From f438f526d8911b2437c78d8df9b2d34a4e638847 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Young
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 12:52:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 01/18] Pass correct view to View agreement page
.../Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs | 8 ++------
.../Views/EmployerAgreement/View.cshtml | 2 +-
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs
index 3514260bfc..79cb3c9ced 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs
@@ -87,13 +87,9 @@ public async Task Details(string agreementId, string hashedAccount
public async Task View(string agreementId, string hashedAccountId,
FlashMessageViewModel flashMessage)
- var agreement = await _orchestrator.GetById(
- agreementId,
- hashedAccountId,
- OwinWrapper.GetClaimValue(ControllerConstants.UserRefClaimKeyName)
- );
+ var agreement = await GetSignedAgreementViewModel(new GetEmployerAgreementRequest { AgreementId = agreementId, HashedAccountId = hashedAccountId, ExternalUserId = OwinWrapper.GetClaimValue(ControllerConstants.UserRefClaimKeyName) });
- return View(agreement.Data);
+ return View(agreement);
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/View.cshtml b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/View.cshtml
index 408bc4d5ac..0adba22b1e 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/View.cshtml
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/View.cshtml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@using SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.Helpers
-@model EmployerAgreementViewModel
+@model SignEmployerAgreementViewModel
ViewBag.PageID = "agreement-view";
ViewBag.Title = "Agreement view";
From f5651b40b6b3e05d89973a0f6698099e15852886 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vas
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 13:56:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 02/18] CON-1457:MA - DTR Transfers showing incorrectly
...tAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql | 202 +++++-------------
1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql b/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
index e2f6b9b785..7e8f826342 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
@@ -136,152 +136,58 @@ SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, tl.DateCreated), 0) AS DateCreated,
and tl.Amount > 0
- -- sender transfers
- DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, tl.DateCreated), 0) AS DateCreated,
- tl.AccountId AS AccountId,
- tlt.[Description] AS TransactionType,
- NULL AS PayeScheme,
- NULL AS PayrollYear,
- NULL AS PayrollMonth,
- NULL AS LevyDeclared,
- NULL AS EnglishFraction,
- NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
- CASE tlt.[Description]
- WHEN 'Payment' THEN meta.ProviderName
- END AS TrainingProvider,
- NULL AS Uln,
- NULL AS Apprentice,
- trans.CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
- meta.CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
- SUM(tl.Amount) AS PaidFromLevy,
- SUM(tl.SfaCoInvestmentAmount) AS EmployerContribution,
- SUM(tl.EmployerCoInvestmentAmount) AS GovermentContribution,
- SUM(tl.Amount) AS Total,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountId AS TransferSenderAccountId,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountName AS TransferSenderAccountName,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountId AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountName AS TransferReceiverAccountName
- FROM [employer_financial].[TransactionLine] tl
- JOIN [employer_financial].[TransactionLineTypes] tlt
- ON tl.TransactionType = tlt.TransactionType
- (SELECT tl2.AccountId, tr2.CourseName, tl2.PeriodEnd
- FROM [employer_financial].[TransactionLine] tl2
- LEFT JOIN [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers] tr2
- ON (tr2.SenderAccountId = tl2.AccountId and tr2.PeriodEnd = tl2.PeriodEnd)
- WHERE tl2.AccountId = @AccountId
- AND tl2.TransactionType = 4 -- Transfer
- ) as trans
- on trans.AccountId = tl.AccountId
- and trans.PeriodEnd = tl.PeriodEnd
- (SELECT DISTINCT p3.AccountId, p3.PeriodEnd, m3.ProviderName, m3.ApprenticeshipCourseLevel as 'CourseLevel'
- FROM [employer_financial].[Payment] p3
- inner join [employer_financial].[TransactionLine] tl3
- on tl3.AccountId = @AccountId
- AND tl3.AccountId = tl3.TransferSenderAccountId
- AND tl3.TransactionType IN (3, 4)
- INNER JOIN [employer_financial].[PaymentMetaData] m3
- ON m3.Id = p3.PaymentMetaDataId
- AND p3.AccountId = tl3.TransferReceiverAccountId
- WHERE m3.ProviderName IS NOT NULL
- ) as meta
- on meta.AccountId = tl.TransferReceiverAccountId
- and meta.PeriodEnd = tl.PeriodEnd
- WHERE tl.AccountId = @AccountId
- AND tl.AccountId = tl.TransferSenderAccountId
- AND tl.TransactionType IN (3, 4) -- Payment and Transfer
- tl.DateCreated,
- tl.AccountId,
- tlt.[Description],
- tl.PeriodEnd,
- meta.ProviderName,
- trans.CourseName,
- meta.CourseLevel,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountId,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountName,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountId,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountName
--- receiver transfers
- DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, tl.DateCreated), 0) AS DateCreated,
- tl.AccountId AS AccountId,
- tlt.[Description] AS TransactionType,
- NULL AS PayeScheme,
- NULL AS PayrollYear,
- NULL AS PayrollMonth,
