diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index d9b86cf5f..30c19b0dc 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
+.. _2.5.2:
+2.5.2 - 2023-10-25
+- Users can revoke project access given to unaccepted invites (e.g. after a mistake).
+- Email layout changed. When project is released, important information is now highlighted, and the Project Title is displayed along with the DDS project ID.
+- New endpoint `ProjectStatus.patch`: Unit Admins / Personnel can extend the project deadline.
.. _2.5.1:
2.5.1 - 2023-09-27
diff --git a/SPRINTLOG.md b/SPRINTLOG.md
index 0844d56b3..e56b41d8d 100644
--- a/SPRINTLOG.md
+++ b/SPRINTLOG.md
@@ -303,6 +303,19 @@ _Nothing merged in CLI during this sprint_
# 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-29
-- Column `sto4_start_time` is automatically set when the create-unit command is run ([#1668])(https://scilifelab.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/DDS/boards/13?selectedIssue=DDS-1668)
+- Column `sto4_start_time` is automatically set when the create-unit command is run ([#1469](https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1469))
- Replace expired invites when there's a new invitation attempt ([#1466](https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1466))
- New version: 2.5.1 ([#1471](https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1471))
+- Revoke project access for unaccepted invites ([#1468](https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1468))
+# 2023-10-02 - 2023-10-13
+- Project title displayed along with the internal project ID email sent when a project is released ([#1475](https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1475))
+- Use full DDS name in MOTD email subject ([#1477](https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1477))
+- Add flag --verify-checksum to the comand in email template ([#1478])(https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1478)
+- Improved email layout; Highlighted information and commands when project is released ([#1479])(https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1479)
+# 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-27
+- Added new API endpoint ProjectStatus.patch to extend the deadline ([#1480])(https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1480)
+- New version: 2.5.2 ([#1482](https://github.com/ScilifelabDataCentre/dds_web/pull/1482))
diff --git a/dds_web/api/project.py b/dds_web/api/project.py
index 4b00c8042..ffe2c95ef 100644
--- a/dds_web/api/project.py
+++ b/dds_web/api/project.py
@@ -188,6 +188,135 @@ def post(self):
return {"message": return_message}
+ @auth.login_required(role=["Unit Admin", "Unit Personnel"])
+ @logging_bind_request
+ @json_required
+ @handle_validation_errors
+ @handle_db_error
+ def patch(self):
+ """Partially update a the project status"""
+ # Get project ID, project and verify access
+ project_id = dds_web.utils.get_required_item(obj=flask.request.args, req="project")
+ project = dds_web.utils.collect_project(project_id=project_id)
+ dds_web.utils.verify_project_access(project=project)
+ # Get json input from request
+ json_input = flask.request.get_json(silent=True) # Already checked by json_required
+ # the status has changed at least two times,
+ # next time the project expires it wont change again -> error
+ if project.times_expired >= 2:
+ raise DDSArgumentError(
+ "Project availability limit: The maximum number of changes in data availability has been reached."
+ )
+ # Operation must be confirmed by the user - False by default
+ confirmed_operation = json_input.get("confirmed", False)
+ if not isinstance(confirmed_operation, bool):
+ raise DDSArgumentError(message="`confirmed` is a boolean value: True or False.")
+ if not confirmed_operation:
+ warning_message = "Operation must be confirmed before proceding."
+ # When not confirmed, return information about the project
+ project_info = ProjectInfo().get()
+ project_status = self.get()
+ json_returned = {
+ **project_info,
+ "project_status": project_status,
+ "warning": warning_message,
+ "default_unit_days": project.responsible_unit.days_in_available,
+ }
+ return json_returned
+ # Cannot change project status if project is busy
+ if project.busy:
+ raise ProjectBusyError(
+ message=(
+ f"The deadline for the project '{project_id}' is already in the process of being changed. "
+ "Please try again later. \n\nIf you know that the project is not busy, contact support."
+ )
+ )
+ self.set_busy(project=project, busy=True)
+ # Extend deadline
+ try:
+ new_deadline_in = json_input.get(
+ "new_deadline_in", None
+ ) # if not provided --> is None -> deadline is not updated
+ # some variable definition
+ send_email = False
+ default_unit_days = project.responsible_unit.days_in_available
+ # Update the deadline functionality
+ if new_deadline_in:
+ # deadline can only be extended from Available
+ if not project.current_status == "Available":
+ raise DDSArgumentError(
+ "You can only extend the deadline for a project that has the status 'Available'."
+ )
+ if type(new_deadline_in) is not int:
+ raise DDSArgumentError(
+ message="The deadline attribute passed should be of type Int (i.e a number)."
+ )
+ # New deadline shouldnt surpass the default unit days
+ if new_deadline_in > default_unit_days:
+ raise DDSArgumentError(
+ message=f"You requested the deadline to be extended {new_deadline_in} days. The number of days has to be lower than the default deadline extension number of {default_unit_days} days"
+ )
+ # the new deadline + days left shouldnt surpass 90 days
+ curr_date = dds_web.utils.current_time()
+ current_deadline = (project.current_deadline - curr_date).days
+ if new_deadline_in + current_deadline > 90:
+ raise DDSArgumentError(
+ message=f"You requested the deadline to be extended with {new_deadline_in} days (from {current_deadline}), giving a new total deadline of {new_deadline_in + current_deadline} days. The new deadline needs to be less than (or equal to) 90 days."
