diff --git a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Collaboration.cs b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Collaboration.cs
index 4ac18b0..b6d9afd 100644
--- a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Collaboration.cs
+++ b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Collaboration.cs
@@ -713,8 +713,7 @@ await repository.InvokeActionAsync(new OperationRequest
- //TODO: Causes error if the user profile cannot be created.
- // Switch on this on the3 server:
+ // Switch on this on the server:
// {
// "sensenet": {
// "identityManagement": {
diff --git a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/ContentManagement.cs b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/ContentManagement.cs
index b0b8757..7a06ffd 100644
--- a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/ContentManagement.cs
+++ b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/ContentManagement.cs
@@ -832,37 +832,7 @@ await repository.DownloadAsync(
Assert.AreEqual("{Key:'Value'}", downloadedText);
- ///
- [TestMethod]
- [Description("Upload whole files instead of chunks")]
- public void Docs2_ContentManagement_Upload_WholeFile()
- {
- /**/
- // The SenseNet.Client does not implement this feature on the .NET platform..
- /**/
- }
- ///
- [TestMethod]
- [Description("Upload a structure")]
- public void Docs2_ContentManagement_Upload_Structure()
- {
- /**/
- // The SenseNet.Client does not implement this feature on the .NET platform..
- /**/
- }
- ///
- [TestMethod]
- [Description("Interrupted uploads")]
- public void Docs2_ContentManagement_Upload_Interrupted()
- {
- /**/
- // The SenseNet.Client does not implement this feature on the .NET platform..
- /**/
- }
/* ====================================================================================== Copy or move */
@@ -1280,27 +1250,6 @@ await repository.InvokeActionAsync(new OperationRequest
content["AllowedChildTypes"] = backup;
await content.SaveAsync(cancel);
- }
- ///
- //UNDONE:Docs2: Missing assertion.
- [TestMethod]
- [Description("Check allowed childtypes")]
- public async Task Docs2_ContentManagement_AllowedChildTypes_Check()
- {
- /**/
- await repository.InvokeFunctionAsync(new OperationRequest
- {
- Path = "/Root/Content",
- OperationName = "CheckAllowedChildTypesOfFolders"
- }, cancel);
- /**/
- GET https://localhost:44362/OData.svc/Root('Content')/CheckAllowedChildTypesOfFolders
- */
/* ====================================================================================== Trash */
diff --git a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Querying.cs b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Querying.cs
index 34e5d67..b71d197 100644
--- a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Querying.cs
+++ b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/Querying.cs
@@ -1112,12 +1112,13 @@ await EnsureContentAsync("/Root/Content/Tasks/Task1", "Task", c =>
- //UNDONE:Docs2:- the test is not implemented well: server returns http 500 if the current user's manager is null
+ //UNDONE:Docs2:- Server returns an error if the current user's manager is null. Issue: Chained template parameters can cause server error. #2136
[Description("Templates with properties 2")]
public async Task Docs2_Querying_Template_PropertyChain()
+ Assert.Inconclusive();
var result = await repository.QueryAsync(
new QueryContentRequest { ContentQuery = "TypeIs:Task +CreationDate:<@@CurrentUser.Manager.CreationDate@@" }, cancel);
diff --git a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/UsersAndGroups.cs b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/UsersAndGroups.cs
index 45d7e46..5ecf105 100644
--- a/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/UsersAndGroups.cs
+++ b/src/SenseNet.Client.TestsForDocs/UsersAndGroups.cs
@@ -369,24 +369,5 @@ await repository.InvokeActionAsync(new OperationRequest
}, cancel);
- ///
- //UNDONE:Docs2: Unnecessary example (?).
- [TestMethod]
- [Description("Get the list of workspaces where the given user is member")]
- public async Task Docs2_UsersAndGroups_GroupMembership_GetWorkspacesOfUser()
- {
- Assert.Inconclusive();
- SnTrace.Test.Write(">>>> ACT");
- /**/
- /**/
- SnTrace.Test.Write(">>>> ACT END");
- //UNDONE: Missing doc and test. REST: GET /OData.svc/Root/Content?query=+Type:Group +Members:{{Id:1163}} .AUTOFILTERS:OFF&$select=Workspace/DisplayName&$expand=Workspace
- Assert.Inconclusive();
- }