[[Stability]] Don't lean your cannon stack backwards too much, keep it pretty vertical so the rear cannons won't push down on the stability too much
- Don't crossbrace the doors - it's annoying to background brace the leftower planks
- Make cannon planks narrower (~40-45) for easier woodstacking for lower 3 cannons (see the image)
![[Pasted image 20240425165432.png]]
[[TareTar]] [[TareTar2]] [[TareTar3]]
[!definition] Notions (prevent 4 back 4 long blinking)
- Try making the turbine tower slimmer.
- Make the rear boxes more vertical (not angled, distorted like in the photo)
![[Pasted image 20240427132114.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240427134415.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240427142533.png]]
Cannon stability more forward
![[Pasted image 20240511170328.png]]