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Command Synopses

OktaPosh Module Functions

To use the module

Import-Module OktaPosh

Function Groups:

App Functions

Command Synopsis
Add-OktaAppGroup Adds a group to the application
Add-OktaAppUser Add a User to the Application
Build-OktaSpaApp Helper to create an spa application
ConvertTo-OktaAppYaml Get Application objects as Yaml for easy comparison between Okta instances. Note that ConvertTo-OktaYaml calls this.
Disable-OktaApp Disable the Application
Enable-OktaApp Enable the Application
Get-OktaApp Get one or more Applications
Get-OktaAppGroup Get the list of groups attached to the application, or a specific group
Get-OktaAppSchema Get the schema (profile) for the Application
Get-OktaAppUser Get one or more users attached to the application
Get-OktaUserApp Get the list of Applications for a User
Remove-OktaApp Remove an Application. It will disable it first.
Remove-OktaAppGroup Remove a Group from an Application
Remove-OktaAppSchemaProperty Remove a Property from a Schema.
Remove-OktaAppUser Remove a User from the Application
Set-OktaApp Update an Application
Set-OktaAppProperty Set an application property
Set-OktaAppSchemaProperty Set a Property on a Schema
Add-OktaApplicationGroup Adds a group to the application
Add-OktaApplicationUser Add a User to the Application
Build-OktaSpaApplication Helper to create an spa application
ConvertTo-OktaApplicationYaml Get Application objects as Yaml for easy comparison between Okta instances. Note that ConvertTo-OktaYaml calls this.
Disable-OktaApplication Disable the Application
Enable-OktaApplication Enable the Application
Get-OktaAppJwt Get the JWT for client_credential (server-to-server)
Get-OktaApplication Get one or more Applications
Get-OktaApplicationGroup Get the list of groups attached to the application, or a specific group
Get-OktaApplicationSchema Get the schema (profile) for the Application
Get-OktaApplicationUser Get one or more users attached to the application
Get-OktaGroupApp Get the Applications attached to the Group
Get-OktaUserApplication Get the list of Applications for a User
New-OktaServerApplication Create a new server-type OAuth Application
New-OktaSpaApplication Create a new SPA-type OAuth Application
Remove-OktaApplication Remove an Application. It will disable it first.
Remove-OktaApplicationGroup Remove a Group from an Application
Remove-OktaApplicationSchemaProperty Remove a Property from a Schema.
Remove-OktaApplicationUser Remove a User from the Application
Set-OktaApplication Update an Application
Set-OktaApplicationProperty Set an application property
Set-OktaApplicationSchemaProperty Set a Property on a Schema

Authorization Functions

Command Synopsis
Build-OktaAuthorizationServer Helper to create an authorization server
ConvertTo-OktaAuthorizationYaml Get Authorization Server objects as Yaml for easy comparison between Okta instances. Note that ConvertTo-OktaYaml calls this.
Disable-OktaAuthorizationServer Disable the AuthorizationServer
Enable-OktaAuthorizationServer Enable the AuthorizationServer
Export-OktaAuthorizationServer Export the AuthorizationServer and its Claims, Scopes, Policies and their Rules
Get-OktaAuthorizationServer Get one or more AuthorizationServers
New-OktaAuthorizationServer Create a new AuthorizationServer
Remove-OktaAuthorizationServer Remove an Authorization Server. Will disable it first.
Set-OktaAuthorizationServer Update an AuthorizationServer

Claim Functions

Command Synopsis
Get-OktaClaim Get one of more Claims for an AuthorizationServer
New-OktaClaim Create a new Claim on an AuthorizationServer
Remove-OktaClaim Remove a Claim from an AuthorizationServer
Set-OktaClaim Update an AuthorizationServer's Claim

Group Functions

Command Synopsis
Add-OktaAppGroup Adds a group to the application
Get-OktaAppGroup Get the list of groups attached to the application, or a specific group
Remove-OktaAppGroup Remove a Group from an Application
Add-OktaApplicationGroup Adds a group to the application
Add-OktaGroupUser Add a User to a Group
Get-OktaApplicationGroup Get the list of groups attached to the application, or a specific group
Get-OktaGroup Get one or more Groups
Get-OktaGroupApp Get the Applications attached to the Group
Get-OktaGroupUser Get the Users attached to the Group
Get-OktaUserGroup Get a list of Groups for the User
New-OktaGroup Create a new Group
Remove-OktaApplicationGroup Remove a Group from an Application
Remove-OktaGroup Remove a Group
Remove-OktaGroupUser Remove a User from a Group
Set-OktaGroup Update a Group's name or description