+ )
+ try:
+ # add a fake expire status to mimick a re-release in order to have an udpated deadline
+ curr_date = (
+ dds_web.utils.current_time()
+ ) # call current_time before each call so it is stored with different timestamps
+ new_status_row = self.expire_project(
+ project=project,
+ current_time=curr_date,
+ deadline_in=1, # some dummy deadline bc it will re-release now again
+ )
+ project.project_statuses.append(new_status_row)
+ curr_date = (
+ dds_web.utils.current_time()
+ ) # call current_time before each call so it is stored with different timestamps
+ new_status_row = self.release_project(
+ project=project,
+ current_time=curr_date,
+ deadline_in=new_deadline_in + current_deadline,
+ )
+ project.project_statuses.append(new_status_row)
+ project.busy = False # return to not busy
+ db.session.commit()
+ except (sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError) as err:
+ flask.current_app.logger.exception("Failed to extend deadline")
+ db.session.rollback()
+ raise
+ return_message = (
+ f"The project '{project.public_id}' has been given a new deadline. "
+ f"An e-mail notification has{' not ' if not send_email else ' '}been sent."
+ )
+ else:
+ # leave it for future new functionality of updating the status
+ return_message = "Nothing to update."
+ except:
+ self.set_busy(project=project, busy=False)
+ raise
+ return {"message": return_message}
def set_busy(project: models.Project, busy: bool) -> None:
diff --git a/dds_web/api/superadmin_only.py b/dds_web/api/superadmin_only.py
index 44fae0fa0..3c73305f1 100644
--- a/dds_web/api/superadmin_only.py
+++ b/dds_web/api/superadmin_only.py
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def post(self):
# Create email content
# put motd_obj.message etc in there etc
- subject: str = "DDS Important Information"
+ subject: str = "Important Information: Data Delivery System"
body: str = flask.render_template(f"mail/motd.txt", motd=motd_obj.message)
html = flask.render_template(f"mail/motd.html", motd=motd_obj.message)
diff --git a/dds_web/api/user.py b/dds_web/api/user.py
index b0800c20b..35ec90405 100644
--- a/dds_web/api/user.py
+++ b/dds_web/api/user.py
@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@ def compose_and_send_email_to_user(userobj, mail_type, link=None, project=None):
unit_email = None
project_id = None
+ project_title = None
deadline = None
# Don't display unit admins or personnels name
@@ -440,6 +441,7 @@ def compose_and_send_email_to_user(userobj, mail_type, link=None, project=None):
elif mail_type == "project_release":
subject = f"Project made available by {displayed_sender} in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System"
project_id = project.public_id
+ project_title = project.title
deadline = project.current_deadline.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc).strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
@@ -470,6 +472,7 @@ def compose_and_send_email_to_user(userobj, mail_type, link=None, project=None):
+ project_title=project_title,
msg.html = flask.render_template(
@@ -478,6 +481,7 @@ def compose_and_send_email_to_user(userobj, mail_type, link=None, project=None):
+ project_title=project_title,
@@ -864,7 +868,7 @@ def delete_invite(email):
class RemoveUserAssociation(flask_restful.Resource):
- @auth.login_required(role=["Unit Admin", "Unit Personnel", "Project Owner", "Researcher"])
+ @auth.login_required(role=["Unit Admin", "Unit Personnel", "Project Owner"])
@@ -876,34 +880,81 @@ def post(self):
if not (user_email := json_input.get("email")):
raise ddserr.DDSArgumentError(message="User email missing.")
- # Check if email is registered to a user
+ # Check if the user exists or has a pending invite
existing_user = user_schemas.UserSchema().load({"email": user_email})
+ unanswered_invite = user_schemas.UnansweredInvite().load({"email": user_email})
except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError as err:
raise ddserr.DatabaseError(message=str(err), alt_message="Unexpected database error.")
- if not existing_user:
+ # If the user doesn't exist and doesn't have a pending invite
+ if not existing_user and not unanswered_invite:
raise ddserr.NoSuchUserError(
- f"The user with email '{user_email}' does not have access to the specified project."
- " Cannot remove non-existent project access."
+ f"The user / invite with email '{user_email}' does not have access to the specified project. "
+ "Cannot remove non-existent project access."
- user_in_project = False
- for user_association in project.researchusers:
- if user_association.user_id == existing_user.username:
- user_in_project = True
- db.session.delete(user_association)
- project_user_key = models.ProjectUserKeys.query.filter_by(
- project_id=project.id, user_id=existing_user.username
- ).first()
- if project_user_key:
- db.session.delete(project_user_key)
- if not user_in_project:
- raise ddserr.NoSuchUserError(
- f"The user with email '{user_email}' does not have access to the specified project."
- " Cannot remove non-existent project access."
