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Small changes LCR's Unsecured (finos#83)
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Changes to allow the conversion of must of the subset for Unsecured.elm.

Adds basic unpacking of JSON results.

Fixes finos#75
  • Loading branch information
sfc-gh-lfallasavendano committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent fbb1062 commit ea179b5
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Showing 6 changed files with 141 additions and 46 deletions.
49 changes: 41 additions & 8 deletions src/Morphir/Snowpark/MapFunctionsMapping.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ import Morphir.IR.Name as Name
import Morphir.Snowpark.Constants as Constants
import Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing (isBasicType)
import Morphir.Snowpark.Operatorsmaps exposing (mapOperator)
import Morphir.Snowpark.ReferenceUtils exposing (scalaPathToModule)
import Morphir.Snowpark.ReferenceUtils exposing (scalaPathToModule, getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess)
import Morphir.Visual.BoolOperatorTree exposing (functionName)
import Morphir.IR.FQName as FQName
import Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing (isTypeRefToRecordWithSimpleTypes)
import Morphir.Snowpark.TypeRefMapping exposing (generateRecordTypeWrapperExpression)
import Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing (getFieldsNamesIfRecordType)

type alias MapValueType ta = ValueIR.Value ta (TypeIR.Type ()) -> ValueMappingContext -> Scala.Value

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ tryToConvertUserFunctionCall (func, args) mapValue ctx =
argsToUse =
|> List.indexedMap (\i arg -> ("field" ++ (String.fromInt i), mapValue arg ctx))
|> List.indexedMap (\i arg -> (getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess i, mapValue arg ctx))
|> List.concatMap (\(field, value) -> [Constants.applySnowparkFunc "lit" [Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit field)], value])
tag = [ Constants.applySnowparkFunc "lit" [Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit "__tag")],
Constants.applySnowparkFunc "lit" [ Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit <| ( constructorName |> FQName.getLocalName |> Name.toTitleCase))]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,19 +221,51 @@ generateForListFilterMap : Value ta (Type ()) -> (Value ta (Type ())) -> ValueMa
generateForListFilterMap predicate sourceRelation ctx mapValue =
if isCandidateForDataFrame (valueAttribute sourceRelation) ctx.typesContextInfo then
case predicate of
ValueIR.Lambda _ _ binExpr ->
ValueIR.Lambda tpe _ binExpr ->
selectCall = Scala.Apply (Scala.Select (mapValue sourceRelation ctx) "select") [Scala.ArgValue Nothing <| mapValue binExpr ctx]
resultId = Scala.Literal <| Scala.StringLit "result"
selectColumnAlias = Scala.Apply (Scala.Select selectCall "as ") [ Scala.ArgValue Nothing resultId ]
isNotNullCall = Scala.Select (Constants.applySnowparkFunc "col" [ resultId ]) "is_not_null"
selectColumnAlias =
Scala.Apply (Scala.Select (mapValue binExpr ctx) "as ") [ Scala.ArgValue Nothing resultId ]
selectCall =
Scala.Apply (Scala.Select (mapValue sourceRelation ctx) "select") [Scala.ArgValue Nothing <| selectColumnAlias]
resultId =
Scala.Literal <| Scala.StringLit "result"
isNotNullCall =
Scala.Select (Constants.applySnowparkFunc "col" [ resultId ]) "is_not_null"
filterCall =
Scala.Apply (Scala.Select selectCall "filter") [Scala.ArgValue Nothing isNotNullCall]
Scala.Apply (Scala.Select selectColumnAlias "filter") [Scala.ArgValue Nothing isNotNullCall]
Maybe.withDefault filterCall (generateProjectionForJsonColumnIfRequired tpe ctx filterCall)
_ ->
Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit "Unsupported filterMap scenario")
Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit "Unsupported filterMap scenario")

generateProjectionForJsonColumnIfRequired : Type () -> ValueMappingContext -> Scala.Value -> Maybe Scala.Value
generateProjectionForJsonColumnIfRequired tpe ctx selectExpr =
resultColumn =
Constants.applySnowparkFunc "col" [Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit "result")]
generateFieldAccess : Int -> Scala.Value
generateFieldAccess idx =
Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit (getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess idx))
generateAsCall expr name =
Scala.Apply (Scala.Select expr "as")
[Scala.ArgValue Nothing (Scala.Literal (Scala.StringLit (Name.toCamelCase name )))]
resultFieldAccess idx =
Scala.Apply resultColumn [Scala.ArgValue Nothing <| generateFieldAccess idx]
generateJsonUpackingProjection : List Name.Name -> Scala.Value
generateJsonUpackingProjection names =
(Scala.Select selectExpr "select")
|> List.indexedMap (\i name -> Scala.ArgValue Nothing <| generateAsCall (resultFieldAccess i) name))
case tpe of
TypeIR.Function _ _ (TypeIR.Reference _ _ [itemsType]) ->
(getFieldsNamesIfRecordType itemsType ctx.typesContextInfo)
|> generateJsonUpackingProjection
_ -> Nothing

