- Use "Backtracking" - an algorithm for finding all solutions by exploring all potential candidates.
- While building our
left to right, for every indexi
, we must ensure the number of right parenthesis never exceed the number of left parenthesis in the range [0, i]
class Solution {
public List<String> generateParenthesis(int n) {
List<String> solutions = new ArrayList();
addParenthesis(new char[n * 2], 0, n, n, solutions);
return solutions;
private void addParenthesis(char[] expression, int index, int leftRem, int rightRem, List<String> solutions) {
if (leftRem == 0 && rightRem == 0) {
solutions.add(new String(expression));
if (leftRem > 0) {
expression[index] = '(';
addParenthesis(expression, index + 1, leftRem - 1, rightRem, solutions);
if (rightRem > 0 && rightRem > leftRem) {
expression[index] = ')';
addParenthesis(expression, index + 1, leftRem, rightRem - 1, solutions);
A char[]
was used instead of a StringBuffer
to remove necessity of including a "remove" for every "add" to our expression (when coming out of the recursive call)
- Time Complexity: O(2n)
- Space Complexity: O(2n)
However, the official LeetCode solutions there is a very difficult mathematical proof to get a tighter bound on the time/space complexity, by using "Catalan" numbers. You are not expected to know this for an interview.