- )
+ if unanswered_invite:
+ # If there is a unit_id value, it means the invite was associated to a unit
+ # i.e The invite is for a Unit Personel which shouldn't be removed from individual projects
+ if unanswered_invite.unit_id:
+ raise ddserr.UserDeletionError(
+ "Cannot remove a Unit Admin / Unit Personnel from individual projects."
+ )
+ invite_id = unanswered_invite.id
+ # Check if the unanswered invite is associated with the project
+ project_invite_key = models.ProjectInviteKeys.query.filter_by(
+ invite_id=invite_id, project_id=project.id
+ ).one_or_none()
+ if project_invite_key:
+ msg = (
+ f"Invited user is no longer associated with the project '{project.public_id}'."
+ )
+ # Remove the association if it exists
+ db.session.delete(project_invite_key)
+ # Check if the invite is associated with only one project, if it is -> delete the invite
+ project_invite_key = models.ProjectInviteKeys.query.filter_by(
+ invite_id=invite_id
+ ).one_or_none()
+ if not project_invite_key:
+ db.session.delete(unanswered_invite)
+ else:
+ # The unanswered invite is not associated with the project
+ raise ddserr.NoSuchUserError(
+ f"The invite with email '{user_email}' does not have access to the specified project. "
+ "Cannot remove non-existent project access."
+ )
+ else:
+ if auth.current_user().username == existing_user.username:
+ raise ddserr.AccessDeniedError(message="You cannot revoke your own access.")
+ # Search the user in the project, when found delete from the database all references to them
+ user_in_project = False
+ for (
+ user_association
+ ) in project.researchusers: # TODO Possible optimization -> comprehesion list
+ if user_association.user_id == existing_user.username:
+ user_in_project = True
+ db.session.delete(user_association)
+ project_user_key = models.ProjectUserKeys.query.filter_by(
+ project_id=project.id, user_id=existing_user.username
+ ).first()
+ if project_user_key:
+ db.session.delete(project_user_key)
+ break
+ if not user_in_project:
+ raise ddserr.NoSuchUserError(
+ f"The user with email '{user_email}' does not have access to the specified project. "
+ "Cannot remove non-existent project access."
+ )
+ msg = f"User with email {user_email} no longer associated with {project.public_id}."
@@ -924,13 +975,7 @@ def post(self):
) from err
- flask.current_app.logger.debug(
- f"User {existing_user.username} no longer associated with project {project.public_id}."
- )
- return {
- "message": f"User with email {user_email} no longer associated with {project.public_id}."
- }
+ return {"message": msg}
class EncryptedToken(flask_restful.Resource):
diff --git a/dds_web/database/models.py b/dds_web/database/models.py
index 104fa932d..8d27ea779 100644
--- a/dds_web/database/models.py
+++ b/dds_web/database/models.py
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class Unit(db.Model):
sto2_access = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=False, nullable=True) # unique=True later
sto2_secret = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=False, nullable=True) # unique=True later
- # New safespring storage
sto4_start_time = db.Column(db.DateTime(), nullable=True)
sto4_endpoint = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=False, nullable=True) # unique=True later
sto4_name = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=False, nullable=True) # unique=True later
diff --git a/dds_web/templates/mail/mail_base.html b/dds_web/templates/mail/mail_base.html
index d0dd52e7f..a9531bcb7 100644
--- a/dds_web/templates/mail/mail_base.html
+++ b/dds_web/templates/mail/mail_base.html
@@ -1,6 +1,23 @@
{% if unit_email %}
- You were added to this project on behalf of {{displayed_sender}} ({{unit_email}}).
+ If you experience issues, please contact the SciLifeLab unit {{displayed_sender}} at {{unit_email}}.
{% else %}
- You were added to this project by {{displayed_sender}}.
+ If you experience issues, please contact the SciLifeLab unit {{displayed_sender}}.
{% endif %}
- The DDS CLI command dds ls -p {{project_id}} can be used to list the files in this project.
- The DDS CLI command dds data get -p {{project_id}} -a can be used to download all the files in this project to your current directory.
- Your access to this project will expire on {{deadline}}
+ Your access to this project will expire on: {{deadline}}
+ What is the DDS? The DDS is a system for SciLifeLab infrastructures to deliver data to researchers in a fast, secure and simple way.
diff --git a/dds_web/templates/mail/project_release.txt b/dds_web/templates/mail/project_release.txt
index 121d5ea6f..9b6dd9220 100644
--- a/dds_web/templates/mail/project_release.txt
+++ b/dds_web/templates/mail/project_release.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
-The project {{project_id}} is now available for your access in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System (DDS).
-The DDS is a system for SciLifeLab infrastructures to deliver data to researchers in a fast, secure and simple way.
+The following project is now available for your access in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System (DDS) and you can now download your data.
+ - Project Title: {{project_title}}
+ - DDS project ID: {{project_id}}
-{% if unit_email %}
-You were added to this project on behalf of {{displayed_sender}} ({{unit_email}}).
-{% else %}
-You were added to this project by {{displayed_sender}}.
-{% endif %}
+You were added to this project {% if unit_email %} on behalf of {% else %} by {% endif %} {{displayed_sender}}.
