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"namespace": "sint dolor qui" + }, + { + "namespace": "do tempor aute" + }, + { + "namespace": "sint eiusmod consequat fugia" + }, + { + "namespace": "voluptate laboris sed consequat do" + }, + { + "namespace": "pariatur tempor voluptate proident aliqua" + }, + { + "namespace": "adipisicing sunt consectetur" + }, + { + "namespace": "consequat ut sed et" + }, + { + "namespace": "esse in quis" + }, + { + "namespace": "pariatur Lorem ut" + }, + { + "namespace": "exercitation " + }, + { + "namespace": "reprehenderit eu sed id esse" + }, + { + "namespace": "in ad quis nulla" + }, + { + "namespace": "dolore sed magna laboris" + }, + { + "namespace": "ullamco aute" + } + ], + "culled_timestamp": null, + "stale_timestamp": null, + "insights_id": "tempor d", + "reporter": "velit occaecat", + "updated": "1960-03-18T23:00:00.0Z", + "provider_type": "aute sunt exercitation", + "display_name": "enim do", + "ip_addresses": null, + "mac_addresses": [ + "qui", + "dolor non in sed ipsum", + "cillum 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{ + "namespace": "consectetur magna proident voluptate" + }, + { + "namespace": "eu eiusmod mollit sit" + }, + { + "namespace": "proident cupidatat aute culpa id" + }, + { + "namespace": "officia dolor consequat esse" + }, + { + "namespace": "ut proident elit in minim" + }, + { + "namespace": "consectet" + }, + { + "namespace": "ad amet eu tempor" + }, + { + "namespace": "elit in eu exercitation non" + }, + { + "namespace": "Excepteur tempor et Lorem exercitati" + }, + { + "namespace": "eiusmod mollit in pariatur" + } + ], + "updated": "1946-11-14T00:00:00.0Z", + "reporter": null, + "id": "dolore amet", + "ip_addresses": [ + "incididunt", + "adipisicing", + "velit nulla", + "elit ex in minim", + "consectetur quis", + "", + "mollit ullamco id", + "voluptate ut occaecat", + "sint", + "Lorem", + "in ea ", + "ut consequa", + "velit non a", + "qui dolor Duis fugiat", + "tempor pariatur elit ut laborum", + "pariatur", + "esse", + "sint", + "sint in id elit velit", + "Duis quis proident" + ], + "stale_warning_timestamp": "1973-04-13T23:00:00.0Z", + "provider_type": "nulla magna", + "per_reporter_staleness": { + "nulla_8": { + "check_in_succeeded": true, + "stale_timestamp": "1946-08-27T22:00:00.0Z", + "last_check_in": "1965-01-17T23:00:00.0Z" + }, + "Excepteur_b": { + "stale_timestamp": "1994-04-14T22:00:00.0Z", + "last_check_in": "1944-06-27T22:00:00.0Z", + "check_in_succeeded": false + } + }, + "display_name": null, + "insights_id": "et irure", + "culled_timestamp": "2010-12-13T00:00:00.0Z", + "stale_timestamp": "1950-11-27T00:00:00.0Z", + "mac_addresses": null, + "ansible_host": "do culpa dolor veniam ullamco", + "fqdn": null, + "satellite_id": "amet", + "created": "1954-10-15T00:00:00.0Z", + "bios_uuid": "ipsum est in dolor occaecat", + "account": "labori", + "subscription_manager_id": "sed ani" + }, + { + "org_id": "dolor", + "satellite_id": null, + "insights_id": null, + "bios_uuid": "minim labore", + "updated": "1991-03-27T23:00:00.0Z", + "subscription_manager_id": null, + "ip_addresses": null, + "per_reporter_staleness": { + "aliquip6": { + "stale_timestamp": "1993-05-22T22:00:00.0Z", + "check_in_succeeded": false, + "last_check_in": "1989-03-07T23:00:00.0Z" + } + }, + "fqdn": "ea cillum laborum", + "display_name": "reprehenderit et ipsum dolore culpa", + "id": "cillum et laborum", + "stale_timestamp": null, + "stale_warning_timestamp": null, + "facts": [ + { + "namespace": "Ut" + }, + { + "namespace": "laborum ipsum" + }, + { + "namespace": "ipsum quis occaecat do" + }, + { + "namespace": "dolore sed consequ" + }, + { + "namespace": "mollit" + }, + { + "namespace": "non reprehenderit nisi exercitation" + }, + { + "namespace": "nisi" + }, + { + "namespace": "quis deserunt commodo sit ex" + }, + { + "namespace": "reprehenderit exercitation" + }, + { + "namespace": "ullamco cupidatat tempor" + }, + { + "namespace": "pariatur" + }, + { + "namespace": "labore ma" + }, + { + "namespace": "elit" + }, + { + "namespace": "labore