Executable files for "BICE: Exploring Compact Search Space by Using Bipartite Matching and Cell-Wide Verification".
BICE_S: BICE for subgraph search. BICE_M_100k: BICE for subgraph matching, which finds up to 100,000 embeddings.
The executable files were compiled on CentOS-7 using g++ (GCC) 11.2.1 20220127 (Red Hat 11.2.1-9).
./BICE_S -dg [data graph file] -qg [query graph file] -o [output file]
./BICE_M_100k -dg [data graph file] -qg [query graph file]
[graph ID] [the number of vertices (n)] [the label of v_1] ... [the label of v_n] [the number of edges (m)] [vertex ID of e_1] [vertex ID of e_1] ... [vertex ID of e_m] [vertex ID of e_m]
Example Input:
0 1
1 2
The real-world datasets and the query sets used in our paper can be downloaded at the following link.
You can find files for subgraph matching query sets generation in the query_graphs_generator_subgraphmatching directory.
The graph file format for data graph and query graph is a text format to store a vertex-labeled undirected graph.
- The first line of the file should be "t #vertices #graph-ID".
- Following lines of "v vertex-ID vertex-label" indicate the vertices in the graph.
- Following lines of "e vertex-ID1 vertex-ID2 edge-label" after the vertices indicate the undirected edges in the graph.
For example:
t # 0
v 0 0
v 1 1
v 2 2
v 3 3
e 0 1 0
e 0 2 0
e 1 2 0
e 1 3 0
e 2 3 0
As an example, the main.py is given in the query_graphs_generator_subgraphmatching directory.