"""Provides pre-sized figures with one set of primary axes.
@@ -267,7 +174,7 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
- function to add a pre-posistioned legend.
+ function to add a pre-positioned legend.
if isinstance ( style , str ): style = [ style ]
@@ -382,7 +289,7 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
- function to add a pre-posistioned legend.
+ function to add a pre-positioned legend.
if isinstance ( style , str ): style = [ style ]
@@ -418,13 +325,13 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
if custom :
- legend = ax . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.75 , 0.5 ),
- * args , ** kwargs )
+ legend = ax [ 1 ] . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.75 , 0.5 ),
+ * args , ** kwargs )
else :
handles , labels = tp . axes . legend . consolidate ( ax )
- legend = ax . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.75 , 0.5 ),
- handles = handles , labels = labels ,
- * args , ** kwargs )
+ legend = ax [ 1 ] . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.75 , 0.5 ),
+ handles = handles , labels = labels ,
+ * args , ** kwargs )
return legend
@@ -447,7 +354,7 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
- function to add a pre-posistioned legend.
+ function to add a pre-positioned legend.
if isinstance ( style , str ): style = [ style ]
@@ -483,13 +390,13 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
if custom :
- legend = ax . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1 , 0.5 ),
- * args , ** kwargs )
+ legend = ax [ 1 ] . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1 , 0.5 ),
+ * args , ** kwargs )
else :
handles , labels = tp . axes . legend . consolidate ( ax )
- legend = ax . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1 , 0.5 ),
- handles = handles , labels = labels ,
- * args , ** kwargs )
+ legend = ax [ 1 ] . legend ( loc = "center left" , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1 , 0.5 ),
+ handles = handles , labels = labels ,
+ * args , ** kwargs )
return legend
@@ -512,7 +419,7 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
- function to add a pre-posistioned legend.
+ function to add a pre-positioned legend.
if isinstance ( style , str ): style = [ style ]
@@ -565,7 +472,7 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
- function to add a pre-posistioned legend.
+ function to add a pre-positioned legend.
if isinstance ( style , str ): style = [ style ]
@@ -646,7 +553,7 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
- function to add a pre-posistioned legend.
+ function to add a pre-positioned legend.
if isinstance ( style , str ): style = [ style ]
@@ -684,46 +591,30 @@ Source code for tp.axes.one
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/axes/three.html b/docs/_modules/tp/axes/three.html
index fb43608..f102f63 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/axes/three.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/axes/three.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
- tp.axes.three — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
+ tp.axes.three — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.axes.three
"""Provides pre-sized figures with three sets of axes.
@@ -644,46 +551,30 @@ Source code for tp.axes.three
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/axes/two.html b/docs/_modules/tp/axes/two.html
index 3f12b10..24e860f 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/axes/two.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/axes/two.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
tp.axes.two — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
tp.axes.two — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.axes.two
"""Provides pre-sized figures with two sets of axes.
@@ -381,46 +288,30 @@ Source code for tp.axes.two
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/calculate.html b/docs/_modules/tp/calculate.html
index 1a445bf..b178960 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/calculate.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/calculate.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
tp.calculate — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
tp.calculate — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.calculate
"""Calculates stuff.
+Uses tp units by default, but can read the tprc.yaml to customise.
@@ -172,8 +81,14 @@ Source code for tp.calculate
sorts and cumulates.
lorentzian curve.
+ lifetime:
+ particle lifetime.
+ mfp:
+ particle mean free path.
boson occupation.
+ dfdde:
+ derivative of the Fermi-Dirac distribution.
power factor.
@@ -187,10 +102,18 @@ Source code for tp.calculate
adds zt to dictionary.
adds lattice thermal conductivity for target ZT to dictionary.
+ to_tp:
+ converts quantities to tp defaults from tprc.yaml.
+ from_tp:
+ converts quantities from tp defaults from tprc.yaml.
+ interpolate:
+ shrinks to smallest data size and interpolates.
import numpy as np
import tp
+from scipy.constants import physical_constants
[docs] def cumulate ( x , y ):
"""Sorts by x and cumulates y.
@@ -245,17 +168,84 @@
Source code for tp.calculate
return 0.5 * fwhm / ( np . pi * (( x - x0 ) ** 2 + ( 0.5 * fwhm ) ** 2 ))
[docs] def be_occupation ( frequency , temperature = 300. ):
[docs] def lifetime ( gamma , use_tprc = True ):
"""Calculates lifetime from imaginary self-energy (Gamma).
gamma : array-like or float
frequencies (by default in THz).
use_tprc : bool, optional
use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
lifetimes (by default in s).
if use_tprc :
gamma = to_tp ( 'gamma' , gamma )
with np . errstate ( divide = 'ignore' , invalid = 'ignore' ):
lifetime = np . reciprocal ( np . multiply ( 2e12 * 2 * np . pi , gamma ))
lifetime = np . where ( np . isinf ( lifetime ), np . nan , lifetime )
if use_tprc :
lifetime = from_tp ( 'lifetime' , lifetime )
return lifetime
[docs] def mfp ( gamma , group_velocity , use_tprc = True ):
Calculates mean free path from imaginary self-energy (Gamma) and
group velocity.
gamma : array-like or float
frequencies (by default in THz).
group_velocity : array-like or float
group velocities (by default in m s-1).
use_tprc : bool, optional
use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
mean free paths (by default in m).
if use_tprc :
group_velocity = to_tp ( 'group_velocity' , group_velocity )
tau = lifetime ( gamma , use_tprc = use_tprc )
mfp = np . multiply ( np . transpose ([ tau ,] * 3 , ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 0 )), group_velocity )
if use_tprc :
mfp = from_tp ( 'mean_free_path' , mfp )
return mfp
[docs] def be_occupation ( frequency , temperature , use_tprc = True ):
"""Calculates Bose-Einstein occupation.
frequency : array-like or float
frequencies in THz.
frequencies (by default in THz).
temperature : array-like or float
temperature (by default in K).
temperature : float, optional
temperature in K. Default: 300.
use_tprc : bool, optional
use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
@@ -264,53 +254,121 @@
Source code for tp.calculate
- import scipy.constants as con
+ hbar = physical_constants [ 'Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s' ][ 0 ]
+ kb = physical_constants [ 'Boltzmann constant in eV/K' ][ 0 ]
- hbar = con . physical_constants [ 'Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s' ][ 0 ]
- kb = con . physical_constants [ 'Boltzmann constant in eV/K' ][ 0 ]
+ if use_tprc :
+ frequency = to_tp ( 'frequency' , frequency )
+ temperature = to_tp ( 'temperature' , temperature )
frequency = np . array ( frequency )
- occupation = np . expm1 (( frequency * 1e12 * hbar ) / ( kb * temperature )) ** - 1
+ occupation = np . expm1 ( np . divide . outer ( kb * temperature ,
+ frequency * 1e12 * hbar ) ** - 1 ) ** - 1
+ if use_tprc :
+ occupation = from_tp ( 'occupation' , occupation )
return occupation
[docs] def power_factor ( conductivity , seebeck ):
[docs] def dfdde ( energy , fermi_level , temperature , doping , amset_order = False ,
use_tprc = True ):
"""Derivative of the Fermi-Dirac distribution.
energy : array-like
energies per band and k-point (by default in eV).
fermi_level : array-like
fermi level per temperature and dopant (by default in eV).
temperature : array-like
temperatures (by default in K).
doping : array-like
doping concentrations (by default in cm-3).
amset_order : bool, optional
doping index before temperature index. Default: False.
use_tprc : bool, optional
use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
derivative of the Fermi-Dirac distribution.
kb = physical_constants [ 'Boltzmann constant in eV/K' ][ 0 ]
if use_tprc :
energy = to_tp ( 'energy' , energy )
fermi_level = to_tp ( 'energy' , fermi_level )
temperature = to_tp ( 'temperature' , temperature )
doping = to_tp ( 'doping' , doping )
kbt = np . multiply ( kb , temperature )
de = - np . subtract . outer ( fermi_level , energy )
if amset_order :
weights = - 0.25 / np . cosh ( 0.5 * de / kbt [ None , :, None , None ]) ** 2
weights = weights / kbt [ None , :, None , None ]
else :
weights = - 0.25 / np . cosh ( 0.5 * de / kbt [:, None , None , None ]) ** 2
weights = weights / kbt [:, None , None , None ]
return weights
[docs] def power_factor ( conductivity , seebeck , use_tprc = True ):
"""Calculates power factor.
conductivity : array-like
conductivities (by default in S m-1).
seebeck : array-like
seebeck coefficients.
seebeck coefficients (by default in muV K-1).
use_tprc : bool, optional
use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
power factors.
power factors (by default in W m-1 K-2).
return np . multiply ( conductivity , 1e-12 * np . square ( seebeck ))
if use_tprc :
conductivity = to_tp ( 'conductivity' , conductivity )
seebeck = to_tp ( 'seebeck' , seebeck )
pf = np . multiply ( conductivity , 1e-12 * np . square ( seebeck ))
if use_tprc :
pf = from_tp ( 'power_factor' , pf )
return pf
[docs] def zt ( conductivity , seebeck , electronic_thermal_conductivity ,
lattice_thermal_conductivity , temperature ):
lattice_thermal_conductivity , temperature , use_tprc = True ):
"""Calculates ZT.
conductivity : array-like
conductivities (by default in S m-1).
seebeck : array-like
seebeck coefficients.
seebeck coefficients (by default in muV K-1).
electronic_thermal_conductivity : array-like
electronic thermal conductivities.
electronic thermal conductivities (by default in W m-1 K-1).
lattice_thermal_conductivity : array-like
lattice thermal conductivities by temperature.
lattice thermal conductivities (by default in W m-1 K-1).
temperature : array-like
temperatures (by default in K).
use_tprc : bool, optional
use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
@@ -319,44 +377,87 @@
Source code for tp.calculate
- pf = power_factor ( conductivity , seebeck )
- zt = np . multiply ( pf , np . array ( temperature )[:, None ]) / \
- np . add ( electronic_thermal_conductivity ,
- np . array ( lattice_thermal_conductivity )[:, None ])
+ pf = power_factor ( conductivity , seebeck , use_tprc = use_tprc )
+ if use_tprc :
+ pf = to_tp ( 'power_factor' , pf )
+ electronic_thermal_conductivity = to_tp (
+ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' , electronic_thermal_conductivity )
+ lattice_thermal_conductivity = to_tp ( 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ,
+ lattice_thermal_conductivity )
+ temperature = to_tp ( 'temperature' , temperature )
+ if np . ndim ( pf ) == 1 :
+ zt = np . multiply ( pf , np . array ( temperature )) / \
+ np . add ( electronic_thermal_conductivity ,
+ np . array ( lattice_thermal_conductivity ))
+ elif np . ndim ( pf ) == 2 :
+ zt = np . multiply ( pf , np . array ( temperature )[:, None ]) / \
+ np . add ( electronic_thermal_conductivity ,
+ np . array ( lattice_thermal_conductivity )[:, None ])
+ elif np . ndim ( pf ) == 3 :
+ zt = np . multiply ( pf , np . array ( temperature )[:, None , None ]) / \
+ np . add ( electronic_thermal_conductivity ,
+ np . array ( lattice_thermal_conductivity )[:, : 3 , : 3 ])
+ elif np . ndim ( pf ) == 4 :
+ zt = np . multiply ( pf , np . array ( temperature )[:, None , None , None ]) / \
+ np . add ( electronic_thermal_conductivity ,
+ np . array ( lattice_thermal_conductivity )[:, None , : 3 , : 3 ])
+ else :
+ raise Exception ( 'Unexpectedly dimensionous electrical properties! \n '
+ 'Abort!' )
+ if use_tprc :
+ zt = from_tp ( 'zt' , zt )
return zt
[docs] def kl ( conductivity , seebeck , electronic_thermal_conductivity , zt , temperature ):
[docs] def kl ( conductivity , seebeck , electronic_thermal_conductivity , zt , temperature ,
use_tprc = True ):
"""Calculates lattice thermal conductivity.
conductivity : array-like
conductivities (by default in S m-1).
seebeck : array-like
seebeck coefficients.
seebeck coefficients (by default in muV K-1).
electronic_thermal_conductivity : array-like
electronic thermal conductivities.
electronic thermal conductivities (by default in W m-1 K-1).
zt : array-like
temperature : array-like
temperatures (by default in K).
use_tprc : bool, optional
use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
lattice thermal conductivity.
lattice thermal conductivities (by default in W m-1 K-1).
pf = power_factor ( conductivity , seebeck )
pf = power_factor ( conductivity , seebeck , use_tprc = use_tprc )
if use_tprc :
pf = to_tp ( 'power_factor' , pf )
electronic_thermal_conductivity = to_tp (
'electronic_thermal_conductivity' , electronic_thermal_conductivity )
zt = to_tp ( 'zt' , zt )
temperature = to_tp ( 'temperature' , temperature )
mid = np . divide ( pf * np . array ( temperature )[:, None ], zt )
kl = np . subtract ( mid , electronic_thermal_conductivity )
if use_tprc :
kl = from_tp ( 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' , kl )
return kl
[docs] def power_factor_fromdict ( data ):
[docs] def power_factor_fromdict ( data , use_tprc = True ):
"""Convenience wrapper to calculate power factor from a dictionary.
@@ -365,25 +466,31 @@
Source code for tp.calculate
data : dict
dictionary containing:
- conductivity array-like
- conductivities.
+ conductivity : array-like
+ conductivities (by default in S m-1).
seebeck : array-like
- seebeck coefficients.
+ seebeck coefficients (by default in muV K-1).
+ use_tprc : bool, optional
+ use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
- dictionary with power factors.
+ dictionary with power factors (by default in W m-1 K-2).
data [ 'power_factor' ] = power_factor ( data [ 'conductivity' ],
- data [ 'seebeck' ])
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ 'power_factor' ] = tp . settings . units ()[ 'power_factor' ]
+ data [ 'seebeck' ], use_tprc = use_tprc )
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ 'power_factor' ] = \
+ tp . settings . units ( use_tprc = use_tprc )[ 'power_factor' ]
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ 'power_factor' ] = \
+ tp . settings . dimensions ()[ 'power_factor' ]
return data
[docs] def zt_fromdict ( data ):
[docs] def zt_fromdict ( data , use_tprc = True ):
"""Convenience wrapper to calculate ZT from a dictionary.
@@ -393,15 +500,20 @@
Source code for tp.calculate
dictionary containing:
conductivity : array-like
- conductivities.
+ conductivities (by default in S m-1).
seebeck : array-like
- seebeck coefficients.
+ seebeck coefficients (by default in muV K-1).
electronic_thermal_conductivity : array-like
- electronic thermal conductivities.
+ electronic thermal conductivities (by default
+ in W m-1 K-1).
lattice_thermal_conductivity : array-like
- lattice thermal conductivities by temperature.
+ lattice thermal conductivities (by default
+ in W m-1 K-1).
temperature : array-like
- temperatures in K.
+ temperatures (by default in K).
+ use_tprc : bool, optional
+ use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
@@ -413,12 +525,13 @@ Source code for tp.calculate
data [ 'zt' ] = zt ( data [ 'conductivity' ], data [ 'seebeck' ],
data [ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ],
data [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ],
- data [ 'temperature' ])
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ 'zt' ] = tp . settings . units ()[ 'zt' ]
+ data [ 'temperature' ], use_tprc = use_tprc )
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ 'zt' ] = tp . settings . units ( use_tprc = use_tprc )[ 'zt' ]
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ 'zt' ] = tp . settings . dimensions ()[ 'zt' ]
return data
-[docs] def kl_fromdict ( data ):
[docs] def kl_fromdict ( data , use_tprc = True ):
"""Convenience wrapper to calculate k_latt from a dictionary.
@@ -428,73 +541,171 @@
Source code for tp.calculate
dictionary containing:
conductivity : array-like
- conductivities.
+ conductivities (by default in S m-1).
seebeck : array-like
- seebeck coefficients.
+ seebeck coefficients (by default in muV K-1).
electronic_thermal_conductivity : array-like
- electronic thermal conductivities.
+ electronic thermal conductivities (by default
+ in W m-1 K-1).
zt : array-like
- ZT.
+ zt.
temperature : array-like
- temperatures in K.
+ temperatures (by default in K).
+ use_tprc : bool, optional
+ use custom unit conversions. Default: True.
- dictionary with lattice thermal conductivities.