- NULL AS LevyDeclared,
- NULL AS EnglishFraction,
- NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
- CASE tlt.[Description]
- WHEN 'Payment' THEN meta.ProviderName
- END AS TrainingProvider,
- NULL AS Uln,
- NULL AS Apprentice,
- trans.CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
- meta.CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
- SUM(tl.Amount) AS PaidFromLevy,
- SUM(tl.SfaCoInvestmentAmount) AS EmployerContribution,
- SUM(tl.EmployerCoInvestmentAmount) AS GovermentContribution,
- SUM(tl.Amount) AS Total,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountId AS TransferSenderAccountId,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountName AS TransferSenderAccountName,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountId AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountName AS TransferReceiverAccountName
- FROM [employer_financial].[TransactionLine] tl
- JOIN [employer_financial].[TransactionLineTypes] tlt
- ON tl.TransactionType = tlt.TransactionType
- (SELECT tl2.AccountId, tr2.CourseName, tl2.PeriodEnd
- FROM [employer_financial].[TransactionLine] tl2
- LEFT JOIN [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers] tr2
- ON (tr2.ReceiverAccountId = tl2.AccountId and tr2.PeriodEnd = tl2.PeriodEnd)
- WHERE tl2.AccountId = @AccountId
- AND tl2.TransactionType = 4 -- Transfer
- ) as trans
- on trans.AccountId = tl.AccountId
- and trans.PeriodEnd = tl.PeriodEnd
- (SELECT DISTINCT p3.AccountId, p3.PeriodEnd, m3.ProviderName, m3.ApprenticeshipCourseLevel as 'CourseLevel'
- FROM [employer_financial].[Payment] p3
- INNER JOIN [employer_financial].[PaymentMetaData] m3
- ON m3.Id = p3.PaymentMetaDataId
- AND p3.AccountId = @AccountId
- WHERE m3.ProviderName IS NOT NULL
- ) as meta
- on meta.AccountId = tl.TransferReceiverAccountId
- and meta.PeriodEnd = tl.PeriodEnd
- WHERE tl.AccountId = @AccountId
- AND tl.AccountId = tl.TransferReceiverAccountId
- AND tl.TransactionType IN (3, 4) -- Payment and Transfer
- tl.DateCreated,
- tl.AccountId,
- tlt.[Description],
- tl.PeriodEnd,
- meta.ProviderName,
- trans.CourseName,
- meta.CourseLevel,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountId,
- tl.TransferSenderAccountName,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountId,
- tl.TransferReceiverAccountName
\ No newline at end of file
+-- sender transfers
+SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
+ [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
+ 'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
+ NULL AS PayeScheme,
+ NULL AS PayrollYear,
+ NULL AS PayrollMonth,
+ NULL AS LevyDeclared,
+ NULL AS EnglishFraction,
+ NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
+ NULL AS TrainingProvider,
+ NULL AS Uln,
+ NULL AS Apprentice,
+ [AccountTransfers].CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
+ [AccountTransfers].CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
+ cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount]as decimal(18,4)) AS PaidFromLevy,
+ NULL AS EmployerContribution,
+ NULL AS GovermentContribution,
+ cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS Total,
+ [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountID AS TransferSenderAccountId,
+ [AccountTransfers].[SenderAccountName] AS TransferSenderAccountName,
+ [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
+ [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountName] AS TransferReceiverAccountName
+ FROM [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers]
+ WHERE SenderAccountId = @AccountId
+-- receiver transfers
+SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
+ [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
+ 'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
+ NULL AS PayeScheme,
+ NULL AS PayrollYear,
+ NULL AS PayrollMonth,
+ NULL AS LevyDeclared,
+ NULL AS EnglishFraction,
+ NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
+ NULL AS TrainingProvider,
+ NULL AS Uln,
+ NULL AS Apprentice,
+ [AccountTransfers].CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
+ [AccountTransfers].CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
+ cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS PaidFromLevy,
+ NULL AS EmployerContribution,
+ NULL AS GovermentContribution,
+ cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS Total,
+ [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountID AS TransferSenderAccountId,
+ [AccountTransfers].[SenderAccountName] AS TransferSenderAccountName,
+ [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
+ [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountName] AS TransferReceiverAccountName
+ FROM [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers]
+ WHERE [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] = @AccountId
+ ORDER BY datecreated
\ No newline at end of file
From 1baa0309580d04f203c0f00b24461ba38a7bbdb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vas
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 15:07:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 03/18] CON-1457-MA - DTR Transfers showing incorrectly
...tAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql | 96 ++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql b/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
index 7e8f826342..12ddb5364a 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
@@ -133,61 +133,65 @@ SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, tl.DateCreated), 0) AS DateCreated,
