2.1.0 (2021-02-04)
- Added extra command following CHANGELOG updates to ensure the document is formatted using prettier-standard. (2d93600)
- Added prettier-standard for linting and formatting. (5545114)
- Disabling npm publish for this release. (02b867a)
- Fixed incorrectly named secret reference. (992e7f8)
- Set up automatic publishing of generated TypeDoc docs to GitHub Pages. (82ea07e)
- Updated CI config to accommodate changes in crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg. (09db0b0)
- Upgraded outdated GitHub actions for publish job. (21d863c)
- Upgraded outdated GitHub actions. (4213305)
- Added CONTRIBUTING with instructions for formatting commit messages. (1f15034)
- Added link to TypeDoc generated docs. (f37f7a5)
- Removed some wording that only applied to ESLint. (5f808d4)
- Updated CONTRIBUTING to include code style/format information. (8b8efd4)
- Added Rethrow() utility function for simplifying catch blocks that simply rethrow another type of throwable. (3557959)
- Updated dependency @qiwi/semantic-release-gh-pages-plugin from 4.0.3 => 5.0.4 (b53d0d0)
2.0.0 (2020-09-01)
- Renamed Throwable to ThrowableType to better reflect its purpose. (3389b54)
- Ensured TypeScript is actually transpiled during the publish job. (6e8ccbb)
- Fixed NPM badge in README. (e3bfa1d)
- Added semantic-relase config and plugins. (a0f89c7)
- Initial setup for GitHub actions, created CI workflow. (86a495f)
- Added project configuration files. (0594bc7)
- Added tests. (e426728)
- Added TypeDoc support. (c4e4905)
- Setting up project. (88ca902)
- Added empty README. (7d74b9d)
- Added LICENSE with BSD-3-Clause license. (7b5f51c)
- Updated README with requirements and install/usage instructions. (a7b8ca2)
- Added Handle() function for use with native try/catch/finally blocks. (da42211)
- Initial implementation. (fd8ccd0)
- Improved catch block matching to include parent classes. (3713643)
- Upgraded dev dependencies. (8379d99)