From 20be20422bfa3b93b3da41f086de09cb9af807ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Galit Wernick Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 13:56:40 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Completed exercises.js --- exercises.js | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/exercises.js b/exercises.js index a0313dc..fbdd6ac 100644 --- a/exercises.js +++ b/exercises.js @@ -1,114 +1,184 @@ //Do not change any of the function names function multiplyByTen(num) { + + var product = num * 10; + return product; // return num after multiplying it by ten // code here } function subtractFive(num) { + var difference = num - 5; + return difference; // return num after subtracting five // code here } function areSameLength(str1, str2) { + var str1Length = str1.length; + var str2Length = str2.length; + + if (str1Length === str2Length) { + return true; + } + return false; + // return true if the two strings have the same length // otherwise return false // code here } function areEqual(x, y) { + + if (x === y) { + return true; + } + return false; // return true if x and y are the same // otherwise return false // code here } function lessThanNinety(num) { +if (num < 90) { + return true; + +} +return false; // return true if num is less than ninety // otherwise return false // code here } function greaterThanFifty(num) { + + if (num > 50) { + return true; + } + return false; // return true if num is greater than fifty // otherwise return false // code here } function add(x, y) { + + var sum = x + y; + return sum; + // add x and y together and return the value // code here } function subtract(x, y) { + + var difference = x - y; + return difference; // subtract y from x and return the value // code here } function divide(x, y) { + var dividend = x / y; + return dividend; // divide x by y and return the value // code here } function multiply(x, y) { + var product = x * y; + return product; // multiply x by y and return the value // code here } function getRemainder(x, y) { + var remainder = x % y; + return remainder; // return the remainder from dividing x by y // code here } function isEven(num) { + +if (num % 2 === 0) { + return true; +} +return false; // return true if num is even // otherwise return false // code here } function isOdd(num) { - // return true if num is false + + if (num % 2 === 1) { + return true; + } + return false; + // return true if num is odd // otherwise return false // code here } function square(num) { + var square = Math.pow(num, 2); + return square; + // square num and return the new value // code here } function cube(num) { + var cube = Math.pow(num, 3); + return cube; // cube num and return the new value // code here } function raiseToPower(num, exponent) { + var power = Math.pow (num, exponent); + return power; +} + // raise num to whatever power is passed in as exponent // code here -} + function roundNumber(num) { + var round = Math.round(num); + return round; // round num and return it // code here } function roundUp(num) { + var ceiling = Math.ceil(num); + return ceiling; // round num up and return it // code here } function addExclamationPoint(str) { + var exclamation = str + '!'; + return exclamation; // add an exclamation point to the end of str and return the new string // 'hello world' -> 'hello world!' // code here } function combineNames(firstName, lastName) { + var name = firstName + ' ' + lastName; + return name; // return firstName and lastName combined as one string and separated by a space. // 'Lambda', 'School' -> 'Lambda School' // code here } function getGreeting(name) { + var greeting = 'Hello ' + name + '!'; + return greeting; // Take the name string and concatenate other strings onto it so it takes the following form: // 'Sam' -> 'Hello Sam!' // code here @@ -117,21 +187,29 @@ function getGreeting(name) { // If you can't remember these area formulas then head over to Google or look at the test code. function getRectangleArea(length, width) { + var areaSquare = length * width; + return areaSquare; // return the area of the rectangle by using length and width // code here } function getTriangleArea(base, height) { + var areaTriangle = (base * height) / 2; + return areaTriangle; // return the area of the triangle by using base and height // code here } function getCircleArea(radius) { + var areaCircle = Math.round(Math.pow(radius,2) * 3.14); + return areaCircle; // return the rounded area of the circle given the radius // code here } function getRectangularPrismVolume(length, width, height) { + var areaRectangularPrism = length * width * height; + return areaRectangularPrism; // return the volume of the 3D rectangular prism given the length, width, and height // code here }