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427 lines (346 loc) · 11.9 KB

File metadata and controls

427 lines (346 loc) · 11.9 KB


The JavaScript Object Notation is specified by ECMA. The syntax defines three types of elements:

  • objects, a set of key-value pairs, where keys are supposed to be unique;
  • values, which are either strings, numbers, boolean, or the primitive 'null';
  • and, arrays, which specify sequences (containing other arrays, objects, or values).

According to Facade-X model, SPARQL Anything interprets objects and arrays as containers:

  • RDF properties are used to link objects to values.
  • Arrays are represented by the ordered sequence component.
  • Values are expressed as rdf:Literal, selecting relevant XSD datatypes from the RDFS specification: xsd:string, xsd:boolean, xsd:int, xsd:float

Currently, fields with the 'null' value are ignored. <!-- However, we may decide to represent it as blank node or to create a primitive entity to express it, for example, similar to \tt{rdf:nil}.}. -->


SPARQL Anything selects this transformer for the following file extensions:

  • json

Media types

SPARQL Anything selects this transformer for the following media types:

  • application/json
  • application/problem+json

Default implementation

Default Transformation


    "stringArg": "stringValue",
    "intArg": 1,
    "booleanArg": true,
    "nullArg": null,
    "arr": [ 0, 1 ]

Located at


    ?s ?p ?o .
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=>
      { GRAPH ?g
          { ?s  ?p  ?o }

Facade-X RDF

PREFIX dc:     <>
PREFIX eg:     <>
PREFIX fx:     <>
PREFIX ja:     <>
PREFIX owl:    <>
PREFIX rdf:    <>
PREFIX rdfs:   <>
PREFIX rss:    <>
PREFIX vcard:  <>
PREFIX whatwg: <>
PREFIX xhtml:  <>
PREFIX xsd:    <>
PREFIX xyz:    <>

[ rdf:type        fx:root;
  xyz:arr         [ rdf:_1  "0"^^xsd:int;
                    rdf:_2  "1"^^xsd:int
  xyz:booleanArg  true;
  xyz:intArg      "1"^^xsd:int;
  xyz:stringArg   "stringValue"
] .



Option name Description Valid Values Default Value
json.path One or more JsonPath expressions as filters. E.g. json.path=value or json.path.1, json.path.2, ... to add multiple expressions. The json.path option is only recommended if users need to filter a large JSON file, for example, in combination with the slice option.
It will pre-process the JSON before the execution of the query. 
In most cases, it is easier to query the JSON using a triple pattern, as in the [example described before](#Example). | Any valid JsonPath (see [JsonSurfer implementation]( | Not set |



One or more JsonPath expressions as filters. E.g. json.path=value or json.path.1, json.path.2, ... to add multiple expressions. The json.path option is only recommended if users need to filter a large JSON file, for example, in combination with the slice option. It will pre-process the JSON before the execution of the query. In most cases, it is easier to query the JSON using a triple pattern, as in the example described before.

Valid Values

Any valid JsonPath (see JsonSurfer implementation))

Default Value

Not set


Example 1

Retrieving the lists of stars of the TV Series named "Friends" and "Cougar Town".

      "summary":"Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan.",
         "Jennifer Aniston",
         "Courteney Cox",
         "Lisa Kudrow",
         "Matt LeBlanc",
         "Matthew Perry",
         "David Schwimmer"
      "name":"Cougar Town",
      "summary":"Jules is a recently divorced mother who has to face the unkind realities of dating in a world obsessed with beauty and youth. As she becomes older, she starts discovering herself.",
         "Courteney Cox",
         "David Arquette",
         "Bill Lawrence",
         "Linda Videtti Figueiredo",
         "Blake McCormick"

PREFIX  xyz:  <>
PREFIX  fx:   <>
PREFIX  rdf:  <>

    ?s ?p ?o .
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=>
      { fx:properties
                  fx:json.path.1  "$[?(\"Friends\")].stars" ;
                  fx:json.path.2  "$[?(\"Cougar Town\")].stars" .
        ?s        ?p              ?o

