From 0e315a22eb7bf379e1a39d5de498521333394dd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Levi Thomason Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2016 09:54:44 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/10] fix(sui): update icons and add aliases --- src/lib/SUI.js | 301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 168 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/lib/SUI.js b/src/lib/SUI.js index 1bcd7ea386..5dfa92402f 100644 --- a/src/lib/SUI.js +++ b/src/lib/SUI.js @@ -27,138 +27,173 @@ export const WIDTHS = [ ..._.values(numberToWordMap), ] +// Generated from: +// export const ICONS = [ - // Web Content Icons - 'add to calendar', 'alarm outline', 'alarm mute outline', 'alarm mute', 'alarm', 'at', 'browser', 'bug', - 'calendar outline', 'calendar', 'checked calendar', 'cloud', 'code', 'comment outline', 'comment', 'comments outline', - 'comments', 'copyright', 'creative commons', 'dashboard', 'delete calendar', 'external square', 'external', - 'eyedropper', 'feed', 'find', 'hand pointer', 'hashtag', 'heartbeat', 'history', 'home', 'hourglass empty', - 'hourglass end', 'hourglass full', 'hourglass half', 'hourglass start', 'idea', 'image', 'inbox', 'industry', 'lab', - 'mail outline', 'mail square', 'mail', 'mouse pointer', 'options', 'paint brush', 'payment', 'percent', 'privacy', - 'protect', 'registered', 'remove from calendar', 'search', 'setting', 'settings', 'shop', 'shopping bag', - 'shopping basket', 'signal', 'sitemap', 'tag', 'tags', 'tasks', 'terminal', 'text telephone', 'ticket', 'trademark', - 'trophy', 'wifi', - - // User Actions Icons - 'add to cart', 'add user', 'adjust', 'archive', 'ban', 'bookmark', 'call', 'call square', 'clone', 'cloud download', - 'cloud upload', 'talk', 'talk outline', 'compress', 'configure', 'download', 'edit', 'erase', 'exchange', 'expand', - 'external share', 'filter', 'hide', 'in cart', 'lock', 'mail forward', 'object group', 'object ungroup', 'pin', - 'print', 'random', 'recycle', 'refresh', 'remove bookmark', 'remove user', 'repeat', 'reply all', 'reply', 'retweet', - 'send', 'send outline', 'share alternate', 'share alternate square', 'share', 'share square', 'sign in', 'sign out', - 'theme', 'translate', 'undo', 'unhide', 'unlock alternate', 'unlock', 'upload', 'wait', 'wizard', 'write', - 'write square', - - // Message Icons - 'announcement', 'birthday', 'help circle', 'help', 'info circle', 'info', 'warning circle', 'warning', 'warning sign', - - // User Types Icons - 'child', 'doctor', 'handicap', 'spy', 'student', 'user', 'users', - - // Gender And Sexuality Icons - 'female', 'gay', 'genderless', 'heterosexual', 'intergender', 'lesbian', 'male', 'man', 'neuter', - 'non binary transgender', 'other gender horizontal', 'other gender', 'other gender vertical', 'transgender', 'woman', - - // Layout Adjustment Icons - 'block layout', 'crop', 'grid layout', 'list layout', 'maximize', 'resize horizontal', 'resize vertical', 'zoom', - 'zoom out', - - // Objects Icons - 'anchor', 'bar', 'bomb', 'book', 'bullseye', 'calculator', 'cocktail', 'diamond', 'fax', 'fire extinguisher', 'fire', - 'flag checkered', 'flag', 'flag outline', 'gift', 'hand lizard', 'hand peace', 'hand paper', 'hand rock', - 'hand scissors', 'hand spock', 'law', 'leaf', 'legal', 'lemon', 'life ring', 'lightning', 'magnet', 'money', 'moon', - 'plane', 'puzzle', 'road', 'rocket', 'shipping', 'soccer', 'sticky note', 'sticky note outline', 'suitcase', 'sun', - 'travel', 'treatment', 'umbrella', 'world', - - // Shapes Icons - 'asterisk', 'certificate', 'circle', 'circle notched', 'circle thin', 'crosshairs', 'cube', 'cubes', - 'ellipsis horizontal', 'ellipsis vertical', 'quote left', 