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Philipp Bayer edited this page Apr 2, 2015 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the QTLNetMiner wiki!

This wiki contains detailed information about the installation and development of QTLNetMiner, and how to set up a knowledge network using Ondex.

Really short overview

Ondex is a program that creates graph-based knowledge network using (biological) data, mostly in the form of gene-protein networks and additional information (such as GO-terms or homologies) for these proteins. It represents genes or proteins in classes (aka nodes) that are connected by relations (aka edges) such as "encodes for".

Ondex is a GUI-based application, for larger datasets it is recommended to use ondex-mini, a terminal-based application.

QTLNetMiner is a web-application that represents Ondex-networks in a webpage for easier searching and browsing. QTLNetMiner consists of a client deployed using any webserver. Users enter their search term into the web-page. The client then takes these search-terms and sends them to the QTLNetMiner server, which searches the Ondex network for any concepts/nodes relating to these terms. The server then writes the results to a temporary file, after which the client parses this file and represents the results visually to the user.