PREFIX dc:     <>
PREFIX eg:     <>
PREFIX fx:     <>
PREFIX ja:     <>
PREFIX owl:    <>
PREFIX rdf:    <>
PREFIX rdfs:   <>
PREFIX rss:    <>
PREFIX vcard:  <>
PREFIX whatwg: <>
PREFIX xhtml:  <>
PREFIX xsd:    <>
PREFIX xyz:    <>

[ rdf:type  fx:root;
  rdf:_1    [ rdf:_1  "Jennifer Aniston";
              rdf:_2  "Courteney Cox";
              rdf:_3  "Lisa Kudrow";
              rdf:_4  "Matt LeBlanc";
              rdf:_5  "Matthew Perry";
              rdf:_6  "David Schwimmer"
  rdf:_2    [ rdf:_1  "Courteney Cox";
              rdf:_2  "David Arquette";
              rdf:_3  "Bill Lawrence";
              rdf:_4  "Linda Videtti Figueiredo";
              rdf:_5  "Blake McCormick"
] .
Example 2

Retrieving the language of the TV series named "Friends".

      "summary":"Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan.",
         "Jennifer Aniston",
         "Courteney Cox",
         "Lisa Kudrow",
         "Matt LeBlanc",
         "Matthew Perry",
         "David Schwimmer"
      "name":"Cougar Town",
      "summary":"Jules is a recently divorced mother who has to face the unkind realities of dating in a world obsessed with beauty and youth. As she becomes older, she starts discovering herself.",
         "Courteney Cox",
         "David Arquette",
         "Bill Lawrence",
         "Linda Videtti Figueiredo",
         "Blake McCormick"

PREFIX  xyz:  <>
PREFIX  fx:   <>
PREFIX  rdf:  <>

SELECT  ?language
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=>
      { fx:properties
                  fx:json.path  "$[?(\"Friends\")]" .
        _:b0      xyz:language  ?language

| language  |
| "English" |
Example 3

Constructing a Facade-X RDF Graph selecting only containers that match the Json Path $[?(;Friends&quot;)].

      "summary":"Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan.",
         "Jennifer Aniston",
         "Courteney Cox",
         "Lisa Kudrow",
         "Matt LeBlanc",
         "Matthew Perry",
         "David Schwimmer"
      "name":"Cougar Town",
      "summary":"Jules is a recently divorced mother who has to face the unkind realities of dating in a world obsessed with beauty and youth. As she becomes older, she starts discovering herself.",
         "Courteney Cox",
         "David Arquette",
         "Bill Lawrence",
         "Linda Videtti Figueiredo",
         "Blake McCormick"

PREFIX  xyz:  <>
PREFIX  fx:   <>
PREFIX  rdf:  <>

    ?s ?p ?o .
  { SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:location=>
      { fx:properties
                  fx:json.path  "$[?(\"Friends\")]" .
        ?s        ?p            ?o

PREFIX dc:     <>
PREFIX eg:     <>
PREFIX fx:     <>
PREFIX ja:     <>
PREFIX owl:    <>
PREFIX rdf:    <>
PREFIX rdfs:   <>
PREFIX rss:    <>
PREFIX vcard:  <>
PREFIX whatwg: <>
PREFIX xhtml:  <>
PREFIX xsd:    <>
PREFIX xyz:    <>

[ rdf:type  fx:root;
  rdf:_1    [ xyz:genres     [ rdf:_1  "Comedy";
                               rdf:_2  "Romance"
              xyz:language   "English";
              xyz:name       "Friends";
              xyz:premiered  "1994-09-22";
              xyz:stars      [ rdf:_1  "Jennifer Aniston";
                               rdf:_2  "Courteney Cox";
                               rdf:_3  "Lisa Kudrow";
                               rdf:_4  "Matt LeBlanc";
                               rdf:_5  "Matthew Perry";
                               rdf:_6  "David Schwimmer"
              xyz:status     "Ended";
              xyz:summary    "Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan."
] .