut sure"
+3340139,"""https://github.com/bartosz-antosik/vscode-spellright/issues/51""",full cpu load in ubuntu 17.04,"hi, thanks for the work. i looks very promising. i am using the extension in ubuntu 17.04. it feels very slow and the extension seems to trigger very large cpu load. the process causing it is /usr/share/code/code /usr/share/code/resources/app/out/bootstrap --type=extensionhost"
+621071,"""https://github.com/anagolob3141/APPR-2017-18/issues/1""",nasvet pri uvozu podatkov,"pozdravljeni! imam dve vprašanji: pri uvozu podatkov bi želela zajeti po eno spletno stran za vsak datum v letu 2016, vendar moja koda deluje preveč počasi. zanima me ali bi bilo ustrezno, če zajemem vsak mesec posebej in tabele shranim v csv datoteko? poleg tega mi v prvem stolpcu tabele ne izpisuje datumov v lepi obliki in ne vem kako jih ustrezno popraviti."
+4327511,"""https://github.com/giangm9/son-python/issues/2""",chap 1 : question 2 nan,tìm tài liệu giải thích cho đoạn sau >>> a = float 'nan' >>> a == a false
+3261416,"""https://github.com/RJMetrics/magenerator/issues/39""",create core_store table,"this table serves as a mapping table for store name / store website. the names are front-facing friendly. schema: store_id smallint 5 unsigned code varchar 32 group_id smallint 5 unsigned is_active smallint 5 unsigned name varchar 255 sort_order smallint 5 unsigned website_id smallint 5 unsigned store_id serves a key for store_id on sales_flat_order and customer_entity code is a shortened version of name website / group_id are optional, idk what they do name is the store's name sort_order / is_active are not necessary note the 'core_store' is 'store' in m2"
+1835691,"""https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/issues/1241""",feature request: send bmp post policy,bmp supports post or pre-policy routes. currently gobgp only support bmp pre-policy. it would be useful to have gobgp support both pre and post-policy. this would be specified in the configuration. bmp-servers.config address = port=11019 post-policy=true
+3647084,"""https://github.com/18F/calc/issues/1318""",s70 parser doesn't always stop at the end of the pricing table,
+3440480,"""https://github.com/couchbase/sync_gateway/issues/3015""",set document expiry via sync function,add the ability to set a document's expiry via the sync function. add a new expiry built-in function. it should accept the same formats supported today by the _exp -based expiry support.
+3127097,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/33664""",total breakdown of syntax highlighting with es6 factory functions," - vscode version: 1.15.1 - os version: fedora 26 steps to reproduce: 1. copy the code pasted below into vscode with javascript as the language 2. observe the syntax highlighting fail please see the attached screen dump ! broken https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12832280/29964659-b1160702-8f02-11e7-939b-a5fb0de86590.png reproduces without extensions: yes // factory functions const createzombie = { status = 1, width = 10, height = 10, xposition, yposition, color = green } => { status, width, height, xposition, yposition, color } ; const createhero = { status = 1, width = 25, height = 50, xposition, yposition, color = red } => { status, width, height, xposition, yposition, color } ;"
+238658,"""https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-clippy/issues/1821""",lint contains_key then remove on maps,"this doesn't just include the case: if map.contains_key k { map.remove k ; } but also other cases, like: if map.contains_key k { map.remove k ; some_logic } else { other_logic } which could be better replaced by: if map.remove k .is_some { some_logic } else { other_logic }"
+2558494,"""https://github.com/oracle/oci-cli/issues/18""",show fingerprints after creating key with oci setup config,"since the web console uses the fingerprint to identify keypairs, it would be nice to have it echoed after a key is created, with the instructions on uploading a key. i know it is in the config file, but if the cli is coaching users on how to upload a keypair, it should also give them the validation information."
+2989127,"""https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-unity-sdk/issues/328""",mapbox.vectortile.vectortiledata not resolved,"scenario when i did a clean clone of the repo branch develop on my personal laptop, i find that there are a couple of compile errors. screenshots here is a screenshot of what i am getting in the console. i am currently investigating the situation. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14348784/32080424-855387a6-ba7d-11e7-81fd-9c2fcc5585de.png a quick search all of vectortiledata usages from the project tree give the following: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14348784/32080561-6204d60a-ba7e-11e7-98a7-02016154b3ee.png haven't found any definitions for this class. specifications i am currently running unity 2017.1 on linux. i thought this would be an issue because unity is a beta build on linux, but i run into the same issue on a windows vm with a stable unity build. what i understand from the information i gathered, i found that something had to be renamed...: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14348784/32080598-a807dbf2-ba7e-11e7-86d7-6b997ba8b98c.png was a definition renamed but not the references? thank you for your input."
+2835750,"""https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/issues/823""",smtp use private ca certificate,"hi, i want to enable tls for smtp in my local network, but seems there's no option to config the private smtp ca certificate, how can i do?"
+4149089,"""https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/31176""",automate ansible networking platforms images for ci usage,"summary test ansible networking platforms in ci is currently hard and mostly a manual process. it involves booting up vendor images, setting up users, passwords, dhcp on management interfaces, etc. put automation in place so we can use ansible or related tooling to automatically pull images from vendors sites and modify them to make them usable on our ci."
+4361391,"""https://github.com/ravibpatel/AutoUpdater.NET/issues/46""",downloading multiple files,would be nice to download mutliple files a new .dll or something . for example mainapp.exe newdll.dll or mainapp.exe;newdll.dll
+1188273,"""https://github.com/BuoyantIO/strest-grpc/issues/16""",size calculation has broken,"i believe the good metric in the final report, the intermediate reported numbers should not be 0 ./strest-client -streaming -streamingratio 1:100 -latencypercentiles 1=0,100=0 -lengthpercentiles 1=0,100=0 2017-06-01t21:07:42-07:00 0.0b 605602/0 10s l: 0 0 0 29 j: 0 0 2017-06-01t21:07:52-07:00 0.0b 606063/0 10s l: 0 0 0 8 j: 0 0 ^c2017-06-01t21:08:02-07:00 0.0b 98458/0 10s l: 0 0 0 6 j: 0 0 { good : 1310123, bad : 0, bytes : 0, latency : { 50 : 0, 95 : 0, 99 : 0, 999 : 29 }, jitter : { 50 : 0, 95 : 0, 99 : 0, 999 : 3 } }"
+463400,"""https://github.com/FabricaAppU9/SiteOficial/issues/79""",especificação de caso de uso de chamada pelo painel do professor,ideia para colocar chamada de alunos no painel do professor!
+4668737,"""https://github.com/dianeliu21/Pairachute/issues/3""",append new messages to bottom without removing old ones,"- initial load 25 msg - when children are added, add new to bottom without discarding earlier messages"
+2577088,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/15102""",class xxx used before its declaration breaking change in 2.3.0,"typescript version: typescript@rc 2.3.0 code ts export interface iconprops { size?: number; } type safeprops = iconprops & typeof icon.defaultprops; export default class icon extends react.component { static defaultprops = { size: 10 }; render { const { size } = this.props as safeprops return
} } expected behavior: it compiled. this actually works in 2.2.2 actual behavior: class 'icon' used before its declaration is this an intended breaking change?"
+3052436,"""https://github.com/in2it-training/phpbootcamp-portal-talent-it-march-2017/issues/14""","when posting a new article, the tags are not showing","when posting a new article and adding a new tag for the article, the tag is no longer showing in the list of posts."
+1702509,"""https://github.com/jghaanstra/com.xiaomi-miio/issues/17""",vacuum not working anymore,what do you mean with since new firmware ? if you don't update the firmware then you won't have a problem is it ?
+969810,"""https://github.com/PolymerElements/paper-tooltip/issues/104""",position along with paper-fab isn't consistent on first load,"if i add a paper-tooltip for paper-fab element inside paper-fab-speed-dial, and set up a position= left , then on first page load and opening of dial the tooltips's positions are messy until i mouse out/over them again. ! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9724446/24450992/bff8b7a8-1485-11e7-8349-aa769e501fb7.png"
+700726,"""https://github.com/Whalen207/WH/issues/15""",nametag spread at screen corner,nametags tend to spread more when near the corner of the screen. vector math improvements to be made?
+1392095,"""https://github.com/vahdat-ab/TGRL/issues/11""",textual dependency breaks hello world example,"starting with the original example, an agent with two goals underneath, i added a dependency relationship between the two goals. when i ran the menu item to generate the graphical model it ran without errors. however, the dependency target pointed to the middle of the agent and not the goal target. additionally, when i tried selecting the goals to move them around they would not budge from their generation starting position."
+1967368,"""https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/2670""",multiple borders at the top of the deployment flow,"when sections are collapsed e.g., i'm working with an existing model so i don't need to choose a provider or input credentials , it seems like the top borders are all piling up on each other. we end up with a thick grey line at the top of the deployment flow panel."
+1084546,"""https://github.com/AnnaMartignano/repository-di-prova-se2/issues/1""",bug issue di prova,> issue di prova bug bug bug
+179523,"""https://github.com/HTSTEM/Golad.io/issues/7""",make gh-pages the default branch,why is master even a branch still?
+2948532,"""https://github.com/JMccormick264/PPAppsIPARepo/issues/49""",jm why is every ipa crack going to shite?,hey jm what are we to expect any word if there's any hope on fixes for all these patches. pandora ++ is now having issues it's notifying you to upgrade but the tweak is there. the shite seems to be hitting the fan just hope not to hard.
+1477921,"""https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/issues/3282""",how to change time based on scaling in xaxis line chart?,hi i want to show xaxis time with 1hr interval normally then based on scaling the time should change to hour minute second. it is possible? please provide some suggestion. thanks
+1170156,"""https://github.com/lgatto/lgatto.github.io/issues/11""",add links to press coverage,- genomeweb interview https://www.genomeweb.com/proteomics/cambridge-researchers-outline-best-practices-analysis-organelle-proteomics-data about a foundation for reliable spatial proteomics data analysis paper - bullied into bad science times report - news in proteomics research blog posts: - r for proteomics: https://proteomicsnews.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/r-for-proteomics.html and https://proteomicsnews.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/bioconductor-for-proteomics.html - spatial proteomics: https://proteomicsnews.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/bioconductor-workflow-for-spatial.html and https://proteomicsnews.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/hyperlopit-high-resolution-spatial.html - missing values: https://proteomicsnews.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/imputation-strategies-in-label-free.html
+463907,"""https://github.com/hulab/ClusterKit/issues/6""",impl question access annotation view outside of mapview _:viewfor:,"hello, i keep an array of my annotations that i give to the clustermanager : var myarray = myannotationthatextendsckannotation // class member // i add a bunch of annotations in the array map.clustermanager.annotations = myarray at a later time i would like to access one of my annotation's corresponding annotation view outside of mapview _:viewfor: to update it basically my annotations have a different visual for different states, state that i obtain after a network call i've tried something like this : let av = map.view for: myarray 0 as? myannotationthatextendsckannotation but i always end up with nil value. any idea why ? would it be possible to update annotation views without removing/adding them back every time ? thanks."
+1008432,"""https://github.com/iquesters/iqwsiot_firmware/issues/13""",sim card not present error handling to be added in gsm sim800 library,new error handling to be made when sim card is not present. before gsm dev init starts we need to check if sim card is present. if yes then we proceed else we notify app that sim is not present and don't proceed further.
+954357,"""https://github.com/FrostyX/tracer/issues/90""",unknown or unsupported linux distribution: korora v0.6.12,"tracer: call to tracer api ended unexpectedly: traceback most recent call last : file /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf-plugins/tracer.py , line 67, in transaction tracer = tracerfacade packages file /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf-plugins/tracer.py , line 80, in __init__ self.apps = self.get_apps packages file /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf-plugins/tracer.py , line 84, in get_apps query = query file /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tracer/query.py , line 44, in __init__ self._tracer = tracer system.package_manager , rules, applications, dump_memory file /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tracer/resources/tracer.py , line 65, in __init__ raise unsupporteddistribution system.distribution tracer.resources.exceptions.unsupporteddistribution: you are running unsupported linux distribution please visit https://github.com/frostyx/tracer/issues and create new issue called 'unknown or unsupported linux distribution: korora v0.6.12 ' if there isn't such. don't you have an github account? please report this issue on frostyx@email.cz please visit https://github.com/frostyx/tracer/issues and submit the issue. thank you we apologize for any inconvenience snapper: creating snapshot failed: error.unknown_config: org.freedesktop.dbus.error.failed"
+2396398,"""https://github.com/sinopsisfilm/sinopsis/issues/12002""",sinopsis inikah cinta? sctv episode 357,"sinopsis inikah cinta? sctv episode 357
+via juragan sinopsis http://ift.tt/2cza012
+december 26, 2017 at 08:30am"
+414986,"""https://github.com/usergroupcoop/msf-reach/issues/26""",twitter feed search should also work if enter is pressed,atm requires user to click on search button. cc @luciegueuning
+2883024,"""https://github.com/nhsuk/gp-finder/issues/186""",run shellcheck on scripts directory,this works on macos: shellcheck $ find scripts -not -type d -not -name .md
+326036,"""https://github.com/TEOS-10/GSW-R/issues/37""",some functions returning e.g. 0 instead of na,"this example came up in some work with oce , and so i'll illustrate with oce code. i see how to fix this, and have done it for the ct as a test case i.e. below is from the old code; the 0.00000 will become na in the new code > library oce > a <- as.ctd 30:35,c 10,na,12,13,14,15 ,10:15 > a ct 1 10.07951 0.00000 12.05066 13.03213 14.01094 14.98715"
+4754797,"""https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet/issues/78""",replace use of sizeof in file import/export code with explicit byte count,"currently the binary layout of the weights files and possibly other files is defined using sizeof int and sizeof size_t which aren't guaranteed to be specific numbers across platforms. while sizeof int is most likely 4 bytes on any machine that darknet is built for today, sizeof size_t can be either 4 or 8 bytes simply depending on whether the compiler is invoked with -m32 or -m64 . a binary file format should definitely be predictable, but unfortunately anyone who downloads the pre-trained weights files and attempts to run darknet on a machine with a different build config than the author's will likely experience unexplainable behavior."
