Date and Time Functions for Visual FoxPro
Project Manager: Rick Borup
To use, instantiate clsFoxDates from foxdates.prg and call the desired method.
oFoxDates = NEWOBJECT( "clsFoxDates", "foxdates.prg")
oFoxDates.GetLastOfMonth( {^2019-11-12}) && returns 11/30/2019
oFoxDates.GetLastOfMonth( {^2019-02-01}) && returns 02/28/2019 (not a leap year)
oFoxDates.GetLastOfMonth( {^2020-02-01}) && returns 02/29/2020 (is a leap year)
If you make changes, run the FoxUnit test suite in foxdates_tests.prg to ensure all tests still pass. Note: some functions in this class depend on other functions in this class, so changes to one function can affect others.
Pass a date, get back the date of the first day of that month. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 00:00:00.
oFoxDates.GetFirstOfMonth( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 11/01/2019
oFoxDates.GetFirstOfMonth( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 11/01/2019 00:00:00
Pass a date, get back the date of the last day of that month. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 23:59:59.
oFoxDates.GetLastOfMonth( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 11/30/2019
oFoxDates.GetLastOfMonth( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 11/30/2019 23:59:59
Pass a date, get back the number of days in that month.
oFoxDates.GetDaysInMonth( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 30
Pass a date, get back the ending date of the previous month. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 23:59:59.
oFoxDates.GetLastEOM( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 10/31/2019
oFoxDates.GetLastEOM( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 10/31/2019 23:59:59
Pass a date, get back the beginning date of the current calendar quarter. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 00:00:00.
oFoxDates.GetBOQ( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 10/01/2019
oFoxDates.GetBOQ( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 10/01/2019 00:00:00
Pass a date, get back the beginning date of the previous calendar quarter. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 00:00:00.
oFoxDates.GetLastBOQ( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 07/01/2019
oFoxDates.GetLastBOQ( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 07/01/2019 00:00:00
Pass a date, get back the ending date of the current calendar quarter. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 23:59:59.
oFoxDates.GetEOQ( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 12/31/2019
oFoxDates.GetEOQ( {^2019-11-19 12:45:56}) && returns 12/31/2019 23:59:59
Pass a date, get back the ending date of the previous calendar quarter. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 23:59:59.
oFoxDates.GetLastEOQ( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 09/30/2019
oFoxDates.GetLastEOQ( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 09/30/2019 23:59:59
Pass a date, get back the ending date of the previous year. If a datetime is passed, the time portion of the return value is 23:59:59.
oFoxDates.GetLastEOY( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 12/31/2018
oFoxDates.GetLastEOY( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 12/31/2018 23:59:59
Pass a date, get back the date of the preceding Monday. If a datetime is passed, the time is preserved - i.e., 'same time last Monday'.
oFoxDates.GetLastMonday( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 11/18/2019
oFoxDates.GetLastMonday( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 11/18/2019 12:34:56
Pass a date, get back the date of the next Monday. If a datetime is passed, the time is preserved - i.e., 'same time next Monday'.
oFoxDates.GetNextMonday( {^2019-11-19}) && returns 11/25/2019
oFoxDates.GetNextMonday( {^2019-11-19 12:34:56}) && returns 11/25/2019 12:34:56
Pass a date as a string in mm/dd/yyyy or similar format, get it back as a VFP date.
oFoxDates.GetDateFromString( "11/19/2019") && returns 11/19/2019 as a VFP date
oFoxDates.GetDateFromString( "11-19-2019") && returns 11/19/2019 as a VFP date
oFoxDates.GetDateFromString( "11.19.2019") && returns 11/19/2019 as a VFP date
Pass a date, find out whether it's a leap year.
oFoxDates.IsLeapYear( {^2019-11-19}) && returns .F.
oFoxDates.IsLeapYear( {^2020-11-19}) && returns .T.
