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Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide

A mostly reasonable approach to React and JSX

This style guide is mostly based on the standards that are currently prevalent in JavaScript, although some conventions (i.e async/await or static class fields) may still be included or prohibited on a case-by-case basis. Currently, anything prior to stage 3 is not included nor recommended in this guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Class vs Function
  2. Naming
  3. Declaration
  4. Alignment
  6. Spacing
  7. Props
  8. Refs
  9. Parentheses
  10. Tags
  11. Methods
  12. Ordering
  13. isMounted

Class vs Function

1.1 ‣ Always write function components with hooks, never class components. (Error Boundaries are the sole exception; see below)


// bad
const Clock = React.createClass({
  // I could write literally anything in here

  // Seriously do not use createClass

  // It is extremely deprecated

// bad
class Clock extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      date: props.startDate || new Date()

  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
        <h2>It is {}.</h2>

// good
interface ClockProps {
  startDate?: Date;
function Clock({
  startDate = new Date(),
}: ClockProps) {
  const [date, setDate] = React.useState(startDate);
  return (
      <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
      <h2>It is {date.toLocaleTimeString()}.</h2>

1.2 ‣ Error Boundaries are the exception to the rule of always writing function components because there is currently no way to implement them as functions.


2.1 ‣ Components should be named using PascalCase.


// bad
function fooBar({ /*...*/ }) {
  // ...
  return <div>{/*...*/}</div>;

// good
function FooBar({ /*...*/ }) {
  // ...
  return <div>{/*...*/}</div>;

2.2 ‣ The filename should match the primary exported item, and use .tsx for components and .ts for other items such as hooks where the file contains no JSX.


// bad
import useThing from "./UseThing";

// good
import useThing from "./useThing";

// bad
import FooComponent from "./foo-component";

// good
import FooComponent from "./FooComponent";


  • Do not use displayName for naming components. Instead, name the component by reference.

    // bad
    export default React.createClass({
      displayName: 'ReservationCard',
      // stuff goes here
    // good
    export default class ReservationCard extends React.Component {


  • Follow these alignment styles for JSX syntax. eslint: react/jsx-closing-bracket-location react/jsx-closing-tag-location

    // bad
    <Foo superLongParam="bar"
         anotherSuperLongParam="baz" />
    // good
    // if props fit in one line then keep it on the same line
    <Foo bar="bar" />
    // children get indented normally
      <Quux />
    // bad
    {showButton &&
      <Button />
    // bad
      showButton &&
        <Button />
    // good
    {showButton && (
      <Button />
    // good
    {showButton && <Button />}
    // good
      && anotherLongConditional
      && (
    // good
    {someConditional ? (
      <Foo />
    ) : (


  • Always use double quotes (") for JSX attributes, but single quotes (') for all other JS. eslint: jsx-quotes

    Why? Regular HTML attributes also typically use double quotes instead of single, so JSX attributes mirror this convention.

    // bad
    <Foo bar='bar' />
    // good
    <Foo bar="bar" />
    // bad
    <Foo style={{ left: "20px" }} />
    // good
    <Foo style={{ left: '20px' }} />


  • Always include a single space in your self-closing tag. eslint: no-multi-spaces, react/jsx-tag-spacing

    // bad
    // very bad
    <Foo                 />
    // bad
    // good
    <Foo />
  • Do not pad JSX curly braces with spaces. eslint: react/jsx-curly-spacing

    // bad
    <Foo bar={ baz } />
    // good
    <Foo bar={baz} />


  • Props Naming: Avoid using DOM component prop names for different purposes.

    Why? People expect props like style and className to mean one specific thing. Varying this API for a subset of your app makes the code less readable and less maintainable, and may cause bugs.

    // bad
    <MyComponent style="fancy" />
    // bad
    <MyComponent className="fancy" />
    // good
    <MyComponent variant="fancy" />
  • Always use camelCase for prop names, or PascalCase if the prop value is a React component.

    // bad
    // good
  • Omit the value of the prop when it is explicitly true. eslint: react/jsx-boolean-value

    // bad
    // good
    // good
    <Foo hidden />
  • Always include an alt prop on <img> tags. If the image is presentational, alt can be an empty string or the <img> must have role="presentation". eslint: jsx-a11y/alt-text

    // bad
    <img src="hello.jpg" />
    // good
    <img src="hello.jpg" alt="Me waving hello" />
    // good
    <img src="hello.jpg" alt="" />
    // good
    <img src="hello.jpg" role="presentation" />
  • Do not use words like "image", "photo", or "picture" in <img> alt props. eslint: jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt

    Why? Screenreaders already announce img elements as images, so there is no need to include this information in the alt text.

