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HUE Light

Massimo edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

This node lets you control your Philips HUE light and grouped lights and also gets the states of this lights, to be sent to the KNX bus.


Property Description
KNX GW Select the KNX gateway to be used
HUE Bridge Select the HUE Bridge to be used
Name HUE light or HUE grouped light to be used. The avaiable lights and groups start showing up while you're typing.


Here you can choose the KNX addresses to be linked to the avaiable HUE light commands/states.
Start typing in the GA field, the name or group address of your KNX device, the avaiable devices start showing up while you're typing.


Property Description
Control This GA is used to turn on/off the HUE light via a boolean KNX value true/false
Status Link this to the light's switch status group address


Property Description
Control dim Relative DIM the HUE light. You can set the dimming speed in the Behaviour tab.
Control % Changes the absolute HUE light's brightness (0-100%)
Status % Link this to the light's brightness status KNX group address
Dim Speed (ms) The dimming speed, in Milliseconds. This applies to the light and also to the tunable white dimming datapoints. It' calculated from 0% to 100%.
Min Dim brightness Tha Minimum brightness that the lamp can reach. For example, if you are dimming the light down, the light will stop dimming at the specified brightness %.
Max Dim brightness Tha Maximum brightness that the lamp can reach. For example, if you are dimming the light up, the light will stop dimming at the specified brightness %.

Tunable white

Property Description
Control dim Changes the HUE light's white temperature, using DPT 3.007 dimming. You can set the dimming speed in the Behaviour tab.
Control % Changes the HUE light's white temperature, using the DPT 5.001. A value of 0 is full warm, a value of 100 is full cold.
Status % The light temperature status group address. Datapoint is 5.001 absolute value. 0 is full warm, 100 is full cold.
Control kelvin DPT 7.600: set the HUE light's temperature in Kelvin degrees, using the KNX range from 2000 to 6535. This range will be then transformed in mirek.
DPT 9.002: set the temperature using Philips HUE range: 2000K - 6535K (Ambiance range starts at 2200K). Please be aware, conversion may produce slightly changes in Kelvin degrees value, due to KNX RGB or Kelvin degrees to HUE mirek degrees conversion.
Status kelvin DPT 7.600: get the HUE light's temperature in Kelvin degrees, using the KNX range from 2000 to 6535. This range will be then transformed in kelvin degrees.
DPT 9.002: get the temperature using Philips HUE range: 2000K - 6535K (Ambiance range starts at 2200K). Please be aware, conversion may produce slightly changes in Kelvin degrees value, due to KNX RGB or Kelvin degrees to HUE mirek degrees conversion.
Invert dim direction Inverts the DIM direction.


Property Description
RGB section
Control rgb This command is used to change the HUE light's color. Accepted datapoint is RGB triplet (r,g,b). The node handles the gamut color correction. As soon as you send a color KNX telegran, the light turns on and sets color and brightness, derived from the brightness human perception. As soon as you send a KNX telegram with r,g,b set to zero, the light turns off
Status rgb The light's color status group address. Accepted datapoint is RGB triplet (r,g,b)
HSV section
Color H dim Cycle through the HSV chromatic circle (HUE), using DPT 3.007 dimming. You can set the dimming speed in the Behaviour tab.
Status H % Status of the HSV chromatic circle.
Control S dim Changes the light's color saturation, using DPT 3.007 dimming. You can set the dimming speed in the Behaviour tab.
Status S % The light color saturation status group address.
Dim Speed (ms) The dimming speed, in Milliseconds, from bottom to top scale.

For controlling the "V" (brightness) of the HSV, please use the standard controls of the DIM tab.


Property Description
Blink true Blink the light, false Stop blinking. Blinks the light on and off. Useful for signalling. Works with all HUE lights.
Color Cycle true start cycle, false Stop cycle. Randomly changes the HUE light's color at regular interval. Works with all HUE lights having color capabilities. The color effect will start 10 seconds after set.


Property Description
Read status at startup Read the HUE light status at node-red's startup or node-red's full deploy, and send that status to the KNX BUS
KNX Brightness Status Updates the KNX brightness group address status, whenever the HUE lamp is switched ON/OFF. The options are When HUE light is Off send 0%. When HUE On, restore previous value (Default KNX behaviour) and Leave as is (default HUE behaviour). If you have KNX dimmer with brightness status, like MDT, the suggested option is When HUE light is Off send 0%. When HUE On, restore previous value (Default KNX behaviour)
Switch on behaviour It sets the behaviour of your lights when switched on. You can choose from differents behaviours.
Select color: the light will be switched on with the color of your choice. To change color, just CLICK on the color selector (under the Select color control).
Select temperature and brightness: the light will be switched on with the temperature (Kelvin) and brightness (0-100) of your choice.
None: the light will retain its last status. In case you've enable the night lighting, after the night time ends, the lamp will resume the color/temperature/brightness state set at day time.
Night Lighting It allows to set a particular light color/brightness at nighttime. The options are the same as the daytime. You could select either a temperature/brightness or color. A cozy temperature of 2700 Kelvin, with a brightness of 10% or 20%, is a good choice for bathroom's night light.
Day/Night Select the group address used to set the day/night behaviour. The group address value is true if daytime, false if nighttime.
Invert day/night value Invert the values of Day/Night group address. Default value is unchecked.
Read status at startup Read the status at startup and emit the event to the KNX bus at startup/reconnection. (Default "no")
Override night mode You can override the night mode by manually switching the light as described here: Switch to DAY mode by rapid switching the ligth off then on (This light only) does what described and acts only on this light. Switch to DAY mode by rapid switching the ligth off then on (apply yo ALL light nodes) acts to ALL Light nodes, by setting the Day/Night group address to Day mode.
Node Input/Output PINs Hide or show the input/output PINs. Input/output PINS allow the node to accept msg input from the flow and send msg output to the flow. Input msg must follow the HUE API v.2 Standards. This is an example msg, that turns on the light: msg.on = {"on":true}. Please refer to the official HUE Api page


The Dimming function works in KNX mode start and stop. To start dimming, send only one "start" KNX telegram. To stop dimming, send a "stop" KNX telegram. Please remember that, when you set your wall swiches properties.

Home Assistant Export

Property Description
YAML Get or sets the node properties based on Home Assistant YAML format. By editing the node properties, the YAML will automatically be created. You can copy and paste it into the "knx_lights.yaml" Home Assistant config file. Not yet implemented: likewise, if you copy the single light descriptor from the "knx_lights.yaml" Home Assistant config file and paste it here, the relative node properties will be automatically set.

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