Pass a date, get back the day of the month as an ordinal value like "first", "tenth", "nineteenth", or "thirty-first".
oFoxDates.GetDateDayOrdinal( {^2019-11-19}) && returns "nineteenth"
Pass a date, get back a string formatted for display.
oFoxDates.GetFormattedDateString( {^2019-11-19}, 1) && returns "November 19, 2019"
oFoxDates.GetFormattedDateString( {^2019-11-19}, 2) && returns "Tuesday, November 19, 2019"
Pass the month, the year, and the desired business day, get back the date.
oFoxDates.GetNthBusinessDay( 11, 2019, 10) && returns 11/14/2019 (the 10th business day)
Pass a date and an optional country code, find out if it's a holiday. Country code defaults to USA. The only other option at this time is Canada.
oFoxDates.IsHoliday( {^2019-11-19}) && returns .F.
oFoxDates.IsHoliday( {^2019-11-28}) && returns .T. (Thanksgiving Day in the USA)
oFoxDates.IsHoliday( {^2019-11-28}, "Canada") && returns .F. (not Thanksgiving Day in Canada)
oFoxDates.IsHoliday( {^2019-10-14}, "Canada") && returns .T. (is Thanksgiving Day in Canada)
Pass a date or a datetime, get back a string in RFC 2822 format.
Note - does NOT adjust for time zones. All times are assumed to be UTC (+0000) unless an offset is passed as the second parameter. The offset can be passed as a string like '-0600' or '+0600' or as a numeric value like -6 or 6 (same as +6). The numeric values support .5 and .75 for those time zones that use them. (Reference:
oFoxDates.GetRFC2822( {^2019-11-19}) && returns "Tue, 19 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0000"
oFoxDates.GetRFC2822( {^2019-11-19 17:11:00}) && returns "Tue, 19 Nov 2019 17:11:00 +0000"
oFoxDates.GetRFC2822( DATETIME(), "-0600") && returns "Tue, 19 Nov 2019 13:12:02 -0600"
oFoxDates.GetRFC2822( DATETIME(), -6) && returns "Tue, 19 Nov 2019 13:12:02 -0600"
oFoxDates.GetRFC2822( DATETIME(), 10.5) && returns "Tue, 19 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +1030"
Pass two dates, get back the number of days in the interval between them. Optional third parameter determines if the result is a semi-closed interval (default - includes the start date but not the end date), a closed interval (includes both dates), or an open interval (does not include either date).
oFoxDates.GetIntervalDays( DATE(), DATE() + 1) && returns 1
oFoxDates.GetIntervalDays( DATE(), DATE() + 1, 0) && returns 1
oFoxDates.GetIntervalDays( DATE(), DATE() + 1, 1) && returns 2
oFoxDates.GetIntervalDays( DATE(), DATE() + 1, 2) && returns 0
Pass numeric values for hours and minutes, get back a string formatted as a time.
oFoxDates.GetTimeString( 5, 11) && returns "05:11"
Pass a time as a string like hh:mm, get back a string that includes AM or PM.
oFoxDates.GetDisplayTime( "05:11") && returns "05:11 AM"
oFoxDates.GetDisplayTime( "17:11") && returns "05:11 PM"
Pass a time as a string like hh:mm, get back the number of seconds since midnight.
oFoxDates.GetSecondsFromTimeString( "05:11") && returns 18660.00
Pass the number of seconds since midnight, get back a time string like hh:mm.
oFoxDates.GetTimeStringFromSeconds( 18660.00) && returns "05:11"
Pass a starting time and a duration, get back the ending time.
oFoxDates.GetEndTime( "05:11", 30) && returns "05:41"
Pass a start time and an end time, get back the duration in minutes.
oFoxDates.GetDuration( "05:11", "05:41") && returns 30.0000
Pass a time string, find out if it conforms to a valid time in hh:mm format.
oFoxDates.ValidateTimeString( "5pm") && returns .F.
oFoxDates.ValidateTimeString( "05:11") && returns .T.
Pass a time in a common format like 10am, 1p, or 3:30pm and get back a string in 24-hour clock format as hhmm (no colon). Useful for storing time strings that can later be compared using VAL().
oFoxDates.Get24HourTimeString( "10am") && returns "1000"
oFoxDates.Get24HourTimeString( "1p") && returns "1300"
oFoxDates.Get24HourTimeString( "3:30pm") && returns "1530"