This directory contains a set of scripts that facilitate the usage and development of pastebin-worker.
This is a wrapper script to make it easier to use our pastebin.
Requirements: bash
, jq
, getopt
, curl
Installation: download pb
to your PATH
and give it execution permission. For example:
$ wget
$ install -Dm755 pb ~/.local/bin
By default the script will use the instance on
, you can either modify the script itself, or specify the PB_DOMAIN
environment variable to use other instances.
Zsh completion: download _pb
in a folder within your zsh fpath
fish completion: download
in a folder within your fish fish_complete_path
$ pb -h
pb [-h|--help]
print this help message
pb [p|post] [OPTIONS] [-f] FILE
upload your text to pastebin, if neither 'FILE' and 'CONTENT' are given,
read the paste from stdin.
pb [u|update] NAME[:PASSWD]
Update your text to pastebin, if neither 'FILE' and 'CONTENT' are given,
read the paste from stdin. If 'PASSWD' is not given, try to read password
from the history file.
pb [g|get] [OPTIONS] NAME[.EXT]
fetch the paste with name 'NAME' and extension 'EXT'
pb [d|delete] [OPTIONS] NAME
delete the paste with name 'NAME'
post options:
-c, --content CONTENT the content of the paste
-e, --expire SECONDS the expiration time of the paste (in seconds)
-n, --name NAME the name of the paste
-s, --passwd PASSWD the password
-p, --private make the generated paste name longer for better privacy
-x, --clip clip the url to the clipboard
update options:
-f, --file FILE read the paste from file
-c, --content CONTENT the content of the paste
-e, --expire SECONDS the expiration time of the paste (in seconds)
-s, --passwd PASSWD the password
-x, --clip clip the url to the clipboard
get options:
-l, --lang LANG highlight the paste with language 'LANG' in a web page
-m, --mime MIME set the 'Content-Type' header according to mime-type MIME
-o, --output FILE output the paste in file 'FILE'
-u, --url make a 302 URL redirection
delete options:
general options:
-v, --verbose display the 'underlying' curl command
-d, --dry do a dry run, executing no 'curl' command at all