in culpa mollit" + }, + { + "namespace": "esse cupidatat aliquip nisi" + }, + { + "namespace": "pariatur ut est" + }, + { + "namespace": "id" + }, + { + "namespace": "non eiusmod o" + }, + { + "namespace": "ex no" + }, + { + "namespace": "aute dolor dolore sunt" + } + ], + "mac_addresses": [ + "velit officia esse", + "in e", + "", + "ad fugiat nisi elit Duis", + "labore mollit", + "reprehenderit", + "ipsum voluptate", + "fugiat sed velit quis ", + "qui nostrud est fugiat", + "ullamco", + "dolore in Ut aliquip", + "sed dolor id culpa", + "est ipsum sed Excepteur", + "id", + "cillum enim culpa", + "dolor ea", + "laboris", + "dolor fugiat", + "ullamco ip", + "dolor dolore nos" + ], + "ansible_host": null, + "account": null, + "provider_id": null, + "provider_type": null, + "culled_timestamp": null, + "reporter": "laboris q", + "created": "2003-04-02T22:00:00.0Z" + }, + { + "org_id": "voluptate dolor sit", + "display_name": null, + "per_reporter_staleness": { + "inf97": { + "last_check_in": "1982-12-23T00:00:00.0Z", + "stale_timestamp": "1987-07-05T22:00:00.0Z", + "check_in_succeeded": false + }, + "sit_a": { + "stale_timestamp": "1966-09-06T23:00:00.0Z", + "last_check_in": "1948-02-09T23:00:00.0Z", + "check_in_succeeded": true + } + }, + "insights_id": null, + "satellite_id": null, + "account": "occaecat sunt", + "fqdn": null, + "subscription_manager_id": null, + "updated": "2010-04-17T22:00:00.0Z", + "facts": [ + { + "namespace": "minim" + }, + { + "namespace": "velit labore cillum ea" + }, + { + "namespace": "sunt anim laboris" + }, + { + "namespace": "sint proident" + }, + { + "namespace": "sed nulla irure sint" + }, + { + "namespace": "repreh" + }, + { + "namespace": "commodo quis anim " + }, + { + "namespace": "consectetur Lorem reprehenderit" + }, + { + "namespace": "sunt" + }, + { + "namespace": "irure eu do" + }, + { + "namespace": "minim Lorem" + }, + { + "namespace": "reprehenderit" + }, + { + "namespace": "qui" + }, + { + "namespace": "laboris culpa non dolore 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"irure non reprehenderit aute", + "occaecat", + "sit", + "dolore ad Ut moll", + "in aliqua non ea esse", + "labore", + "proident ut", + "commodo dolore pariatur ipsum ex", + "quis mollit consequat ex est", + "amet dolor eu sed Ut", + "non Lorem Duis aliqua", + "ad nisi", + "cillum eiusmod nisi", + "labore amet deserunt veniam", + "ipsu", + "sunt", + "", + "dolore elit amet", + "eu ipsum mollit ut amet", + "commodo labore fugiat" + ], + "culled_timestamp": null, + "id": "dolor culpa" + }, + { + "org_id": "esse irure reprehenderit ad", + "bios_uuid": null, + "created": "2012-03-24T23:00:00.0Z", + "satellite_id": null, + "fqdn": "irure do ullamco", + "insights_id": "cillum in laboris ex ad", + "subscription_manager_id": null, + "per_reporter_staleness": { + "adipisicing_c": { + "last_check_in": "1965-03-17T23:00:00.0Z", + "stale_timestamp": "1946-12-22T00:00:00.0Z", + "check_in_succeeded": false + }, + "etc18": { + "check_in_succeeded": false, + "last_check_in": "2015-08-11T22:00:00.0Z", + "stale_timestamp": "1964-09-05T23:00:00.0Z" + }, + "dolore_27": { + "stale_timestamp": "2002-03-24T23:00:00.0Z", + "check_in_succeeded": false, + "last_check_in": "2016-11-28T00:00:00.0Z" + }, + "nulla1d": { + "last_check_in": "1947-11-16T00:00:00.0Z", + "stale_timestamp": "2002-11-22T00:00:00.0Z", + "check_in_succeeded": false + } + }, + "id": "pariatur aute ut", + "updated": "1991-03-03T23:00:00.0Z", + "provider_type": "dolor", + "culled_timestamp": "1995-09-17T22:00:00.0Z", + "ip_addresses": [ + "quis no", + "ea ullamco deserunt ", + "proident", + "incididunt commo", + "nostrud pariatur deserunt esse", + "ullamco", + "Duis", + "consequat Excepteur in aliquip nulla", + "velit nostrud exe", + "Ut Excepteur non consectetur", + "Lorem sed minim laboris Duis", + "eiusmod ad ullamco culpa", + "sit", + "qui", + "est officia cupidatat Ut non", + "officia", + "in ut", + "reprehenderit est", + "eiusmod Duis aliquip", + "enim reprehenderit eu" + ], + "facts": [ + { + "namespace": "veniam in