+4884204,"""https://github.com/graphcool/graphcool/issues/507""",data creation is not easy," issue by slorber https://github.com/slorber _thursday jul 27, 2017 at 17:20 gmt_
+_originally opened as https://github.com/graphcool/ui-feedback/issues/71_ ---- hi, we are not using graphcool in the context of a production app but rather a prototype. later we'll have a custom graphql backend but in the meantime we are using graphcool as a mock / readonly graphql endpoint. so i have designed a schema, and i need to create some readonly data manually in graphcool so that i can query it from the demo spa. for my usecase, i found the ux not convenient. - fields are ordered by name while i'd navigate in the fields more easily if the fields where following the declaration order of the schema - during creation, it's quite easy to have a very long list of fields on a type, and having all them on a row is unconvenient. it would be better to display creation form in a popup, with 2 columns fieldname -> fieldvalue , and put the mandatory fields first, the optional afterward, and the non-fillable relationship fields at the end. this popup could also be used view/edit more easily a single row - in case of creation failure, it would be very convenient to not dismiss the form data the user entered. currently on every error we have to start filling the row data from scratch - unability to create relationships during row creation is a problem. this means it's currently impossible to create any row that has a one-to-one mandatory relationship. the workaround is to remove constraints from the schema before adding the data, but it's not very convenient or intuitive."
+3540180,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/27013""",fix crash in ioaccelresourcegetresidentdatasize,"version: 7.0.0 2982 | com.sina.weibo reason no reason found. full stack trace includes ioaccelerator, glengine, webcore, javascriptcore, corefoundation, libsystem_pthread.dylib. link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/164510309 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/164510309"
+2628151,"""https://github.com/lionheart/openradar-mirror/issues/18755""",34973537: localizedcallername on cxcallupdate not respecting customised value,"description area: callkit summary: callkit ui doesn't display customised name set by application in property localizedcallername of cxcallupdate . application overrides localizedcallername property with customised value but it doesn't respect customised value. steps to reproduce: requirements: addressbook has a contact for caller party with local name, email and phone number . application also maintains contacts called as ppm contact fetched from network. so there is a ppm contact with ldap name and with email and phone number matching to a contact from addressbook. steps: application receives an incoming voip call and app displays callkit ui. check out caller party name on callkit ui. expected results: application retrieves best contact match for caller party using contacts contacts from addressbook + contacts fetched from network to display matched contact's name on callkit ui. network contacts gets priority over contacts from addressbook. therefore, application overrides localizedcallername property to show best matched contact name on callkit ui. in this case, best matched contact would be network contact and its display name should be displayed on callkit ui when application sets customised value in localizedcallername property. actual results: callkit shows local name from addressbook. it doesn't respect customised value set by application. issue doesn't happen when application doesn't have contact in addressbook. callkit displays customised name when application overrides localizedcallername property on cxcallupdate. version/build: tried on ios versions 10.2.1, 11.0 configuration: iphone6s plus -
+product version: ios 10+
+created: 2017-10-13t09:19:44.070970
+originated: 13 2017, 2:24 pm
+open radar link: http://www.openradar.me/34973537"
+2660483,"""https://github.com/DemocracyClub/yournextrepresentative/issues/234""","candidates_import_from_live_site: download everything from the api first, then open the transaction for updating the database","this is low priority, but it bugs me a bit that if there's a network problem while downloading from the api, the transaction is rolled back and all the time updating the database so far will be wasted. we could at least download everything from the api first, and then start the transaction and update from api results on disk."
+956524,"""https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/9224""","derivaperture, histogramnormtype not used in hogdescriptor",opencv => 3.2 & master if i am right derivaperture
and histogramnormtype
parameters are not used in the hogdescriptor
class. there are references of them in hog.cpp https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/modules/objdetect/src/hog.cpp and objdetect.hpp https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/modules/objdetect/include/opencv2/objdetect.hpp . are they here for future development or should they be removed ? in the first case i think something should be added to the documentation to explain their future role and that they are not currently used.
+2239694,"""https://github.com/LearningGateways/OLP/issues/46""",draft lg map for discussion,for review and discussion by owasp lg team: 1. lg whiteboard .pdf lg whiteboard.pdf https://github.com/learninggateways/olp/files/782190/lg.whiteboard.pdf 2. lg map .pdf lg map.pdf https://github.com/learninggateways/olp/files/782191/lg.map.pdf 3. lg map with whiteboard notes .pdf lg map with whiteboard notes.pdf https://github.com/learninggateways/olp/files/782192/lg.map.with.whiteboard.notes.pdf
+833884,"""https://github.com/nyu-devops-echo/shopcarts/issues/74""",deleting a product from a shopcart scenario,as a developer i need an integration test for deleting a product from a shopcart so that i know the feature works from the outside in assumptions: use gherkin syntax acceptance criteria: given i have the scenario when i run behave then the test should pass
+211889,"""https://github.com/cesanta/mjs/issues/30""",data lost on call an unexist method,"say this code: c include mjs.h include include int main int argc, char argv { struct mjs jsm = mjs_create ; mjs_set_ffi_resolver jsm, dlsym ; mjs_err_t jerr; mjs_val_t res; jerr = mjs_exec_file jsm, argv 1 , &res ; if jerr != mjs_ok { printf js file error %s , mjs_strerror jsm, jerr ; return 1; } for int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++ { mjs_val_t obj = mjs_get jsm, mjs_get_global jsm , obj , ~0 ; mjs_val_t f1 = mjs_get jsm, obj, f1 , ~0 ; jerr = mjs_call jsm, &res, f1, obj, 1, mjs_mk_number jsm, 212 ; if jerr != mjs_ok { printf %s , mjs_strerror jsm, jerr ; } if i == 1 { obj = mjs_get jsm, mjs_get_global jsm , obj , ~0 ; f1 = mjs_get jsm, obj, funexist , ~0 ; jerr = mjs_call jsm, &res, f1, obj, 1, mjs_mk_number jsm, 212 ; if jerr != mjs_ok { printf %s , mjs_strerror jsm, jerr ; } } } return 0; } with the follow x.js js let obj = { arr: f1: function a { this.arr this.arr.length = a; //print 'first ' + a ; print json.stringify this.arr ; } }; output: maliang@bogon ~/code/mjs/mjs/tests$ gcc -std=c99 -o x x.c -i ../../ -l ../build/ -lmjs maliang@bogon ~/code/mjs/mjs/tests$ ./x x.js 212 212,212 212 there are 3 problems: 1. parse x.js arr: whithout , terminate don't return error. 2. call an unexist method funexist don't return error. 3. after funexist called, obj.arr rested to empty."
+3493262,"""https://github.com/dhruvcsi/ecomwine/issues/3""",make timeline and flow as described below.,"points, as shared below, are going to include in our project. as a visitor - visitor side design. - product listing - advertizement - inquery - special request as an admin - login - dashboard stock, ratio, and general admin side stuff - product management - product listing - advertize management - stock management"
+2765127,"""https://github.com/pvcraven/arcade/issues/119""",physics_app_2.py got error,"traceback most recent call last : file e:\hobby\python\games\arcade\examples\physics_app_2.py , line 97, in window = myapplication 1024, 800 file e:\hobby\python\games\arcade\examples\physics_app_2.py , line 33, in __init__ self.player = arcade.physicsaabb images/character.png , 390, 400 , 79 / 2, 125 / 2 , 0, 0 , .7, 3, 0.4 attributeerror: module 'arcade' has no attribute 'physicsaabb'"
+547205,"""https://github.com/tidyverse/googledrive/issues/39""",drive_list fields,we need to rationalize fields and the columns that appear in the result. do we equate these two? this feels connected with writing a general handler for an instance of file resource https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/reference/files drive-speak .
+1858493,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/13846""",find all references on primitives fails,! image https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8000722/22565919/cf07c788-e93e-11e6-99d6-411709e2486a.png notice that occurrences do work.
+5072292,"""https://github.com/hyperledger/composer/issues/2527""",hyperledger composer playground ui error,"i am getting a connection refused error while loading the hyperledger composer ui that is setup locally. the exact error is mentioned below: { error :{ code : econnrefused , errno : econnrefused , syscall : connect , address : , port :443}} i have followed the links given below to setup the hyperledger fabric and the corresponding docker containers. https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/installing/development-tools.html https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/tutorials/developer-guide.html there are five docker containers that are currently running on my system - composer peer0.org1.example.com orderer.example.com ca.org1.example.com couchdb when i follow the developer guide and run the sample example application on the online bluemix composer playground platform, it works. i was able to see the transactions, commodities and etc. however, when i wanted to try repeating the same tasks on the local composer playground platform, the composer ui is not loading, in fact it revolves, when the option deploy a new business network is chosen. the dev. environment is ubuntu 14.04, python 2.7, node v6.11.0, npm5.0.4, docker-compose v1.13.0. i went through some of the stack overflow forums and applied some of the workarounds but none of them worked. may i kindly know is there a workaround for this problem?"
+2194545,"""https://github.com/OpenNebula/one/issues/681""",debian vmcontext script,"--- author name: rolandas naujikas rolandas naujikas original redmine issue: 2335, https://dev.opennebula.org/issues/2335
+original date: 2013-09-25
+original assignee: javi fontan --- debian one-context package of version 4.2.1 couse many problems. it starts too late, because of required-start: $all . on shutdown it is reexecuted because of default-stop: 0 1 6 and update-rc.d vmcontext defaults 9 99 . the previous version 4.0.1 was without such problems at least with other problems also ."
+624710,"""https://github.com/USfoundation/us-indexer/issues/40""",us introduction wiki v1.0,this would gather all the explanations of us so far from: - yc application - website intro/wiki pages - our thoughts and put them in a centralized wiki where we can share with everyone and continuously improve.
+2784377,"""https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos/issues/876""",kokkos mangles stack traces,"one of the things that makes programming with kokkos difficult is that it seems impossible to get a helpful strack trace when there is an issue inside a parallel region. the stack trace from gdb doesn't point to file and line numbers in the user's code inside the parallel_for, but instead references file and line numbers from kokkos_parallel.hpp etc. this is even true when using the serial backend. is there any way to improve this issue?"
+680253,"""https://github.com/Zligli/excelMoney/issues/13""",transactions daily categories,dont allow multiple transactions of same category in one day
+56163,"""https://github.com/android-group-6/HungryBird/issues/59""",milestone 1 feedback !,:+1: nice work creating tasks for sprint 1. the goal of this sprint is to have the basic screens and workflows ready as much as possible. a few notes tasks are well defined and seem achievable in the given timeframe good work dividing tasks among team members. this is critical in working as a team and also gives equal learning opportunity to everyone involved nice work creating and distributing tasks to create database schema and models. consider creating a project wiki so you can have a thorough documentation of all design decisions made during the project. you have a good start on this by listing down required and advanced features on readme. consider creating tasks to qa the app a few times to check the basic flow. integration testing will especially be important for this project since each team member is working on a separate module. the best part is seeing it all come together into a polished app. consider incorporating as many screens as possible in this sprint so you can have enough time to add ui polish and advanced features later on. it is those little extra things you do that make everything feel more polished and desirable to use. look forward to what you all come up with.
+4892883,"""https://github.com/longevityframework/longevity/issues/29""",add an effect for fs2 task,add integration testing at longevity.integration.model.basics.basicsspec .
+2863938,"""https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/issues/1344""",can we use valgrind on ta process?,"i want to run valgrind or any dynamic memory analyzer on tee side to debug/profile memory related issues in ta? how much complex will it be to compile valgrind with ta build environment? valgrind can be used to pass an argument for system call while launching the process, but since ta process is launched with some predefined entry point other than main how valgrind know? is any dynamic analysis tool there for ta? thanks."
+2395451,"""https://github.com/venits/react-native-map-clustering/issues/42""",radius and text size are not changable.,"hello, after review, i noticed that the radius and the clustertextsize are still set to constant values and are not actually dynamic."
+850567,"""https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/7359""",variwide: working only on categorized x axis,"expected behaviour working with non categorized axes or info that it doesn't. actual behaviour only a comment in code: / to do: - when x axis is not categorized, the scale should reflect how the z values increase, like a horizontal stack. but then the actual x values aren't reflected the the axis.. should we introduce a z axis too? / live demo with steps to reproduce http://jsfiddle.net/blacklabel/wvyd2yag/1/ i am unsure whether to tag this docs , enhancement or both."
+4950389,"""https://github.com/tjunnone/npm-check-updates/issues/345""",bcu not working with node 7.10,- x i have read the list of known issues https://github.com/tjunnone/npm-check-updates known-issues before filing this issue. - x i have searched for similiar issues https://github.com/tjunnone/npm-check-updates/issues before filing this issue. node version: current npm version: current npm-check-updates version: current --------------------------- node:30637 deprecationwarning: calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated.
+3425038,"""https://github.com/google/seq2seq/issues/158""",how to infer top-k output sequences?,"is there a way to infer let's say top 5 output sequences for each input sequence with corresponding log-likelihoods? i wish it was possible by looking into beam search outputs, but as far as i could tell from visualization, beam search stops whenever it finds first high probability sequence end symbol, so other high probability sequences in beam search output are not finished , right?"
+5091351,"""https://github.com/blackhole12/sweetiebot/issues/56""",detect rate limiting and coalesce messages,"when sweetiebot detects she's going to be rate limited, she should start gathering messages up in buckets e.g. a ban notification bucket or a log message bucket , and then only send a message when it reaches 2000 characters, or after the rate limit recedes e.g. upon having 2 messages left before rate limiting, start coalescing messages, and then send any that haven't been sent once there are 3 messages left before rate limiting . these buckets must obviously be per-channel, at a minimum, but this gets tricky because the message rate limit is per-guild while the 50 request limit is global, so care must be taken with reading discordgo's rate limiting information."
+2870169,"""https://github.com/twosigma/beakerx/issues/5823""",plot text highlight should be bold,not blurry:
+2605148,"""https://github.com/MalumaDiego/rfp/issues/64""",¿como se manejan las notificaciones los emplados y administradores?,"se manejara mediante usuarios para los empleados, estos podrán cambiar el estado de las tareas que los trabajadores realizaron para que el administrador controle al final de la actividad asignada"
+866091,"""https://github.com/simulationcraft/simc/issues/3548""",my computer gets frozen during the simulation.,"please include a brief overview of the issue in the title above, as well as completing the following: simulationcraft version 715-01 if simulationcraft is crashing, please include your dxdiag file - instructions here - https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/obtaining-system-files simc_gui.simc file or contents this file is saved in the same folder as the program after each simulation. make sure to run the simulation that is giving you issues, then include the file here by either uploading to github, copy/pasting the contents, or using http://pastebin.com/ reproduction steps: please include any other steps necessary to recreate the problem, or include logs/data to show what is occurring in game if there is an issue with how something is modeled. simc_gui.zip https://github.com/simulationcraft/simc/files/776207/simc_gui.zip dxdiag.txt https://github.com/simulationcraft/simc/files/776208/dxdiag.txt thanks!"
+1762224,"""https://github.com/kwm4385/PubSpot/issues/8""",breweries not visible on mobile,"compare attempting to select a beer on the desktop: ! pubspot https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/145036/32199166-c5e8f554-bda1-11e7-8408-dd17aff0e131.png with attempting to do the same on mobile in this case, a nexus 7, a tablet with ample room : ! screenshot_20171030-183824 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/145036/32199180-d033f0d6-bda1-11e7-80ab-85fd6499c2a0.png it's challenging to pick the correct beer on mobile going by name alone. the mobile view should also show the brewery name."