+ dictionary with lattice thermal conductivities (by default
+ in W m-1 K-1).
q = 'lattice_thermal_conductivity'
data [ q ] = kl ( data [ 'conductivity' ], data [ 'seebeck' ],
data [ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ], data [ 'zt' ],
- data [ 'temperature' ])
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q ] = tp . settings . units ()[ q ]
+ data [ 'temperature' ], use_tprc = use_tprc )
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q ] = tp . settings . units ( use_tprc = use_tprc )[ q ]
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ] = tp . settings . dimensions ()[ q ]
return data
[docs] def to_tp ( name , value ):
"""Converts quantity to tp default units using tprc.yaml.
value : array-like
values to be converted.
name : str
name in tprc.yaml.
converted values.
conversions = tp . settings . conversions ()
if name in conversions and conversions [ name ] is not None :
value = np . divide ( value , conversions [ name ])
return value
[docs] def from_tp ( name , value ):
"""Converts quantity from tp default units using tprc.yaml.
value : array-like
values to be converted.
name : str
name in tprc.yaml.
converted values.
conversions = tp . settings . conversions ()
if name in conversions and conversions [ name ] is not None :
value = np . multiply ( value , conversions [ name ])
return value
[docs] def interpolate ( data1 , data2 , dependent , keys1 , keys2 , axis1 = 0 , axis2 = 0 ,
kind = 'linear' ):
"""Shrinks datasets to smallest common size and interpolates.
data(1,2) : dict
input data.
dependent : str
variable to interpolate against.
keys(1,2) : array-like or str
data keys to interpolate
axis(1,2) : int, optional
axis of the dependent variable wrt the keys. Default: 0.
kind : str, optional
interpolation kind
shrunk data1
shrunk and interpolated data2
# Future: could be rewritten to auto-detect axis like resolve
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
data1 = deepcopy ( data1 )
data2 = deepcopy ( data2 )
if isinstance ( keys1 , str ):
keys1 = [ keys1 ]
if isinstance ( keys2 , str ):
keys2 = [ keys2 ]
dmin = np . nanmax ([ data1 [ dependent ][ 0 ], data2 [ dependent ][ 0 ]])
dmax = np . nanmin ([ data1 [ dependent ][ - 1 ], data2 [ dependent ][ - 1 ]])
index1 = np . where (( data1 [ dependent ] <= dmax ) & ( data1 [ dependent ] >= dmin ))[ 0 ]
index2 = np . where (( data2 [ dependent ] <= dmax ) & ( data2 [ dependent ] >= dmin ))[ 0 ]
data1 [ dependent ] = np . array ( data1 [ dependent ])[ index1 ]
for key in keys1 :
data1 [ key ] = np . swapaxes ( data1 [ key ], 0 , axis1 )
data1 [ key ] = np . array ( data1 [ key ])[ index1 ]
data1 [ key ] = np . swapaxes ( data1 [ key ], 0 , axis1 )
data2 [ dependent ] = np . array ( data2 [ dependent ])[ index2 ]
for key in keys2 :
data2 [ key ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ key ], 0 , axis2 )
data2 [ key ] = np . array ( data2 [ key ])[ index2 ]
interp = interp1d ( data2 [ dependent ], data2 [ key ], kind = kind , axis = 0 )
data2 [ key ] = interp ( data1 [ dependent ])
data2 [ key ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ key ], 0 , axis2 )
return data1 , data2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/data/load.html b/docs/_modules/tp/data/load.html
index b44d80f..0a481bc 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/data/load.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/data/load.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
tp.data.load — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
tp.data.load — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.data.load
"""Data loading tools.
Loads data from codes into a dictionary, with units and array structures
-standardised. Also adds a ``meta`` subdictionary, which contains units
-and the data source.
+standardised. Also adds a ``meta`` subdictionary, which contains units,
+array dimensions and the data source.
@@ -187,8 +94,8 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
import tp
from tp import settings
-[docs] def amset ( filename , quantities = [ 'temperature' , 'doping' , 'seebeck' ,
'conductivity' , 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ]):
[docs] def amset ( filename , quantities = [ 'seebeck' , 'conductivity' ,
'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ], doping = 'n' ):
"""Loads AMSET transport data.
Includes unit conversion and outputs units (see tp.settings).
@@ -203,9 +110,14 @@
Source code for tp.data.load
filename : str
- quantites : dict, optional
- values to extract. Default: temperature, doping, seebeck,
- conductivity, electronic_thermal_conductivity.
+ quantites : str or list, optional
+ values to extract. Accepts AMSET keys and power_factor.
+ Loads dependent properties. Default: seebeck, conductivity,
+ electronic_thermal_conductivity.
+ doping : str, optional
+ doing type (n or p). If there is more than one, defaults to
+ n, else this is ignored.
@@ -218,63 +130,101 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
# name conversions and abbreviations
- conversions = settings . amset_conversions ()
+ aconversions = settings . amset_conversions ()
+ conversions = settings . conversions ()
anames = settings . to_amset ()
tnames = settings . to_tp ()
units = settings . units ()
+ dimensions = settings . dimensions ()
if isinstance ( quantities , str ): quantities = quantities . split ()
quantities = [ anames [ q ] if q in anames else q for q in quantities ]
- # list of quantities dependant on doping, temperature and scattering
- hasdope = [ 'fermi_levels' , 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' ,
- 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' , 'mobility' ]
- hastemp = [ 'fermi_levels' , 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' ,
- 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' , 'mobility' ]
- hastype = [ 'mobility' ]
- # add dependant variables
- if 'doping' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hasdope :
- quantities . append ( 'doping' )
- break
- if 'temperatures' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hastemp :
- quantities . append ( 'temperatures' )
- break
+ # quantities derived from those in the file
+ derived = { 'power_factor' : [ 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' ]}
+ # add dependent variables
+ for d in [ 'doping' , 'temperatures' ]:
+ if d not in quantities :
+ for q in quantities :
+ if q in tnames :
+ q = tnames [ q ]
+ if q in dimensions and \
+ ( d in dimensions [ q ] or ( d in tnames and tnames [ d ] in dimensions [ q ])):
+ quantities . append ( d )
+ break
+ for q in derived :
+ if q in quantities :
+ for q2 in derived [ q ]:
+ if q2 not in quantities :
+ quantities . append ( q2 )
# load data
with open ( filename ) as f :
data = json . load ( f )
- data2 = { 'meta' : { 'electronic_source' : 'amset' ,
- 'units' : {}}}
+ if 'doping' in quantities :
+ d = np . array ( data [ 'doping' ])
+ if ( d < 0 ) . all ():
+ doping = 'n'
+ di = np . where ( d < 0 )[ 0 ]
+ elif ( d > 0 ) . all ():
+ doping = 'p'
+ di = np . where ( d > 0 )[ 0 ]
+ elif doping == 'n' :
+ di = np . where ( d < 0 )[ 0 ]
+ elif doping == 'p' :
+ di = np . where ( d > 0 )[ 0 ]
+ data2 = { 'meta' : { 'doping_type' : doping ,
+ 'electronic_source' : 'amset' ,
+ 'units' : {},
+ 'dimensions' : {}}}
for q in quantities :
+ if q in derived :
+ continue
+ qs = [ * list ( data ), * list ( derived )]
assert q in data , \
' {} unrecognised. Quantity must be in {} or {} .' . format ( q ,
- ', ' . join ( list ( data )[: - 1 ]), list ( data )[ - 1 ])
+ ', ' . join ( qs [: - 1 ]), qs [ - 1 ])
q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
# compatibility with previous version
if isinstance ( data [ q ], dict ) and 'data' in data [ q ]:
data2 [ q2 ] = data [ q ][ 'data' ]
else :
data2 [ q2 ] = data [ q ]
- if q in hasdope and q in hastemp :
+ if q2 in dimensions and 'doping' in dimensions [ q2 ]:
# temperature index first for consistency with other codes
- if q in hastype :
+ # With the latest version of resolve, this is unneccessary
+ # Should it be removed?
+ if 'stype' in dimensions [ q2 ]:
for t in data2 [ q2 ]:
- data2 [ q2 ][ t ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ q2 ][ t ], 0 , 1 )
+ data2 [ q2 ][ t ] = np . array ( data2 [ q2 ][ t ])[ di ]
+ if 'temperature' in dimensions [ q2 ]:
+ data2 [ q2 ][ t ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ q2 ][ t ], 0 , 1 )
else :
- data2 [ q2 ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ q2 ], 0 , 1 )
- if q in hastype :
- if 'scattering_labels' not in data2 :
- data2 [ 'scattering_labels' ] = data [ q ] . keys ()
+ data2 [ q2 ] = np . array ( data2 [ q2 ])[ di ]
+ if 'temperature' in dimensions [ q2 ]:
+ data2 [ q2 ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ q2 ], 0 , 1 )
+ if q2 in dimensions and 'stype' in dimensions [ q2 ]:
+ if 'stype' not in data2 :
+ data2 [ 'stype' ] = list ( data [ q ] . keys ())
# for consistency with the format in the mesh data
- data2 [ q2 ] = [ data2 [ q2 ][ l ] for l in data2 [ 'scattering_labels' ]]
+ data2 [ q2 ] = [ data2 [ q2 ][ l ] for l in data2 [ 'stype' ]]
if q2 in units :
data2 [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q2 ] = units [ q2 ]
+ if q2 in dimensions :
+ data2 [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q2 ] = dimensions [ q2 ]
+ if 'doping' in data2 :
+ data2 [ 'doping' ] = np . array ( data2 [ 'doping' ])[ di ]
+ for c in aconversions :
+ if c in data2 :
+ data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], aconversions [ c ])
+ if 'power_factor' in quantities :
+ data2 = tp . calculate . power_factor_fromdict ( data2 )
for c in conversions :
if c in data2 :
@@ -282,13 +232,13 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
-[docs] def amset_mesh ( filename , quantities = [ 'temperature' , 'doping' ,
'scattering_rates' , 'scattering_labels' ], spin = 'avg' ):
[docs] def amset_mesh ( filename , quantities = 'scattering_rates' , doping = 'n' ,
spin = 'avg' ):
"""Loads AMSET mesh data.
Includes unit conversion and outputs units (see tp.settings).
Swaps temperature and doping indices so temperature is first, for
consistency with other codes.
Can also weight rates. Includes unit conversion and outputs units
(see tp.settings). Swaps temperature and doping indices so
temperature is first, for consistency with other codes.
@@ -296,11 +246,19 @@
Source code for tp.data.load
filename : str
- quantites : dict, optional
+ quantites : str or list, optional
values to extract. Accepts AMSET keys, without spin
channels, which are dealt with in the spin variable.
- Default: temperature, doping, scattering_rates,
- scattering_labels.
+ Also accepts ibz_weights, the weights of the irreducible
+ k-points, fd_weights, the weights of the energies wrt the
+ derivative of the Fermi-Dirac distribution, and
+ weighted_rates, scattering_rates weighted by fd_weights
+ and averaged over kpoints. Loads dependent properties.
+ Default: scattering_rates.
+ doping : str, optional
+ doing type (n or p). If there is more than one, defaults to
+ n, else this is ignored.
spin : str, optional
spin. Accepts up, down or avg. If avg and there is only one
@@ -317,77 +275,164 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
# name conversions and abbreviations
- conversions = settings . amset_conversions ()
+ aconversions = settings . amset_conversions ()
+ conversions = settings . conversions ()
anames = settings . to_amset ()
tnames = settings . to_tp ()
units = settings . units ()
+ dimensions = settings . dimensions ()
if isinstance ( quantities , str ): quantities = quantities . split ()
quantities = [ anames [ q ] if q in anames else q for q in quantities ]
- # list of quantities dependant on doping and temperature
- hasdope = [ 'fermi_levels' , 'scattering_rates' ]
- hastemp = [ 'fermi_levels' , 'scattering_rates' ]
- hastype = [ 'scattering_rates' ]
+ # list of abbriviations and dependent quantites
+ subs = { 'weights' : [ 'ibz_weights' , 'fd_weights' ]}
hasspin = [ 'energies' , 'vb_index' , 'scattering_rates' , 'velocities' ]
- # add dependant variables
+ for i in range ( len ( quantities )):
+ if quantities [ i ] in subs :
+ quantities [ i ] = subs [ quantities [ i ]]
- if 'doping' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hasdope :
- quantities . append ( 'doping' )
- break
- if 'temperatures' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hastemp :
- quantities . append ( 'temperatures' )
- break
- if 'scattering_labels' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hastype :
- quantities . append ( 'scattering_labels' )
- break
+ quantities = list ( np . ravel ( quantities ))
+ # add dependent variables
+ for d in [ 'doping' , 'ir_kpoints' , 'temperatures' , 'scattering_labels' ]:
+ if d not in quantities :
+ for q in quantities :
+ if q in tnames :
+ q = tnames [ q ]
+ if q in dimensions and \
+ ( d in dimensions [ q ] or ( d in tnames and tnames [ d ] in dimensions [ q ])):
+ quantities . append ( d )
+ break
# load data
- data = h5py . File ( filename , 'r' )
- if spin in [ 'avg' , 'average' ]:
- if 'energies_up' in data and 'energies_down' in data :
- spin = 'avg'
- elif 'energies_up' in data :
- spin = 'up'
- elif 'energies_down' in data :
- spin = 'down'
- data2 = { 'meta' : { 'electronic_source' : 'amset' ,
- 'spin' : spin ,
- 'units' : {}}}
- for q in quantities :
- q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
- if q in hasspin :
- if spin == 'avg' :
- data2 [ q2 ] = np . average ([ data [ ' {} _up' . format ( q )],
- data [ ' {} _down' . format ( q )]], axis = 0 )
- elif spin in [ 'up' , 'down' ]:
- data2 [ q2 ] = data [ ' {} _ {} ' . format ( q , spin )]
- else :
- raise Exception ( 'spin must be up or down or avg' )
+ def resolve_spin ( data , q , spin ):
+ """Resolves spin in AMSET.
+ Either returns the up or down value, or averages them.
+ Arguments
+ ---------
+ data : dict
+ data dictionary from AMSET.
+ q : str
+ quantity to resolve
+ spin : str
+ spin to use. Must be up, down or average.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ array
+ resolved data
+ """
+ if spin in [ 'avg' , 'average' ]:
+ resolved = np . average ([ data [ ' {} _up' . format ( q )][()],
+ data [ ' {} _down' . format ( q )][()]], axis = 0 )
+ elif spin in [ 'up' , 'down' ]:
+ resolved = data [ ' {} _ {} ' . format ( q , spin )][()]
else :
- data2 [ q2 ] = data [ q ]
- if q in hasdope and q in hastemp :
- # temperature in first index for consistency with other codes
- if q in hastype :
- data2 [ q2 ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ q2 ], 1 , 2 )
- else :
- data2 [ q2 ] = np . swapaxes ( data2 [ q2 ], 0 , 1 )
- if q2 in units :
- data2 [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q2 ] = units [ q2 ]
+ raise Exception ( 'spin must be up or down or average' )
+ return resolved
+ with h5py . File ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
+ if 'doping' in quantities :
+ d = np . array ( f [ 'doping' ][()])
+ if ( d < 0 ) . all ():
+ doping = 'n'
+ di = np . where ( d < 0 )[ 0 ]
+ elif ( d > 0 ) . all ():
+ doping = 'p'
+ di = np . where ( d > 0 )[ 0 ]
+ elif doping == 'n' :
+ di = np . where ( d < 0 )[ 0 ]
+ elif doping == 'p' :
+ di = np . where ( d > 0 )[ 0 ]
+ if spin in [ 'avg' , 'average' ]:
+ if 'energies_up' in f and 'energies_down' in f :
+ spin = 'avg'
+ elif 'energies_up' in f :
+ spin = 'up'
+ elif 'energies_down' in f :
+ spin = 'down'
+ data = { 'meta' : { 'doping_type' : doping ,
+ 'electronic_source' : 'amset' ,
+ 'spin' : spin ,
+ 'units' : {},
+ 'dimensions' : {}}}
+ for q in quantities :
+ q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
+ if q in hasspin :
+ data [ q2 ] = resolve_spin ( f , q , spin )
+ elif q in f :
+ data [ q2 ] = f [ q ][()]
+ elif q not in [ 'ibz_weights' , 'fd_weights' , 'weighted_rates' ]:
+ raise Exception ( ' {} unrecognised. Quantity must be {} , '
+ 'ibz_weights, fd_weights weighted_rates'
+ '' . format ( q , ', ' . join ( f )))
+ if q in [ 'ibz_weights' , 'weighted_rates' ]:
+ _ , data [ 'ibz_weights' ] = np . unique ( f [ 'ir_to_full_kpoint_mapping' ],
+ return_counts = True )
+ if q in [ 'fd_weights' , 'weighted_rates' ]:
+ e = resolve_spin ( f , 'energies' , spin )
+ data [ 'fd_weights' ] = - tp . calculate . dfdde ( e , f [ 'fermi_levels' ],
+ f [ 'temperatures' ],
+ f [ 'doping' ],
+ amset_order = True )
+ if q == 'weighted_rates' :
+ rates = resolve_spin ( f , 'scattering_rates' , spin )
+ rates [ rates > 1e20 ] = 1e15
+ data [ 'total_weights' ] = data [ 'fd_weights' ] * data [ 'ibz_weights' ]
+ data [ 'normalised_weights' ] = data [ 'total_weights' ] / \
+ np . sum ( data [ 'total_weights' ],
+ axis = ( 2 , 3 ))[:,:, None , None ]
+ data [ q2 ] = rates * data [ 'normalised_weights' ]
+ data [ q2 ] = data [ q2 ] . sum ( axis = ( 3 , 4 ))
+ for q2 in data :
+ q = anames [ q2 ] if q2 in anames else q2
+ if q2 in dimensions and 'doping' in dimensions [ q2 ]:
+ # temperature in first index for consistency with other codes
+ if 'stype' in dimensions [ q ]:
+ if 'temperature' in dimensions [ q ]:
+ data [ q2 ] = np . swapaxes ( data [ q2 ], 1 , 2 )
+ data [ q2 ] = np . array ( data [ q2 ])[:,:, di ]
+ else :
+ data [ q2 ] = np . array ( data [ q2 ])[:, di ]
+ else :
+ if 'temperature' in dimensions [ q ]:
+ data [ q2 ] = np . swapaxes ( data [ q2 ], 0 , 1 )
+ data [ q2 ] = np . array ( data [ q2 ])[:, di ]
+ else :
+ data [ q2 ] = np . array ( data [ q2 ])[ di ]
+ if q2 in units :
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q2 ] = units [ q2 ]
+ if q2 in dimensions :
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q2 ] = dimensions [ q2 ]
+ if 'doping' in data :
+ data [ 'doping' ] = np . array ( data [ 'doping' ])[ di ]
+ if 'stype' in data :
+ data [ 'stype' ] = \
+ [ l . decode ( 'UTF-8' ) for l in data [ 'stype' ]]
+ for c in aconversions :
+ if c in data :
+ data [ c ] = np . multiply ( data [ c ], aconversions [ c ])
for c in conversions :
- if c in data2 :
- data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], conversions [ c ])
+ if c in data :
+ data [ c ] = np . multiply ( data [ c ], conversions [ c ])
- return data2
+ return data
[docs] def boltztrap ( filename , quantities = [ 'temperature' , 'doping' , 'seebeck' ,
'conductivity' , 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ], doping = 'n' ):
@@ -401,7 +446,7 @@
Source code for tp.data.load
filename : str
- quantites : dict, optional
+ quantites : str or list, optional
values to extract. Accepts boltztrap.hdf5 keys.