Ut" + }, + { + "namespace": "incididunt fugiat ipsum minim" + }, + { + "namespace": "quis" + }, + { + "namespace": "ex qui cillum" + }, + { + "namespace": "nostrud" + }, + { + "namespace": "sed velit" + }, + { + "namespace": "quis eli" + }, + { + "namespace": "ex veniam in fugiat" + }, + { + "namespace": "proident commodo officia" + }, + { + "namespace": "aliqua" + }, + { + "namespace": "minim" + }, + { + "namespace": "ipsum aliquip cupidatat" + }, + { + "namespace": "fugiat in" + }, + { + "namespace": "sint ea mollit" + }, + { + "namespace": "voluptate" + }, + { + "namespace": "esse commodo" + }, + { + "namespace": "nulla" + }, + { + "namespace": "dolor ullamco quis velit esse" + }, + { + "namespace": "nostrud" + }, + { + "namespace": "proident" + } + ], + "ansible_host": null, + "provider_id": "aliquip Ut eni", + "reporter": null, + "account": null, + "display_name": null, + "stale_warning_timestamp": "1958-08-14T23:00:00.0Z", + "stale_timestamp": null, + "mac_addresses": null + } + ], + "total": 630 +} diff --git a/cypress/support/interceptors.js b/cypress/support/interceptors.js index df484615d..4c42f9e3b 100644 --- a/cypress/support/interceptors.js +++ b/cypress/support/interceptors.js @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ /* eslint-disable camelcase */ import { DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT } from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilities'; + +// fixtures generated by prism mock server import fixtures from '../fixtures/groups.json'; import groupsSecondPage from '../fixtures/groupsSecondPage.json'; import groupDetailFixtures from '../fixtures/groups/620f9ae75A8F6b83d78F3B55Af1c4b2C.json'; +import hostsFixtures from '../fixtures/hosts.json'; export const groupsInterceptors = { 'successful with some items': () => @@ -114,3 +117,53 @@ export const deleteGroupsInterceptors = { }).as('deleteGroups'); } }; + +export const hostsInterceptors = { + successful: () => { + cy.intercept('GET', '/api/inventory/v1/hosts*', { + statusCode: 200, + body: hostsFixtures + }).as('getHosts'); + }, + 'successful empty': () => { + cy.intercept('GET', '/api/inventory/v1/hosts*', { + statusCode: 200, + body: { + count: 0, + page: 1, + per_page: DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT, + total: 0 + } + }).as('getHosts'); + }, + 'failed with server error': () => { + Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', () => { + return false; + }); + cy.intercept('GET', '/api/inventory/v1/hosts*', { statusCode: 500 }).as( + 'getHosts' + ); + } +}; + +export const systemProfileInterceptors = { + 'operating system, successful empty': () => { + cy.intercept('GET', '/api/inventory/v1/system_profile/operating_system', { + statusCode: 200, + body: { + results: [] + } + }).as('getSystemProfile'); + } +}; + +export const featureFlagsInterceptors = { + successful: () => { + cy.intercept('GET', '/feature_flags*', { + statusCode: 200, + body: { + toggles: [] + } + }).as('getFeatureFlag'); + } +}; diff --git a/cypress/support/utils.js b/cypress/support/utils.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80ca08455 --- /dev/null +++ b/cypress/support/utils.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import { ROW } from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilities'; + +export const ORDER_TO_URL = { + ascending: 'ASC', + descending: 'DESC' +}; + +export const selectRowN = (number) => { + cy.get(ROW).eq(number).find('.pf-c-table__check').click(); +}; + +export const checkSelectedNumber = (number, selector = '#toggle-checkbox-text') => { + if (number === 0) { + cy.get(selector).should('not.exist'); + } else { + cy.get(selector).should('have.text', `${number} selected`); + } +}; + +export const unleashDummyConfig = { + url: 'http://localhost:8002/feature_flags', + clientKey: 'abc', + appName: 'abc' +}; diff --git a/src/components/GroupSystems/GroupSystems.cy.js b/src/components/GroupSystems/GroupSystems.cy.