+1990390,"""https://github.com/MateMonkey/frontend/issues/26""",map partially blank due to net::err_insecure_response,"in chrome, some tiles are not loading correctly. the console shows multiple failed to load resource: net::err_insecure_response errors. map with missing tiles: ! screen shot 2017-01-16 at 11 26 00 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9012887/21979332/c1988870-dbde-11e6-9175-165bfdd83743.png js console in chrome ! screen shot 2017-01-16 at 11 26 14 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9012887/21979331/c198383e-dbde-11e6-8685-d50470629232.png"
+119916,"""https://github.com/TransNexus/NexOSS/issues/355""",map widget for calls to usa,us_area_codes_mapped_to_2_digit_iso_codes.txt https://github.com/transnexus/nexoss/files/755986/us_area_codes_mapped_to_2_digit_iso_codes.txt page path description of issue need new widgets showing traffic terminated to usa states. the attached file maps npa area codes to 2 digit iso state codes. need the following widgets showing the following: us-call-attempts-by-destination based on sip invites and cdrs us-minutes-by-destination based on cdrs
+1486052,"""https://github.com/trustlines-network/relay/issues/20""",remove contracts.json and find another way to refer to it,the contract.json file is a generated file of the contracts repository and we should not include it in the src of this repository. one solution would be to make the contract repo install-able over pip so that we can get it this way.
+2204408,"""https://github.com/SteveCohen/Piwik-for-Limesurvey/issues/20""",class 'string' not found,i downloaded the piwikplugin.php and copy it to the pluginfolder/piwikplugin. limesurvey plugin manager list the plugin and i can configureting evrything. but when i click save i get a http 500 error with the message class 'string' not found . limesurvey version 2.72.0+171010
+2775397,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/79609""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+2622751,"""https://github.com/LLK/scratch-www/issues/1581""","question: what is the difference between staging, production, and develop?","i see many issues here with the staging label - and since these don't show up in production, what's the difference between staging and production? also, is develop just staging or is it a separate thing?"
+1382902,"""https://github.com/IBM-Bluemix/dashdb-nodejs-helloworld/issues/2""",upgrade deployment tracker client dependency,please change your dependency definition to cf-deployment-tracker-client : ^0.x to collect additional deployment metadata.
+4337446,"""https://github.com/Kevin-WSCU/Dragonboard410C-Camera/issues/7""",board v2 physical errors,"1 the connection headers selected for the hs and ls connectors are different heights. this causes the camera mezzanine board to sit at a slant relative to the 96boards base sbc. you should either select a taller ls header, or a shorter hs connector. both options are available. 2 the mounting hole pattern does not comply with 96boards specification. two of the holes do not line up with the 96boards base sbc. you can find the specifications here; http://www.96boards.org/ce-specification you can see their list of recommended connectors on page 12, and location for the drill holes on page 24."
+2203927,"""https://github.com/CaptPhilWebAgency/Iron_Glory/issues/40""",build user signup mailer,build user sign-up mailer to mail a user after they create an account.
+3453153,"""https://github.com/Themisto/CrossTalk/issues/107""",transcribe speech at regular intervals,"currently, speech recognition waits for speaker to stop talking before transcribing. ideally, during a 5-minute rant -- for example -- we don't want to wait till the end; we want to know what's being said as we go."
+5214771,"""https://github.com/NLthijs48/AreaShop/issues/357""",request dynamic shop pricing based on size of wg region.,"i generate my costs of my shops based on the size of the region blocks , this could easily be automated, having a config option with some math expression in it to auto generate costs would be amazing. we have a base cost given in groups, it would be awesome to have something like costgenerator: '%regionblocks%/2+10' so then its totally customizable!"
+3953422,"""https://github.com/android-ndk/ndk/issues/435""",add native_heapdump_viewer.py to ndk,"development/scripts/native_heapdump_viewer.py seems like something that would be useful for ndk developers, not just platform developers. cferris makes it sound like the only thing we'd need to change would be how/where it finds symbols. ...the script was really meant for platform developers so it looks for shared libraries in a very specific way. for example, it will look for the symbols in our_symbol_dir/data/app/..snapchat../lib/arm or arm64 . if you've put all of your shared library symbolized files in the our_symbol_dir top level directory, then it won't be able to find anything. you need to mirror the directory structure for the app in the our_symbol_dir directory."
+526661,"""https://github.com/processone/p1_oauth2/issues/3""",warning: crypto:rand_bytes/1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release; use crypto:strong_rand_bytes/1,"compiling with otp 20.0, i get the following warning: src/oauth2_token.erl:68: warning: crypto:rand_bytes/1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release; use crypto:strong_rand_bytes/1 this is just for your information. fee free to close this issue."
+1655417,"""https://github.com/healthlocker/healthlocker/issues/512""",padding beneath header,"the padding beneath the header is much larger left than our designs right , please reduce. on our designs it is 27px "
+4807173,"""https://github.com/veennana/medicard/issues/1""",no issue at all,"amazing app, keep up the good work! i give 9/11"
+4521546,"""https://github.com/appscode/chartify/issues/42""",add support for horizontalpodautoscaler,"while creating helm chart for kubespec having horizontalpodautoscaler , getting below exception horizontalpodautoscaler is not supported. please add manually."
+4094252,"""https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/8964""",should be able to move autogenerated default view,"hass 0.51.1 right now, you get two options: 1 have the autogenerated default view as the first view when you open the web ui; or 2 get rid of it entirely with your own default view. i'd like a third option: keep autogenerated default view, but choose where i put it. it's very useful having everything accessible -- it's just not useful as the first view someone sees. right now i have to choose between one or the other. either moving it, or having a way in the ui to always show the autogenerated view would be helpful."
+1817968,"""https://github.com/quanted/qed_cts/issues/1""",testing locally with docker and ssl,"need a way to test qed cts locally with docker and qed_nginx image using ssl. i've tried mapping certs from local machine to nginx container, which are recognized, but still unable to access site locally due to server name issues: can't resolve https://qedinternal.epa.gov privacy error at"
+1622685,"""https://github.com/Tricky1975/Kthura/issues/61""",stand alone export,"as i fully understand not everybody will appreciate the advantages jcr6 can offer you, since it’s not a very common format, i’m going to put in this exporter. it can export the data your games need into stand alone files, which can still be in jcr6 format, but also in zip and even a “real dir”. with “help” of external programs the 7z, rar, arj, and tar formats can also be made possible."
+527028,"""https://github.com/jcoyne/bl-test/issues/9""",so how's your migration going? a panel discussion or breakout session about migrating apps/content to hyrax/fedora 4,"so how's your migration going? a panel discussion or breakout session about migrating apps/content to hyrax/fedora 4 suggested by: julie hardesty
+presenter: julie hardesty, anyone else who did work or is working on migration? add your name! aaron collier, steve van tuyl, josh gum,jeremy friesen?
+format: panel if others in addition to iu are interested in presenting or breakout
+audience: all"
+3746056,"""https://github.com/Tk420634/ARFS-2/issues/149""",custom race names,we need to be able to have custom race names again. with a blacklist for donator races that that don't want their race played by others. jonplsfix
+5247593,"""https://github.com/leefsmp/Re-Flex/issues/7""",move react and react-dom from dependencies to peerdependencies,"keeping react and react-dom in dependencies section of package.json throws following error: uncaught in promise error: addcomponentasrefto ... : only a reactowner can have refs. you might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's render method, or you have multiple copies of react loaded details: https://fb.me/react-refs-must-have-owner . at invariant eval at main.js:720 , :44:15 at object.addcomponentasrefto eval at main.js:1068 , :68:36 at attachref eval at main.js:1062 , :23:16 at object.reactref.attachrefs eval at main.js:1062 , :42:5 at reactcompositecomponentwrapper.attachrefs eval at main.js:1056 , :23:12 at callbackqueue.notifyall eval at main.js:1044 , :76:22 at reactreconciletransaction.close eval at main.js:1572 , :80:26 at reactreconciletransaction.closeall eval at main.js:1110 , :206:25 at reactreconciletransaction.perform eval at main.js:1110 , :153:16 at reactupdatesflushtransaction.perform eval at main.js:1110 , :140:20 please move the packages to peerdependencies. reference: http://stackoverflow.com/a/33448574 npm --version => 3.3.12 nodejs --version => v4.2.6 node --version => v5.1.1"
+406378,"""https://github.com/akvo/akvo-flow/issues/1894""",replace current phosphate test with quantofix phosphate,the current phosphate test to be replaced with quantofix phosphate test as it seems to give better results. more info: https://github.com/akvo/akvo-caddisfly/issues/49
+4694053,"""https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_app/issues/471""",webhooks doesn't install when activating app using rails 5,"i've configured shopifyapp gem in rails 5: config.webhooks = { topic: 'orders/paid', address: {env 'host' }/webhooks/shopify/orders/paid } when i install shopify store via rails project, the webhooks doesn't add to the store settings. please check this problem and let me know how i can fix this issue. thanks."
+2118657,"""https://github.com/kubernetes/kubeadm/issues/419""",documentation requests for https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/," this is a... - feature request - bug report - x documentation request problem: many cni-based plugins do not set hairpin mode which allows pods to access themselves via their service ip, if they don't know about their podip. https://github.com/containernetworking/cni/issues/476 this is not documented in kubeadm. however kubeam only supports cni-based plugins and not kubenet-based plugins proposed solution: it is possible to extend the documentation of the section install pod network with additional information which network add-ons support hairpin mode? i can confirm that flannel-cni plugin does not support it. page to update: k8s.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ kubernetes version: v1.7.2 additional information relevant logs kubelet_network.go:70 hairpin mode set to promiscuous-bridge but kubenet is not enabled, falling back to hairpin-veth kubelet.go:508 hairpin mode set to hairpin-veth"
+3397294,"""https://github.com/StrangeLoopGames/EcoIssues/issues/3100""",brodie bug: fov too low by default,my fov default was such that the crafting table that i wanted to place didn't fit in my window. had to go into settings and kick it up to 90 and it felt immediately more useful.
+331212,"""https://github.com/hikurangi/metronome/issues/4""",feature: different sounds for different beats.,user can assign different sounds to each beat in a bar.
+5278034,"""https://github.com/ivanbozic/sketch-pages-to-folders/issues/1""",feature request integrate with sketchpacks relay to serve auto-updates,more details found @ https://github.com/integration/sketchpacks-relay example ! screen shot 2017-03-22 at 4 08 57 pm https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/52746/24224720/fc40de64-0f19-11e7-8473-a2798193fc33.png
+3524193,"""https://github.com/bandre-ucar/junk-issues/issues/186""",problems with override_nsrest namelist option,"erik kluzek < erik > - 2014-03-01 21:20:54 -0700 bugzilla id: 1940 http://bugz.cgd.ucar.edu/show_bug.cgi?id=1940 bugzilla cc: muszala, rfisher, sacks, slevis, the override_nsrest option is not working correctly. a case with the following in user_nl_clm: nrevsn = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/initdata_map/clmi.icruclm45bgccropmp24.0241-01-01.10x15_usgs_simyr2000_c131028.nc'
+override_nsrest=3 here's an example issue 0: 13 ys6223 0: 14 ys6223 0: shr_sys_abort error: control_init error: nsrest not set to a valid value 0: shr_sys_abort warning: calling shr_mpi_abort and stopping 5: shr_sys_abort error: control_init error: nsrest not set to a valid value"
+4304582,"""https://github.com/web-push-libs/web-push-php/issues/112""",security and webpush,"hello together, not sure wether this is the right place, but i ll try it. if not please tell me where to post. thanks a lot for your great work and sorry for my bad english. my concerns about webpush: what can i do if i lose whyever... my private-keys for some push domains? my problem is that everybody who gets the keys can send spam to all registered endpoints. is there a way to disable endpoints from server side? simple changing keys in js is not enough, because the service-worker only update if somebody visits the site? or is there a way to disable/update serviceworkers from serverside? perhaps somebody has a nice idea? many thanks in advance!"
+47524,"""https://github.com/yambo-code/yambo-aiida/issues/50""",please make a release,"hi guys, we've already added the aiida plugins of fleur, siesta, qe and cp2k in the marvel vm. could you please make a release of aiida-yambo so that we can add it as well? as a starting point, a release on github would be sufficient. bonus points for a release on pypi :-"
+2175777,"""https://github.com/infinit/infinit/issues/32""",failed to delete user,trying to purge user from hub fails with: infinit user delete --as dominik1 --name dominik1 --pull --purge warning: the local copy of the user's private key will be removed. warning: you will no longer be able to perform actions on https://beyond.infinit.sh warning: for this user. confirm the name of the user you would like to delete: dominik1 infinit main http response: 502 bad gateway 502 bad gateway nginx/1.10.0 ubuntu infinit: fatal error: unexpected http error bad gateway deleting user dominik1 infinit version: 0.8.0
+5231533,"""https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/22324""",markerloggingadapter's error method eating cause parameters,"akka.event.markerloggingadapter does not using cause parameter of error method. akka version = 2.4.16 scala // .................... / loggingadapter extension which adds marker support. only recommended to be used within actors as it isn't thread safe. / class markerloggingadapter override val bus: loggingbus, override val logsource: string, override val logclass: class _ , loggingfilter: loggingfilter extends buslogging bus, logsource, logclass, loggingfilter { // todo when breaking binary compatibility, these marker methods should become baked into loggingadapter itself // for backwards compatibility, and when loggingadapter is created without direct // association to an actorsystem def this bus: loggingbus, logsource: string, logclass: class _ = this bus, logsource, logclass, new defaultloggingfilter ⇒ bus.loglevel / log message at error level, including the exception that caused the error. the marker argument can be picked up by various logging frameworks such as slf4j to mark this log statement as special . @see loggingadapter / def error marker: logmarker, cause: throwable, message: string : unit = if iserrorenabled bus.publish error logsource, logclass, message, mdc, marker // ........... example : scala val s: diagnosticmarkerbusloggingadapter = logging.withmarker this s.error logmarker test_marker , new unsupportedoperationexception test , contains exception error"
+4246683,"""https://github.com/web-token/jwt-framework/issues/33""","insight code should not be duplicated - in src/bundle/…/source/jwsbuilder.php, line 49","in src/bundle/signature/dependencyinjection/source/jwsbuilder.php, line 49 https://github.com/web-token/jwt-framework/blob/a04b71df6986c311f5ec42507cd18fd7aaf219ea/src/bundle/signature/dependencyinjection/source/jwsbuilder.php l49 > the next 38 lines appear both in src/bundle/signature/dependencyinjection/source/jwsbuilder.php:49 and src/bundle/signature/dependencyinjection/source/jwsverifier.php:51 . php $definition = new definition jwsbuilderservice::class ; $definition ->setfactory new reference jwsbuilderfactory::class , 'create' ->setarguments $itemconfig 'signature_algorithms' ->addtag 'jose.jws_builder' ->setpublic $itemconfig 'is_public' ; $container->setdefinition $service_id, $definition ; } } --------------------- _posted from sensiolabsinsight https://insight.sensiolabs.com/projects/b7efa68f-8962-41cf-a2e3-4444426bc95a/analyses/141 _"
+3977717,"""https://github.com/mazong1123/reactoo/issues/1""",awesome stuff! integrating into react?,"hi, awesome stuff here! i wonder if the react team would accept some bits at least inheritance as a part of their codebase?"