Default: temperature, doping, seebeck, conductivity,
@@ -422,62 +467,66 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
assert doping in [ 'n' , 'p' ], 'doping must be n or p'
- conversions = settings . boltztrap_conversions ()
+ bconversions = settings . boltztrap_conversions ()
+ conversions = settings . conversions ()
bnames = settings . to_boltztrap ()
tnames = settings . to_tp ()
units = settings . units ()
+ dimensions = settings . boltztrap_dimensions ()
if isinstance ( quantities , str ): quantities = quantities . split ()
quantities = [ bnames [ q ] if q in bnames else q for q in quantities ]
- # list of quantities dependant on doping and temperature
- hasdope = [ 'average_eff_mass' , 'conductivity' , 'fermi_level' , 'seebeck' ,
- 'power_factor' , 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ]
- hastemp = [ 'average_eff_mass' , 'conductivity' , 'fermi_level' , 'seebeck' ,
- 'power_factor' , 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ]
+ # add dependent variables
- # add dependant variables
- if 'doping' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hasdope :
- quantities . append ( 'doping' )
- break
- if 'temperature' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hastemp :
- quantities . append ( 'temperature' )
- break
+ for d in [ 'doping' , 'temperature' ]:
+ if d not in quantities :
+ for q in quantities :
+ if q in tnames :
+ q = tnames [ q ]
+ if q in dimensions and \
+ ( d in dimensions [ q ] or ( d in tnames and tnames [ d ] in dimensions [ q ])):
+ quantities . append ( d )
+ break
# load data
- data = h5py . File ( filename , 'r' )
+ with h5py . File ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
+ data = { 'meta' : { 'doping_type' : doping ,
+ 'electronic_source' : 'boltztrap' ,
+ 'units' : {},
+ 'dimensions' : {}}}
+ for q in quantities :
+ assert q in f , ' {} unrecognised. Quantity must be in {} or {} .' . format (
+ q , ', ' . join ( list ( f )[: - 1 ]), list ( f )[ - 1 ])
+ q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
+ if q2 in dimensions and 'dtype' in dimensions [ q2 ]:
+ data [ q2 ] = f [ q ][ doping ][()]
+ dimensions [ q2 ] . remove ( 'dtype' )
+ else :
+ data [ q2 ] = f [ q ][()]
+ if q2 in units :
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q2 ] = units [ q2 ]
+ if q2 in dimensions :
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q2 ] = dimensions [ q2 ]
- data2 = { 'meta' : { 'electronic_source' : 'boltztrap' ,
- 'units' : {}}}
- for q in quantities :
- assert q in data , ' {} unrecognised. Quantity must be in {} or {} .' . format (
- q , ', ' . join ( list ( data )[: - 1 ]), list ( data )[ - 1 ])
- q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
- data2 [ q2 ] = data [ q ]
- if q in hasdope : data2 [ q2 ] = data2 [ q2 ][ doping ]
- if q2 in units :
- data2 [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q2 ] = units [ q2 ]
+ for c in bconversions :
+ if c in data :
+ data [ c ] = np . multiply ( data [ c ], bconversions [ c ])
for c in conversions :
- if c in data2 :
- data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], conversions [ c ])
+ if c in data :
+ data [ c ] = np . multiply ( data [ c ], conversions [ c ])
- return data2
+ return data
[docs] def phono3py ( filename , quantities = [ 'kappa' , 'temperature' ],
write_lifetime = False , write_mfp = False , write_occupation = False ):
[docs] def phono3py ( filename , quantities = [ 'kappa' , 'temperature' ]):
"""Loads Phono3py data.
Can also calculate lifetimes, mean free paths and occupations, which
can be written to a file.
Includes unit conversions and outputs units for all the data (see
tp.settings). Also corrects mode_kappa for different phono3py
Can also calculate lifetimes, mean free paths and occupations.
Includes unit conversions and outputs units and index order for all
the data (see tp.settings). Also corrects mode_kappa for different
phono3py versions. Also converts the default 6x1 direction matrices
into 3x3 ones for compatability with other codes.
@@ -485,18 +534,9 @@
Source code for tp.data.load
filename : str
- quantities : list, optional
+ quantities : str or list, optional
values to extract. Accepts Phono3py keys, lifetime,
mean_free_path and occupation. Default: kappa, temperature.
- write_lifetime : bool, optional
- write lifetimes to a new hdf5 file if in quantites.
- Default: False.
- write_mfp : bool, optional
- write mean free paths to a new hdf5 file if in quantities.
- Default: False.
- write_occupation : bool, optional
- write occupations to a new hdf5 file if in quantities.
- Default: False.
@@ -509,97 +549,117 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
# name conversions and abbreviations
- conversions = settings . phono3py_conversions ()
+ pconversions = settings . phono3py_conversions ()
+ conversions = settings . conversions ()
pnames = settings . to_phono3py ()
tnames = settings . to_tp ()
units = settings . units ()
+ dimensions = settings . dimensions ()
if isinstance ( quantities , str ): quantities = quantities . split ()
quantities = [ pnames [ q ] if q in pnames else q for q in quantities ]
- subs = { 'dispersion' : 'qpoint' ,
- 'waterfall' : 'frequency' ,
+ subs = { 'dispersion' : [ 'qpoint' ],
+ 'waterfall' : [ 'frequency' ],
'wideband' : [ 'frequency' , 'gamma' , 'qpoint' ]}
- hast = [ 'gamma' , 'heat_capacity' , 'kappa' , 'lifetime' ,
- 'mean_free_path' , 'mode_kappa' , 'occupation' ]
+ # quantities derived from those in the file
+ derived = { 'lifetime' : [ 'gamma' ],
+ 'mean_free_path' : [ 'gamma' , 'group_velocity' ],
+ 'occupation' : [ 'frequency' ]}
for i in range ( len ( quantities )):
if quantities [ i ] in subs :
quantities [ i ] = subs [ quantities [ i ]]
+ for q in derived :
+ if q in quantities :
+ for q2 in derived [ q ]:
+ if q2 not in quantities :
+ quantities . append ( q2 )
quantities = list ( np . ravel ( quantities ))
- # add dependant variables
+ # add dependent variables
- if 'temperature' not in quantities :
- for q in quantities :
- if q in hast :
- quantities . append ( 'temperature' )
- break
+ for d in [ 'temperature' , 'qpoint' ]:
+ if d not in quantities :
+ for q in quantities :
+ if q in tnames :
+ q = tnames [ q ]
+ if q in dimensions and d in dimensions [ q ]:
+ quantities . append ( d )
+ break
# load and calculate data
- data = h5py . File ( filename , 'r' )
- data2 = { 'meta' : { 'kappa_source' : 'phono3py' ,
- 'units' : {}}}
- for q in quantities :
- assert q in data or q in [ 'lifetime' , 'mean_free_path' , 'occupation' ], \
- ' {} unrecognised. Quantity must be {} , lifetime, mean_free_path ' \
- 'or occupation' . format ( q , ', ' . join ( data ))
- q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
- if q in data :
- data2 [ q2 ] = data [ q ][()]
- elif q in [ 'lifetime' , 'mean_free_path' ]:
- data2 [ 'lifetime' ] = np . reciprocal ( np . multiply ( 2 , data [ 'gamma' ][()]))
- data2 [ 'lifetime' ] = np . where ( np . isinf ( data2 [ 'lifetime' ]), 0 ,
- data2 [ 'lifetime' ])
- if q == 'mean_free_path' :
- data2 [ q ] = np . multiply ( np . transpose ([ data2 [ 'lifetime' ],] * 3 ,
- ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 0 )),
- data [ 'group_velocity' ][()])
- elif q == 'occupation' :
- from tp.calculate import be_occupation as occupation
- data2 [ q ] = [ occupation ( data [ 'frequency' ][()], t )
- for t in data [ 'temperature' ][()]]
- if q2 in units :
- data2 [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q2 ] = units [ q2 ]
- # write calculated data (loath to mess with original file)
- for write , q in zip ([ write_lifetime , write_mfp , write_occupation ],
- [ 'lifetime' , 'mean_free_path' , 'occupation' ]):
- if write and q in quantities :
- data3 = h5py . File ( ' {} - {} ' . format ( q , filename ), 'w' )
- for q2 in [ q , 'temperature' , 'qpoint' ]:
- data3 . create_dataset ( q2 , np . shape ( data2 [ q2 ]), data = data2 [ q2 ])
- data3 . close ()
- # check mode_kappa and correct for certain phono3py versions
- if 'mode_kappa' in data2 :
- try :
- k = round ( data [ 'kappa' ][ - 1 ][ 0 ], 3 )
- mk = round ( data [ 'mode_kappa' ][ - 1 ][:,:, 0 ] . sum ( axis = 1 ) . sum (), 3 )
- if k != mk :
- raise Exception ( 'The sum of mode_kappa does not equal kappa. \n '
- 'kappa= {:.3f} ; sum(mode_kappa)= {:.3f} .' . format (
- k , mk ))
- except Exception :
- mk2 = np . divide ( data [ 'mode_kappa' ], np . prod ( data [ 'mesh' ][:]))
- k = round ( data [ 'kappa' ][ - 1 ][ 0 ], 3 )
- mk = round ( mk2 [ - 1 ][:,:, 0 ] . sum ( axis = 1 ) . sum (), 3 )
- if k != mk :
- raise Exception ( 'Mode kappa has been divided by the mesh, but '
- 'the sum of mode_kappa does not equal kappa. \n '
- 'kappa= {:.3f} ; sum(mode_kappa)= {:.3f} .' . format (
- k , mk ))
- else :
- data2 [ 'mode_kappa' ] = np . divide ( data2 [ 'mode_kappa' ],
- np . prod ( data [ 'mesh' ][()][:]))
- data . close ()
+ with h5py . File ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
+ data = { 'meta' : { 'kappa_source' : 'phono3py' ,
+ 'units' : {},
+ 'dimensions' : {}}}
+ for q in quantities :
+ q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
+ if q2 in units :
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'units' ][ q2 ] = units [ q2 ]
+ if q2 in dimensions :
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q2 ] = dimensions [ q2 ]
+ if q in derived :
+ continue
+ qs = [ * list ( f ), * list ( derived )]
+ assert q in f , \
+ ' {} unrecognised. Quantity must be in {} or {} .' . format ( q ,
+ ', ' . join ( qs [: - 1 ]), qs [ - 1 ])
+ data [ q2 ] = f [ q ][()]
+ for i , d in enumerate ( dimensions [ q2 ]):
+ if d == 6 :
+ data [ q2 ] = np . moveaxis ( data [ q2 ], i , 0 )
+ data [ q2 ] = [[ data [ q2 ][ 0 ], data [ q2 ][ 5 ], data [ q2 ][ 4 ]],
+ [ data [ q2 ][ 5 ], data [ q2 ][ 1 ], data [ q2 ][ 3 ]],
+ [ data [ q2 ][ 4 ], data [ q2 ][ 3 ], data [ q2 ][ 2 ]]]
+ data [ q2 ] = np . moveaxis ( data [ q2 ], 0 , i + 1 )
+ data [ q2 ] = np . moveaxis ( data [ q2 ], 0 , i + 1 )
+ dimensions [ q2 ][ i ] = 3
+ dimensions [ q2 ] . insert ( i , 3 )
+ # check mode_kappa and correct for certain phono3py versions
+ if 'mode_kappa' in data :
+ try :
+ k = round ( f [ 'kappa' ][()][ - 1 ][ 0 ], 3 )
+ mk = round ( f [ 'mode_kappa' ][()][ - 1 ][:,:, 0 ] . sum ( axis = 1 ) . sum (), 3 )
+ if k != mk :
+ raise ValueError ( 'The sum of mode_kappa does not equal kappa. \n '
+ 'kappa= {:.3f} ; sum(mode_kappa)= {:.3f} .' . format (
+ k , mk ))
+ except ValueError :
+ mk2 = np . divide ( f [ 'mode_kappa' ][()], np . prod ( f [ 'mesh' ][()][:]))
+ k = round ( f [ 'kappa' ][()][ - 1 ][ 0 ], 3 )
+ mk = round ( mk2 [ - 1 ][:,:, 0 ] . sum ( axis = 1 ) . sum (), 3 )
+ if k != mk :
+ raise ValueError ( 'Mode kappa has been divided by the mesh, but '
+ 'the sum of mode_kappa does not equal kappa. \n '
+ 'kappa= {:.3f} ; sum(mode_kappa)= {:.3f} .' . format (
+ k , mk ))
+ else :
+ data [ 'mode_kappa' ] = np . divide ( data [ 'mode_kappa' ],
+ np . prod ( f [ 'mesh' ][()][:]))
+ for c in pconversions :
+ if c in data :
+ data [ c ] = np . multiply ( data [ c ], pconversions [ c ])
+ if 'lifetime' in quantities or 'mean_free_path' in quantities :
+ data [ 'lifetime' ] = tp . calculate . lifetime ( data [ 'gamma' ], use_tprc = False )
+ if 'mean_free_path' in quantities :
+ data [ 'mean_free_path' ] = tp . calculate . mfp ( data [ 'gamma' ],
+ data [ 'group_velocity' ],
+ use_tprc = False )
+ if 'occupation' in quantities :
+ data [ 'occupation' ] = tp . calculate . be_occupation ( data [ 'frequency' ],
+ data [ 'temperature' ],
+ use_tprc = False )
for c in conversions :
- if c in data2 :
- data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], conversions [ c ])
+ if c in data :
+ data [ c ] = np . multiply ( data [ c ], conversions [ c ])
- return data2
+ return data
[docs] def phonopy_dispersion ( filename , xdata = None ):
"""Loads phonopy dispersion, and can scale the x values.
@@ -627,6 +687,9 @@
Source code for tp.data.load
import yaml
+ pconversions = settings . phonopy_conversions ()
+ conversions = settings . conversions ()
# load data
with open ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
@@ -650,11 +713,8 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
else :
d1 = d2
- conversions = settings . phonopy_conversions ()
- if 'frequency' in conversions :
- eigs *= conversions [ 'frequency' ]
units = tp . settings . units ()
+ dimensions = settings . dimensions ()
data2 = { 'x' : x ,
'qpoint' : qp ,
'frequency' : eigs ,
@@ -662,7 +722,16 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
'tick_label' : ticks ,
'meta' :
{ 'phonon_dispersion_source' : 'phonopy' ,
- 'units' : { 'frequency' : units [ 'frequency' ]}}}
+ 'units' : { 'frequency' : units [ 'frequency' ]},
+ 'dimensions' : { 'frequency' : dimensions [ 'frequency' ]}}}
+ for c in pconversions :
+ if c in data2 :
+ data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], pconversions [ c ])
+ for c in conversions :
+ if c in data2 :
+ data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], conversions [ c ])
return data2
@@ -698,14 +767,14 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
# load data
data = np . transpose ( np . loadtxt ( filename ))
+ pconversions = settings . phonopy_conversions ()
+ conversions = settings . conversions ()
units = tp . settings . units ()
+ dimensions = settings . dimensions ()
data2 = { 'frequency' : data [ 0 ],
'meta' : { 'phonon_dos_source' : 'phonopy' ,
- 'units' : { 'frequency' : units [ 'frequency' ]}}}
- conversions = settings . phonopy_conversions ()
- if 'frequency' in conversions :
- data2 [ 'frequency' ] *= conversions [ 'frequency' ]
+ 'units' : { 'frequency' : units [ 'frequency' ]},
+ 'dimensions' : { 'frequency' : dimensions [ 'frequency' ]}}}
if atoms is None :
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Poscar
@@ -738,6 +807,14 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
data2 [ 'total' ] = np . sum ( data [ 1 :], axis = 0 )
+ for c in pconversions :
+ if c in data2 :
+ data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], pconversions [ c ])
+ for c in conversions :
+ if c in data2 :
+ data2 [ c ] = np . multiply ( data2 [ c ], conversions [ c ])
return data2
[docs] def get_path ( yamldata ):
@@ -748,7 +825,7 @@
Source code for tp.data.load
- yamldata : str
+ yamldata : dict
raw phonopy dispersion data (i.e. from yaml.safe_load).