'quote right', 'spinner', 'square', 'square outline', - - // Item Selection Icons - 'add circle', 'add square', 'check circle', 'check circle outline', 'check square', 'checkmark box', 'checkmark', - 'minus circle', 'minus', 'minus square', 'minus square outline', 'move', 'plus', 'plus square outline', 'radio', - 'remove circle', 'remove circle outline', 'remove', 'selected radio', 'toggle off', 'toggle on', - - // Media Icons - 'area chart', 'bar chart', 'camera retro', 'film', 'line chart', 'newspaper', 'photo', 'pie chart', 'sound', - - // Pointers Icons - 'angle double down', 'angle double left', 'angle double right', 'angle double up', 'angle down', 'angle left', - 'angle right', 'angle up', 'arrow circle down', 'arrow circle left', 'arrow circle outline down', - 'arrow circle outline left', 'arrow circle outline right', 'arrow circle outline up', 'arrow circle right', - 'arrow circle up', 'arrow down', 'arrow left', 'arrow right', 'arrow up', 'caret down', 'caret left', 'caret right', - 'caret up', 'chevron circle down', 'chevron circle left', 'chevron circle right', 'chevron circle up', 'chevron down', - 'chevron left', 'chevron right', 'chevron up', 'dropdown', 'long arrow down', 'long arrow left', 'long arrow right', - 'long arrow up', 'pointing down', 'pointing left', 'pointing right', 'pointing up', 'toggle down', 'toggle left', - 'toggle right', 'toggle up', - - // Mobile Icons - 'mobile', 'tablet', 'battery empty', 'battery full', 'battery low', 'battery medium', - - // Computer Icons - 'desktop', 'disk outline', 'game', 'high battery', 'keyboard', 'laptop', 'plug', 'power', - - // Computer And File System Icons - 'file archive outline', 'file audio outline', 'file code outline', 'file excel outline', 'file', 'file image outline', - 'file outline', 'file pdf outline', 'file powerpoint outline', 'file text', 'file text outline', 'file video outline', - 'file word outline', 'folder', 'folder open', 'folder open outline', 'folder outline', 'level down', 'level up', - 'trash', 'trash outline', - - // Technologies Icons - 'barcode', 'bluetooth alternative', 'bluetooth', 'css3', 'database', 'fork', 'html5', 'openid', 'qrcode', 'rss', - 'rss square', 'server', 'usb', - - // Rating Icons - 'empty heart', 'empty star', 'frown', 'heart', 'meh', 'smile', 'star half empty', 'star half', 'star', 'thumbs down', - 'thumbs outline down', 'thumbs outline up', 'thumbs up', - - // Audio Icons - 'backward', 'closed captioning', 'eject', 'fast backward', 'fast forward', 'forward', 'music', 'mute', 'pause circle', - 'pause circle outline', 'pause', 'play', 'record', 'step backward', 'step forward', 'stop circle', - 'stop circle outline', 'stop', 'unmute', 'video play', 'video play outline', 'volume down', 'volume off', 'volume up', - - // Map Icons - 'bicycle', 'building', 'building outline', 'bus', 'car', 'coffee', 'compass', 'emergency', 'first aid', 'food', 'h', - 'hospital', 'hotel', 'location arrow', 'map', 'map outline', 'map pin', 'map signs', 'marker', 'military', - 'motorcycle', 'paw', 'ship', 'space shuttle', 'spoon', 'street view', 'subway', 'taxi', 'train', 'television', 'tree', - 'university', - - // Tables Icons - 'columns', 'sort alphabet ascending', 'sort alphabet descending', 'sort ascending', 'sort content ascending', - 'sort content descending', 'sort descending', 'sort', 'sort numeric ascending', 'sort numeric descending', 'table', - - // Text Editor Icons - 'align center', 'align justify', 'align left', 'align right', 'attach', 'bold', 'content', 'copy', 'cut', 'font', - 'header', 'indent', 'italic', 'linkify', 'list', 'ordered list', 'outdent', 'paragraph', 'paste', 'save', - 'strikethrough', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'text