+156022,"""https://github.com/barcelonapm/project-X/issues/17""",model entities & relationships,"hi! here i present a, probably early and naive, entities & relationships proposal: +--------+ n 1 +------------+ | slots +----------------+ schedules | +--------+ +------------+ 1| 1| | | n +----------+ | | +-------------------+ sponsors | | | | +----------+ | | | 1| 1| n| +--------+ n 1 +------------+ n n +--------+ | talks +----------------+conferences +-----------------+ venues | +--------+ +------------+ +--------+ n| n| n| n| n| | | | | | | | | | | | | attends| staff |admin | | | | | | | n| n|1..n| | | attends 1 +--------------+ | +-----------------+atendees/users| | +--------------+ | speaks n| +------------------------------+ i am aware that more entities will likely pop-up; but at this stage, i did not want to focus too much on modeling complexities that probably we all foresee in some areas. i just want a model to get us started. i thought about following the github/gitlab relationship between users and repos to model how users and conferences behave together. depending on our preferences about design principles we might want to call our users atendees . im okay with both. i will be adding properties of each entity in this same issue. please, feel free to suggest any relevant thing i might have missed! or, seriously, tear the proposal down as much as you like!"
+2568898,"""https://github.com/ElixirCLE/CoverMyPingPong/issues/9""",players no longer appear in the select when creating a match,"create a new match and try to type a player's name for player or opponent. the original behavior would have the list of players matching the name show up in a select, but now nothing shows up"
+5156029,"""https://github.com/BlueQuartzSoftware/SIMPLView/issues/3""",addition of abstractiofilewidget breaks devhelper,"devhelper has the older code generators for the separate input/output file widgets, but no code generator for the new abstract widget; this causes a compile error when the a dynamically generated file attempts to include a code generator header for the abstract widget."
+2017718,"""https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/issues/2801""",icons changed during upgrade with no messaging around it.,"there was an upgrade window that popped up, and after the upgrade, all of the icons changed to a new icon that is not found anywhere on the website. maybe launch it on the website first so that a user can expect to see a new icon in the top menu?"
+5048624,"""https://github.com/lefthandedgoat/canopyStarterKit/issues/2""",fsharp.core should be drawn from nuget,please put nuget fsharp.core redirects:force into the dependencies file and also reference in the references file s . its what basically all projects should do
+3182055,"""https://github.com/Storj/storjshare-gui/issues/589""","building release on windows now requires signtool.exe, however it is not mentioned anywhere","versions replace the values below with your own: - gui version: v5.0.2 - operating system: windows 10 expected behavior running npm run release packages a windows installer with nsis and other tools actual behavior running npm run release on windows now requires signtool.exe to be installed and added to path , signtool.exe can be found in the windows 10 sdk. the npm task errors out and does not complete. steps to reproduce run npm run release from the root directory of the repo on windows 10 screenshots optional if the error is graphical in nature it is helpful to provide a screenshot. ! error image http://i.imgur.com/lzdor4m.png"
+4243393,"""https://github.com/OSTraining/PublishPress/issues/97""",ppress-275 ⁃ change the description of event when content is saved to make it clear,change “when the content is saved” to “when the content is moved to a new status” https://ostraining.slack.com/archives/c4628tnf6/p1508764360000291
+304828,"""https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks/issues/123""",osx .dylib loading issue with electron/asar,"on osx, when i package my electron app as an asar, greenworks can't find the dylib files. however, without asar it works just fine. moving the .dylib files to a default directory such as /usr/local/lib seems to solve the problem, but i was hoping to find a more elegant solution or some direction as to where the .dylib files would need to go in this context. i've tried including dylib files as extraresources, as extrafiles, and even moving them into the same folder as the .app to no avail. any ideas? thanks!"
+4612968,"""https://github.com/dgraph-io/dgraph/issues/1137""",all index keys are not written on clean shutdown,"noticed this because of a travis test failing. after setting a schema and loading the goldendata.rdf.gz, i shutdown the server. when i bring the server up and run some queries, sometimes the queries return the right number of results but not at other times. it's like index keys are not written down cleanly."
+475989,"""https://github.com/pilosa/pilosa/issues/771""",topn queries return no results if you have 1 column with all set bits,"using a ranked frame with a cache size of 10000, and millions of rows, but only one column. expected behavior a topn query will return n rows each with a count of 1. actual behavior topn query returns no results. steps to reproduce the behavior i haven't verified this, but you can probably use pi bench to import 1000 rows, with just one column, and set every bit. make sure you've created the frame with cachetype: ranked, and cachesize: 500 something less than 1000 . then perform a topn query on that frame. information about your environment os/architecture, cpu, ram, cluster/solo, configuration, etc. mid 2014 macbook pro 16 gb single node."
+162201,"""https://github.com/terasolunaorg/tutorial-apps/issues/60""",apply validation of code-format,"description this is maintenance task. correspond to https://github.com/terasolunaorg/terasoluna-gfw/issues/680 . possible solutions - the format settings of java and xml are seen https://github.com/terasolunaorg/terasoluna-gfw-functionaltest/issues/628 . - jsp html is formatted by eclipse. but when jsp is formatted, some tests will fail because some expected space erased . as a countermeasure, replace some space with . - basically, we use the default jsp html format setting of eclipse but, we should been changed indent size from tab 1 to space 2. and should changed line width to 100 . affects version/s 5.x.x.release 1.x.x.release fix version/s - 5.4.0 master - 5.3.1 - 5.2.2 - 5.1.2 - 5.0.3 - 1.0.7 issue links https://github.com/terasolunaorg/terasoluna-gfw/issues/680 - the original issue"
+2350374,"""https://github.com/michaelt/streaming/issues/34""",streaming exposes an unsafe destroy,"haskell foo, bar :: stream of char char foo = lift 'a','b' >>= lift . : bar = lift 'a','b' >>= : by the monad transformer laws, foo = bar , but in fact destroy foo p.show p.show p.show /= destroy bar p.show p.show p.show . i blame destroy . indeed, streaming.internal.destroyexposed carefully documents the dangers and necessary restrictions, but destroy is presumably accidentally implemented using identical code: haskell destroy :: functor f, monad m => stream f m r -> f b -> b -> m b -> b -> r -> b -> b destroy stream0 construct effect done = loop stream0 where loop stream = case stream of return r -> done r effect m -> effect liftm loop m step fs -> construct fmap loop fs destroyexposed stream0 construct effect done = loop stream0 where loop stream = case stream of return r -> done r effect m -> effect liftm loop m step fs -> construct fmap loop fs the most obvious fix is to simply define destroy = destroyexposed . unexposed but there may be a slightly more efficient way."
+2118084,"""https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/6021""",expansion panel goes back to previous state expanded/collapsed when state it shows get changed,"bug, feature request, or proposal: bug what is the expected behavior? expansion panel should not collapse automatically if state inside panel-header or body gets changed. what is the current behavior? if you open one expansion panel inside accordion, and change the state of expansion panel, expansion panel goes back to previous state. if it was expanded, it will collapse and vice versa . what are the steps to reproduce? if we expand second expansion-panel, after the data is changed, the first one will expand and the second one will collapse. also if third or first is expanded, after data is changed, they will collapse. http://plnkr.co/edit/xhhbui8b1ctwvvdbtpqw?p=preview"
+802217,"""https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth/issues/1365""",connect to sso server out box of laravel,"hi my user table is in sso server out of my laravel. when user login in my laravel, i want send username and password to the sso server and if those are correct get token from server. this token will assigned to the user to get user info from sso server.for every request that needs auth in laravel we must check the token and if token has been expired we need refresh token. how can i do that by jwt?"
+2493505,"""https://github.com/GeoDaCenter/geoda/issues/1241""",silent install switches won't remove old versions,"i understand why a normal install will open a dialog to remove an older install of geoda, but not why the dialog also opens when the /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /norestart /sp- options are used like for a deployment . please adjust the installer to auto-remove old versions when the obvious intent of the installer is to make it silent without user interaction."
+1754656,"""https://github.com/abseil/abseil.github.io/issues/82""",jekyll adds arbitrary tags,"which lead to css highlighting, presuming they are links. can fix through css, but would like to know why the tags are being added."
+4255105,"""https://github.com/egret-labs/resourcemanager/issues/10""",res build 在转换 resource.json 时,没有对应删除 resource.json 中已经被删除的 group,res build 在转换 resource.json 时,没有对应删除 resource.json 中已经被删除的 group 相关问题: http://bbs.egret.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=25955
+5136070,"""https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/4180""",suitep quickcreate forms not visible in mobile,quickcreate form is not visible in suitep theme and mobile browser. issue mobile browsers do not display the quickcreate form when button create pressed in subpanel. expected behavior quickcreate form should appear actual behavior nothing happens when button create pressed possible fix probably javascript issue. steps to reproduce 1. with mobile browser chrome on android go to accounts and detail view 2. scroll down to opportunities subpanel 3. press create -> no quickcreate form is displayed context your environment suitecrm version used: 7.9.3 browser name and version : chrome on mobile or developer extension on desktop chrome on ipad browser it works ok.
+521646,"""https://github.com/nukeviet/nukeviet/issues/2224""",nukeviet dev news về việc khoá chiếm quyền ??? khi có thành viên khác đang sửa bài,"tạo 1 tài khoản b bất kỳ. phân quyền là admin. gọi god admin là a. vấn đề 1: bạn b vào sửa bài trước. bạn a vào sau, click sửa bài. nhưng thông báo lại là bạn bị chiếm quyền ... ???? vấn đề 2: bạn b nhấn sửa bài, để đó không nhấn lưu. nhấn vào logo về trang chủ admin. bạn a chờ tới mùa quýt vẫn bị chiếm quyền = vấn đề 3: bạn b nhấn sửa bài, để đó không nhấn lưu. nhấn vào logo về trang chủ admin. del acc bạn b, bạn a vẫn bị thông báo lại là bạn bị chiếm quyền ... ???? sơ bộ mới chỉ kiểm thử 3 vấn đề trên. chưa nghĩ ra thêm."
+5040264,"""https://github.com/pboehm/ddns/issues/3""",pdns fails to start in debian stretch,"hi, i tried to deploy your scripts, but pdns fails to run once pipe.conf was created. > service pdns restart > job for pdns.service failed because the control process exited with error code. > see systemctl status pdns.service and journalctl -xe for details. > root@ddns:~/gocode systemctl status pdns.service > ● pdns.service - powerdns authoritative server > loaded: loaded /lib/systemd/system/pdns.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled > active: activating auto-restart result: exit-code since sun 2017-07-16 08:34:46 utc; 502ms ago > docs: man:pdns_server 1 > man:pdns_control 1 > https://doc.powerdns.com > process: 18028 execstart=/usr/sbin/pdns_server --guardian=no --daemon=no --disable-syslog --write-pid=no code=exited, status=1/failure > main pid: 18028 code=exited, status=1/failure > go is at v1.7 and gopath is well-defined at /path/to/gocode, fyi. thanks! cheers, /z"
+2980688,"""https://github.com/clun/ff4j/issues/245""",properly securing the web console/rest api ?,"hi i've implemented an authorizationsmanager as per https://github.com/clun/ff4j/wiki/core-concepts permissions-and-security. tests work as expected. however, i'm looking for the proper way to secure the web console/apis themselves, and not just the features. note that i am not using spring security or shiro, due to legacy code basically, i'm stuck with the servlet/jsp apis under tomcat, non ee . no iptables, no fw, no nginx or apache interceptors. i'm already under full https. which would be the best option between 1. writing custom tomcat valve or filter to restrict the console/apis urls 2. extending or forking ff4jdispatcherservlet to inject a bare securitymanager plus securing the rest api with jjwt 3. writing a custom filter i.e outside of tomcat ?"
+2145807,"""https://github.com/rsanchez-wsu/RaiderPlanner/issues/91""",calendar size bug," there is a bug with the calendar. when you resize the window while still in the study dashboard, and theen switch to calendar view, the calendar has shrunk."
+4007534,"""https://github.com/JCepedaVillamayor/functional-compiler/issues/5""",rewrite the code to support full grammar,"the grammar made earlier was designed to make a proof of concept. it is necessary to make a grammar of a complete language, and implement the evaluator of it."
+4618000,"""https://github.com/fubhy/drupal-decoupled-app/issues/381""",persistgraphql library not found on yarn install,yarn install fails with: error an unexpected error occurred: https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@amazee/persistgraphql/-/persistgraphql-0.3.2.tgz: request failed \ 404 not found\ . stack trace: trace: error: https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@amazee/persistgraphql/-/persistgraphql-0.3.2.tgz: request failed 404 not found at request.handlerequesterror /usr/local/cellar/yarn/0.23.2/libexec/lib/fetchers/tarball-fetcher.js:205:20 at emitone events.js:96:13 at request.emit events.js:191:7 at request.onrequestresponse /usr/local/cellar/yarn/0.23.2/libexec/node_modules/request/request.js:1074:10 at emitone events.js:96:13 at clientrequest.emit events.js:191:7 at httpparser.parseronincomingclient _http_client.js:522:21 at httpparser.parseronheaderscomplete _http_common.js:99:23 at tlssocket.socketondata _http_client.js:411:20 at emitone events.js:96:13 at tlssocket.emit events.js:191:7
+1285392,"""https://github.com/zkat/make-fetch-happen/issues/16""",write tests for agent pooling/proxy,"i kinda hacked that stuff in, and testing it will take a bit of work. should really do it soon. until then, yolo."
+3539354,"""https://github.com/linked-art/linked.art/issues/47""",document use of aat:300202389 for inferred data,"https://linked-art.slackarchive.io/general/page-17/ts-1496768479246963 { type : activity , classified_as : aat:curation , aat:computer-generated , has_timespan : { ... }, used_specific_object : { ... }, carried_out_by : { ... } }"
+2831007,"""https://github.com/spacetelescope/imexam/issues/91""",grab sometimes returns an error,"the primary symptom is: /users/anusha/astroconda/envs/aas229-workshop/lib/python3.5/subprocess.py in _execute_child self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, pass_fds, cwd, env, startupinfo, creationflags, shell, p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite, errread, errwrite, restore_signals, start_new_session 1549 else: 1550 err_msg += ': ' + repr orig_executable -> 1551 raise child_exception_type errno_num, err_msg 1552 raise child_exception_type err_msg 1553 filenotfounderror: errno 2 no such file or directory: 'import'"
+1324071,"""https://github.com/ocadotechnology/codeforlife-portal/issues/419""",error messages need localising in tests,some tests check whether a specific error message shows or not - this error message should be stored elsewhere and localised. view 331 for more details.