@@ -776,46 +853,30 @@ Source code for tp.data.load
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diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/data/resolve.html b/docs/_modules/tp/data/resolve.html
index b83fbd2..ee35d23 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/data/resolve.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/data/resolve.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
tp.data.resolve — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
tp.data.resolve — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.data.resolve
"""Resolves quantities by temperature and/ or direction.
-Reads specfic named variables. May need to be split by data origin in
+Reads variables and selects specific conditions. Requires
+['meta']['dimensions'] subdictionaries provided by tp load modules.
- resolve:
- currently for Phono3py, AMSET and BoltzTraP.
+ resolve
import numpy as np
import tp.settings
-from tp.data import aniso
+import warnings
+from copy import deepcopy
+[docs] def resolve ( data , quantities , ** kwargs ):
"""Selects particular values of arbitrary quantities.
[docs] def resolve ( data , quantities , temperature = None , direction = None ):
"""Selects temperature and/or direction.
Requires the meta/dimensions dictionaries found in later versions
of tp. Currently cannot accept dictionary keys (e.g. dtype='n') if
they are not in the 0th index.
data : dict
data with meta/dimensions dictionaries and quantities.
quantities : array-like or str
quantities to resolve
temperature : float, optional
temperature to select. Default: None.
direction : str, optional
direction to resolve, accepts x-z/, a-c, average/ avg or
normal/ norm. Default: None.
dimesions to resolve. Rounds to nearest available value.
Common options include:
direction to resolve, accepts x-z/, a-c,
average/ avg or normal/ norm.
n or p
codes from amset, e.g. IMP, or overall
concentration, not to be confused with dtype
@@ -203,108 +123,135 @@
Source code for tp.data.resolve
resolved data.
- data = dict ( data ) # sever the link to enable the original data to be reused
- # variables resolved by temperature and direction
- hast = [ 'average_eff_mass' , 'conductivity' ,
- 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' , 'fermi_level' , 'gamma' ,
- 'heat_capacity' , 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' , 'lifetime' ,
- 'mean_free_path' , 'mode_kappa' , 'occupation' , 'power_factor' ,
- 'seebeck' , 'velocities_product' , 'zt' ]
- iso = { 'average_eff_mass' : aniso . matrix_three ,
- 'conductivity' : aniso . matrix_three ,
- 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' : aniso . matrix_three ,
- 'group_velocity' : aniso . three ,
- 'gv_by_gv' : aniso . three ,
- 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' : aniso . two ,
- 'mean_free_path' : aniso . four ,
- 'mesh' : aniso . one ,
- 'mode_kappa' : aniso . four ,
- 'power_factor' : aniso . matrix_three ,
- 'qpoint' : aniso . two ,
- 'seebeck' : aniso . matrix_three ,
- 'velocities_product' : aniso . matrix_two ,
- 'zt' : aniso . matrix_three }
- # temperature resolution
- if temperature is not None and 'temperature' in data :
- ti = np . abs ( np . array ( data [ 'temperature' ]) - temperature ) . argmin ()
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'temperature' ] = data [ 'temperature' ][ ti ]
- iso [ 'average_eff_mass' ] = aniso . matrix_two
- iso [ 'conductivity' ] = aniso . matrix_two
- iso [ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ] = aniso . matrix_two
- iso [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ] = aniso . one
- iso [ 'mean_free_path' ] = aniso . three
- iso [ 'mode_kappa' ] = aniso . three
- iso [ 'power_factor' ] = aniso . matrix_two
- iso [ 'seebeck' ] = aniso . matrix_two
- iso [ 'velocities_product' ] = aniso . matrix_one
- iso [ 'zt' ] = aniso . matrix_two
- if direction is not None :
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'direction' ] = direction
- # direction resolution
- tnames = tp . settings . to_tp ()
+ data = deepcopy ( data ) # sever the link to enable the original data to be reused
+ if 'meta' not in data or 'dimensions' not in data [ 'meta' ]:
+ raise Exception ( 'data must have a meta subdictionary with a '
+ 'dimensions subdictionary.' )
if isinstance ( quantities , str ):
quantities = quantities . split ()
- quantities2 = []
- for i in quantities :
- if i not in quantities2 :
- quantities2 . append ( i )
- for q in quantities2 :
- q2 = tnames [ q ] if q in tnames else q
- if temperature is not None and q2 in hast :
- data [ q ] = data [ q ][ ti ]
- if direction is not None and q2 in iso :
- data [ q ] = iso [ q2 ]( data [ q ], direction )
+ direction = { 'a' : 0 , 'b' : 1 , 'c' : 2 ,
+ 'x' : 0 , 'y' : 1 , 'z' : 2 }
+ # make sure dictionaries are dealt with first
+ keys , vals = [], []
+ for key , val in kwargs . items ():
+ if isinstance ( val , str ) and key != 'direction' :
+ keys . insert ( 0 , key )
+ vals . insert ( 0 , val )
+ else :
+ keys . append ( key )
+ vals . append ( val )
+ for q in quantities :
+ if q not in data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ]:
+ warnings . warn ( ' {} not in dimensions. Skipping.' . format ( q ))
+ continue
+ for key , val in zip ( keys , vals ):
+ if val is None :
+ continue
+ if key != 'direction' :
+ if key not in data and key not in [ 'dtype' , 'stype' ]:
+ warnings . warn ( ' {} not in data. Skipping.' . format ( key ))
+ continue
+ if key not in data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ]:
+ continue
+ if isinstance ( val , str ):
+ data [ 'meta' ][ key ] = val
+ for i , d in enumerate ( data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ]):
+ if d == key :
+ if i == 0 :
+ del data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ][ i ]
+ data [ q ] = data [ q ][ val ]
+ data [ 'meta' ][ key ] = val
+ break
+ else :
+ warnings . warn ( 'Does not currently work '
+ 'unless strings are in '
+ 'the 0th index.' )
+ break
+ elif isinstance ( val , ( int , float , list , np . ndarray )):
+ if isinstance ( val , ( int , float )):
+ index = np . abs ( np . subtract ( data [ key ], val )) . argmin ()
+ else :
+ index = np . sqrt ( np . sum ( np . square (
+ np . subtract ( data [ key ], val )), axis = 1 )) . argmin ()
+ data [ 'meta' ][ key ] = data [ key ][ index ]
+ for i , d in enumerate ( data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ]):
+ if d == key :
+ del data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ][ i ]
+ data [ q ] = np . moveaxis ( data [ q ], i , 0 )
+ data [ q ] = data [ q ][ index ]
+ data [ 'meta' ][ key ] = data [ key ][ index ]
+ break
+ else : # if key == 'direction':
+ while True :
+ for i , d in enumerate ( data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ]):
+ if d in [ 3 , 6 ]:
+ del data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ][ i ]
+ data [ q ] = np . moveaxis ( data [ q ], i , 0 )
+ if val in direction :
+ data [ q ] = data [ q ][ direction [ val ]]
+ elif val in [ 'avg' , 'average' ]:
+ if len ( data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ]) > i and \
+ data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ][ i ] == 3 :
+ # if this is a 3x3 array
+ del data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ][ i ]
+ data [ q ] = np . moveaxis ( data [ q ], i + 1 , 1 )
+ data [ q ] = np . average ([ data [ q ][ 0 ][ 0 ],
+ data [ q ][ 1 ][ 1 ],
+ data [ q ][ 2 ][ 2 ]],
+ axis = 0 )
+ else :
+ # if this is a 3x1 or 6x1 array
+ data [ q ] = np . average ( data [ q ][: 3 ], axis = 0 )
+ elif val in [ 'norm' , 'normal' ]:
+ if data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ][ i ] == 3 :
+ # if this is a 3x3 array
+ del data [ 'meta' ][ 'dimensions' ][ q ][ i ]
+ data [ q ] = np . moveaxis ( data [ q ], i + 1 , 1 )
+ data [ q ] = np . square ( data [ q ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) \
+ + np . square ( data [ q ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) \
+ + np . square ( data [ q ][ 2 ][ 2 ])
+ data [ q ] = np . sqrt ( data [ q ])
+ else :
+ # if this is a 3x1 or 6x1 array
+ data [ q ] = np . square ( data [ q ][ 0 ]) \
+ + np . square ( data [ q ][ 1 ]) \
+ + np . square ( data [ q ][ 2 ])
+ data [ q ] = np . sqrt ( data [ q ])
+ data [ 'meta' ][ key ] = val
+ break
+ else :
+ break
return data
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diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/data/run.html b/docs/_modules/tp/data/run.html
index a6ef631..751fd97 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/data/run.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/data/run.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
tp.data.run — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
tp.data.run — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.data.run
"""Code running tools.
@@ -172,12 +79,14 @@ Source code for tp.data.run
import numpy as np
+import os
+import shutil
import tp
[docs] def boltztrap ( tmax = 1001 , tstep = 50 , tmin = None , doping = np . logspace ( 18 , 21 , 17 ),
ke_mode = 'boltzmann' , vasprun = 'vasprun.xml' , kpoints = None ,
relaxation_time = 1e-14 , lpfac = 10 , run = True , analyse = True ,
output = 'boltztrap.hdf5' , ** kwargs ):
output = 'boltztrap.hdf5' , run_dir = '.' , clean = False , ** kwargs ):
"""Runs BoltzTraP from a VASP density of states (DoS).
Runs quicker and more robustly than the pymatgen from_files version,
@@ -229,6 +138,10 @@
Source code for tp.data.run
analyse BoltzTraP. Default: True.
output : str, optional
output hdf5 filename. Default: boltztrap.hdf5.
+ run_dir : str, optional
+ path to run boltztrap in. Default: current directory.
+ clean : bool, optional
+ remove boltztrap directory post-run. Default: False.
passed to pymatgen.electronic.structure.boltztrap.BoltztrapRunner.
@@ -296,8 +209,8 @@ Source code for tp.data.run
# check inputs
- for name , value in zip ([ 'run' , 'analyse' ],
- [ run , analyse ]):
+ for name , value in zip ([ 'run' , 'analyse' , 'clean' ],
+ [ run , analyse , clean ]):
assert isinstance ( value , bool ), ' {} must be True or False' . format ( name )
ke_mode = ke_mode . lower ()
@@ -305,6 +218,8 @@ Source code for tp.data.run
assert ke_mode in ke_modes , 'ke_mode must be {} or {} .' . format (
', ' . join ( ke_modes [: - 1 ]), ke_modes [ - 1 ])
+ run_dir = os . path . abspath ( run_dir )
tmax += tstep
tmin = tstep if tmin is None else tmin
temperature = np . arange ( tmin , tmax , tstep )
@@ -319,31 +234,29 @@ Source code for tp.data.run
btr = BoltztrapRunner ( bs , nelect , doping = list ( doping ), tmax = tmax ,
tgrid = tstep , soc = soc , lpfac = lpfac , ** kwargs )
print ( 'Running Boltztrap...' , end = '' )
- btr_dir = btr . run ( path_dir = '.' )
+ btr_dir = btr . run ( path_dir = run_dir )
print ( 'Done.' )
except BoltztrapError :
bs = vr . get_band_structure ( line_mode = True , kpoints_filename = kpoints )
nelect = vr . parameters [ 'NELECT' ]
btr = BoltztrapRunner ( bs , nelect , doping = list ( doping ), tmax = tmax ,
tgrid = tstep , soc = soc , lpfac = lpfac , ** kwargs )
- btr_dir = btr . run ( path_dir = '.' )
+ btr_dir = btr . run ( path_dir = run_dir )
print ( 'Done.' )
Detects whether the BoltzTraP build on this computer writes the
doping concentrations correctly, and if it doesn't, writes them.
- with open ( 'boltztrap/boltztrap.outputtrans' , 'r' ) as f :
+ with open ( os . path . join ( btr_dir , 'boltztrap.outputtrans' ), 'r' ) as f :
line = f . readlines ()[ - 2 ]
if len ( line ) >= 23 and line [: 23 ] == ' Calling FermiIntegrals' :
with open ( os . path . join ( btr_dir , 'boltztrap.outputtrans' ), 'a' ) as f :
for i , x in enumerate ( np . concatenate (( doping , - doping ))):
f . write (
'Doping level number {} n = {} carriers/cm3 \n ' . format ( i , x ))
else :
- btr_dir = 'boltztrap'
+ btr_dir = os . path . join ( run_dir , 'boltztrap' )
if analyse : # run boltztrap from boltztrap directory -> hdf5 file
print ( 'Analysing Boltztrap...' , end = '' )
@@ -398,7 +311,8 @@ Source code for tp.data.run
data [ 'seebeck' ][ d ] = np . multiply ( s [ d ], 1e6 )
data [ 'power_factor' ][ d ] = tp . calculate . power_factor (
data [ 'conductivity' ][ d ],
- data [ 'seebeck' ][ d ])
+ data [ 'seebeck' ][ d ],
+ use_tprc = False )
if ke_mode == 'boltztrap' :
data [ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ][ d ] = \
k [ d ] * relaxation_time \
@@ -416,50 +330,38 @@ Source code for tp.data.run
tp . data . save . hdf5 ( data , output )
+ if clean :
+ shutil . rmtree ( btr_dir )
+ os . remove ( os . path . join ( run_dir , 'boltztrap.out' ))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/data/save.html b/docs/_modules/tp/data/save.html
index 80c13ff..7fb9aec 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/data/save.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/data/save.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
- tp.data.save — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
+ tp.data.save — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.data.save
+"""Utilities to save data
+ phono3py: save calculated properties to hdf5.
+ zt: save zt to hdf5 and highlights to yaml.
+ kappa_target: save kappa to hdf5.
+ cumkappa: save cumkappa to text.
+ hdf5: save nested dictionaries to hdf5 (up to depth 3).
+ prompt: prompt before overwriting input
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d , interp2d
+from sys import exit
+import tp
+import yaml
+[docs] def phono3py ( filename , quantities , output = 'tp-phono3py' , force = False ):
"""Save calculated properties to hdf5.
Also saves dependent properties (temperature etc.) and metadata.
filename : str
quantities : str or list
values to save. Accepts any phonop3y properties, but only
lifetime, mean_free_path and/ or occupation are recommended.
output : str, optional
output filename (no extension). Default: tp-phono3py.
force : bool, optional
force overwrite input file. Default: False.
instead writes to hdf5.
if not force :
prompt ( filename , ' {} .hdf5' . format ( output ))
hdf5 ( tp . data . load . phono3py ( filename , quantities ), ' {} .hdf5' . format ( output ))
+[docs] def zt ( efile , kfile = None , direction = 'avg' , doping = 'n' , tinterp = None ,
dinterp = None , kind = 'linear' , output = 'tp-zt' , force = False ):
"""Save ZT to hdf5 and highlights to yaml.
Also saves temperature and doping and metadata.
efile : str
electronic data filepath.
kfile : str
phononic data filepath.
direction : str, optional
crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg.
Default: average.
doping : str, optional
doping type for BoltzTraP. Must be n or p. Default: n.
tinterp : int, optional
density of interpolation for temperature. None turns it off.
Default: 200.
dinterp : int, optional
density of interpolation for doping. None turns it off.
Default: 200.
kind : str, optional
interpolation kind. Default: linear.
output : str, optional
output filename (no extension). Default: tp-zt.
force : bool, optional
force overwrite input file. Default: False.
instead writes to hdf5, yaml and stdout.
