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Tutorial 1: Learn about Configs

We use python files as configs. You can find all the provided configs under $MMAction2/configs.

Config File Naming Convention

We follow the style below to name config files. Contributors are advised to follow the same style.

{model}_[model setting]_{backbone}_[misc]_{data setting}_[gpu x batch_per_gpu]_{schedule}_{dataset}_{modality}

{xxx} is required field and [yyy] is optional.

  • {model}: model type, e.g. tsn, i3d, etc.
  • [model setting]: specific setting for some models.
  • {backbone}: backbone type, e.g. r50 (ResNet-50), etc.
  • [misc]: miscellaneous setting/plugins of model, e.g. dense, 320p, video, etc.
  • {data setting}: frame sample setting in {clip_len}x{frame_interval}x{num_clips} format.
  • [gpu x batch_per_gpu]: GPUs and samples per GPU.
  • {schedule}: training schedule, e.g. 20e means 20 epochs.
  • {dataset}: dataset name, e.g. kinetics400, mmit, etc.
  • {modality}: frame modality, e.g. rgb, flow, etc.

Config File Structure

Please refer to the corresponding pages for config file structure for different tasks.

Config System for Action localization

We incorporate modular design into our config system, which is convenient to conduct various experiments.

  • An Example of BMN

    To help the users have a basic idea of a complete config structure and the modules in an action localization system, we make brief comments on the config of BMN as the following. For more detailed usage and alternative for per parameter in each module, please refer to the API documentation.