cursor', 'text height', 'text width', 'underline', 'unlinkify', - 'unordered list', - - // Currency Icons - 'bitcoin', 'dollar', 'euro', 'lira', 'pound', 'ruble', 'rupee', 'shekel', 'won', 'yen', - - // Payment Options Icons - 'american express', 'credit card alternative', 'diners club', 'discover', 'google wallet', 'japan credit bureau', - 'mastercard', 'paypal card', 'paypal', 'stripe', 'visa', - - // Accessibility Icons - 'wheelchair', 'asl interpreting', 'assistive listening systems', 'audio description', 'blind', 'braille', 'deafness', - 'low vision', 'sign language', 'universal access', 'volume control phone', - - // Brands Icons - '500px', 'adn', 'amazon', 'android', 'angellist', 'apple', 'behance', 'behance square', 'bitbucket', - 'bitbucket square', 'black tie', 'buysellads', 'chrome', 'codepen', 'codiepie', 'connectdevelop', 'contao', - 'dashcube', 'delicious', 'deviantart', 'digg', 'dribbble', 'dropbox', 'drupal', 'empire', 'envira gallery', - 'expeditedssl', 'facebook', 'facebook f', 'facebook square', 'firefox', 'first order', 'flickr', 'font awesome', - 'fonticons', 'fort awesome', 'forumbee', 'foursquare', 'gg', 'gg circle', 'git', 'git square', 'github', - 'github alternate', 'github square', 'gitlab', 'gittip', 'glide', 'glide g', 'google', 'google plus', - 'google plus circle', 'google plus square', 'hacker news', 'houzz', 'instagram', 'internet explorer', 'ioxhost', - 'joomla', 'jsfiddle', 'lastfm', 'lastfm square', 'leanpub', 'linkedin', 'linkedin square', 'linux', 'maxcdn', - 'meanpath', 'medium', 'microsoft edge', 'mixcloud', 'modx', 'odnoklassniki', 'odnoklassniki square', 'opencart', - 'opera', 'optinmonster', 'pagelines', 'pied piper', 'pied piper alternate', 'pied piper hat', 'pinterest', - 'pinterest square', 'pocket', 'product hunt', 'qq', 'rebel', 'reddit', 'reddit alien', 'reddit square', 'renren', - 'safari', 'scribd', 'sellsy', 'shirtsinbulk', 'simplybuilt', 'skyatlas', 'skype', 'slack', 'slideshare', 'snapchat', - 'snapchat ghost', 'snapchat square', 'soundcloud', 'spotify', 'stack exchange', 'stack overflow', 'steam', - 'steam square', 'stumbleupon', 'stumbleupon circle', 'tencent weibo', 'themeisle', 'trello', 'tripadvisor', 'tumblr', - 'tumblr square', 'twitch', 'twitter', 'twitter square', 'viacoin', 'viadeo', 'viadeo square', 'vimeo', 'vimeo square', - 'vine', 'vk', 'wechat', 'weibo', 'whatsapp', 'wikipedia', 'windows', 'wordpress', 'wpbeginner', 'wpforms', 'xing', - 'xing square', 'y combinator', 'yahoo', 'yelp', 'yoast', 'youtube', 'youtube play', 'youtube square', + // Web Content + 'search', 'mail outline', 'signal', 'setting', 'home', 'inbox', 'browser', 'tag', 'tags', 'image', 'calendar', + 'comment', 'shop', 'comments', 'external', 'privacy', 'settings', 'comments', 'external', 'trophy', 'payment', 'feed', + 'alarm outline', 'tasks', 'cloud', 'lab', 'mail', 'dashboard', 'comment outline', 'comments outline', 'sitemap', + 'idea', 'alarm', 'terminal', 'code', 'protect', 'calendar outline', 'ticket', 'external square', 'bug', 'mail square', + 'history', 'options', 'text telephone', 'find', 'wifi', 'alarm mute', 'alarm mute outline', 'copyright', 'at', + 'eyedropper', 'paint brush', 'heartbeat', 'mouse pointer', 'hourglass empty', 'hourglass start', 'hourglass half', + 'hourglass end', 'hourglass full', 'hand pointer', 'trademark', 'registered', 'creative commons', 'add to calendar', + 'remove from calendar', 'delete calendar', 'checked calendar', 'industry', 'shopping bag', 'shopping basket', + 'hashtag', 'percent', + + // User Actions + 'wait', 'download', 'repeat', 'refresh', 'lock', 'bookmark', 'print', 'write', 'adjust', 'theme', 'edit', + 'external share', 