Source code for tp.data.save
-"""Utility to save to hdf5"""
+ if not force :
+ for f in [ efile , kfile ]:
+ prompt ( f , [ ' {} .hdf5' . format ( output ), ' {} .yaml' . format ( output )])
+ try :
+ edata = tp . data . load . amset ( efile )
+ except UnicodeDecodeError :
+ edata = tp . data . load . boltztrap ( efile , doping = doping )
+ equants = [ 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' , 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ]
+ ltc = 'lattice_thermal_conductivity'
+ edata = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( edata , equants , direction = direction )
+ if kfile is not None :
+ kdata = tp . data . load . phono3py ( kfile )
+ kdata = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( kdata , ltc , direction = direction )
+ edata , kdata = tp . calculate . interpolate ( edata , kdata , 'temperature' ,
+ equants , ltc , kind = 'cubic' )
+ edata [ ltc ] = kdata [ ltc ]
+ edata [ 'meta' ][ 'kappa_source' ] = kdata [ 'meta' ][ 'kappa_source' ]
+ else : # if lattice thermal conductivity not supplied, set to 1 W m-1 K-1
+ edata [ ltc ] = np . ones ( len ( edata [ 'temperature' ]))
+ edata [ 'meta' ][ 'kappa_source' ] = 'Set to 1 W m^-1 K^-1'
+ edata = tp . calculate . zt_fromdict ( edata )
+ ztdata = { 'meta' : { ** edata [ 'meta' ],
+ 'original_temperature' : np . array (
+ edata [ 'temperature' ]) . tolist (),
+ 'original_doping' : np . array (
+ edata [ 'doping' ]) . tolist ()}}
+ # interpolation of zt (if applicable)
+ if tinterp is not None or dinterp is not None :
+ if tinterp is None :
+ ztdata [ 'temperature' ] = np . array ( edata [ 'temperature' ]) . tolist ()
+ else :
+ ztdata [ 'temperature' ] = np . linspace ( edata [ 'temperature' ][ 0 ],
+ edata [ 'temperature' ][ - 1 ],
+ tinterp ) . tolist ()
+ if dinterp is None :
+ ztdata [ 'doping' ] = np . array ( edata [ 'doping' ]) . tolist ()
+ else :
+ ztdata [ 'doping' ] = np . geomspace ( edata [ 'doping' ][ 0 ],
+ edata [ 'doping' ][ - 1 ],
+ dinterp ) . tolist ()
+ ztinterp = interp2d ( edata [ 'doping' ], edata [ 'temperature' ], edata [ 'zt' ],
+ kind = kind )
+ ztdata [ 'zt' ] = ztinterp ( ztdata [ 'doping' ],
+ ztdata [ 'temperature' ]) . tolist ()
+ else :
+ ztdata [ 'zt' ] = np . array ( edata [ 'zt' ]) . tolist ()
+ ztdata [ 'temperature' ] = np . array ( edata [ 'temperature' ]) . tolist ()
+ ztdata [ 'doping' ] = np . array ( edata [ 'doping' ]) . tolist ()
+ hdf5 ( ztdata , ' {} .hdf5' . format ( output ))
+ # highlights
+ ydata = { 'meta' : ztdata [ 'meta' ],
+ 'max' : {}}
+ # max zt and corresponding temperature and doping
+ maxindex = np . where ( np . round ( ztdata [ 'zt' ], 10 ) \
+ == np . round ( np . amax ( ztdata [ 'zt' ]), 10 ))
+ ydata [ 'max' ][ 'zt' ] = ztdata [ 'zt' ][ maxindex [ 0 ][ 0 ]][ maxindex [ 1 ][ 0 ]]
+ ydata [ 'max' ][ 'temperature' ] = ztdata [ 'temperature' ][ maxindex [ 0 ][ 0 ]]
+ ydata [ 'max' ][ 'doping' ] = ztdata [ 'doping' ][ maxindex [ 1 ][ 0 ]]
+ # max zt per temperature and corresponding doping
+ maxindices = [( i , np . where ( np . round ( zt , 10 ) \
+ == np . round ( np . amax ( zt ), 10 ))[ 0 ][ 0 ]) \
+ for i , zt in enumerate ( ztdata [ 'zt' ])]
+ ydata [ 'zt' ] = [ ztdata [ 'zt' ][ i ][ j ] for i , j in maxindices ]
+ ydata [ 'temperature' ] = ztdata [ 'temperature' ]
+ ydata [ 'doping' ] = [ ztdata [ 'doping' ][ i ] for _ , i in maxindices ]
+ with open ( ' {} .yaml' . format ( output ), 'w' ) as f :
+ yaml . dump ( ydata , f , default_flow_style = False )
+ print ( 'Max ZT in the {} direction of {:.2f} at {:.0f} K, {:.2e} carriers cm^-3' . format (
+ direction ,
+ ydata [ 'max' ][ 'zt' ],
+ ydata [ 'max' ][ 'temperature' ],
+ ydata [ 'max' ][ 'doping' ]))
-import h5py
-import numpy as np
+ return
[docs] def kappa_target ( filename , zt = 2 , direction = 'avg' , doping = 'n' , tinterp = None ,
dinterp = None , kind = 'linear' , output = 'tp-kappa-target' ,
force = False ):
"""Save target kappa_l to hdf5.
Also saves temperature and doping and metadata.
filename : str
data filepath.
zt : float, optional
target ZT. Default: 2.
direction : str, optional
crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg.
Default: average.
doping : str, optional
doping type for BoltzTraP. Must be n or p. Default: n.
tinterp : int, optional
density of interpolation for temperature. None turns it off.
Default: 200.
dinterp : int, optional
density of interpolation for doping. None turns it off.
Default: 200.
kind : str, optional
interpolation kind. Default: linear.
output : str, optional
output filename (no extension). Default: tp-kappa-target.
force : bool, optional
force overwrite input file. Default: False.
instead writes to hdf5.
if not force :
prompt ( filename , ' {} .hdf5' . format ( output ))
try :
data = tp . data . load . amset ( filename )
except UnicodeDecodeError :
data = tp . data . load . boltztrap ( filename , doping = doping )
data = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( data , [ 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' ,
'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ],
direction = direction )
data [ 'zt' ] = zt
data = tp . calculate . kl_fromdict ( data )
kdata = { 'meta' : { ** data [ 'meta' ],
'original_temperature' : data [ 'temperature' ],
'original_doping' : data [ 'doping' ]}}
# interpolation of kl (if applicable)
if tinterp is not None or dinterp is not None :
if tinterp is None :
kdata [ 'temperature' ] = data [ 'temperature' ]
else :
kdata [ 'temperature' ] = np . linspace ( data [ 'temperature' ][ 0 ],
data [ 'temperature' ][ - 1 ],
tinterp )
if dinterp is None :
kdata [ 'doping' ] = data [ 'doping' ]
else :
kdata [ 'doping' ] = np . geomspace ( data [ 'doping' ][ 0 ],
data [ 'doping' ][ - 1 ], dinterp )
kinterp = interp2d ( data [ 'doping' ], data [ 'temperature' ],
data [ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ], kind = kind )
kdata [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ] = kinterp ( kdata [ 'doping' ],
kdata [ 'temperature' ])
else :
kdata [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ] = \
data [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ]
kdata [ 'temperature' ] = data [ 'temperature' ]
kdata [ 'doping' ] = data [ 'doping' ]
hdf5 ( kdata , ' {} .hdf5' . format ( output ))
[docs] def cumkappa ( filename , mfp = False , temperature = 300 , direction = 'avg' ,
output = 'tp-cumkappa' , extension = 'dat' , force = False ):
"""Saves cumulated lattice thermal conductivity against frequency or mfp.
Saves in normal units and percent to a dat file.
filename : str
data filepath
mfp : bool, optional
calculate against mean free path not frequency. Default: False.
temperature : float or int, optional
temperature in K. Default: 300.
direction : str, optional
crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg.
Default: average.
output : str, optional
output filename (no extension). Default: tp-kappa-target.
extension : str or list, optional
output filetype. Must be dat and/ or csv. Default: dat.
force : bool, optional
force overwrite input file. Default: False.
instead writes to dat.
if isinstance ( extension , str ):
extension = [ extension ]
csv , dat = False , False
for e in extension :
if e == 'csv' :
if not csv :
csv = True
else :
print ( 'Ignoring duplicate extension csv.' )
elif e == 'dat' :
if not dat :
dat = True
else :
print ( 'Ignoring duplicate extension dat.' )
else :
raise Exception ( 'Extension must be dat and/ or csv.' )
quantity = 'mean_free_path' if mfp else 'frequency'
data = tp . data . load . phono3py ( filename , [ 'mode_kappa' , quantity ])
data = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( data , [ 'mode_kappa' , quantity ],
temperature = temperature , direction = direction )
k = np . ravel ( data [ 'mode_kappa' ])
q = np . ravel ( data [ quantity ])
q , k = tp . calculate . cumulate ( q , k )
p = k / np . nanmax ( k ) * 100
units = tp . settings . units ()
header = ' {} ( {} ) cum_kappa_ {d} ( {} ) cum_kappa_ {d} (%)' . format ( quantity ,
units [ quantity ], units [ 'mode_kappa' ], d = direction )
if csv :
np . savetxt ( ' {} .csv' . format ( output ), np . transpose ([ q , k , p ]),
header = header , delimiter = ',' )
if dat :
np . savetxt ( ' {} .dat' . format ( output ), np . transpose ([ q , k , p ]),
header = header , delimiter = ' ' )
[docs] def hdf5 ( data , output ):
"""Saves to hdf5.
@@ -188,67 +427,97 @@
Source code for tp.data.save
instead writes to file.
- datafile = h5py . File ( output , 'w' )
+ with h5py . File ( output , 'w' ) as f :
+ for key in data . keys ():
+ if isinstance ( data [ key ], dict ):
+ group = f . create_group ( key )
+ for k in data [ key ] . keys ():
+ if isinstance ( data [ key ][ k ], dict ):
+ group2 = group . create_group ( k )
+ for k2 in data [ key ][ k ] . keys ():
+ if isinstance ( data [ key ][ k ][ k2 ], list ) and \
+ len ( data [ key ][ k ][ k2 ]) != 0 and \
+ isinstance ( data [ key ][ k ][ k2 ][ 0 ], str ):
+ ds = group2 . create_dataset ( k2 , ( len ( data [ key ][ k ][ k2 ]),),
+ dtype = h5py . string_dtype ())
+ ds = data [ key ][ k ][ k2 ]
+ else :
+ group2 [ k2 ] = data [ key ][ k ][ k2 ]
+ else :
+ group [ k ] = data [ key ][ k ]
+ else :
+ f . create_dataset ( key , np . shape ( data [ key ]), data = data [ key ])
- for key in data . keys ():
- if isinstance ( data [ key ], dict ):
- group = datafile . create_group ( key )
- for k in data [ key ] . keys ():
- if isinstance ( data [ key ][ k ], dict ):
- group2 = group . create_group ( k )
- for k2 in data [ key ][ k ] . keys ():
- group2 [ k2 ] = data [ key ][ k ][ k2 ]
- else :
- group [ k ] = data [ key ][ k ]
- else :
- datafile . create_dataset ( key , np . shape ( data [ key ]), data = data [ key ])
+ return
datafile . close ()
[docs] def prompt ( filename , output ):
"""Prompts before overwrite.
filename : str
input filename.
output : str or list
output filename(s).
if isinstance ( output , str ):
output = [ output ]
if filename in output :
tries = 3
while True :
print ( 'Warning: this will overwrite {} . Continue?' . format ( filename ))
cont = input ( '[y/n]' ) . lower ()
if cont in [ 'y' , 'ye' , 'yes' ]:
print ( 'Continuing...' )
elif cont in [ 'n' , 'no' ]:
print ( 'Aborting!' )
exit ()
else :
tries -= 1
if tries == 2 :
print ( 'Invalid response. 2 tries remain.' )
elif tries == 1 :
print ( 'Invalid response. 1 try remains.' )
else :
print ( 'Invalid response. Aborting!' )
exit ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/colour.html b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/colour.html
index 5abbee5..e613221 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/colour.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/colour.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
tp.plot.colour — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
tp.plot.colour — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.plot.colour
"""Colour scheme and colourmap generators.
@@ -186,6 +93,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.colour
colour converter.
+from wsgiref.simple_server import WSGIRequestHandler
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -257,7 +165,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.colour
cmax2 = np . array ( rgb2array ( cmax , alpha ))
cnorm = ( cmid2 [: 3 ] - cmin2 [: 3 ]) / ( cmax2 [: 3 ] - cmin2 [: 3 ])
# pythagoras
- midpoint = np . sqrt ((( 1 - cnorm [ 0 ]) ** 2 + ( 1 - cnorm [ 1 ]) ** 2 + ( 1 - cnorm [ 2 ]) ** 2 ) / 3 )
+ midpoint = np . sqrt (( cnorm [ 0 ] ** 2 + cnorm [ 1 ] ** 2 + cnorm [ 2 ] ** 2 ) / 3 )
x = [ 0 , midpoint , 1 ]
y = [ cmin2 , cmid2 , cmax2 ]
colours = []
@@ -452,46 +360,30 @@ Source code for tp.plot.colour
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/frequency.html b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/frequency.html
index 45296cf..2e62468 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/frequency.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/frequency.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
tp.plot.frequency — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
tp.plot.frequency — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.plot.frequency
"""Functions which plot phonon frequency on the x-axis.
@@ -185,8 +92,8 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
density of phonon modes for a property vs frequency.
- format_waterfall
- formatting for the waterfall and density plots
+ format_waterfall:
+ formatting for the waterfall and density plots.
import matplotlib as mpl
@@ -205,11 +112,16 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
filename = ' {} /.config/tprc.yaml' . format ( os . path . expanduser ( "~" ))
with open ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
conf = yaml . safe_load ( f )
-except Exception :
+except yaml . parser . ParserError :
+ warnings . warn ( 'Failed to read ~/.config/tprc.yaml' )
+ conf = None
+except FileNotFoundError :
conf = None
-[docs] def add_dos ( ax , data , total = False , main = True , invert = False , scale = False ,
colour = 'tab10' , fill = True , fillalpha = 0.2 , line = True , ** kwargs ):
[docs] def add_dos ( ax , data , projected = True , total = False , totallabel = 'Total' ,
main = True , invert = False , scale = False , colour = 'tab10' ,
totalcolour = None , fill = True , fillalpha = 0.2 , line = True ,
linestyle = '-' , marker = None , ** kwargs ):
"""Adds a phonon density of states (DoS) to a set of axes.
@@ -220,8 +132,13 @@
Source code for tp.plot.frequency
data : dict
DoS data.
+ projected : bool, optional
+ plot atom-projected DoS. Default: True.
total : bool, optional
plot total DoS. Default: False
+ totallabel : str, optional
+ label for the total line. Other labels are taken directly
+ from the input dictionary. Default: Total.
main : bool, optional
set ticks, labels, limits. Default: True.
@@ -233,14 +150,27 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
colour : dict or list or str or colourmap, optional
RGB colours per atom as a dictionary or a list in POSCAR
- order. Can instead provide a colourmap or colourmap name.
- Default: tab10.
+ order, with total as the last colour. Can instead provide a
+ colourmap or colourmap name, which don't include a total
+ colour. If not projected, can specify a single total colour.
+ Total colour is overridden by totalcolour. Default: tab10.
+ totalcolour : str, optional
+ colour for the total line. Overrides specifying as part of
+ colour. Default: black.
fill : bool, optional
fill below lines. Default: True.
fillalpha : float, optional
fill alpha scaled to 0-1. Default: 0.2.
line : bool, optional
plot lines. Default: True.
+ linestyle : dict or list or str, optional
+ linestyle or dictionary of linestyles per atom and total, or
+ list in POSCAR order, with total as the last linestyle.
+ Default: -.
+ marker : dict or list or str or tuple, optional
+ marker or dictionary of markers per atom and total, or list
+ in POSCAR order, with total as the last marker.
+ Default: None.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between.
@@ -273,6 +203,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
[ total , main , invert , scale , fill , line ]):
assert isinstance ( value , bool ), ' {} must be True or False.' . format ( name )
assert fill or line , 'fill or line or both must be True.'
+ assert projected or total , 'projected or total or both must be True.'
assert isinstance ( fillalpha , ( float , int )) and fillalpha >= 0 \
and fillalpha <= 1 , \
'fillalpha must be a float/ integer between 0 and 1.'
@@ -280,11 +211,9 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
# data scaling
data = dict ( data )
- f = data [ 'frequency' ]
- del data [ 'frequency' ]
+ f = data . pop ( 'frequency' )
if 'meta' in data : del data [ 'meta' ]
- if not total :
- del data [ 'total' ]
+ if not total : del data [ 'total' ]
if scale :
axscale = [ 0 , 100 ] if main else None
@@ -292,73 +221,152 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
data = tp . plot . utilities . scale_to_axis ( ax , data , scale = axscale ,
axis = axis )
if total :
- totaldata = data [ 'total' ]
- del data [ 'total' ]
+ totaldata = data . pop ( 'total' )
# colours
- # Tries to read the colour as a colourmap name, then colourmap
+ # If projected, tries to read the colour as a colourmap name, then colourmap
# object, then list of colours, then dictionary, and converts it
- # into a dictionary if necessary.
- if not isinstance ( colour , dict ):
- if not isinstance ( colour , list ):
- try :
- cmap = plt . cm . get_cmap ( colour )( np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , len ( data )))
- except Exception :
- cmap = colour ( np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , len ( data )))
+ # into a dictionary if necessary. If not projected, colour can be a single
+ # colour for the total. The total colour is found first from totalcolour,
+ # otherwise it can be specified in the dictionary under total or as the
+ # last list item, or defaults to black.