    # model settings
    model = dict(  # Config of the model
        type='BMN',  # Type of the localizer
        temporal_dim=100,  # Total frames selected for each video
        boundary_ratio=0.5,  # Ratio for determining video boundaries
        num_samples=32,  # Number of samples for each proposal
        num_samples_per_bin=3,  # Number of bin samples for each sample
        feat_dim=400,  # Dimension of feature
        soft_nms_alpha=0.4,  # Soft NMS alpha
        soft_nms_low_threshold=0.5,  # Soft NMS low threshold
        soft_nms_high_threshold=0.9,  # Soft NMS high threshold
        post_process_top_k=100)  # Top k proposals in post process
    # model training and testing settings
    train_cfg = None  # Config of training hyperparameters for BMN
    test_cfg = dict(average_clips='score')  # Config for testing hyperparameters for BMN
    # dataset settings
    dataset_type = 'ActivityNetDataset'  # Type of dataset for training, valiation and testing
    data_root = 'data/activitynet_feature_cuhk/csv_mean_100/'  # Root path to data for training
    data_root_val = 'data/activitynet_feature_cuhk/csv_mean_100/'  # Root path to data for validation and testing
    ann_file_train = 'data/ActivityNet/anet_anno_train.json'  # Path to the annotation file for training
    ann_file_val = 'data/ActivityNet/anet_anno_val.json'  # Path to the annotation file for validation
    ann_file_test = 'data/ActivityNet/anet_anno_test.json'  # Path to the annotation file for testing
    train_pipeline = [  # List of training pipeline steps
        dict(type='LoadLocalizationFeature'),  # Load localization feature pipeline
        dict(type='GenerateLocalizationLabels'),  # Generate localization labels pipeline
        dict(  # Config of Collect
            type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the localizer
            keys=['raw_feature', 'gt_bbox'],  # Keys of input
            meta_name='video_meta',  # Meta name
            meta_keys=['video_name']),  # Meta keys of input
        dict(  # Config of ToTensor
            type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
            keys=['raw_feature']),  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
        dict(  # Config of ToDataContainer
            type='ToDataContainer',  # Pipeline to convert the data to DataContainer
            fields=[dict(key='gt_bbox', stack=False, cpu_only=True)])  # Required fields to be converted with keys and attributes
    val_pipeline = [  # List of validation pipeline steps
        dict(type='LoadLocalizationFeature'),  # Load localization feature pipeline
        dict(type='GenerateLocalizationLabels'),  # Generate localization labels pipeline
        dict(  # Config of Collect
            type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the localizer
            keys=['raw_feature', 'gt_bbox'],  # Keys of input
            meta_name='video_meta',  # Meta name
                'video_name', 'duration_second', 'duration_frame', 'annotations',
            ]),  # Meta keys of input
        dict(  # Config of ToTensor
            type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
            keys=['raw_feature']),  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
        dict(  # Config of ToDataContainer
            type='ToDataContainer',  # Pipeline to convert the data to DataContainer
            fields=[dict(key='gt_bbox', stack=False, cpu_only=True)])  # Required fields to be converted with keys and attributes
    test_pipeline = [  # List of testing pipeline steps
        dict(type='LoadLocalizationFeature'),  # Load localization feature pipeline
        dict(  # Config of Collect
            type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the localizer
            keys=['raw_feature'],  # Keys of input
            meta_name='video_meta',  # Meta name
                'video_name', 'duration_second', 'duration_frame', 'annotations',
            ]),  # Meta keys of input
        dict(  # Config of ToTensor
            type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
            keys=['raw_feature']),  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
    data = dict(  # Config of data
        videos_per_gpu=8,  # Batch size of each single GPU
        workers_per_gpu=8,  # Workers to pre-fetch data for each single GPU
        train_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of train dataloader
            drop_last=True),  # Whether to drop out the last batch of data in training
        val_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of validation dataloader
            videos_per_gpu=1),  # Batch size of each single GPU during evaluation
        test_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of test dataloader
            videos_per_gpu=2),  # Batch size of each single GPU during testing
        test=dict(  # Testing dataset config
        val=dict(  # Validation dataset config
        train=dict(  # Training dataset config
    # optimizer
    optimizer = dict(
        # Config used to build optimizer, support (1). All the optimizers in PyTorch
        # whose arguments are also the same as those in PyTorch. (2). Custom optimizers
        # which are builed on `constructor`, referring to "tutorials/"
        # for implementation.
        type='Adam',  # Type of optimizer, refer to for more details
        lr=0.001,  # Learning rate, see detail usages of the parameters in the documentaion of PyTorch
        weight_decay=0.0001)  # Weight decay of Adam
    optimizer_config = dict(  # Config used to build the optimizer hook
        grad_clip=None)  # Most of the methods do not use gradient clip
    # learning policy
    lr_config = dict(  # Learning rate scheduler config used to register LrUpdater hook
        policy='step',  # Policy of scheduler, also support CosineAnnealing, Cyclic, etc. Refer to details of supported LrUpdater from
        step=7)  # Steps to decay the learning rate
    total_epochs = 9  # Total epochs to train the model
    checkpoint_config = dict(  # Config to set the checkpoint hook, Refer to for implementation
        interval=1)  # Interval to save checkpoint
    evaluation = dict(  # Config of evaluation during training
        interval=1,  # Interval to perform evaluation
        metrics=['AR@AN'])  # Metrics to be performed
    log_config = dict(  # Config to register logger hook
        interval=50,  # Interval to print the log
        hooks=[  # Hooks to be implemented during training
            dict(type='TextLoggerHook'),  # The logger used to record the training process
            # dict(type='TensorboardLoggerHook'),  # The Tensorboard logger is also supported
    # runtime settings
    dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')  # Parameters to setup distributed training, the port can also be set
    log_level = 'INFO'  # The level of logging
    work_dir = './work_dirs/bmn_400x100_2x8_9e_activitynet_feature/'  # Directory to save the model checkpoints and logs for the current experiments
    load_from = None  # load models as a pre-trained model from a given path. This will not resume training
    resume_from = None  # Resume checkpoints from a given path, the training will be resumed from the epoch when the checkpoint's is saved
    workflow = [('train', 1)]  # Workflow for # runner. [('train', 1)] means there is only one workflow and the workflow named 'train' is executed once
    output_config = dict(  # Config of localization ouput
        out=f'{work_dir}/results.json',  # Path to output file
        output_format='json')  # File format of output file

Config System for Action Recognition

We incorporate modular design into our config system, which is convenient to conduct various experiments.

  • An Example of TSN

    To help the users have a basic idea of a complete config structure and the modules in an action recognition system, we make brief comments on the config of TSN as the following. For more detailed usage and alternative for per parameter in each module, please refer to the API documentation.