'ban', 'mail forward', 'share', 'expand', 'compress', 'unhide', 'hide', 'random', 'retweet', + 'sign out', 'pin', 'sign in', 'upload', 'call', 'remove bookmark', 'call square', 'unlock', 'configure', 'filter', + 'wizard', 'undo', 'exchange', 'cloud download', 'cloud upload', 'reply', 'reply all', 'erase', 'unlock alternate', + 'write square', 'share square', 'archive', 'translate', 'recycle', 'send', 'send outline', 'share alternate', + 'share alternate square', 'add to cart', 'in cart', 'add user', 'remove user', 'object group', 'object ungroup', + 'clone', 'talk', 'talk outline', + + // Messages + 'help circle', 'info circle', 'warning circle', 'warning sign', 'announcement', 'help', 'info', 'warning', 'birthday', + 'help circle outline', + + // Users + 'user', 'users', 'doctor', 'handicap', 'student', 'child', 'spy', + + // Gender & Sexuality + 'female', 'male', 'woman', 'man', 'non binary transgender', 'intergender', 'transgender', 'lesbian', 'gay', + 'heterosexual', 'other gender', 'other gender vertical', 'other gender horizontal', 'neuter', 'genderless', + + // Accessibility + 'universal access', 'wheelchair', 'blind', 'audio description', 'volume control phone', 'braille', 'asl', + 'assistive listening systems', 'deafness', 'sign language', 'low vision', + + // View Adjustment + 'block layout', 'grid layout', 'list layout', 'zoom', 'zoom out', 'resize vertical', 'resize horizontal', 'maximize', + 'crop', + + // Literal Objects + 'cocktail', 'road', 'flag', 'book', 'gift', 'leaf', 'fire', 'plane', 'magnet', 'lemon', 'world', 'travel', 'shipping', + 'money', 'legal', 'lightning', 'umbrella', 'treatment', 'suitcase', 'bar', 'flag outline', 'flag checkered', 'puzzle', + 'fire extinguisher', 'rocket', 'anchor', 'bullseye', 'sun', 'moon', 'fax', 'life ring', 'bomb', 'soccer', + 'calculator', 'diamond', 'sticky note', 'sticky note outline', 'law', 'hand peace', 'hand rock', 'hand paper', + 'hand scissors', 'hand lizard', 'hand spock', 'tv', + + // Shapes + 'crosshairs', 'asterisk', 'square outline', 'certificate', 'square', 'quote left', 'quote right', 'spinner', 'circle', + 'ellipsis horizontal', 'ellipsis vertical', 'cube', 'cubes', 'circle notched', 'circle thin', + + // Item Selection + 'checkmark', 'remove', 'checkmark box', 'move', 'add circle', 'minus circle', 'remove circle', 'check circle', + 'remove circle outline', 'check circle outline', 'plus', 'minus', 'add square', 'radio', 'minus square', 'minus square outline', + 'check square', 'selected radio', 'plus square outline', 'toggle off', 'toggle on', + + // Media + 'film', 'sound', 'photo', 'bar chart', 'camera retro', 'newspaper', 'area chart', 'pie chart', 'line chart', + + // Pointers + 'arrow circle outline down', 'arrow circle outline up', 'chevron left', 'chevron right', 'arrow left', 'arrow right', + 'arrow up', 'arrow down', 'chevron up', 'chevron down', 'pointing right', 'pointing left', 'pointing up', + 'pointing down', 'arrow circle left', 'arrow circle right', 'arrow circle up', 'arrow circle down', 'caret down', + 'caret up', 'caret left', 'caret right', 'angle double left', 'angle double right', 'angle double up', + 'angle double down', 'angle left', 'angle right', 'angle up', 'angle down', 'chevron circle left', + 'chevron circle right', 'chevron circle up', 'chevron circle down', 'toggle down', 'toggle up', 'toggle right', + 'long arrow down', 'long arrow up', 'long arrow left', 'long arrow right', 'arrow circle outline right', + 'arrow circle outline left', 'toggle left', + + // Mobile + 'tablet', 'mobile', 'battery full', 'battery high', 'battery medium', 'battery low', 'battery empty', + + // Computer + 'power', 'trash outline', 'disk outline', 'desktop', 