-The DDS CLI command 'dds ls -p {{project_id}}' can be used to list the files in this project.
+To list the files in this project, run:
+ dds ls -p {{project_id}}
-The DDS CLI command 'dds data get -p {{project_id}} -a' can be used to download all the files in this project to your current directory.
+To download all the files in this project to your current directory, run:
+ dds data get -p {{project_id}} -a --verify-checksum.
+For more information (including an installation guide), see the DDS CLI documentation here: https://scilifelabdatacentre.github.io/dds_cli/
+{% if unit_email %}
+If you experience issues, please contact the SciLifeLab unit {{displayed_sender}} at {{unit_email}}.
+{% else %}
+If you experience issues, please contact the SciLifeLab unit {{displayed_sender}}.
+{% endif %}
Your access to this project will expire on {{deadline}}
+What is the DDS? The DDS is a system for SciLifeLab infrastructures to deliver data to researchers in a fast, secure and simple way.
diff --git a/dds_web/version.py b/dds_web/version.py
index 7a2056f56..667b52f95 100644
--- a/dds_web/version.py
+++ b/dds_web/version.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-__version__ = "2.5.1"
+__version__ = "2.5.2"
diff --git a/doc/procedures/new_release.md b/doc/procedures/new_release.md
index cdb83dc91..82bd4fbe4 100644
--- a/doc/procedures/new_release.md
+++ b/doc/procedures/new_release.md
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# How to create a new release
1. Create a PR from `dev` to `master`: "New release"
-2. Confirm that the development instance works and that the newest changes have been deployed
+2. Confirm that the development instance works and that the newest changes have been deployed. If not, make a new redeployment of dds-dev (via argocd).
1. _In general_, e.g. that it's up and running
2. _Specific feature has been added or changed:_ Confirm that it also works in the development instance
3. _The change is in the API:_ Confirm that the development instance works together with the CLI
-3. Fork a new branch from `dev`
-4. Update the version [changelog](../../CHANGELOG.rst)
+3. Fork a new branch from `dev` (locally)
+4. Update the version [changelog](../../CHANGELOG.rst), located at `dds_web/CHANGELOG.rst`
**Tip:** Use the PR to `master` to see all changes since last release.
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
- _Minor changes, e.g. bug fix_: Minor version upgrade, e.g. `1.0.1 --> 1.0.2`
- _Small changes, e.g. new feature_: Mid version upgrade, e.g. `1.1.0 --> 1.2.0`
- - _Breaking changes or large new feature(s)_: Major version upgrade, e.g. `1.0.0 --> 2.0.0`
+ - _Breaking changes or large new feature(s)_: Major version upgrade, e.g. `1.0.0 --> 2.0.0` _AVOID THIS -- NEED TO INFORM USERS WELL IN ADVANCE IN THAT CASE SINCE IT WILL BLOCK THE USERS FROM USING ANY OLDER VERSIONS_
> Will break if CLI version not bumped as well
6. Push version change to branch
-7. Create a new PR from `` to `dev`
+7. Create a new PR from `` to `dev`: "New version & changelog"
Wait for approval and merge by Product Owner or admin.
diff --git a/doc/status_codes_api.md b/doc/status_codes_api.md
index 2bd2bc1a1..84fb085c0 100644
--- a/doc/status_codes_api.md
+++ b/doc/status_codes_api.md
@@ -237,6 +237,31 @@
- `archive_project`
- Database or S3 issues
+#### `patch`
+- [Authentication errors](#authentication)
+- `400 Bad Request`
+ - Decorators
+ - Json required but not provided
+ - Validation error
+ - Schemas
+ - Project does not exist
+ - Project is busy
+ - `extend_deadline`
+ - Invalid deadline
+ - No deadline provided
+ - Project is not in Available state
+ - Max number of times available reached
+- `403 Forbidden`
+ - Schemas
+ - User does not have access to project
+- `500 Internal Server Error`
+ - Database errors
+ - `delete_project`
+ - Database or S3 issues
+ - `archive_project`
+ - Database or S3 issues
### GetPublic
- [Authentication errors](#authentication)
diff --git a/tests/api/test_project.py b/tests/api/test_project.py
index cd1d7f740..18fcfcb10 100644
--- a/tests/api/test_project.py
+++ b/tests/api/test_project.py
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
import http
from sqlite3 import OperationalError
import pytest
+from _pytest.logging import LogCaptureFixture
+import logging
import datetime
import time
import unittest.mock
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@
# Own
import dds_web
-from dds_web import db
+from dds_web import mail, db
from dds_web.errors import BucketNotFoundError, DatabaseError, DeletionError
import tests
from tests.test_files_new import project_row, file_in_db, FIRST_NEW_FILE
@@ -44,6 +46,49 @@
# "date_updated",
+release_project = {"new_status": "Available"}
+release_project_small_deadline = {**release_project, "deadline": 5}
+release_project_big_deadline = {**release_project, "deadline": 80}
+extend_deadline_data_no_confirmed = {
+ "new_deadline_in": 20,
+extend_deadline_data = {**extend_deadline_data_no_confirmed, "confirmed": True}
+# HELPER FUNCTIONS ################################################################################## CONFIG #
+def create_and_release_project(client, proj_data, release_data):
+ """Helper function that creates a project and set it ups as available"""
+ current_unit_admins = models.UnitUser.query.filter_by(unit_id=1, is_admin=True).count()
+ if current_unit_admins < 3:
+ create_unit_admins(num_admins=2)
+ current_unit_admins = models.UnitUser.query.filter_by(unit_id=1, is_admin=True).count()
+ assert current_unit_admins >= 3
+ response = client.post(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_CREATE,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unituser"]).token(client),
+ json=proj_data,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ project_id = response.json.get("project_id")
+ project = project_row(project_id=project_id)
+ # Release project
+ response = client.post(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=release_data,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ return project_id, project
def test_project(module_client):
@@ -1079,6 +1124,335 @@ def test_projectstatus_post_invalid_deadline_expire(module_client, boto3_session
assert "The deadline needs to be less than (or equal to) 30 days." in response.json["message"]
+def test_extend_deadline_bad_confirmed(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """Try to extend a deadline and send a not boolean for confirmation"""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ # try to extend deadline with a string as confirmed - should fail
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json={**extend_deadline_data, "confirmed": "true"},
