Artifacts for the 2024 Summit Connect CPH Virt demo
- The oc CLI.
- The kubevirt CLI. If running from macOS, you will likely need to approve the virtctl binary
xattr -dr virtctl
- Create a Namespace, say
oc new-project webserver
Switch to the newly created Namespace (if not already switched to it).
oc project webserver
- Grant privileges to import template data volume
You'll likely need to modify the Namespace value in the
oc create -f clusterrole-dv-clone.yaml
oc create -f rolebinding-dv-clone.yaml
- Create resoure to run NGINX as a Pod and VM from Helm
You can specify the VM DataSource and template via Values under
helm template nginx | oc create -f -
You might need to create the Secret containing PDF files manually if Helm packaging/release process is used and respects .helmignore
which exceludes that Secret for size concerns.
At this point you should have a working Nginx Pod and VM capable of serving the static files but only accessible via a Service, the Route will be created later.
A randomly generated password for the VM was created and can be found in the nginx-vm-cloudinit
- Create Route Get default Ingress domain
oc get ingresses.config/cluster -o jsonpath={.spec.domain}
Edit route.yaml
to use this domain in
oc create -f route.yaml
- Generate some traffic
export APP_URL=$(oc get route -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
for n in {1..100}; do curl -I https://$APP_URL; done