    // bad
    <img src="hello.jpg" alt="Picture of me waving hello" />
    // good
    <img src="hello.jpg" alt="Me waving hello" />
  • Use only valid, non-abstract ARIA roles. eslint: jsx-a11y/aria-role

    // bad - not an ARIA role
    <div role="datepicker" />
    // bad - abstract ARIA role
    <div role="range" />
    // good
    <div role="button" />
  • Do not use accessKey on elements. eslint: jsx-a11y/no-access-key

Why? Inconsistencies between keyboard shortcuts and keyboard commands used by people using screenreaders and keyboards complicate accessibility.

// bad
<div accessKey="h" />

// good
<div />

Why? Not using a stable ID is an anti-pattern because it can negatively impact performance and cause issues with component state.

We don’t recommend using indexes for keys if the order of items may change.

// bad
{, index) =>

// good
{ => (
  • Always define explicit defaultProps for all non-required props.

Why? propTypes are a form of documentation, and providing defaultProps means the reader of your code doesn’t have to assume as much. In addition, it can mean that your code can omit certain type checks.

// bad
function SFC({ foo, bar, children }) {
  return <div>{foo}{bar}{children}</div>;
SFC.propTypes = {
  foo: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  bar: PropTypes.string,
  children: PropTypes.node,

// good
function SFC({ foo, bar, children }) {
  return <div>{foo}{bar}{children}</div>;
SFC.propTypes = {
  foo: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  bar: PropTypes.string,
  children: PropTypes.node,
SFC.defaultProps = {
  bar: '',
  children: null,
  • Use spread props sparingly.

Why? Otherwise you’re more likely to pass unnecessary props down to components. And for React v15.6.1 and older, you could pass invalid HTML attributes to the DOM.


  • HOCs that proxy down props and hoist propTypes
function HOC(WrappedComponent) {
  return class Proxy extends React.Component {
    Proxy.propTypes = {
      text: PropTypes.string,
      isLoading: PropTypes.bool

    render() {
      return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />
  • Spreading objects with known, explicit props. This can be particularly useful when testing React components with Mocha’s beforeEach construct.
export default function Foo {
  const props = {
    text: '',
    isPublished: false

  return (<div {...props} />);

Notes for use: Filter out unnecessary props when possible. Also, use prop-types-exact to help prevent bugs.

// bad
render() {
  const { irrelevantProp, ...relevantProps } = this.props;
  return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />

// good
render() {
  const { irrelevantProp, ...relevantProps } = this.props;
  return <WrappedComponent {...relevantProps} />


  • Wrap JSX tags in parentheses when they span more than one line. eslint: react/jsx-wrap-multilines

    // bad
    render() {
      return <MyComponent variant="long body" foo="bar">
               <MyChild />
    // good
    render() {
      return (
        <MyComponent variant="long body" foo="bar">
          <MyChild />
    // good, when single line
    render() {
      const body = <div>hello</div>;
      return <MyComponent>{body}</MyComponent>;


  • Always self-close tags that have no children. eslint: react/self-closing-comp

    // bad
    <Foo variant="stuff"></Foo>
    // good
    <Foo variant="stuff" />
  • If your component has multiline properties, close its tag on a new line. eslint: react/jsx-closing-bracket-location

    // bad
      baz="baz" />
    // good

Higher-Order Components

  • Higher-order Component Naming: Use a composite of the higher-order component’s name and the passed-in component’s name as the displayName on the generated component. For example, the higher-order component withFoo(), when passed a component Bar should produce a component with a displayName of withFoo(Bar).

    Why? A component’s displayName may be used by developer tools or in error messages, and having a value that clearly expresses this relationship helps people understand what is happening.

    // bad
    export default function withFoo(WrappedComponent) {
      return function WithFoo(props) {
        return <WrappedComponent {...props} foo />;
    // good
    export default function withFoo(WrappedComponent) {
      function WithFoo(props) {
        return <WrappedComponent {...props} foo />;
      const wrappedComponentName = WrappedComponent.displayName
        || 'Component';
      WithFoo.displayName = `withFoo(${wrappedComponentName})`;
      return WithFoo;


This JSX/React style guide is also available in other languages:

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