+ if not projected :
+ if totalcolour is not None :
+ colour = { 'total' : totalcolour }
+ elif isinstance ( colour , dict ) and 'total' in colour :
+ pass
+ elif isinstance ( colour , list ):
+ if len ( colour ) == 1 :
+ colour = { 'total' : colour [ 0 ]}
+ elif len ( colour ) > len ( data ):
+ colour = { 'total' : colour [ len ( data )]}
else :
- cmap = colour
- colour = {}
+ colour = { 'total' : colour }
+ else :
+ if not isinstance ( colour , dict ):
+ if not isinstance ( colour , list ):
+ try :
+ cmap = plt . cm . get_cmap ( colour )( np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , len ( data )))
+ except ValueError :
+ cmap = colour ( np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , len ( data )))
+ else :
+ cmap = colour
+ colour = {}
+ for i , c in enumerate ( data ):
+ colour [ c ] = cmap [ i ]
+ if len ( cmap ) > len ( data ):
+ colour [ 'total' ] = cmap [ len ( data )]
+ if total and 'total' not in colour :
+ if totalcolour is not None :
+ colour [ 'total' ] = totalcolour
+ else :
+ colour [ 'total' ] = '#000000'
+ markers = {}
+ if isinstance ( marker , ( str , tuple )) or marker is None :
+ if not projected :
+ markers [ 'total' ] = marker
+ else :
+ marker = [ marker ]
+ if isinstance ( marker , list ):
+ while len ( marker ) < len ( data ):
+ marker . append ( marker [ - 1 ])
for i , c in enumerate ( data ):
- colour [ c ] = cmap [ i ]
- if total and 'total' not in colour :
- colour [ 'total' ] = '#000000'
- fillcolour = {}
- for c in colour :
- if isinstance ( colour [ c ], str ):
- colour [ c ] = tp . plot . colour . rgb2array ( colour [ c ])
- if fill :
- fillcolour [ c ] = list ( colour [ c ])
- fillcolour [ c ][ 3 ] = fillalpha
+ markers [ c ] = marker [ i ]
+ if len ( marker ) > len ( data ):
+ markers [ 'total' ] = marker [ len ( data ) + 1 ]
+ elif isinstance ( marker , dict ):
+ markers = marker
+ else :
+ raise Exception ( 'marker must be a dict, list, str, tuple or None' )
+ if total not in markers :
+ markers [ 'total' ] = None
+ linestyles = {}
+ if isinstance ( linestyle , str ):
+ if not projected :
+ linestyles [ 'total' ] = linestyle
+ else :
+ linestyle = [ linestyle ]
+ if isinstance ( linestyle , list ):
+ while len ( linestyle ) < len ( data ):
+ linestyle . append ( linestyle [ - 1 ])
+ for i , c in enumerate ( data ):
+ linestyles [ c ] = linestyle [ i ]
+ if len ( linestyle ) > len ( data ):
+ linestyles [ 'total' ] = linestyle [ len ( data ) + 1 ]
+ if isinstance ( linestyle , dict ):
+ linestyles = linestyle
+ if total not in linestyles :
+ linestyles [ 'total' ] = '-'
# plotting
if total :
if invert :
if fill and line :
- ax . fill_between ( totaldata , f , facecolor = fillcolour [ 'total' ], linewidth = 0 )
- ax . plot ( totaldata , f , label = 'Total' , color = colour [ 'total' ], ** kwargs )
+ ax . fill_between ( totaldata , f , facecolor = colour [ 'total' ],
+ linewidth = 0 , alpha = fillalpha )
+ ax . plot ( totaldata , f , label = totallabel , color = colour [ 'total' ],
+ linestyle = linestyles [ 'total' ], marker = markers [ 'total' ],
+ ** kwargs )
elif fill and not line :
- ax . fill_between ( totaldata , f , label = 'Total' , facecolor = fillcolour [ 'total' ],
- linewidth = 0 )
+ ax . fill_between ( totaldata , f , label = totallabel ,
+ facecolor = colour [ 'total' ], linewidth = 0 ,
+ alpha = fillalpha )
else :
- ax . plot ( totaldata , f , label = 'Total' , color = colour [ 'total' ], ** kwargs )
+ ax . plot ( totaldata , f , label = totallabel , color = colour [ 'total' ],
+ linestyle = linestyles [ 'total' ], marker = markers [ 'total' ],
+ ** kwargs )
else :
- if fill :
- ax . fill_between ( f , totaldata , label = 'Total' , facecolor = fillcolour [ 'total' ],
- linewidth = 0 )
- if line :
- ax . plot ( f , totaldata , label = 'Total' , color = colour [ 'total' ], ** kwargs )
- for key in data :
- if invert :
if fill and line :
- ax . fill_between ( data [ key ], f , facecolor = fillcolour [ key ], linewidth = 0 )
- ax . plot ( data [ key ], f , label = key , color = colour [ key ], ** kwargs )
+ ax . fill_between ( f , totaldata , facecolor = colour [ 'total' ],
+ linewidth = 0 , alpha = fillalpha )
+ ax . plot ( f , totaldata , label = totallabel , color = colour [ 'total' ],
+ linestyle = linestyles [ 'total' ], marker = markers [ 'total' ],
+ ** kwargs )
elif fill and not line :
- ax . fill_between ( data [ key ], f , label = key , facecolor = fillcolour [ key ], linewidth = 0 )
+ ax . fill_between ( f , totaldata , label = totallabel ,
+ facecolor = colour [ 'total' ], linewidth = 0 ,
+ alpha = fillalpha )
else :
- ax . plot ( data [ key ], f , label = key , color = colour [ key ], ** kwargs )
- else :
- if fill and line :
- ax . fill_between ( f , data [ key ], facecolor = fillcolour [ key ], linewidth = 0 )
- ax . plot ( f , data [ key ], color = colour [ key ], label = key , ** kwargs )
- elif fill and not line :
- ax . fill_between ( f , data [ key ], label = key , facecolor = fillcolour [ key ], linewidth = 0 )
+ ax . plot ( f , totaldata , label = totallabel , color = colour [ 'total' ],
+ linestyle = linestyles [ 'total' ], marker = markers [ 'total' ],
+ ** kwargs )
+ if projected :
+ for key in data :
+ if invert :
+ if fill and line :
+ ax . fill_between ( data [ key ], f , facecolor = colour [ key ],
+ linewidth = 0 , alpha = fillalpha )
+ ax . plot ( data [ key ], f , label = key , color = colour [ key ],
+ linestyle = linestyles [ key ], marker = markers [ key ],
+ ** kwargs )
+ elif fill and not line :
+ ax . fill_between ( data [ key ], f , label = key ,
+ facecolor = colour [ key ], linewidth = 0 ,
+ alpha = fillalpha )
+ else :
+ ax . plot ( data [ key ], f , label = key , color = colour [ key ],
+ linestyle = linestyles [ key ], marker = markers [ key ],
+ ** kwargs )
else :
- ax . plot ( f , data [ key ], label = key , color = colour [ key ], ** kwargs )
+ if fill and line :
+ ax . fill_between ( f , data [ key ], facecolor = colour [ key ],
+ linewidth = 0 , alpha = fillalpha )
+ ax . plot ( f , data [ key ], color = colour [ key ], label = key ,
+ linestyle = linestyles [ key ], marker = markers [ key ],
+ ** kwargs )
+ elif fill and not line :
+ ax . fill_between ( f , data [ key ], label = key ,
+ facecolor = colour [ key ], linewidth = 0 ,
+ alpha = fillalpha )
+ else :
+ ax . plot ( f , data [ key ], label = key , color = colour [ key ],
+ linestyle = linestyles [ key ], marker = markers [ key ],
+ ** kwargs )
# axes formatting
@@ -380,43 +388,68 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
-[docs] def add_cum_kappa ( ax , data , temperature = 300 , direction = 'avg' , main = True ,
invert = False , scale = False , colour = '#000000' , fill = False ,
fillcolour = 0.2 , line = True , ** kwargs ):
[docs] def add_cum_kappa ( ax , data , temperature = 300 , direction = 'avg' , label = None ,
main = True , invert = False , scale = False , colour = None ,
fill = False , fillcolour = 0.2 , line = True , linestyle = '-' ,
marker = None , ** kwargs ):
"""Cumulates and plots kappa against frequency.
Can plot data from multiple data dictionaries and directions.
Colour, linestyle etc. are looped, so if you have two datasets and
two directions, but only specify two colours, the first will apply
to the first direction in both datasets, whereas if you want one for
the first dataset and one for the second, you would repeat the first
colour twice and the second twice too.
ax : axes
axes to plot on.
data : dict
Phono3py data including mode_kappa and frequency.
data : dict or list
(list of sets of) Phono3py data including:
temperature : float, optional
temperature in K (finds nearest). Default: 300.
direction : str, optional
direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
average/ avg. Default: average
mode_kappa: array-like
frequency and q-point decomposed lattice thermal
frequency : array-like
temperature : array-like
direction : str or list, optional
(list of) direction(s) from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
average/ avg. Default: average.
label : str, optional
(list of) legend label(s). Defaults to $\mathregular{\kappa_l}$
if there is only one line plotted, or direction if there are
main : bool, optional
set ticks, labels, limits. Default: True.
invert : bool, optional
plot frequency on y axis. Default: False.
scale : bool, optional
if main, scale to percent. If not main, scale to axis
limits. Default: True.
if main, scale to percent, else scale to axis limits.
Default: True.
colour : str, optional
RGB line colour. Default: #000000.
colour : str or list, optional
(list of) RGB line colour(s). Default: default colour cycle.
fill : bool, optional
fill below lines. Default: False.
fillcolour : int or str, optional
fillcolour : int or str or list, optional
if a float from 0-1 and colour in #RRGGBB format, sets
fill colour opacity. Otherwise treats it as a colour.
Default: 0.2.
line : bool, optional
plot lines. Default: True.
linestyle : str or list, optional
(list of) linestyle(s). Default: "-".
marker : str or list, optional
(list of) markers. Default: None.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between
@@ -424,9 +457,8 @@
Source code for tp.plot.frequency
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by
arguments passed to this function.
- Defaults:
+ Default:
- label: $\mathregular{\kappa_l}$
rasterized: False
@@ -438,8 +470,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
# defaults
- defkwargs = { 'label' : '$\mathregular{\kappa_l}$' ,
- 'rasterized' : False }
+ defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : False }
if conf is None or 'frequency_cum_kappa_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf [ 'frequency_cum_kappa_kwargs' ] is None :
@@ -456,79 +487,129 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
# data formatting and calculation
- data = tp . resolve . resolve ( data , 'mode_kappa' , temperature = temperature ,
- direction = direction )
- k = np . ravel ( data [ 'mode_kappa' ])
- f = np . ravel ( data [ 'frequency' ])
+ if isinstance ( direction , str ):
+ direction = [ direction ]
+ if isinstance ( data , dict ):
+ data = [ data ]
+ if colour is None :
+ colour = plt . rcParams [ 'axes.prop_cycle' ] . by_key ()[ 'color' ]
+ elif isinstance ( colour , str ):
+ colour = [ colour ]
+ if fillcolour is None :
+ fillcolour = plt . rcParams [ 'axes.prop_cycle' ] . by_key ()[ 'color' ]
+ elif isinstance ( fillcolour , ( str , float , int )):
+ fillcolour = [ fillcolour ]
+ if isinstance ( linestyle , str ):
+ linestyle = [ linestyle ]
+ if marker is None or isinstance ( marker , str ):
+ marker = [ marker ]
+ if label is None :
+ if len ( data ) == 1 and len ( direction ) == 1 :
+ label = [ '$\mathregular{\kappa_l}$' ]
+ else :
+ label = direction
+ elif isinstance ( label , str ):
+ label = [ label ]
- f , k = tp . calculate . cumulate ( f , k )
- np . savetxt ( 'cumkappa-frequency- {:.0f} K- {} .dat' . format (
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'temperature' ], direction ),
- np . transpose ([ f , k ]), header = 'Frequency(THz) k_l(Wm-1K-1)' )
- f = np . append ( f , 100 * f [ - 1 ])
- k = np . append ( k , k [ - 1 ])
+ fmax , kmax = None , None
+ i = 0
- if scale :
- axscale = [ 0 , 100 ] if main else None
- axis = 'x' if invert else 'y'
- k = tp . plot . utilities . scale_to_axis ( ax , k , scale = axscale , axis = axis )
+ for dat in data :
+ for d in direction :
+ data2 = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( dat , 'mode_kappa' ,
+ temperature = temperature , direction = d )
+ k = np . ravel ( data2 [ 'mode_kappa' ])
+ f = np . ravel ( data2 [ 'frequency' ])
- # colour
- # Tries to read the colour as an rgb code, then alpha value.
- if fill :
- try :
- fillcolour2 = tp . plot . colour . rgb2array ( colour , fillcolour )
- except Exception :
- if isinstance ( colour , list ) and \
- isinstance ( fillcolour , ( float , int )) and fillcolour >= 0 and \
- fillcolour <= 1 :
- fillcolour2 = list ( colour )
- if len ( colour ) == 3 :
- fillcolour2 . append ( fillcolour )
- elif len ( colour ) == 4 :
- fillcolour2 [ 3 ] = fillcolour
- else :
- fillcolour2 = fillcolour
+ f , k = tp . calculate . cumulate ( f , k )
- # plotting
+ if fmax is None or fmax < f [ - 1 ]:
+ fmax = f [ - 1 ]
+ if kmax is None or kmax < k [ - 1 ]:
+ kmax = 100 if main and scale else k [ - 1 ]
- if fill and line :
- if invert :
- ax . plot ( k , f , color = colour , ** kwargs )
- ax . fill_between ( k , f , facecolor = fillcolour2 , linewidth = 0 )
- else :
- ax . plot ( f , k , color = colour , ** kwargs )
- ax . fill_between ( f , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 )
+ f = np . append ( f , 100 * f [ - 1 ])
+ k = np . append ( k , k [ - 1 ])
+ if scale :
+ axscale = [ 0 , 100 ] if main else None
+ axis = 'x' if invert else 'y'
+ k = tp . plot . utilities . scale_to_axis ( ax , k , scale = axscale , axis = axis )
+ colour1 = colour [ i % len ( colour )]
+ fillcolour1 = fillcolour [ i % len ( fillcolour )]
+ linestyle1 = linestyle [ i % len ( linestyle )]
+ marker1 = marker [ i % len ( marker )]
+ label1 = "$ {} $" . format ( label [ i % len ( label )])
+ # colour
+ # Tries to read the colour as an rgb code, then alpha value.
+ if fill :
+ try :
+ fillcolour2 = tp . plot . colour . rgb2array ( colour1 , fillcolour1 )
+ except ValueError :
+ if isinstance ( colour1 , list ) and \
+ isinstance ( fillcolour1 , ( float , int )) and \
+ fillcolour1 >= 0 and fillcolour1 <= 1 :
+ fillcolour2 = colour1
+ if len ( colour1 ) == 3 :
+ fillcolour2 . append ( fillcolour1 )
+ elif len ( colour1 ) == 4 :
+ fillcolour2 [ 3 ] = fillcolour1
+ else :
+ fillcolour2 = fillcolour1
+ # plotting
+ if fill and line :
+ if invert :
+ ax . plot ( k , f , color = colour1 , linestyle = linestyle1 ,
+ marker = marker1 , label = label1 , ** kwargs )
+ ax . fill_between ( k , f , facecolor = fillcolour2 , linewidth = 0 )
+ else :
+ ax . plot ( f , k , color = colour1 , linestyle = linestyle1 ,
+ marker = marker1 , label = label1 , ** kwargs )
+ ax . fill_between ( f , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 )
+ elif fill and not line :
+ if invert :
+ ax . fill_between ( k , f , facecolor = fillcolour2 , ** kwargs )
+ else :
+ ax . fill_between ( f , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 , ** kwargs )
- elif fill and not line :
- if invert :
- ax . fill_between ( k , f , facecolor = fillcolour2 , ** kwargs )
else :
- ax . fill_between ( f , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 , ** kwargs )
+ if invert :
+ ax . plot ( k , f , color = colour1 , linestyle = linestyle1 ,
+ marker = marker1 , label = label1 , ** kwargs )
+ else :
+ ax . plot ( f , k , color = colour1 , linestyle = linestyle1 ,
+ marker = marker1 , label = label1 , ** kwargs )
- else :
- if invert :
- ax . plot ( k , f , color = colour , ** kwargs )
- else :
- ax . plot ( f , k , color = colour , ** kwargs )
+ i += 1
# axes formatting
if main :
if invert :
axlabels = tp . settings . inverted_labels ()
- ax . set_xlabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_kappa' ])
+ if scale :
+ ax . set_xlabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_percent' ])
+ else :
+ ax . set_xlabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_kappa' ])
ax . tick_params ( axis = 'y' , labelleft = False )
- ax . set_xlim ( 0 , k [ - 2 ])
- ax . set_ylim ( 0 , f [ - 2 ])
+ ax . set_xlim ( 0 , kmax )
+ ax . set_ylim ( 0 , fmax )
else :
axlabels = tp . settings . labels ()
- ax . set_ylabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_kappa' ])
+ if scale :
+ ax . set_ylabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_percent' ])
+ else :
+ ax . set_ylabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_kappa' ])
ax . set_xlabel ( axlabels [ 'frequency' ])
- ax . set_ylim ( 0 , k [ - 2 ])
- ax . set_xlim ( 0 , f [ - 2 ])
+ ax . set_ylim ( 0 , kmax )
+ ax . set_xlim ( 0 , fmax )
tp . plot . utilities . set_locators ( ax , x = 'linear' , y = 'linear' )
@@ -552,7 +633,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
y-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
xquantity : str, optional
x-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
@@ -569,10 +650,11 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
invert : bool, optional
invert x- and y-axes. Default: False.
- colour : colourmap or str or array-like, optional
+ colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
colourmap or colourmap name or list of colours (one for
- each band or one for each point) or a single colour.
- Default: viridis.
+ each band or one for each point) or two colours for a linear
+ colourmap or a dictionary with cmin and cmax keys or a
+ single colour. Default: viridis.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.
@@ -633,15 +715,16 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
# colour
# Tries to read as a colourmap name or colourmap object or list of
# colours (of varying formats), one per band, and assigns
- # appropriately. Otherwise leaves as is, which is appropriate for
- # a single colour or colour per point.