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert "`confirmed` is a boolean value: True or False." in response.json["message"]
+def test_extend_deadline_no_confirmed(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """Try to extend a deadline before confirmation - should sent a warning and no operation is perfrom"""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ # try to extend deadline
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data_no_confirmed,
+ )
+ # status code is ok but no operation perform
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ assert "Operation must be confirmed before proceding." in response.json["warning"]
+ assert all(
+ item in response.json
+ for item in ["project_info", "project_status", "warning", "default_unit_days"]
+ )
+def test_extend_deadline_when_busy(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """Request should not be possible when project is busy."""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ # set to busy
+ project.busy = True
+ db.session.commit()
+ assert project.busy
+ # attempt to extend deadline
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert (
+ f"The deadline for the project '{project_id}' is already in the process of being changed. "
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+ assert (
+ "Please try again later. \n\nIf you know that the project is not busy, contact support."
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+def test_extend_deadline_no_deadline(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """If no deadline has been provided it should not be executed anything"""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ # try to extend deadline - no new deadline provided
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json={"confirmed": True},
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ assert "Nothing to update." in response.json["message"]
+def test_extend_deadline_project_not_available(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """Is not possible to extend deadline to a project in another status than available."""
+ # create a new project and never release it
+ current_unit_admins = models.UnitUser.query.filter_by(unit_id=1, is_admin=True).count()
+ if current_unit_admins < 3:
+ create_unit_admins(num_admins=2)
+ current_unit_admins = models.UnitUser.query.filter_by(unit_id=1, is_admin=True).count()
+ assert current_unit_admins >= 3
+ response = module_client.post(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_CREATE,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unituser"]).token(module_client),
+ json=proj_data,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ project_id = response.json.get("project_id")
+ # attempt to extend deadline - project is in progress
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert (
+ "You can only extend the deadline for a project that has the status 'Available'."
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+def test_extend_deadline_too_much_days(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """If the new deadline together with the time left already is more than 90 days it should not work"""
+ # create project and release it with big dealdine
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project_big_deadline
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ # try to extend deadline -> 80 + 11 > 90
+ extend_deadline_data_big_deadline = {**extend_deadline_data, "new_deadline_in": 11}
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data_big_deadline,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert (
+ "The new deadline needs to be less than (or equal to) 90 days." in response.json["message"]
+ )
+def test_extend_deadline_bad_new_deadline(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """If the new deadlien provided is not an integer it should fail"""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ # try to extend deadline with a bad new deadline
+ extend_deadline_data_bad_deadline = {**extend_deadline_data, "new_deadline_in": "20"}
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data_bad_deadline,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert (
+ "The deadline attribute passed should be of type Int (i.e a number)."
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+def test_extend_deadline_more_than_default(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """If the new deadline provided is more than the default unit days to release a project it should fail"""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project_small_deadline
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ default_unit_days = project.responsible_unit.days_in_available
+ # try to extend deadline with a bigger deadline that it is suppose to have
+ extend_deadline_data_bad_deadline = {
+ **extend_deadline_data,
+ "new_deadline_in": default_unit_days + 1,
+ }
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data_bad_deadline,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert (
+ "The number of days has to be lower than the default deadline extension number"
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+def test_extend_deadline_maxium_number_available_exceded(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """If the deadline has been extended more than 2 times it should not work"""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project_small_deadline
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ deadline = project.current_deadline # current deadline
+ new_deadline_in = 1 # small new deadline
+ for i in range(1, 4):
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ # extend deadline by a small new deadline so we can do it several times
+ extend_deadline_data_small_deadline = {
+ **extend_deadline_data,
+ "new_deadline_in": new_deadline_in,
+ }
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data_small_deadline,
+ )
+ if i < 3:
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ assert project.times_expired == i
+ assert project.current_deadline == deadline + datetime.timedelta(days=new_deadline_in)
+ deadline = project.current_deadline # update current deadline
+ assert project.current_status == "Available"
+ assert (
+ f"The project '{project_id}' has been given a new deadline"
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+ assert "An e-mail notification has not been sent." in response.json["message"]
+ else:
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert (
+ "Project availability limit: The maximum number of changes in data availability has been reached."