+3528952,"""https://github.com/ITS-UofIowa/iowasummerwritingfestival.org/issues/17""",change pane title of instructors on front page,change the pane title of the view of instructors on the front page to just instructors .
+3302895,"""https://github.com/transitionnetwork/TNv3.0/issues/138""",word count on contact page,report from admin today - third person today who has tried to reach us via the contact us page and wasn’t able to due to system telling them they are over the word limit when they clearly aren’t. can you please urgently look into why people cannot ask us longer questions. cheers
+4294196,"""https://github.com/electricbookworks/electric-book/issues/58""",include a slideshow,"as an editorial user, i want to embed a slideshow easily, and pick a fallback image for formats that don't provide advanced interactivity, so that users can click through basic animations in web and epub3 versions."
+1047932,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/16244""","fix crash in - wbtextlayoutline layoutresult baselineoriginforcharacteratindex: , line 157","version: 6.12.3 2839 | com.sina.weibo stacktrace wbtextlayoutline layoutresult ;baselineoriginforcharacteratindex:;wbtextlayoutline.m;157
+wbtextlayoutline layoutresult ;enumeratelayoutrunsusingblock:;wbtextlayoutline.m;189
+wbtextlayoutline layoutresult ;enumeratelayoutrunsusingblock:;wbtextlayoutline.m;183
+wbasyncdrawingview;displaylayer:;wbasyncdrawingview.m;468 link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/154871247 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/154871247"
+2549414,"""https://github.com/angrykoala/gaucho/issues/89""",delete task method should be called when deleting a suite,delete all tasks before deleting the suite so the events are properly handled related to 88
+3204153,"""https://github.com/claroline/Distribution/issues/1811""",add level field,"| q | a | ------------- | --- | bug report? | yes/no | version? | master/7.0/etc. add a field type level with a cursor. examples: poor, midle, great 1,2,3,4,5, never, once by week, once by month ..."
+452867,"""https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/3708""",support ascii escape codes for special characters in room names,"description ascii escape codes like %23 for is not working. for example https://riot.im/app/%23/room/%23plus:matrix.org steps to reproduce visit any room with %23 substituted for in url. describe how what happens differs from what you expected. version information platform : web in-browser or desktop? for the web app: - browser : firefox 52 - os : debian sid - url : riot.im/app / if you give in url, it gives error in w3c validator https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3a%2f%2fkl10.fsug.in%2f error: bad value https://riot.im/app/ /room/ ssugm:matrix.org for attribute href on element a: illegal character in fragment: is not allowed. from line 80, column 109; to line 80, column 207 >home matrix"
+2720397,"""https://github.com/Storj/storjshare-daemon/issues/277""",make it work in node 8,"upon starting daemon with node 8 you are greeted with typeerror: cwd must be a string at normalizespawnarguments child_process.js:401:11 at object.exports.spawn child_process.js:488:38 at function.module.exports.daemon c:\users\felix\appdata\roaming pm ode_modules\storjshare-daemon ode_modules\daemon\index.js:50:31 at module.exports c:\users\felix\appdata\roaming pm ode_modules\storjshare-daemon ode_modules\daemon\index.js:25:20 at utils.checkdaemonrpcstatus c:\users\felix\appdata\roaming pm ode_modules\storjshare-daemon\bin\storjshare-daemon.js:54:7 at socket. c:\users\felix\appdata\roaming pm ode_modules\storjshare-daemon\lib\utils.js:216:5 at object.oncewrapper events.js:316:30 at emitone events.js:115:13 at socket.emit events.js:210:7 at emiterrornt internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8 at _combinedtickcallback internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11 at process._tickcallback internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9 this is due to a bug in daemon https://www.npmjs.com/package/daemon , specifically this one https://github.com/indexzero/daemon.node/issues/41 . as you can see the fix is easy but the maintainer seems inactive and doesn't merge the pr. i propose to change the following in package.json to enable users to use node 8 if they feel like it: diff - daemon : ^1.1.0 , + daemon : github:zipang/daemon.node 48d0977c26fb3a6a44ae99aae3471b9d5a761085 ,"
+2016487,"""https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-node/issues/2373""",data integrity validation fails in container w/ node 7.10,environment details - os: alpine official node:7.10 image - node.js version: 7.10 - npm version: n/a - google-cloud-node version: 1.1.1 steps to reproduce 1. require google-cloud 2. upload a file from both api or console and then await file.download
+244813,"""https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/15229""","after 250+ requests, phantomjs crashes","1. which version of phantomjs are you using? tip: run phantomjs --version . 2.1.1 2. what steps will reproduce the problem? 1. after 250+ requests, phantomjs crashes 2. 3. 3. which operating system are you using? ubuntu 4. did you use binary phantomjs or did you compile it from source? binary phantomjs 5. please provide any additional information below. below is the stack trace 1 0x1b67967 ./phantomjs 0x1b67967 2 0x1b91e92 ./phantomjs 0x1b91e92 3 0x1b91f58 ./phantomjs 0x1b91f58 4 0x1aa48a0 ./phantomjs 0x1aa48a0 5 0x188f2a5 ./phantomjs 0x188f2a5 6 0x188fad5 ./phantomjs 0x188fad5 7 0x1aad842 ./phantomjs 0x1aad842 8 0x1892c94 ./phantomjs 0x1892c94 9 0x22f8909 ./phantomjs 0x22f8909 10 0x4ac3bc ./phantomjs 0x4ac3bc 11 0x4b0000 ./phantomjs 0x4b0000 12 0x22d1036 ./phantomjs 0x22d1036 13 0x231633c ./phantomjs 0x231633c 14 0x23146e0 ./phantomjs 0x23146e0 15 0x1bbf4b5 ./phantomjs 0x1bbf4b5 16 0x22cf7a9 ./phantomjs 0x22cf7a9 17 0x22d4585 ./phantomjs 0x22d4585 18 0x415b9a ./phantomjs 0x415b9a 19 0x3d8541ed1d /lib64/libc.so.6 __libc_start_main+0xfd 0x3d8541ed1d 20 0x4176a1 ./phantomjs 0x4176a1 phantomjs has crashed. please read the bug reporting guide at and file a bug report."
+2236066,"""https://github.com/zeromq/zeromq.js/issues/165""",zmtp 3.1 heartbeat binding,"this is a feature request. i need to use the zmtp 3.1 connection heartbeat https://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:37/zmtp/ that is implemented in zeromq 4.2.0 https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/releases/tag/v4.2.0 . since be1ea29a81227ccd0c0f7bd08b1bf77149a3a8c6, libzmq >= 4.2.2 reuns on both linux and windows making this binding is possible."
+5056620,"""https://github.com/stephlocke/pRojects/issues/2""",analysis projects: create skeleton docs,create some templates that can be added to createanalysisproject
+5090817,"""https://github.com/hecsoft/com_hecmailing/issues/20""",contact doen't work when no captcha plugin,contact doen't work when no captcha plugin selected in joomla
+1546713,"""https://github.com/micdoodle8/Galacticraft/issues/2506""",1.11.2 returning back to overworld from overworld crashes client server,forge version: forge-1.11.2- micdoodlecore: 1.11.2- galacticraftcore: 1.11.2- galacticraftplanets: 1.11.2- modlist https://pastebin.com/j7hsmhwq crash https://pastebin.com/zh4m17vx
+1393269,"""https://github.com/After-bootcamp/dashboard/issues/11""",work on the design and layout of the nav bar.,i have done a little bit of work on the nav bar. what i would like to see: - site name in the top left corner - a sign in link that switches out with a profile link and maybe an image. doesn't need to function yet. - a drop down menu that includes: - about us - forum - practice -
+3887849,"""https://github.com/fable-compiler/ts2fable/issues/122""",map variable declaration lists,this is not getting mapped for node: ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/80104/33232859-217b683a-d1ec-11e7-84b8-b62e7d2e189b.png it may be because it is a typeliteral.
+2102049,"""https://github.com/shuhongwu/hockeyapp/issues/12572""","fix nsinternalinconsistencyexception in - prlmtableview layoutsubviews , line 38","version: 6.11.1 2080 | com.sina.weibo stacktrace prlmtableview;layoutsubviews;prlmtableview.m;38
+wbtableview;layoutsubviews;wbtableview.m;451 reason terminating app due to uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'uitableview ; layer = ; contentoffset: {0, 768.5}; contentsize: {375, 5709}; contentinset = {0, 0, 44, 0}; contentsize = {375, 5709}> failed to obtain a cell from its datasource ' link to hockeyapp https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/152746954 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/manage/apps/411124/crash_reasons/152746954"
+2929674,"""https://github.com/prettier/prettier-emacs/issues/18""",saving file loses code from yank buffer,"when i yank code c-w and save the file, it clears my yank buffer so i can't paste said code in a different file. steps to reproduce: 1. have javascript 2. mark some code 3. c-w 3. c-x c-s 4. open different file 5. c-y observe nothing gets pasted. my setup: elisp require 'prettier-js defun enable-minor-mode my-pair enable minor mode if filename match the regexp. my-pair is a cons cell regexp . minor-mode . if buffer-file-name if string-match car my-pair buffer-file-name funcall cdr my-pair require 'web-mode add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist ' \\.jsx\\' . web-mode add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist ' \\.js\\' . web-mode add-hook 'web-mode-hook ' lambda enable-minor-mode ' \\.jsx?\\' . prettier-js-mode for full .emacs.d dir you can see here: https://github.com/swizec/dot.emacs.d"
+2942512,"""https://github.com/fourkitchens/emulsify/issues/58""",using foundation or bootstrap as starter,is there a way to include the foundation or bootstrap sass to use that as a base when building my theme with emulsify? this would allow us to keep using a tool we know while incorporating this project. we tried just putting all the foundation .scss in components/_patterns/ but it's throwing errors. hoping you have good advice on the best path to take.
+2965554,"""https://github.com/yahoo/CaffeOnSpark/issues/223""",changing the caffe version in caffe-public?,"ok so i'm using a distributed file system and computational power and it now works with simple caffe, using caffeonspark and some adjustments. but i now need to train nets for more complex tasks, including object localization. i already used standalone mscnn https://github.com/zhaoweicai/mscnn but just wanted to know if replacing caffe-public in caffeonspark by caffe-mscnn knowing it has some differences in the data layers etc before compiling was viable. i tried it, but i get the following issue : protoc: exec make 1 : entering directory /opt/caffeonspark/caffe-distri' exec make 1 : leaving directory /opt/caffeonspark/caffe-distri' exec make 1 : no rule to make target ../caffe-public/distribute/proto/caffe.proto', needed by src/main/java/caffe/caffe.java'. stop. still, i have the feeling it's not because of the caffe version. has anyone tried changing the caffe version to benefit from new layers, etc in caffeonspark? thanks."
+3669616,"""https://github.com/insidegui/AnimojiStudio/issues/13""","consider having all puppets active on selection, like in photo booth","cool stuff can more than one puppet be active on screen? a cool effect would be to have all puppets follow the user's face on selection, like in photobooth. i don't have an x, so i cannot test and/or pr."
+5050206,"""https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/16698""",license notation of child dependencies,"version : master subsystem : meta, tools currently, we use license-builder.sh https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/tools/license-builder.sh to add the deps/tools license notation to our root license file. as some collaborators pointed out at this pull request https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16635 issuecomment-341259968, the notation of child dependencies in node_modules seems to be missing. here are examples: + tools/doc/node_modules https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/master/tools/doc/node_modules + tools/eslint/node_modules https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/master/tools/eslint/node_modules + deps/npm/node_modules https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/master/deps/npm/node_modules + https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16635 in the case we need to take action, i think updating license-builder.sh to make it possible to explore licenses in node_modules would be a workable solution. cc @trott @refack refs: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/16640"
+3783474,"""https://github.com/stefanwalther/sense-navigation/issues/73""",cannot load extension.,failed to import extension. please check log file importing other extensions still works.
+4032916,"""https://github.com/broadinstitute/gtex-pipeline/issues/2""",chimmainsegmentmultnmax & -outsamattributes,"hi, i think star 2.4.2a does not support chimmainsegmentmultnmax option, however it is found in run_star.py. therefore it crushes when using star 2.4.2a. however, i am not sure if docker version has 2.4.2a or a later version; since i am not using it . same goes for -outsamattributes , where ch is not supported by star 2.4.2a. fahri"
+3065607,"""https://github.com/apereo/cas/issues/2737""",sliding window for access token is working incorrectly,"when checking access token expiration time, the sliding window check is made incorrectly. this causes every access token to expire after timetokillinseconds time, no matter when the token was used recently and how maxtimetolive is set."
+3132162,"""https://github.com/balderdashy/sails/issues/4025""",can not install sails. no such package available : @sailshq/express,"hi, i am trying to install sails, but i get an error, that submodules are not available. npm install sails -g npm err! darwin 16.4.0 npm err! argv /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/npm install sails -g npm err! node v6.9.1 npm err! npm v4.0.5 npm err! code e404 npm err! 404 no such package available : @sailshq/express npm err! 404 npm err! 404 '@sailshq/express' is not in the npm registry. npm err! 404 you should bug the author to publish it or use the name yourself! npm err! 404 it was specified as a dependency of 'sails' npm err! 404 npm err! 404 note that you can also install from a npm err! 404 tarball, folder, http url, or git url. even info can find it: npm info @sailshq/express ... code e404 it seems there is something broken in the build."
+4655689,"""https://github.com/cabrerahector/wordpress-popular-posts/issues/149""",empty strings in the args are treated as not existing,"if i have this: $args = array 'wpp_start' => '', 'wpp_end' => '', ; i really need to specify this: $args = array 'wpp_start' => ' ', 'wpp_end' => ' ', ; that is, i have to set these arguments to a space. if i set them to empty, the plugin treats them as not set, and returns the default value. the above is a workaround for unexpected behaviour."
+1136508,"""https://github.com/zodb/zodbshootout/issues/29""",add option to test blobs,"this may or may not be interesting on its own, but we recently discovered an issue with relstorage + mysql < about 5.6.5 having to do with the way subqueries are not optimized. this shows up when inserting blobs into the database."
