diff --git a/distribution/src/bin/elasticsearch-env-from-file b/distribution/src/bin/elasticsearch-env-from-file
index fd5326afcc6b7..d2cca3d729951 100644
--- a/distribution/src/bin/elasticsearch-env-from-file
+++ b/distribution/src/bin/elasticsearch-env-from-file
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@ for VAR_NAME_FILE in $(env | cut -f1 -d= | grep '_FILE$'); do
       exit 1
-    FILE_PERMS="$(stat -c '%a' ${!VAR_NAME_FILE})"
-    if [[ "$FILE_PERMS" != "400" && "$FILE_PERMS" != 600 ]]; then
-        echo "ERROR: File ${!VAR_NAME_FILE} from $VAR_NAME_FILE must have file permissions 400 or 600, but actually has: $FILE_PERMS" >&2
+    FILE_PERMS="$(stat -L -c '%a' ${!VAR_NAME_FILE})"
+    if [[ "$FILE_PERMS" != "400" && "$FILE_PERMS" != "600" ]]; then
+        if [[ -h "${!VAR_NAME_FILE}" ]]; then
+            echo "ERROR: File $(readlink "${!VAR_NAME_FILE}") (target of symlink ${!VAR_NAME_FILE} from $VAR_NAME_FILE) must have file permissions 400 or 600, but actually has: $FILE_PERMS" >&2
+        else
+            echo "ERROR: File ${!VAR_NAME_FILE} from $VAR_NAME_FILE must have file permissions 400 or 600, but actually has: $FILE_PERMS" >&2
+        fi
         exit 1
diff --git a/qa/os/src/test/java/org/elasticsearch/packaging/test/DockerTests.java b/qa/os/src/test/java/org/elasticsearch/packaging/test/DockerTests.java
index a9fa84962490f..42e4262e4b947 100644
--- a/qa/os/src/test/java/org/elasticsearch/packaging/test/DockerTests.java
+++ b/qa/os/src/test/java/org/elasticsearch/packaging/test/DockerTests.java
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 import static org.elasticsearch.packaging.util.Docker.waitForPathToExist;
 import static org.elasticsearch.packaging.util.FileMatcher.p600;
 import static org.elasticsearch.packaging.util.FileMatcher.p660;
+import static org.elasticsearch.packaging.util.FileMatcher.p775;
 import static org.elasticsearch.packaging.util.FileUtils.append;
 import static org.elasticsearch.packaging.util.FileUtils.getTempDir;
 import static org.elasticsearch.packaging.util.FileUtils.rm;
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
 import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
 import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
 import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;
+import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse;
 import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
 public class DockerTests extends PackagingTestCase {
@@ -334,10 +336,51 @@ public void test081ConfigurePasswordThroughEnvironmentVariableFile() throws Exce
         assertThat("Expected server to require authentication", statusCode, equalTo(401));
+    /**
+     * Check that when verifying the file permissions of _FILE environment variables, symlinks
+     * are followed.
+     */
+    public void test082SymlinksAreFollowedWithEnvironmentVariableFiles() throws Exception {
+        // Test relies on configuring security
+        assumeTrue(distribution.isDefault());
+        // Test relies on symlinks
+        assumeFalse(Platforms.WINDOWS);
+        final String xpackPassword = "hunter2";
+        final String passwordFilename = "password.txt";
+        final String symlinkFilename = "password_symlink";
+        Files.writeString(tempDir.resolve(passwordFilename), xpackPassword + "\n");
+        // Link to the password file. We can't use an absolute path for the target, because
+        // it won't resolve inside the container.
+        Files.createSymbolicLink(tempDir.resolve(symlinkFilename), Path.of(passwordFilename));
+        Map<String, String> envVars = Map.of(
+            "/run/secrets/" + symlinkFilename,
+            // Enable security so that we can test that the password has been used
+            "xpack.security.enabled",
+            "true"
+        );
+        // File permissions need to be secured in order for the ES wrapper to accept
+        // them for populating env var values. The wrapper will resolve the symlink
+        // and check the target's permissions.
