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88bf634 · Jul 29, 2021


This branch is 88 commits behind brandonchinn178/persistent-mtl:main.


Generating lifted persistent functions




Configuration lives in persistent-api.yaml. The file contains a list of objects, where each object corresponds to a persistent function that we want to lift into the MonadSqlQuery context. Follow the instructions in this guide to update the YAML file, which will generate the appropriate Haskell code. If you're trying to add a function that doesn't fit neatly with the instructions or categories, bring up a discussion with other developers.

Pre-configuration steps

First, write down the type of the function and modify it according to these instructions:

  1. Remove the forall section

  2. Update type variables

    1. Specialize backend as SqlBackend

    2. Ensure the PersistEntity type variable is named record. If there are multiple PersistEntity types, they should be named record1, record2, etc. Choose an order that makes sense for withRecord, e.g.

      withRecord @(record1, record2, ...) $ ...
  3. Simplify constraints

    1. Remove redundant constraints, e.g. PersistQueryRead SqlBackend
    2. Substitute PersistRecordBackend, if applicable
    3. Remove BackendCompatible SqlBackend env and replace any usage of env with SqlBackend
    4. Remove MonadReader SqlBackend m and replace any usage of m with ReaderT SqlBackend m
      • e.g.
        foo :: MonadReader SqlBackend m => m Foo
        -- change to this:
        foo :: ReaderT SqlBackend m Foo
  4. Simplify monads

    1. If a function returns a ReaderT r m1 (ConduitM ... m2 ...) action, change it to m (ConduitM ... m2 ...)
      • Note the change from m1 to m
    2. If a function pipeSomething returns a ConduitM i o (ReaderT r m) a action, there should be a corresponding pipeSomethingRes function with the same type, except returning Acquire (ConduitM i o m2 a). Replace ReaderT r m with just m and make sure to set the conduitFrom option later.
    3. If a function returns a ReaderT r m a action, change it to m a

For example, following these steps for insertRecord would make the following changes:

  :: forall record backend m.
     ( PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend
     , PersistEntity record
     , MonadIO m
     , PersistStoreWrite backend
  => record -> ReaderT backend m record

-- Remove `forall`
  :: ( PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend
     , PersistEntity record
     , MonadIO m
     , PersistStoreWrite backend
  => record -> ReaderT backend m record

-- Update type variables
  :: ( PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend SqlBackend
     , PersistEntity record
     , MonadIO m
     , PersistStoreWrite SqlBackend
  => record -> ReaderT SqlBackend m record

-- Simplify constraints
  :: ( PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend
     , MonadIO m
  => record -> ReaderT SqlBackend m record

-- Simplify monads
  :: ( PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend
     , MonadIO m
  => record -> m record

Updating YAML configuration

Add the function to the YAML file in the following format:

  • name: The function's name
  • condition: The CPP condition that must be satisfied for the function to compile successfully
    • e.g. MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,11,0) for a function that was added in 2.11.0
  • constraints: The function's constraints, except for any Monad m, MonadIO m, or MonadUnliftIO m constraints
    • If the function has another m2 monad type variable, leave those constraints alone
  • args: The function's arguments
  • result: The function's result, without the m type variable
    • e.g. a function that returns m (Maybe Foo) should have result set to just (Maybe Foo)
    • If this function is a conduit function, leave the result as ConduitM i o m a
  • conduitFrom: Set this to the name of the pipeSomethingRes function that corresponds with this function

There should be no references to m here.