    # model settings
    model = dict(  # Config of the model
        type='Recognizer2D',  # Type of the recognizer
        backbone=dict(  # Dict for backbone
            type='ResNet',  # Name of the backbone
            pretrained='torchvision://resnet50',  # The url/site of the pretrained model
            depth=50,  # Depth of ResNet model
            norm_eval=False),  # Whether to set BN layers to eval mode when training
        cls_head=dict(  # Dict for classification head
            type='TSNHead',  # Name of classification head
            num_classes=400,  # Number of classes to be classified.
            in_channels=2048,  # The input channels of classification head.
            spatial_type='avg',  # Type of pooling in spatial dimension
            consensus=dict(type='AvgConsensus', dim=1),  # Config of consensus module
            dropout_ratio=0.4,  # Probability in dropout layer
            init_std=0.01))  # Std value for linear layer initiation
    # model training and testing settings
    train_cfg = None  # Config of training hyperparameters for TSN
    test_cfg = dict(average_clips=None) # Config for testing hyperparameters for TSN. Here we define clip averaging method in it
    # dataset settings
    dataset_type = 'RawframeDataset'  # Type of dataset for training, valiation and testing
    data_root = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_train/'  # Root path to data for training
    data_root_val = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_val/'  # Root path to data for validation and testing
    ann_file_train = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_train_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for training
    ann_file_val = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for validation
    ann_file_test = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'  # Path to the annotation file for testing
    img_norm_cfg = dict(  # Config of image normalition used in data pipeline
        mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53],  # Mean values of different channels to normalize
        std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375],  # Std values of different channels to normalize
        to_bgr=False)  # Whether to convert channels from RGB to BGR
    train_pipeline = [  # List of training pipeline steps
        dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
            type='SampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
            clip_len=1,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
            frame_interval=1,  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
            num_clips=3),  # Number of clips to be sampled
        dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
            type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
        dict(  # Config of Resize
            type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
            scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
        dict(  # Config of MultiScaleCrop
            type='MultiScaleCrop',  # Multi scale crop pipeline, cropping images with a list of randomly selected scales
            input_size=224,  # Input size of the network
            scales=(1, 0.875, 0.75, 0.66),  # Scales of weight and height to be selected
            random_crop=False,  # Whether to randomly sample cropping bbox
            max_wh_scale_gap=1),  # Maximum gap of w and h scale levels
        dict(  # Config of Resize
            type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
            scale=(224, 224),  # The scale to resize images
            keep_ratio=False),  # Whether to resize with changing the aspect ratio
        dict(  # Config of Flip
            type='Flip',  # Flip Pipeline
            flip_ratio=0.5),  # Probability of implementing flip
        dict(  # Config of Normalize
            type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
            **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
        dict(  # Config of FormatShape
            type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
            input_format='NCHW'),  # Final image shape format
        dict(  # Config of Collect
            type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
            keys=['imgs', 'label'],  # Keys of input
            meta_keys=[]),  # Meta keys of input
        dict(  # Config of ToTensor
            type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
            keys=['imgs', 'label'])  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
    val_pipeline = [  # List of validation pipeline steps
        dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
            type='SampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
            clip_len=1,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
            frame_interval=1,  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
            num_clips=3,  # Number of clips to be sampled
            test_mode=True),  # Whether to set test mode in sampling
        dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
            type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
        dict(  # Config of Resize
            type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
            scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
        dict(  # Config of CenterCrop
            type='CenterCrop',  # Center crop pipeline, cropping the center area from images
            crop_size=224),  # The size to crop images
        dict(  # Config of Flip
            type='Flip',  # Flip pipeline
            flip_ratio=0),  # Probability of implementing flip
        dict(  # Config of Normalize
            type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