AND DateCreated >= @FromDate
AND DateCreated < @ToDate
AND tl.TransactionType = 5
- and tl.Amount > 0
+ AND tl.Amount > 0
-- sender transfers
-SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
- [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
- 'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
- NULL AS PayeScheme,
- NULL AS PayrollYear,
- NULL AS PayrollMonth,
- NULL AS LevyDeclared,
- NULL AS EnglishFraction,
- NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
- NULL AS TrainingProvider,
- NULL AS Uln,
- NULL AS Apprentice,
- [AccountTransfers].CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
- [AccountTransfers].CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
- cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount]as decimal(18,4)) AS PaidFromLevy,
- NULL AS EmployerContribution,
- NULL AS GovermentContribution,
- cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS Total,
- [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountID AS TransferSenderAccountId,
- [AccountTransfers].[SenderAccountName] AS TransferSenderAccountName,
- [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
- [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountName] AS TransferReceiverAccountName
+SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
+ [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
+ 'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
+ NULL AS PayeScheme,
+ NULL AS PayrollYear,
+ NULL AS PayrollMonth,
+ NULL AS LevyDeclared,
+ NULL AS EnglishFraction,
+ NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
+ NULL AS TrainingProvider,
+ NULL AS Uln,
+ NULL AS Apprentice,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
+ cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount]as decimal(18,4)) AS PaidFromLevy,
+ NULL AS EmployerContribution,
+ NULL AS GovermentContribution,
+ cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS Total,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].SenderAccountID AS TransferSenderAccountId,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[SenderAccountName] AS TransferSenderAccountName,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountName] AS TransferReceiverAccountName
FROM [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers]
WHERE SenderAccountId = @AccountId
+ AND [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[CreatedDate] >= @FromDate
+ AND [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[CreatedDate] < @ToDate
-- receiver transfers
-SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
- [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
- 'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
- NULL AS PayeScheme,
- NULL AS PayrollYear,
- NULL AS PayrollMonth,
- NULL AS LevyDeclared,
- NULL AS EnglishFraction,
- NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
- NULL AS TrainingProvider,
- NULL AS Uln,
- NULL AS Apprentice,
- [AccountTransfers].CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
- [AccountTransfers].CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
- cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS PaidFromLevy,
- NULL AS EmployerContribution,
- NULL AS GovermentContribution,
- cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS Total,
- [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountID AS TransferSenderAccountId,
- [AccountTransfers].[SenderAccountName] AS TransferSenderAccountName,
- [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
- [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountName] AS TransferReceiverAccountName
+SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
+ [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
+ 'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
+ NULL AS PayeScheme,
+ NULL AS PayrollYear,
+ NULL AS PayrollMonth,
+ NULL AS LevyDeclared,
+ NULL AS EnglishFraction,
+ NULL AS TenPercentTopUp,
+ NULL AS TrainingProvider,
+ NULL AS Uln,
+ NULL AS Apprentice,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CourseName AS ApprenticeTrainingCourse,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CourseLevel AS ApprenticeTrainingCourseLevel,
+ cast([AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS PaidFromLevy,
+ NULL AS EmployerContribution,
+ NULL AS GovermentContribution,
+ cast([employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[Amount] as decimal(18,4)) AS Total,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].SenderAccountID AS TransferSenderAccountId,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[SenderAccountName] AS TransferSenderAccountName,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] AS TransferReceiverAccountId,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountName] AS TransferReceiverAccountName
FROM [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers]
- WHERE [AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] = @AccountId
+ WHERE [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[ReceiverAccountId] = @AccountId
+ AND [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[CreatedDate] >= @FromDate
+ AND [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].[CreatedDate] < @ToDate
ORDER BY datecreated
\ No newline at end of file
From f175749c760e334c9b12a2b1a4fb6d2566704f15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vas