'laptop', 'game', 'keyboard', 'plug', + + // File System + 'trash', 'file outline', 'folder', 'folder open', 'file text outline', 'folder outline', 'folder open outline', + 'level up', 'level down', 'file', 'file text', 'file pdf outline', 'file word outline', 'file excel outline', + 'file powerpoint outline', 'file image outline', 'file archive outline', 'file audio outline', 'file video outline', + 'file code outline', + + // Technologies + 'qrcode', 'barcode', 'rss', 'fork', 'html5', 'css3', 'rss square', 'openid', 'database', 'server', 'usb', 'bluetooth', + 'bluetooth alternative', + + // Rating + 'heart', 'star', 'empty star', 'thumbs outline up', 'thumbs outline down', 'star half', 'empty heart', 'smile', + 'frown', 'meh', 'star half empty', 'thumbs up', 'thumbs down', + + // Audio + 'music', 'video play outline', 'volume off', 'volume down', 'volume up', 'record', 'step backward', 'fast backward', + 'backward', 'play', 'pause', 'stop', 'forward', 'fast forward', 'step forward', 'eject', 'unmute', 'mute', + 'video play', 'closed captioning', 'pause circle', 'pause circle outline', 'stop circle', 'stop circle outline', + + // Map, Locations, & Transportation + 'marker', 'coffee', 'food', 'building outline', 'hospital', 'emergency', 'first aid', 'military', 'h', + 'location arrow', 'compass', 'space shuttle', 'university', 'building', 'paw', 'spoon', 'car', 'taxi', 'tree', + 'bicycle', 'bus', 'ship', 'motorcycle', 'street view', 'hotel', 'train', 'subway', 'map pin', 'map signs', + 'map outline', 'map', + + // Tables + 'table', 'columns', 'sort', 'sort descending', 'sort ascending', 'sort alphabet ascending', + 'sort alphabet descending', 'sort content ascending', 'sort content descending', 'sort numeric ascending', + 'sort numeric descending', + + // Text Editor + 'font', 'bold', 'italic', 'text height', 'text width', 'align left', 'align center', 'align right', 'align justify', + 'list', 'outdent', 'indent', 'linkify', 'cut', 'copy', 'attach', 'save', 'content', 'unordered list', 'ordered list', + 'strikethrough', 'underline', 'paste', 'unlinkify', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'header', 'paragraph', 'text cursor', + + // Currency + 'euro', 'pound', 'dollar', 'rupee', 'yen', 'ruble', 'won', 'bitcoin', 'lira', 'shekel', + + // Payment Options + 'paypal', 'google wallet', 'visa', 'mastercard', 'discover', 'american express', 'paypal card', 'stripe', + 'japan credit bureau', 'diners club', 'credit card alternative', + + // Networks and Website + 'twitter square', 'facebook square', 'linkedin square', 'github square', 'twitter', 'facebook f', 'github', + 'pinterest', 'pinterest square', 'google plus square', 'google plus', 'linkedin', 'github alternate', 'maxcdn', + 'youtube square', 'youtube', 'xing', 'xing square', 'youtube play', 'dropbox', 'stack overflow', 'instagram', + 'flickr', 'adn', 'bitbucket', 'bitbucket square', 'tumblr', 'tumblr square', 'apple', 'windows', 'android', 'linux', + 'dribble', 'skype', 'foursquare', 'trello', 'gittip', 'vk', 'weibo', 'renren', 'pagelines', 'stack exchange', + 'vimeo square', 'slack', 'wordpress', 'yahoo', 'google', 'reddit', 'reddit square', 'stumbleupon circle', + 'stumbleupon', 'delicious', 'digg', 'pied piper', 'pied piper alternate', 'drupal', 'joomla', 'behance', + 'behance square', 'steam', 'steam square', 'spotify', 'deviantart', 'soundcloud', 'vine', 'codepen', 'jsfiddle', + 'rebel', 'empire', 'git square', 'git', 'hacker news', 'tencent weibo', 'qq', 'wechat', 'slideshare', 'twitch', + 'yelp', 'lastfm', 'lastfm square', 'ioxhost', 'angellist', 'meanpath', 'buysellads', 'connectdevelop', 'dashcube', + 'forumbee', 'leanpub', 'sellsy', 'shirtsinbulk', 