            **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
        dict(  # Config of FormatShape
            type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
            input_format='NCHW'),  # Final image shape format
        dict(  # Config of Collect
            type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
            keys=['imgs', 'label'],  # Keys of input
            meta_keys=[]),  # Meta keys of input
        dict(  # Config of ToTensor
            type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
            keys=['imgs'])  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
    test_pipeline = [  # List of testing pipeline steps
        dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
            type='SampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
            clip_len=1,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
            frame_interval=1,  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
            num_clips=25,  # Number of clips to be sampled
            test_mode=True),  # Whether to set test mode in sampling
        dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
            type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
        dict(  # Config of Resize
            type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
            scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
        dict(  # Config of CenterCrop
            type='TenCrop',  # Center crop pipeline, cropping the center area from images
            crop_size=224),  # The size to crop images
        dict(  # Config of Flip
            type='Flip',  # Flip pipeline
            flip_ratio=0),  # Probability of implementing flip
        dict(  # Config of Normalize
            type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
            **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
        dict(  # Config of FormatShape
            type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
            input_format='NCHW'),  # Final image shape format
        dict(  # Config of Collect
            type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
            keys=['imgs', 'label'],  # Keys of input
            meta_keys=[]),  # Meta keys of input
        dict(  # Config of ToTensor
            type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
            keys=['imgs'])  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
    data = dict(  # Config of data
        videos_per_gpu=32,  # Batch size of each single GPU
        workers_per_gpu=4,  # Workers to pre-fetch data for each single GPU
        train_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of train dataloader
            drop_last=True),  # Whether to drop out the last batch of data in training
        val_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of validation dataloader
            videos_per_gpu=1),  # Batch size of each single GPU during evaluation
        test_dataloader=dict(  # Additional config of test dataloader
            videos_per_gpu=2),  # Batch size of each single GPU during testing
        train=dict(  # Training dataset config
        val=dict(  # Validation dataset config
        test=dict(  # Testing dataset config
    # optimizer
    optimizer = dict(
        # Config used to build optimizer, support (1). All the optimizers in PyTorch
        # whose arguments are also the same as those in PyTorch. (2). Custom optimizers
        # which are builed on `constructor`, referring to "tutorials/"
        # for implementation.
        type='SGD',  # Type of optimizer, refer to for more details
        lr=0.01,  # Learning rate, see detail usages of the parameters in the documentaion of PyTorch
        momentum=0.9,  # Momentum,
        weight_decay=0.0001)  # Weight decay of SGD
    optimizer_config = dict(  # Config used to build the optimizer hook
        grad_clip=dict(max_norm=40, norm_type=2))  # Use gradient clip
    # learning policy
    lr_config = dict(  # Learning rate scheduler config used to register LrUpdater hook
        policy='step',  # Policy of scheduler, also support CosineAnnealing, Cyclic, etc. Refer to details of supported LrUpdater from
        step=[40, 80])  # Steps to decay the learning rate
    total_epochs = 100  # Total epochs to train the model
    checkpoint_config = dict(  # Config to set the checkpoint hook, Refer to for implementation
        interval=5)  # Interval to save checkpoint
    evaluation = dict(  # Config of evaluation during training
        interval=5,  # Interval to perform evaluation
        metrics=['top_k_accuracy', 'mean_class_accuracy'],  # Metrics to be performed
        topk=(1, 5))  # K value for `top_k_accuracy` metric
    log_config = dict(  # Config to register logger hook
        interval=20,  # Interval to print the log
        hooks=[  # Hooks to be implemented during training
            dict(type='TextLoggerHook'),  # The logger used to record the training process
            # dict(type='TensorboardLoggerHook'),  # The Tensorboard logger is also supported
    # runtime settings
    dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')  # Parameters to setup distributed training, the port can also be set
    log_level = 'INFO'  # The level of logging
    work_dir = './work_dirs/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb/'  # Directory to save the model checkpoints and logs for the current experiments
    load_from = None  # load models as a pre-trained model from a given path. This will not resume training
    resume_from = None  # Resume checkpoints from a given path, the training will be resumed from the epoch when the checkpoint's is saved
    workflow = [('train', 1)]  # Workflow for runner. [('train', 1)] means there is only one workflow and the workflow named 'train' is executed once

