An optimiser that arranges bubbles in bubble charts. It takes in the radii of the circles and returns the positions of their centres.
Clone this repository and pip install it:
git clone
cd bubbleplot
pip install ./
Then, in a python script import it as:
from bubbleplot import positions
It takes a tuple of radii and a numpy array of x,y coordinates for the centres of the circles. It returns a numpy array of the optimised positions:
radii = (1, 1, 1)
centres = np.array([[-2, 0], [2, 0], [0,2]])
new_centres = positions.foptimise_positions(radii, centres, n_steps=5000, learning_rate=0.0005)
If you don't have initial positions for the centres, there is a function to spawn them:
centres = positions.spawn_bubbles(radii)
In the examples folder, there is a script that shows how to plot the bubbles and there is that shows how to make an animation of the optimisation process.