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 15:23:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 04/18] CON-1457 -MA - DTR Transfers showing incorrectly
.../GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql b/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
index 12ddb5364a..68a8ace8b2 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EAS.Employer_Financial.Database/StoredProcedures/GetAllTransactionDetailsForAccountByDate.sql
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ UNION ALL
-- sender transfers
SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
- [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
NULL AS PayeScheme,
NULL AS PayrollYear,
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ UNION ALL
-- receiver transfers
SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].CreatedDate), 0) AS DateCreated,
- [AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
+ [employer_financial].[AccountTransfers].SenderAccountId AS AccountId,
'Transfer' AS TransactionType,
NULL AS PayeScheme,
NULL AS PayrollYear,
From 8e28cbdfa637c2d81279bd54379558dac700546d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Corey
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 13:40:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 05/18] [CON-1642] COVID banner in Employer Accounts for both
CDN and non-cdn implementation. Content still to finalise
.../SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj | 1 +
.../Shared/_COVID19GuidanceBanner.cshtml | 28 +++++++++++++++++++
.../Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml | 19 +++++++++----
.../Views/Shared/_Layout_CDN.cshtml | 22 +++++++++++----
4 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/Shared/_COVID19GuidanceBanner.cshtml
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj
index 549afb0e2c..18ad3322fb 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj
@@ -872,6 +872,7 @@
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/Shared/_COVID19GuidanceBanner.cshtml b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/Shared/_COVID19GuidanceBanner.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de9ef9b1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/Shared/_COVID19GuidanceBanner.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@if (ViewBag.UseCDN ?? false)
New employer agreement
From 14 April 2020, you must accept a new employer agreement to:
\ No newline at end of file
From 3fe5b6741912622692f568db6a6857a477f60b0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Corey
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 15:46:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 11/18] [CON-1642] Rever unnecessary banner change from this
.../SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj
index 337a067e17..18ad3322fb 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web.csproj
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
- 1.1.36
+ 1.1.34
From c4f0a2238dc95a553d9170c9e0545c4fc4320ff5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Howes
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 09:54:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 12/18] Content update
.../Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs | 4 ++--
.../Views/EmployerAgreement/AboutYourAgreement.cshtml | 4 ++--
src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/Transfers/Index.cshtml | 2 +-
.../TransferConnectionInvitationAuthorization.cshtml | 2 +-
4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs
index 79cb3c9ced..debb6b5104 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Controllers/EmployerAgreementController.cs
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ public async Task Sign(string agreementId, string hashedAccountId,
- flashMessage.Headline = "All agreements signed";
- flashMessage.Message = "You’ve successfully signed your organisation agreement(s)";
+ flashMessage.Headline = "Agreement accepted";
+ flashMessage.Message = "You’ve successfully accepted your organisation agreement(s)";
result = RedirectToAction(ControllerConstants.IndexActionName, ControllerConstants.EmployerTeamControllerName);
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/AboutYourAgreement.cshtml b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/AboutYourAgreement.cshtml
index a3e3b306d4..8a5eee97c3 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/AboutYourAgreement.cshtml
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.EmployerAccounts.Web/Views/EmployerAgreement/AboutYourAgreement.cshtml
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
@if (Html.IsAuthorized("EmployerFeature.Transfers"))
This agreement creates a legal contract between @Model.Data.EmployerAgreement.LegalEntityName and the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). It allows you to transfer funds to other employers and pay training providers for apprenticeships.
You need to ensure you have the authority from your organisation before you sign this agreement.
You need to ensure you have the authority from your organisation before you accept this agreement.
This agreement creates a legal contract between @Model.Data.EmployerAgreement.LegalEntityNameand the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).It allows ESFA to pay your training providers for apprenticeships.
You need to make sure you have authority from your organisation before you sign this agreement.
You need to make sure you have authority from your organisation before you accept this agreement.