Config System for Spatio-Temporal Action Detection

We incorporate modular design into our config system, which is convenient to conduct various experiments.

An Example of FastRCNN

To help the users have a basic idea of a complete config structure and the modules in an spatio-temporal action detection system, we make brief comments on the config of FastRCNN as the following. For more detailed usage and alternative for per parameter in each module, please refer to the API documentation.

# model setting
model = dict( # Config of the model
    type='FastRCNN',  # Type of the detector
    backbone=dict(  # Dict for backbone
        type='ResNet3dSlowOnly',  # Name of the backbone
        depth=50, # Depth of ResNet model
        pretrained=None,   # The url/site of the pretrained model
        pretrained2d=False, # If the pretrained model is 2D
        lateral=False,  # If the backbone is with lateral connections
        num_stages=4, # Stages of ResNet model
        conv1_kernel=(1, 7, 7), # Conv1 kernel size
        conv1_stride_t=1, # Conv1 temporal stride
        pool1_stride_t=1, # Pool1 temporal stride
        spatial_strides=(1, 2, 2, 1)),  # The spatial stride for each ResNet stage
    roi_head=dict(  # Dict for roi_head
        type='AVARoIHead',  # Name of the roi_head
        bbox_roi_extractor=dict(  # Dict for bbox_roi_extractor
            type='SingleRoIExtractor3D',  # Name of the bbox_roi_extractor
            roi_layer_type='RoIAlign',  # Type of the RoI op
            output_size=8,  # Output feature size of the RoI op
            with_temporal_pool=True), # If temporal dim is pooled
        bbox_head=dict( # Dict for bbox_head
            type='BBoxHeadAVA', # Name of the bbox_head
            in_channels=2048, # Number of channels of the input feature
            num_classes=81, # Number of action classes + 1
            multilabel=True,  # If the dataset is multilabel
            dropout_ratio=0.5)))  # The dropout ratio used

# model training and testing settings
train_cfg = dict( # Training config of FastRCNN
    rcnn=dict(  # Dict for rcnn training config
        assigner=dict(  # Dict for assigner
            type='MaxIoUAssignerAVA', # Name of the assigner
            pos_iou_thr=0.9,  # IoU threshold for positive examples, > pos_iou_thr -> positive
            neg_iou_thr=0.9,  # IoU threshold for negative examples, < neg_iou_thr -> negative
            min_pos_iou=0.9), # Minimum acceptable IoU for positive examples
        sampler=dict( # Dict for sample
            type='RandomSampler', # Name of the sampler
            num=32, # Batch Size of the sampler
            pos_fraction=1, # Positive bbox fraction of the sampler
            neg_pos_ub=-1,  # Upper bound of the ratio of num negative to num positive
            add_gt_as_proposals=True), # Add gt bboxes as proposals
        pos_weight=1.0, # Loss weight of positive examples
        debug=False)) # Debug mode
test_cfg = dict( # Testing config of FastRCNN
    rcnn=dict(  # Dict for rcnn testing config
        action_thr=0.00)) # The threshold of an action

# dataset settings
dataset_type = 'AVADataset' # Type of dataset for training, valiation and testing
data_root = 'data/ava/rawframes'  # Root path to data
anno_root = 'data/ava/annotations'  # Root path to annotations

ann_file_train = f'{anno_root}/ava_train_v2.1.csv'  # Path to the annotation file for training
ann_file_val = f'{anno_root}/ava_val_v2.1.csv'  # Path to the annotation file for validation

exclude_file_train = f'{anno_root}/ava_train_excluded_timestamps_v2.1.csv'  # Path to the exclude annotation file for training
exclude_file_val = f'{anno_root}/ava_val_excluded_timestamps_v2.1.csv'  # Path to the exclude annotation file for validation

label_file = f'{anno_root}/ava_action_list_v2.1_for_activitynet_2018.pbtxt'  # Path to the label file

proposal_file_train = f'{anno_root}/ava_dense_proposals_train.FAIR.recall_93.9.pkl'  # Path to the human detection proposals for training examples
proposal_file_val = f'{anno_root}/ava_dense_proposals_val.FAIR.recall_93.9.pkl'  # Path to the human detection proposals for validation examples