Link Functions

Command Synopsis
Get-OktaLink Get the users linked to this one
Get-OktaLinkDefinition Get one or all a user-to-user link definitions
New-OktaLinkDefinition Create a new user-to-link definition.
Remove-OktaLink Remove the link from a user
Remove-OktaLinkDefinition Remove a link definition
Set-OktaLink Create a link between two users

Misc Functions

Command Synopsis
ConvertTo-OktaYaml Get auth, app, trusted origin, and group objects as Yaml for easy comparison between Okta instances
Get-OktaApiToken Get the API token set by Set-OktaOption or from environment, or passed in
Get-OktaBaseUri Get the base Uri set by Set-OktaOption or from environment, or passed in
Get-OktaIdentityProvider Gets Identity Providers. Useful for New-OktaAuthProviderUser
Get-OktaJwt Get an Okta JWT token for an Application or Okta User
Get-OktaLog Get Okta system log entries. Defaults to getting 50 within last 10 minutes
Get-OktaNextUrl Get the list of NextUrls the module currently knows about.
Get-OktaOpenIdConfig Get the JSON from the configuration Url for an AuthorizationServer
Get-OktaQueryForId Get the QueryForId setting
Get-OktaRateLimit Get the current rate limit values from the last request
Get-OktaReadOnly Gets the current read-only setting that prevents calling write operations
Import-OktaConfiguration Import Okta Authorization servers, applications, groups and related objects
Invoke-OktaApi Helper for calling the OktaApi. Mainly used internally.
Set-OktaOption Set OktaOptions for accessing the API
Set-OktaReadOnly Sets the current read-only setting that prevents calling write operations
Show-Okta Launch the browser with the Get-OktaBaseUri, or auth server, or app
Test-OktaNext Checks to see if -Next will return anything for a give Okta object

Password Functions

Command Synopsis
Disable-OktaPasswordPolicy Disables an Okta Policy
Disable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Disable a policy rule
Enable-OktaPasswordPolicy Enables an OktaPolicy
Enable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Enable a policy rule
Get-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Get the rules for an Okta Policy
Remove-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Remove a policy rule from a policy
Get-OktaPasswordPolicy Get a password policy
New-OktaPasswordPolicy Create a new Okta password policy
New-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Create a new password policy rule for a password policy
Remove-OktaPasswordPolicy Delete a password policy
Reset-OktaPassword Reset the password of a user
Reset-OktaPasswordWithAnswer Reset a user's password given the answer to their current recovery question
Revoke-OktaPassword Revoke (expire) a users password, forcing them to change it on next login
Set-OktaPassword Set the user's password to a new value, given the current one.
Set-OktaPasswordPolicy Update the password policy

PasswordPolicy Functions

Command Synopsis
Disable-OktaPasswordPolicy Disables an Okta Policy
Disable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Disable a policy rule
Enable-OktaPasswordPolicy Enables an OktaPolicy
Enable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Enable a policy rule
Get-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Get the rules for an Okta Policy
Remove-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Remove a policy rule from a policy
Get-OktaPasswordPolicy Get a password policy
New-OktaPasswordPolicy Create a new Okta password policy
New-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Create a new password policy rule for a password policy
Remove-OktaPasswordPolicy Delete a password policy
Set-OktaPasswordPolicy Update the password policy

Policy Functions

Command Synopsis
Disable-OktaPasswordPolicy Disables an Okta Policy
Disable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Disable a policy rule
Enable-OktaPasswordPolicy Enables an OktaPolicy
Enable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Enable a policy rule
Get-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Get the rules for an Okta Policy
Remove-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Remove a policy rule from a policy
Disable-OktaPolicy Disables an Okta Policy
Disable-OktaPolicyRule Disable a policy rule
Enable-OktaPolicy Enables an OktaPolicy
Enable-OktaPolicyRule Enable a policy rule
Get-OktaPasswordPolicy Get a password policy
Get-OktaPolicy Get one of more Policies for an AuthorizationServer
Get-OktaPolicyRule Get the rules for an Okta Policy
New-OktaPasswordPolicy Create a new Okta password policy
New-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Create a new password policy rule for a password policy
New-OktaPolicy Create a new Policy on the AuthorizationServer
New-OktaPolicyZone Create a new policy zone
Remove-OktaPasswordPolicy Delete a password policy
Remove-OktaPolicy Remove a Policy from an AuthorizationServer
Remove-OktaPolicyRule Remove a policy rule from a policy
Set-OktaPasswordPolicy Update the password policy
Set-OktaPolicy Update an Authorization server's Policy

