Maintaining a consistent coding conventions helps keep the Stage codebase readable and maintainable. This style guide has been created to guide writing code for the project.
Class names are UpperCamelCase
classdef MyAwesomeClass
Property names are lowerCamelCase
properties figureHandle settings end
Function/method names are lowerCamelCase
function loadSettings(obj)
Event names are UpperCamelCase
events SelectedParent end
Local variables are lowerCamelCase
function v = getProperty(obj, name) descriptor = obj.getPropertyDescriptor(name); v = descriptor.value; end
Use 4 spaces instead of tabs (MATLAB editors default)
Separate blocks (properties, events, functions, etc.) with a single blank line
properties someProperty end methods function delete(obj) obj.close(); end function close(obj) obj.someProperty = []; end end
Function/method declarations have no space between variables and surrounding brackets/parenthesis and no brackets unless required for multiple outputs
function myFunction() function out = myFunction(obj, in) function [out1, out2, out3] = myFunction(obj, in1, in2)
Function/method calls match the spacing format of function declarations
myFunction() out = obj.myFunction(in) [out1, out2, out3] = obj.myFunction(in1, in2)
Anonymous functions may have no space between input arguments
@(in1,in2)in1 + in2;
Attributes have one space between keyword and attribute specification
properties (Constant, Abstract) methods (SetAccess = protected, Abstract)
In general, add a space after commas. Vector/cell indices and anonymous function inputs are possible exceptions.
Class comments should immediately follow the classdef line and be indented
classdef MyAwesomeClass % The first sentence is important and should be a concise summary of the class. Now we include some more details and % it starts to flow on to the next line but it's always indented.
Function/method comments should immediately follow the function line and be indented
function didSetPersistor(obj) % Override to perform actions after this protocol's persistor is set, e.g. assign property values based on % experiment entities. Note that persistor may be assigned as empty is there is no persistor.
Prefer putting property comments on the same line as the property and vertically aligning them with other comments in the same property block
properties One % First public property Two % Second public property end
- Group methods by task (not alphabetically or randomly)
- Classes generally follow this block order:
- Events blocks
- Properties blocks
- Public methods
- Private methods
- Private functions
- Avoid lines over 120 columns (set right-hand text limit to 120 columns in MATLAB preferences)
- Read The Elements of MATLAB Style