+1656383,"""https://github.com/teotidev/remix/issues/242""",removing selected clip,highlight an empty clip box for any machine. remove that scene and try adding a clip for that same machine again and it crashes. error 1009 typeerror: error 1009 at caustic.rack.scene::xscenemodel/set selectedcliplistdata at caustic.remix.ui.controls.launcher._mediators::cliplistgridmediator/view_clipitemlongpresshandler at org.robotlegs.starling.base::eventmap/routeeventtolistener at methodinfo-3303 at starling.events::eventdispatcher/invokeevent at starling.events::eventdispatcher/bubbleevent at starling.events::eventdispatcher/dispatchevent at starling.display::displayobject/dispatchevent at starling.events::eventdispatcher/dispatcheventwith at com.teotigraphix.ui.modules.caustic.launcher.renderers::clipitemrenderer/this_longpresshandler at starling.events::eventdispatcher/invokeevent at starling.events::eventdispatcher/dispatchevent at starling.display::displayobject/dispatchevent at starling.events::eventdispatcher/dispatcheventwith at feathers.utils.touch::longpress/target_enterframehandler at starling.events::eventdispatcher/invokeevent at starling.events::eventdispatcher/dispatchevent at starling.display::displayobject/dispatchevent at starling.display::displayobjectcontainer/broadcastevent at starling.display::stage/advancetime at starling.core::starling/advancetime at starling.core::starling/nextframe at starling.core::starling/onenterframe
+1256182,"""https://github.com/snood1205/issues/issues/10332""",it's november 03 2017 at 05:05am!,"it's november 03, 2017 at 05:05am! @snood1205"
+3564309,"""https://github.com/dji-sdk/Mobile-SDK-iOS/issues/158""",can't get the gohomeexecutionstate with keymanager,"in the whole process when the aircraft is going home, whenever i call the follow code, i can only get the nil value: swift let key = djiflightcontrollerkey param: djiflightcontrollerparamgohomeexecutionstate ! if let value = djisdkmanager.keymanager ?.getvaluefor key { nslog go home stat: \ value.unsignedintegervalue } else { nslog no go home value } - dji ios sdk: 4.2.2 - dji product: mavic pro - ios system version: ios 11 gm - ios device type: iphone 6 - xcode version: xcode 9 gm"
+3482879,"""https://github.com/angular/material/issues/10900""",md-contact chip behavior is not expected.,"actual behavior : - what is the issue? - what is the expected behavior? codepen or steps to reproduce the issue : - codepen demo which shows your issue: - details: angularjs versions : - angularjs version: - angularjs material version: additional information : - browser type: - browser version: - os: - stack traces: ---- shortcut to create a new codepen demo http://codepen.io/team/angularmaterial/pen/begjdd . note: indicates required information. without this information, your issue may be auto-closed. > do not modify the titles or questions. simply add your responses to the ends of the questions. add more lines if needed."
+2678279,"""https://github.com/Thrinacia/ng2-froala-editor/issues/4""",aot compile issue,i found the error while i build app with aot mode. ng build --prod --aot=true i think this module should be updated to be compatible with angular 2.4.
+4905846,"""https://github.com/google/xi-editor/issues/235""",broken link in frontend doc,"the doc to the update proposal points to the update.md on a branch that no longer exists on the remote, resulting in a 404 when someone clicks on it. luckily, the file exists on master :"
+209498,"""https://github.com/participedia/frontend/issues/190""",add in type label in search results,"let's add the type label case, method, news back into the search results. this is so that visitors can tell what type of content they're reviewing at a glance of the results - especially when filtering by all ! screen shot 2017-04-06 at 4 43 02 pm https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/25598431/24779890/22086dcc-1ae8-11e7-962c-57158654c241.png"
+4526309,"""https://github.com/webcompat/web-bugs/issues/7758""",indianexpress.com - text is not visible,"
+ url : http://indianexpress.com/article/technology/tech-reviews/smartrons-srt-phone-review-price-in-india-specs-review-4722781/ browser / version : firefox mobile nightly 56.0a1 2017-06-26 operating system : lg g5 android 7.0 - resolution 1440 x 2560 pixels ~554 ppi pixel density problem type : text is not visible steps to reproduce 1. navigate to: http://indianexpress.com/article/technology/tech-reviews/smartrons-srt-phone-review-price-in-india-specs-review-4722781/ 2. scroll down to the video. 3. tap “share” button and observe link text. expected behavior: link text is fully visible. actual behavior: link text is cropped. note: 1. reproducible on firefox 54.0 release mobile 2. not reproducible on chrome mobile 58.0.3029.83. 3. screenshot attached. watchers: @softvision-sergiulogigan @softvision-oana-arbuzov sv; country: in ! screenshot description https://webcompat.com/uploads/2017/6/f583015a-0d39-46f8-9a4b-1bff02451928-thumb.jpg https://webcompat.com/uploads/2017/6/f583015a-0d39-46f8-9a4b-1bff02451928.jpg _from webcompat.com https://webcompat.com/ with ❤️_"
+3362508,"""https://github.com/Zenika/MARCEL/issues/112""",create the marcel ideas plugins,"this plugin should be activated whenever a sentence starting with marcel, and not recognized by any plugin, is said. the goal is to easily grab all ideas without having to enter issues. the improved workflow would be as follow : 1. someone says a sentence starting with marcel, ... 2. this sentence doesn't activates any plugin 3. user voice is recognized 4. an email is sent to the user or a google chat is started asking him that marcel didn't understood the sentence, and asks him what to do 5. sentence and associated actions are entered in a new github issue, with the user as issue writer 6. optional an idea is added to zenapp this way, we would quickly have a list of plugins to implement"
+1850938,"""https://github.com/RestComm/visual-designer/issues/204""",provide tests for monitoring mechanism,"write automated arquilian tests for es monitoring mechanism. also, do manual testing for corner cases. relates to 184"
+4259425,"""https://github.com/evollu/react-native-fcm/issues/543""",default firebaseapp is not initialized in this process. make sure to call firebaseapp.initializeapp context first.,"my react native apps build was success, no error. but when i try example code in example folder, i got above error default firebaseapp is not initialized in this process. make sure to call firebaseapp.initializeapp context first. if i put apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services' line in the end of android/app/build.gradle, i got an error when built it, but when i commented it, its going well. @benoist @ibratoev @radev @zaro @jerolimov what should i do? its been 3 days im working on it"
+2814266,"""https://github.com/mozilla/FoxPuppet/issues/124""",add browser restart capability,"for shavar-e2e-tests, we'll need not only to set preferences, but to restart the browser with a pre-existing profile in a specified path , for the preferences to take effect in firefox"
+4269932,"""https://github.com/krlmlr/styler/issues/238""",move to r-lib?,i think the main thing that you're missing is travis tests for r 3.1 on
+4618131,"""https://github.com/elmozgo/PortalMirror/issues/2""",portalmirror-clock-portlet - refactor weather.js,move the hardcoded api key to portlet settings
+326146,"""https://github.com/UCF/UCF-Announcements-Django/issues/12""",start/end date fields are missing datepickers,not all browsers provide a date widget for native date inputs; re-adding a datepicker lib for those browsers would be helpful.
+497290,"""https://github.com/SYSU-MATHZH/Dedekind/issues/3""",login status cookie is not working in microsoft edge and internet explorer 11,"i set the 自动登录 checkbox to on and then logined successfully, but when i restart the web browser me or ie 11 , it still need me to login again. the same situation did not happened when i use firefox on ubuntu."
+3395698,"""https://github.com/baileyholl/Terrain-Crystals/issues/37""",1.10.2 ore generated with nbt of 1,ore that is generated in stone when mined has a damage value nbt of 1 and cannot be placed in the world and won't stack with ore of the same type produced through sifting in exnihilo.
+4778401,"""https://github.com/nodejs/build/issues/587""",ongoing access to kunal pathak to jenkins jobs and new windows server 2016 test slaves,"@kunalspathak would like to set up a few windows server 2016 instances for testing and add them to the windows job in ci. he will help us with maintaining those machines afterwards. hence, i'd like him to be added to the @nodejs/jenkins-admins team, and let him keep access to the new slaves he creates. kunal is not a core collaborator, but has been maintaining and very active in https://github.com/nodejs/node-chakracore since it was created. he is a microsoft employee so consequences of misbehavior would be severe, and i can vouch for him. ref: https://github.com/nodejs/build/tree/master/doc/process cc @nodejs/build"
+660010,"""https://github.com/accord-net/framework/issues/967""",change the framework's name?,"after the merge with aforge.net, and given that names with .net are shrinking in popularity, maybe we should investigate whether it would be worth to rebrand the framework - especially after the 4.0 version is finished and all obsolete/deprecated methods are dropped from the current api. suggestions are welcome."
+1525853,"""https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/issues/766""",intermittent failure: src/arena.c:351: failed assertion: p i == 0,"b973ec7 on rc-4.5.0. also confirmed as failing on 4.4.0. environment is ubuntu 16.04 lts, kernel 4.4.0-57-generic, glibc 2.23-0ubuntu7, binutils 2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.3. --with-jemalloc-prefix=je_ --with-malloc-conf=lg_chunk:20 --enable-stats --enable-debug the asserts only seem to occur when doing aligned allocations in an arena with custom chunk_hooks. passing mallocx_tcache_none to je_mallocx our default makes the failures intermittent, omitting it seems to make them much more likely. aligntest.c.txt https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/files/921085/aligntest.c.txt"
+2807804,"""https://github.com/level12/keg/issues/68""",integrate with flask 0.11 cli,"this is what i did to get an acceptable solution of managing debug from the cli: python import os import pathlib import click from flask.cli import flaskgroup, pass_script_info import app @click.group cls=flaskgroup, create_app=app.cli_create @click.option '--debug/--no-debug', default=false @pass_script_info def main info, debug : this should probably look at flask_debug before overriding it when the debug flag is not passed to the cli os.environ 'flask_debug' = '1' if debug else '0' you can find the issues with setting up debugging by reading this code: https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/master/flask/cli.py l550-l556 and ultimate https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/master/flask/helpers.py l59-l63. basically, the only way to kick the debugger on is to set the flask_debug environment variable. this main will run prior to the run command, so it would be possible to write a simple function to parse/load the configuration here and then set flask_debug based on that. this seemed like much less hassle and worked well enough for me. invocation would be app run --debug to turn on the debugger."
+5164727,"""https://github.com/loconomics/loconomics/issues/274""",allow professionals to cancel marketplace bookings,currently professionals are not able to cancel bookings made through the marketplace. they can only cancel bookings that they made themselves. professionals should be able to cancel any booking. are there compelling reasons to prohibit professionals from cancelling these bookings? areas affected: - client: appointment activity see models/booking.js
+4289085,"""https://github.com/ajinkyakulkarni14/How-I-Extracted-TED-talks-for-parallel-Corpus-/issues/1""",scripts for step_4,"hi, would you please offer the scripts for_ step 4. retrieving parallel corpus from all ted talk dataframe df to extricate the monolingual, bilingual and multilingual parallel corpus, df 'ar','en','fr' query is fired to access aligned text from tables in df._"
+3211158,"""https://github.com/Puzzlout/TrekToursFlyer/issues/299""",update the views,"@damirius : same as 282, let's use a template but in reverse order e.g. image left and text/link right ."
+4898184,"""https://github.com/ajayhegde96/DBS-PROJECT/issues/1""",incompatible with rest api,error while moving from login page to main page
+2824559,"""https://github.com/kr/pty/issues/51""",terminal size != terminal size,"hi i'm having an issue where processes started via pty don't pick up my terminal dimensions. this causes issues with tools like vi and top basically anything that draws a ui display based around the terminal size to only use a subset of the parent terminal screen in the top left corner. it's particularly troublesome with tools that don't redraw the entire terminal, such as with vi . apologies for the vagueness of this issue, in truth i'm not even sure if it's an issue caused by pty specifically, but it certainly affects processes started with pty . the issue is i'm not really sure how terminal size is defined, let alone how to write the cgo / syscall code to change the setting. are you able to assist in any way? i'm not sure if this helps explain the problem, but this query relates to my $shell project: https://github.com/lmorg/murex"
+3573292,"""https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe/issues/618""",drop specific meta/macro rules from the parser bnf.,"it has been noted that: a most @ metadata rules in the parser bnf are not used in the first place, b users can create random metadata and macros can use them, c the current lexer returns a value macro_id for all metadata, so only the custommeta rule is actually used. in addition, some of our contributors argue that any errors dealing with metadata should be handled in the semantic analyzer, rather than the parser. therefore, we should clean up the parser bnf to drop unreferenced metadata, and create new rules in the semantic analyzer to mark errors. plugin version: all of them. :-"
+5290384,"""https://github.com/NOAA-PMEL/Ferret/issues/1033""",fuctions to handle new definitions of thermodynamic properties of seawater,"reported by ansley b manke on 9 nov 2010 00:34 utc mick spillane writes, hi ansley, hal molfjeld passed along a link to new definitions/algorithms for properties of seawater. if you hadn't seen it before the url for the algorithms in fortran-90 is at http://www.teos-10.org/software.htm with an index of functions at http://www.teos-10.org/pubs/sw_corresponding_gsw.pdf it's probably not something that ferret needs to rush toward since, until the
+datasets like levitus etc convert to absolute salinity etc, the need is probably limited. but still, it might be worth mentioning in the appropriate area of the user guide in case there are earlier adopters out there who might do some of the legwork. mick
+==== seems like the right thing would be to offer a second set of functions rho_un and theta_fo based on these, and to add some information to the users guide. these are implemented as internal ferret functions, so perhaps a user could contribute external functions, but not scripts migrated-from: http://dunkel.pmel.noaa.gov/trac/ferret/ticket/1761"
+1964070,"""https://github.com/brave/browser-android-tabs/issues/277""",clear form option missing from autofill suggestion,"did you search for similar issues before submitting this one? yes description: clear form option missing from autofill suggestion device details: - install type arm, x86 : x86 - device phone, tablet, phablet : lenovo yoga tablet - android version: 5.0.1 brave version: brave 1.0.23 chromium 59 steps to reproduce: 1. add a autofill entry 2. visit https://www.roboform.com/filling-test-all-fields, tap on input field and select autofill suggested dropdown 3. tap on the field again, autofill dropdown doesn't have clear form actual behavior clear form option missing from autofill suggestion expected behavior autofill suggestion should have clear form option is this an issue with beta build? yes is this an issue in the currently released version? yes can this issue be consistently reproduced? yes extra qa steps: 1. 2. 3. website problems only: - did you check with brave shields down? - did you check in chrome for same behavior? screenshot if needed: any related issues:"
+5147728,"""https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli/issues/2176""",appservice failures from missing sdk components.,"description it looks like there are appservice failures with the latest bits due to sdk issues ? . some operations work; others fail with a webappsoperations failure. _this does not repro with the latest released bits: i am running into it on latest bits on my dev box only._ actual behavior bash $ az appservice web deployment slot swap \ -g my_rg \ -n myunqiueapp \ --slot staging \ --target-slot production results in bash 'webappsoperations' object has no attribute 'swap_slots_slot' traceback most recent call last : file c:\users\twitc\onedrive\projects\azure-cli\src\azure-cli\azure\cli\main.py , line 37, in main cmd_result = application.execute args file c:\users\twitc\onedrive\projects\azure-cli\src\azure-cli-core\azure\cli\core\application.py , line 157, in execute result = expanded_arg.func params file c:\users\twitc\onedrive\projects\azure-cli\src\azure-cli-core\azure\cli\core\commands\__init__.py , line 343, in _execute_command raise ex attributeerror: 'webappsoperations' object has no attribute 'swap_slots_slot' expected behavior the operation should work as it does with the latest released bits."