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+def test_extend_deadline_ok(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """Extend a project deadline of a project - it should work ok"""
+ # create project and release it
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project_small_deadline
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ deadline = project.current_deadline # save current deadline
+ # extend deadline
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client),
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ assert project.times_expired == 1
+ assert project.current_deadline == deadline + datetime.timedelta(
+ days=extend_deadline_data.get("new_deadline_in")
+ )
+ assert project.current_status == "Available"
+ assert f"The project '{project_id}' has been given a new deadline" in response.json["message"]
+ assert "An e-mail notification has not been sent." in response.json["message"]
+def test_extend_deadline_mock_database_error(
+ module_client, boto3_session, capfd: LogCaptureFixture
+ """Operation fails when trying to save in the Database"""
+ project_id, project = create_and_release_project(
+ client=module_client, proj_data=proj_data, release_data=release_project_small_deadline
+ )
+ assert project.times_expired == 0
+ time.sleep(1) # tests are too fast
+ token = tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(module_client)
+ with unittest.mock.patch.object(db.session, "rollback") as rollback:
+ with unittest.mock.patch("dds_web.db.session.commit") as mock_commit:
+ # we need this because the first time the commit function is called is when set_busy()
+ def side_effect_generator():
+ yield None # First call, no exception
+ while True:
+ yield sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError() # Subsequent calls, exception
+ mock_commit.side_effect = side_effect_generator()
+ # extend deadline
+ response = module_client.patch(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=token,
+ query_string={"project": project_id},
+ json=extend_deadline_data,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+ assert "Saving database changes failed." in response.json["message"]
+ assert rollback.called
+ _, err = capfd.readouterr()
+ assert "Failed to extend deadline" in err
def test_projectstatus_post_deletion_and_archivation_errors(module_client, boto3_session):
"""Mock the different expections that can occur when deleting project."""
current_unit_admins = models.UnitUser.query.filter_by(unit_id=1, is_admin=True).count()
@@ -1388,3 +1762,59 @@ def test_project_usage(module_client):
# Call project_usage() for the project and check if cost is calculated correctly
proj_bhours, proj_cost = UserProjects.project_usage(project=project_0)
assert (proj_bhours / 1e9) * cost_gbhour == proj_cost
+def test_email_project_release(module_client, boto3_session):
+ """Test that check that the email sent to the researchers when project is released is correct"""
+ public_project_id = "public_project_id"
+ create_unit_admins(num_admins=2)
+ current_unit_admins = models.UnitUser.query.filter_by(unit_id=1, is_admin=True).count()
+ assert current_unit_admins >= 3
+ # user to perfrom the operation
+ token = tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unituser"]).token(module_client)
+ # project to be released
+ project = models.Project.query.filter_by(public_id=public_project_id).first()
+ # num of researchers that will receive email
+ num_users = models.ProjectUsers.query.filter_by(project_id=project.id).count()
+ # Release project and check email
+ with mail.record_messages() as outbox:
+ response = module_client.post(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.PROJECT_STATUS,
+ headers=token,
+ query_string={"project": public_project_id},
+ json={"new_status": "Available", "deadline": 10, "send_email": True},
+ )
+ assert len(outbox) == num_users # nÂș of Emails informing researchers
+ assert "Project made available by" in outbox[-1].subject
+ body = outbox[-1].body # plain text
+ html = outbox[-1].html
+ project_title = project.title
+ ## check plain text message
+ assert f"- Project Title: {project_title}" in body
+ assert f"- DDS project ID: {public_project_id}" in body
+ assert f"dds ls -p {public_project_id}" in body
+ assert f"dds data get -p {public_project_id} -a --verify-checksum" in body
+ assert "If you experience issues, please contact the SciLifeLab unit" in body
+ assert (
+ "What is the DDS? The DDS is a system for SciLifeLab infrastructures to deliver data to researchers in a fast, secure and simple way"
+ in body
+ )
+ ## check html
+ assert f"
Project Title: {project_title}
" in html
+ assert f"
DDS project ID: {public_project_id}
" in html
+ assert f"dds ls -p {public_project_id}" in html
+ assert f"dds data get -p {public_project_id} -a --verify-checksum" in html
+ assert "If you experience issues, please contact the SciLifeLab unit" in html
+ assert (
+ "What is the DDS? The DDS is a system for SciLifeLab infrastructures to deliver data to researchers in a fast, secure and simple way."