+ # appropriately, or just two colours generate a linear colourmap, or
+ # a dictionary with cmin and cmax keys. Otherwise leaves as is,
+ # which is appropriate for a single colour or colour per point.
s = np . shape ( data [ xquantity ])
try :
colour = mpl . cm . get_cmap ( colour )
colours = [ colour ( i ) for i in np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , s [ 1 ])]
colours = np . tile ( colours , ( s [ 0 ], 1 ))
- except Exception :
+ except ValueError :
if isinstance ( colour , mpl . colors . ListedColormap ):
colours = [ colour ( i ) for i in np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , s [ 1 ])]
colours = np . tile ( colours , ( s [ 0 ], 1 ))
@@ -649,12 +732,20 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
colour = tp . plot . colour . skelton ()
colours = [ colour ( i ) for i in np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , s [ 1 ])]
colours = np . tile ( colours , ( s [ 0 ], 1 ))
- elif ( isinstance ( colour , list ) or isinstance ( colour , np . ndarray ) and
- len ( colour ) == s [ 1 ]):
- if np . ndim ( colour ) == 1 :
- colours = np . tile ( colour , s [ 0 ])
- elif np . ndim ( colour ) == 2 :
- colours = np . tile ( colour , ( s [ 0 ], 1 ))
+ elif isinstance ( colour , list ) or isinstance ( colour , np . ndarray ):
+ if len ( colour ) == s [ 1 ]:
+ if np . ndim ( colour ) == 1 :
+ colours = np . tile ( colour , s [ 0 ])
+ elif np . ndim ( colour ) == 2 :
+ colours = np . tile ( colour , ( s [ 0 ], 1 ))
+ elif len ( colour ) == 2 :
+ colour = tp . plot . colour . linear ( cmin = colour [ 0 ], cmax = colour [ 1 ])
+ colours = [ colour ( i ) for i in np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , s [ 1 ])]
+ colours = np . tile ( colours , ( s [ 0 ], 1 ))
+ elif isinstance ( colour , dict ):
+ colour = tp . plot . colour . linear ( ** colour )
+ colours = [ colour ( i ) for i in np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , s [ 1 ])]
+ colours = np . tile ( colours , ( s [ 0 ], 1 ))
else :
colours = colour
@@ -718,8 +809,10 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
invert : bool, optional
invert x- and y-axes. Default: False.
- colour : colormap or str, optional
- colourmap or colourmap name. Default: viridis.
+ colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
+ colourmap or colourmap name or #rrggbb highlight colour or
+ highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary
+ with cmid and cmin and/or cmax keys. Default: viridis.
cmin : float, optional
colour scale minimum. Default: display 99 % data.
cmax : float, optional
@@ -793,20 +886,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
y = np . abs ( np . ravel ( data [ quantity ]))
c = np . abs ( np . ravel ( data [ projected ]))
- # colour
- # Reads a colourmap or colourmap name.
- try :
- cmap = copy ( mpl . cm . get_cmap ( colour ))
- except Exception :
- if isinstance ( colour , mpl . colors . ListedColormap ):
- cmap = copy ( colour )
- elif isinstance ( colour , str ) and colour == 'skelton' :
- cmap = tp . plot . colour . skelton ()
- else :
- raise Exception ( 'Unrecognised colour argument. '
- 'Expected a colourmap or colourmap name.' )
+ cmap = tp . plot . utilities . parse_colours ( colour )
cnorm , extend = tp . plot . utilities . colour_scale ( c , projected , cmap , cmin ,
cmax , cscale , unoccupied )
@@ -870,10 +950,10 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
invert : bool, optional
invert x- and y-axes. Default: False.
- colour : colourmap or str or array-like, optional
- colourmap or colourmap name. A single #rrggbb colour can be
- given to generate a custom uniform colourmap.
- Default: Blues.
+ colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
+ colourmap or colourmap name or #rrggbb highlight colour or
+ highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary
+ with cmid and cmin and/or cmax keys. Default: Blues.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.
@@ -927,25 +1007,11 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
idx = z . argsort ()
x_dens , y_dens , z_dens = x [ idx ], y [ idx ], z [ idx ]
- # colour
- # Tries to read as a colourmap or colourmap name, or uses a single
- # #rrggbb colour as the highlight colour for a tp.plot.colour.uniform.
- try :
- colours = mpl . cm . get_cmap ( colour )
- except Exception :
- if isinstance ( colour , mpl . colors . ListedColormap ):
- colours = colour
- else :
- try :
- colours = tp . plot . colour . uniform ( colour )
- except Exception :
- raise Exception ( 'colour must be a colourmap, colourmap'
- 'name or single #rrggbb colour.' )
+ cmap = tp . plot . utilities . parse_colours ( colour )
# plotting
- ax . scatter ( x_dens , y_dens , c = z_dens , cmap = colour , ** kwargs )
+ ax . scatter ( x_dens , y_dens , c = z_dens , cmap = cmap , ** kwargs )
# axes formatting
@@ -1023,46 +1089,30 @@ Source code for tp.plot.frequency
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/heatmap.html b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/heatmap.html
index d7ff706..9615f06 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/heatmap.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/heatmap.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
- tp.plot.heatmap — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
+ tp.plot.heatmap — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
"""Heatmap plotters.
@@ -180,11 +87,14 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
kappa_l needed to reach a given ZT.
+from copy import copy
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
+import os
import tp
import warnings
+import yaml
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d , interp2d
warnings . filterwarnings ( 'ignore' , module = 'matplotlib' )
@@ -193,13 +103,16 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
filename = ' {} /.config/tprc.yaml' . format ( os . path . expanduser ( "~" ))
with open ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
conf = yaml . safe_load ( f )
-except Exception :
+except yaml . parser . ParserError :
+ warnings . warn ( 'Failed to read ~/.config/tprc.yaml' )
+ conf = None
+except FileNotFoundError :
conf = None
[docs] def add_heatmap ( ax , x , y , c , xinterp = None , yinterp = None , kind = 'linear' ,
xscale = 'linear' , yscale = 'linear' , cscale = 'linear' , xmin = None ,
xmax = None , ymin = None , ymax = None , cmin = None , cmax = None ,
colour = 'viridis' , ** kwargs ):
colour = 'viridis' , undercolour = None , overcolour = None , ** kwargs ):
"""Adds a heatmap to a set of axes.
Formats limits, parses extra colourmap options, makes sure data
@@ -243,9 +156,14 @@
Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
cmax : float, optional
override colour scale maximum. Default: None.
- colour : colourmap or str or array-like, optional
- colourmap or colourmap name; or key RGB colour to generate a
- uniform colour map. Default: viridis.
+ colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
+ colourmap or colourmap name or highlight colour or
+ highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary
+ with mid and min and/or max keys. Default: Blues.
+ undercolour : str or array-like, optional
+ colour for values under cmin. Default: None.
+ overcolour : str or array-like, optional
+ colour for values over cmax. Default: None.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh.
@@ -254,7 +172,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
arguments passed to this function.
- rasterized: False
+ rasterized: True
@@ -265,7 +183,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
# defaults
- defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : False }
+ defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : True }
if conf is None or 'heatmap_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf [ 'heatmap_kwargs' ] is None :
@@ -278,14 +196,14 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
x = np . array ( x )
y = np . array ( y )
c = np . array ( c )
- if xmin is None : xmin = x [ 0 ]
- if xmax is None : xmax = x [ - 1 ]
- if ymin is None : ymin = y [ 0 ]
- if ymax is None : ymax = y [ - 1 ]
+ if xmin is None : xmin = np . nanmin ( x )
+ if xmax is None : xmax = np . nanmax ( x )
+ if ymin is None : ymin = np . nanmin ( y )
+ if ymax is None : ymax = np . nanmax ( y )
xi = np . where (( x >= xmin ) & ( x <= xmax ))[ 0 ]
yi = np . where (( y >= ymin ) & ( y <= ymax ))[ 0 ]
- x = x [ xi ]
y = y [ yi ]
+ x = x [ xi ]
try :
c = c [ np . ix_ ( xi , yi )]
@@ -297,12 +215,12 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
extend = 'neither'
if cmin is None :
- cmin = np . amin ( c )
- elif cmin > np . amin ( c ):
+ cmin = np . nanmin ( c )
+ elif cmin > np . nanmin ( c ):
extend = 'min'
if cmax is None :
- cmax = np . amax ( c )
- elif cmax < np . amax ( c ):
+ cmax = np . nanmax ( c )
+ elif cmax < np . nanmax ( c ):
if extend == 'min' :
extend = 'both'
else :
@@ -317,16 +235,26 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
# #rrggbb colour as the highlight colour for a tp.plot.colour.uniform.
try :
- colours = mpl . cm . get_cmap ( colour )
- except Exception :
+ colours = copy ( mpl . cm . get_cmap ( colour ))
+ except ValueError :
if isinstance ( colour , mpl . colors . ListedColormap ):
colours = colour
+ elif isinstance ( colour , str ):
+ colours = tp . plot . colour . uniform ( colour )
+ elif isinstance ( colour , list ):
+ colours = tp . plot . colour . uniform ( * colour )
+ elif isinstance ( colour , dict ):
+ colours = tp . plot . colour . uniform ( ** colour )
else :
- try :
- colours = tp . plot . colour . uniform ( colour )
- except Exception :
- raise Exception ( 'colour must be a colourmap, colourmap'
- 'name or single #rrggbb colour.' )
+ raise Exception ( 'colour must be a colourmap, colourmap '
+ 'name, single #rrggbb highlight colour or '
+ 'highlight, min, max #rrggbb colours in '
+ 'that order, or a dictionary with mid and '
+ 'min and/or max keys.' )
+ if undercolour is not None :
+ colours . set_under ( undercolour )
+ if overcolour is not None :
+ colours . set_over ( overcolour )
# data interpolation
@@ -338,7 +266,11 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
if yinterp is not None :
if yscale == 'linear' : y = np . linspace ( y [ 0 ], y [ - 1 ], yinterp )
if yscale == 'log' : y = np . geomspace ( y [ 0 ], y [ - 1 ], yinterp )
+ x = np . array ( x )
+ y = np . array ( y )
c = cinterp ( x , y )
+ else :
+ c = np . transpose ( c )
# ensure all data is shown
if len ( x ) == len ( c [ 0 ]):
@@ -355,7 +287,6 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
y . append ( y [ - 1 ] ** 2 / y [ - 2 ])
# plotting
heat = ax . pcolormesh ( x , y , c , cmap = colours , norm = cnorm , ** kwargs )
cbar = plt . colorbar ( heat , extend = extend )
@@ -370,11 +301,10 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
[docs] def add_ztmap ( ax , data , kdata = None , direction = 'avg' , xinterp = 200 ,
yinterp = 200 , kind = 'linear' , xmin = None , xmax = None , ymin = None ,
ymax = None , cmin = None , cmax = None , colour = 'viridis' ,
output = 'zt.hdf5' , ** kwargs ):
ymax = None , cmin = None , cmax = None , colour = 'viridis' , ** kwargs ):
"""Convenience wrapper for plotting ZT heatmaps.
Calculates ZT and writes to hdf5, plots and formats labels etc.
Calculates ZT, plots and formats labels etc.
@@ -390,8 +320,8 @@
Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
temperature. Ignored if zt in data, if not ignored and None,
defaults to 1 at all temperatures.
direction : str, optional
- direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
- average/ avg. Default: average.
+ crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg.
+ Default: average.
xinterp : int, optional
density of interpolation. None turns it off. Default: 200.
@@ -416,12 +346,6 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
colourmap or colourmap name; or key colour or min and max
RGB colours to generate a colour map. Default: viridis.
- output : str, optional
- output filename to write to. Only writes if ZT has been
- within this function. Set to None to not write. Can be
- loaded with h5py.File to put back into this function.
- Default: zt.hdf5.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh.
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
@@ -429,7 +353,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
arguments passed to this function.
- rasterized: False
+ rasterized: True
@@ -437,12 +361,10 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
- import h5py
# defaults
- defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : False }
+ defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : True }
if conf is None or 'ztmap_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf [ 'ztmap_kwargs' ] is None :
@@ -450,61 +372,38 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
else :
kwargs = { ** defkwargs , ** conf [ 'ztmap_kwargs' ], ** kwargs }
+ ltc = 'lattice_thermal_conductivity'
+ equants = [ 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' , 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ]
# data formatting
if 'zt' in data :
- if np . ndim ( data [ 'zt' ]) == 4 :
- data = tp . data . resolve ( data , 'zt' , direction )
- else :
- data = dict ( data )
+ data = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( data , 'zt' , direction )
else :
- if np . ndim ( data [ 'conductivity' ]) == 4 :
- data = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( data , [ 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' ,
- 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ],
- direction = direction )
- else :
- data = dict ( data )
+ data = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( data , equants , direction = direction )
if 'meta' not in data :
data [ 'meta' ] = {}
if kdata is not None :
- kdata = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( kdata ,
- 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ,
- direction = direction )
- # scale to smallest data set (don't extrapolate)
- # interpolation takes care of it if data is smaller than kdata
- tindex = np . where (( data [ 'temperature' ] <= kdata [ 'temperature' ][ - 1 ])
- & ( data [ 'temperature' ] >= kdata [ 'temperature' ][ 0 ]))
- data [ 'temperature' ] = np . array ( data [ 'temperature' ])[ tindex [ 0 ]]
- data [ 'conductivity' ] = np . array ( data [ 'conductivity' ])[ tindex [ 0 ]]
- data [ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ] = \
- np . array ( data [ 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ])[ tindex [ 0 ]]
- data [ 'seebeck' ] = np . array ( data [ 'seebeck' ])[ tindex [ 0 ]]
- kinterp = interp1d ( kdata [ 'temperature' ],
- kdata [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ],
- kind = 'cubic' )
- data [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ] = kinterp ( data [ 'temperature' ])
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'kappa_source' ] = kdata [ 'meta' ][ 'kappa_source' ]
+ kdata = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( kdata , ltc , direction = direction )
+ data , kdata = tp . calculate . interpolate ( data , kdata , 'temperature' ,
+ equants , ltc , kind = 'cubic' )
+ data [ ltc ] = kdata [ ltc ]
else : # if no kappa_lat, set to 1
- data [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ] = np . ones (
- len ( data [ 'temperature' ]))
+ data [ ltc ] = np . ones ( len ( data [ 'temperature' ]))
data [ 'meta' ][ 'kappa_source' ] = 'Set to 1 W m^-1 K^-1'
- data = tp . calculate . zt_fromdict ( data )
- if output is not None :
- tp . data . save . hdf5 ( data , output )
+ data = tp . calculate . zt_fromdict ( data , use_tprc = True )
# plotting
cbar = add_heatmap ( ax , data [ 'temperature' ], list ( np . abs ( data [ 'doping' ])),
- data [ 'zt' ], xinterp = xinterp ,
- yinterp = yinterp , kind = kind , yscale = 'log' , xmin = xmin ,
- xmax = xmax , ymin = ymin , ymax = ymax , cmin = cmin , cmax = cmax ,
- colour = colour , ** kwargs )
+ data [ 'zt' ], xinterp = xinterp , yinterp = yinterp , kind = kind ,
+ yscale = 'log' , xmin = xmin , xmax = xmax , ymin = ymin ,
+ ymax = ymax , cmin = cmin , cmax = cmax , colour = colour ,
+ ** kwargs )
# axes formatting
@@ -518,7 +417,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
[docs] def add_kappa_target ( ax , data , zt = 2 , direction = 'avg' , xinterp = 200 ,
yinterp = 200 , kind = 'linear' , xmin = None , xmax = None ,
ymin = None , ymax = None , cmin = 0 , cmax = None , colour = 'viridis' ,
output = 'target-kl.hdf5' , ** kwargs ):
negativecolour = 'grey' , ** kwargs ):
"""Plots a heatmap of k_latt required for a target ZT
Calculates lattice thermal conductivity, plots and formats labels
@@ -536,8 +435,8 @@
Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
zt : float, optional
target ZT. Default: 2.
direction : str, optional
- direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
- average/ avg. Default: average.
+ crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg.
+ Default: average.
xinterp : int, optional
density of interpolation. None turns it off. Default: 200.
@@ -561,10 +460,8 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
colour : colourmap or str or array-like, optional
colourmap or colourmap name; or key colour or min and max
RGB colours to generate a colour map. Default: viridis.
- output : str, optional
- output filename to write to. Set to None to not write.
- Default: target-kl.hdf5.
+ negativecolour : str or array-like, optional
+ colour for values under cmin. Default: grey.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh.
@@ -573,7 +470,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
arguments passed to this function.
- rasterized: False
+ rasterized: True
@@ -584,7 +481,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
# defaults
- defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : False }
+ defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : True }
if conf is None or 'kappa_target_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf [ 'kappa_target_kwargs' ] is None :
@@ -592,77 +489,58 @@ Source code for tp.plot.heatmap
else :
kwargs = { ** defkwargs , ** conf [ 'kappa_target_kwargs' ], ** kwargs }
+ ltc = 'lattice_thermal_conductivity'
+ equants = [ 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' , 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ]
# data formatting
- data = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( data , [ 'conductivity' , 'seebeck' ,
- 'electronic_thermal_conductivity' ],
- direction = direction )
+ data = tp . data . resolve . resolve ( data , equants , direction = direction )
data [ 'zt' ] = zt
- data = tp . calculate . kl_fromdict ( data )
- if output is not None :
- tp . data . save . hdf5 ( data , output )
+ data = tp . calculate . kl_fromdict ( data , use_tprc = False )
# plotting
cbar = add_heatmap ( ax , data [ 'temperature' ], list ( np . abs ( data [ 'doping' ])),
- data [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ],
- xinterp = xinterp , yinterp = yinterp , kind = kind ,
+ data [ ltc ], xinterp = xinterp , yinterp = yinterp , kind = kind ,
yscale = 'log' , xmin = xmin , xmax = xmax , ymin = ymin ,
- ymax = ymax , cmin = cmin , cmax = cmax , colour = colour , ** kwargs )
+ ymax = ymax , cmin = cmin , cmax = cmax , colour = colour ,
+ undercolour = negativecolour , ** kwargs )
# axes formatting
labels = tp . settings . labels ()
ax . set_xlabel ( labels [ 'temperature' ])
ax . set_ylabel ( labels [ 'doping' ])
- cbar . set_label ( labels [ 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' ])
+ cbar . set_label ( labels [ ltc ])
return cbar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/mfp.html b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/mfp.html
index 2492053..54956ae 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/mfp.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/mfp.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
- tp.plot.mfp — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
+ tp.plot.mfp — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.plot.mfp
"""Function for plotting mean free path on the x-axis.
