The Ice Melter App is an app is a new take on the
conventional ice breaker appraoch, it's designed to help
bootcampers connect better and more comfortably with
their new pairs. It takes the bootcamper through a
series of fun questions which later can be discussed
and perhaps debated with their pair at the end. All you
need is your pairs ID then debate away.
This is the Home page, you start by typing in a username of your choice, which will be your ID throughout the app
You will then arrive at a selection Menu, select the 'Ice Melting Hour', the other options are in the works.
You will then be taken through a series of questions, select your choice then click on the Next button located
on the bottom right.
Then once you've arrived at the last question, click submit which will take you to a results page where your
answers to each of the questions will be displayed.>
You will then be able to input your partners ID number and compare their results againsts yours. And if
you are feeling particularly noisy you can input a different number from previous players and check their choices.
You will need to open two terminals to (navigate) between both the back-end and the front-end of the project and You will need to use two different PORT numbers one for the back-end, another for the front-end.
clone the project
git clone front-end repo
git clone back-end repo
Go to the project directory
cd my-app
Install dependencies on both repos
setting it up
npm install
Start the server
npm run start (on both repos)
JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SQL
JReact.js, Node.js, Nodemon, Dotenv, Express.js, PG Postgres, Jest, Morgan, Cypress
Using Jest Unit Testing was achieved, to run any further test with Jest run
run Jest npm test
Using Cypress Library End-to-End testing was done on the app, to run any further test with cypress run...
npx cypress run
cypress: open
@aliafarhana88, @BenPuusta, @B2ella, @Suzi-Clark