bézier curve editor for animations to manipulate values over time
try it out here
bower install curvesjs
can be used from a script tag or as AMD module
var context = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext("2d");
context.canvas.width = 280;
context.canvas.height = 140;
var lengthInFrames = 300;
var curve = new Curve(context, lengthInFrames);
var currentFrame = 0;
function loop() {
if (currentFrame > lengthInFrames) {
currentFrame = 0
var currentValue = curve.xGetY(currentFrame);
Click anywhere to create a new point
Doubleclick to remove a point
Shift-click to toggle control points
Hold alt while dragging to snap to grid
Hold shift while dragging to move controlpoints individually
returns the curves Y-value for a given X-value
Changes point color and size to the desired values
Changes line color and width to the desired values
adds custom functions on given event
curve.on('mousemove', function(){
//fires whenever the mouse moves over the canvas
curve.on('drag', function(){
//fires whenever a point changes position
curve.on('newpoint', function(){
//fires whenever a new point is created
curve.on('removepoint', function(){
//fires whenever an existing point is removed
curve.on('togglecontrol' function(){
//fires whenever a points controlpoints are toggled