The portal api just aggregates data from other apis.
PxWeb 2 runs on the users device. So the calls to the apis are made from the device. The links in the respones from the portal api will point back to the portal api for folders i.e. the menu, but for other things like table data it will point directly to the underlying api.
Inside one organisation, some data may be in the cloud and some on owned servers.
flowchart TB
subgraph NSI
subgraph GUI
User[Users PC/Phone]:::guiStyle
NSIPXWeb[PXWeb GUI]:::guiStyle
User <--> NSIPXWeb
NSIPortalApi[Portal API]
User <-- "navigation and search" --> NSIPortalApi
Div1Api[API with data in the cloud]
User <-- "specific item like table or codelist" --> Div1Api
NSIPortalApi <-- "navigation and search" --> Div1Api
Div2Api[API with data on owned servers]
User <-- "specific item like table or codelist" --> Div2Api
NSIPortalApi <-- "navigation and search" --> Div2Api
classDef guiStyle fill:green,stroke:black
Another senario is: The government want a site with data from many organisations. The organisations will have separate sites with their own PxWeb
flowchart TB
User[Users PC/Phone]:::guiStyle
subgraph Goverment Portal site
PortalPXWeb[PXWeb GUI]:::guiStyle
PortalPXWebApi[PXWeb Api Portal]
subgraph Site Organisation1
SSBPXWeb[PXWeb GUI]:::guiStyle
SSBPXWebApi[PXWeb Api]
subgraph Site Organisation2
SCBPXWeb[PXWeb GUI]:::guiStyle
SCBPXWebApi[PXWeb Api]
User <--> PortalPXWebApi
User <--> PortalPXWeb
User <--> SSBPXWeb
User --> SSBPXWebApi
PortalPXWebApi --> SSBPXWebApi
PortalPXWebApi --> SCBPXWebApi
User <--> SCBPXWeb
User <--> SCBPXWebApi
classDef guiStyle fill:green,stroke:black