+ in html
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
diff --git a/tests/api/test_superadmin_only.py b/tests/api/test_superadmin_only.py
index 022c537a7..ca1d5d428 100644
--- a/tests/api/test_superadmin_only.py
+++ b/tests/api/test_superadmin_only.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
import click
# Own
-from dds_web import db
+from dds_web import db, mail
from dds_web.database import models
import tests
from dds_web.commands import collect_stats
@@ -577,13 +577,15 @@ def test_send_motd_no_primary_email(client: flask.testing.FlaskClient) -> None:
assert not models.Email.query.filter_by(email=email).one_or_none()
assert not models.User.query.filter_by(username=username).one().primary_email
- # Attempt request
- with unittest.mock.patch.object(flask_mail.Connection, "send") as mock_mail_send:
+ # Attempt request and catch email
+ with mail.record_messages() as outbox:
response: werkzeug.test.WrapperTestResponse = client.post(
tests.DDSEndpoint.MOTD_SEND, headers=token, json={"motd_id": created_motd.id}
assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
- assert mock_mail_send.call_count == num_users - 1
+ assert len(outbox) == num_users - 1
+ assert "Important Information: Data Delivery System" in outbox[-1].subject
+ assert "incorrect subject" not in outbox[-1].subject
def test_send_motd_ok(client: flask.testing.FlaskClient) -> None:
@@ -604,13 +606,14 @@ def test_send_motd_ok(client: flask.testing.FlaskClient) -> None:
# Get number of users
num_users = models.User.query.count()
- # Attempt request
- with unittest.mock.patch.object(flask_mail.Connection, "send") as mock_mail_send:
+ # Attempt request and catch email
+ with mail.record_messages() as outbox:
response: werkzeug.test.WrapperTestResponse = client.post(
tests.DDSEndpoint.MOTD_SEND, headers=token, json={"motd_id": created_motd.id}
assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
- assert mock_mail_send.call_count == num_users
+ assert len(outbox) == num_users
+ assert "Important Information: Data Delivery System" in outbox[-1].subject
# Maintenance ######################################################################################
diff --git a/tests/api/test_user.py b/tests/api/test_user.py
index 3473a96eb..615590e5a 100644
--- a/tests/api/test_user.py
+++ b/tests/api/test_user.py
@@ -16,11 +16,15 @@
import werkzeug
import time
+# CONFIG ################################################################################## CONFIG #
existing_project = "public_project_id"
existing_project_2 = "second_public_project_id"
first_new_email = {"email": "first_test_email@mailtrap.io"}
first_new_user = {**first_new_email, "role": "Researcher"}
first_new_owner = {**first_new_email, "role": "Project Owner"}
+first_new_user_unit_admin = {**first_new_email, "role": "Unit Admin"}
+first_new_user_unit_personel = {**first_new_email, "role": "Unit Personnel"}
first_new_user_existing_project = {**first_new_user, "project": "public_project_id"}
first_new_user_extra_args = {**first_new_user, "extra": "test"}
first_new_user_invalid_role = {**first_new_email, "role": "Invalid Role"}
@@ -48,6 +52,43 @@
"project": "second_public_project_id",
+remove_user_project_owner = {"email": "projectowner@mailtrap.io"}
+remove_user_unit_user = {"email": "unituser2@mailtrap.io"}
+remove_user_project_owner = {"email": "projectowner@mailtrap.io"}
+# UTILITY FUNCTIONS ############################################################ UTILITY FUNCTIONS #
+def get_existing_projects():
+ """Return existing projects for the tests"""
+ existing_project_1 = models.Project.query.filter_by(public_id="public_project_id").one_or_none()
+ existing_project_2 = models.Project.query.filter_by(
+ public_id="second_public_project_id"
+ ).one_or_none()
+ return existing_project_1, existing_project_2
+def invite_to_project(project, client, json_query):
+ """Create a invitation of a user for a project"""
+ response = client.post(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.USER_ADD,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project.public_id},
+ json=json_query,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ invited_user = models.Invite.query.filter_by(email=json_query["email"]).one_or_none()
+ assert invited_user
+ project_invite_keys = models.ProjectInviteKeys.query.filter_by(
+ invite_id=invited_user.id, project_id=project.id
+ ).one_or_none()
+ assert project_invite_keys
+ return invited_user
# AddUser ################################################################# AddUser #
@@ -1258,3 +1299,215 @@ def get_list(as_user) -> dict:
assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN
assert not response.json.get("invites")
assert not response.json.get("keys")
+##### Test for RemoveUserAssociation
+def test_remove_access_invite_associated_several_projects(client):
+ """If an invite is associated with several projects then a single revoke access should not delete the invite"""
+ project_1, project_2 = get_existing_projects()
+ # invite a new user to both projects
+ invited_user = invite_to_project(project=project_1, client=client, json_query=first_new_user)
+ _ = invite_to_project(project=project_2, client=client, json_query=first_new_user)
+ # Now revoke access for the first project
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project_1.public_id},
+ json=first_new_user,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ assert (
+ f"Invited user is no longer associated with the project '{project_1.public_id}'."
