Fix load more in list
Upgrade data_table_plus
Upgrade intl
- feat: add tableTopLeftBuilder to build a Widget in the top left of table search widgets.
- feat: add bottomActionForTypeSelectMULTIPLE to display or not bottomAction in TableDataWidget when TypeSelect.MULTIPLE.
- Migrate dart 3.0
- feat: add dropdownWidth as an attribute for SelectFKWidget. Set this to change the width when typeView is TypeView.dropdown.
- feat: allowOnSubmittSearch as an attribute in DataSource. Set this to true to allow onSubmitted in SelectAnyPageState and TableDataWidget.
- Fix revert override back button visibility
- feat: table content padding to SelectModelThemeTable
- feat: filter top builder to SelectModel
- Create an option to override back button visibility
- Update colors from theme
- Update package msk_utils
- feat: update code to flutter 3.0
- feat: custom decimal separator in CSV
- fix: Utilsfile.saveFileBytes
- feat: allowEdit on select_fk_widget
- feat: search in select_any_expanded
- fix: order by map column
- upd: Flutter 3.0
- fix: remove unnecessary filter
- fix: formatData listKeys
- fix: addFilterToSQL
- Upd msk_utils
- Add some tests and re-write structure
- Fix small bugs
- Update packages
- Support null safety
- Ability to specify an initial filter
- Small Fixes on enableLineFilter
- Possibility to add bottom left table border widget
- Selector Filter
- Small fixes
- Null safety
- Fix screenshots
- Initial release.