img_norm_cfg = dict(  # Config of image normalition used in data pipeline
    mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], # Mean values of different channels to normalize
    std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375],   # Std values of different channels to normalize
    to_bgr=False) # Whether to convert channels from RGB to BGR

train_pipeline = [  # List of training pipeline steps
    dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
        type='AVASampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
        clip_len=4,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
        frame_interval=16)  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
    dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
        type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
    dict(  # Config of RandomRescale
        type='RandomRescale',   # Randomly rescale the shortedge by a given range
        scale_range=(256, 320)),   # The shortedge size range of RandomRescale
    dict(  # Config of RandomCrop
        type='RandomCrop',   # Randomly crop a patch with the given size
        size=256),   # The size of the cropped patch
    dict(  # Config of Flip
        type='Flip',  # Flip Pipeline
        flip_ratio=0.5),  # Probability of implementing flip
    dict(  # Config of Normalize
        type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
        **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
    dict(  # Config of FormatShape
        type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
        input_format='NCTHW',  # Final image shape format
        collapse=True),   # Collapse the dim N if N == 1
    dict(  # Config of Rename
        type='Rename',  # Rename keys
        mapping=dict(imgs='img')),  # The old name to new name mapping
    dict(  # Config of ToTensor
        type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
        keys=['img', 'proposals', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels']),  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
    dict(  # Config of ToDataContainer
        type='ToDataContainer',  # Convert other types to DataContainer type pipeline
        fields=[   # Fields to convert to DataContainer
            dict(   # Dict of fields
                key=['proposals', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels'],  # Keys to Convert to DataContainer
                stack=False)]),  # Whether to stack these tensor
    dict(  # Config of Collect
        type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
        keys=['img', 'proposals', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels'],  # Keys of input
        meta_keys=['scores', 'entity_ids']),  # Meta keys of input

val_pipeline = [  # List of validation pipeline steps
    dict(  # Config of SampleFrames
        type='AVASampleFrames',  # Sample frames pipeline, sampling frames from video
        clip_len=4,  # Frames of each sampled output clip
        frame_interval=16)  # Temporal interval of adjacent sampled frames
    dict(  # Config of RawFrameDecode
        type='RawFrameDecode'),  # Load and decode Frames pipeline, picking raw frames with given indices
    dict(  # Config of Resize
        type='Resize',  # Resize pipeline
        scale=(-1, 256)),  # The scale to resize images
    dict(  # Config of Normalize
        type='Normalize',  # Normalize pipeline
        **img_norm_cfg),  # Config of image normalization
    dict(  # Config of FormatShape
        type='FormatShape',  # Format shape pipeline, Format final image shape to the given input_format
        input_format='NCTHW',  # Final image shape format
        collapse=True),   # Collapse the dim N if N == 1
    dict(  # Config of Rename
        type='Rename',  # Rename keys
        mapping=dict(imgs='img')),  # The old name to new name mapping
    dict(  # Config of ToTensor
        type='ToTensor',  # Convert other types to tensor type pipeline
        keys=['img', 'proposals']),  # Keys to be converted from image to tensor
    dict(  # Config of ToDataContainer
        type='ToDataContainer',  # Convert other types to DataContainer type pipeline
        fields=[   # Fields to convert to DataContainer
            dict(   # Dict of fields
                key=['proposals'],  # Keys to Convert to DataContainer
                stack=False)]),  # Whether to stack these tensor
    dict(  # Config of Collect
        type='Collect',  # Collect pipeline that decides which keys in the data should be passed to the recognizer
        keys=['img', 'proposals'],  # Keys of input
        meta_keys=['scores', 'entity_ids'],  # Meta keys of input
        nested=True)  # Whether to wrap the data in a nested list

