Code a portfolio site with HTML/CSS from scratch:
Designed portfolio webpage with stylesheet, photo, header, nav bar, sections, and sidebar
Added nav link anchors to summary, projects, and connect sections
Added icons, images, and text where appropriate
Added alt tags to images
Created dox directory to store resume
Added sidebar with resume link
Added hover psuedo-class underline effect to element links
Added flex for responsive design
Added media queries for responsive screen resize, mobile and tablet viewports
Added icons with active links for my ProtonMail, LinkedIn (new tab), and GitHub (new tab) in connect section
Added "Opens in new tab" tooltip to connect icons
Added border-radius and box-shadow variables to CSS root
Added CSS reset file and link
Added text labels to project icons
Added hover psuedo-class glow box effect to project icons
Added my Github page link (opens in a new tab) to project icons as a placeholder until my class projects are deployed
Added copyright and validator links to footer
Commented HTML & CSS to indicate changes made
Added blinking cursor psuedo-element to header-box (simulates a terminal)
- Screenshot
- URL to deployed application:
- URL to GitHub repo: