this is git repository
step 1: Set up Git on your local machine:
--> git config --global "Your Name"
--> git config --global "[email protected]" step 2:- Created an account on github.
step 3:- created a public repository in the github.
step 4:- Cloned the repository from github through "git clone " command.
step 5:- Created project follder.
step 6:- Add the project files to github through "git add " command.
step 7:- Commit the files by using the "git commit -m "comment" "command.
step 8:- Push the files by using "git push origin main" command.
step 9:- Now as we have to revert the repository files. we can use "git reset" command. After that we have to repeat step 6 to 8.
for reverting many commits we can use git reset commit hash git reset --hard commit hash