Here you will find the code for Lemon Clicker, a Cookie Clicker inspired game written in Python 3.8.1 with Pygame.
- Make a better background
- Jumble up the save_data.lemon file so modifying the score is difficult, this could be dome by simply placing the score in the middle of a bunch of garbage and only reading a specific part of the file.
- You have different fruits that have the same upgrades, yet different values so each doesn't get carried over
- There could be like 4 or 5 different fruit, starting on lemon and ending with lime, you can go back to each fruit whenever you want
- When unlocking the final lime, it appears as a grapefruit with the ui going mostly black and stopping any anumations happening, you click the grapefruit a few times which causes it to explode and become the lime. It then thanks the player for sticking with the game for this long.