Made with ❤️ by matghazaryan .
Supported iOS version: >= 10.0
This is a simple library to create sliding menus!
With this library you can create 3 types of sliding menus:
- Slide menu with right menu only.
- Slide menu with left menu only.
- Slide menu with both left and right menus.
This repo contains project that demonstrate usage of AMSlideMenu .
Works for both iPhone, iPad and macCatalyst.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries installation in your projects.
pod "AMSlideMenu", "~> 2.0.1"
You can also use Swift Package Manager to add AMSlideMenu as a dependency to your project. In order to do so, use the following URL:
You can easily customize slide menu by overriding needed methods of AMSlideMenuMainViewController, almost all methods are open
Screenshots comming soon!
matghazaryan, [email protected]
If you have any cool idea you would like to see in this lib or you found a bug please feel free to open an issue :)
Thank You.