Using R for Scientific Plotting
Figure1 Intensity Map of Causal Interactions in Dynamic Systems such as GCCM
df = readr :: read_csv(' ./data/GCCM_NTU_UCEE.csv' )
windowsFonts(TNR = windowsFont(" Times New Roman" ))
fig_gccm = ggplot2 :: ggplot(data = df ,
ggplot2 :: aes(x = lib_sizes )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_line(ggplot2 :: aes(y = x_xmap_y_means ,
color = " x xmap y" ),
lwd = 1.25 ) +
ggplot2 :: geom_line(ggplot2 :: aes(y = y_xmap_x_means ,
color = " y xmap x" ),
lwd = 1.25 ) +
ggplot2 :: scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0 , 1 , by = 0.1 ),
limits = c(- 0.05 , 1 ), expand = c(0 , 0 ),
name = expression(rho )) +
ggplot2 :: scale_x_continuous(name = " Lib of Sizes" ,
breaks = seq(0 , 300 , by = 50 ),
limits = c(0 , 280 ), expand = c(0 , 0 )) +
ggplot2 :: scale_color_manual(values = c(" x xmap y" = " royalblue" , " y xmap x" = " red3" ),
labels = c(" NTU xmap UCEE" , " UCEE xmap NTU" ),
name = " " ) +
ggplot2 :: theme_bw() +
ggplot2 :: theme(axis.text = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" ),
axis.title = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" ),
panel.grid = ggplot2 :: element_blank(),
legend.position = " inside" ,
legend.justification = c(' right' ,' top' ),
legend.background = ggplot2 :: element_rect(fill = ' transparent' ),
legend.text = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" )) +
ggview :: canvas(width = 5.5 ,height = 4.25 )
Figure2 Plotting the optimal spatial analysis scale obtained from geographic detectors
windowsFonts(TNR = windowsFont(" Times New Roman" ))
sesu_q = readr :: read_csv(' ./data/SESU_GD.csv' )
loessf = stats :: loess(qv ~ su , data = sesu_q )
loessrate = (loessf $ fitted - dplyr :: lag(loessf $ fitted )) / dplyr :: lag(loessf $ fitted )
sesu_q $ rate = loessrate
maxrate = max(sesu_q $ rate , na.rm = TRUE )
maxqv = max(sesu_q $ qv )
fig_sesu = ggplot2 :: ggplot(data = sesu_q , ggplot2 :: aes(x = su )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_line(ggplot2 :: aes(y = qv , color = " qv" )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_point(ggplot2 :: aes(y = qv , color = " qv" )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_line(ggplot2 :: aes(y = rate * maxqv / maxrate , color = " rate" )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_point(ggplot2 :: aes(y = rate * maxqv / maxrate , color = " rate" )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05 * maxqv / maxrate ,
color = " grey40" , linetype = " dashed" ) +
ggplot2 :: scale_color_manual(values = c(" qv" = " #f8766d" , " rate" = " #6598cc" ),
labels = c(" Q value" , " Increase rate" ), name = " " ) +
ggplot2 :: scale_x_continuous(
name = " Size of spatial unit" ,
breaks = sesu_q $ su
) +
ggplot2 :: scale_y_continuous(
name = " Q value" ,
sec.axis = ggplot2 :: sec_axis(~ . * maxrate / maxqv ,
name = " Increase rate" )
) +
ggplot2 :: theme_bw() +
ggplot2 :: theme(
axis.title.y.right = ggplot2 :: element_text(color = " #6598cc" ),
axis.text.y.right = ggplot2 :: element_text(color = " #6598cc" ),
axis.title.y.left = ggplot2 :: element_text(color = " #f8766d" ),
axis.text.y.left = ggplot2 :: element_text(color = " #f8766d" ),
axis.text = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" ),
axis.title = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" ),
panel.grid = ggplot2 :: element_blank(),
legend.text = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" ),
legend.position = " inside" ,
legend.justification = c(' left' ,' bottom' ),
legend.background = ggplot2 :: element_rect(fill = ' transparent' )
) +
ggview :: canvas(width = 6.25 ,height = 4.25 )
Figure3 Plotting the event treatment effects of a two-period DID estimate
windowsFonts(TNR = windowsFont(" Times New Roman" ))
did_coef = readr :: read_csv(' ./data/DID_Treat.csv' )
fig_did = ggplot2 :: ggplot(did_coef , ggplot2 :: aes(x = term ,
y = estimate )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_point(size = 3 , color = " blue" ) +
ggplot2 :: geom_errorbar(ggplot2 :: aes(ymin = conf.low ,
ymax = conf.high ),
width = 0.2 ) +
ggplot2 :: geom_hline(yintercept = 0 , linetype = " dashed" , color = " red" ) +
ggplot2 :: theme_bw() +
ggplot2 :: labs(title = " " , x = " Terms" , y = " Estimates" ) +
ggplot2 :: theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2 :: element_text(angle = 45 , hjust = 1 , family = " TNR" ),
axis.text = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" ),
axis.title = ggplot2 :: element_text(family = " TNR" )) +
ggview :: canvas(width = 6 , height = 4.25 , bg = ' transparent' )
Figure4 Changes in the rank of Q values under different spatial units
windowsFonts(TNR = windowsFont(" Times New Roman" ))
qs = readr :: read_csv(' ./data/H1N1_Qs.csv' )
q_col = c(rep(' grey' ,4 )," #ff0000" ," #0000ff" ," #0ecf0e" ," #E6AB02" ," #3effff" )
names(q_col ) = c(" medicost" ," temp" ," prec" ," humi" ," sensepop" ," urbanpop" ," popd" ," rdds" ," gdpd" )
fig_sesu_rank = ggplot2 :: ggplot(qs , ggplot2 :: aes(x = su , y = rank , group = variable )) +
ggplot2 :: geom_line(ggplot2 :: aes(color = variable ), lwd = 3.5 , alpha = 0.65 ) +
ggplot2 :: geom_point(ggplot2 :: aes(color = variable ), size = 4.5 , alpha = 0.85 ) +
ggplot2 :: geom_text(data = dplyr :: filter(qs ,su == 50 ),
ggplot2 :: aes(x = 50 , y = rank , label = variable ),
hjust = 1.2 , size = 5 , family = " TNR" , fontface = " bold" ) +
ggplot2 :: geom_text(data = dplyr :: filter(qs ,su == 150 ),
ggplot2 :: aes(x = 150 , y = rank , label = variable ),
hjust = - 0.2 , size = 5 , family = " TNR" , fontface = " bold" ) +
ggplot2 :: scale_color_manual(values = q_col ) +
ggplot2 :: scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(50 , 100 , 150 ),
expand = ggplot2 :: expansion(mult = c(0.45 , 0.45 ))) +
ggplot2 :: scale_y_reverse(breaks = 1 : 9 ) +
ggplot2 :: labs(x = " Size of spatial unit(km)" , y = " Rank" ) +
ggplot2 :: theme_minimal() +
ggplot2 :: theme(
legend.position = " none" ,
axis.text.y = ggplot2 :: element_text(size = 12 ,family = " TNR" ,face = " bold.italic" ),
axis.text.x = ggplot2 :: element_text(size = 12 ,family = " TNR" ,face = " bold" ),
axis.title.x = ggplot2 :: element_text(size = 15 ,family = " TNR" ,face = " bold" ),
axis.title.y = ggplot2 :: element_text(size = 15 ,family = " TNR" ,face = " bold" )
ggview :: canvas(width = 5.5 ,height = 4.5 )