A Curated List of Awesome Research Papers & Articles on Modern Distributed Ledger Systems including Hashgraph, Zero-knowledge proof.
Cryptpgrahpy is very important for Distributed Ledger Systems as they are an intigral part of Security (Encryption, Decryption etc.)
Reading List
Hashgraph has been stated to be an alternative to Blockchain DLT. It is far more energy efficient as well. Hedera has been leading this space with their Hashgraph Consensus.
Reading List
- Hashgraph: The sustainable alternative to blockchain (Ep. 508) - Stack Overflow Blog
- How does Hedera Hashgraph works
- Hedera Official Papers
- UCL Study on Hedera Hashgraph
- Guardian for ESG & Carbon fooprint
- Certificate Authenticity using Hashgraph
- How Hashgraph Works - By the original Creator
In Zero-Knowledge systems both parties having NO Knowledge before-hand while interacting with each other.
Reading List