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195 lines (143 loc) · 8.56 KB

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195 lines (143 loc) · 8.56 KB

rnoaa 0.5.2


  • New data source added: ARGO buoy data. See functions starting with argo() (#123) for more, see
  • New data source added: CO-OPS tide and current data. See function coops_search() (#111) for idea from @fmichonneau (#124) for implementing @jsta See also (#126) (#128)


  • rgdal moved to Suggests to make usage easier (#125)
  • Changes to ncdc_plot() - made default brakes to just default to what ggplot2 does, but you can still pass in your own breaks (#131)

rnoaa 0.5.0


  • New data source added: NOAA Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) data. See functions gefs(), gefs_dimension_values(), gefs_dimensions(), gefs_latitudes(), gefs_longitudes(), and gefs_variables() (#106) (#119) thanks @potterzot - he's now an author too
  • New data source added: NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) data. See function ersst() (#96)
  • New function isd_stations() to get ISD station data.
  • Added code of conduct to code repository


  • Swapped ncdf package for ncdf4 package. Windows binaries weren't availiable for ncdf4 prior to now. (#117)
  • Proper license info added for javascript modules used inside the package (#116)
  • Improvements to isd() function to do transformations of certain variables to give back data that makes more sense (#115)
  • leaflet, geojsonio, and lawn added in Suggests, used in a few functions.
  • Note added to swdi() function man page that the nldn dataset is available to military users only (#107)


  • Fix to buoy() function to accept character class inputs for the buoyid parameter. the error occurred because matching was not case-insensitive, now works regardless of case (#118)
  • Fixes for new ggplot2 version (#113)
  • Built in GET request retries for ghncd functions as some URLs fail unpredictably (#110)

rnoaa 0.4.2


  • Explicitly import non-base R pkg functions, so importing from utils, methods, and stats (#103)
  • All NCDC legacy API functions are now defunct. See ?rnoaa-defunct for more information (#104)
  • radius parameter removed from ncdc_stations() function (#102), was already removed internally within the function in the last version, now not in the function definition, see also (#98) and (#99)
  • Dropped plyr and data.table from imports. plyr::rbind.fill() and data.table::rbindlist() replaced with dplyr::bind_rows().


  • Fixed problem with httr v1 where empty list not allowed to pass to the query parameter in GET (#101)

rnoaa 0.4.0


  • Gains a suite of new functions for working with NOAA GHCND data, including ghcnd(), ghcnd_clear_cache(), ghcnd_countries(), ghcnd_search(), ghcnd_splitvars() ghcnd_states(), ghcnd_stations(), and ghcnd_version() (#85) (#86) (#87) (#88) (#94)
  • New contributor Adam Erickson (@DougFirErickson)
  • All NOAA buoy functions put back into the package. They were previously on a separate branch in the GitHub repository. (#37) (#71) (#100)


  • Minor adjustments to isd() functions, including better man file.
  • Cleaner package imports - importing mostly only functions used in dependencies.
  • Startup message gone.
  • callopts parameter changed to ... in function swdi().
  • More robust test suite.
  • ncdc() requires that users do their own paging - previously this was done internally (#77)
  • Many dependencies dropped, simplifying package: RCurl, maptools, stringr, digest. A few new ones added: dplyr, tidyr.


  • All erddap functions now defunct - see the package rerddap, a general purpose R client for ERDDAP servers. (#51) (#73) (#90) (#95)
  • The extent function in noaa_stations() used to accept either a bounding box or a point defined by lat/long. The lat/long option dropped as it required two packages, one of which is a pain to install for many users (#98) (#99)

rnoaa 0.3.3


  • New data source NOAA legacy API with ISD, daily, and ish data via function ncdc_legacy(). (#54)
  • New function isd() to get ISD data from NOAA FTP server. (#76)
  • ERDDAP gridded data sets added. Now tabledap datasets are accessible via erddap_table(), while gridded datasets are available via erddap_grid(). Helper function erddap_search() was modified to search for either tabledap or griddap datasets, and erddap_info() gets and prints summary information differently for tabledap and griddap datasets. (#63)


  • erddap_data() defunct, now as functions erddap_table() and erddap_grid(), uses new store parameter which takes a function, either disk(path, overwrite) to store on disk or memory() to store in R memory.
  • assertthat library removed, replaced with stopifnot()

rnoaa 0.3.0


  • New data source added (NOAA torndoes data) via function tornadoes(). (#56)
  • New data source added (NOAA storm data from IBTrACS) via functions storm_*(). (#57)
  • New data source added (NOAA weather station metadata from HOMR) via functions homr_*() (#59)
  • New vignettes for storm data and homr data.
  • Some functions in rnoaa now print data.frame outputs as dplyr-like outputs with a summary of the data.frame, as appropriate.


  • Across all ncdc_* functions changed callopts parameter to .... This parameter allow you to pass in options to httr::GET to modify curl requests. (#61)
  • A new helper function check_key() looks for one of two stored keys, as an environment variable under the name NOAA_KEY, or an option variable under the name noaakey. Environment variables can be set during session like Sys.setenv(VAR = "..."), or stored long term in your .Renviron file. Option variables can be set during session like options(var = "..."), or stored long term in your .Rprofile file.
  • is.* and print.* functions no longer have public man files, but can be seen via rnoaa::: if needed.

rnoaa 0.2.0


  • New package imports: sp, rgeos, assertthat, jsonlite, and ncdf4, and new package Suggests: knitr, taxize
  • Most function names changed. All noaa*() functions for NCDC data changed to ncdc*(). noaa_buoy() changed to buoy(). noaa_seaice() changed to seaice(). When you call the old versions an error is thrown, with a message pointing you to the new function name. See ?rnoaa-defunct.
  • New vignettes: NCDC attributes, NCDC workflow, Seaice vignette, SWDI vignette, ERDDAP vignette, NOAA buoy vignette.
  • New functions to interact with NOAA ERDDAP data: erddap_info(), erddap_data(), and erddap_search().
  • New functions to interact with NOAA buoy data: buoy(), including a number of helper functions.
  • ncdc() now splits apart attributes. Previously, the attributes were returned as a single column, but now there is column for each attribute so data can be easily retrieved. Attribute columns differ for each different datasetid.
  • buoy() function has been removed from the CRAN version of rnoaa. Install the version with buoy() and associated functions via devtools::install_github("ropensci/rnoaa", ref="buoy")


  • noaa_swdi() (function changed to swdi()) gains new parameter filepath to specify path to write a file to if format=kmz or format=shp. Examples added for using format= csv, shp, and kmz.
  • Now using internal version of plyr::compact.
  • Added API response checker/handler to all functions to pass on helpful messages on server errors.
  • ncdc() gains new parameter includemetadata. If TRUE, includes metadata, if not, does not, and response should be faster as does not take time to calculate metadata.
  • noaa_stations() gains new parameter radius. If extent is a vector of length 4 (for a bounding box) then radius is ignored, but if you pass in two points to extent, it is interpreted as a point, and then radius is used as the distance upon which to construct a bounding box. radius default is 10 km.


  • datasetid, startdate, and enddate are often required parameters, and changes were made to help users with this.

rnoaa 0.1.0


  • Submitted to CRAN.

rnoaa 0.0.8


  • Wrote new functions for NOAA API v2.
  • A working vignette now.

rnoaa 0.0.1


  • Wrappers for NOAA API v1 were written, not on CRAN at this point.