@@ -178,8 +85,10 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
+import os
import tp.settings
import warnings
+import yaml
from tp.data import resolve
warnings . filterwarnings ( 'ignore' , module = 'matplotlib' )
@@ -188,23 +97,33 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
filename = ' {} /.config/tprc.yaml' . format ( os . path . expanduser ( "~" ))
with open ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
conf = yaml . safe_load ( f )
-except Exception :
+except yaml . parser . ParserError :
+ warnings . warn ( 'Failed to read ~/.config/tprc.yaml' )
+ conf = None
+except FileNotFoundError :
conf = None
[docs] def add_cum_kappa ( ax , data , kmin = 1 , temperature = 300 , direction = 'avg' ,
xmarkers = None , ymarkers = None , add_xticks = False ,
add_yticks = False , main = True , scale = False , colour = '#000000' ,
fill = False , fillcolour = 0.2 , line = True , markerkwargs = {},
** kwargs ):
label = None , xmarkers = None , ymarkers = None , add_xticks = False ,
add_yticks = False , main = True , scale = False , colour = None ,
fill = False , fillcolour = 0.2 , line = True , linestyle = '-' ,
marker = None , markerkwargs = {}, ** kwargs ):
"""Cumulates and plots kappa against mean free path.
Can plot data from multiple data dictionaries and directions.
Colour, linestyle etc. are looped, so if you have two datasets and
two directions, but only specify two colours, the first will apply
to the first direction in both datasets, whereas if you want one for
the first dataset and one for the second, you would repeat the first
colour twice and the second twice too.
ax : axes
axes to plot on.
data : dict
Phono3py-like data including:
(list of sets of) Phono3py data including:
mode_kappa: array-like
frequency and q-point decomposed lattice thermal
@@ -220,8 +139,12 @@
Source code for tp.plot.mfp
temperature : float, optional
temperature in K (finds nearest). Default: 300.
direction : str, optional
- direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
- average/ avg. Default: average
+ (list of) direction(s) from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
+ average/ avg. Default: average.
+ label : str, optional
+ (list of) legend label(s). Defaults to $\mathregular{\kappa_l}$
+ if there is only one line plotted, or direction if there are
+ more.
xmarkers : array-like, optional
mark kappa at certain mean free paths.
@@ -240,16 +163,20 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
if main, scale to percent. If not main, scale to axis
limits. Default: False.
- colour : str, optional
- #RRGGBB line colour. Default: #000000.
+ colour : str or list, optional
+ (list of) RGB line colour(s). Default: default colour cycle.
fill : bool, optional
fill below lines. Default: False.
- fillcolour : int or str, optional
+ fillcolour : int or str or list, optional
if a float from 0-1 and colour in #RRGGBB format, sets
fill colour opacity. Otherwise treats it as a colour.
Default: 0.2.
line : bool, optional
plot lines. Default: True.
+ linestyle : str or list, optional
+ (list of) linestyle(s). Default: "-".
+ marker : str or list, optional
+ (list of) markers. Default: None.
markerkwargs : dict, optional
keyword arguments for the markers, passed to
@@ -268,9 +195,8 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by
arguments passed to this function.
- Defaults:
+ Default:
- label: $\mathregular{\kappa_l}$
rasterized: False
@@ -284,8 +210,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
# defaults
- defkwargs = { 'label' : '$\mathregular{\kappa_l}$' ,
- 'rasterized' : False }
+ defkwargs = { 'rasterized' : False }
if conf is None or 'mfp_cum_kappa_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf [ 'mfp_cum_kappa_kwargs' ] is None :
@@ -304,73 +229,130 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
# data formatting and calculation
- data = resolve . resolve ( data , [ 'mode_kappa' , 'mean_free_path' ],
- temperature = temperature , direction = direction )
- k = np . ravel ( data [ 'mode_kappa' ])
- mfp = np . abs ( np . ravel ( data [ 'mean_free_path' ]))
- mfp , k = cumulate ( mfp , k )
- np . savetxt ( 'cumkappa-mfp- {:.0f} K- {} .dat' . format (
- data [ 'meta' ][ 'temperature' ], direction ),
- np . transpose ([ mfp , k ]), header = 'mfp(m) k_l(Wm-1K-1)' )
- mfp = np . append ( mfp , 100 * mfp [ - 1 ])
- k = np . append ( k , k [ - 1 ])
- # percentage output
- if scale :
- axscale = [ 0 , 100 ] if main else None
- k , _ = tp . plot . utilities . scale_to_axis ( ax , k , scale = axscale )
- # colour
- # Tries to read the colour as an rgb code, then alpha value.
- if fill :
- try :
- fillcolour2 = tp . plot . colour . rgb2array ( colour , fillcolour )
- except Exception :
- if isinstance ( colour , list ) and \
- isinstance ( fillcolour , ( float , int )) and fillcolour >= 0 and \
- fillcolour <= 1 :
- fillcolour2 = list ( colour )
- if len ( colour ) == 3 :
- fillcolour2 . append ( fillcolour )
- elif len ( colour ) == 4 :
- fillcolour2 [ 3 ] = fillcolour
+ if isinstance ( direction , str ):
+ direction = [ direction ]
+ if isinstance ( data , dict ):
+ data = [ data ]
+ if colour is None :
+ colour = plt . rcParams [ 'axes.prop_cycle' ] . by_key ()[ 'color' ]
+ elif isinstance ( colour , str ):
+ colour = [ colour ]
+ if fillcolour is None :
+ fillcolour = plt . rcParams [ 'axes.prop_cycle' ] . by_key ()[ 'color' ]
+ elif isinstance ( fillcolour , ( str , float , int )):
+ fillcolour = [ fillcolour ]
+ if isinstance ( linestyle , str ):
+ linestyle = [ linestyle ]
+ if marker is None or isinstance ( marker , str ):
+ marker = [ marker ]
+ if label is None :
+ if len ( data ) == 1 and len ( direction ) == 1 :
+ label = [ '$\mathregular{\kappa_l}$' ]
+ else :
+ label = direction
+ elif isinstance ( label , str ):
+ label = [ label ]
+ mfpmin , mfpmax , kmax = None , None , None
+ xticks , yticks = [], []
+ i = 0
+ for dat in data :
+ for d in direction :
+ data2 = resolve . resolve ( dat , [ 'mode_kappa' , 'mean_free_path' ],
+ temperature = temperature , direction = d )
+ k = np . ravel ( data2 [ 'mode_kappa' ])
+ mfp = np . abs ( np . ravel ( data2 [ 'mean_free_path' ]))
+ mfp , k = cumulate ( mfp , k )
+ mindex = next ( x [ 0 ] for x in enumerate ( np . ma . masked_invalid ( k ) . compressed ()) if x [ 1 ] > kmin * k [ - 1 ] / 100 )
+ if mfpmin is None or mfpmin > mfp [ mindex ]:
+ mfpmin = mfp [ mindex ]
+ if mfpmax is None or mfpmax < mfp [ - 1 ]:
+ mfpmax = np . nanmax ( mfp )
+ if kmax is None or kmax < k [ - 1 ]:
+ kmax = 100 if main and scale else np . nanmax ( k [ - 1 ])
+ mfp = np . append ( mfp , 100 * mfp [ - 1 ])
+ k = np . append ( k , k [ - 1 ])
+ # percentage output
+ if scale :
+ axscale = [ 0 , 100 ] if main else None
+ k = tp . plot . utilities . scale_to_axis ( ax , k , scale = axscale )
+ colour1 = colour [ i % len ( colour )]
+ fillcolour1 = fillcolour [ i % len ( fillcolour )]
+ linestyle1 = linestyle [ i % len ( linestyle )]
+ marker1 = marker [ i % len ( marker )]
+ if label is not None :
+ label1 = "$ {} $" . format ( label [ i % len ( label )])
else :
- fillcolour2 = colour
- # plotting
+ label1 = None
+ # colour
+ # Tries to read the colour as an rgb code, then alpha value.
+ if fill :
+ try :
+ fillcolour2 = tp . plot . colour . rgb2array ( colour1 , fillcolour1 )
+ except ValueError :
+ if isinstance ( colour1 , list ) and \
+ isinstance ( fillcolour1 , ( float , int )) and \
+ fillcolour1 >= 0 and fillcolour1 <= 1 :
+ fillcolour2 = colour1
+ if len ( colour1 ) == 3 :
+ fillcolour2 . append ( fillcolour1 )
+ elif len ( colour1 ) == 4 :
+ fillcolour2 [ 3 ] = fillcolour1
+ else :
+ fillcolour2 = fillcolour1
+ # plotting
+ if fill and line :
+ ax . plot ( mfp , k , color = colour1 , linestyle = linestyle1 ,
+ marker = marker1 , label = label1 , ** kwargs )
+ ax . fill_between ( mfp , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 , edgecolor = colour )
+ elif fill and not line :
+ ax . fill_between ( mfp , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 , ** kwargs )
- if fill and line :
- ax . plot ( mfp , k , color = colour , ** kwargs )
- ax . fill_between ( mfp , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 , edgecolor = colour )
+ else :
+ ax . plot ( mfp , k , color = colour1 , linestyle = linestyle1 ,
+ marker = marker1 , label = label1 , ** kwargs )
- elif fill and not line :
- ax . fill_between ( mfp , k , facecolor = fillcolour2 , ** kwargs )
+ if xmarkers is not None or ymarkers is not None :
+ xtick , ytick = add_markers ( ax , mfp , k , xmarkers , ymarkers ,
+ ** markerkwargs )
+ xticks . append ( xtick )
+ yticks . append ( ytick )
- else :
- ax . plot ( mfp , k , color = colour , ** kwargs )
+ i += 1
# axes formatting
if main :
- mindex = next ( x [ 0 ] for x in enumerate ( k ) if x [ 1 ] > kmin * k [ - 2 ] / 100 )
axlabels = tp . settings . labels ()
- ax . set_ylabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_kappa' ])
+ if scale :
+ ax . set_ylabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_percent' ])
+ else :
+ ax . set_ylabel ( axlabels [ 'cumulative_kappa' ])
ax . set_xlabel ( axlabels [ 'mean_free_path' ])
- ax . set_ylim ( 0 , k [ - 2 ])
- ax . set_xlim ( mfp [ mindex ], mfp [ - 2 ])
+ ax . set_ylim ( 0 , kmax )
+ ax . set_xlim ( mfpmin , mfpmax )
tp . plot . utilities . set_locators ( ax , x = 'log' , y = 'linear' )
- if xmarkers is not None or ymarkers is not None :
- add_markers ( ax , mfp , k , xmarkers , ymarkers , add_xticks , add_yticks ,
- ** markerkwargs )
+ if add_xticks :
+ ax . set_xticks ( np . append ( ax . get_xticks (), xticks ))
+ if add_yticks :
+ ax . set_yticks ( np . append ( ax . get_yticks (), yticks ))
-[docs] def add_markers ( ax , x , y , xmarkers = None , ymarkers = None , add_xticks = False ,
add_yticks = False , ** kwargs ):
[docs] def add_markers ( ax , x , y , xmarkers = None , ymarkers = None , ** kwargs ):
"""Adds marker lines linking a linear plot to the axes.
@@ -387,12 +369,6 @@
Source code for tp.plot.mfp
where on the x axis to mark.
ymarkers : array-like, int or float, optional
where on the y axis to mark.
- add_xticks : bool, optional
- add x_ticks for each marker. Doesn't work on log axes.
- Default: False.
- add_yticks : bool, optional
- add y_ticks for each marker. Doesn't work on log axes.
- Default: False.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot.
@@ -408,8 +384,10 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
- None
- adds plot directly to ax.
+ list
+ added x locations.
+ list
+ added y locations.
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
@@ -426,12 +404,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
else :
kwargs = { ** defkwargs , ** conf [ 'marker_kwargs' ], ** kwargs }
- # get limits
- xlim = ax . get_xlim ()
- ylim = ax . get_ylim ()
- xticks = ax . get_xticks ()
- yticks = ax . get_yticks ()
+ xticks , yticks = [], []
# plot x
@@ -442,8 +415,8 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
for m in range ( len ( xmarkers )):
ax . plot ([ xmarkers [ m ], xmarkers [ m ], 0 ],
[ 0 , xmarky [ m ], xmarky [ m ]], ** kwargs )
- xticks = np . append ( xticks , xmarkers )
- yticks = np . append ( yticks , xmarky )
+ xticks . append ( xmarkers )
+ yticks . append ( xmarky )
# plot y
@@ -454,58 +427,37 @@ Source code for tp.plot.mfp
for m in range ( len ( ymarkers )):
ax . plot ([ ymarkx [ m ], ymarkx [ m ], 0 ],
[ 0 , ymarkers [ m ], ymarkers [ m ]], ** kwargs )
- yticks = np . append ( yticks , ymarkers )
- xticks = np . append ( xticks , ymarkx )
+ yticks . append ( ymarkers )
+ xticks . append ( ymarkx )
- if add_xticks :
- ax . set_xticks ( xticks )
- if add_yticks :
- ax . set_yticks ( yticks )
- return
+ return xticks , yticks
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/phonons.html b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/phonons.html
index d9ad9e4..d7e7f98 100644
--- a/docs/_modules/tp/plot/phonons.html
+++ b/docs/_modules/tp/plot/phonons.html
@@ -1,72 +1,30 @@
- tp.plot.phonons — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
+ tp.plot.phonons — ThermoPlotter 1.0.0 documentation
Source code for tp.plot.phonons
"""Tools for dealing with phonon dispersions.
@@ -207,12 +114,15 @@ Source code for tp.plot.phonons
filename = ' {} /.config/tprc.yaml' . format ( os . path . expanduser ( "~" ))
with open ( filename , 'r' ) as f :
conf = yaml . safe_load ( f )
-except Exception :
+except yaml . parser . ParserError :
+ warnings . warn ( 'Failed to read ~/.config/tprc.yaml' )
+ conf = None
+except FileNotFoundError :
conf = None
[docs] def add_dispersion ( ax , data , sdata = None , bandmin = None , bandmax = None , main = True ,
label = None , colour = '#800080' , linestyle = 'solid' ,
xmarkkwargs = {}, ** kwargs ):
marker = None , xmarkkwargs = {}, ** kwargs ):
"""Adds a phonon band structure to a set of axes.
Labels, colours and linestyles can be given one for the whole
@@ -256,6 +166,8 @@
Source code for tp.plot.phonons
Default: #800080.
linestyle : str or array-like, optional
linestyle(s) ('-', '--', '.-', ':'). Default: solid.
+ marker : str or array-like, optional
+ marker(s). Default: None.
xmarkkwargs : dict, optional
keyword arguments for x markers passed to
@@ -315,9 +227,9 @@ Source code for tp.plot.phonons
colour = tile_properties ( colour , bandmin , bandmax )
linestyle = tile_properties ( linestyle , bandmin , bandmax )
+ marker = tile_properties ( marker , bandmin , bandmax )
# prevents unintentionally repeated legend entries
label2 = []
if isinstance ( label , str ):
label2 . extend ([ '$\mathregular{{ {} }}$' . format ( label )])
@@ -349,7 +261,7 @@ Source code for tp.plot.phonons
for n in range ( len ( f [ 0 ])):
ax . plot ( x , f [:, n ], color = colour [ n ], linestyle = linestyle [ n ],
- label = label2 [ n ], ** kwargs )
+ marker = marker [ n ], label = label2 [ n ], ** kwargs )
# axes formatting
@@ -362,7 +274,8 @@ Source code for tp.plot.phonons
[docs] def add_multi ( ax , data , bandmin = None , bandmax = None , main = True , label = None ,
colour = 'winter_r' , linestyle = 'solid' , xmarkkwargs = {}, ** kwargs ):
colour = 'winter_r' , linestyle = 'solid' , marker = None ,
xmarkkwargs = {}, ** kwargs ):
"""Adds multiple phonon band structures to a set of axes.
Scales the x-scales to match.
@@ -394,12 +307,17 @@
Source code for tp.plot.phonons
label : array-like, optional
legend labels. Default: None
- colour : colourmap or str or array-like, optional
- colourmap or colourmap name or list of colours. Note [r,g,b]
- format colours should be enclosed in and additional [],
- i.e. [[[r,g,b]],...]. Default: winter_r.
+ colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
+ colourmap or colourmap name or list of colours, one for each
+ dispersion or a min and max colour to generate a linear
+ colourmap between or a dictionary with cmin and cmax
+ keys. Note [r,g,b] format colours should be enclosed in
+ and additional [], i.e. [[[r,g,b]],...].
+ Default: winter_r.
linestyle : str or array-like, optional
linestyle(s) ('-', '--', '.-', ':'). Default: solid.
+ marker : str or array-like, optional
+ marker(s). Default: None.
xmarkkwargs : dict, optional
keyword arguments for x markers passed to
@@ -448,12 +366,18 @@ Source code for tp.plot.phonons