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..16c7a3e7d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/GroupSystems/GroupSystems.cy.js @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ +import { mount } from '@cypress/react'; +import { + changePagination, + checkEmptyState, + checkPaginationTotal, + checkPaginationValues, + checkTableHeaders, + CHIP, + CHIP_GROUP, + DROPDOWN_TOGGLE, + hasChip, + PAGINATION_VALUES, + SORTING_ORDERS, + TEXT_INPUT, + TOOLBAR, + TOOLBAR_FILTER +} from '@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilities'; +import FlagProvider from '@unleash/proxy-client-react'; +import React from 'react'; +import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; +import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; +import { + featureFlagsInterceptors, + hostsInterceptors, + systemProfileInterceptors +} from '../../../cypress/support/interceptors'; +import { getStore } from '../../store'; +import GroupSystems from './GroupSystems'; +import fixtures from '../../../cypress/fixtures/hosts.json'; +import { + checkSelectedNumber as checkSelectedNumber_, + ORDER_TO_URL, + selectRowN, + unleashDummyConfig +} from '../../../cypress/support/utils'; +import _ from 'lodash'; + +const GROUP_NAME = 'foobar'; +const ROOT = 'div[id="group-systems-table"]'; +const TABLE_HEADERS = ['Name', 'Tags', 'OS', 'Update methods', 'Last seen']; +const SORTABLE_HEADERS = ['Name', 'OS', 'Last seen']; +const DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT = 50; + +const checkSelectedNumber = (number) => + checkSelectedNumber_(number, '#bulk-select-groups-toggle-checkbox-text'); + +const mountTable = () => + mount( + + + + + + + + ); + +before(() => { + cy.window().then( + (window) => + (window.insights = { + chrome: { + isProd: false, + auth: { + getUser: () => { + return Promise.resolve({}); + } + } + } + }) + ); +}); + +describe('renders correctly', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + hostsInterceptors.successful(); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + }); + + it('the root container is rendered', () => { + cy.get(ROOT); + }); + + it('renders toolbar', () => { + cy.get(TOOLBAR).should('have.length', 1); + }); + + it('renders table header', () => { + checkTableHeaders(TABLE_HEADERS); + }); +}); + +describe('defaults', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + hostsInterceptors.successful(); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + }); + + it(`pagination is set to ${DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT}`, () => { + cy.get('.pf-c-options-menu__toggle-text') + .find('b') + .eq(0) + .should('have.text', `1 - ${DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT}`); + }); + + it('name filter is a default filter', () => { + cy.get(TOOLBAR_FILTER).find(TEXT_INPUT).should('exist'); + }); +}); + +describe('pagination', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + hostsInterceptors.successful(); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + }); + + it('shows correct total number of groups', () => { + checkPaginationTotal(fixtures.total); + }); + + it('values are expected ones', () => { + checkPaginationValues(PAGINATION_VALUES); + }); + + it('can change page limit', () => { + PAGINATION_VALUES.forEach((el) => { + changePagination(el).then(() => { + cy.wait('@getHosts') + .its('request.url') + .should('include', `per_page=${el}`); + }); + }); + }); + + it('can change page', () => { + cy.get('button[data-action=next]').eq(0).click(); // click "next page" button + cy.wait('@getHosts').its('request.url').should('include', `page=2`); + }); +}); + +describe('sorting', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + hostsInterceptors.successful(); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + }); + + const checkSorting = (label, order, dataField) => { + // get appropriate locators + const header = `th[data-label="${label}"]`; + if (order === 'ascending') { + cy.get(header).find('button').click(); + } else { + cy.get(header).find('button').click(); + cy.wait('@getHosts'); // TODO: implement debounce for sorting feature + cy.get(header).find('button').click(); + } + + cy.wait('@getHosts') + .its('request.url') + .should('include', `order_how=${ORDER_TO_URL[order]}`) + .and('include', `order_by=${dataField}`); + }; + + _.zip( + ['display_name', 'operating_system', 'updated'], + SORTABLE_HEADERS + ).forEach(([category, label]) => { + SORTING_ORDERS.forEach((order) => { + it(`${order} by ${label}`, () => { + checkSorting(label, order, category); + }); + }); + }); +}); + +describe('filtering', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + hostsInterceptors.successful(); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + }); + + const applyNameFilter = () => + cy.get('.ins-c-primary-toolbar__filter').find('input').type('lorem'); + it('renders filter chip', () => { + applyNameFilter(); + hasChip('Display name', 'lorem'); + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + }); + + it('sends correct request', () => { + applyNameFilter(); + cy.wait('@getHosts') + .its('request.url') + .should('include', 'hostname_or_id=lorem'); + }); + + it('can remove the chip or reset filters', () => { + applyNameFilter(); + cy.wait('@getHosts') + .its('request.url') + .should('contain', 'hostname_or_id=lorem'); + cy.get(CHIP_GROUP) + .find(CHIP) + .ouiaId('close', 'button') + .each(() => { + cy.get(CHIP_GROUP).find(CHIP).ouiaId('close', 'button'); + }); + cy.get('button').contains('Reset filters').click(); + cy.wait('@getHosts') + .its('request.url') + .should('not.contain', 'hostname_or_id'); + + cy.get(CHIP_GROUP).should('not.exist'); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); // TODO: reset filters shouldn't trigger this second extra call + }); + + // TODO: add more filter cases +}); + +describe('selection and bulk selection', () => { + beforeEach(() => { + hostsInterceptors.successful(); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + }); + + it('can select and deselect systems', () => { + const middleRow = Math.ceil(DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT / 4); + selectRowN(middleRow); + checkSelectedNumber(1); + selectRowN(Math.ceil(middleRow / 2)); + checkSelectedNumber(2); + selectRowN(middleRow); + checkSelectedNumber(1); + }); + + /* it('can select all in dropdown toggle', () => { + cy.get(DROPDOWN_TOGGLE).eq(0).click(); // open selection dropdown + cy.get('.pf-c-dropdown__menu > li').eq(2).click(); + checkSelectedNumber(fixtures.total); + }); */ + + /* it('can select all by clicking checkbox', () => { + cy.get('#toggle-checkbox').eq(0).click(); + checkSelectedNumber(fixtures.total); + cy.get('#toggle-checkbox').eq(0).click(); + checkSelectedNumber(0); + }); */ + + it('can select page in dropdown toggle', () => { + cy.get(DROPDOWN_TOGGLE).eq(0).click(); // open selection dropdown + cy.get('.pf-c-dropdown__menu > li').eq(1).click(); + checkSelectedNumber(fixtures.count); + }); + + it('can select page by clicking checkbox', () => { + cy.get('#bulk-select-groups-toggle-checkbox').eq(0).click(); + checkSelectedNumber(fixtures.count); + cy.get('#bulk-select-groups-toggle-checkbox').eq(0).click(); + checkSelectedNumber(0); + }); + + it('can select none', () => { + selectRowN(1); + cy.get(DROPDOWN_TOGGLE).eq(0).click(); // open selection dropdown + cy.get('.pf-c-dropdown__menu > li').eq(1).click(); + checkSelectedNumber(0); + }); +}); + +describe('actions', () => { + // TBA +}); + +describe('edge cases', () => { + it('no groups match', () => { + hostsInterceptors['successful empty'](); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + + checkEmptyState('No matching systems found', true); + checkPaginationTotal(0); + }); + + it('failed request', () => { + hostsInterceptors['failed with server error'](); + featureFlagsInterceptors.successful(); + systemProfileInterceptors['operating system, successful empty'](); + mountTable(); + + cy.wait('@getHosts'); + cy.get('.pf-c-empty-state').find('h4').contains('Something went wrong'); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/components/GroupSystems/GroupSystems.js b/src/components/GroupSystems/GroupSystems.js index 5b90ee6f1..d02d42118 100644 --- a/src/components/GroupSystems/GroupSystems.js +++ b/src/components/GroupSystems/GroupSystems.js @@ -43,50 +43,52 @@ const GroupSystems = ({ groupName }) => { difference(displayedIds, [...selected.keys()]).length === 0; return ( - - await defaultGetEntities( - items, - // filter systems by the group name - { - ...config, - filters: { - ...config.filters, - groupName: [groupName] // TODO: the param is not yet supported by `apiHostGetHostList` +
