This repo is for building and deploying Redis Enterprise for GKE Market Place.
Redis-Enterprise cluster is deployed within a Kubernetes StatefulSet.
The deployment creates two services:
- A client-facing one, designed to be used for client connections to the Redis-Enterprise cluster with port forwarding or using a LoadBalancer,
- Service discovery: a headless service for connections between the Redis-Enterprise nodes.
Get up and running with a few clicks! Install this Redis Enterprise app to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster using Google Cloud Marketplace. You can do this from the Applications tab in the GKE page in the Cloud Console.
You'll need the following tools in your development environment:
Configure gcloud
as a Docker credential helper:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth configure-docker
User who builds and deploys the solution would need "Kubernetes Engine Admin" and "Editor" permissions.
Create a new cluster from the command line. The command is idempotent so runs after the first are not needed, but do no harm.
export CLUSTER=redis-cluster
export ZONE=us-west1-a
gcloud container clusters create "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"
Configure kubectl
to connect to the new cluster. The following is optional as by default cluster create adds credentials to local kube config.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"
Create a namespace where redis cluster and database should be created
kubectl create namespace redis
git clone
cd k8s
git clone
Optional: For reference, you can get RedisLabs Enterprise K8s Operator code (i.e., unrelated to Google MP)
git clone
Optional: For reference, you can get MP K8s tools, examples, and instructions
git clone
cd gkemarketplace
make clean
make app/build
An Application resource is an addition to the Kubernetes metamodel: A collection of individual Kubernetes components, such as Services, Deployments, etc, that you can manage as a group.
The Application resource is defined by the Kubernetes SIG-apps community. The source code can be found on
make crd/install
mpdev install --deployer=<deployer-repo> --parameters='{"name": "redis-enterprise-operator", "namespace": "redis", "operator.nodeCpu": 5000, "operator.nodeMem": 16, "reportingSecret": "gs://cloud-marketplace-tools/reporting_secrets/fake_reporting_secret.yaml"}
Get the Google Cloud Console URL for your app, then open this URL in your browser:
By default, the application does not have an external IP address. Use kubectl port-forward
to access the dashboard on the master
node at localhost
kubectl port-forward redis-enterprise-cluster-0 8443
See instructions here under "How to retrieve the username/password for a Redis Enterprise Cluster?"
In summary, kubectl get secret redis-enterprise -o yaml|grep password|cut -d':' -f 2|base64 --decode
should get you the password, and you should already know the username (default [email protected]
kubectl get services -n $NAMESPACE
- It might take some time for the external IP to be provisioned.
- This works out-of-the-box in GKE but not in Anthos, where special measures are needed to configure the Load Balancer.
In the GCP Console, open Kubernetes Applications.
From the list of applications, click Redis-Enterprise.
On the Application Details page, click Delete.