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react native android ci/cd

Use this template to run your tests and deploy to playstore in github actions

Steps to setup for tests only:

1. For tests only (recommended for staging):

  • Copy the .github folder and the workflows floder with android-tests-only.yml to your root folder.

  • Setup your tests and with detox - link to the detox repo.

  • Add "android.emu.workflow": { "binaryPath": "android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk", "build": "cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease assembleAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=release && cd ..", "type": "android.emulator", "name": "emu" } configuration in .detoxrc.json under "configurations".

  • Add "build-detox-android": "detox build -c android.emu.workflow",
    "test-detox-android": "detox test -c android.emu.workflow"
    scripts to the package.json under "scripts".

2. For deployment to the play store only:

  • Copy the .github folder and the workflows folder with android-deploy-only.yml to your root folder.
  • Change the package name to your package name.
  • Make sure that you have release that is equal to the track section in google store.
  • Add these secrets to the repo secrets:
    • SIGNING_KEY => key for google store release (follow instruction in react native website (just generate one don`t include it in the android files)).
    • ALIAS => the alias you used for the key
    • KEY_STORE_PASSWORD => the key store password you used for the key
    • KEY_PASSWORD => the key password you used for the key
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON => json file from google cloud that you need generate (with owner premmisions).

3. For testing and deployment to the play store combined:

  • Copy the .github folder and the workflows folder with android-tests-and-deploy.yml to your root folder.
  • Follow all the above steps.

4. For pixel perfect testing:

  • Install react-native-android-immersive-mode and react-native-dotenv .
  • Install in dev dependencies: fs , pixelmatch and pngjs .
  • Add to .babelrc: ["module:react-native-dotenv"] (your file should look like this: { "presets": ["module:metro-react-native-babel-preset"], "plugins": [ "@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining", ["module:react-native-dotenv"] ] }).
  • Add .env file and add it to your .gitignore.
  • In the .env file add ON_DEV=true
  • In the import section of your app add import { ON_DEV } from '@env';
  • In the useEffect or componentDidMount add if (ON_DEV) { immersiveModeOn(); } else { immersiveModeOff(); } (this step is necessary to remove the system ui because the status bar changes in the hour section and in the battery section), if you make change in the env file or even delete it you won`t notice any changes because the proccess varibales are chached so you need to change the import line location.
  • Copy the screenshotsTest folder to the e2e folder in your project.
  • Enjoy the testScreenshot function like so: import { testScreenshot } from './screenshotsTest';, await testScreenshot(PIC_NAME, FOLDER_SECTION);


Test your android app in github actions






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