+        Files.setPosixFilePermissions(tempDir.resolve(passwordFilename), p600);
+        final Map<Path, Path> volumes = Map.of(tempDir, Path.of("/run/secrets"));
+        // Restart the container - this will check that Elasticsearch started correctly,
+        // and didn't fail to follow the symlink and check the file permissions
+        runContainer(distribution(), volumes, envVars);
+    }
      * Check that environment variables cannot be used with _FILE environment variables.
-    public void test081CannotUseEnvVarsAndFiles() throws Exception {
+    public void test083CannotUseEnvVarsAndFiles() throws Exception {
         final String optionsFilename = "esJavaOpts.txt";
         // ES_JAVA_OPTS_FILE
@@ -368,7 +411,7 @@ public void test081CannotUseEnvVarsAndFiles() throws Exception {
      * Check that when populating environment variables by setting variables with the suffix "_FILE",
      * the files' permissions are checked.
-    public void test082EnvironmentVariablesUsingFilesHaveCorrectPermissions() throws Exception {
+    public void test084EnvironmentVariablesUsingFilesHaveCorrectPermissions() throws Exception {
         final String optionsFilename = "esJavaOpts.txt";
         // ES_JAVA_OPTS_FILE
@@ -390,11 +433,60 @@ public void test082EnvironmentVariablesUsingFilesHaveCorrectPermissions() throws
+    /**
+     * Check that when verifying the file permissions of _FILE environment variables, symlinks
+     * are followed, and that invalid target permissions are detected.
+     */
+    public void test085SymlinkToFileWithInvalidPermissionsIsRejected() throws Exception {
+        // Test relies on configuring security
+        assumeTrue(distribution.isDefault());
+        // Test relies on symlinks
+        assumeFalse(Platforms.WINDOWS);
+        final String xpackPassword = "hunter2";
+        final String passwordFilename = "password.txt";
+        final String symlinkFilename = "password_symlink";
+        Files.writeString(tempDir.resolve(passwordFilename), xpackPassword + "\n");
+        // Link to the password file. We can't use an absolute path for the target, because
+        // it won't resolve inside the container.
+        Files.createSymbolicLink(tempDir.resolve(symlinkFilename), Path.of(passwordFilename));
+        Map<String, String> envVars = Map.of(
+            "/run/secrets/" + symlinkFilename,
+            // Enable security so that we can test that the password has been used
+            "xpack.security.enabled",
+            "true"
+        );
+        // Set invalid permissions on the file that the symlink targets
+        Files.setPosixFilePermissions(tempDir.resolve(passwordFilename), p775);
+        final Map<Path, Path> volumes = Map.of(tempDir, Path.of("/run/secrets"));
+        // Restart the container
+        final Result dockerLogs = runContainerExpectingFailure(distribution(), volumes, envVars);
+        assertThat(
+            dockerLogs.stderr,
+            containsString(
+                "ERROR: File "
+                    + passwordFilename
+                    + " (target of symlink /run/secrets/"
+                    + symlinkFilename
+                    + " from ELASTIC_PASSWORD_FILE) must have file permissions 400 or 600, but actually has: 775"
+            )
+        );
+    }
      * Check that environment variables are translated to -E options even for commands invoked under
      * `docker exec`, where the Docker image's entrypoint is not executed.
-    public void test83EnvironmentVariablesAreRespectedUnderDockerExec() {
+    public void test086EnvironmentVariablesAreRespectedUnderDockerExec() {
         // This test relies on a CLI tool attempting to connect to Elasticsearch, and the
         // tool in question is only in the default distribution.
@@ -405,10 +497,7 @@ public void test83EnvironmentVariablesAreRespectedUnderDockerExec() {
         final Result result = sh.runIgnoreExitCode("elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto");
         assertFalse("elasticsearch-setup-passwords command should have failed", result.isSuccess());
-        assertThat(
-            result.stdout,
-            containsString("java.net.UnknownHostException: this.is.not.valid: Name or service not known")
-        );
+        assertThat(result.stdout, containsString("java.net.UnknownHostException: this.is.not.valid: Name or service not known"));