generateForListMap : Value ta (Type ()) -> (Value ta (Type ())) -> ValueMappingContext -> MapValueType ta -> Scala.Value
generateForListMap projection sourceRelation ctx mapValue =
if isCandidateForDataFrame (valueAttribute sourceRelation) ctx.typesContextInfo then
Expand Down
25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions src/Morphir/Snowpark/MappingContext.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ module Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing
, isLocalFunctionName
, isTypeRefToRecordWithSimpleTypes
, isAliasedBasicType
, getLocalVariableIfDataFrameReference )
, getLocalVariableIfDataFrameReference
, getFieldsNamesIfRecordType )

{-| This module contains functions to collect information about type definitions in a distribution.
It classifies type definitions in the following kinds:
Expand All @@ -43,9 +44,9 @@ import Morphir.IR.Name exposing (Name)
import Morphir.IR.Path as Path

type TypeDefinitionClassification a =
RecordWithSimpleTypes (List Name)
| RecordWithComplexTypes
| UnionTypeWithoutParams
| UnionTypeWithoutParams
| UnionTypeWithParams
| TypeAlias (Type a)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ isLocalFunctionName name ctx =
isRecordWithSimpleTypes : FQName -> MappingContextInfo a -> Bool
isRecordWithSimpleTypes name ctx =
case Dict.get name ctx of
Just (TypeClassified RecordWithSimpleTypes) -> True
Just (TypeClassified (RecordWithSimpleTypes _)) -> True
_ -> False

isTypeRefToRecordWithSimpleTypes : Type a -> MappingContextInfo a -> Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,12 +261,26 @@ isDataFrameFriendlyType tpe ctx =
|| (isAliasOfDataFrameFriendlyType tpe ctx)
|| (isMaybeOfDataFrameFriendlyType tpe ctx)

getFieldsNamesIfRecordType : Type a -> MappingContextInfo a -> Maybe (List Name)
getFieldsNamesIfRecordType tpe ctx =
case tpe of
Reference _ typeName _ ->
case Dict.get typeName ctx of
Just (TypeClassified (RecordWithSimpleTypes fieldNames)) ->
Just fieldNames
_ ->
_ ->

classifyActualType : Type a -> MappingContextInfo a -> TypeClassificationState a
classifyActualType tpe ctx =
case tpe of
Record _ members ->
if List.all (\t -> isDataFrameFriendlyType t.tpe ctx) members then
TypeClassified RecordWithSimpleTypes
TypeClassified (RecordWithSimpleTypes (members |> .name))
TypeWithPendingClassification (Just tpe)
Reference _ _ _ ->
Expand Down
16 changes: 3 additions & 13 deletions src/Morphir/Snowpark/PatternMatchMapping.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import Morphir.IR.Type as Type
import Morphir.IR.Name as Name
import Morphir.IR.FQName as FQName
import Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing (isUnionTypeWithParams)
import Morphir.Snowpark.Utils exposing (tryAlternatives)
import Morphir.Snowpark.ReferenceUtils exposing (getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess)

type alias PatternMatchValues ta = (Type (), Value ta (Type ()), List ( Pattern (Type ()), Value ta (Type ()) ))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ addBindingReplacementsToContext ctxt bindingVariables referenceExpr =
newReplacements =
|> List.indexedMap (\i name -> (name, generateBindingVariableExpr ("field" ++ (String.fromInt i)) referenceExpr))
|> List.indexedMap (\i name -> (name, generateBindingVariableExpr (getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess i) referenceExpr))
|> Dict.fromList
{ ctxt | inlinedIds = Dict.union ctxt.inlinedIds newReplacements }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,18 +240,6 @@ tryAlternative nextAction currentResult =
_ ->

tryAlternatives : List (() -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a
tryAlternatives cases =
case cases of
first::rest ->
case first() of
Just _ as result ->
_ ->
tryAlternatives rest
[] ->

classifyScenario : (Value ta (Type ())) -> List (Pattern (Type ()), Value ta (Type ())) -> ValueMappingContext -> PatternMatchScenario ta
classifyScenario value cases ctx =
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/Morphir/Snowpark/ReferenceUtils.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ module Morphir.Snowpark.ReferenceUtils exposing (
, isTypeReferenceToSimpleTypesRecord
, isValueReferenceToSimpleTypesRecord
, mapLiteral
, scalaReferenceToUnionTypeCase)
, scalaReferenceToUnionTypeCase
, getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess)

