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How to build the engine

Michele edited this page Oct 7, 2019 · 13 revisions

Instructions to build the engine from the source code

  • Requirements

    • Windows (currently the project is made to work only on Windows)
    • Visual Studio >= 2017
    • Cmake (at least 3.10.x)
    • git
  • Cloning and downloading the repository

The best way to clone and download the repository is to execute this command that download also submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

otherwise you can download the repository clicking the green button "Clone or download" > "Download ZIP" in the repository main page.

  • Downloading submodules

If you executed the git clone command with


you can skip this part.

Otherwise the best way to clone and download all submodules, is to enter the repository directory once downloaded and execute:

git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Building submodules

For every submodule listed down there you have to follow these steps:

  1. Enter the submodule directory and execute mkdir build and cd build
  2. Execute cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
  3. Open the generated solution (.sln) and build it both in Debug mode and in Release mode.

Submodules to build: (you can find all of them in external/)

  1. assimp;
  2. enkits;
  3. glfw (this is the only one that can give you some problems, you need to define _GLFW_WIN32 in cmake, you can use cmake-gui to do it easily. For more information see building glfw manually);
  4. openal-soft (if the compilation fails, check that the every generated project use Windows SDK <= 10.0.17134.0);
  5. reactphysics.
  • Building and running the engine

First: go to external\assimp\include\assimp and copy to another file config.h (notice the .h and no longer .in)

Once you built all the submodules described in the point above, open ScrapEngine.sln and run it.

It should automatically find all the necessary external files if you did everything correctly, and should start the example game.

  • Something in the build doesn't work

If you find something wrong or are not able to build the project, please contact me opening an issue.