'simplybuilt', 'skyatlas', 'facebook', 'pinterest', 'whatsapp', + 'viacoin', 'medium', 'y combinator', 'optinmonster', 'opencart', 'expeditedssl', 'gg', 'gg circle', 'tripadvisor', + 'odnoklassniki', 'odnoklassniki square', 'pocket', 'wikipedia', 'safari', 'chrome', 'firefox', 'opera', + 'internet explorer', 'contao', '500px', 'amazon', 'houzz', 'vimeo', 'black tie', 'fonticons', 'reddit alien', + 'microsoft edge', 'codiepie', 'modx', 'fort awesome', 'product hunt', 'mixcloud', 'scribd', 'gitlab', 'wpbeginner', + 'wpforms', 'envira gallery', 'glide', 'glide g', 'viadeo', 'viadeo square', 'snapchat', 'snapchat ghost', + 'snapchat square', 'pied piper hat', 'first order', 'yoast', 'themeisle', 'google plus circle', 'font awesome', + + // ---------------------------------------- + // Aliases + // ---------------------------------------- + + 'like', 'favorite', 'video', 'check', 'close', 'cancel', 'delete', 'x', 'zoom in', 'magnify', 'shutdown', 'clock', + 'time', 'play circle outline', 'headphone', 'camera', 'video camera', 'picture', 'pencil', 'compose', 'point', 'tint', + 'signup', 'plus circle', 'question circle', 'dont', 'minimize', 'add', 'exclamation circle', 'attention', 'eye', + 'exclamation triangle', 'shuffle', 'chat', 'cart', 'shopping cart', 'bar graph', 'key', 'cogs', 'discussions', + 'like outline', 'dislike outline', 'heart outline', 'log out', 'thumb tack', 'winner', 'phone', 'bookmark outline', + 'phone square', 'credit card', 'hdd outline', 'bullhorn', 'bell outline', 'hand outline right', 'hand outline left', + 'hand outline up', 'hand outline down', 'globe', 'wrench', 'briefcase', 'group', 'linkify', 'chain', 'flask', + 'sidebar', 'bars', 'list ul', 'list ol', 'numbered list', 'magic', 'truck', 'currency', 'triangle down', 'dropdown', + 'triangle up', 'triangle left', 'triangle right', 'envelope', 'conversation', 'rain', 'clipboard', 'lightbulb', + 'bell', 'ambulance', 'medkit', 'fighter jet', 'beer', 'plus square', 'computer', 'circle outline', 'gamepad', + 'star half full', 'broken chain', 'question', 'exclamation', 'eraser', 'microphone', 'microphone slash', 'shield', + 'target', 'play circle', 'pencil square', 'eur', 'gbp', 'usd', 'inr', 'cny', 'rmb', 'jpy', 'rouble', 'rub', 'krw', + 'btc', 'gratipay', 'zip', 'dot circle outline', 'try', 'graduation', 'circle outline', 'sliders', 'weixin', 'tty', + 'teletype', 'binoculars', 'power cord', 'wifi', 'visa card', 'mastercard card', 'discover card', 'amex', + 'american express card', 'stripe card', 'bell slash', 'bell slash outline', 'area graph', 'pie graph', 'line graph', + 'cc', 'sheqel', 'ils', 'plus cart', 'arrow down cart', 'detective', 'venus', 'mars', 'mercury', 'intersex', + 'venus double', 'female homosexual', 'mars double', 'male homosexual', 'venus mars', 'mars stroke', 'mars alternate', + 'mars vertical', 'mars stroke vertical', 'mars horizontal', 'mars stroke horizontal', 'asexual', 'facebook official', + 'user plus', 'user times', 'user close', 'user cancel', 'user delete', 'user x', 'bed', 'yc', 'ycombinator', + 'battery four', 'battery three', 'battery three quarters', 'battery two', 'battery half', 'battery one', + 'battery quarter', 'battery zero', 'i cursor', 'jcb', 'japan credit bureau card', 'diners club card', 'balance', + 'hourglass outline', 'hourglass zero', 'hourglass one', 'hourglass two', 'hourglass three', 'hourglass four', 'grab', + 'hand victory', 'tm', 'r circle', 'television', 'five hundred pixels', 'calendar plus', 'calendar minus', + 'calendar times', 'calendar check', 'factory', 'commenting', 'commenting outline', 'edge', 'ms edge', + 'wordpress beginner', 'wordpress forms', 'envira', 'question circle outline', 'assistive listening