The following questions can be used as a guide to help assess your level of readiness to take COMP303. It is not a perfect instrument, and comes with no guarantee. However, if you are wondering whether you are ready to take the course, this is a good place to start. Once you are done (or have gone as far as you can), check your progress against the self-evaluation grid.
Complete the following task using only the programming tools available in your IDE, the Java API documentation, and one basic Java programming book (for example ThinkJava). This excludes looking for answers on forums and websites (which you won't have access to during the exam).
Given an input text string, find the word that occurs the most frequently, and retrieve this word along with its frequency. Ignore the capitalization when counting frequencies (e.g., "The" and "the" are the same). Consider a word to be any string of characters separated by one or more white space (return, tab, or space), comma (,
), or period (.
). If there are more than one word with equal maximum frequency, you can return any of them.
You can use the following code to get started:
public class Test {
private static final String TEXT = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, "
+ "consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis tempor tellus. Nulla "
+ "tincidunt pretium justo non finibus. Fusce quis bibendum ante. "
+ "Vivamus a ex maximus, iaculis nunc eu, posuere augue. Vestibulum "
+ "ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere "
+ "cubilia Curae; Nullam ut lorem metus. Vivamus consequat eros "
+ "sed lorem rhoncus finibus. Sed porta euismod consequat. Etiam "
+ "sodales accumsan nulla, non pretium ex tincidunt eget. Aliquam "
+ "nibh erat, tristique vel augue sit amet, sodales sollicitudin leo. "
+ "Mauris in arcu volutpat, efficitur erat imperdiet, finibus dolor. "
+ "Vestibulum a dolor sed justo tempor elementum. Pellentesque eu "
+ "tincidunt ex, et posuere orci. Phasellus non nibh non nibh pharetra "
+ "lobortis. ";
For this input your program should return something like this:
Most frequent: "non" (4 occurrences)