data = dict(  # Config of data
    videos_per_gpu=16,  # Batch size of each single GPU
    workers_per_gpu=4,  # Workers to pre-fetch data for each single GPU
    val_dataloader=dict(   # Additional config of validation dataloader
        videos_per_gpu=1),  # Batch size of each single GPU during evaluation
    test_dataloader=dict(   # Additional config of testing dataloader
        videos_per_gpu=1),   # Batch size of each single GPU during testing
    train=dict(   # Training dataset config
    val=dict(     # Validation dataset config
data['test'] = data['val']    # Set test_dataset as val_dataset
# optimizer
optimizer = dict(
    # Config used to build optimizer, support (1). All the optimizers in PyTorch
    # whose arguments are also the same as those in PyTorch. (2). Custom optimizers
    # which are builed on `constructor`, referring to "tutorials/"
    # for implementation.
    type='SGD',  # Type of optimizer, refer to for more details
    lr=0.2,  # Learning rate, see detail usages of the parameters in the documentaion of PyTorch (for 8gpu)
    momentum=0.9,  # Momentum,
    weight_decay=0.00001)  # Weight decay of SGD

optimizer_config = dict(  # Config used to build the optimizer hook
    grad_clip=dict(max_norm=40, norm_type=2))   # Use gradient clip

lr_config = dict(  # Learning rate scheduler config used to register LrUpdater hook
    policy='step',  # Policy of scheduler, also support CosineAnnealing, Cyclic, etc. Refer to details of supported LrUpdater from
    step=[40, 80],  # Steps to decay the learning rate
    warmup='linear',  # Warmup strategy
    warmup_by_epoch=True,  # Warmup_iters indicates iter num or epoch num
    warmup_iters=5,   # Number of iters or epochs for warmup
    warmup_ratio=0.1)   # The initial learning rate is warmup_ratio * lr

total_epochs = 20  # Total epochs to train the model
checkpoint_config = dict(  # Config to set the checkpoint hook, Refer to for implementation
    interval=1)   # Interval to save checkpoint
workflow = [('train', 1)]   # Workflow for runner. [('train', 1)] means there is only one workflow and the workflow named 'train' is executed once
evaluation = dict(  # Config of evaluation during training
    interval=1)  # Interval to perform evaluation
log_config = dict(  # Config to register logger hook
    interval=20,  # Interval to print the log
    hooks=[  # Hooks to be implemented during training
        dict(type='TextLoggerHook'),  # The logger used to record the training process
# runtime settings
dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')  # Parameters to setup distributed training, the port can also be set
log_level = 'INFO'  # The level of logging
work_dir = ('./work_dirs/ava/'  # Directory to save the model checkpoints and logs for the current experiments
load_from = (''  # load models as a pre-trained model from a given path. This will not resume training
resume_from = None  # Resume checkpoints from a given path, the training will be resumed from the epoch when the checkpoint's is saved


Use intermediate variables in configs

Some intermediate variables are used in the config files, like train_pipeline/val_pipeline/test_pipeline, ann_file_train/ann_file_val/ann_file_test, img_norm_cfg etc.

For Example, we would like to first define train_pipeline/val_pipeline/test_pipeline and pass them into data. Thus, train_pipeline/val_pipeline/test_pipeline are intermediate variable.

we also define ann_file_train/ann_file_val/ann_file_test and data_root/data_root_val to provide data pipeline some basic information.

In addition, we use img_norm_cfg as intermediate variables to construct data augmentation components.

dataset_type = 'RawframeDataset'
data_root = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_train'
data_root_val = 'data/kinetics400/rawframes_val'
ann_file_train = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_train_list_rawframes.txt'
ann_file_val = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'
ann_file_test = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_rawframes.txt'

img_norm_cfg = dict(
    mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], to_bgr=False)

train_pipeline = [
    dict(type='SampleFrames', clip_len=32, frame_interval=2, num_clips=1),
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256)),
        scales=(1, 0.8),
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(224, 224), keep_ratio=False),
    dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0.5),
    dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
    dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),
    dict(type='Collect', keys=['imgs', 'label'], meta_keys=[]),
    dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['imgs', 'label'])
val_pipeline = [
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256)),
    dict(type='CenterCrop', crop_size=224),
    dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0),
    dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
    dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),
    dict(type='Collect', keys=['imgs', 'label'], meta_keys=[]),
    dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['imgs'])
test_pipeline = [
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256)),
    dict(type='ThreeCrop', crop_size=256),
    dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0),
    dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
    dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),
    dict(type='Collect', keys=['imgs', 'label'], meta_keys=[]),
    dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['imgs'])

data = dict(