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Exercise 2 - Release, Deploy and Execute the Business Scenario

In this exercise, we will release and deploy the automation package to execute the scenario in SAP Build Process Automation Solution.

Exercise 2.1 Release and Deploy Process

After completing these steps you will have created...

  1. In the Process Builder, click on Release

  1. For the first version, add a Version Comment and click on Release

  1. The project that was released successfully is now ready to be deployed.Click on Deploy

  1. Fill the Variables and click on Confirm and then Deploy button
  • SYSTEMURL_ODATA: The SAP S/4HANA Cloud system Odata url.
    The value -
  • S4H_USER_AUTH_48M:
    • login - DT262_USER (Note: "DT262_USER" is the Username, Do not replace this by Group Number(_0XX))
    • password - As provided by the speaker
  • BASE_FOLDER_PATH_48M: Local folder path where the input file containing the data is stored as well as the output logs are generated.
    The sample input file DT262 - Create Purchase Requisitions from Excel(48M).xlsx for this workshop can be downloaded from the DT262 material folder (File Path: Session Materials/DT/teched2022-DT262/exercises/) and placed in the local folder on windows Desktop
  • EMAIL_RECIPIENTS_48M: Email recipient. Use your personal e-mail address to receive bot execution notifications
  • SAP_CLIENT: leave blank

Note: Once you completed the variables and deployed the bot, you may need to repeat this step and re-enter all variables again, if you want to change your input. At this moment also, SAP Build Process Automation does not allow the deleting of a deployed automation.

Exercise 2.2 Exceute the Business Process

After completing these steps you will have...

  1. From the deployed version of the Project in the Process Builder, open the process MyWorkflow_0XX

  1. Click on the Copy icon in the Form Link field on the right side of the screen.

  1. Open the form link in the new browser and fill in the following information with requester with Amount higher than 100 (example - 300 as in the Input excel). To see the next Manager’s Approval form on the next step, click Submit. Please add your User name as Requestor Name. example DT262_011 if your group number is 11.

  1. In the Lobby section, Navigate to Inbox

  1. In your Inbox a new Task has arrived. Since you are acting as a manager, click on the Approve button located at the bottom of the form.

  1. Next click on Refresh in the inbox.

  1. Next click on submit to approve the creation of purchase requisition in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

  1. After the approval the Create Purchase Requisitions from Excel(48M) Automation will be triggered. The automation will read the inputs from the Excel File and use the system information and credentials to create a purchase requisition in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

  2. The bot will run automatically, and an output report will be sent to the email specified per the variable EMAIL_RECIPIENTS_48 with a copy of the same stored on the error or the success folder located in your base folder (variable - BASE_FOLDER_PATH_48M).

  1. You can also cross-check the posted data in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, against the data in the post-run excel that was sent to the specified recipient email.Please use the below url and login detials.


Congratulations! You have now successfully modified a Pre-built Bot using the SAP Build Process Automation. We have looked at a basic scenario that leverages the Workflow Management, Decision Logic and Approval Forms to create a Business Process.