It is an Personal Assistant, capable to perform many tasks with some unique features.
- Game (eg, Rock Paper Scissor with GUI)
- Search anything from wikipedia, google maps, etc
- Play video from YouTube
- WhatsApp Message Sender
- Weather
- Jokes
- Math Calculations
- Timer
- In-built search image display
- OS Info, Battery Info
- Window, Tab Operations
- Opening Websites
- Coin Toss, Roll Dice
- Translator
- ToDo List
- Screenshots
- Volume Control
pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install pyttsx3
pip install playsound
pip install Pillow
pip install pyscreenshot
pip install pynput
pip install psutil
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install opencv
pip install wikipedia
pip install webbrowser
pip install bs4
pip install smtplib
pip install youtube_search
pip install wmi
pip install geopy
pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0