A tiny, super fast, stream based replacement template engine written in typescript. Now recursive! (keep reading to learn what that means)
This module has few features.
- Simple variables
- Defaults for variables
- Support for nested placeholders (recursive)
- Support for nested variables (Using homefront)
Simply use your package manager of choice.
npm i --save procurator
yarn add procurator
procurator(parameters[, recursive = true, limit = 100])
Code speaks. Let's do this.
module.exports = {
// Simple replace
hello: '{{ foo }}',
// With a default
cake: '{{ bar : lies }}',
// Defaults get trimmed, let's use quotes
bacon: '{{ bat : ' holds the truth ' }}',
// Let's use double quotes
empire: '{{ baz:"I haz\'s one" }}',
// Let's default to an empty string
hello: '{{ foo: }}',
// Whaaaaaat, nested keys!?
username: '{{ user.name:"Guest" }}',
const { stream } = require('procurator');
const fs = require('fs');
let readStream = fs.createReadStream('./some.template.js');
let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('./out-file.js');
let parameters = {foo: 'Batman', bat: 'is holy', user: {name: 'Swag-meister'}};
let recursive = true; // New: replace more than once to allow for nested variables
let limit = 100; // New: the maximum replacement depth. Throws an Error when reached.
readStream.pipe(stream(parameters, recursive, limit)).pipe(writeStream);
Produces ./out-file.js:
module.exports = {
// Simple replace
hello: 'Batman',
// With a default
cake: 'lies',
// Defaults get trimmed, let's use quotes
bacon: 'is holy',
// Let's use double quotes
empire: 'I haz one',
Note: The file extension doesn't matter. I used .js but it can be anything.
procurator(target, parameters[, recursive =
true, limit = 100])`
Sometimes you just want to apply replaces in memory. For that purpose, a memory and code-size efficient method has been added.
const procurator = require('procurator');
const target = 'Hello {{addressed: "world"}}! How are you doing {{ when: "today"}}?';
const recursive = true; // New: replace more than once to allow for nested variables
const limit = 100; // New: the maximum replacement depth. Throws an Error when reached.
console.log(procurator.replace(target, {addressed: 'developer'}, recursive, limit));
// Outputs: Hello developer! How are you doing today?
As of v2.0.0, Procurator supports nested placeholders. This means you can do the following (using sync for simplicity):
const procurator = require('procurator');
const target = 'Hello {{addressed: "{{title: "Mr."}} world"}}! How are you doing {{ when: "today" }}?';
const recursive = true; // New: replace more than once to allow for nested variables
const limit = 100; // New: the maximum replacement depth. Throws an Error when reached.
console.log(procurator.replace(target, {title: 'Mrs.'}, recursive, limit));
// Outputs: Hello Mrs. world! How are you doing today?
This also works for parameters themselves; meaning that you can replace placeholders with strings that also contain placeholders.
It's currently not possible to spread a placeholder over multiple lines. If you have a use case for this please create an issue.