import Morphir.IR.Name as Name
import Morphir.IR.Type as IrType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,3 +72,7 @@ scalaReferenceToUnionTypeCase typeName constructorName =
containerObjectFieldName = FQName.getLocalName constructorName |> Name.toTitleCase
Scala.Ref (nsName ++ [containerObjectName]) containerObjectFieldName

getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess : Int -> String
getCustomTypeParameterFieldAccess paramIndex =
"field" ++ (String.fromInt paramIndex)
76 changes: 57 additions & 19 deletions src/Morphir/Snowpark/TypeRefMapping.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,32 +8,70 @@ import Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing (MappingContextInfo, isAliasedBa
import Morphir.Snowpark.ReferenceUtils exposing (isTypeReferenceToSimpleTypesRecord)
import Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing (ValueMappingContext)
import Morphir.Snowpark.MappingContext exposing (getLocalVariableIfDataFrameReference)
import Morphir.Snowpark.Utils exposing (tryAlternatives)
import Morphir.IR.Type as Type

mapTypeReference : Type () -> MappingContextInfo () -> Scala.Type
mapTypeReference typeReference ctx =
checkDataFrameCase : Type () -> MappingContextInfo () -> Maybe Scala.Type
checkDataFrameCase typeReference ctx =
if isCandidateForDataFrame typeReference ctx then
typeRefForSnowparkType "DataFrame"

else if isBasicType typeReference || isAliasedBasicType typeReference ctx || isDataFrameFriendlyType typeReference ctx then
typeRefForSnowparkType "Column"

Just <| typeRefForSnowparkType "DataFrame"
nameInfo =
isTypeReferenceToSimpleTypesRecord typeReference ctx

typeNameInfo =
(\( typePath, simpleTypeName ) -> Just (Scala.TypeRef typePath (simpleTypeName |> Name.toTitleCase)))
|> Maybe.withDefault Nothing
|> Maybe.withDefault (Scala.TypeVar "TypeNotConverted")
checkForColumnCase : Type () -> MappingContextInfo () -> Maybe Scala.Type
checkForColumnCase typeReference ctx =
if isBasicType typeReference ||
isAliasedBasicType typeReference ctx ||
isDataFrameFriendlyType typeReference ctx ||
isMaybeWithGenericType typeReference then
Just <| typeRefForSnowparkType "Column"

checkDefaultCase : Type () -> MappingContextInfo () -> Maybe Scala.Type
checkDefaultCase typeReference ctx =
nameInfo =
isTypeReferenceToSimpleTypesRecord typeReference ctx
typeNameInfo =
(\( typePath, simpleTypeName ) -> Just (Scala.TypeRef typePath (simpleTypeName |> Name.toTitleCase)))
typeNameInfo |> Maybe.withDefault Nothing

mapTypeReference : Type () -> MappingContextInfo () -> Scala.Type
mapTypeReference typeReference ctx =
tryAlternatives [ (\_ -> checkDataFrameCase typeReference ctx)
, (\_ -> checkForColumnCase typeReference ctx)
, (\_ -> checkDefaultCase typeReference ctx)
, (\_ -> checkForListOfSimpleTypes typeReference ctx) ]
|> Maybe.withDefault (Scala.TypeVar "TypeNotConverted")

generateRecordTypeWrapperExpression : Type () -> ValueMappingContext -> Maybe Scala.Value
generateRecordTypeWrapperExpression typeReference ctx =
getLocalVariableIfDataFrameReference typeReference ctx
|> Scala.Variable

isMaybeWithGenericType : Type () -> Bool
isMaybeWithGenericType tpe =
case tpe of
Type.Reference _ ( [ [ "morphir" ], [ "s", "d", "k" ] ], [ [ "maybe" ] ], [ "maybe" ] ) [_] ->
_ ->

checkForListOfSimpleTypes : Type () -> MappingContextInfo () -> Maybe Scala.Type
checkForListOfSimpleTypes typeReference ctx =
if isListOfSimpleType typeReference ctx then
Just <| Scala.TypeApply (Scala.TypeRef [] "Seq") [typeRefForSnowparkType "Column"]

isListOfSimpleType : Type () -> MappingContextInfo () -> Bool
isListOfSimpleType tpe ctx =
case tpe of
Type.Reference _ ( [ [ "morphir" ], [ "s", "d", "k" ] ], [ [ "list" ] ], [ "list" ] ) [ elementType ] ->
isDataFrameFriendlyType elementType ctx
_ ->
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/Morphir/Snowpark/Utils.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module Morphir.Snowpark.Utils exposing (tryAlternatives)

tryAlternatives : List (() -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a
tryAlternatives cases =
case cases of
first::rest ->
case first () of
Just _ as result ->
_ ->
tryAlternatives rest
[] ->

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