Rule Functions

Command Synopsis
Disable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Disable a policy rule
Enable-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Enable a policy rule
Get-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Get the rules for an Okta Policy
Remove-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Remove a policy rule from a policy
Disable-OktaPolicyRule Disable a policy rule
Enable-OktaPolicyRule Enable a policy rule
Get-OktaPolicyRule Get the rules for an Okta Policy
Get-OktaRule Get one or more Rules for an AuthorizationServer and Policy
New-OktaPasswordPolicyRule Create a new password policy rule for a password policy
New-OktaRule Create a new Rule on the AuthorizationServer's Policy
Remove-OktaPolicyRule Remove a policy rule from a policy
Remove-OktaRule Remove a Rule from an AuthorizationServer's Policy
Set-OktaRule Update an AuthorizationServer's Policy

Scope Functions

Command Synopsis
Get-OktaScope Get one or more Scopes for an AuthorizationServer
New-OktaScope Create a new AuthorizationServer Scope
Remove-OktaScope Remove a Scope from an AuthorizationServer
Set-OktaScope Update an AuthorizationServer's Scope

TrustedOrigin Functions

Command Synopsis
ConvertTo-OktaTrustedOriginYaml Get Trusted Origin objects as Yaml for easy comparison between Okta instances. Note that ConvertTo-OktaYaml calls this.
Get-OktaTrustedOrigin Get one or more TrustedOrigins
New-OktaTrustedOrigin Create a new TrustedOrigin
Remove-OktaTrustedOrigin Delete a TrustedOrigin
Set-OktaTrustedOrigin Update a TrustedOrigin

User Functions

Command Synopsis
Add-OktaAppUser Add a User to the Application
Get-OktaAppUser Get one or more users attached to the application
Get-OktaUserApp Get the list of Applications for a User
Remove-OktaAppUser Remove a User from the Application
Add-OktaApplicationUser Add a User to the Application
Add-OktaGroupUser Add a User to a Group
Disable-OktaUser Disables (deactivates) a user
Enable-OktaUser Enable (Activate) a user
Get-OktaApplicationUser Get one or more users attached to the application
Get-OktaGroupUser Get the Users attached to the Group
Get-OktaUser Get one or more Okta Users
Get-OktaUserApplication Get the list of Applications for a User
Get-OktaUserGroup Get a list of Groups for the User
Import-OktaUser Import one or more user into Okta from a CSV file
New-OktaAuthProviderUser Add a user for an Authentication Provider
New-OktaUser Create a new user in Okta, with or without a password
Remove-OktaApplicationUser Remove a User from the Application
Remove-OktaGroupUser Remove a User from a Group
Remove-OktaUser Remove a user, permanently!
Remove-OktaUserSession Clear all the user's Okta sessions, forcing the user to re-authenticate
Reset-OktaUserMfa Resets any MFA for the user
Resume-OktaUser Resume (Unsuspend) a suspended user
Set-OktaUser Updates a user object in Okta
Set-OktaUserRecoveryQuestion Set the recovery question and answser
Suspend-OktaUser Suspend an active user
Unlock-OktaUser Unlocks a user who has been locked out

Zone Functions

Command Synopsis
Disable-OktaZone Disable a zone
Enable-OktaZone Disable a zone
Get-OktaZone Get one or more zones by id or usage
New-OktaBlockListZone Create a new zone to block ips
New-OktaDynamicZone Create a new dynamic policy for blocklist zone
New-OktaPolicyZone Create a new policy zone
Remove-OktaZone Delete a zone
Set-OktaZone Update an existing zone

Generated by New-HelpOutput.ps1 on 05/30/2022 07:47:21