+ + await defaultGetEntities( + items, + // filter systems by the group name + { + ...config, + filters: { + ...config.filters, + groupName: [groupName] // TODO: the param is not yet supported by `apiHostGetHostList` + } + }, + showTags + ) + } + tableProps={{ + isStickyHeader: true, + variant: TableVariant.compact, + canSelectAll: false + }} + bulkSelect={{ + count: selected.size, + id: 'bulk-select-groups', + items: [ + { + title: 'Select none (0)', + onClick: () => dispatch(selectEntity(-1, false)), + props: { isDisabled: noneSelected } + }, + { + title: `${pageSelected ? 'Deselect' : 'Select'} page (${ + rows.length + } items)`, + onClick: () => dispatch(selectEntity(0, !pageSelected)) } - }, - showTags - ) - } - tableProps={{ - isStickyHeader: true, - variant: TableVariant.compact, - canSelectAll: false - }} - bulkSelect={{ - count: selected.size, - id: 'bulk-select-groups', - items: [ - { - title: 'Select none (0)', - onClick: () => dispatch(selectEntity(-1, false)), - props: { isDisabled: noneSelected } - }, - { - title: `${pageSelected ? 'Deselect' : 'Select'} page (${ - rows.length - } items)`, - onClick: () => dispatch(selectEntity(0, !pageSelected)) - } // TODO: Implement "select all" - ], - onSelect: (value) => { - dispatch(selectEntity(0, value)); - }, - checked: selected.size > 0 // TODO: support partial selection (dash sign) in FEC BulkSelect - }} - /> + ], + onSelect: (value) => { + dispatch(selectEntity(0, value)); + }, + checked: selected.size > 0 // TODO: support partial selection (dash sign) in FEC BulkSelect + }} + /> +
); }; diff --git a/src/components/GroupsTable/GroupsTable.cy.js b/src/components/GroupsTable/GroupsTable.cy.js index 4a0fba9a0..701461d35 100644 --- a/src/components/GroupsTable/GroupsTable.cy.js +++ b/src/components/GroupsTable/GroupsTable.cy.js @@ -26,30 +26,14 @@ import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import fixtures from '../../../cypress/fixtures/groups.json'; import { groupsInterceptors as interceptors } from '../../../cypress/support/interceptors'; +import { checkSelectedNumber, ORDER_TO_URL, selectRowN } from '../../../cypress/support/utils'; import { getStore } from '../../store'; import GroupsTable from './GroupsTable'; -const ORDER_TO_URL = { - ascending: 'ASC', - descending: 'DESC' -}; - const DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT = 50; const TABLE_HEADERS = ['Name', 'Total systems', 'Last modified']; const ROOT = 'div[id="groups-table"]'; -export const checkSelectedNumber = (number) => { - if (number === 0) { - cy.get('#toggle-checkbox-text').should('not.exist'); - } else { - cy.get('#toggle-checkbox-text').should('have.text', `${number} selected`); - } -}; - -export const selectRowN = (number) => { - cy.get(ROW).eq(number).find('.pf-c-table__check').click(); -}; - const mountTable = () => mount( diff --git a/src/store/entities.js b/src/store/entities.js index c90947e26..d99bea7ce 100644 --- a/src/store/entities.js +++ b/src/store/entities.js @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import InsightsDisconnected from '../Utilities/InsightsDisconnected'; import OperatingSystemFormatter from '../Utilities/OperatingSystemFormatter'; import { Tooltip } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import { verifyCulledInsightsClient } from '../Utilities/sharedFunctions'; +import { fitContent } from '@patternfly/react-table'; export const defaultState = { loaded: false, @@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ export const defaultColumns = (groupsEnabled = false) => ([ } > : new Date(value).toLocaleString(); }, - props: { width: 10 } + props: { width: 10 }, + transforms: [fitContent] } ]);