+678527,"""https://github.com/rubenarslan/formr.org/issues/304""",renaming surveys doesn't work,formr always say the name is already taken
+3068794,"""https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/themedd/issues/118""",customizer: button text color overwritten by link color,"inside the customizer, the button color seems to be overwritten by the link color entered before. on the frontend it works fine. "
+1769119,"""https://github.com/swcarpentry/good-enough-practices-in-scientific-computing/issues/170""",references for software section,"one reviewer points out that there are thousands of books and articles on how to write / structure source code and that we should be clear that this section reiterates existing advice. i am soliciting your favourite references for writing, organizing, and sharing scripts and programs."
+1257923,"""https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod-issues/issues/3112""",pcall doesn't stop include errors,"will print the syntax error, then still say it executed correctly. semi-related: https://github.com/facepunch/garrysmod-issues/issues/1976"
+3569377,"""https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/11424""",sigusr1 does not interrupt running javascript code,1. start node -e while true ; 2. try to enable debugger by running killall node -s sigusr1 expected: debugger starts listening on a port actual: nothing happens. i am proposing to wait for switch to inspector and then fixing it. i am assigning this to myself.
+4049195,"""https://github.com/MetaMask/landing/issues/56""",the 'submit your dapps' address is incorrect,i wanted to submit my dapp and my email got kicked back with an error message stating that dapps@metamask.io doesn't exist.
+870715,"""https://github.com/orange-cloudfoundry/terraform-provider-cloudfoundry/issues/7""",allow authentication via uaa client credentials,"it would be useful to authenticate using uaa client id and secret as well as username and password or oauth token. for compliance reasons, our user credentials expire after a few months, so it would be helpful to authenticate with creds that don't expire."
+3108292,"""https://github.com/genome/civic-server/issues/335""",some variant aliases applied to erbb2 / v8421 aren't included,"this initially was reported as a client issue, genome/civic-client/issues/45. one of the applied revisions contains several aliases that aren't being included in the variant_aliases array returned from the server. rid 18657 https://civic.genome.wustl.edu/events/genes/20/summary/variants/45/talk/revisions/list/18657/summary variant adds the aliases v211i, v566i, v812i, v827i: ! screen shot 2017-06-13 at 10 09 53 am https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/132909/27089623-8bd19db0-5020-11e7-954b-66c57b525ecf.png a subsequent revision, rid20178 https://civic.genome.wustl.edu/events/genes/20/summary/variants/45/talk/revisions/list/20178/summary variant , appears to be a deletion - but confusingly the diff shows deletions/insertions starting from a different set of aliases: ! screen shot 2017-06-13 at 10 10 00 am https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/132909/27089647-9fbfce82-5020-11e7-8d14-1e47d2a61986.png currently the variant record does not include the aliases from the rid18657 revision."
+4118846,"""https://github.com/ksAutotests/SAP1DX3544/issues/273""",tutorial page tutorial3544_chrome.md issue. qa green,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/ksautotests/sap1dx3544/blob/master/tutorials/chrome/tutorial3544_chrome.md https://github.com/ksautotests/sap1dx3544/blob/master/tutorials/chrome/tutorial3544_chrome.md contains invalid tags. even though your tutorial was created, the invalid tags listed below were disregarded. please double-check the following tags:
+- 23213
+- dsadwqqwd affected server: qa green"
+2479188,"""https://github.com/HaliteChallenge/Halite-II/issues/12""",bring windows experience on par with linux/macos,implement newer/nicer error messages for windows too implement non-blocking write see d4ac3a1 and its commit message
+822732,"""https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/2637""",can't delete folder containing epub or pdf,"koreader version: v2015.11-896-g4316284 device: kobo glo hd issue trying to delete a folder containing an epub or pdf with or without sdr record yields the message an error occured while trying to delete /mnt/onboard/... deleting the epub, then the empty folder works. the logfile doesn't show anything relevant steps to reproduce long press a folder containing an epub in the file manager, then select delete"
+2775557,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/57260""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+726124,"""https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF/issues/1413""",problem with output in new window,"hello, suddenly i cant see the generated pdf automaticaly with the doc.output 'dataurlnewwindow','name.pdf' ; method. now i need to select the new tab url and press enter. no code change from my side. any idea/fix for that?"
+4393156,"""https://github.com/ccgogo123/MyFitnessPal/issues/2""",connect to postgres database,"since heroku only offers its own sql database postgres, so we gotta write a data layer to handle the communication between the web application and the database."
+1669591,"""https://github.com/PennyDreadfulMTG/perf-reports/issues/2649""",500 error at /people/57/,"head_to_head reported on decksite by logged_out
+request method: get
+path: /people/57/?
+cookies: {}
+endpoint: person
+view args: {'person_id': '57'}
+person: logged_out
+user-agent: mozilla/5.0 compatible; yandexbot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots referrer: none"
+2818234,"""https://github.com/ekelokorpi/panda.js-engine/issues/174""","fading stops, if pausing sound","fade sound, then pause it. when resuming sound, fading wont resume."
+1313787,"""https://github.com/austb/terminal-setup/issues/12""",git uri's are required to be identical,"comparing an ssh uri to an http uri will always fail, even if they point to the same place. fix, the script needs to compare the components of the uri to decide if they are the same . a good first go would be to compare the hostname ie github.com , and the path/repo name ie. austb/terminal-setup ."
+2720267,"""https://github.com/kwhat/jnativehook/issues/155""",loading error on rpi 3,"dear, i have problem with starting my app on linux, from ide and direct from win everthink is ok, but on linux i'm getting following error: _native lib version = rxtx-2.2pre2 mar 06, 2017 7:54:44 pm org.jnativehook.defaultlibrarylocator getlibraries severe: unable to extract the native library /org/jnativehook/lib/linux/arm/libjnativehook.so! exception in thread awt-eventqueue-0 java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: org.jnativehook.globalscreen.getautorepeatrate ljava/lang/integer; at org.jnativehook.globalscreen.getautorepeatrate native method at org.jnativehook.globalscreen. unknown source at the.main.pac.themodbussimpletesterwindow$1.run themodbussimpletesterwindow.java:74 at java.awt.event.invocationevent.dispatch invocationevent.java:311 at java.awt.eventqueue.dispatcheventimpl eventqueue.java:756 at java.awt.eventqueue.access$500 eventqueue.java:97 at java.awt.eventqueue$3.run eventqueue.java:709 at java.awt.eventqueue$3.run eventqueue.java:703 at java.security.accesscontroller.doprivileged native method at java.security.protectiondomain$javasecurityaccessimpl.dointersectionprivilege protectiondomain.java:80 at java.awt.eventqueue.dispatchevent eventqueue.java:726 at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumponeeventforfilters eventdispatchthread.java:201 at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpeventsforfilter eventdispatchthread.java:116 at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpeventsforhierarchy eventdispatchthread.java:105 at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpevents eventdispatchthread.java:101 at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.pumpevents eventdispatchthread.java:93 at java.awt.eventdispatchthread.run eventdispatchthread.java:82 _ thanks for help in advance"
+3739798,"""https://github.com/CullenM/ExampleProjects/issues/4""",so many issues!,"in computing, the term issue is a unit of work to accomplish an improvement in a system. citation needed an issue could be a bug, a requested feature, task, missing documentation, and so forth. for example, openoffice.org used to call their modified version of bugzilla issuezilla. as of september 2010, they call their system issue tracker. the word issue is also used as synonym for problem, as in other english usage. problems occur from time to time and fixing them in a timely fashion is essential to achieve correctness of a system and avoid delayed deliveries of products. citation needed"
+5271820,"""https://github.com/actiontech/dble/issues/271""",incorrect result on where sharding_column= bit_expr &/+/ bit_expr,mycat result: mysql> select from test_shard where id= b'01' & b'11' ; empty set 0.00 sec mysql> select from test_shard where id= b'01' + b'11' ; empty set 0.00 sec mysql> select from test_shard where id= b'01' b'11' ; empty set 0.01 sec mysql result: mysql> select from test_shard where id= b'01' & b'11' ; +----+-------------+----------+-----------+ | id | r_regionkey | r_name | r_comment | +----+-------------+----------+-----------+ | 1 | 1 | a string | test001 | +----+-------------+----------+-----------+ 1 row in set 0.00 sec mysql> select from test_shard where id= b'01' + b'11' ; +----+-------------+--------+-----------+ | id | r_regionkey | r_name | r_comment | +----+-------------+--------+-----------+ | 4 | 4 | 中 | test004 | +----+-------------+--------+-----------+ 1 row in set 0.00 sec mysql> select from test_shard where id= b'01' b'11' ; +----+-------------+----------------+-----------+ | id | r_regionkey | r_name | r_comment | +----+-------------+----------------+-----------+ | 3 | 3 | another string | test003 | +----+-------------+----------------+-----------+ 1 row in set 0.00 sec the general log of the mycat node: 170920 11:20:15 756 query select from test_shard where id = b'01' & b'11' limit 100 170920 11:20:21 733 query select user 170920 11:20:32 756 query select from test_shard where id = b'01' b'11' limit 100
+3209957,"""https://github.com/amccreight/ipdl_parser/issues/29""",no longer builds,"when i attempt to build latest tip 65bf74f62050d962687d6adedbe84e079e7d0246 , i get error: failed to run custom build command for lalrpop v0.13.1 process didn't exit successfully: /users/mikeconley/projects/ipdl_parser/target/debug/build/lalrpop-44ca18171886e540/build-script-build signal: 6, sigabrt: process abort signal --- stdout processing file /users/mikeconley/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lalrpop-0.13.1/src/parser/lrgrammar.lalrpop --- stderr i'll start bisecting."
+2272775,"""https://github.com/stella-emu/stella/issues/166""",faster access in options menu,when changing e.g. tv effect settings it would be nice if you could iterate the changes faster as now. either by different behavior of the menu less clicks for leaving and navigating back or e.g. by supporting hotkeys.
+1135242,"""https://github.com/2017-d13/gestion-des-absences/issues/2""",usgda002 - déconnexion,"en tant qu'employé authentifié, je souhaite pouvoir me déconnecter de l'application. critères d'acceptation : les pages de l'application en dehors de l'écran d'authentification , doivent posséder un lien _se déconnecter_ le lien _se déconnecter_ : rend inaccessible les pages de l'application en dehors de l'écran d'authentification redirige l'utilisateur vers l'écran d'authentification."
+4234532,"""https://github.com/01org/QAT_Engine/issues/14""",two qat drivers are present with latest kernels and qat service fails to start.,"this issue was originally reported as part of 8 by @tsenghu as follows: > we have decided to upgrade to ubuntu 16.04/linux kernel 4.4.0-57-generic. > after linux is up, i see two drivers that is related to qat. > one is qat_dh895xcc and another one is intel_qat. > after i inserted two drivers icp_qa_al.ko and qat_contig_mem.ko and try to run “service qat_service start”. > it failed to start."
+795620,"""https://github.com/marcelo-mason/SimpleClans/issues/448""",people can invite the staff with vanish,"if you have a clan and you write /clan invite and you press tab , you can see the names of the staff that are invisibility."
+4484551,"""https://github.com/dn-m/GraphicsTools/issues/41""",svg tests add file with single line,- stroke width - stroke color - dashes? - fill color
+4912022,"""https://github.com/koorellasuresh/UKRegionTest/issues/5856""",first from flow in uk south,first from flow in uk south
+395580,"""https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/8481""",cannot import cudnnrnn from contrib.cudnn_rnn in 1.0.1,"for some reason all the __init__.py in python directory of _contrib.cudnn_rnn_ have been removed, and it is impossible to import anything from there."
+4733369,"""https://github.com/Stanko/react-animate-height/issues/29""",content always set to display: none after first toggle with flexbox,"i have a quite simple wrapper that switches the height of animateheight from 0 to auto depending by the value of an isopen property. after the update to 0.9.10, after i switch isopen from true to false , the content gets set to display: none and if i set it back to true it doesn't get shown... here's a repro of the bug: https://codesandbox.io/s/olmwx35wky"
+2834610,"""https://github.com/TheCacophonyProject/Full_Noise_Web_Interface/issues/7""",query results should sort by id,the primary sort key should be timestamp but there should be a secondary sort on id. this helps when videos are missing timestamps.
+3045461,"""https://github.com/terwanerik/ScrollTrigger/issues/31""",add parameter to wait animation or transition ending,"if you quickly roll the roller up and down, then the jumps are obtained, it would be great to be able to switch after classes only after the animation transition has ended."
+2856663,"""https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/issues/2022""",make jquery and jqueryui optional,"having a hard time stopping requirejs from asking for modules and things like that. i have jquery and all already loaded on my page. how does one tell elfinder or requirejs to skip? i have tried the below, but i get a popup that can't read ui of undefined seems jqueryui loaded from requirejs elfinder main.js is not seeing jquery javascript require.config { paths: { // 'jquery': false, // does not work 'jquery': typeof jquery != 'undefined' ? 'emptyplugin' : '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/~jquery.min', 'jquery-ui': typeof jquery.ui != 'undefined' ? 'emptyplugin' : '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/~jquery-ui.min' }"
+4212594,"""https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/issues/9273""",question: how to compile and debug ef 1.1.1 with vs 2017 msbuild infra,"hi, we are trying to have debug setup for ibm ef provider. currently ibm ef is dependent on version 1.1.1 when we download source code from github we don't see xproj file, csproj files are exist but we can not target those as ours are xproj based infra. hence we moved our code to vs 2017 based infra, now when we try to compile ms ef 1.1.1 code in vs 2017 it throws multiple error first issue comes it can not target multiple platforms. to handle this we tried by removing net451 as we do not need it. but we are getting several other exceptions. how can we compile ef 1.1.1 with vs 2017, is there any doc for it ?"