devices', 'als', + 'ald', 'asl interpreting', 'deaf', 'american sign language interpreting', 'hard of hearing', 'signing', + 'new pied piper', 'theme isle', 'google plus official', 'fa', ] From 52c8ee497d66724470ef61e9f1b48d7a2f09346e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Levi Thomason Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2016 09:55:31 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/10] fix(customPropTypes): fix error arguments --- src/lib/customPropTypes.js | 19 +++++++------------ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/lib/customPropTypes.js b/src/lib/customPropTypes.js index 78543febe6..fdc6cf9536 100644 --- a/src/lib/customPropTypes.js +++ b/src/lib/customPropTypes.js @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ export const disallow = disallowedProps => { return (props, propName, componentName) => { if (!Array.isArray(disallowedProps)) { throw new Error([ - 'Invalid argument supplied to disallow, expected an instance of array.' - ` See \`${propName}\` prop in \`${componentName}\`.`, + 'Invalid argument supplied to disallow, expected an instance of array.', + ` See \`${propName}\` prop in \`${componentName}\`.`, ].join('')) } @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ export const disallow = disallowedProps => { return acc }, []) - if (disallowed.length > 0) { return new Error([ `Prop \`${propName}\` in \`${componentName}\` conflicts with props: \`${disallowed.join('`, `')}\`.`, @@ -61,9 +60,7 @@ export const every = (validators) => { const errors = _.flow( => { if (typeof validator !== 'function') { - throw new Error( - `every() argument "validators" should contain functions, found: ${typeOf(validator)}.` - ) + throw new Error(`every() argument "validators" should contain functions, found: ${typeOf(validator)}.`) } return validator(props, propName, componentName, }), @@ -90,9 +87,7 @@ export const some = (validators) => { const errors = _.compact(, validator => { if (!_.isFunction(validator)) { - throw new Error( - `some() argument "validators" should contain functions, found: ${typeOf(validator)}.` - ) + throw new Error(`some() argument "validators" should contain functions, found: ${typeOf(validator)}.`) } return validator(props, propName, componentName, })) @@ -163,8 +158,8 @@ export const demand = (requiredProps) => { return (props, propName, componentName) => { if (!Array.isArray(requiredProps)) { throw new Error([ - 'Invalid `requiredProps` argument supplied to require, expected an instance of array.' - ` See \`${propName}\` prop in \`${componentName}\`.`, + 'Invalid `requiredProps` argument supplied to require, expected an instance of array.', + ` See \`${propName}\` prop in \`${componentName}\`.`, ].join('')) } @@ -174,7 +169,7 @@ export const demand = (requiredProps) => { const missingRequired = requiredProps.filter(requiredProp => props[requiredProp] === undefined) if (missingRequired.length > 0) { return new Error( - `\`${propName}\` prop in \`${componentName}\` requires props: \`${missingRequired.join('`, `')}\`.`, + `\`${propName}\` prop in \`${componentName}\` requires props: \`${missingRequired.join('`, `')}\`.` ) } } From a3b90af4bf3a67c4b580d559f530a19c03d629dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Levi Thomason Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2016 13:11:02 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/10] fix(index.ejs): use unminified react in dev --- docs/app/index.ejs | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/app/index.ejs b/docs/app/index.ejs index 48aa77051f..8daae2613c 100644 --- a/docs/app/index.ejs +++ b/docs/app/index.ejs @@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ > - + +