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File metadata and controls

270 lines (201 loc) · 12.9 KB

Writing the syntax

AST Tree Scheme


  • language
  • assets (Asset[])
    • Composer
      • name
      • pars(Input[])
        • Input
          • Parameter
            • name
            • description
          • Multimodal
            • name
            • format
            • description
            • weight(Weight)
      • contents(Snippet[])
    • ExecutableAsset
      • Prompt

        • name
        • description
        • pars(Parameter[])
          • Input
          • Parameter
            • name
            • description
          • Multimodal
            • name
            • format
            • description
            • weight(Weight)
        • output (Media): 'text' | 'image' | 'audio' | 'video' | '3dobject'
        • prefix (Prefix)
          • name = 'prefix'
          • snippets (Snippet[])
        • core (Core)
          • name = 'core'
          • snippets (Snippet[])
        • suffix (Suffix)
          • name = 'suffix'
          • snippets (Snippet[])
        • AssetLanguage
          • language: <string>
        • AssetSeparator
          • separator: <string>
      • Chain

  • imports (ImportedAsset[]):
    • ImportedAsset
      • set_assets / everyone

        • set_assets (AssetImport[])

          • AssetImport
            • asset (Ref Asset)
        • everyone = '*'

      • library: QualifiedName


  • content (BaseSinppet)

    • TextLiteral
      • content
    • InputRef
      • ParameterRef
        • param (Ref Parameter)
      • MultimodalRef
        • param (Ref Multimodal)
    • AssetReuse
      • asset (Ref Referenciable)
      • pars (ParamInvokation)
        • pars (Snippet[])
    • Trait (See more info in the traits' cheat sheet)
      • TextTrait
        • LiteraryStyleTrait
        • LanguageRegisterTrait
        • PointOfViewTrait
      • ImageTrait
        • MediumTrait ...
        • EffectsTrait
      • MediumIndependentTrait
        • RelativeTrait ...
        • ComparisonTrait
  • weight(Weight)

    • relevance (Relevance) = 'min' | 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | 'max'


You can se close the scheme in the pictures/impromptu.drawio.png file.

Writing the logic

Types of errors and their syntax

There are two types of possible errors that it may occurr: validation errors or compilation errors.

  • Validation errors. These errors are related to errors of the Impromptu syntax in the Langium document. Therefore, they are detected before creating the AST.
  • Compilation errors. There are another errors that are only detected when the prompt is being generated.

The errors have the following syntax:

[<file>: <line>] Error: <description>

In case the error occurs in a imported file, that file and all their parents have errors. The first one which sends the error is the child:

There are validation errors:
[libraries/tests/import_testB.prm: 9] Error : Expecting: one of these possible Token sequences:
  1. [@]
  2. [$]
but found: ':' [:]
[libraries/tests/import_testB.prm: 9] Error : Expecting token of type `)` but found `:`. [:]
[libraries/tests/import_testA.prm: 6] Error : error in imported asset B.
[examples/examples_import/error_in_import.prm: 7] Error : error in imported asset main.

Generating prompts for additional AI systems

In order to support platform-specific prompts for further generative AI services, just extend the file generate-prompt.ts by adding the new AI system in the enumeration and implementing the generating code within the generatePromptCode function:

export const AISystem = {
    ChatGPT: "chatgpt",
    StableDiffusion: "stable-diffusion",
    Midjourney: "midjourney",

// If prompt is not informed, the generator will consider all the prompts included in the model;
// will generate the code for a single prompt, otherwise.
export function generatePromptCode(model: Ast.Model, aiSystem: string | undefined, prompt: Ast.Prompt | undefined): string[] | undefined {
    var result;
    switch(aiSystem) {
        case AISystem.DESTINATIONPLATFORM: {
            result = generatePrompt_DESTINATIONPLATFORM(model, prompt);

Folder System

The main folders important to the developtment of the aplication are:

  • __test__, where are located the unitary tests. For more information, see the Testing section.
  • .vscode Here are the json files that defines how the vscode expansion would behave.
  • bin. Here are located the two "entrances" to the Impromptu server
  • src. In this folder is located the core of the application


Originally, this folder only contained the file /bin/cli, which starts the Impromptu service. Lately, /bin/server_main.js was added. When run, the file starts a node http server with the functionalities of Impromptu, which means that Impromptu can be used from other places and languages by running this file. Thus, the file contains a series of responses to POST calls:

  • generateprompt: It receives
    • content
    • aiSystem
    • prompt

And returns the redacted prompt of content for the LLM declared (only the asset prompt if declared).


In this folder are the management of the calls to Impromptu, specifically the ones made by CLI option.

  • index.ts. It is the main file. It manages the CLI calls.

