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Building the debian package

Jonas Gröger edited this page Feb 10, 2016 · 11 revisions

Building the .deb file.

In order to build the debian package, we need to

  1. Build the actual soundnode-app (instructions here)
  2. Verify that there is a dist/Soundnode-App/linux64 folder
  3. Ensure that you have a GPG key for signing and have your key id at hand
  4. Run debuild -k<YOUR_KEY_ID> in the project home directory (i.e. debuild -k12341234)

If you are unfamiliar how debian packaging works, here a short explanation on what debuild -k<YOUR_KEY_ID> will do. It will look in the debian folder and find the rules file. There, the catchall % target will "redirect" to the Makefilein the project home and among others, call the install target.

In the end, your signed debian package is in the parent directory of the directory you called debuild in.


Currently, this only builds the linux64 version of the soundnode-app.

Test the building process

Just run make install and look in the SNA_INSTALL_LOCATION (see Makefile), usually /tmp/opt/soundnodeapp/.

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