[[Desert Ruins-Mortar]] [[Desert Ruins-Mortar-Portal]] [[Desert Ruins-Rocket]] [[Desert Ruins-T2]]
Bottom mortars shooting strength: 50-51%
[!tip] Stability is not mandatory for hanging maps
[[Desert Ruins-Stability]]
Distance from core 30 wide. 30 wide mortar foundation wood. go by 31 energy long planks. To shoot the mines: portal-out should be parallel to the slanted front metal Precaution: don't have max placement angle (since fort wobbles), drag not
$\perp$ but more to the side.![[Pasted image 20240103210857.png]]
Build from the turbine extension from the bottom to use it as a counterweight and more space for devices
![[Pasted image 20240426190446.png]]
Notion: the first turb has 86 efficiency due to front metal.
![[Pasted image 20240605192021.png]]
[!look] 3 mines fit at most
Thus you can build them a bit back: Snap to the "center" with the grid and move forward a bit.
![[Pasted image 20240404150507.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240603194540.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240525131628.png]]