diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 2f8f68e8..eaf347c8 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- 6.4.1
+ 6.5.1
diff --git a/service-discovery/kubernetes/src/test/java/io/smallrye/stork/servicediscovery/kubernetes/KubernetesServiceDiscoveryCDITest.java b/service-discovery/kubernetes/src/test/java/io/smallrye/stork/servicediscovery/kubernetes/KubernetesServiceDiscoveryCDITest.java
index 3f2a2796..4fef5c93 100644
--- a/service-discovery/kubernetes/src/test/java/io/smallrye/stork/servicediscovery/kubernetes/KubernetesServiceDiscoveryCDITest.java
+++ b/service-discovery/kubernetes/src/test/java/io/smallrye/stork/servicediscovery/kubernetes/KubernetesServiceDiscoveryCDITest.java
@@ -6,24 +6,22 @@
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.fail;
import static org.awaitility.Awaitility.await;
-import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
-import org.awaitility.core.ConditionTimeoutException;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.jboss.weld.junit5.WeldInitiator;
import org.jboss.weld.junit5.WeldJunit5Extension;
import org.jboss.weld.junit5.WeldSetup;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
@@ -428,67 +426,29 @@ void shouldFetchInstancesFromTheClusterWhenCacheIsInvalidated() throws Interrupt
void shouldFetchInstancesFromTheCache() throws InterruptedException {
- // Given an endpoint registered in the cluster
- // Stork gather the cache from the cluster
- // When an expectation is configured to throw an Error the next time we contact the cluster to get the endpoints and
- // Stork is called to get service instances
- // Stork get the instances from the cache: the error is not thrown because the cluster is not contacted.
- config.addServiceConfig("svc", null, "kubernetes",
- null, Map.of("k8s-host", k8sMasterUrl, "k8s-namespace", defaultNamespace, "refresh-period", "3"));
- Stork stork = StorkTestUtils.getNewStorkInstance();
+ // Stork gathers the cache from the cluster
+ // Configure the mock cluster for recordings calls to a specific path
+ // Stork is called twice to get service instances
+ // Stork get the instances from the cache: assert that only 1 call to the cluster has been done
String serviceName = "svc";
+ String[] ips = { "" };
- registerKubernetesResources(serviceName, defaultNamespace, "");
- AtomicReference> instances = new AtomicReference<>();
- Service service = stork.getService(serviceName);
- service.getServiceDiscovery().getServiceInstances()
- .onFailure().invoke(th -> fail("Failed to get service instances from Kubernetes", th))
- .subscribe().with(instances::set);
- await().atMost(Duration.ofSeconds(5))
- .until(() -> instances.get() != null);
- assertThat(instances.get()).hasSize(1);
- assertThat(instances.get().stream().map(ServiceInstance::getPort)).allMatch(p -> p == 8080);
- assertThat(instances.get().stream().map(ServiceInstance::getHost)).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("");
+ //Recording k8s cluster calls and build the endpoints as response
+ AtomicInteger serverHit = new AtomicInteger(0);
- .andReturn(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "{}").once();
- service.getServiceDiscovery().getServiceInstances()
- .onFailure().invoke(th -> fail("Failed to get service instances from Kubernetes", th))
- .subscribe().with(instances::set);
- await().atMost(Duration.ofSeconds(5))
- .until(() -> instances.get() != null);
- assertThat(instances.get()).hasSize(1);
- assertThat(instances.get().stream().map(ServiceInstance::getPort)).allMatch(p -> p == 8080);
- assertThat(instances.get().stream().map(ServiceInstance::getHost)).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("");
- }
- @Test
- void shouldGetInstancesFromTheCluster() throws InterruptedException {
- // Given an endpoint registered in the cluster
- // Stork gather the cache from the cluster
- // When an expectation in the cluster is configured to throw an Error the next time we try to get the endpoints and
- // When the endpoint is removed (this invalidates the cache)
- // Stork is called to get service instances again
- // Stork gets the instances from the cache: the error is not thrown because the cluster is not contacted.
+ .andReply(200, r -> {
+ serverHit.incrementAndGet();
+ Endpoints endpoints = buildAndRegisterKubernetesService(serviceName, defaultNamespace, true, ips);
+ Arrays.stream(ips).map(ip -> buildAndRegisterBackendPod(serviceName, defaultNamespace, true, ips[0]))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ return endpoints;
+ }).always();
config.addServiceConfig("svc", null, "kubernetes",
null, Map.of("k8s-host", k8sMasterUrl, "k8s-namespace", defaultNamespace, "refresh-period", "3"));
Stork stork = StorkTestUtils.getNewStorkInstance();
- String serviceName = "svc";
- registerKubernetesResources(serviceName, defaultNamespace, "");
AtomicReference> instances = new AtomicReference<>();
Service service = stork.getService(serviceName);
@@ -499,24 +459,17 @@ void shouldGetInstancesFromTheCluster() throws InterruptedException {
.until(() -> instances.get() != null);
- assertThat(instances.get()).hasSize(1);
- assertThat(instances.get().stream().map(ServiceInstance::getPort)).allMatch(p -> p == 8080);
- assertThat(instances.get().stream().map(ServiceInstance::getHost)).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("");
- server.expect().get().withPath("/api/v1/namespaces/test/endpoints?fieldSelector=metadata.name%3Dsvc")
- .andReturn(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "{}").once();
- client.endpoints().withName(serviceName).delete();
+ assertThat(serverHit.get()).isEqualTo(1);
+ //second try to get instances, instances should be fetched from cache
.onFailure().invoke(th -> fail("Failed to get service instances from Kubernetes", th))
- Assertions.assertThrows(ConditionTimeoutException.class,
- () -> await()
- .atMost(Duration.ofSeconds(5))
- .until(() -> instances.get().isEmpty()));
+ await().atMost(Duration.ofSeconds(5))
+ .until(() -> instances.get() != null);
+ assertThat(serverHit.get()).isEqualTo(1);
private void registerKubernetesResources(String serviceName, String namespace, String... ips) {