+3088365,"""https://github.com/InseeFr/Eno/issues/63""",consistency of the enoddi:get-codes-first-dimension getter,"the enoddi:get-codes-first-dimension getter doesn't return consistent result between table and tableloop driver. in the first case it's a sequence of that are returned, on the other it's a sequence of elements used only to render the number of lines . in the ddi2fr implementation, the tableloop driver never use this getter but still it's a bit confusing for new implementation. this getter should return consistent results from both driver in the ddi2fr implementation, a dummy sequence is enough as l:code are never used through this getter, only the number of lines is used ."
+3377918,"""https://github.com/affilinet/productdata-php-sdk/issues/8""",license link in readme is broken,"hey there, correct url would be: https://github.com/affilinet/productdata-php-sdk/blob/master/license thanks & cheers, thomas"
+508233,"""https://github.com/telerik/kendo-ui-core/issues/3466""",.net core numerictextbox tag helper does not apply properly formatting configuration,bug report .net core numerictextbox tag helper does not apply properly formatting configuration. this occurs when the strongly typed version of the helper is used. the percent formatting results in 0.00 format: c expected/desired behavior the strongly typed version of the tag helper should properly set the formatting of the widget as the not-strongly typed version does: c
+2713369,"""https://github.com/xpertsavenue/WiringOP-Zero/issues/8""",spidev1.0 not working,"hi, i've been trying on a project. to do so, i needed this library and my orange pi zero's spi1 pins. unfortunately i haven't been succeeded. i thought that something was wrong about opi but afterwards i wired my sclk pin to oscilloscope and watch the signals. the problem is not about opi zero, must be about this library. dont know what yet, but hope gonna find out. anyone can help me or got any idea how to fix this?"
+261474,"""https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs-tests/issues/26""",mapping between specs and .net assembly,"currently, the project uses generate.cmd files from the azure sdk for .net https://github.com/azure/azure-sdk-for-net to generate a new version of sdk. the generate.cmd files are not consistent. some of them use a specific version of autorest https://github.com/azure/autorest . others use specific commit id of specs."
+2934140,"""https://github.com/liquidprojections/LiquidProjections.NHibernate/issues/4""",cancellation token in exception handlers,nhibernateprojector has the same issue as projector in https://github.com/liquidprojections/liquidprojections/issues/102
+808782,"""https://github.com/facg3/SSST/issues/22""",styling on selectors other than classes.,i raised the same issue on another team's project so will link to it here: https://github.com/facg3/birdies/issues/20
+1477000,"""https://github.com/pfn/keepasshttp/issues/333""",don't display main keepass window when requesting unlock,"currently, when a trigger unlock request is sent to keepasshttp, it opens the main window as well as the unlock dialog. this behavior can be stopped by deleting lines 340-343 of keepass.cs /pfn/keepasshttp/blob/master/keepasshttp/keepasshttp.cs l340 i use keepasshttp along with python3-keepasshttp /markusfreitag/python3-keepasshttp to automate password entry for a number of applications and having to close the window after entering the database password is very annoying. i can't think of a reason someone would want this behavior, but if there is a need for it, this feature could possibly be made optional in the keepasshttp settings or in the protocol requests."
+145783,"""https://github.com/der-On/XPlane2Blender/issues/308""",remove alpha from build types,"i think this project does not need an alpha stage in its build cycle, and we should remove it from the build number system. currently this would be silent and not cause any issues."
+2973498,"""https://github.com/ieee-vgtc/ieeevis.org/issues/119""",weekly approval thread for production cw 22,"https://github.com/ieee-vgtc/ieeevis.org/compare/production...master/ diff-0 the link above is a file-by-file comparison between staging and production.
+please review and let us know which particular files should be pushed or held back.
+once we have approval we'll push it live to production ieeevis.org ."
+1723232,"""https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-feature-requests/issues/32""",update post install message,"currently when you install a plugin it outputs the message you can use the embedded ruby by setting embedded_ruby=true in /etc/default/sensu . this was helpful years ago before embedded ruby was enabled by default but now it can can be confusing https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-influxdb/issues/32 issuecomment-313704160 as the message suggests you need to take action when none is required anymore. embedded_ruby=true was made the default https://github.com/sensu/sensu/blob/master/changelog.md important-3 in sensu 0.21.0, which was released in 11/2015. the chef cookbook https://github.com/sensu/sensu-chef/blob/develop/attributes/default.rb l27 and puppet module https://github.com/sensu/sensu-puppet/blob/master/manifests/init.pp l498 default to embedded_ruby=true as well. instead, we should say something like thanks for installing sensu plugins!"
+3353910,"""https://github.com/jooby-project/jooby/issues/873""",jdbc: decouple jooq module 872,"due to 868, we need to install jdbc module explicitly: before: java { use new jooq ; } after: java { use new jdbc ; use new jooq ; }"
+240153,"""https://github.com/hunter-packages/dlib/issues/7""",png support required to find openblas,openblas library cannot be found unless dlib_png_support=on
+5182055,"""https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/1750""",demo - plot view not available for certain telemetry,"while looking at the demo on heroku, i noticed there was no drop down to select plot view for certain telemetry. ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13260688/31242203-21dc604e-a9bb-11e7-8277-7911e3adec38.png issue seems to be fixed in current master branch. just need to rebuild last build date was 9/6 ."
+3519651,"""https://github.com/googleads/videojs-ima/issues/439""",controls not returned to player after skip ad,"hiya, i am having an issue with videojs ima where when an ad is skippable, after clicking skip-ad, the controls are not returned to the player. no hovering works. i can click on the player and it will pause. but i cannot get the control bar to show back up. however, if i let the ad play out, the control bar works fine. thank you"
+51922,"""https://github.com/datawire/ambassador/issues/84""",bugs in using ambassor,"getting started document suggests that users to use existing docker images defined by yaml files to created kubenetecs pods. yet, building ambassor image will be stoped when version checking returned nothing. however, the commands or resources in document does not work: bash wangs-macbook-pro:ambassador wangyi$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datawire/ambassador/master/demo-qotm.yaml error: unable to read url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datawire/ambassador/master/demo-qotm.yaml , server reported 404 not found, status code=404 wangs-macbook-pro:ambassador wangyi$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datawire/ambassador/master/ambassador-http.yaml error: unable to read url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datawire/ambassador/master/ambassador-http.yaml , server reported 404 not found, status code=404 wangs-macbook-pro:ambassador wangyi$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datawire/ambassador/master/ambassador.yaml error: unable to read url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datawire/ambassador/master/ambassador.yaml , server reported 404 not found, status code=404 wangs-macbook-pro:ambassador wangyi$ for me, source codes are more verbose compared to concepts. so how should i use ambassor instead traditional sds coding. what ambassor really abstract for users?"
+3376237,"""https://github.com/dungphanxuan/yii2-starter-kit-lite/issues/23""",google cloud storage integration,for: - upload image - storage media file
+782936,"""https://github.com/GeekyAnts/NativeBase/issues/1386""",listview error when deleting last row.,"hi everyone. i have a code something like this {item.item.product.name} - {item.item.packing.label} } renderlefthiddenrow={ item, sec_id, row_id => this._setedititem item, row_id } style={{backgroundcolor: ' f05a1a'}}> } renderrighthiddenrow={ data, sec_id, row_id => this._deleteitem row_id }> } leftopenvalue={75} rightopenvalue={-75} enableemptysections={true} /> this is working fine the only issue is if i deleted the last item from the list then i start swiping left/right on remaining item on the list i get an error: null is not an object evaluating 'this._rows this.opencellld ._root' but if i delete any item except the last item , it's working fine. this is my delete handle: _deleteitem row_id { let sales_items = this.props.sales_items sales_items.splice row_id, 1 this.props.addsalesitem sales_items this.forceupdate } any help would be very much appreciated."
+2219584,"""https://github.com/PennyDreadfulMTG/Penny-Dreadful-Tools/issues/1406""",make séance an archetype,we have a bunch of decks for it now.
+502757,"""https://github.com/sussexstudent/website/issues/110""",inject an ad block warning near ckeditor instances when an ad blocker is enabled,"ad blockers are blocking a plugin called pageviews, causing the editor not to load."
+3780381,"""https://github.com/sendyhalim/Swime/issues/1""",support for cocoapods,could you add support for cocoapods? would be convenient ; thanks!
+3382310,"""https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/Tutorials-2/issues/6523""",tutorial page h1.md issue. local,"tutorial issue found: https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/tutorials-2/blob/master/tutorials/2011/12/h1.md https://github.com/alenapetsyeva/tutorials-2/blob/master/tutorials/2011/12/h1.md contains invalid primary tag.
+your tutorial was not created. please double-check primary tag property.
+each tutorial md-file shall have primary tag provided above. example:
+title: teched 2016 08
+description: create a destination to allow hana cloud platform to nbvread/write data
+primary_tag: tutorial:product/hana
+tags: tutorial:product/mobile \-\-\- affected server: local"
+3594894,"""https://github.com/IonicaBizau/youtube-api/issues/70""",calling refreshaccesstoken gives invalid_request error,"i am using access token and refresh token to retrieve user's channels like this: function getchannelinfo tokens { let params = { part: 'id,snippet,statistics,status', mine: true }; let oauth = youtube.authenticate { type: oauth , client_id: options.clientid, client_secret: options.client_secret, redirect_url: options.callbackurl } ; tokens.access_token = tokens.accesstoken; tokens.refresh_token = tokens.refreshtoken; oauth.setcredentials tokens ; bluebird.promisifyall youtube.channels ; return youtube.channels.listasync params .then function result { console.log json.stringify result, null, 2 return result } ; } input is like this : { accesstoken : ya29.glvqa0syntqi8ejdowjziq-dm9olmlpc5cqee4q-xhsjtkf7wlhgrfbey6tj2iibvpcbzu4_nv5wjpgjbyxwq4asdasd3o3sslmxfwxkrtsztguwfg , refreshtoken : 1/awb_f5zxqwumwdafs7fb5ae_1l1tehyn3hqtasdasd-qglu } it works for a while but later when access token expires, i get invalid credentials error. the i tried calling refreshaccesstoken but that gives me invalid_request error. how do i make sure this function always returns data, refreshing the access token whenever it has expired ?"
+1758701,"""https://github.com/matterhorn-chat/matterhorn/issues/228""",support for 2fa authentication,"hi, i know it is mentioned in the readme.md that only user/pass is currently supported, but i could not find any outstanding issue asking for 2fa support. thank you. best, fred"
+4392451,"""https://github.com/Slicejack/bojler/issues/55""",buttons: only text clickable,i think it would be good to have the cover the full button so that the full button is clickable.
+2137174,"""https://github.com/GianlucaBortoli/cesium-navigator/issues/4""",3d map selector,- dropdown menu to select 3d/flat terrain tiles - place initial point where there exist some 3d buildings http://cesiumjs.org/2015/08/10/introducing-3d-tiles/
+2521340,"""https://github.com/trestletech/plumber/issues/92""",do_configure_https can't detect floating ips assigned,"and/or the droplet should be automatically refreshed before checking. but when i assign a floating ip to a droplet, i have to set force=true to get past the nslookup issue."
+2976050,"""https://github.com/cassinius/GraphiniusJS/issues/4""",computegraph class + new binary graph format,"graphinius was originally designed as an education and algorithmic prototyping tool; which meant that intuitiveness of computation was more important to me than performance. however, since even prototype examples of real-world problems tend to be rather large in size, we need to improve our computational performance. momentarily, there are two issues with graphinius performance: the json based graph representation is too inefficient and thus big for larger graphs more than a few dozen-thousand nodes . graph traversal right now produces a very large amount of intermediary objects which only live for a short while - this is putting unnecessary stress onto the garbage collector. in order to remedy those issues, we need to implement: a more efficient binary graph representation which still gives us all graphinius advantages coordinates, mixed mode, node & edge types, flexible feature vectors - first some research into existing graph structures would be in order though a computegraph class which takes an existing graph, computes an intermediary representation in a static format adjacency lists / matrices as typed arrays ?? in order to execute single graph computation steps much more efficiently and with less memory consumption"
+5294348,"""https://github.com/ngx-meta/core/issues/52""",able to see the title and meta description in inspect but not in view source,inspect view of the application ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11784253/28719976-6b9144ac-73c9-11e7-999d-3aea154addb7.png view page source of the application ! image https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11784253/28720015-970f7130-73c9-11e7-8f09-114c3cfc9c82.png
+508855,"""https://github.com/zzzprojects/EntityFramework-Plus/issues/152""",includeoptimized yields error when filter that follows contains a boolean expression,"includeoptimized results in an error when the the query that follows an includeoptimized call contains an any boolean subquery on the include. code works fine when used with standard ef include. error: unable to cast object of type 'system.data.entity.core.objects.objectquery1 system.boolean ' to type 'system.data.entity.core.objects.objectquery1 typesubtype ' example code: _datacontext.set .includeoptimized x => x.subtype .any x => x.id == typeid && x.subtypes.any st => st.id == subtypeid ; i'm using ef 6.1.1, .net 4.5.1, and z.entityframework.plus.ef6 1.4.37 and i traced the error to line 165 of z.entityframework.plus.queryincludeoptimizedprovider : var immediatequery = objectquery createquerymethod.invoke provider, new object {expression} ;"
+2148711,"""https://github.com/ooxi/mini-cross/issues/8""",provide deb / rpm,mini-cross should be installable using apt-get / dnf .
+138869,"""https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/26202""",can't create electron window.," - vscode version:1.12.1 - os version:osx 10.11.6 el captain steps to reproduce: 1. open vs code. 2. vs code window will not open. console.app showed this message -> 2017/05/08 19:33:13.888 code helper 9135 : gva info: preferred scaler idx 0 -> 2017/05/08 19:33:14.008 electron 3096 : cgssetwindowtitle: invalid window i think this issue is like https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/6181, so i tried ./vscode.app/contents/macos/electron , console.app showed same message."
+4994850,"""https://github.com/jbmorley/gameplay/issues/88""",sound still not working in ios 11,"the official ios 11 release is in a few days and i am running my ipad air on ios 11 gm gold master beta, almost completely polished off and the sound still isn’t working. i am aware that someone has already posted an issue about this but i am just pointing out that is isn’t fixed yet. it would be greatly appreciated if this issue could be fixed."
+587816,"""https://github.com/drgoku282/PKMN-NTR/issues/60""",iv filters not working,"i'm trying to get a tapu bulu with the filter bellow: nature: adamant hp >= 30 atk >= 31 def >= 30 spa >= 0 spd >= 30 spe >= 30 the bot stopped after finding an adamant tapu bulu 13/31/31/31/31/31. the hp iv is 13, but the log says it passes the filter :s"
+5146376,"""https://github.com/piratas/gti/issues/57""",verificar registro de novos usuários no mumble,"a que site, ferramenta ou coisa esta questão está relacionada? > mumble.partidopirata.org --- se for um problema o que tu tentou fazer? registrar uma conta nova o que deveria acontecer? o certificado ser aceito pelo servidor o que aconteceu? >