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ryanb edited this page Sep 11, 2011 · 22 revisions

In this tutorial we will build upon the app created at Simple Password Authentication so make sure you understand it.

First add the remember_me submodule:

rake sorcery
    # config/initializers/sorcery.rb
    Rails.application.config.sorcery.submodules = [:remember_me, blabla, blablu, ...]

Now you'll need some new db fields so add a migration that looks like this:

    class AddRememberMeTokenToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def self.up
        add_column :users, :remember_me_token, :string, :default => nil
        add_column :users, :remember_me_token_expires_at, :datetime, :default => nil
        add_index :users, :remember_me_token

      def self.down
        remove_index :users, :remember_me_token
        remove_column :users, :remember_me_token_expires_at
        remove_column :users, :remember_me_token

There is now actually a generator for this:

    rails g sorcery_migration remember_me

And then run

    rake db:migrate.

Adding remember me to the app is very simple - just use the good old login method with a third parameter. This is usually the result of a "Remember me" check box from a form. If it's anything that evals to true, it will 'remember' the user.

    # app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb
    @user = login(params[:username],params[:password],params[:remember])

To "forget me" just logout.

If you ever need finer control you can use the controller methods:


There are options to configure expiration time and more. See the gem docs for a full list.