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+ # The project invite row should only be deleted for project 1 and the invite should still exist
+ invited_user = models.Invite.query.filter_by(email=first_new_user["email"]).one_or_none()
+ assert invited_user
+ project_invite_keys = models.ProjectInviteKeys.query.filter_by(
+ invite_id=invited_user.id, project_id=project_2.id
+ ).one_or_none()
+ assert project_invite_keys
+ project_invite_keys = models.ProjectInviteKeys.query.filter_by(
+ invite_id=invited_user.id, project_id=project_1.id
+ ).one_or_none()
+ assert not project_invite_keys
+def test_revoking_access_to_unacepted_invite(client):
+ """Revoking access to an unacepted invite for an existing project should delete the invite from the db"""
+ project, _ = get_existing_projects()
+ # Invite a new user to the project
+ invited_user = invite_to_project(project=project, client=client, json_query=first_new_user)
+ invited_user_id = invited_user.id
+ # Now, revoke access to said user. The invite should be deleted
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project.public_id},
+ json=first_new_user,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ assert (
+ f"Invited user is no longer associated with the project '{project.public_id}'."
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+ # Check that the invite is deleted
+ invited_user = models.Invite.query.filter_by(email=first_new_user["email"]).one_or_none()
+ assert not invited_user
+ project_invite_keys = models.ProjectInviteKeys.query.filter_by(
+ invite_id=invited_user_id, project_id=project.id
+ ).one_or_none()
+ assert not project_invite_keys
+def test_remove_nonacepted_user_from_other_project(client, boto3_session):
+ """Try to remove an User with an unacepted invite from another project should result in an error"""
+ project_1, project_2 = get_existing_projects()
+ # invite a new user to a project
+ invite_to_project(project=project_1, client=client, json_query=first_new_user)
+ # try to remove the same user from a different one
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unituser"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project_2.public_id},
+ json=first_new_user,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert "Cannot remove non-existent project access" in response.json["message"]
+def test_researcher_removes_project_owner(client):
+ """
+ A Researcher who is not a PO should not be able to delete a PO
+ """
+ project, _ = get_existing_projects()
+ # Research user trying to delete PO
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["researchuser"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project.public_id},
+ json=remove_user_project_owner,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN
+ assert "Insufficient credentials" in response.json["message"]
+def test_unit_personnel_removed(client):
+ """
+ Unit Personnel cannot be deleted from individual projects (they should be removed from the unit instead)
+ """
+ project, _ = get_existing_projects()
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project.public_id},
+ json=remove_user_unit_user,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ # Should give error because a unit personal cannot be granted access to individual projects
+ assert "Cannot remove non-existent project access." in response.json["message"]
+def test_removed_myself(client):
+ """
+ An User cannot remove themselves from a project
+ """
+ project, _ = get_existing_projects()
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["projectowner"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project.public_id},
+ json=remove_user_project_owner,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN
+ assert "You cannot revoke your own access" in response.json["message"]
+def test_remove_invite_unit_admin(client):
+ """
+ A project removal request for an unanswered invite of unit admin should not work
+ """
+ project, _ = get_existing_projects()
+ # invite a new unit admin to the system
+ response = client.post(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.USER_ADD,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ json=first_new_user_unit_admin,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ # try to remove the unitadmin for a specific project within their unit -> should not work
+ email = first_new_user_unit_admin["email"]
+ rem_user = {"email": email}
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project.public_id},
+ json=rem_user,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ # Should give error because a unit personal cannot be granted access to individual projects
+ assert (
+ "Cannot remove a Unit Admin / Unit Personnel from individual projects"
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
+def test_invite_unit_user(client):
+ """
+ A project removal request for an unanswered invite of unit personel should not work
+ """
+ project, _ = get_existing_projects()
+ # invite a new unit user to the system
+ response = client.post(
+ tests.DDSEndpoint.USER_ADD,
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ json=first_new_user_unit_personel,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.OK
+ # try to remove the Unit Personnel for a specific project within their unit -> should not work
+ email = first_new_user_unit_personel["email"]
+ rem_user = {"email": email}
+ response = client.post(
+ headers=tests.UserAuth(tests.USER_CREDENTIALS["unitadmin"]).token(client),
+ query_string={"project": project.public_id},
+ json=rem_user,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ # Should give error because a Unit Personnel cannot be granted access to individual projects
+ assert (
+ "Cannot remove a Unit Admin / Unit Personnel from individual projects"
+ in response.json["message"]
+ )
diff --git a/tests/test_project_access.py b/tests/test_project_access.py
index 3b423af38..9466f7c73 100644
--- a/tests/test_project_access.py
+++ b/tests/test_project_access.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
proj_query = {"project": "public_project_id"}
# proj_query_restricted = {"project": "restricted_project_id"}
# UTILITY FUNCTIONS ############################################################ UTILITY FUNCTIONS #
diff --git a/tests/test_user_remove_association.py b/tests/test_user_remove_association.py
index 39c0ecbf5..34b726886 100644
--- a/tests/test_user_remove_association.py
+++ b/tests/test_user_remove_association.py
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
from tests.test_project_creation import proj_data_with_existing_users, create_unit_admins
from dds_web.database import models
+# TESTS ################################################################################## TEST #
def test_remove_user_from_project(client, boto3_session):
"""Remove an associated user from a project"""
diff --git a/tests/test_version.py b/tests/test_version.py
index 02a5bc16a..534eab711 100644
--- a/tests/test_version.py
+++ b/tests/test_version.py
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
def test_version():
- assert version.__version__ == "2.5.1"
+ assert version.__version__ == "2.5.2"