  • cli-utils.ts. In this file there are multiple functions that offers multiple utilities for functions of the other files:

    • extractDocument
    • extractAstNode
    • extractDestinationAndName
    • get_imported_asset (Deprecated).
    • get_line_node Gets the line of an asset (UIsed to communicate errors)
    • get_file_from (FilePathData interface) Gets the file of a certain asset (maybe deprecated)
    • getLanguage Get the Language of the document
  • generate-prompt.ts. In this file is located the code that gets the prompt based on the file .prm given. The prompt is generated . It returns a .txt file with the generated prompt. It is connected with the files that generate the prompt for each LLM (such as generate-prompt_ChatGPT.ts). In case no LLM was declared, the prompt will be generated using the default protocol (generate-prompt_default.ts)


In this folder are the files related to the syntax, scope and grammar of Impromptu. main.ts is where the Langium Service is initialized.

  • impromptu.langium contains the syntax of Impromptu. See Impromptu Syntax for more details.

  • impromptu-scope.ts. Here are located the modification to Langium's default scope () that Impromptu has. See the section about Scoping for further details.

  • impromptu-validation.ts. Here are located the modification to Langium's default validation that Impromptu has.

  • impromptu-module.ts. Manages the coordination of the adove objects creted in the files adove. It is important to remark that if a new modification is added to those files, the type ImpromptuModule and the object ImpromptuModule from this file has to be changed as well.

Vscode extension files

In this folder are located as well the files for running the vscode mode. These files are extension.ts and impromptu-code-generator.ts. The first one contains the functions related to the setup of the vscode extension while the second one contains the function that selects the .prm file and generates the python code.


In this section it will be explained how one can interact with the different elements of the AST of a .prm in typescript, in order to create and edit the generate-prompt_ files:

  1. One can access the elements of an asset object (asn Ast.node) as if they were their attributes. For example, if p is an Ast.Prompt which references the prompt prompt prueba(..., would be "prueba".
  2. As in java objects, this can be chained alonside multiple asset.
  3. The most complex parts, such as the mapping of the inputs and their parameter values (including the case of an AssetReuse with the Asset is linked)
  4. If an asset can be different types of assets (for example, an Asset can be a Prompt, a Composer, etc), one can use the functions of type is<asset_name>(<AstNode>) to do a conditional, or the atribute $type of the AstNodes to make a switch structure. Nevertheless, the first method is recommended over the second since $type is suppose to work as a private variable.

Imports' Scoping (src/language-server/impromptu-scope.ts)

Here it is explained how the scoping of the imports was made:

In order to archieve a correct scoping of items imported from another file, there are needed three steps:

  • Link the reference of the import with the import itself. This is done similarly to the parameter reference: you have to declare the map of the name and the object manually, since the doufault scope of the AssetReuse does not see Assets.

  • Reference the import with the original item in another file. For do this correctly, and only look inside the imported file, one need to manage URIs, and add to the scope the item of those files. This is done using the vscode\uri package.

  • Compute the exports so that the items can be refeerenciable outside of their own file properly. This is donde by forcing to create the description of the assets during the scope computation phase.

'*' import implementation

Since in this case the asset are not refered in the ImportedAsset, the scope has to be made directely between the AssetReuse and the Asset from the other file, which imply that the elements we need are different from the previous case:

  • Instead of the AsseReuse been linked to the assetImport which is linked to original Asset in the other file, is the AsseReuse which is connected with the original Asset. It is possible since the descriptions of the Asset are loaded in the scope computatrion phase
  • This means that this is part of the AssetReuse Scope, where there are the description to the Inputs (ParameterRef) and Referenciables(other Assets+ImportedAssets)
  • We do not need extra scope computations, since we make use of the description created to the simple case.

A similar implementation cab be found in the file-based scoping example of the Langium Documentation.

Add a new LLM

The CLI commands node ./bin/cli addAI <name> -f <alias> -pm <prompt_name> and node ./bin/cli removeAI <name> creates and remove a new file that customize the behaviour of Impromptu while generating a prompt to that specific LLM.

This file is generated by creating a copy of the file gen/generatic-prompt_base.ts, which is hidden by default. In order to visualize it in the vscode editor, the user must first change the -vscode/settings.json file and change "__test__: true" to "__test__: false". In addition of generating/removing the new file, the gen/generate-prompt.ts file is modified so that it adapts to the new configuration.-


Impromptu's unit testing is performed using Vitest. It requires the package versions Vite>=5.0.0 and Node>=18.0.0. Its performance is similar to Jest, but for TypeScript Frameworks instead o JavaScript.

In order to be able to run it, first you have to install it in

npm install -D vitest

The command to run it is

npm run test

It automatically checks every file in the folder __test__, and every .spec.ts file. This file is initally hidden for the user, so in order to visualize it in the vscode editor, the user must first change the -vscode/settings.json file and change "__test__: true" to "__test__: false".

Another important remark the developet has to take into account is that files may contain compilation errors due to the incomplete mocks. Those errors won't affect the testing proccess, but may interrupt the compilation of the Impromptu service. For that reason, the folder __test__ is excluded from the compiler in the tsconfig.json file.

Vitest does not allow to spy on child functions. Therefore, in order to test the performance of functions about the generation of the prompt, the developer must mock the objects created by Langium form the Impromptu syntax for the case they want to check.